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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1940, p. 4

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c thursday novbtfbba 14th 1m0 the acton tree press paaiitnnn wpv al waju3 stood on the sidewalk w 1 looking uncertainly at the great x gray atone building a year ago he would have thrilled at the thought of entering till great unlvenilty a year oflo yen or a month ago or a week ago and today he stood on the aide- walk dreading the moment that he ahould have to present ms credential the prank that had seemed mi funny hack at wlllowvale college seemed utter ly childish and foolish in this environ ment judging from the figures inirry- inu past him one class period had just ended and another was about to begin fioms students as they passed laughed lightly but beneath the laughter was a seriousness of purpose an intentneas upon live problem of getting across campus to another building in the least possible time all this now made the stunt ot leading a goat to the platform during dispel time even more rldleuli us than it had seemed before ha ward had not planned to lead that goat to the platform alone it had been a senior stunt that was to have been carried out by ten of the senior men ifallowe en had been the time chapel itod been the place and hal ward wus one of the ten genlors who were to have been the actors wlllowvale college wus a small school and only a small college would have tolerated the various pranks that the atudenta hod tried now and then hal ward never had cared esperlnly for thwmte jokes tie wan a little older than the other students was working his way through college and felt there fore that he must take hi work more sorlously than the other htudont kever- thelrss lir nlways tried to be a good sport and when jokes were proponed entered into suoh activities heartily and with complete good nature tlie hoat episode had bi eu ur far an hal wnril wan concerned u complete fiasco tin seniors as befitted lin ir advanced statue in colleiio had boon per mltted to sit any place they chose during chapel freshmen sophomore and juniors ilwuya occupied assigned netitn the pluu had beed briefly that elm ira tlu goat should be iriddt n just oulnldt of the east door of tin chantl at precisely twenty five minuter after ti n ten senior nun im ludlnu hal wurd were to rlnt walk to elmlra hiding place unci leud her to tlu pint form at tlu nionu m nln uun hoosted up nil of thl snitnrt viin it rttn unci tlnu tliclr claw nnng now oa hul look t el bmk upon it nil tu wus not only oslmmrd of hl part in it hut rullur dlsgusti i an fur ihi could rc it tippcaretl thut tin hi morn wen tin out i llal luul worked at hi- job s clirk in uu ittlrunnm imtulhil until i hnpi 1 tlnu hi luul tnki n the wiit lu inid nun hi to tukt hud ki pt 1 1 im iruik ii i tin 1 lint mid ut xui th tin upiointtd monii ut hud i tfii n to i ud t mini ti tlu j unpointed uionit ut hud ruu n t h ud riruliti it tin plulform it his nut print ttu ollii i iiltu bt ulors wi n mmtii n in mulil h mul biin u dlltuult diumon v in uu i ii pn iliui th ii in tnd u hue coiikli unit metled to unvc ihupt 1 lunmnt l or v hither to go on with tlu pn nrriinbed plun mul luul elmtrn to tht 1 luttorili li hlmnelt 1 hi tx nior- nlwuys hitfl tnmstid unit tlu rrthhnuli curry throuuh irtulu joki mul it struck him huddliiu thut it van mill fulr thut tin st nior llullowi in nluiu nhoiiltl bi cur rletl lhroiuh ti hi iirruiunit lornhrd m cnnirquuub ir uloiu hud u ti elnilrn forward hi hud bawled lur to ttu plutlorm and in id hu hurt situruj uuttlnii or tin sudor h bii4ii tin lr iliiiis koiik hut averted eyes and silence luul toluwed klmlrn s iipimmimi 1 hi n luul bun u few mipprt asetl nukir- on tlu purl of the lowi t 1 hivsmen mul that a is nil if vim him hlfdhd mr wind uu m ilii x pi lit on tit win mi in ii tit an nl nun hud sum wi shall iimtlnui th lnptl uiviif in soon is tlu i muni il is n nun tit 11 tnistu if tlu tollrtti uho must it u ti ihortl hui t romlmd to iiut us short talk wiulii nituiilh ui ti in wish t tntil un huikiirih tied lurid hul hud led tin goat down tin utli ilt n in to tin doot of tin ilmpe hi luul known thut tin trust t uhuiued to wmt tin ollegc ininimoiniiicl u mi sir and my astronomy work with you hal had sold maccren b shoulders had shrugged ln- dlffi rently oh i fancy that the dla meter of the sun will continue to be slightly less than a million miles add thut the temperature or the sun will continue to be about ten thousand degrees fahrenheit whether you are in my clasnes or not ward the only thing we shall mhs here when you are gone will be goatst that will be all i it is u little unusual entering at this time of the year said the unlver slty registrar a few moments later when hal had nerved himself to the point of entering i suppose there were no er it difficulties at wlllowvale that caused yan tp enter and then leave so soon hal hesitated the registrars eyes were on some papers before him a lie would be so simple he could just re mark casually oh no sir no trouble of any sort maccrea had told him that he would make no notation on the grades concerning his dismissal from willow vale thu man so far from willow voir how could he guess or find out before hal had spoken the door open ed quietly and a white haired man some what stooped entered the reglntrai jumped to his feet and nulled over a chulr ftcvt i mind thunkn duncan said tin whlu haired man i m jtitit on my way to my office and i stopped a moment htn low voice become so much iowlt ut thin point that hal heard no words in u moment the rcglxtrar murmured tnis fi tlou 1h rrom wlllowvale he ik thut mt murmurt d the whlu hulreo one he turned to hal conn over my office in hulf un hour will you yen nlr ixplli d hal courteously for whom hituli i unit tin i idi rly man looked ut him a mmm nt mid tin n hmuu d jum unk uny one far the president n office lud lu uld kindly hal could not imaglni why lit hud been iinki d ut i onu to the prtnldi nt n offlri lvi n lu wlllowvale a comparatively flinull rolltwi tlu prihldont st itiom talked new thing of this year it was tradi tional for the seniors to introduce some surprise stunt at this time of year un fortunately they had picked the day that the trustees had chosen for their visit m needn t save been so hot headed about it all he said to himself and in ipeodu amongst the laws we and came a voice from the building marked divinity eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand hal heard no more he was passing along the wide walks where the golden maple leaves were al ready fluttering their last and in his heart- was hate towards seward mac crea an eye for an eye he said in low tones ah oye for an eye if ever i have a chance to damage maccrea as he 1ms damaged me l the president strangely enough was waiting for him when he reached his j office you knew seward maccrea down there at wlllowvale be nslced hal abruptly why yeal answered hal the president nodded in a small college that is usually tlie way every one know everyone else more or less you had worked with him in astronomy possibly hal nodded yes sir he answered he wonderfjf this might be leading up to the quesudtrorwhy he had left wll towvale at this time of year i used to know seward pretty well said the president thoughtfully pretty well 3ood student he was tout i always had my well not doubts precisely and yet that u as good a word for it as any perhaps i hud my doubts as to his ability to mix with students you see when i started at this university business a proressor never mixed with students he was supposed to sit up neatly on a pedestal and dispense information thatjj not the way teaching goes nowadays i i have come to the end of my time oh president of this university i have always promised my wife that on my sixty fifth birthday we should start a world trip my birthday com en shortly maccrea is being considered ns my nur- cossor ward do you think hu would make n uood college president the qucfltlon wa niuipped at him abruptly on abruptly an uu prihldtnt hud nlui t d to talk why why blunderrd hul uneusl ly i i could not judge u rtrrloiut point lllcr lluil ulr i un not unking you to judr i im unking your opinion oa ii formi r hindi nt or htn us u former ntud nt in tin colli gi vlwrr hi bt drun of nun wtird hal fairly trembled again hi wux in maccrea s oflln and maccrea h uords wen sounding hard lu iuk i urn the cmly thing we khali miss lure when you ur gone will im goats i and now ilh if him to come here he is tlve next pre sldent of the university my boy hal crimsoned and you knew ft all he time you were asking me about him i tlie president smiled good hatu redly wily certainly the president of an institution like this one lsn t chtosen on thw whim or a lad who still has to earn hi first degree i wanted to test you out to see if maccrea was right in his judgment of you hal started suddenly the president reached into his uop drawer for a letter i cxprlled him i was sorry the moment i had don i it i honestly dldn t intend to do ii and i hoped nil day he would come back to me to talk it over when iil dldn t i uent to his room but he had already left he intended to do gradu ate work with you he may come to you and i think he will to onlsh his work for hu bachelors degree if it is humanly possible will you see to it that lie gets a fellowship he is uood at obtroriomy and should be putting ns much of his time on it as posfdble vut him nt a rough job well i went in see jilm get along as easily as he can until i get there and when i arrive iii take care of hal ward i think i must have forgotten the pranks we used to play when you were dean and i was student the president pause and read s little more silently well ward thut is all thnt will in tnrent you and about the fclowshl- here he scribbled a name on n slip of paper ive seen him about it and he os a fellowship for you ward until the new president arrives at least he ended with a smile as he stretched out his right hand for a handclasp tlwt hul knew he would never forget war expansion in canadian industry tlie erection or enlargement of more than 100 industrial plants in canada under the govternmenit s industrial development program now involves ex penditures totalling some 100 000 000 these will help provide for cnnodae growing war needs ry the canadian press llrittflh cabinet war committee appointed but churchill not in it public demand for a small executive body to supervise britain a conduct of military operations tn the r1ml on nt war ltd to the apiolntment of a war committee of the cabinet 29 years sqii by prime minister h ii asqulth the veteran prime minister announc ed november uth 101ft that tlie elm teglc conduct nt the war would be com mltted lo rumftelf david uoyd oeorge andrew sonar law arthur balfour and itcglnal mrkenna lnrd kitchener was not included at the time as hi had left for a alii poll u investigate condl tlons there and at salonika as early as ocuibt r 2fth uiril cnum i had dec nrcd in tire llo ise of lords the public wanted a small committee chosen from men representing ure best talrnt in the country a little later lord car son resigned as attomeyoeneral ne disagreed with the aovernments balkan policy exclusion of winston churchill from uir war committee resulted in hu immediate resignation as first lord of the admiralty and his departure lo join the ornish army in prance 1lghung in nalkana the campaign in the balkans found serbian tnwips reinforced by british and french endeavoring to stem the great drive of the central powers who hail a new ally in bulgaria mustering in southern serbia ule allies fought bock courageously but the fall of prllep on novembrr lflth left hum defending only a small urea nnrth of tlie orcek brun dory iu hiding tlie town of monastlr russian forces strove dcnpcriitrly to hold up von hlndenburg s army in llu- nnltlc wvtor on the eastern pmnt and they biirttcdid in rapturing two towns west of rlj a tlirn was llttlr- cluing in position no thswetom front where tlie alllesl and german armies mvpared for another winter in the trenches lives normally with heart hit veteran of pint great war with bullet in vital organ still mays coir london november 13th cp the say inn old soldiers never din fits the case of n man who iras llvrd n normal lire slucn the 1018 arrrnslua jvlth a mnchluevun bullet indited in tht wall of his hrart in the publication laiucl u on y turner professor of surgery it london university describe he cone an unsuccessful operation tp remove tlu bulb t was ierfornied 30 dnys nftcr tlie mildler was wounded i dlmhoritcd frjtm un army in 10jj lir took i louti enl im fori reluming to it civilian job he was utik u do urdln nry things in moderation lucludlnu mild ganu uf golf he married ten yearn aft r tlie operation lost april the old soldlrr was n ported quite well tliouuh a utile tired a re mill of tlie present wnr not th lust ont sold professor turner onp orntndakiue a man wlw luul four sons was asked what lu intended to do wltli tim ii said tlie first will be sv aoueltar uu second will become a chartered account ant and tlie third an assessor lo an insurance company anil how about uw fourth olv the fourtlrwjjl be a professional bankrupt and will keep the whale family but tihrfk a i imit canherra cp while members of tlie foreign diplomatic corp in australia enjoy tree reglstratlim and free motor driving lie nses and immunity from the traffic lawn tht y arc reported to their honu- government for serious breach wiifrjk mroif fndiiitfh st oallui swltwrlnnd cp fran cols hildeguer french sergeant interned here found his named carved on n tree with the dult 11171 hi grandfather hud rarvid the name when ire wan nw jump uh rd of the prussians in thr prniu o pniinlun war be n men if ymi want lifiht clean mil le pr a fr able work i c 4 r n purlieniijt the trails which otfert v ptictlcal triiliiei men more itcsdy all yesr round eroptoymenr in slmotr every city sml town you will lie stile in s ihort time to run your own hop no oilier buiineti reipnres uch imall starting capital willi s llsrhcr sluip you can add your own pool room cigar stand candy and soft drink it tinier etc all in die nunc building u inter the one cvpente for rent huhi an i bent there is prailimlly no hum id your earning power with all tlietc opportuiiitiei your mmmand there 1 an cvicl lent cliaiue for you if you git si all ii d now isv you 1eorn man write for free htera lure america largeit lyitcrn scliooli from toait to iojii moler barber schools sm v0nge st toronto lo individual ntudints without mime very di unlit pnrponn during the intervening un rnt my wen within hut imnd mu hulf imur lu wi nt to tlu imployment crea n uami wui under dlncuvilnn and u word from him from hit while not t not u thliik wild the mun in churgi whj ut lhb time of jiur yourir fi 1 ow what inuld you expict we huvnit i vt u in furuiui john lift nr dlrdiwiuthhig i job or mult waiting jobs i0othlu i j nriy great wright was mi rely worth a i llttli minn thuitt or trlu prujclrnl uouln i tut hi w listing umi tulklng with him hi llntughi of miiccn u li tiding hnpi i ixrrtiwh he ctmld in nr in hln uir ut work wim scarce this year anyhow and i distinctly at ir maecrra were within tin ii wu ull himpimd up within tin until wm the way mnrcmi ruid tlu flttj thru duyn i kf hid pttulm hi i ould hint ttu stud hut look inn mild mul dittmruttly inu vulcctt rrnpoiuliiik nut i urn llki i huvi lo huvi work of umit kind i u gr i n ollvt tru trr tlie hoiihc of cod dont curt what it 1 111 do an thing i tnuit in tl nu rcy of god tor irr and ut ull but 1 huvi lo work liver tluy dldn t mukf tin niponttii so kuv tlu nut of hum liiughcd tlu o fervi ntlj fir amoiu ilsi tilt ritn mim rht rrully rllht tuv though ull wlnn sonu thlni ku p in toiuji i huvni t i hut yftu n mlhht turn lth uilni vt r i un up huruui iuukiuhi hul ktunuulh whj if i i un t tivt u job i inn l utti nd i luiscn i wont im lun ut ull i huit u work ti hluj i thought hint u u ft how win willing mid 1 urn to turn hi hund to tiny thlnt at ull hi could ulwuyn find u lob and tionu utiita unit h trut enough uurihl tlu man but right now u lot of peoplt nnr working tlu ir wuy through iouiiii sun 1 you huvt t nough money to lust you a uhli b llu ttnu you i um d uint up muytm wt tun hud mmu thing tor you llitddj suld hul tirloiisl i huvi i hough ui tat itghth for i wttk if tliln h no work i can i luj will bilttr huk mxt klmcetur maybe fu bi on luiiid tttrlj tool tio lonij out on tin campus hul tt nhuu di r h dt inlpi d w tth djtuppoln tuunl hi bud ki pi hls mlle mul lil iihiiuj ulin thut iimnuir but ut luurt hi vuu uux lb oild tut k t thin uiumrittjl hi huiiuy mi uu tl libit t tlmi tin ultu ul nil 1 will lu would go down town to tilt b imiu mi lion and mi w hut kind of work lu lould lotuu lb won d run uui u tlu pniutiih oitili tlrit lu thouhht ub nit this ultu lor u minunl afui nil if lu couldn t utund cottegt w hut wui tin ust of imuglug ubout nt ull 1 tu pratdiih could tuivi uotlunt imuli lo tti to him mujbt it wus onu tusum ollvt tn i hoini how llu llkel tlu mush ul miund of that phrtuu an tt for un i hou hnrsh thul w ut bomdt ttu otlu r mi 1 1 luul it not bt i n in mnrcreu colli ji wi ulri h ii om ul snuhtlily will sir prodded ttu pn sldent 1 lu u hul found hints if li liinn utxiul tin i hum 1 gout lliusi o how hi hud ld llu uiilmul uj tin iilsle tht prthinci ot tlu tnitut s muccnil t ct nsurt of his i iirt in ttu all ul i i riust udc bun cnizy said hul fntliklj i giitah i m crnr now to till ou ull of this for u pnbubl wont unt me lun whin ou nt i w imt n troiiblt iimkir i w hh and it ulwujh counud upon tuklnu mj nuifttt r h detn i hi rt ut tilth unlv i rtdty llu only rtason i um till tut uu nil of this in so that vim run hi i for jourt if im no om to nsk ubout muccn i i hi homst sld of mi t uh mt to utun you thut you couldn t find n flni r mun for tlu pluii hi bus u wonderful hold our tlu htudtnus and lu hlnim if is ns ntruhhl us a du iindthiit outil n lot utth tht studnils ytm know um tlu sidi of mt til it is hi tuimi tltitr hroiilli il bt m droppt d will it iiillh fir un im f r un im sh hi ttnisl iti witli it dtsinuint mlh llu pnsuitnt wius linking uirtus th impus his tliim r tips mutchwl ncntl tihit tlu r hit ilbows in tht irmi his swivtl dnitr and if i told mm thut murcn n hius los his job thnt tin itruhttit dtclnnnl ills dlsclplliu loor i im ou would unr hnw durcd pull a htunt llkt tlrut whtit would ou su wurd hul ward lrnnedforward oh hi txuith how uttulrs wtn ii link uuiht luul not knowli tlu win thi n thl d i ir hnu been cul wi to tht diuns ottl i and miuu riunrd mnccnn wlh tht premutmrl whiti rut h of luur on his right liniple had wuthlngh dumtsfied him fnim uie cmlr f 1 inn hetvtll ashamed of ou wnrl miurtm hndsuld sevrreu 1 dldn t know sir that tin trustees wm then in tlie front mw if i had mumn sir i ou should lttie known sunpied maccren it mi lime a brilliant mind wurd it 1 b pity to uic tt in such chluilsli pranks your grades are being prtisired far you at tlu rcgutrar s office toil ulll kindly not upiwar in the class rooms again l im being expelled hal had asked it wouldnt take an master mind to deuce that maccrea had said drily of wucomluv new studtnu inn or sonu thing llkt that hi hu f turned to uiuh dldn t dldn t u his job bt cause or im tin stntt ur thut wua cliiiiglhg down no wondir he wnvangrj i m sirrj tlu ainet towards him with thr isvii honestly x am do ou thlnk if 1 went loop on it ht took lujttip or two to the tnistees mid explained thut it was toward tht stnt t cur and thtii jnustd all m fault oh wlmt attintlon would it 11 onl tuki a fiw mlnuus to no tln pu tonu he ended over to his onict tie told htmsolfi u the president smiled and waved ins win be iirett rikle not to go aft r i hand nevllgmtly iii loll you uu im told him i would will ian gos with and ouu of it he said softly mnccna lunwa tlwt i dont sit dangling mj lieels ts as you ta straight as a die he in some outer office for a half hour i knew he was being vojifiwered for this hu thoubhts of reward maccrui wen place he wonlejujo e fair all around far from complimentary as he crossed and so he told solruhtecr that if in the campus if tt hud not been fori a ere eected he wanted to be released maccrea he utjuw right now be alttlng there well the dldn t like thnt er in on astronomy class at wlllowvale well the met ut wlllowvale that college there he had had a good job rnoriunstto induce him to remain and hero there was little prospect or any uhrn he bn h wished to be released thanks u seward maccrco college was ln wimi t m nnheralty they used wa or matnder 1 wl f ft handle and cancelled his i of uiu setnester it sunt oven as if he i contract unthinkable un t it hut had uiought up that foolish prank about on the night berore our committee 1 the goat nor as if it had been some had met and decided deflnitelj to ask a bigger car a better but new bur ekxba new masmvo boauty nbw faster accelorabon fltw heavy rigid frame nlw interior luxury rlljw stabilixor rldo control new soft slower action springs new roominess new vision grass aroa increased up to 33 c new wider scats new longer wheel base and spring baso you cam buy a 41 ford for less than any other fullsize car in canada lets look at the fads on the new ford car for 1941 body entirely new and bigger wheelbase wo inches longer seating width increased as much as seven inches better vision 22 more vision in sedans 33 more in coupe ride completely re engineered for amazing ni u comfort new soft slowacting springs new ride stabilizer acceleration already famous nou stepped up for even faster pick up add these to new massive beauty and luxury that matches the brilliance ot a vtype 8cylinder engine plus all around economy and you get just one answer arrange right now with a fordmercury dealer to inspect anddnve this biggtr car tins bettir buy canadisjw cars rob canada no cars sold in canada utilize a higher percentage of canadian material and labour than those manufactured by tord motor com pany of canada limited vv mm for 194 m see the 1911 model now on display at norton motors m e well be clad to dcnioiibtratc

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