rtat bom thd acton free press tiiunnuav noveunnn am imo kotlc 61 blrtt ihrrkim l dtta r hunted l tkl column without iwm k wtmorllm notlel s nd lo j hm oddltlonil foe pntry died mrfntooh at hu ut rmtdence fred rick street acton onurlo on sun dy november 17th imo junu me inukh beloved hubmior iufr jn- oraham in nil 87th year n mkmouam fitxndkrort loving memory of m r der mother nd wife mm john j llendenun who puied wy novem ber lain ibm ever remembered by rrosbakp nd pamnv ods and ens ms than five weeks until chrlst- tnu plan your christmas shopping now and phn to do it in acton she unto sign board on ouelph i was blown owr by the recent torm the frame u up and the roof almost on one of the new houses in the mason subdivision before december 31st rolls round school children will be going to school in the dark with the first floor laid walls are now going up on the new hank of ioova soour building more hunters returned during the wmk from the north and each had his allotment of deer knox male quartette assisted in the service at the untied ohuroh at alton last sunday evening with practically no residence rules prevailing most any place can assemble a hockey team this year the annual lawum of the ojta will be held in toronto on 8aruday kitrim for clubs close on november 37th turn ptan parts special christmas dltlon will be issued this year on de cember 13th it will again be in christ mas colors a group of thirty or so army trucks passed through town on wednesday afternoon under escort of a highway traffic officer nominations are scheduled for to morrow night from 7 30 to 8 30 it is planned to hold the cltlsena meeting following in the council chamber the y men club of acton y m c aw have sponsored saturday night parties this year which are proving quite a feature among the young and some older folk too the acton and district red crosh society request that all sewing and knitted articles for refugees be sent to the red cross rooms not later than the first of the week owing to the very unsuitable weather on remembrance day lakeside chapter iojdje carried on their usual decoration of the so id lorn graves at falrvlew and dublin cemeteries yester day moll for overseas troops and parcels of tobacco for soldiers overseas were lost it is learned in the recent sinking of the cpr freighter beaverford if letters are missed or purchn no re oelved by the boys some of it may bt accounted for in this way mrs william dennis the passing or mrs wm dennis on tuesday of last week came u a great shock to the husband family and friends mrs dennis had been about a usual and suffered a heart attack from which she never rallied and passed aivay at her home on cameron street she was in her fiftysecond year besides the bereft husband she leaves daughter mary and son john to risbutrt her loss they hove the heart felt sympathy of many friends in this community where they jtavc lived for several years bef6re marriage mrs dennis was sophia kowolchuk the funeral was held on friday morn ing with mans at st josephs church conducted hy her pastor rev father j i mcbrtde interment was made in dublin cemetery weekly war commentary specially written for the action free lress by upon pdkl canadian press stan writer continued from page three glimpses of parliament fierce fighting was reported november 111th with the italians retiring from kor ltxa important albanian base but put ting up strong resistance in the central and southwestern sectors of the front mi again premier mussolini of italy on novem ber 18th made his first public address i iuen in all walks of lire to the call stnoe he drclored wsr last june he tor voluntary unpaid assistance in carry told his countrymen he would braak the ut through this great survey of cjtad n continued from page one registration tills gigantic task was the first undertakings nf the department of national war bervlrrs nflcr its crcstlon on july 13th- i da not need to toll hart members how promptlyliow vigorously and how efficiently tlireulstrrtli p va organised or howsmoothly and eftlcleri ly the machinery for registration wnktd on august 10th 30th and 31st i if out however to express to hon m ruber- of all parties and groups the warm appreciation that the goernmnt ft li for their effectlvo coojinitlu i in thin great national task the cost i f th registration itself was kept at a mini mum owing to the enthusiastic n ponsc new telephone directory issued for this district an important chaiiri has been made in the new bell ttlephuiu director 1 r ouelph acton and vlctnilj which wu issued tills eek the list of long distance rate to out- pf town point most irequently called is contained on two yellow pages bound near the front of the volume the classified section for kitchener cjwlt and ouelph which was previously bound in tin heal btok has bui omitted but tin alphabetical listings tor these communi ties art included as uvtnl hlncc thti itutut uutaluk sotur 18 800 new unci changed listings m tin ulph i betlcul ftlroctorj alom uie import anct of destroying the t id books and carefully consulting the new ones btfare plucmu cah is ob lou1 if the w rang number lulua 1 l bt uvoiotd james mointosh deiith separated acton s oldest mar rled cduplo when james mcintosh passed away at his home on frederick street early sunday morning in his eighty seventh year on december 8th mr and mrs mcintosh would have observed their sixty fourth wedding anniversary mr mcintosh had been in falling health for some time but his unfaltering spirit kept him about and his lost illness was or brief duration bom at ouelph a son of the lata thomas and balsa mcintosh james mc intosh has been a resident of acton since 1883 early years of his married life were spent in fltewarttown and mil ton but most of his ufa was spent here up until the time or retirement a few years ago he was connected with the leather business first with the late jas moore and later with the beardmore co where for many years he had charge of an important department in this town which has so many listed as tanners james mcintosh was the dean of the industry but james mcintosh had things other than his dally work in which he was faithful and untiring for over forty years he was treasurer of the baptist churcjj and his efforts in this congrega tion were untiring rarely indeed when health was good were he or mrs mom- tosh absent from the family pew and many times did the welfare and upkeep of the church of his choice take up his otherwise hours of leisure throughout the week james mcintosh was a man who was respected and appreciated by all his cheery salutation on the street will be missed his influence in the community won for good trie took a keen interest in all affairs in politics he was a staunch liberal he wan the last member of a family of six besides his widow who wan before marrinre mary jane graham he leaves two hons frank in acton and roy in onhawa to his aged partner and tire sons sympathy of many friends goes out the funeral service- was held on tues day at the johnstone rumley funeral home with services there and at the graveside conducted by rev e a bax tcr assisted by rev ii l bonnie here friends not only from acton but from toronto oehawa brampton george town sudbury ouelph mooreficld mlchl gun and other points assembled to pay tributt to a life they adm rod li cr ment was made in falrvlew cemetery the pallbearers were meutn j h boyd j c matthews chai franklin wm worden k crlpps and m mcdon aid among the floral tribute ihich oifo bore testimony of esteom wore those from the family temple lodj- a f ac ajwt oahawn onhawa rour club oehawa chamber of commerce deyman ae irwins onhawa the lewlngtons onhawa mrs ellen lethbrldge mr and mrs ju clarke oshawa mr and m3 wllford olllott oehawa mr and mrs a cowlt oshawu col torrance beard more toronto directors and staff beardmore co bupost church cun gtcgatlon baptist ladlq aid mr and mrs h s holmes mrs dryden and w a storey mason knitting co em ploycen mr m j graham mr and mrs w qraham ouelph oto mcintosh family tkarott mr and mrs oeorge deacon mr r f mcdon ud mr and l mrs j ii bojd mr and lra chin th franklin nd famll mr and mm btrt j mason and mrs meleod mr ind mr robert wallace mrs armstrong miss e ornham mr and mrs stricktr and mlfs l wuite back of greece if it took a year to do it no also boosted he would make no peace until eng and was annihilated conferences between hitler and re prrncntatlves of other european countries continue king boris of bulgaria fol and other war supplies lawed molotoff to berlin and on sunday he met the german fuehrer and ramor serrano suner spanish foreign minis ter general ion antonescu rumanian chief of state u expected to be hitlers next visitor lienor gallant captain it was announced november 10th that the victoria cross had been award ed posthumously to cspt fogarty fegen gallant commander of the armed mer chant cruiser jervls bay the jervls bay was sunk november oth when ahe chnlleniied a powerful german raider n the atlantic the heroic fight put up by the british craft allowed 34 of 11 ships in convoy to reach ports of safety oapt fegen went down with his ship air man rueeeas air minister c o power tn the house of commons november lflth forecast the complete success of the british com monwealth air training plan the out put of trained airmen by the end of next year will be twice as large as expected when the scheme was inaugurated he predicted acxpert instruction in the art of ski warfare is to be given canadian soldiers crack skiers are to be trained in military skiing at ottawa it was announced by the defence department november 18th and these men will impart their know ledge to men in various units naff over midlands waves of german bombers smashed at the industrial midlands of england on the night of november 10th 30th in tense and alrcrart fire and fighter patrols saved one west midlands town on which the nai concentrated their attack for hours from becomlnir another covin try about 200 houmis and other build ings vcrc demolished but damage to military objectives was cold to be com paratlvcly slight while thin was olng on r aj bomb era raided berlin and penetrated as far as pllscn in bohemia to rain bombs on the big skoda armament works hungary joined the oerman italian japanese alliance november 30th the move nave the ajcih powers access to the heart or the balkans steps were taken at washington no vembcr 30th to release fl of the largest human resources the response of people to this first universal call to dltv was magnificent the most graphic index- of the progress made in furnishing needed munltlnrs lou pment s perhaps the total of war contra u let on august 12 th we had awarded for the account of canada contracts to the tola amount of 8303 000 000 by novembei th that amount had been increased to morr than 8443 000 000 of the 443 000 000 worth of contracts 87 per cent have been placed in canada b per cent in the united kingdom and 8 per cent in the united states in addition to these amounts canadian industry ha 3 undertaken as of september 3rd 1040 total contracts from the government of the united kingdom in the amount of 8134 000000 for equipment and supplies and commitments hove been mode by the united kingdom for capital expenditure of on additional 881 000 000 in the first twelve months of the war our expenditure was 8300 000 000 or about 800000 a day the collapse of the resistance to the kvud offensive on the continent of europe and the ellmln atlon thereby of many of the protective factors of time and space were followed by an immediate increase in our flnan dal and material responsibility the result was a rapid and progressive rise in our war time expenditures in june and july we were spending about one and a third million dollars a day in august nearly two million dollars a day in the month of september we spent 80 000 000 in october our war expend tures were over 81 000 000 the october expenditures were at the rate of almost a billion dollars a year in regard to the recent ub treaty mr king sold i should be the last to claim that the ogdennburg agreement was due wholly to the conversations between the president and myself or to our reciprocal declarations in 1038 i am happy to know that in a moment of crisis perm n il fr endshlp and mutual confidence aruurd over many years be taeen mr rooievilt and my made it so cosy for us to conclude the agree ment reached at ogdensburg in reality the agreement marks the full blossoming of a long association in harmony between the people of cannda and the people of the unit l states to wnlch i hope and believe the president and i have also in some measure contributed i should like to remind the house that the only limits the government is pre artlljery according to mr baldwin the answer is only one our artillery units ire firmed only with obsolete ib ruunrte u left over from the innt ar i wo orul irrj units in training in my province onr at bt stephen and one at frederic ton hove never even had a wooden run wltii which to train 1 talked to the officers personally and they are just slrk about it 0 what is the stage nf production of tanks in canada how far if at all have we progressed 7 how far have r progressed in thr manufacture of arroplanrs i have lern told that no engines are being msde that it is only hoped to make them at some indefinite time in thr fitftlre 8 what is thr production of aeroplane propellers and hubs 0 how does our effort compare with that of our nlster dominion australia from a recent account i read it would apimuir that in every field of war en drnvor australia vlth nly about two u tints as many pnple and probably rn- than two thirds the wraith of this c i in- try is far ahead of canada dealing with the mill tin train inn scheme mr hanson said the first s iu- grstlon is tlml thr length i f time n training for thrse men br increased to at least four months and that wr train three groups a yeor instead or ten the first eight weeks of this four months course should br designated the basic recruits coursr and the second eight weeks the trained men s coursr and graduation being required from one course into the other in regard to the international situ atlon mr hanson suggested i suggest that canada approach mr devalera lth a proposal that eire lease to canada certain strategic airports in the south and west of eire for use as empire air stations uiose wlu ordinarily would have sub scribed millions of dollars in reply to tills charge i would s ig ursl that as thr inan was fully sulwcftlied it was not a flop and that so far as the country at large is concerned wp are further alrrad to take large incomes by taxation rather th hy of a loan in my next irttrr i will cover the reimirts given to the house hy dlf ferrtit war ministers iiuoifeft ci eavfr 1alllt inflkkahp nnwlon op increase of six per crnt in railway rates effectlvr december 1st will affect only rasual travrllrrs work i rn wlii use trains dally will be rxttpp i l col j t c moore ilrnhoxrai lljin t l r of 1nnnjwrt has anniunird in regard to tire last war loan mr hanson charged it was a flop i da not care what the minister soya i have been- out through the country and i know what the people think about it wlat were the causes for the failure of this second war loon i am trying to help the minister if he only knew 1l i lay at the feet of the administration the charge or having imposed tremrd ously heavy and oppressive taxation by the 1040 budget this taxation affected indian tfxiini ians hlmlfi cpi tin giuf mm nt of india n nking arnumntm ntri u train about 1100 te hnicliun f r nr industries in ttrordniire wltli recommendations of tin technical trail jug inquiry c ri mlt l i upjjoliitn in june royal ouelph cemferutlile theatre thursday to saturday junk ann cagni y sheridan in ine of the itimt firturee theyve fvrr 114 together city for conquest with prank mciiuoh pona1 1 crisp prank craven hal unlaw hhoww continuous monday in wednesday iv tmiinholor down argentine way with don amfche lie 1 1 nihil nrmen miranda inirlnttl greenwood kiiown dally at 2 i 7 00 0 of p m b 2 ft acufl protect your hcnlth by weannr goodrich rubbers we have all the styles in a full range of slsrs to fit every inr from baby to o rand ma also a full line of mens and bqv work rubbers includlnii oum rubbers leather tops felt lined qumi felt top gums hunting boots rubber boots etc and the prices are right b 3 haculut clothing shoes men women children t r y tor courtesy and service barrs quality grocery anniversary and buy british sale prices uarnteei i or the iialance of nov emher no storks supimed united states bombing planes to great pared to place upon canada s war effort britain it ufts also announced that the are those imposed by the extent of our sperry bombsight one of two highac curacy bombsights developed in the unit ed states hod already been released for british use tracing mining in boiiibed areas bureau in london records cnsual ties and escapes for rclathca benefit r london noembcr 20th cp a little old womftn try ini hi r bust to wnllt resources both human and material and by our capacity for sacrifice we will make financially possible the utmost j effort the people of canada are physic ally and morally capable or making mr hanson in opening the debate ror i the opposition dealt in the first place lth his views with respect to the duty of atn opposition he asked a number of general questions and then offered some criticism the following arc ver batlm extracts rrom his speech may i at this point pause to enunciate the vie ith respect to public business oi the party i hae the honor to lead i want to be very definite about this matter today the policy or the con j priced to stand comparison weliincton pure pork lard 2 b 19c monarch pastry t l o u r 5 b 19c devon good quality mincemeat i cnrtoiwnoc supreme verctflblc shortening 2 b 27c exceluior inslry r l o u r 7 spy snow greening apples 6 ii oz liottloi 2 2v a ijurh 27c 17c oz tilth smiths pure ketchup dainty sanchvicli spread clarks tomato juice habitant iva or veg soup 2 ri van camp tomato soup 2 rfj blue mountain pumpkin 2tut21c record no 2 tin tomatoes 2 tinj 19c garden patch g b corn 2 country kist peas 2 ti 19c 2 st- 17c 17c 17c office n the htart of london rvntivt party u to conttnul tin policy and asked n lrl ckrlc please can you f cooperation uith the eovernmrnt in put mc in touch iii my daughter htr w the ovir thrt iuh tor th trept bombed and i can t find hr efence of the nation re a d to render szl clerk jotted down tht ditunhura dtanc mn b in our aer oltsein ed their fiftyfourth annu eusary quietly at home mr and lrs george soptr quietly observed their fifty fourth wedding an avenue on tuesday many friends in actun called on that day to extejadcon sttttutations to this esteemahle couple visitors from out of tcram were mr cruu mclam toronto mr wm mc- lam of somta and mr and mrs mel vln super of ouelph address consulted u register and sent tlu mother auy huppy in tht know- lodgt that tht datightt r is ali i and ihuiu in bil ct thisort of tiling happtm dullj although tht rntllnu is not allnvs a happy tit tht mthsint ptrsons burrau of thr london council of social stnl c it s an orhunlration hlc mutntalm 1bu fuhe adl bu ih unaon p to attain the suprtme djirllve 1 henby rededlcate this constrvatue party in the house of commons and in tht countrj to tlit scrlce or the state to the supxemt tatk of helping to win the war ovtrstas to prepart f r tlu delenct of our biloed rountry to htlp soht tht probltms of govtrnmini in in donv stic split rt and ho far as in our tirs iu iirimioti hit hnaust gtkd aledc ferguson gmlph l i o00 in tht prolnccs altx ftrguson pawiod aun suddenly the bureau traces people ho navt c t nt hlu home in ouelph on frldaj io i ember 8th mr ferguson uho wius in his 8nd yrur nn salt- ot uie late ovorge fer far tlic mrrattbt number of our fel ou i i have a llt o specific qutstions i been bombed out completely and lo m art- in billets or havt been rchoustd t u sk th journmrat milts awn it mlflht also be able to 1 why have no rlflts betn made in trace a person sent to a rest centre canada to date for usewby our battal on time bomb imperilled the why are our thirty day tralneci giei i onl old ross rifles many of uhich may not be nred- onl those uhich ht but often i been rccondhlivrt may be fired kuson and catherine mcouvrle pioneers because of this district hi nas born on lot 10 j home concession 3 erin township and spent occasionally wr have toghe inquirers not be fired i- wiiitm ih urcoter port of his lite on that farm tragic news a worker said but often been recondl nlversary at their home on wallace wfta ulc iurvwor of i ttc prtdllcp h relaues for an 3 why i there oich m a fami y or three sons and ave daughters inquirer ho thou he or she must machine guns tor use bytnachlne mi all or hom predeceased him srverul irave been killed we work closely with units vcur agonamcl james doa cuth the police i 3 win is snal equipment pctkally erlne mrs alex burns ephemla vln- the london council or soical service non exist nt mr baldwin stressed tn william bums annie man and bella is largely sutffed b voluntary worken in his review or our conditions on qc highly respected by those who kntw much financial help u provided b the tober 1st him he will be rriucmbtred b mon lh british red ctosm erin township as u uood friend and auctflon salfs auction sales listed by rpy htndlc tor the immediate future are tojefxlbjr noyember mth e r wll bum bast asrslrsxs friday november mth thos o war ren krmnvosa monday ddoembet othwm thomp son krln township i neighbor about forty vears ago he was united in marriage to margaretreed who sur vtxei him a number of vears ago they retired to oueiph where he a as living at the time of his death the funeral which was held from the macln fun home on monday november hut was conducted by its pastor rev mr oallsgher of chalmers what is the position utlh respect to bren gins why u there so much secrecy about their production fr6m united church of which the deceased i time to time we are told that production was on active and faithful member i of this and product on of that is up to th pallbearers were cfessrs melvln schedule or ahead of schedule but ue burns norman bum oeorge bayne hnrdlv know what the schedu e is what rny iltndlej john tliompton and tho is the schedule in connection with bren hall qiurment too p ac at fverto i guns we are told that it calls for a cemeur thousand guns by the end of next march the sympathies or nmnv friend bo out i a large portion of which are to go to to mrs fergu in her sad and sudden j england bereavement are there any 35pounders for our iliiio pudding powders 2 ikgs g nujell jelly powders 2 1 13c 1 s1l er plated spoon i ree with purchase of any three packages of iheac british links niuiisii peekrrean ixfiion puith old rilcr- nrw slock 15c pkk nritish peek rrenn arflls olil 1 i ir nw hlocit 20c pkk british ieek prenn assqitlhd old irjce new sine it 25c pk nritisii isahkclth allsorts nrw parkoir new tor it 25c q ptjffed w 2 quakerpdifbd rice 2 p 17c snuirth green gge v l u m s 2 t ns 19c it ill pa to buy these pmahs famous apple sauce tins 2 t ns 19c blue mount tin hiced or halvd peaches 2 t ns 29c falcon lomb rd p l u m s tins 19c i york choict quality raspllkkriks o tins 29c illu- mountain it kpilerries strvw kerrs 2 t ns 33c junker o ts t ine or coarse low price 15c box fresh christmas fruits lnr cuknants 2 lb 27t lnr sultanas 2 lb 2x with stcds kaisins 2 lb 2 seeuld kaisins 2 lb in dkaihij sum anas 2 b 17c pit ih daihs 2 tb i7i finest u i h 1 1 lb 27c l or o al il ll i tb 27t c11kon cat phi 1 lb 12c bkokln c hrkkibs lib 1k tnrgc whol chi- 111 1 s 1 lb l ft crjstaliziu gtnttfr ip1rr he- pinfaiplfc kings 1 for tic pineapple rinlrs 1 pkg lic fancy shellnl almonds 1 lb yc larsc broken walnuts 1 tb jl oiuv thfc inut quality altlllll in alii line glopads 5 forl a onderful lauihtry so p cj cakes ig- maple leaf soap flakes 1 ufo ivory saj largt size j cakes 21c succ- dry brightwax n 59c free war swings stamps given away with purchases start saving toy