fe tttaneokv ootoubi wui imo the acton free press p rjunitohfes v hcw white men have ever had ft lopatlck ilcd dennis of the circle t is ono of tlicm when thoao northwattcrn indians the crecs wish to honor a brent chief or a bravo deed they climb the tnllest lodaopalc pine they can find and lop ofj all the branches irnvlnu only- a tuft of ffrcen nt the tip a lopntlclc bo made will land an an enduring monument for centuries ono dny i31 suml stewart tlic mannuer at the circle t sent for red thom cree injuns saanalc and nuniu aro outside with their dogs he said theyre noln to look up some stray etows for us you no olonij with em red hurried away to the bunk house threw n tew articles into duffel ban grabbed a blanket and a moment later had joined the two who with their doffb were old friends of his for they had often been off together beforo howdy saanok howdy hunku he erected them as he joined them im coin aland to keep the bears from eatln you tip so bo rood huh tlrcy knmted in unison which is n long conversation for a crec de lighted grins appeared on the austere coppercolored faces of the indians the two dogs stood silently behind their masters saaniiks dog was a north areenlondcr named kodu which means demon in the crce language his ao- pcuninre certainly belled lrin name he had u magnificent thick white coat tinged uith gokl with a snowy plume like lull weighing full n hundrl pounds with tin open fare a bluck unit and wide hniwn eyes hi hnil a wa f i prlrklnc up his earn and hlmwlng hisj p nt tongm in u smile which nmdi hltn irresktibli- to humans ved the other d wh h ivpuul aluskiin huhiv gray with stmu colored eyes liki pule ire whit h he mi in jvcrltid from mime wolf unrest m h was 11 grim powerful silent bruit with stnilghl lng legs olld immij nive head his cli cpf urml neck and prickedup eiirs wen nil characteristics or those wolf dogs wliull irnve madi living povtlbh for men in hit rm north althmikh yed looked to bi u much fierier beast than nodu irtie lat ter was bin aeknowlitdged nmiur in spite of lib smllliig fce and debonair ways hed was a prime favorite with both dogs nndll showed the flp of ills pink tongue in a wide smile and came a neur wuhhlnk his tall as a north green land dog ever does tr three dogs the little pnrtv travel led fast and far looking for the lost cattle tlrrough a grim country where huge bowlders gores and cliffs were oil jumbled together at lost they reached a frothlnu roarinsf little river which rushed down the slope in frantic haste as if to warn them away on its farther bank the indians planned u shiy while they made camp red went out for a troll followed by the dogs a mile from camp n thick black stump just ahead of him suddenly moed and showed ttmir as a huge grlzzlj hear nuindlng on its hind legs beside an ant hill nine times out of ten a itrbvh meeting a human will disappear like a shadow in the nearest thicket that one however was evldepth a solltarj bid killer lied turnen and ran tor his life but almost inktiuiuv tin luar win at his licelt ituahln iilrcad dcapemlelj t he fugitive caught his foot in a mesqulte rootimd plunitttl headlong rolling over on his back ih d drew up his leg and clenched his fists expecting even second to feel the claws of the animal rip through hls n sh kven us the biarh jaws gnpiit wide above him help cunn trained bv mum 11 battle with tin- white beu s of the north til tlogs had sprung aside at the grtoly onslaught nnd then attacked him at either flank nodu hit miowv siniuug nm w ih transfouihri his bluck lips rurled biu k over his sharp ueth his tilt u imuvb was wrinkled with rage and hi u blaathl wlh that lurv of but th which had klven hlni his mime with a growl he sprung and ills tietli met in the flesh of the grlulv v lank on the othei sdi m slashed at tin benfs let llkt a wolf until uiiibu to enduiv the iln ihi krlsrlv turned upon his tormentors and uwav from the man so swlfth did he mow that his doubli blows would hut caught nn erdmarv dog quite unprepared nodu niut yed howevvr had fought with bears quite as quick and without an effort s de- tcppctl the sweep of hls great paws taking advnntage nf this respite red sprang to his feet and rtodgvrt behind n nearbv mump worried unremittingly hv the dogs the bear at last hacked into nn angle formed bv two fallen tree as he did bo nodu his brown rye fixed and tloring rushed in and clump ed his teeth just behind the inset of the bears hind leg without turning the grimly struck with such unexpected wtftness that n muih suddenly showed along the whole length of the dog white side yed from where he tood tried the amc tactics aeatn without any warn ing movement of head or body the bear middenly thrust out hli armed forcpaw and pinned the husky down an he came in yeds fighting days would have been over if it had not been for red fum bling desperately in his pocket he drew out and snapped open his sole weapon a jackknlfe leaning forward over the log he drove the knife in with all ills force behind die beasts forcshoulder at the pain of the stab the grizzly whirled around and struck a blow which ripped a trrcat mais of bark and wood from the place on the log across which retl laid leaned a second before once again the dogs gripped him at cllhcv flank as he started after the man once more he turned upon them with swift ineffectual strokes of nla armed paws j only to back again into the angle of lags where he was somewhat protected from their attack as the fifth tern stared ot ench other red shouted for help with all his might i but no answer came back i tire man saw that ho could slip away and esciih for the dogs would keep the bear from following him far if ho did so however one and perhaps both or the dogs would be killed i as red looked down upon the dogs panting and eaihcd and torn who hud saved tils lift ut the risk or their own i and saw the look of absolute devotion in their eyes ht could no nioro have lot them u bi kijed while in escaped himself than he could have dcicrted two liumiui i uhinitles 1 hen blgati a gilm llgtji to tht llnlhh i inn and again in bin let the shoi i blndi of liis knitc in tin body of un beast as 11 lurned to attack tin dog in ilu iillui linn and iigiun ihl miul- iliincl brutt whli led around and him ted in hi riunbli in rosh uie log whlih svpar- nns1 liiiu rrom un man only to in hnnid baik b tin inn iiduriible nginiv ul in dogs n tiding tet th hat k and fin hi ti round ami urounil in a hurrying ginning piuiling unit in light went on niul un taiuldinh hanging hlh tactics the vili ft luted at tin further dug a- i ted it uned fin wind almost automatic ulj to dillvei lius thrust the great brim stiuck at him with all its force ivulunaieh foi tht mnn liic bear swung a fruc turn or a second too late and fell siioil bv an hull kven so out ot his i rooked claws cut clear through reds thumb dashing the knife out of iiin i grip as he staggered bat k weaponless both di4s threw tlumsilves upon the bear uguln and just in imaged to kei p luin lion follow ia up un advantage hi i had won rnrtiuiulcli fot red the ril ing knife sti ut k u bitsh buck of him and bounced back almost at his feet i with another of his unexpected strokes the bear sent tht greenland dog flying i and wat t rambling over the log when i red leaned over and stabbed him again i this time wltli his kft hand for the ilrst time situ i the beginning of the i light the bear gave a bellowing roar as he started after the man the husky slashed him with his fierce teeth i as the vtiung cow puncher drnngi d himself forward he felt strangely numb and a black cloud set med to be slowly uulhcrtng about his luad with u great effort he pulled himself once more across tin log as the cloud closed about him u single thought dinned ugulnst his fading consciousness to strike one lust blow leaning far out he sank the knife back of the angle of the bears left fore- shoulder in nearh the same spot os before pliuing hk crippled right hand above his left he forced the weapon in with the lusi bit of strength which in- had left until kiiiil blude and handle disuppeand fmiu sight in the grimly fc both with u lltuil etlort he drew him self but 1 and drnpput beside the log whn h lav between him an his opponent not a second too soon did in leach the protection of that slight barrier for ius if ills hunt thrust hui reli used u spring the bear leaped clear or the ground and fell dlreeth ncrosh tht lig wth glaing ees the huge lnast tin usi ins open juw s towai d the mnn imnath luin even us he did so in sh tl baik dtad a black cloud elontd down and ued knew nothing more until he wils urojised hv nodu licking his face with a tre nundoiis ettort he struggled to his fee and stinted back to the river followed bv the dogs aj he tottered into camp the indians had juit finished their even mg meal rovs ive been so busv klllln an ol grlryv with mv jackknlfe that i forgot all about slipper explained the indians looked a each other i no im not crny insisted red imllow mv trail back a piece an oull llnd htm all right two lunim liter after he had rcstid and eaten and finished bandnrlne his woundthi hand the indians came back earning trie nktn of the dead bear with them it had nineteen holes through it without ft word snannk took an ax and climbed thjf highest pin in night clear toljthn top jie went and an he came down he lopped off every branch 1 nazis crush belgian trade unionism by max btjskt max bujtet 45 years of age 1o a member ofthe belgian parliament and of the executive of the belgian labor parly exsecretary of the educational organization of the belgian labor party he is also an exstudent of ruslcln labor college oxford and later became professor at the bel- elan labor college since the nazi occupation of belitlmr darknean has descended upon that country ltttlo is known bf what is going on behind the chinese wall erect ed by the cohquerar but some lnfor matlon reachen the outer world through the stories told by belgians wlm have succeeded n escaping from the oerman inferno while those who know the coun try well may oreaslonally gatlu r some hints or the truth from the statements or omissions of the nai controlled wire less broadcasts from brussels one fact emergen quite clcsnrlj from all we have heard and that is the com plete destruction of the trade union movement such as we have known it up to may 10 tit when the nn7i fury descended upon my unhappy country as the invasion and bombardment ol belgium proceeded apace those w ho had any leading part in the labor and socialist movement left the country most of them for prance while some of them went to britain they knew or course that had they remained at home the oentopo would have taken charge of them their deliberate inten tion was to carry on the struggle against the t nemy behind the front which tht v ex pit ted would be stabilized somewhere the week at ottawa specially written rot the aston vre pre by jo un imiimiinw canadian pre staff writer ottawa oct 23rd cp electric power mokes the wheels go round in canada a modem factories and indir ectly it has started the wheels of bov- emment spinning in ottawa and wash ington as well there s a big demand for more power just now especially in central canada where- rnpldly expand big war industries have caused a violent spurt in power consumption its not a case of imme diate shortage but government officials see the possibility of too little mwor in future early this autumn the government ordered continuation of daylight saving time in many ontario and quebec cities niit was a move to stive power but conservation docsn t cure the situation now canada and the united states imve moved a step nearer to joint action in harnessing the swirling intemutlonul rapids section of the st ijiwreiioe river international power prime minister mackenzie king an nounced that the two countries have det ided to initiate ivrellminary engineer ing untl other investigations in that set hon next daj president roosevelt said the united states had alloraud 11000 000 to make borings with a vli w to building dams that will increase the elei trie power output or the urea i he international mpids development well tlve agriculture department ex pects beef price will hold firm tile considerable christmas trade in chilled turkeys that canada hod with britain ha been badly hit by the war british official refused lost year to make foreign excfuuige available for such luxuries and the agriculture department expects the same situation this christ mas the turkey crop looks fairly heavy this year but tlic department thinks the domestic demand will absorb it all officials say tlic war effort has placed much more money in circulation and people who couldnt afford to buy n turkey last christmas will have one this yeor mose how came yo to name yo little hal lectrlcliy well you nee earn mah wire am dltlli ft a iltltii a name am mose an dynamos make leetriclly no we jus hamed de little gal lectrlclty bnfc father said the young pot poets are born not made now ionic here broke hi hla father angrily write all the blluwrlnff non sense you llkr but dont you dare blam your mother andme for it fiiumtnk part in mo ii i it n waits asaoelatlon sisrrreary uriirt v s and canada should lleeognlu- 11 the best way to aik company to tea king mild was to assure adequate the franco- belgian frontier un lower supplies for defence production in fortunately events took a diftennt tlic norlhi astern united states us well i i ourse after tho collapse or pr ince i lie oeimnns issued an order piohllxt- as in cu i ui da unnniuit cd an at the same time in ier move intended lug all uibor and other political lender help canada alone fiom it till nine to itelijum linliss tl made a form il act of submission f u t tile belgian nihor mnveminl i i otnplett lj it pi ivt tl ol us li ncli rshlp i in invasion i sw- lullj of thosi lead who weie most di flnllt ly onoed nazi ldioliy lie said the unhid suitts would oltei no objeitlon to an ontailo gneiuiiu nt ojts t foi cil veiling watt i into ijike sup inn riom imti uu and the t hmi in imrthu i sit in ontario powei won il iti gi ihiutil tin it mill iilvi in washington ot t 23rtl icpi i in nil raids and incediury bnmlis of modi n warfare liavi liniuglit die tin tlgliti r lnu a role of major military importance najfl tleorge rirlnirdson bt i retni treiiatirer or the lnu rnallonal assik li lion of lire lighters with w tilth siiiini ontaiiizjttloiis of ii n mi n in can it 1 1 1 an uttllliuvd the ire service in omit britain is referred to in that country as the ill line or passive tli h nee and thai tin loubtedh is what tin lln unln- is in any count o thit is lnadtsl mo let n i warfare tx inr winit it is aid mi kit hnrdsim ilu iriti rnnllimul secieuiry i r ftsur ei mild lie believed u fjxtlul fir difetui i tliopmtinii with the united shiles win lonimilke lioulti be formed to work i i dtuprlmi nt i he national ic ftm ni nilsnlon niul tin joint lllcui ciinnill tte of cumuli itil in uultid sinls mr itlihiudson i lnuiil no llin tioiiltl i- lint in pit paring lln- hi paitnun s n ixilh caillula n ul i unlhsl suili h un nil- ii he nn nils i pi opt i m il im an i idiiiah iiiiliiif u 7efta0hs comes a linliti and youm like in luive few irlontla hi for ten tlieroii no timr to wrilf or aentl nn inviiiiiinn but you ran trie- rhone i ami why not to m o e a ii g o oonlil he nioro peraonal nioru ii out eoii- yonr own inviliii tl in ctl l vtiitc ln- telephone ih ii coniiecliiij link lhit keeph von in elost con- ijiel with rncntlrt iiimi rrl- nlivth ii inihstiipr lluil triiithin its oiir voire an ufll im your tlionliih mil lite tins lidded hie 1o oursi nn lni nmparablv gn uter tuuuti th ir lilnitv nnl a single public milling is w tinillisii i in nnl in w spa pi rs si ulliwid to in piipltshid as will as die i ad ii are in tin hands of tin pro-nan- wlnihir of tin iii mish sipuiiillsl or tire itt xisl arlit who are ilnmschis mib- ji 1 1 to c riiuin mnlioi lln kid lie iisu nl nt lou slv dlsplaved is only a thin imr tor the inallid hst volt it imposts a iulhltls order in i he be si nu1 spirit stilkis an not loleraud hie nnlv oin unit in i urreii in n coalmine of the inm basin onlj lastt d inn afternoon im i limit u send tin- strikers lo a com entrulion camp in germany sufficed u put iui nd to it what is worse the demoratljition of d i tlm l 1111 i mild 1 lit n ii n nl 1 nlhgir loll t i le anion it alii ml 11 lhl iiinm- i at ol tutn 11 ui t in t t pillm ls in t s hi uk oi un sam tnltt 1 st lies lis tllulh i ir li 1 ik in n iitlhv e ai i in 1 el- tlons ai iii i iinl lui bet i n 1 1 uu u- t4 dnl wiui tin mwi prolilt in a gitniii agnemenl or st ijiunnii hwfi dimeloiimt nl inn ln iiiulied tur tliat t lit v mij tht- lnu rniilionul nipuis th mlopnniit can go attend witii out delnv then- is talk here that con- si luction might start earlv in the spring nullum from itulrith a constunt sourtx of wonder lo niu minister macdonald is why oung ien the rank and file is being deliberately from the prairies make such fine sailors organbied with a uu no doubt ui ail 1hr navj lias a big upiwal for men attempt to introduce some form or novl brought up away from the sea not onlv corporation belgium in completely cut are ihtv otlering themselves for servlt otf rrom the outside world the liice but they make uipnotch seamen sant and onesided oerman propaganda mr maodonuld mentioned tills at a has naturally a depressing effect on press conference ife mild he was pur- the ihilille tlic belgliui voices that are uouhirly fmpressed during his recent in still allowed to be heard are complete spectlon trip fhroutfh the west with the mibnervlenl to oennany the are tirost i of the tiny fractions hiisjiected and lou tiled by the people before the w ar flenitsh nationalists and rcxlsth whose rasclst ideology was always rejected by ijpe of men in training on the pruires lie called them line material for the navj ewn though tliey are raised many miles rrom any large body or waler about the hardest work in ottawa just it- masses or workers and commuuhu now is hiding a place to live and it looks ho inver obtained more than ft per us if the mtiratlon will get worse tinres tent of uie votes in elections and wlinse parllamcntar rcprescnui lives now bo with the permission of the german authorltien to occuplivl lyanre to ad dress meetings of the belgian refugees belgian workers have now the choke betw etn the most w retched and unas- siticd uneniplovment or working for tin bien a certuln amount of building but mil nearl enough to keep up with ot tawa s iwipulallon increase of more than mh in a enr concentration of mlll- ur men and boosfe in goumment office suttts how lifted uie capita s ikipuliilinn to iso 177 in four montlis the munitions and nazis- ugatiihl their own tounir ii suppb d imirtment stotf iuis jumped lioose the lulter course the ha the jft per ceiit of their miserable wages deducted for the building up of u sstem of mt4al lnsunuice after the naj model their own oigauljitions art broken up unir bfit liuders exiled or toiidemiietl llllt1 fore ui hlluitt all ri and llthillts have gone to be replaced bv an auuioritatiau tllsc ipline under the fori ign occilpation a whnli uutlon lives in constant ft ai ol spies and mfornurs w hile tintors ti iniiipli under tht pmlei hon ot im unvadt r but ll is uie txmm nu1 tas lsm lias biiuight tin working tlnvts of lilhium la the workiis ot uie lountllis dial in still im heed this warnuu atte h inanv others it ls not tt too lnu the llitato must ih strhek dow r the inann t in foil s ot the british umpire will see in thai t4m1hci with allies w law uiiiubes will inert usi atimetiois on svmii punis uhkm auit australian pilot- firing tw to land after colllhion svdnev nsw oct j3rd icp an off totals inn uuirrtcd rwo plane lov ked together after a mulalr collision and described a rojal austruhuii air iorti- pilots action in landing them together products of all kind from 3o0 u 000 and another iflo will be udcled bv the end of the juir huntiretls of men and women work in the new de artipent of national war st rv ices headquarters stalls of the army naw than qua iruplitl nice tlv war began new itaikirlment nt w diret lot of goernincnt wui org ini4iiuus luus just been publish td u tht lvpariinent of iu bl i lnfor illation llosii tins have brought u stort ol mtt itiunt is to tin- tapiial nuiging ul hit win noin a ci nsorslup co-ordin- dion conihllitii to uu ivsticidi faupplj coinnmin hhgist addiiioiis t tin nxsttr an lift oi pit tun nt of mmiitio us and faupplj and nalioial wat hi i u t s hit luiini mils ui insimnii ills oi wai ilie lattti iiils a wuii iiiun of tisks uu hiding un culling up ut tiling caiiatiiahs fot i mpulstrv imltttrv ti a jimg and tht ihimuig of pub n inlormation 1 in n time ue tin umitiillers lluis lirt pietals utnih r oil and rents and the- ulmlnisi ruiors wool tigar hides maclihies u it her ajid coal llieies even a com- nutlet- on animal ivxvdstutth and one to keep a watchful et- on the ferthztr supplv uind of rirntv now that winter ts uiiiroacliing can- udu puds herself we 1 supplied with rami not alii will ilti orntlejiess and cheerful tic these come before ah morality they dre the perfect dutfe stevenson aa one of the most ustmin lug feats in murket an tillunie record mniioer of the hlstor or aviation hogs but the beef situation accord it g the maclnne collldtsd above broltles- i to agnurltirrc- bepcirlmeiu experts la- b t 1 000 teet and at once became j auifactorj jammed one on top of the other while i one- expert sas that tar the next few the pilot and observer of thi loaxr weeks the livesttxk marketa 1lkel will mochuie luid the observer of the upper be deluged wiui poor eutle as farmers baled out rifely till remain ing pilot witsd otft their herds but hv adds that brought bom- machines down success- the general run ought to be good r billy there u on abundance of feed in most they will be repaired at a savins of larti of uie dominion and cattle rnlir tliousand of pound era probably will finish up their atock carrolls candy kisses jelly beans or popping corn pumpkln faces bbcuit butter tarts cmhv fruit loaf cake chrui mincemeat m l c richmellow cdeese p peanut butter z frys cocoa ib tin pork and beans ciru- no 2 tina c s coffee d riour x5c 19c lie 45e s wansdown caue flour pk 23c quick quaker oats is- pkg i heinz ketchup x biu 35c heinz infants foods 3 15c i spaghetti or rekdy cut macaroni i v soap flakes i 25c j 4b box singapore sliced 3 ib 11c 1 1 pineapple 2 lfia 23c old cheese n 16c heinz vinegar i bi x4c tomato soup 5c princess flakes cm di 34c stickyfly coils 3 for 5c chateau matches 3 bo zzc chipso flakes u 8c 20c halvei floor wax zjc 43c rinso powder nt 9c zzc woodburys soap cli s no lllavtvr c0okim aiiies f qunrt ibwltfl 34c red emiwrtir iuapich 2 19c irup white o imnchch 1ft cllkiv heahts cm lor lifc nhii sunulht oranges perd07en 30c fruit and vetreubk price until sikturdmy night only carrolls v