winner trophy ran txar raotrr th jvtton sttt rt0 award of merit third rucc pore best torroniai sixty sixth ycjar no 21 acton ontario thursday november 21st 1040 eiglit homeprint pages five cents 16th anniversary services at acton united church splendid sermon by rev prof a s orton of emmanuel college torourt- choir and soloiflut provided mtwic and led in ser vice of praise good congrcga tlonn attend both morning nnd evening services the anniversary occasion last bunday ot the acton united church was marked with splendid mrmoni by rev prof a a orton of toronto fine music by the choir and soloists and good eongreejations at both the morning and everting r vice the usual denominational courtesy wan observed and the evening services or the presbyterian and baptist churches with drawn giving members of these eongre ration an opportunity to joto hi this anniversary occasion the special speaker for this oocafion was ilvv prof a b orton of temmanucl oouege toronto his dlsconrses were a careful study of world events or today and their parallel as found in the bible ids discourses were a delight to those who heard him the preacher based his momma dls course which indeed suggested the theme tor both sermons on jot 17 13 a ilorvms high throne u the place of our sanctuary in our time he said there has been call tanonv men for freedom nut this having been largely aooornpllshed we hstve become somewhat ured ttt it and are looking for authority this has been specially wldent in ttalv and oermany and to some extent also in america- there is a manifest desire for discipline even in democracy we see this evidenced wen here in hither taxes snd in a movement toward universal military aexvioe in other words men are seeking a throne in oermany that throne is centred in a race in italy in a state in russia in a class our thi one is in the sanctuary with all wl ich that involves ood alonr has the sovereign right to command our lives and all these other systems much in the public eye at the present are ultimately bound to fall the throne of the text is in thi new testament called a throne of oracc this was illustrated by n itory of an act ot edward the formor prlnc of wales when he wis in india on tint of his good will trips while his rather was still icing the royal party was su roundrd al some distance by a cr iwd of hindoo untouchables who were kept back by rapes take down tin- ropes the prince sold let them come near and he spoke hi theitc locally despised people as one- of themselves that said the preacher is the grace of the lord jesus and it is this factor which is the throne or the christian church the choir s anthem in the morning was tcvonlng and morning by sir her bert oakeley and don kvans rendered a splendid solo come unto me the evening sermon by prof orton followed the theme of the morntngonly thot the thought was of the man at the foot of the throne ourselves rather than of the throne itself the scriptural basis was found in the eighth chapter or sccdhohrcihgh aiytjmt verse and hasael said but what is thy servant a dog just as in the old days so it is in the present when people are at war they think the worst of the enemy until man solves the problem of himself noth ing will tie settled in effcry field of endeavor we find men striving to under stand mankind all the laboratories of the world are seeking diligently to undir stand man and when wt know man wo will be able to de with him as we do with nature nou when wptaiow man wi can reform society in this study of mankind we have the scientists who claim man is nothing but a coup omcmtlnu of chemical processes the view of the ptiyschol wist t that man is a conflict between ourselves nnd our subconscious selves we were saving before thi war thot man won a com munltv or korutv mode man but mans view of mnn results in much of our mis understanding ond a cnultj and brutaut of government tills is true not onlv in i rsmnrtu or any other country ood mode man after bis own imagine touts the thing in man that makes him protest roul play and brutality aod working in our soul makes us do the thing for the right mans approach to the throne is through jesus and through htm we ore remade in oods image two splendid anthems were given b the choir a the evening service and mrs w j beotl gave a fine soprano solo saviour when night involves the bktes miss pern brown presided at the organ during the day a thank offering o received and met with a splendid re aponse from the congregation too much profit london cp- pines amounting to li tint were imposed on a firm said to have been selling bacon at 350 per cent in cjreess o the fixed prire the firm was selling trtmmlnn not sold by weight mrs g agmnv tolls of experiences in wartorn china the thnnk offering meeting of the woman fl missionary society of the acton united church was held in the church on thursday evening with mrs b mowat presiding the devotional period was taken by mrs b mowat mrs r l johnston and mrs a t brown a vocal duett was contributed by mrs velhuls and miss ethel franklin members of the presbyteriap boptllt and anglican societies of town and balllnafad umehouse and bdcn mills branches were also proicnt mrs caldwell introduced mrs cord m agnew ma of china who was the guest speaker and who gave a very won derfal description of the fortitude of the chinese people m spite of all the bomb ings and hardships they are going through many chrness a of wear ing apparel were on display and proved quite mtrrestlnx to all little ttath aktww was also tntrodue ed a very hearty vote of thanks was given mrs agnew for her very interesting talk the dedication of the offering was given by mrs fred cleave rev mr glfford closed the meeting with prayer gobs to new position from here to faraway trinidad mr c b kennedy who has been a member of the office staff here of the deardmore co for some years left on tuesday to assume a new position in trinidad prior to his leaving acton mr kennedy was guest at several gatherings held by mends in his honor many friends here regret his removal but ivlnh him continued bucccfw in the mw fled mm kennedy and the children will remain in acton for a few months lu fore joining mr kennedy in tin new southern homi tine halton tarm ror college graduates complete with stock one of the finest farms in the scotch block sett tment hal ton county has been sold through j a wllloughby realtor to john pullen assistant traf flc rrclght agent for tire canadian nu tiqnol railways nt montreal u ho has purchased it for his two sons the bonn john jr nnd gordon are both graduates of an agricultural col lege the sons both recently married ire starting out on the form this form consists of 200 acres in the township of enqueuing and is v ithln within fi mllph of acton the vind r was william j soycrn the properly vvos the old homestead of thomas cox who purchased it in 10da from james dcwnr at tlmt time a great deal i the farm was covered with pine tries mr cox was in the lumber buslncr- for over 50 years the land all around the farm was timbered with ptneand there is a saw mill which is still in operation at the corner of the farm that remains a landmark of the old days when the lumber business flourished there the residence on the farm is con structed of pressed brick and contains nine rooms with hardwood floors throughout there are two smaller frame houses for the help there la a new steel born 100x50 feet with stabling for 5 horses 30 tead of cattle and 4 box stalls the soil is adapted to fall wheat and ahalfa there is an apple orchard j during the present session i wiu en and some peach trees and the water dvar in this column to give an un supply comes from the mountain by a i biased summary of the debates in the gravitation system into the house and house of commons barns parliament opened with the usual the farm wns taken over as a going formalities but the opening was strip- concern including a large herd of dairy ped of all of the usual social functions cattle horses fordson tractor full line i it was announced that the first work of equipment and all last years crops of the house would be the debate on the the new owners have already token speech from the throne during which a latf jamfs melntobil who passed away on sunday momlng in his 87th year thank offering 1 meeting of the knox v w a last wednesday evening the knox i young women s auxiliary held their autumn thank offering meeting at the home of mrs robert mac arthur miss ruth nelson ttas the guest speaker and i nave a description of indlnn life on the british columbia coast and especially nt kltimnt alierc she has been teaching the devotlc nal period os taken by miss isabel smith and mrs s morrison nnd misses wllmn ond dora hansen rendered a piano duett a reading from the clad tidings va given by ml i marguerite ronxell the members of the anglican ywa tt re guests of the auxiliary and were welcomed by the president mrs r splelvagel at the conclusion of the meeting a pleasant social time ft as spent over the tea cups and miss bessie rowlings a bride tobe was presented with a sandwich plate und jilvlr butter dish mis fred an dexson spoke on behalf of the auxiliary and miss emma cole made the prenen lotion garbage collection system to start here in january glimpses of parliament by hughes cleaver llsltons member possession and are making extensive lm provements to meet their own require ments professor wallace of the oac owni a farm in the same vicinity the pur chose price is not disclosed friendly cinje elwls offieers for the year the united church friendly circle young women held a very successful uftemoon tea and baking sale an no vlmbcr ifltrr in the church school roam- the friendly circle held their annual meeting at the home of miss bennett on wednesday evening a report on the past years work was given and officers far the coming term ucre elected those chosen were president miss laura johnston vice president miss lillian fields secretory mrs john pell tremtirct mtasrmarwildersptn o roup leaders miss dorothy kliah ing mrs stella adamsaa mrs henri waterhquse miss alsenlna olbson curtain monitors cmlss irmo wilder spin mrs f kentner miss bennett gladly consented to con tlnue as class teacher for the coming year and is to be ably assisted by miss isabel cowle on behalf of the friendly circle miss bennett gave a short address and pre seated mrs alfred duby nee doris rllton wlth-a-gtiuto- honor of herrcccnu marring the bride replied very ploos inulv then everyone joined in singing shcii a jolly good follow tin wufc sirved and lunch mjoved by all the score ml roote 333 177 130 530 h otterbeln 202 173 208 043 r crawford 03 iso 391 e grlschow 100 iso r- 340 w corry 271 210 224 711 r longford 103 102 355 force 001 b70 000 2830 b r 012 871 012 3005 maul manager from england to acton plant full discussion would take place with respect to canada s war effort and that full disclosure would be made of what has been accomplished to date when this debate is completed as it doubtless will be in about a week or two then the house will adjourn until about the end of january to permit the hold ing of a conference with the provtncon to dlrciis the elrotn report afu r the iimial speeches n ode by the mnvir und seconder the primi mlnuur opened the debate ft r the qovernmciil ulth i speech com ring lhrtt main topics 1 c innda h uur i tie rt 2 dlscusslon t the interna lonl mlu iltnn end particularly o ir riln ions ilh un us 3 our wnr aims and in imnired the house that can full ex tent of our n sources mr macki nzie kuig we havr been brought lcre primarily to diacuaa the war and imrticulsrly to discuss canada f war effort we on here to get a picture or the sltuutlun as it is to day to pre t nt the picture as i mtc it 1 have taken considerable pains to bring together in a form which i hope will enab e han members to carry a ay in their mind the developments which have taken place in the last three months that is to say in the period of time be 870 000 3830 tween that at which parliament adjourn 012 3005 ed on august 7th last and its rcassem bllng nt the pneent session in my review i shall deal first with armed torces next with the national oon and training then with munitions and supply first the army in the relew he gave on july 30th last the minister or kn tional defence mr ralston t lid tre house that the totol strength of the canadian nrtivi service force on july 21st was 133 573 officers and men thin figure had risen by november flth to 107 417 uhlch represents an inert use of 33 044 at unit time the strength t utside canada uas 31 007 this has now risen rorce howlers hnish rourth in tirst series the force bowl ing team mind u p the first series in thi ouelph co miner rlul bcuung irfagui ului u 7 0 vtcu rv ove r b ai h motors although the team finished the nr t aeries in fourth plocn they did remark ably well to make this position consid ling the poor start and the fact lhot njlin uur nort wlu be three of the members of the team were lie w to the gume next week starts the second m rlt and the team should finish n ishtly higher in this aeries swartzendavis v wedding at mitchell on remembrance day the first wedding to pc performed in the new trinity church mitchell took pluce an remembrance day november 11 ui at two a clock jhcn ruth evelyn daughter of mr and mrs ii d davis mitchell became the bride of lieutenant gordon w swartscn 32nd military training centre peterborough son of mr and mrs peter swsrtzentruber of ehmira bronse and pink cryssnthemum and potted ferns made an effective setting for the ceremony performed by the rector rev c l longford the young couple using a satin kneeling pillow a family heirloom in taking their mar rlage vows the wedding music uas ployed by mrs w j skinner snd dur ing the signing or the register mr franklin moore sang o promise me olven in marriage by her father the lovely young bride wore a poudre blue frock fashioned in redlngotc style with blue fox trim matching blue hat and urey nrci ssorlcs her corsugc was of mauve and purple orclrids miss ailren diuhi of ottawa her sisters mold of hun r wore a smart frock of dock grey en ie matching accessor lm ond cor sage e f american beauty roses mr curl clow of tore nto uns gruorns miui for the reception at the home of the brldi j parents following the ceremony the bride s mother wore o gon of rose sheer with brack accessories and car- huge of joanna hill roses while the bridegroom s mother was rrocked in navy crepe with navy and white accessaries her carnage woi of sweetheart roses the bride b table woj laid with acloth of lace and centred with the wedding cake tall pink tapers and pink baby mums in crystal vases for their wed ding trip the bride had chosen s frock in two tont grey crepe grey coat lth grey squirrel trim and dove grey and red accessories thiy will rcsldo in peterborough both bride and groom are honor graduates of the university of wcsterni ontario mitchell advocate 1 school board completes settlement on new toilet syteni at n nprcjal meeting of acte n school board on friday evening details were mp eteel re garding the installation of m u nets at the public school mr be ms of the caustic sanitation co as present to confer with the board regarding some items which the bcnrel felt had not been completed to their satisfaction a new ventilator is to be installed and other items were dealt with satisfactorily the guarantee on the system for twenty years was presented and signed and sealed by the company by this guarantee the company jdlreploce any ports due to improper materials snd keep the system in proper working order and free from oil odors during the twenty year jwrlod the secretary was authorised by motion to pay the company 1500 on the purcluue price and the secretary and chairman ware empowered to sign notes for the balance of tl500 owing oon- current with the term of office of the board and renewable interest was at five per cent per annum trustees j ii boyd v b rumley and dr p o oakes were present and in the absence of dr a j buchanan chairman a a dills was acting chair man for the meeting christian culture night at united younf peoples the united church young people s i union met in their weekly keaxlon on monday evening this meeting being the christian culture evening it was under the direction of miss isabel cowle the meeting opened with a rousing slpg song led by the president mr john pell the scripture was taken by mrs pell prayer was offered by rev o c gilford a period of bible study was taken by the minister rev o c aifford miss ihnbel cowle took the topic of the even ing her subject being the european jungle after a short business period the meeting closed with the benediction i new industry- almost ready to start operations equipment nearly all i tu tailed and hope to be in operation by december lut bride of month honored b fttlends on two occasions ls dorothy phil ips a bride of this mouth uas honored b friends ut tuo irs this ueek on monduv i a ioup of friends mode u surprise visit a uir home of her parents mr and mrs e phillips frederick street when man pretty aiwt usrrul gifts wen presented her on tuesday evening another group of the congregation of bt joseph s church held a second surprise parly shattering miss phillips with further gifts and spending a ver pleasant social evening with her more machinery arriving daily and hoinp made read for operation baxter laboratories who arc moving tluwoolpnkuw c 003tlurn frnm to enillund at bradford uit canadian acllvr sirvlcc porfc in canada oni no jujcompiuiwd muoh of the tank the wool comwna corporation ol canada vcmber 0th an 115 334 uoulnmct i betas lntalll in tho toe the navy ruciory building purchased from mr a slnte thi outbreak of uar the develop i iason and it is cxcclcd the plant will ment of our small canadian navy has be in operation in the new quarters here been lltue short of phenomenal even by december 1st in the last three months its iiersonnel at the end of the present week the ha risen from abe ut 0 000 at the be office will be moved from toronto to the a ton location mr garwecke plant manager has moved into the brick house hopew the housing shortage ill noon at the beginning of august e had 0 the r j kerr estate and is nati find some rtluf after losing a former ubout 130 vesse s in jmmlsslan ex ming in acton xperlenced plant manager with the eluding destroyers by the end m oc hrvrmnf the urnnrnj nti has secured u new plant manuger mr boyes und his assistant mr walker both thim men und uulr lves urrl ed here on mundiiv and the uork of in stalling tin new plum is being rapid puslivd lorfturd for tlu prefluu these couples have tinning of august to 13 034 on no cm not been able to secure homes and it is ber 7th to be ready for occupation removal of other members of the company is also being delayed owing to the shortage of homes in acton acton bos enlisted this vek s bsglstar sl uf u o b t j tube t humu risen u ier 140 q the company will not be able to move pony officials ere naturally anxious and as cll seventeen corvettes ad four to acton until january when one of the regarding the safe arrival of mr boyes minesweepers of our new contru hon new home in the mason subdivision is and mr walker had already been launched in thj rame erection of one scouring machine was period thanks to the arrangement con completed some time ago and another eluded with the united states our des one of these 235 foot long machines is troyer strength has doubled we now no being moved here and place beside have twelve destroyers in commuulrm it while a great deal of the machinery the uitphfn qhowfr for is in pace we learn that much more is with regard to the air force and air u due here from england before the plant training the mmiater of national da- ssspinnp wi i be completed 1 for air tmr powerl told the home ij ltahtudb 1uui last juty thot on july 24th the rojal conodisvair forfe numbered 1 765 uu b uawungs a bride of this officers ond 17 d8 men or 10 453 in all month douglas vi donald crew sons corner has joined the r c a f this week ond is stationed in quebec qeorge moloxst has joined the rc a f and left today for brandon man tdscornmepoe the training period machinery for the new lant is arrlv ing dailj both by rail and by transport the fine road now directly into the plant from frederick street iras gveatlj facili tated the company in getting establuh ed the canadian wool company who honored on tuesday night by november 2nd these numberj hud by members of the lakeside chapter risen to 3 348 officers and m 350 mm i ij- bl tt kitchen shearer held for or a total of 30 500 this represents on her at the home of mri wm ooon increase of over fifty per cent in sddl voung street a splendid social evenlntf tion 3 187 men had enlisted for tra ning enjoyed and a showsr of useful and now have a registered warehouse in b at the beginning of august pretty rtlcls for the tytahen presented acton are securing a stock or aool wluch on november 2nd this number had i mus rawllrtgs who has been standard will be processed in the plont here o rea 0 884 bearer of th ohabbsr and a very capable floor of the building is devoted entirely i national bsguttsilan and willing worker mads fitting reply to storage and sorting of aool for this mny j now iby n word s national to the complimentary remarks made with company j concluded on ptge kight i the presentation of gifts brampton barrister addressed ys men at acton meeting lost thursday evening it juos the prlv liege of the editor to be a guest at the fortnlghtlyltsupper meeting of acton ys mens cub this is a group of 15 young men who hove several projects in varl ous stages of development for helping the youth or this community last eek mr west barrister of brampton and president of ontario and quebec baptist young people s unions was the guest speaker his sub ject was looking forward and it proved a mast inspirational and heipful address george williams was in the chair and introduced the speaker matter of fact the whole evening was a feast of good things the supper was a heaping plate of dumplings vegetables and stewed veal of such generous pro portions that at least none xeejuirfd a second helping this group are span soring dramatics in the y and plan to help the boys in their annual camp this year jim ross will have charge of the next meeting on the 38th when major j barber company commander lome scots npam will describe huorld crulso and illustrate it with moving pic tures token in tire various countries- fellowship committee in charge of knox young t meeting the regular meeting of the knox young people s guild was held on mon day november 18th with the president mr clarence coles in charge the meeting was in charge of the fellowship committee of which miss d folster and mil m otr are con veners the scripture was taken by miss ines mclellan and mus jean bonnie took chapter 3 of the study book a musical selection by mrs itall was enjoyed as was a solo and joie by mr w burton a reading entitled the deacon s courtship was given oy mlu emily young a qui of foots about canada was conducted by miss orr ixmm jean bennle and uus uar- jortitllan were the winners after b sing song of hymns tho meeting closed with the national antham and the mlspah benediction regular and special meetings of ouncll deal with many irotp icms contract for toilets in town hall calln for completion by december 10th survey of ihaihrance pohciea shows need for revision and correction protection for school children at highway crofwing not con sidered ncccfwary councillors w j o oakes j ir crelghton ond 8 m sinclair ere pre sent at a special meeting of council on friday evening and reeve j b choi mers presided mr a mason was present to discuss the securing of water service in the new subdivision on alice street he asked council to co operate in laying out the property to the best advantage it was suggested that for the present the water service be connected to that servlelns the storey glove co this was satls- factor it was understood with the of ficials of this company superintendent wilson gave prices on four and six inch mslns if the work vts done now four inch rrtalns would out 300 70 and six inch mains hal m from bower avenue the cost of the temper- ary arrangement was about w council were agrw but the matter would be dealt with in a regular way at the regular meeting k mr wasmsn was present to stale that owing to objection of some people to him having the contract for garbage collecung he felt it would be better for him to forego his tender he did not want to antagonize people in the corn munlty after ilewlng a schedule of the cost of the service council asked the clerk to prepare the by law as originally set forth and present it at the regular meeting mr f mooney was present regarding the plumbing contract at the town hall he proposed to have mickey niggtns of brampton do the work as he was busy with furnace work the material was all to be new nothing could be done until the regular meeting as this was a special meeting and the matter was left over until tuesday council then proceeded to the purpose for which the meeting was cahed name y to go over the financial statement to be presented to the ratepayers at the nomination meeting covering the period from november 13th 1030 to november 15th 1040 the financial statement wu passed and the clerk instructed to have the usual number of copies prepared for nomina tion day councillors j h crelghton w j o oakes s m sinclair toid j p davison were present oh tuesday evening when acton council met in regular sesslnn and reeve j b chalmers presided this nas the second meeting of the week the twenty third report of the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts dobble lapptn constable for hollowe en s 1 29 w brlttaln constable for hal loween us j diamond constable for hol lowe en 1 3s f moffat constable for hal- lowe en 1 35 f coles constable for hol lowe en 1 35 bell telephone co services 1048 symon hardware supplies 3 77 e t thetford bailiff and dlvl sion clerk fees 16 00 actom pass pssss printing and advertising o r brown sand hlntons 5c to it store supplies elliott bros supplies allansmith tile herb fryer labor k brlstow labor albert oakley mowing at park bank of montreal coupons bank of nova scotia coupons provincial treasurer sinking fund 170 47 400 30 7ft 700 4 50 2 00 3 00 80 83 11308 155 81 1584 10 the clerk reported that a represent- oootlnusd on pa lrv coming events announcamanu of utcllng cos ccrla or olhir gvtnt undar thi haa linf ar charkad ta centa par fine with a mialmaai ehar tor any announcamant of ale town ilal saturday hovnnber 33rd ui tea and bttelnb- million band knox church churchill w a will hold a baling sato saturday november urd at lira caldwell a home knox avenua xclon oontimuuon school dance frltley november alnd at ml pun pmceodi or red croaf 3o3 1 t ji