mi atnpfotnni iui ss i hlhtjilla v lllikumiii ml 1011 liartdn3tfmlrri llllill vr 1hrui 1 al itaiiu ailri u ull ua1kh on lt no hailttiya nlv ml yti a ih huiimnt iliiitfil mjt ailvtnuwwtwi i auinp mi is tiui tki hmitlhwl blluilill ij ii j l 3hwkc whats it wohh to be in canada i thus week issue of tm fuu phivs contains two irttorn rrom england one is from a canadian noldter trom this district and the other is to relatives here from a hfclonft resident of enftlnnd they aic both intimate letters telllnr of thccxpcncnces that arc being considered today cveryhlay routine in the old land we don i know what your re action will be when ou read them but ours was one of deep thankful itcss und a reeling ihot we in canada do not fully rcali7e the rnvii of the situation failing to realize the seiiousncss of the present time we art not put ting our wholi eflort into the wnr and without tlu the whole t flint r cvci britisher and all t tan huuic liom our futiids vm will not win this is not n pessimistic view but oiil thai we might as uvll realize now as anhmc it miiltus httle what the pint taeh plns as long us n is a full cffoit v111 savings stamps and eitilientes ait iist us impoitant as nn other ntrvitt 1 hey nit not feu children alone but foi etirone the cull now is for 10 000 000 11 month invested in thest gilt edged eer tilkutes caniidu piomiscs to pa interest on the in vestment surely its worth a regular amount saved taeh week in this way to live in a country far re moved from the terrors told about in fnglund turn your thankfulness into investment buy war savings certificates and stump now let hitler hnvy hifi answer from determined dumdums to stamp him out them milii n little return ami y l tost the uinsmiiu the piesrnl prices i llieie will he no complaint on irmiiiuith on buy in u but thciiyis a need to net that n few do unpgmw fat uu the thinga which others must loiogo lo demund all there must heji commoniithh in the giving too 1 etfjis be mini that piite nititases aie nimilled by facts rutlui than tlie pleading of good legal loutisrl dtmociiiey has a stiuggle on tlu home front too its a testing time in in on ways ihun on the battle lint a wnr conlrlbullon fnim knur ulntrleth a irport tabled in the house of ominous iiihi vtn k gavt some ml her ntu 1 1 sting in fo i million re gaithng llu natiomil kegihtiatlon earned on lust august it is iis mtiitsimg to note thai huh utu r fou i on i in in e 1 1 tlu i at dish u th in yltu h hit it gistuilumi uiih tanitil mi withoijl cost i best utio hullnn i iimbton wi si i nuoln and itilli attoiding to tin report ii tosi sunu thing ovi i 10 n nts to i ihoi d pa i tii u i tils 1 1 gai ding nub pn situ inul tin it uut 7 hit 1 1 ij pt it pit it gisii ti d i olkh who uttiktil in thlse omitus ami thnu who gave tlu ust it buildings can tlguit out their win coiilii button ptibaps on the number of nanus hgisteitd llu loitil tstiniimtil iost of togislj ittion was 11 m 101 us iktllarw druxmlh ncinimi many jinadinirs do run seem to reiihi thai with iei tain eveeplions i is against hit law foi them lo hold foieign ciirreiuieii which of com se iiuludeh united stales dollars so urgently needed lo buy win mato litis abroad l is the fiiiuiiim of the loieign rxchangc couliol hoard to gathei in all fonign tn change nrising out of oin expoitk louiist enpendi tures in canada and fiom niisicllunoinis sou i tot and release it for purchases of neioplanes guns and other much needed eotnpueim principally in the united stales if any canadian has united states dotlais or any other foreign exchange in the foim of bunk accounts hills jicques drafts oi si nil lit i instiu ments in his possesion without the permission of the board he is not only evading the law ami leaving himself open to piouecution hut he is hindering canadas war effort the work a i ottawa huhully written lor iha anion lr irue ity john iiaiuiiinmc canadian liu huh wrllar tin canadian war mori a vlily tlavuw tif utvliiiiuiiu along ilia 1 1 ohm trout nitvkinwr ii ut ihtli editorial notks anada s hmo potato crop is estimated at 42 058 imh cwt uu uicrriise ol lit pi r tent ovei last year pi odiu lion industrial employment in l anuda on ktohn 1st aikoiding to siatimuits iroru 12 ul linus was i us 70s pn sons us lompiiicd with 1 ihh7hti in oitohir a iij ago kitail sjilts til gasolnu in anada dining tlu hist hlm months til hmo total 4sh imo galb ns mm pared uith loiolikk gallons in the eoi responding pliuid ol id w ottuwn lttntlhi 4111 l on until lual piuluy niinulmiih i iltilihiimii thoiiulti ihtii im tjluuuiiuji mvtklona duuwi uoiilit m1 nuily 1 1 llu wnnk pitinn mln inln mat kniiii kliiu hint hiinuoiii tl tin t mljduiomrnl wimlii in- imiium mini lvliiiuir i7tli ul oiulublun it uu llu hmd ipt is ll ttiilktut llul it t hiniux n pliuiat iiuh iti in i tl imljiimmiimit inul lh hi mm in null ut urn k mi ulnu luuiiwinu u miuumllo i l oiiniimlli llniihi ijuiih iiiiiiaiiii llllllllll lo illulth hi mmiiitl blultlllllll llll inlt i mil limit iiuiiiih u ll hln u iimiiih ami u uu iim utisl tin i lit i 1 1ml llu ililmd wimlii im mmiimitli it to ullnw mil ulili iitllnil tr luu niiihil win nit iiniiun ilutliiiu willi ixilli limit nix uthuiuni i i ir n lit i ii mulillliiiia i unit nil iii ilium hn ii miii ii ttui i ho inii 1 1 inn m wuh nut i hwi i ml in liilmiliui uuv iiiutliia of t hit i itltltl llltlll istlllulllrlll mwnmiitl u hiiiihu hi ihr inw win nihni mlliulti miuulv ii on inlv tiihlii i mlnlalor in lubi imit in tlm llliniln fttish duluilo lukl willi his ittlilti mi nnit rnnnl1nrrfl v u 1 itllliillu llio twill hmnl iii lllr llnllht lllln muwlnn mr miujiily tllilu 1 mini wnrttr ltt hhki llnlly it mltllil lw nrrtiwmry in itiiullinii the hlmiidartl wmltlnu wunk tinm 44 lo 4h i mum mul that the hlh mln tif hiiiulity anil ovrrtlmr tuy uitulit lui i lutimtsl mm fam nllul initiihlrltmi inluht imi hint ihf i luu in him atldl tlunal mmi in ctirliiin nklllml lliitiw mi unit nihii nirn tniilil tui iimsi lit luwtinlllil wur work nnntuun ritlnl inttimtrlrj himi inluht lw nviiilrisl ui irmintfr hiiihh of thnir hklurd lahnr in war intlustrlxu mr mtitjtrly wan nru1nin lnt riiiilcil and hn klisl not ut all i1ir u nmtru llvn 7iininiiiiiwfittlh inhlrriiunn urnup rhli f imnmiifmiu nf iaihii inttrmu in i he llnuw a nil nil nlhtr mrpilwrn iim uaiiptl with cuiur rttnilluu lor kttwrinwiy llnly 1 ht niuy major tuitlmi llu ci iinktsl ww whuthtir iiumii uftr lliti wui uiiiim hbvu ui un tliniliull um ntiuir outit tin y hud nvir dm yi un ui uri u i wui rluulm itthutrml mr mcljtrly ntrtml iiualn uittl huuii din jkilnl lhul uny tniuttiuilniia iiiiulr ins i nfury hy ui tcur unuul im li nimiruiy isn uu i mt iii my only amdi irmn llu uilmir mlnuu r niutcii lnl wikn ihioiu hnn h iiwhiii ihlilly uiim liikni iit hy prhutr intinlwio tiu 1 uitli iiinii in um t mini itiinplulnla mint ihtil liny nn mil iw inu ulvtn tlltniull unik in tin hpukith rinin nil 41il1ia uiuiil ui il ninmillin ut ui lliiiltii im m l up nn llu y iniild lluvi un npjitirlulllty in tifvilnl m itlm t linn nf lh 1 til nut ii ihlnl wm umii in nuiihil iii ht aiiininu ililntlvit illil will uimli jiiimidi iiihi uf hi i will i j ut ii t hhiiiihmiihi ittttll nvt i n h i llt1 liui ii ii tun nno inn hnl toil i lit ullv un hutu i nlliim 111 upliiiiilniuh ly dj ml iv i rnrinhiiilliiu i i i i tnlvh 4 i nihil iiiiitniru inn iiliiintiihini roll wll hi i i wuippiiik uiiik hi h in i in i u mi i lun inn i nl ii i uioiil tt lll iilln mulillliiilliil al hulm j duyi ii ililu i iiiiiib ij mll dim l lt ui n niillonul llixilbliulluii 4 ui mil ii n piipiilttllmi i hi i iiuulin1 hi j ill i tii ul mill nullum r m iniuin f 111 mul up mi ailuunl llllh jlllh uiul jui 11140 illtuln i ml i inn iliiyui inlull il lllln 44 iu tiuit umplilil irulmlmllillh llu it iml lillil in ivni h ihuiihh il immllilntl 1nivllu in f mill i rlli uuiin in olluwti lutkiluy luimuiy i41i linvrliiiiiinln uf nil iilln iiinvliiitti l fit ntt li pi i hi iilultvra t ni i fen m r will unnlilm imp rmnthiji mmiii ui iiininumuii mi imiiioninn iii villi ltd n in i hum lit mljinilim til nf ii i imiinliiliiii uiul inivlni inl hi it in nf luxi linn nnr nf imim n niiinu lutul imifi in ii pull fill wllllitlli lluinw allhl ullul i huh iiininlmiliiiirr hiin wlnuh mi hiil uimip nf aimlrulluiui ut uiuiliml in tltmutii mull i hrliuili thimiiuniwrullli air i iiilnliiu iikii fl wur llmrn lilir mount inmio i nlulh in on uiviihj uny itiimi in u ixiiltrillltl llliu mlllm i ll itllillll ll trtluiri llu iluhl in tnnu hln iitmiil liuw mi uir maiiii iiiiub uiul iniulluiiini pinvldrtl lit- i wm hln luiulluiil uilttpnilr uiul trtmii i ml lie nf inuiitlmi in it m w 0 imnuslliilr rilfnri rnirnl nf u iliii i nluhlilmlloli if wuurn lliiniiuhmit llu mill i y nrucd in rrwnl ht hi mid nl nil lllullin uiuddld in il til wllli llf tirtiura iwlwirn an itllitn vliknn i ut nhd u linn llllllntn nilrrn mill w 1 1 hln fli in 111 liuhlmlliil tnuln i i lii dijmrl uu ui war 25 yeaih ajjo llv 1 1 in mimlltii imwih i vougr uf lltiiry iurdh iviue i ship of iwoinlwr hut i kivhiiimi iim illhl tlmll will hut liiahl iii luimlhn win it u illilmp plun hi ililuln if in i hi f i lijlhlmim mi iiflnihl in un hull il hln on hpminmliiii iik141 i vii u iiiit i rum i viiii lllli ii iu u hi iii v i ml it cm liiihikkh directory im lid iv in ii i i iniily inn p hi hhip i m 1 1 oil imlmliltllnl wh illm i ih i i1 tirii ill l iiimi imh lo h pi piiiliini in tl hull i 111 it i r i in i illilllm il inviki in hi i n i ullh i ii invi llslnl mil wlnii i it iiuly hiiliil in iiuiii oil l in iiuiilliiin und dill i in- n ul opinion nplu ut un inline mi i old n i in in lo a iliu ullei iiinliliik in ihlliililii mikiim hum in- i inlliuii 1 in wolk unliil pmpumilmtw in nipiiiiiumi juiii iii iiiiuuid niiit i ti ll mm mm lyuum uu hi uu luinuii- ri utu i l mv inu iiurni iullid hji unarohlat iffu g in uu il llu t illloiliiu afln llimnj yi urn tlliuiillnii hi wun uwiuild nl imu und llu toot of tlu uiul iii uuvi full mlpimil ui un uunrin mini whin llu ulllltd hutlrn diiimrd win in iinn nit miii i uf llu fititiliiu i lou id und jilu i hit p ll j a mtnivin fuyshlajt and nurimm oifii und loidrim cnnuir lloww al ami iltiln himud lw i j niison plililaii ami tnirfsaa mi un il omlur nf mrullh fur at tin i llm lluiuiy 1iionc ll wm u i in l m c c iliyaliun ui4 hurfan uiiii ii in i 4 ami i u pin huiiduy hy aiimi1uiiuniii mill rlliul ntnr pmdijtli k hiimi liipipliniib u uus i iflll anlmivnson iamihkllviiju ihiii mill m jjftia ah i hi poi mlluiu jw i hoiitb h u ii iii i i nin nm kuiuluys hy a mm i ll i m gill unly ijifial v i iiaihiiiani ii a tiartutmr und ualuttow naurf publu imimr uf uarrlawa ijiama letiuuliti ut hlrth maiilagua oaallia acrron ptiaiiaa h idauarn 111 t hope ibis hattle between the highway snow plou and puiperty owners on mill street who try an keep the sidtualks elear of snow is not going to be an all season stiuggle shorn uool production in canada in lm0 ts es trmated at m h22kh pounds the largest since lm2 llu number of sheep shorn is estimated at i hho srii uith an acragc yield per lleeee of 7 1 pounds hi wut funtfiiiti iiuiimiii l liul until id miililll nn und hillm dutlii uth nidd ni v inlu i mil iiuiili 1 uill un i lolul 14 m1 111 ii li nili mllh i id vim im i null mi dm n mm noil in imiinllilon if inn u nun itditnl luitliik iiillliuiln io pnm m lain ni iciil liuif liiltlnlilnl im illliu iillirwiilt m t im ty lini ui u lun tit u mi us ni vi iiil hrilnin mliun lid viiiuonur 1 1 ililu npiuki in iiitpsl thul fin liuimpiruitliti 00u moimii n him iy 1 id m nliutl in pnvhltil fin im mli rn nf tlu uriiutl ssonorio tuktn nn lnivf in cuuiulu llnutvir all i u llrnt iiullluuit of iinidliili i in i mllllmi r pnwt i uilliniliuitt llu unvi ill uulin iiliu i hrltlnh iiiniltnuui nlth air mint h td nu inuiillnn uf prnvlilluu im liiilnliu ilun mtlvi in nnidon itiikmiui lhlrt chrihtiiinn m iifuin 1 i dulrv irnihuu hon id inllnui tiufi mrivul in iiiuluii ut ihftiitt tlnl nhliu n thniiinti tin ilouid in in mlntsti i i tu in ton wu unnmiiuitl durlnu tlu miiki in nnvimlxr klllt iiko id tin uitk ih in tin mil hi cuhln t cuiiikiiuii luddur i hit n tn tin undid mt mtu r in nuiki thr lrunnallantlo trip klnicdum will lulu oj mm oou imndn nliirr tlu uur imuiui a fifth mlnlutt r 14 ot tilx i pimlmllou of jln lion hun c d llimt mliilhtt r ul miiiiltlunh uirmdliim in th iluuuii uf hlntitih punul uf hln loiiiitiy huiiiiiiiiim iiiihi unit miiull luukit win iiimumt1 at mini nl llu f h while llu mipt hli wiii i ninnlim lilt alluulli ui mho nn llu luinlt in und whtt in fiont win im kid in iinu h wiufuit mid riiililun und wiul kirm h foil a in tin iiulkuiin wnm tutrnullnu un llu alhuuliili uild tlurk fiuillrii lufmi- inniiturj hiiiuuiiuiib kunnmii m i angijon hanlaur hallnluw nolart puula orrirca ilanrwtiiwii jraiiiry i lit it uulldlua aoivjh ovar i uaymuba cjf l 1 1 if ilu pvr apimiliiuueiiu ilmru aium 66 jiruwii tftliti llnuia at uiti luetuuy u4ui ihiitmtuy i 31 tiii ui 4 ml pm fvn iliuh on iriiial hwilirn iv 114 iii i holm k li in 1 anil alt hwdlrh all if i hiv i ind im a j hucjianan ij ij 3 uattlaj huigaan onu in luhmaii mliuk hour a a m null fl ji iii bvwiincf hy a pimtl m iiin t utu fur mm lra4 uumu xau jufil wadtimulay artaramii tuii 14j vktkuinakv nazis sllhlihi iltlsh h i younfi vs li v si vrlrrlnary hurnin irftim llriytbvlllr onlarl ilmin ullutti i4r4 i oaki s v s 1 v se vartrliiary nurfao rtli und ltulniir n avini a uml ill lift ill p n ili ii in- 1 of nil not in faor the iwocai term voted on b the electors in mun ontario munilipalities received a uried re ttption although hist reports seemed to indicate that the maiorit ot municipalities expressed opposition to the plan xhcit a good vote was polled the opposi lion vus most cmphaticnlh expressed and uhtre the iiiestion reeened a finortihle maont its margin was not ver large in burlington the total ott on the question w us s78 and the question had an aftirmatue answer of 104 ocr the negative georgetown onl polled ms otes on the question and it carried by 76 neither ot these can be said to he a representative vote of these communities with an approximate vote of 42 per cent in acton the question was turned down bv 7b votes a num ber of ballots were poild b persons writing the word no in the column inmead of marking n cross apparently there was anxiety to make sure the question was defeated a general summary would seem to indicate the question was not in favor with the electors premier hepburn continues to tell other tolks how to win the war why not a little example i nun the buiwur province of canada and the diversion of the millions of dollars prom our alcoholic trade to the war chest we thought nominations in acton were badly oft when two have to be held lo secure a council but oakaille is in a much worse situation with all the nominations made nnd the revelation comes that they are not legal and another nomination must he held oaltville was supposed to have early election dates but this year they come at the end of the year ftrirnafi and no complaint there is little complaint with the taxation and the curtailment that will be made as a result of the changes introduced bn monday folks who have money to spend on luxury things such as are pro hibited can welfdnert their funds to the war effort its not c t0 nurl us t0 nde ln an ipdel car for a few years longer most of the articles which have a prohibitive tariff are items that are available of canadian manufacture at fair prices the assurance however will be demanded that 1 manufacturers and dealers do not profiteer as a result of these enactment folks do not mind eme without provided the privation is applied like n all people we find farm and town folks generally seem at a loss to understand how it is that their products bring i- lust week the brampton conservator completed hfi vears of service to brampton and district under the very capable direction of mr s charters and his sons this newspaper has given in the past and con tinues to wield now an influence that has had much to do with the upbuilding of brampton we offer congratulations and the wish for continued years of usefulness a note from a contributor to thf frff patss of news articles from london englond last week had a memo attached to his contribution mr offers his apologies for fhe condition of this contri bution which comes to you in this state as the result of damage by air raid action on this city the wonder to the world is that despite the destruction england continues tomiriaihtain such regular com munication with the world and carries on uiul supply will li hvi tumin new war lrtgnun ausi ik i lf llll m twll ki niliillm tm iii tlu oithluit fcis mil ruimin utlvniilfd l irlim mlnistr kit w fur it imiu chrlatmuh ruihm plinth r uiif thr dominion lro vlnclul cniiftrtnti tn lu litiwt 11 tdrnlh n mrt m h duud to npt n in i r jumi nrj i4th an iitrllii opuiltm tliuii hrumy 17th mr kirin mild would li act thuuuv rn mint with tiuuifluiint thin ti pri pun n itulnlutivr pniitntni it tn generally be- ronft rrnrr thllt nthrr btls jirobahlv will br bnhitl nn dtrlnloi i r iiitiitl ut llu continue uhll nthrr bllli prulmbly ill tli pt nd nn tht rrjmrts uiriu tl in tn tin uov mmint by cl rtulnum und mr howe on tht ir return irtim drltolu thr pnmuud drlttnh columblualuitkii hluhuuj in and out u thr iuwn tor jmrs in buck in thn- nth ukuiii tin uiternuunnul joint cdmrniwion invmi botlrih tht mulumllllun dollar projt ct is btudjln the frailblllty nf canndu btanttna the united staus u corridor or the h uhway in return tor thr lran fpr of mop american drhtroyrr in brtlaln proponrnts of the curildor whrmf point out that the highway ihmuuh british columbia and ttw yukon terrl tory would have a considerable xlratenlc vulut from a defence point of view if hostilities spread from europe to the pacific region but while the pomjbl ity that canadian territory might br branted to the united states is not considered so remote ai in the past the belief here la that it uu is exceed inttlv remote j copyright 1040 by the canadian preml 1 tiditlltl lot ill i toni ompurid diiip f nihllilutl iiiiiim in ni mipplu- of mii i hi old 1 in oiiiull iuh in mi lhul fun wi iu jmltl n iov iimii nn no in 17 iim id ittnwf ii itlit i tut t i m nil f nu nl oimrih i on i ijurtniint i munition un i hupf ly upioimd on ui iu i f ship iimiim tl n u d ihlj hlilir i hank li rtu auillonrrr and upremiultv h rial ut aaturanr itn i liurlr nlrrrl jj lrntown timk tablks at acton hiandajuj time oulng i- a i ijully rirl riijliduy uu y jucpi hunday dully xnpi htjiidny hunduy only kfir ui li uric own hytr ut luflph iolng l dully trifijt fjiihuy hut urdu y inly h r ul u pit uuil t k pi li ntou- hu iiduy und h jiiu only r m a m j 4j am it h p m fl iu pjb till i m j i i p m fl 48 anit i u p m 141 pm 1 0 pnk ii tj p rn golm riding i motoric- all yiar round in canadas l evergreen playground yes olic in vancouver and victoria golf is played all y tar round warm scabreeier and the protection ot the mijhty coaital mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which all outdoor aporu take on an invigorating newnesa plan noxcto viiic canadas ever green playground tor reit or plav the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation 1 special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouvers spsdous rooms and de lightful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in vancouver txavel west the jask1 way ussm tm ameohomohsb comnmsmml uaw wit seldom has there been a closer contest than the election or school board in acton on monday in spite of bad weather and almost impassable roads i about 45 per cent or the electors turned out to cxeri cisc their franchise candidates put up a splendid content and the race was close with only three votes separating messrs blow and mason last year a seventyllve peccent vote was recorded when there was an election tor reeve council and school board oatorbittkn horfs daruln auilralla lopl scat on itveral rncehonui running ln the nrkt mce here for year iliu indicated mtacl by nluujtars or the northern aiwlm i attractive rail rates m rfkrwiw sl4ptugsr fsrm l hm it w cntuhtf use iomr pinf rajt alway u v canadian national express teugraphs money okders sw4hi dffmjabffiry sofwy wrlbournp i7pi with lumber imports from scandinavia cut oir by ar rjome- brown taiimanlan pine is bflnu usrd for austnilr4n match t fuli mmmtim j y ijthsi mgtt rrav coach lines uoahkh lkave acton hlandard tlnu mhtnolni t toranta ol tn jo urn till a ui c3 oft p rn 3 i p m fl 3 1 p rn m p m wihtooi sl iff uandun 0 13 a m ku23 prn 2 3 p m fy431 p m 6 18pm iii or p m d10 11 pm nl i 13 p m u xcpt sun b- bfi ti hoi caat rnly d rpt hat bun b itol feai bun ac itol f cirrpt sun st flol x u klicjlrnrr to buatford t00- canadian national bui war avinc certiricates v