tmraaoay txrtotm fmtx iw the acton prbb press moan mb tart tnrtt eacock seeks pah adise mahjorie youhd hill moulra quiinell lingered before uie store window what a bwu uful limp the very uilng ah wanted for uw llvtno room utile i ail ver and block modern and dlattnguuhrd luw perfecuy ii would fit into uia scheme of her house of dreams sadly ahe re- horded it a ahe remembered ho all that a otir tihr and noddy had le finitely broken last night and an ahr turned away casually much too oaau ally peoples eye rested upon unilaa ap prertauvelj a with careful indifference she threaded her way alonji the btiiy aldewmlk she know ahe waa lovely even neauuful in her dark fur coal and little rod cap in r cheek and lipa aflame with life and youth bhe spent a great amount of lime and thought ajid monry ton upon hrr appearance noddy oajed her a peacock the lavender and while neon aim of tiffany dress ahtvp shone out of the frajgy atmosphere in the window bqftliut black velvet curtain one lovely allkrn creation hung a atrliag of beada and ft bracelet lay an the black ear peted floor in front of it umlsa pushed open the hravy door and went in perfect i it la your dress mlast a if designed for you i ecataurally cried the saleswoman clasping her hand when ahe saw loulita in the dinging rose rrrpe am shr mood in a triple mlrr wl niche flln pt nriered not tor nouiliig did tin enjoy the reputation of belnu heedsvlllr n best drrrd gltl wlml if it uak fr ght fultj expensive i will take it xjluirifl null ml oash tulnrt slender fliigt r prowl ihi in ht r handbag came foitli with several crisp new bill i lmimi thought a hi went ml nf tht shop 1 hcrt lit jio need in tell mull ci htm much 1 spent for it afli r nil ttlul i rain mne in l with nn i wtfll the manicure tables urrr net along a baletmi which looked down upon the bllttrrinu main floor of tlie dcimrtiiienl store she liud done an errand or tv for her mot til r now ahe gosed idly orr tltr urn iuhhi spare while uie girl mln tittered defth to her hand what nltnde polish do ihl cnic r madam rub sold loulsa with rurveu a trace ot hesitation ilodd had pref i r red umt idle uw a tuuunil tint or baler no pillnh at nil mm what roddy pre frrred no loniii r mattered no she an ild not heed hi desires iinauine iw rw f snvlnt in a poorly furnlfilul house t v pechd it pnulde meals nl all hours lor a bus young country doctor better or free flhe inul seen loo mail lru mie knew mam nnd in a rar or two be come the smuggr domestic crraturr devoted onlj to budueta nnd bable and reorpe clipped from majraslne uh should be serene untrammeled the aeorrt imvlnii enough monej thut wiu whj ehe refused to fflve up tearhlnc and morr nodd until ahe had waved enoutth to nil her home with nice thtno to etort with tlwy had been enffaged three jear now ttuvnk vou he aald to tle utrl holdlns twr hands tn front 04 her the atreet a quit when le came out upon it acmln she had plenty of ume to ret back ttfneedavllle for nipper her wrbrt watch totd her now to find her cac but find ft majraame because thtu evenlns roddy ould not comr she found hrr cur parked up thw tide treet and started home allentty bid dtnir farrwell to the crowda and light of the clr she was going back to dull nea nnd boredom the deep nadnei thftt had been lurklne clone behind iwr conaclouanea all day that ahe had evad ed b the delce of glittering hop ln dowa and luxurious apendlrm now crept out openly alone in the car steering h through quiet atreet ttli the utter darkneu of a late foil coanin road b fore her he w helpleai to rd off the mood what was thl loomli 4 aheid iut beyond the ut hoiue a pean yes aame one atandlnv by the roadalde watching the htue coupe approach what of thoae llea of hold up men who top ped aolltan driven nonaenae it waa barely dork and too cloae to town still better atep on the gaa the er ahot forward like a fright ened black beetle and then suddenly atopped just bejond the person tn the road for it waa a woman i she had ft aultcaae she was mid agnt and quite respectftble looking thin with gbuaiea and long dark clothe she bftdl needed a lift how paeerty yet hftlungh queatlonlngly ahe approached the car louim opened the door are you going mj way aked louuft to needavhle that a where itn golngl wont yoii ride wllh met ita o good dt you murmured the wwruui an aha lifted her suit b tn and seated heraelt bew loubja i intended to walk they aald it w only tut mtte hot my b btew hevie- than i imag ined it could oiirloua lout thought wmtklngt tlio woman waa ao obviously ft lady how refined her voice waa and yet ahe walked country road a ulilil cm ij inn her milt com doing tn needavllle uhi wliy who could be lie ihiuta knew every one in that iwilcy llllt vtl lage told mnat of their friend and relft live as well dare slw aak quaatlnnaf al good the woman waa asking que tlons herself i presume ytm live in iteedavtlle yea ald lihiuw 1 wo born and brought up there then of course you know mun 11 ul mllllkan i ho ptwtminlrerjt oh ye i ttlie my cousin 1 m u vult iter lltw nit e rt piled louisa yea aareed lite tumitii tint a fctranue blllir qtiallly iiervfttled iter voice you it find heedjvllle very quiet e ec tally thu ume of year i supikwe so but perbaim the quiet meant with will do me kttod and the reat her j imdenauiod up uftod ironically over tlie last word and tier eye stared bleakly ahead into thr cold dark e you planning to stay long with tmr oouatnt as innv fta ahe ii ivave me i m araid though the woman tried to sy it light lyy smiling the while as one does when maklnu hindi a remark her despair nhitued itmniuh the rode mi in silence ft bit ttien e woman without look tug at umuui hcoftti to speak oil re pntlmblj wnndcrtiiff iummii me i 111 uulnu to tny cousin lletli h be ause i don t hne nn place elne to n cull vim luutitlne ihaf mi l you rant tni vt a home f your own parents kciurtl well i imve nothlnji notli hiu 1 mean it only a few thiols in lhlfl miltcoae here and tliat is nil up lo year and a half ftgo x had a good m vd unit with n fnlr salary loved my wtirk nut then i wus out like ho many others they had to eoonomtve and since i was getting along in years i wa one of lhoe ui go well i don t know prrham these young girl jut out of ctillege are better fitted icxouse mo i tltdn t mean anything personal that s nil light said lulaw w 11 rehiimetl tlie woman all my xiwrlenoe and recommendation could not yet me another place they were very nle ntmmt glvhitt me good retim nirndallini sti atter my money as kone i urow to o uslti lit th she said i could come uni bin wi txuiul su hi wave u pit tnjustlre if ii all she made a nvm liuthetlc murmur tn her throat a huddle of little light appeared they were already around the last bend and right in needsvllle tills is the town she said the woman looked out with interest do you want me to take you right lo miss mllllkan a tf it not out of your way it imu i go light past it five blocks and tl en th car atop beforr a little bungalow with onr win dow illuminated thu is the place let me carry your suitcase for you offered louisa reach ing for it the woman was 00 quick for tier no indeed i wouldn t thtnfctff m ting you trouble yourself she jumped out pulling the aultcase after her you hair been o kind miss a uurne1 mis burnell and i appreciate it ever so much pieatlorsiie me if i ve sold any thin ti i shouldn t an tiling bitter or or uiih i mean dut it hard u get used to it not teaching any more i loved m children so you vou wre a teacher yea replied the woman rravely ip large city school fir twenty yearn hereeir no not ilk her rl lft ahe wan not ilka uit all uat way throuh waailie aha nuhed into hr bedroom opened a drawer fniuruy dipped a bruah into utile lotlu and quloly ran it over ekeh or hr left nulla wiped tham and thar they wer pure pink blowing almlhtl after uie meal iutlaa annnmicwl that ahe would do llut duhea roddy can wipe them aald loulua casually uottdy lifted his head aharply a light glowed in hla eye sure ian aabl liapplly sure how you ynungater het iv and you bwi mother well clear up everythlnc he luid called mr nurnell mother ever inre he and inilsa had been engaged at laat the rest nf the family were in uie living room with the radio folhg mr tturnell reading one erlon of the paper uie twins happily squabbling over the funny section tlie kitchen door wa dosed aiul l4iula was nimmaglng thnhigh a drawer for a clean apron for i toddy here nun she said straightening up rosy from her eiertlona handing him a blue checked apnm hnddy did not put it on he juat abiod there looking solemn flopping it nervnualy by uie rtrlngs iniua he liegan i ve been uilnk intf- perhaps i waa ton impatient ut night if you want to keep on teaching why oli luutdy aald ixiua ive been an idiot all fttnnr you were right i was aetflah and uie uilnga i tl tough t i had to have t know no uiey re noth ing compared with slae looked at him she oould not aay it with love life with you he hie press under tlje nazi yoke ijaten noddy we can get married just as aonn aa you want me darungl hut the achoolf 111 resign t immediately in favor of some one else i know who a far better teacher experienced and all that laiuula kkh in fonht rsourcch citiuttlu mutmithfs npprtotliiiittt ly 4111 iiitllon mi n of fortvitrtt luud uimlili d prmtut u141 uiuim r of nunjiuntubh 1 uiul qunllly noctinllna to uie lu utrl incut of mines nnd itivuiurtih otlawn a little lini uuin 0111 liulf ot uilh vast art n iuiw imtarn trven of uaiulr l tlie rrumliuler 1m lug oci uplihl by young grow tb part of u11 milium lliub r is ntit aicesslble wl inw nl but 11 is ca ttmatetl umt tht tcimmlcully oiiesnlbli areas bear 170 000 million tublc feet of nlundlng umbtr r xirrnmt lu commor rial uiiltm thbt voluiiu rompruta 34o 000 mlllluil btuuxl fc i of muw lun plus 1 000 million cords of miutlli r material suitable for pulpwood lulprthi and fuel more tluui three quart i r of the totnl volume rqiudstn of softwood sjieclra tn t ludttig nprih is jniyt trin urn houulioi fir hi inltu k ctxlar aiul tttlu r kludx two canadian shvett uro of cxc p lit 11a i value for urn cttimuui lion of air i iik ft llkik piii uhuh urowt only on uit uce1 et twit ut itrttlsli columbia i nnd m tuo f uu norljiwt stern wuiuvi how j u ii 1 init bet 11 recounirttl uk uie ticil wlml she fill tprm tht kvallnblo wtuni for ntmclitrul thimpon erwht lined her uie nta bin h found lu the 1 astern prov 1m et is un prt frrrxtl smm ten for tlie manuftuture- of vineirs for use in aiivraf t ply w nod v igonmis stem an being taken bt t iutire thut mlequau taiipllei of boui tbene utwids will be nvallablr us required the canadian lumber industry norm ally pmducen between 3 b00 ami 4 000 million board feet annually but produc uon can be increased without tntalla uon of more machinery large volumes of douglas fir and spruce lumber have been shipped la uie united kingdom since uw outbreak of war and mbatan ual further orders have been placed great quantluea of pltpraps a rrtouvely new product to uie canadian woodsman are being made in uie maritime pro vlncee to meet uie neede of drttuh miners the pulp and paier industry of can ada produce a wide vauiety of wood pulp and papers for domestic use and for export its chief product la newa print paper uie greater part of which is sod in uie united states these export of newsprint paper are one of uie principal source from which con ada is able to secure uie supplies of america dollar vitally needed tor uie purchase of aircraft and other war materlala in uie neighboring country in she gave herself a little shake bui addtuon to fulfilling it commitment in there oood night ml burnell i the united state uie canadian uidu slltnt mlerabli hope to are you again you wtlll good night aald loutsft the dumell house was alive with lights print to uie united kingdom and other hnd laughter as she pushed open uie door into the hall hello i called her father mr dur nell was so jolly always pinching hla daughters cheeks and laughing but louisa dhrank from hla joking to night look whoa here sister he boomed delightedly noddy i met htm on the street and made him come to aupper noddy had risen from the radio bench and stood awkwarly looklraj silly and helpless and beaeechtng lui mouth opened ft if to apeak but no sound carte louisa crimsoned this was too awful but leather did not know of course that last night had ended everything between uiem try u able to supply subatonual quanu ties of pulp and papers including news part of uie empire which coms first in ueeupled yarvhwim teu what la iviul lly j a spender to baonrtalii uan truth almut life in oernuui occupied u rrltory or territory in whlrb chnilan terrorlnui la at work i almost lnikomdltl at uie priwumt time wliat la mlble lunvevrr la to be on guard against iierversloiui of the truth dtssr initialed dally under vart us dls- gitue 011 clennaii promiitlnu it may lielp in uu if we coiuildi r um various nieurriu atlopuyl i u nt tllflnr in uie tuicuiiled 1 mm trim and in lie neutral tmm tries in oeeuplsd territory in uie octupled muiilniles what hut tit rnians would prefer would tie ui keep twujblbdiett aiul highly resiirxtetl upwi- uim rs in eilhumce and ui tl in late to tin in wluit news uiey aliall publbdi and what opinion they shall oxpnwt llut they discover uvat highly n ux tetl joumallsta will not eminent to im umm in uils way i in utmost uiat uiese will tin is lo refrain from oicnly expressed aiitl leruian oplulotia dul they often qualify this neuatlve altitude by 1 tun ments whu h uu eiuur iierrelves to huvt an antl clerman u tidenoy uiey are then subject to a special in hilary con snrshlp and if uri dorw itol bring uiftu u heel tlmy muy tie internet and uie newspapers employing uiem atlipresaed heluntl i tirre i no censorship in holland said uie nasi deuturlie allgomelue l tung simsi arter uie occupatlmi of umt country hut uie iiewsimjiers are eun- ikised ui toko aootmnt of the nnw altila utui i he hint net ins not ui imve bet 11 token im iptlckly on wu cxcctcd for ft utt luter tin president of the so t nlled count ii of rnghuhleiimeut a mutl ttiutnilltnl organlmtlon ninth a amm h in width lie wunutl uu dull h nt wn pajwr proprli uir htw lety thut rutiul wan run nl nn tint 1 1 tin htw lety ho mild hull imi n ireivtihl with indiiturntt lu wt w of uie urteflll win k it lind ttoiie in piud u me iuui hud immi trtveu iul iuu r ohorluiilty lo re tiruniile ttsi if lltll im nttitihl hanle will hitve to imi hindis- for wt an now llvln in ilyuamli umt n lliuitt wnn made hut by uu it rtnana who prtmfcded to mllinnn uuet dutt h nt wkiairm for a jierltml of eight weeks till the urouiul uiat uiey luul system utlcjilly iiialntaliied an unfriendly attl utile lo the oecupern aiul laid been un able to cense lhelcuurldod prop igandn 111 favor of the allies i in tr ifft net npiuvrt ntly wtut ihul uiey i fnlletl to take htrtoimly the it rniun willie llonk width ctidiuvorrtl ui 1 mvi unit uu allien had twt n nlmhil lo atuink clenuanv lhniuith holland and belgium out of the ntquiresned paiient was tht famous otmnrrvutlvt dally tlie standanl edited by dr colli n who was fur nuiiiy leivm inline mlnmi r f tlie nt uierlantln lien mark i he prut inluri him iwi u lht mim in dtiunurk wilt re tit uewhhim nt were told to carry on but warned that uny expression of anil oermuti ft ding contradiction or uu official ot rman ntatt ments about eventn or imbllc feelliir l denmark would cxjxmt uu in to the severest pennlllen tliey were forbidden to mark news as coming from oerman source and uio bllglrtcat freedom of etimment brought uie military consorshlp about their heads dut uie one thing uie censor could not do was b induce uie danish public to red the paper thus handled their cjrculauonji dwindled their read era turned to uie foreign broadcasts which uie invader tried in vain to choke nut nanrsf in norway explicit instructions wrc issued to the newspapers uiat uiey must mcrvtt as an instrument for shaping opinion in uie manner laid down by the oerman mews bureau they were for bidden to publish war report coming from countries hostile tn germany to report speeches made by statesmen generals or members of the royal fam ilies in uipac countries or anything elan likely to cause friction between un or rman troops and the norwegian people on the other hand oerman war reports had to be well dlaplnyed france in france uie difference between oc cupied and unoccupied territory offered a special problem and also a new op portunlty to uir germans mantpulauun of uie ptta many well known pari papers ceased publication when uie germans entered the city others like the maun uie parla solr and the dcmlerea nouvellc de porta were annexed and turned to oer man uses under lu new management tlie utile bo hod come home from school with considerable food for thought a soon as he could he ap- i thp maun bkww molently anu jewish pealed to hi father daddy he began la it truethnt d man la known by the company he keeps yes m boy was uie prompt reply but the little chap wo not content he stated his difficulty tntt father if a good man keep and antl brttuh sometime uie names of contributors were uel who were known to french men not to be living in prance but would be suprxiaed by foreigner to be the author of the article attributed to them the only safe asaumptlan 1 that all french newiaper publlahed in uie company with a bad man la the good p urotocy are dlrecuy under man hart hixoiiw h vn mmn oerman control suppers ready announced hetty in man dad because he keeps company uie dining room door til be down tr a minute go ahead cerybooy aald louisa luhlng lor thw stairs when ahe washed her hand ahe winc ed to ee uioae bright ruby blobs on the fingertip how blatant they were she could feel the critical uncea at the fanilly and especially noddy a upon her hands ax atie buttered bread cut meat silly fuule flnoemallal they were like 1 1 with a bad man or uie bad man good because he keeps company with a good man aftfr the oamf referee do you think iii catchthe 5 15 tnltn nomcz l angry captain yous ought to we re volng to chose you all the way to the station the case is somewhat different ih un occupied territory here the newappers appear to have allowed themselves more liberty nut ue difference between uie two give the german censor an oppor tunity of turning frenchmen against frenchmen the oerman controlled maun in oc cupied territory complained bitterly uiat nothing la chance in the- unoccupied and chat uie nrwxppee there are pro viding too much- bncllsh newa others deride or discredit tlv wburl oovam- ment land contrast iu liiaptltud and ineffleleney wlut arman arflcleney td discover uie apeqlal imirtwiaea nf tliese nianoeuvrea la not easy at any ivan moment but we may take it that mischief making and myat oration are tlie general object in view neutral cunuis tlie neutral countries pmvtda a wide ami varied nppnruiujty for the nasi inilagandut in theati thure are llnr maji owned or ttenmin iilmltllacl new paier with little or lit clrculiiutui wlilrh tan be quoted usnmd nv tf they expresveil a geiiului oplnltin lids is nn old lt rman irltk wliuli has nt u 1 layetl all over the world nil ice lire days nf illsmarrk lint the kwal havr imiii more ayaleniatln and profuse in llielr exiiendltiiro of muuoy in us lr velopiiieiil than llielr pretti4esihs lht p neral hjet i is in pre nt neu truls known p tie frleiully tn tlie allien aa shot ketl or dr present rhy their pro kiyllngs aiitl in desialr almul ihelr pi on mh u these are danli in ctnne ui judu ment llut in many neutral onuntrlea such as ttwtlxerland and sweden uvere are honest and courngious immiallriu who write what they think almut hitler aiul naxl germany thla lutwever eapoaea tlielr goveriiments to dlplniiiallo tirow healing and threatening for the nasi refuse to liellevn tlml government can lint onntrnl hewaiaiera if uiry choose lo do ao htaillit lily as aome of these govern nienu have iiiheld uie freedom of their press tlie natural desire of journalists not to make trtaible for them iras un dotihlcdly kept plain steaklng on the hide of britain wluiln imhinda in europe fur full nnd frank expressions of opinion by neulrul ohsrrvera we have ui look ucrtui uie atlanuo a wanting thr u n rat cioiirluslon in that the nar1 at ronghuld of the prrrui 1 almost rumple h in furope nourlng ran nomr out of krnrm flelgliun holland den mark and norway except with ue oon- aant or uta ttairiffan censor muoh that pretends to im impartial neutral opinion is of oerman aulliorahlt the olijmt of ui nasi propagandist u lo deealve and myatlfy and no ex miaure df the falalty or the fact lie allegea delera him in ills pursuit of it he has continued to rieftt uiat winston church til ordered uie sinking of tlie a then in and ural mr chamlverfaln in 1 1 tetl thi utlempl tn aasosalnate hitler aiul apimnmtly he still hope that per iwtual rejmitjtuin may cause these atiirlr in le believed no proof to the contrary will pi event him f ropi multiplying tlie losses of brllbih sldim or at reran ivy five o twelve or any figure uial may occur to him it ih eiwhivh for him if lie causes some ii html or british oluierver to doubt the vtrarlly nf the british figures i in only safe rule t to actept notli lug lu whlrh hit hund rnay imi wuqiecleil at hit fare value almut nvjwtiln the piestltin ui unit is not whether ll u iru l it why he nay it lyimt tiioiihaniih at ifhulhintl mat ii i hi international ploughing match mil m hlnery denumislrutltiu which will imi held on october iclth irlth i7lh uud inui indiutlve miller uie nuspbes ot the ontario plimautiinen s assoclatl n on uie ontario monplta farm and ad jolnltiu farm ut ill i tiomas ontario will it is omc4led im attended by thouniuidn of furuiern and olliers inter rstml in agrlrtiluire ovi r ih uro will tn covered by the exhibits of uie latest lyies of farm and in me martelnery which ut estimated b be worth nuirn than w100 0oo there will lie 17ft jilough team stabled in the lte of the match and tlann will also te special parking sfwre for trar torn the entire area of the mrellnu im hen siirvnyed for water mains and hydro service and parking spare for vlhltom will have room for 10 000 rar hsunikii kcikeryuvh ay canadaaj mckviok vt9 failures u4 free im khglblt lahgfalery an nigllsli aclontine lalaraiory orfirs canadian farmers a unique aervue wiui nut rharo any farmer in canada can t ow iost to ilotliamsuul experimental htauon har- peiulen iduilaiul specimen of a crop failure for examination in due murse he will receive a reiort indlratlng wtul liinureluatlcaj pret islori uie ehenilt al ite nclenrlea that resulted in fall ire rxiierlmenui have proved uiat failure u often d 10 to the presence or alisenre of minor elrments if the soil nne uood for itrowui some hod fur example a lack of minute niiioiinls of itoniii ha been found lo i tnduce the swede and turnip dlaraae known brown lieart in uimda and uiul mottle heart in new eulsud in tlnullt australia a dlnense llkt grey npek has aflectetl inrlty 11 w da llrlenl in manganese i i u 11 1 a sent lo itnthsnurled for dlag iionts am hunted and- the ash i mads lot andearrtit tile pcrtrosmifl then record phntajraphlrally uie rhemloal onstltuerita of the ash tlsnse photo graplis reveal ui presence or aluienee of minor elements that assist or retard hulthv gniwtli fnuii uie rewrt which route book ti innv uie farmer will know what steps he mtlsl laltp ui ret tlf y the condition of his mill pointh hv tiik 1mpahh a ortijmuut neetlle it tr not indli au the true north lole imt the magnnuo pole which is a few degree out til reason fir the fnniikojm imlntlioj uirrr is unit them are probably isrue dt postu tf magnelli tire in um imlnr rrgl nt which uttrarl the magnetised needle carrolls qs triitanjkgjlloini c hrart mlrwcu h whip 32 oz jar 49c jewel vecetable shortening 2i 25o very special mclarens queen olives sr 29c bright tomato juice 2 15o swet mixed pickles 27 o 180 icaurac dry comu l ginger ale 2 19c green giant fancy quality peas 2 standard quality peas square deal golden bantam beaver brand lobster 15c 27c am i beaver boneleis i chicken 23c 16ox ttns 16oa tins i5 corn 2 is niblet brand vacuum pack corn z zl i5 aylmer fanoy aiparasus tips 10ox tin auitralian seedlets raisins ib loe chrutiel betty lou cake xse christie lemon jelly roll xso tender leaf tea p s aylmer pure chicken soup x x5e kara corn syrup 18 41 carrolli own coffee x5 dixie cocoanut jut arrived maple leaf 7 cocoanut mincemeat bars lb 15 3 pounds e4- bright ontario peaches old dutch cleanser a xc old englith floor wax p 49c aylmer tomato or vege soup p a g naphtha soap g ir i9e carroiie old gn s e ib liable 10ox tin eatmorc cranberrlea pr lb shirrifr wea lemon fr 7 pie zz5 25c sweet potatoes 310c crkp celkrv hearts 2 for 17c canadian no 1 snow apples fruit and vegetable specuus until saturday night only 6 quart tjo banket occ