ttaoatotm the acton free press jriimumay ootohuii nth iwo ntlte j lrtaewarrua 4j beats r khhtjb atj c1wm wltkowt eut ummiim notwea c aj me pe lm uitttvaal far pcnttjj mottn kkknkdv on wednesday october lth 1040 at st josephs hospital ouwlph to mr arid urs c c km nedyaeton a baby brother for john uatocub on october 13th 1040 at the private pauents ravtuon toronto general hospital to captain and urs ralph t xurkle nee helen boyd a ton father overseas with canadian dental corn c a at mamuki blacksximi on saturday october 13th 1040 at ersklne untied church toronto by re p duncan anne bdna daughter of mrs and the ute ur- j a mllb acton uoaiuddj ttlack son of mr and mr j black chronicles ol ginger farm it i written haaeially fa the aeloh rr lrse i tlwinuolink i ilaltatlc port erie lot ifl died ipwite at hu home uh 10 oonpea alon 5 gsquealng township on man day october 14th 1040 oeongr uujle husband of use late martha ann cook atrcd 04 ers in sfkmosmam hoixowav ih loving memorj of our dear ton kei neth hollovay who pass ed away october 30th 1034 oone to join the angel- peaceful ever more dndemeeui the and our darling flerpa ever remembered by dad and mother ocfrs and ends quite a number from acton attend ed erin fair on monday and report i fine show building of several new home li acton la like u be commenced within a weex or ao mrs john a ueolll the following item from the ottawa journal will be read with regret b man pan pacsa readers who knew uie late urs mvou1 the man friends of john a ucxull oenvral agent of the passenger depart meni of the canadian pacific itallua will learn with regret of ute uddrn death or his ife the former helen umii hymon at her residence j i regent street ottaw a on turd ay siw was tt3 years of nge in apparent gtvnd health up until noon saturday rt mctilu suffered a audit in scunirr and paised aw a three houri inter a resident or uic capital for a quarter ol a centur sht had a host of frtrtius throughout uie durtcl and lirr pacing mil be a distinct loss to the commuall fra mcutll was bom at parr sound a daughter of the late mr and ura charles flynion she married john a fc01h in 1004 at sault ate marie and upon hu appointment to the passenger i ho take y a keen interest in the department here came with htm to i common people- people with whom the ottawa in 1015 share uie danger or air raid and thr mrs mcoill was a member of glebe i ab of neparauon rnm their children the canadian war effort a waakly itavuw at llavelaaiuaiita alung tha llaiua krwmt october 3rd iwh ihiukhultluu hh0i a week end tltnl ui shall ci uienibrr not onl in llw t in whuh lhankaglvtng la iwuauy re pii ml cred but ulso hx ttelnu the itccualon of prlintka ellinbeut rlrmt broadiaiit to llu fin n in wlmt a uplrndui little nd ilrejui that 1 nr toiuue and llourt uiirnilnti and wlmt ih more 1 ruun r fanc hint prlncriu ellsulteth lurmeir m renponalulr lor uie trut wild sutwtallii of that uddrnut some or uie nhraalng wan deuuhtfull unanrctrd and child like entirely in keeping wlui the little girl n fourteen jrm and thr aentlmeni exprrved u jtwt what one might riect from the dauu liter of a king and queen united churvh and look a keen and acuve interest in al church aflalra she was a life member of the women a mlulonar society of that chunh surviving in addluon to her hiuband are one son william j of ottawa onr auter mrs r o campbell sault ste marie two brouirra john a symon phoenix aria and alex smoti of ancomrr dc tlie lor and mpaui and kludnem which she had distributed without thought of imtiutnal inconvenience during iiti att n k i i t the autumn colon have been their r i nf aclonlana will be cheered and i n returned in uie only b purll rcchinlllnn of ra princeas eutabeth we hope wlui ou utat uie children or to day will ht to enjoy a more peaceful and a happier to morrow and more eapeclall do we wish it for the little girl whom we hnne will uinir da be our queen later on suuda there was auouirr radio thrill ualeulng to uiat apleiidld weck pnnirnm cam on canada wr were mnrlaed to hear acton ontario jieclnuj menuourtl tor itt carrying on beat the past week the tree are now j shedding their crop of leave possible after deaui has intervened at the funeral on october rui of mrs mcoill when mourners of high and low this endeavor to help the commoi carrv on acton tatue red cross canvassers atarled their task this week in the annual drive let rst from messengera bovs to manogcts be aure thai acton reachea lu objecuve while thankagnuig da did not have the best of wrauier the other dava of the week end hollda were parttcularh choice the new 1041 auto license plates with green lettering on a white back ground will be ready for distribution on december 1st thla year and from pupils to principals gathered to share the sad berenvemeiit with thr fumll of uie di ceased the imiircslv e funeral erv io w as conducted at her late home at j 30 o clock b rev frank pldler minister of olebe united church tn which the wna an address entire different from deceased was one of the foremost work i v era among the w omen x organlmt ions lust thurmttiv i wiu irlmltged to luiir iuiouii r address not on uu radio- ut uiough i rather wlah it had been so thnt more petiple might have had thi oppor tunlt of hearing it it wan nn uddrem given to our institute bf mlas sybil dennett of oeorgelown i imagine it the wolf cub pack of icauu en jod m hot supper served on tuesday evening at the parish uau b the scout mothers auxiliary a new flag was pre seated to the pack and re dr t j thompson tribute i was paid to uie i in which uie late mm mcoill set the course of her life along chrutlan paths and steadfastly i followed them mrs mcoill was par i ucularl interested in the work of the 1 w omen a missionary society and was a life member of the group at olebe mr a- mason has had uie pond church property off dover avenue drained if st worn has so large and represent feasible it may open up a very desirable u a gathering attended an ottawa new building section in acum cor funeral and this in itself was m true porauon pond u no more mdlcaunn or the eateem in which mrs mrs wm maxwell of ouelph oc of mrnau o1 tmmuy to aixa cupted her former place in the choir of dmp fcimtt wlh thrm ac ion united church on sunday even ing and rendered a much appreciated solo utte mlsa barbara vincent also nn mlas dennett had given before dealt w tui the war and the af u rnuit h of war and eery woman s responxlbltlt in uie home as o contrtbutar factor to wards the new order that must be bom after the fight for existence haa become a uilng of the past miss dennett apoke of the post century as period when trr mendoua atrldea had been made men tall and arlcntlflcall but that it had been a period of moral retrogreasli n reaching its peak during the retgn of uie late king unless we create a new order a return to discipline and a normal family life then said miss lluhldthru x- crinc or hum iii blood and tears will all have been contributed a solo at uie sundaj evening kirj olltrol 6rce s of hjplome many slauxendea pensions to aid canada in uajl u hile air supremacy dnvea for the purchase of war savings stamp and certificate gather momen i turn donations frod lndllvduau and a aociauona far and near conunue to ring out a merry tune in the dai contribu turn donauoru from individual and as suming nation wide proportions u noted in uie great number of pensioners voiunlarl surrendertns their pensions m the whole or in nul uie dura uon of uw war to help cnaha carry on during past weeks acores of persons have wn en in asking to hae an where from ive to nearlv one hundred dollars deducted frvm their monthly chequra trent five thousand dolars m unlied itca fundi from an angnmoui am utmsrr were ear marked v the pur r o airplanes another iliooo were received from 1 a agsasjt gasslr dc for uie same i urpose donations urall and larve f oni mdlvidua duniifc hr ktjiv of ten dava recenu amxinted li lipi rox tmsle t0 000 duriiu the- me peruid d malion fmm k roups u h a mu iicinalhiea c t e town mkclil ins and ndustr si lrm imoai ted u abut evrtv nve u- uund dollar sv uie rrl uie f ir fc vrar im tol in tvwiu wh rsjsd 4 to bv selling home madr irn i nade over idoed bv the larve t tal it wnes mil to mske the r humble little gift uie m r dm rsb e in j vain just as they were tn vain during uie lost war mlsa dennett referred to the freedom given the ounn people of toda and cited an instance an in i stance which we all knew was very true and alas all too common miss dennett mentioned having visited a home where there were six in the family only two the others did not i u appear for supper and no one knew drives and p under uie war measures wh they were what uie wen doing act no explosrves can be sold by other or tth uie would be home miss than a licensed magaalne and no pur- l bcnnelt said thu wos the sort of thing chase of explosives can be made without h must be stopped a permit issued by an officer of the royal thought a lot about that od canadian mounted police or of uie pro- drfm juum mm brntu ttus rtbh vinclal police or b the provincial in a ft mothrr oj ifto actors of mines and chiefs of police mwj o shc wfta r of munlctpalitle this permit among p ltnn mvi hfti alwbyi bpon opimsrd other items must show uie name 1 miiunu n t llullliix ituvr canada unlit il mi1 lit inn i ittiuivl niiiipleti mommi unit i na tor iniiliutl dtlinie i hvn uitniniiu ndatloiui now go to the ann rli an iviut tiinittlitn uvrnuni nln foi uu ir i mm it it mil m ru me or tin rrroinuu iulu ns uu litai itnl im immediate m tloli i it her me to tie miiilt menietl hi iht ivml ot atliuk 2 klrat lias of jl 7m1 men ueglu otip month s lompiiuor iralnluh under mohlllratlon act alniual all uie meu ait in ihn jl yeai old cln lit only u ft w arias was it neiessary to tall jj uiitl j3 ear olds to nil flrat training ipioiu rraluing ol essential kev meu eugau oil in production of war equipment uuti turned till later lit live cur 3 doiulnlou lovernmrnt tiaua export of copper from canuda except ui hritlh icmivire countries and possibly thr united states win re it may be needed in completing allied munltloiu contracts 4 durlnu week endetl septemlver j7tli detiartmenl of munitions and supply awarded 1 hj3 war contracts valued at 0 1 jo 081 ixvtal ctuistnicuon contracta awarded b the department as at uie end of september totalled 163 ooo 000 and in cludetl 470 projects of uil sum aho it 0 000 000 spent on air force and air trnlnlng plan projects canadian oovernment phlbluoti premura tn ijindni damaged b tlerman bomb a ptrst oer agist uu ami tanks tronsfrmt to canada lor t ruining ar rive at camp dordrn 7 dominion lnrltanunt will rnwrnii bh on november 5th 0 dr bnre m stiwart of new ork prominent canadian mploytncnl and lusiiraiice exh rt a p i mi in let t drput mln i later of ijibor for duration of war i u d wilgress formerlv dlrev tor if the commtrvlal intelllgenci sen ice u- poluled xm put minister or trade nnd commerce 0 ordern placed for six additional mlursw eepers costing apiwoxtmaurly tdoo 000 each in all 34 mlnesweeperk i now under cnnatrucupn for canadian nav jo coreettea for royal navy m i corvettes for canadian navy total sum i involved a0 000 000 10 announced that canadian air fonx to recruit approximately 1 000 radio volunteers applicants must have sound ureoreucal and practical although not baoiaanlonnl knowledge or modern radio including sliort wave limited i number radio volunteers prcfcrabl uiosr i holding university degrees in physic- i be given commissions service both home and overseas i applicants requested to apply at the nenresr rcaf recrulung atauon xhkinkks rinriis all wau kxkt lrmeel l l aiuula m imeitee awl naetiy hlurehu luiul iomi uanuru iomtnu in aiiiioiint liuj plans lor live eighth nniiuiil rihowlng of uu miimemn leinph jlhiinr t harll t in uu lo lw in ui aunin ihu inn in lonuton maplt unl tlnr diim iwiti ii tlitv ft mi thlolmt jlat u iltlur till linliflvt llhistilons pi leu utti munlihk 1 mirlvn mid i in i m un pi mii til llh mtvu n iivialitl thai hi m i iinl of tin ituinimx i ttuple circus pi llu uil i iir voiilit it haiideil on i lo uu mliilnln of niiiioihii imnui it help nimiln win thi ur llu n iiiulu mu vo imi nn will uo into uu simiuii hem 111 fuiiil for t rippled and need i 111 dun i aiik whl h tht hhrlnt his nil rliil on mitttumulli fur vrurs i in addition il was hinted 1 ul murtoti him agreed to ulvi 0 er tenl of ills piolltn tut well in mlnlnttr if national iwi tier and will bil unadlnn war ikoiitlm with his niiminlnu in pe mil when ivskeil what tills earn iirtigrnin would hit huh n morton omul tllf fit ill to restrain himself willi thi irr nirudoiu eiillnialasm lie invurlubly dla i plays as ringmaster or uie world a lurg eat professional indtuir uirre ring ircua i he extlulnml this years cirrus is wtuamt doubt the tiest ever in la i us atuleiulous wen holm lo huve til new aensauous there w 111 tie stellar arts from the rlimlliwj ami itanium galaxy daring and death def1nu thrill era 30 beautiful llroadway girls in a beuuleous dancing ballet uie largest tlroudwu dancing and acrtiballc rev tie i ver presented with oil circus darlnu airlamsls thautlful riding girls amaklng j ierforinlug elt phnnts ftimi clowns urro i bath tumblers tmlnel imnles wild tigers hun ii im thrills gulore in this ulganlli amn at ion that it wlthoiil doubt f he im m show on earth j av ii km i lul if ti r show or mnitrl ftulurt morion annmiuirsl unit lh unit liniigi r the original motion pli tun stur would apptar in imimii with high ho slher h fnmoiin horw mid t lati omixiiiy illustrious ihiltntale marl jut t lit la red that thi bli r tm s motto uiln ar whs lie u dtuld to a nred orphnii kid du because uiey waul to take my orplmn i very crippled und uuderiirlvll egwl child lo the circus this iar llils is the only way i know lie suld in which kind liearted ieole ran help canada whi uie war bring fun and happiness to kiddles who need and deserve it and have u lot of fun tliein setvtt at the same lime 1 a it 1 1 in mokaue ok anaiuan nation 1 huvr tlu greatest fallli in uw inorali mid thr iiuflluohlitb resoinuon of llu mnipu of uiu eoiiulry i he vtny tn whit h thr itlret of niindu lmvr re sm ndeyl to t v t r retpiest mrans unit uu will tiuhldir no miirlflie and nn i tort mm gnat to bring siicresa ti1pni i thi ii mini till i i itnulon noimi iiih jiu hi i if i iv ditirt 4hic dltlnt vi li lt i i in llrlili f tiilth unit i h u fly hill of iiiitm hut uhv ml eiilled llu ul it iiimin whv iw n tut litre wn i it buaincrb directory mkuuiaf lh j a mlnivin iritysulan aiul hutmu oftlcs and itaaplaiua jortir bimaf avenitn aiul klgln jmirl uu nalon to manners and m nse lovi to hontt and affect it m for which we twlong to its ustiins in its hlghc uh iwilltlcnl constitution of the mi tit m to which we belong s lu canadian apples au worlds l fin e5t fruit ll v j nikson riirsblaii aiul nurfwm edl il ffllni of lie it 1 1 foi arlon htt r py- piionr tm du vvm ul lln i mcc plirsulsh aaa nurgca nitlte llmira 1 4 and 7 0 pin mi hid ays by appnlntmant mill itlreel hear kruderlck htr4 lepiphrms 131 iks 1 im i i and sti vi nson aufrkixviuje phone milton 3311 r3 after 10 pm mlltna 3w offlra hours mini i lp 78 plm sunday by appointment only uhmi c f leatheiaand d a karrlsur anj haualtar natary laauar of uarrlaf ucauaa registrar of ihlths uarrlagu dath acton offlea rbanaa jkasussm ul kinnlth m langdon bairlsur raluuar nalary pvuto orricea cleirgtown gregory ttteatra building aoton over t fleynucka oaf for appalntmenu lluin acton abr t oeorgstown m off it e hours during august acton i iiesday and ilmrsday 4 p m lo ft 10 ii in r 111 rov jinmllmi ajili urr ohn of i lie fllmnl fthmlu ihul tail lie imimuiii i lie re plump nml urlwilmoiite ik v wll li tit ii itiiim julrv kit tun or hirer- nf tliewe anplt rurv iluv llieyre pmm1 for timil antl im- hijre li mnr pleiil v of tnl v ii mile ittbnert apple pie luileil niple dpple illiiiipllildk anal iiiiplemaner ukuiimh appl are in v iieifililmmirlmhhl hlnre liny ill in now sf aril tin fl wrl imiminion hmahimim lit- l lilt i i ii ut iii i aw a j buchanan d d s rsnlaj rurgean uflue in irishman rlook hours dam until fl p m vanliia by appointment tlaa fur bx tractions xaaj closed wednesday aflerxuin pfcona 144 veteuinarv oku bood ahd good pom you b 0 young v s bvsc veuwnary hhrgaan unioa drookvllle ontario phons mtlioo i4gr4 f c oakhs vs bvsc vaiarlnarr rwrgaaa rtlctt and ilealdenoe knox avaana acum phnna llfl alktioneerh just swill rigid control of explosives in canada of thrm home- provided for in a recent order vt1ix t it uonalu address and ococpauon of the holder uie purpose for which it is grant ed the length of time for winch it shall be valid where and under what condl uons uie explosive la to be used or la to be mo red when not in use the new regulations alto provide that the operators of oil licensed ma4ajin0a mul furnish a return to us- chief in- siector of explosives department of mines and resources ottawa show ing tw quantlt of explosives in their poa xession the purjxise for which uie are held and uie proviklon being made for vafekuardmg uw evplosivis pallurc to vk tect the explumve in 11 satlvfattorv manner hall tie deemed adequnt ft r ciincellall wi f the llxii nv jim- 1 who is not tw holdi r of a mu iriue lunv and wh his in ht txvwm in explosives m whatevi r quan utv tn im u to an lfllcer uuthortred t ivue ptirchwe nermlls f r permlsmnn u n ttl it eplvmve- uillll dlsptvsed i t 1 it w u m inner penalties are pr v ili 1 f r infrucliims of the revula tion ml proof of iniuxirncf rest wnth uie irson atcumd tile regulations tli nt t spph jo ulcon and the vorurwpst terntone nor subject to certain pro v isions to transactions betwvt n opera tor of licensed explosive factories and those of llcerued maiiizines 1 onsluwts puc fi kxceio s3teoo0 recent csillection of snwer lo e anmvati vi questions m a lubllc school feieuu the fi h w ju information the inhabitants ol ancient egypt were called mummies the plurfcl of ox u ogen rro wa a cruel tvrant who wuld tortur hu subecu b playing the fiddle v ts v v tranparent njeaiui someth ng ou can v thr wav the do aeethrvvugha khor m3s 000 000 orders were placed w th z thl wrt xp crlminau aft put lo death b elocu m and never never for an lrutanl dream uon v ofrefuslng to do an thing you are asked to this rnodem pnee and the freedom if uie vounger generation we miuii mr own two keep wluiln limits up to ft certain nge but now wtll evtrv mother know a the answer how niji wt put on the brajtefl how can we s i vo w lien ev crybod else is sa tng es if ue do aav n and stick to it then wt invite a case of open rebellion somt times wc even huvi to uiki ih it chance ruther umn forsake a prim lp that wr know to be rtnhl after a rt r tain like dealliir with oung top it is uvt mint to stop a pnilrli nre miivbt that is an apt it mill f r 11 pruirlt fin as wi know evtntuill burns itw if t ut mavbt tht iciswir to a ut w mwihi order its un tht v mm pt pit theiusilvts pi rhap this w ir wil it ich tluru is n tint 1 m 111 th it uu ii toid f huppini ss an br found within tin ir wn h mi s pt 1 h ip 1 ew si tjsi nf i il n s will u lx ru rnm tin sju rill i unl sul t r 1 k ul it is a jr ie in i tx hut t w n t be nlys s lt rifle uul sultt imi is itu c mnion t tf tvirvme throu it uu em n not until uu 11 in in tin html ircl tin anntr ml his fimilv n thr bnrlenc n essu n share equall aith the nghllng f m mime f tht jainncrs of war can we hi pc f r an equa it of i ftnrt to maki 1 new an 1 be ter world from the remnints of tl 1 oltl ivs nuinett j 1st befon ur meet m hue been itpciklmj to a rpun latel re turned from england who xakl to her if the je- pie of canada could see for one mi mu condition in england during at a hollywood club the other night a oung author was introduced to an eosti ni mov lp crtuc who was in uie movie town on vacauon the writer h first picture had just been shown on ilroadwu and he immediately asked uie critic what tils opinion was it was refreshing rt turned thr critic very refreslring u uiat s swell btunicd uu jmuuk author did u nail find it m re frtshlng absolutcl was uie reply i ft it like a m w man when i woke up uiix noi nti- iriat war 01 tpi t in 1041 canada will in produt ng plosivis at un nnnuul rati mor umn tuns un great as the tntlrt producilin of uils tountry in un on at war hon c d lowe to lownown you go direct to downtown in every town enroute when you travel by motor coach whon planning youi noxt trip consut your local agont for all travel information harotd wiles phone 58 j frank petch i aiirtlantrr and hpfmnullv limmlg clal ufa amnrane cs i phunr 3u 4 harlr hlrrf 2eorgftw time tables aojan nationactailways gray coach lines lhalwlll hepourwarftort not 110icles 1 vou uont make very good niiulc with that instrument said slander to th man with the bass drum u ihe bandjo4tud to play ho admlltd the drum pounder i loiow i doftt but i drown heap of bad music ncnfask umit i saivgs crtiicltrs ru inning lth the calendar ycuur ofj i 1041 any person may hold war saving caruacate dated- 111 any one calendar year up to a total maturity of ro0 rarmerly ihe limit had bevh act at j uoo rof any one yar tflsajt unocrtikl touctt jvr uke old chum at acton standard ttufe going east ijiith i vtept hunday o am duy except sunday 0 40 ajn dull exit pt hunday fl 2 pxm sunday mil iio pjb pljer at urorurh wn o tl pjn h r ut cluelph o is pm aly west dall rtt pt hundny ml im saturdii i nlv i 20 pm iter it hit id a fl pm dull i ki pt hiinda 7 oo pm tiunduv ni ii 43 pm ky oacii ijnes toahiji ifcave acton sianttard ttms i at1mm mi to toranlo i ii i 1 i in 1 1 jl a ni c3 06 i i i i ni i u pm 4 ill pm ut si tint mi la ijindwn i m 1 i i in j pm fy4 31 ih j in lfl oh i in dslfl s3 p m ill ti p m tpt u li h n i ll c bat tt tx en sit hun st hoi s ii a ii f estcpt sun a t kmtiiur i stratford ml ik of act11v nail airman hullo dr ooebbeu ur punes cover all the arproarhmlo drltaln carloonnrrnm london cartoon comment lourl of hrvisioit the municipal omnrii of the vlllajt f artt n mil meet aa a court ol re us t n in tie co ncll chamber acton ontario on mon a uu twntyetahth j of c tobrr ims at eight qewejc air person having appeali aratiut the aw ess men l oil or ihe tald villa for the ear d41 wil take notice and tav ern themselves arordthglr notice of all appeali muit re rcvd by mr on ir buforr the erxhleenth day of october 1040 da led this islh day or ocotwr 1m0 c f utatiuotland ctagk