Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1940, p. 4

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paobvocm the acton tree press tlffllulday dbcemnrn bill 100 neighborhood news intereoline items cweemlnff other cenbres and communltiea in which many of our benders are interested ballinafad on wednesday afurnnon november 27th the november meeting of the w ms wan held ot the home of mr e swlndlchumt the president mm van hatter in the chur the devotional exercises were conducted by mrs i w shortlll tlie program consisted of a hori talk by mint porrmnn on chris tlan stewardship a watch tower ar tide by mm waroo and the utility book by mm mckay and miss d ii11u m- wm drown wu home from crop borden lor the week end mr and mn wylle returned home on saturday after vbdttng a few days lost week with friend in toronto orton c ingratulatlnns to mr and mn k c neville on the arrival of a wee daughter in the fergus groves mrmorlal hospital ms ethelyne mooncy spent several dayn in toronto durlnr the past week although saturday uni very snowy and dlsngrecuble the auction sale of mm t dcarlng nan h id and every thins dliikiked of under thr autloneerlng of jvr roy iltndley truffle ha been certain y tied up this weflc enc and nil we need now 1b tor the cpu to stop mnnlnn and well b isolated worse than in the gay nineties congratulations are offered to mr and mm lloyd moore nt louise rcnulc of hothsay i whose marriage look j t on suiurday afternoon cnngnilulillons an alao extended rr mr md mrs morris courtney acton on their recent marriage nassagaweya naruutgiw ey a a 111 vole this year on i be to enr lerm for municipal bodler 1 his include council and school triis- teis in the area church attendance u tiered badly on sunday owlnu to tin heavy snou storm township schools are now busy pr paring their clirlntmas eoncertn pie r c wilson ua homt from ininp at niagara folbi he also v billed rela tives in aifelph the snow rlows opened up nearly all of the roads at the first of the wet k kockwood lnl thursday evening under tht auspices of tliu women k inaututf over a hundred eop e sat loan to a plunkntt jill r in the town hall the dim rent munwh nerved on the tables were much enjoyed bv all present during tlie even nig itiiltlerabk advertising matur con ecrnlng tht different lines of food stuff wt n obsirved and following the nunpt f mo vini lr lures about different brand and lines of goods wire shown tht many friends and nt ighbors bf mr iticbard mclellon regret his lud din d ntli last week af u r a few day b tllrus the late mr mclillaiid nllh mrs mclelland hud onh mmt to roc wood iarl in thi full to reside fallow lug a lengthy visit with members of ttutr famlh in california u here they went afur leaving their farm in garafnixa the funeral on saturday took place from his late residence followed by a public senlce in the oouldlnr funeral home fergus with rev p h lauson officiating inu rment took place in mokee s cemeter oranitn ule road the pall bearers utre meuesni qeoric ckirdon john hamilton dtivld gtrrit colin kllcllng o h peart n and j a latut mr mclcllaiid uavcs to mourn his loss bis wife three daughters mrt wilson of toronto mrs homir a d mr dunham of california om brothtr lohn of arthur and a sistir mrs j mccimiuu of ourafntku the dtceused was in his both year another former rockwood man has lhijrd avvay in thi iwrson of mr john fa duff who died last month ut kirk land lake the late mr duff was bou on tin duff homostead in erin town ship and with an elder brother don aid lift hockwood tome 30 tars rro for new ontario a ymmgtr brothtr robert of montri al also survive s hlu tht saerament of the lords siippt t was uvsrrved sunduy morninv with a fair attendance at tht united ohurcb follow uii thi weekend storm rev p 11 lnwon conrtm ted tht m rv let pn i omnumton sen ices w ere held friday tvtmnt wltti rev mr mutlure of lin wood address inu tht eougretntion ni strviees were laid tvl st john s chure li on account of tht nft r siprni imiullliom and rev e a brook tietng tiuatunuued on account of measles also no st r tees nt tht iresby tt rlan church rev a 11 wuson condmtid uunivt nar mmc ut st paul t iri s- hvterian chun h ouelph fnriav evening mr richard hnfns shoved a number of pictures draltns with the ute of christ tn tlu prc- bvttuui churth owlnu to ad vers w tsther conditions onh a f t w wt re pnsent he also showed a number of kouvtjur lews of quacw deatinu with places frvmt windsor to ih thousand islands and the st unmi ruir inchidiiu nlnilftra palls vctiurv a sll tr etil cctlon was takeiv in aid of sun n school funds leu urttkenu vnd simduj vuiuv s mrs l hew at and mae mn mar tfartt stammers of stralfctrd alio miss uute fraikum of harruton with mrs melvin hum mrs johnc beam of gait mr and mvs jos hollls of hespeler as a tfult of eaturdayi bis tnou storm jfyed hamilton mnd his men with two of three trucks havjen buiy cleaning away the mow oft tlie streeu mr and mrs waterhouift and ram ly returned to their home in toronto lait prway ospringe the osprlnae women s institute held a very successful euchre and dance in ern town hall on monday nlffht prices w ere awarded to the f ollowlnr ladles miss anna jackson miss phyllis bain- brldrc rcntlemm s j a maude hill jackson sandwiches tarts and coffee were erved after which danclntf was riijtfj ed local orchi stri providing the music alex kinffsbury or the r c a f stationed at toronto spent the w eek end at the home of hta parents miss dorothy mckcnzle spent last week at the home of her frrandparcnl mr and mrs mclailffhlln ninth line frli nds of mrs mclaughlin will be sorry to itarn she suffered a sltcht stroke a number from here attended the funeral of the late mrs j p mcleod at everton on monday nfu moon the school children and tench ir mr s jny are busy nractislus for tin an mini christmas concert tlie untlmelj spell of hevcre winter weather is not very favorably recelv ed the snow plows are once again busy moving the deep banks mrs wm stubblnrlon received i he lad news of the death of a brother in law in diirland dm to bombings aiictami t r roy hlndley is quite buay with ituinerouh mlts being hi id campbellville on friday evening jim hunter popu lar radio annmmeer tlellvered n lectdr on unity in st davids presbyterian church under th auspice of the local patriotic society mr dim barnard of alt bcconipnnlcd by his young brother bobby deltghtenl the audience ulth hawalan guitar selections a male chorus consisting of r c menxlea jack mcphall h j lakthg murray mcphall t snyder nyu mcpall and bob 8nyd r rendered aporlnte music and miss he en mcphall gave several organ sehc jim hunter radio newscaster who addressed meeting in cumpbcllvlue last we k limeiiouse tlons at the close of the meeting m ss jean mcphall prtsldcnl of the soclt ty moved a hearty vote of thanks to all who took part a freewill ofterlng wns takrn and tortj dollars w as glv en to mr hunter for the british war victims fund mr crawford mahon of kite hi m r was home for the week end mr jack memory or toronto wus a guest in the homt of mt d c llinj i over sunday mr and mrt w couptr t ntt rtainixl a few friends on saturdny ivtnliu tlie condition of mn w i lllit v mains about the same mr david mcphall who has higiusl up with thi rcaf lift tor t initio on mondaj new nomiuutioiia arranged foi om member gounril continued from page one vlx reeve chalmers j a chnpmnn dr e j kelson and ova dills for the year 1 1 with duties an form erly set forth 1 he committee to ap ulul tht lr own chairman lite clerk was instructed lo adverlra for aiillrutlons foi tut iwltum of sicntnry and rarotnker for the an nn 1 he qui nllnn of having tht sidewalks shovt lied wns dlsctinntd ihi m nit r of st curing t hnlns fur thti fin lintk whs it fl for thi iilunliin of norninii mtfcaehiru a renolul ion was passed as follows 1 hat thin count ii go mi record as bt inu in fnvnr of nt irast six of tht prtmiil fin brlgadt lu tug trained opt rate the fire pumpi r in case of enter ttencles ami ultu n topy of this resolu tlon be sent to the secretary of the fire brlgadt it was decided lo hold the ni xt met t lng of council on monday december hllh at 7 00 pm tlie acton branch of the legion ask- ed itermlsslon for the use of the arena cm december 23rd for their carnival permission was granted councillor oakes n ported that i 222 had been cabled to the slrtflri llind of acton bkyiland the continuation school askisd tint of the town hall for the annual at home on thursday deeemht r 10th permission was granted htkangfjl to it is sydney nsw cp brought in to hospital for in eye ticntimnt jack grahnm 11 ytarold bullock driver from the outbacks confessed that wxia the stcond tlm in 71 yeais in had sit 1 1 tn a bed the november meeting of the girls utokotit club wus htlj at lhe home of mlvs ruth norton on mdny lvenlng i w nh mrs io reman of balllnafnd as riiest sptakir fourteen young ladles attended final arrangements were niadt for ihi lr bnzanr at the home of mrs harvej norton this week the snow storm of last week ki pt mosl of the local cars home on sunday some of them had difficulty getting ibout on saturday and most of those who work in town waited until the county snow plow paid a call before v enturlug out on monday morning church and sabbath school wrvlcet wiu ict th d on sunday tut to uk diltlcultj in travelling messrs edgar becnej and harry dcvenaux are at brentford takliir thi ir thirty day mllltury training mr and mrs jos hoppman of detroit spent a couple of dav s last w t ik w ilh his sister mrs wm oowdv luid mr otiwdv mr and mrs gtorgc mllllt n of toh do ohio spent two davs last week tn the neighborhood mhlllng his pan it us mr and mrs wullam mllllnn of tin village and his brothi r mv wm mil here of georgitown miss margaret swackhamtr left lusi wttlc for toledo w hi rt sht i xnects to sitnd the urcalt r part of the wlnttr i and to be near her slrter mihs ilelt n swackhamtr detroit who is quite hi j i oaxville mis w h mordi n has reluniwl to town from chicago having spent some timt with htr brother dr d m oalllt lt commander hugh f pulkn iic n command r or thi dc strove r st francis is linmi on kuve the fat fran els is one of tht 50 destroyers nctlvesd fnm the united stated and lt -com- mundir is proud of his ship and would bt n luctant to swap it for anything afloat recordstar milton c m e nixon proprlttor of the prln ttsi thitttrt milton returned honu on monduv night after spt mtlirg a f i w javs tn chicagt ont of ontario s oldest lawn bowlers o a hemslntt was t us ted president of tlie milton lawn bowling club at the annual met unu hint tuesday night it is unfortunate the town has a f i w hoodlums tn tt recently it is alleged that several mtung boys have been in i the anna shooting pigeons ulth 2 ci ibre rtflts chiimnton j burlington his honor judgi munroe has st t frldn v d rem be r 1 3tl as the date for htarlng the nsst ssmeut nppt als aikjul twenty five asse ssmenus will bt review id in the judge tlu town of burlington will finish the year with a surplus mayor blair announced to tlu council in rt gulur st ssion nn thursday i veiling last burlington will have nn election on monday nt xt when the unit for quail fy iiu rami at nun o i lock on saturdav t vt uliih it vviii found that seven men had qualified for six luces on iii count it and a thru eorntrtd tight lor tht lit evtshi wus tlu onl r prompt and splendid work by the local fin bjlgud saved tht town from a st rlou fire in the busiut sictlt n bust nit lit when flu broke out a ki it 10 clncx- n the thistle tea room 9 brant strict conductcul b mrs jean watson major leather mc of tfiirhiwton hus been n imed second in command of tin llalton volunteer guards under an order of lt col jos ballanltm dso commanding officer major earle has bctn named battalion adjutant and strut major cox will be rtginitntal sergt mt major gazette township oi nassagautya notirr lo electors takb nottctj that a vote by wn of a pleblsrtu will lu uki n on monday january ilh mi upon thi following quenttoi art voii in favoi tn a win unu mtnsuit midt r tht utral gov tinnutu cxhuslim act lf40 of tin munleliml council of tht township- of nnssngiiwt vil i lei t ixl for 1041 holding ofhce fur two jtirs and inntt her uikt nolle i thai thi polling a 111 b hold at tht follow inu plat 1 1 polling division nil al llu oiange hall campbt llvilli polling divimon no 2 al tin t iwn ship hull pnlliith division no 1 at hit kmiuh bull hall polls will bt open at the above named p actd on monday janiuiry tlth 1041 from flflq am until 00 pm st indnrd t inu 1 and nninidr take notlrt that the summliig up of tht votes so uiken shall be doni it the satin unu and in likt iiiaunir is llu rtsills of tht votet taken for muulclpnl council chas r norhesh c it rk 1 chas i nunlsh ch rk of thi towi hl of nassiigaweya do ct rtlfv that tht ibovt is n true and com rt malt mini of ihi qui minn ut be submitted ui tin elect tits and full pnrhulars with n ft t net thrn to dfti ti nt campbt hllh this jnrt dav of decintbir 1040 m 3 chas f norrifah clerk cliaking auction sale in ih township oi lrin 1 tllm stock imiirmints itain ami i itsjltllh th undersigned auctlont t r has rt tt hi i instructions from wm- tiiomison lo mil bv public auction at his faint lot 6 concession 3 drln situated on tht third lint about 4 miles north of acl in on mondt ihcninill dili 1110 one o clot k sharp tht gowk- anyway hi said hi d blow his brains mil if i w on tint marry him instead of which ho s got engaged o your rival yes he must have uot rid of litem minin oilier way what about thr othiat what tlld you hear at the opt ru yi s tt rday all sorts of things smith is going bankrupt mrs join n is going to dye hi r hair and live whltei arc hnvlng a divorce n j ihatii toix ni wark n i opi industrial ex ploslonn nprt acting u rror lo workers antl townsfolk havi brought death ut 74 m rmiiui in busy ni w jersey this year ilaxteit laiioratories ok canada limited ictrllfletl copy nf resolution passed at meeting of boanl of directors held on nnvrmlwr 5th 1040 nb it itmolvkd that uuf had office of thr corporation lie moved frnm the city of toronto canada to tlie vii lane of acton canada hajuty n palk president ho hack dawson secretary 313 j only 30 days until christmas foit hkaoaciieh lt ub preacrlltc ilmuwfl ephead r0 vytughi hpelslll tr ht uvomivh hqharr riutte tn 4i ru tlie rev o clifton qlfford ua unlfcur 1 sunday decemlter 33nd u our whlttt olfls sunday get ready for itl nkxt sunday dbckmufit nth 1100 am my christmas list u 15 pm tire church school 7 ml pm n jrsus hod not time thank you tn titic cltfltnrh and tncnds of acton who nitfirdcd me such spundid support in re clcuion tn the sthonl donrd i extend my thnnks 1 will do my host to merit this lunfidntc so tx pressed and kivl my con i in tied interest tn the nitnirs of acton i thank you one and all victor b rumley llrreluitrrlan knox chuhxii acton h v ii l nknnhc u a mlbbtw manse wlllow bitmi sunday dfocktmiiicit sib 11141 1 1 00 a ni the oram of orll j 30 in the sunday srliool anl itlble class 7 pm winding up a uk nobs mission baud christmas i rr to night i fliursday dec em iter mht ut 7 30 pm parents and frltndn invit i ajways wkloomx- tillksi c 111 istlltllh in ipl w usts n tlld li ivi lllhtllvilllll ithiitlnn uvs thin thru vt t ics until hnstiiins 1 or m i ui hiitit shirts i a s htn kh lyjainns hiisim ntli m sllpim rs 1llh watches and jewellery im wi mi n 1 o ii rlt sllj jm rs stui vis sih kings ilm wiisl witith s iind jtwt liny r all mi mbi rs of hit innilly wi nfft r a lift siltttlun tint will bast may avr help vim with your ciri lrohlrm clothing shoes men women children sunttbt bltirrl icton r f naxtkr mia ii tut mn lu v liolm rl ilik of i it unut will prim h w i li in cluirrh hi iiimii mihkluy n mi i in ii y l ii wikiiii wluy fl mi pm 1iuyri mrh inu a weloolie to ajx unolabbirieo small advertisements altrrllimtii tiatnrnl i r lb u hlng ilh itrilcr up lo f words ic per word if ml tiumritnr ilia dtr olrniim i i iv lc t lili nal for rrh hr commi nc follow lng hohbl at d brown georgetown it wiu made known on saiurdllvlitat i mayor joseph gibbons and reeve harold cleave hmrmiiitwn tttnmed for tin i oth r ur b accauniliun rce cltai who uut also nomlnutesd for the mayor altv withdrew his name leaving mayor albums as the only candidate for mayor m mbt rs of tin lome scots payed host to their friends at a party in the are a last t friday ryening mimbcrsof lh mve and prnss bands and many member of the c a f were present meeting lasl thursday night deorge- town council pised a resolution asking attnmey3enerttlconant for permlultn to ivrgnniiw a brunch of th volunter civil quard jn georgetown ixc0u jame ballanttne commandlna officer for halton county wan present t the meetlhg tn talc consideration of thct plan hetvd lrsfen tht flair hon angus l macdonald minister of national defence for naval services the whole of britain is under attack now but in our own time she and her dominions ulll lake the offensive they are on tlie offensive een now for our gallant airmen are carrying the wnr to the heart of enemy countries and to the territories whlcbqermarvy has con quered and our incomparable fleet still commands the seas her soldiers at duhkcrque have proven their quality vfe shall see britain triumphant and long after the name of hitler has be come nothing butitunlileasant mem ory the same flag which now ua 1 oxer disordered heaps of crumbled brick and stone and mortar will be flying freely and proudly tn the airs of heaen sheltering llbarty and justice and free dom and truth in lu benevolent shade that is the lesson of the flog flying oer the ruins of british homes house of common noxember lpth 1040 gray c it ing 1 s00 lb mart 1400 lb nitid dapple oiaj pt r lit rnn gilding 4 yearn 1 old wt i bmki n this is a mil iood horm i oattijj ornv cou milking bred i may uth hod and wi lit cou 11 liking hnri septtmbu 1st gut 3 cow nit king- bred htptemltr 1st red cow bred oc lobtr ihi tlu si muiiidi shtuthoiis hulstem cou bru august jth holsti m cow bres june tolh brlndle cow fresh about fl wttks ouiu hhorthorn bull ducks iiklni without obligation when ou lonsult us in iny mnttci relative tn uur will or your i sine you do not pliice yourselt under an ohlikiition wtint soever and hirihermorc your enqtiny will he kept in miict confidence such 1111 import mt matter as the r ev ieuinu of our presetit will ur the planning o a new oik should tint be postponed we believe we can he of help i ul seivtee to you ind invite vimr en tinriei tnt 6uelph trust company j- r how i it icc j m purcjj preside ill managing dinct u onicic corner ttndlinm rk sl uelph toil iunt house f 1 nut on vtiuiig hire t apply j ii 1inniy at bin km si f- a hi intniun piunn tli n 1 l m tlitlon apjily lx 1114 ac ion onl i- ok saij- ont tutu 1 i set hi lulu onr ejwt hi until r on annex apply mahai kh daiky i- oil hai t a intl house in kk r pair on frimi nt str 1 1 apply mil a rihhfft phont pyin 1 r4l l it i a ion movktv ijts i lorltl 1 ma hhl ax frtv rally c aril- ilnn curtis calrntlars all hand matlt js ui ihr iimtjh vmluih jt ssi llusiu 11 at ulll lltaiim 0rori hams mut salf wt an offering 1 hiimtn r if choice oxford rams buy now mid gt t your pick also homt nice ew fjitnlm tlouixn lffll ii -i- it it no 1 a ton t homi- sim 1a1 mathdiiliss rpiant lit wiv stlil itl antl ill uiil up itl itnplit r i iii 1 auty parwm it sh uu st li i ion lmlmvlr laks ltmirih lidis tnl linirselivs lill ltt 111d1 t mill i v 1ihilli t hool 111 girls 101 iv hiili st it n i ui kills 4 01 iwi ulflls kkllll ij wiims jilki 10 oit all fit in 1 wiivi s mrs n alt photii 4w at im alttna shkitutv h intlit appltttttl 11s f r hit oslllon f ftstf tarv ami antakir of at ton anna will bt nnlliil iiv hit clirk imtu v nxtuy dttemlxr kith mt40 at i ii n i par lldium iu li diiint t ti n iiv bi seturtd fn m tin undi rsrne il 2i 2 c i i kaihuu ni tlirk i- oh mif 101 air farm 70 ai n s wurkuhh lialatitt pastiin in id bush lood waur mtpi ly stone rotes u nil hank bar u citkkl in mm fciisy ttrins urranifed apply john mocljusclok 11 it i ai ton muw ji33hu mtchtkclor tiling faint t act n ll i ijits kanthi i d stiibiiti i r ami 1x 5ki1 norfl pri7e8 stockholm tcpi none of the nobel prizes lll jbt awardel thia year part of the fund of the awvdufr dynamite developer who taunded the wrdv be ing inveaugaled in norway and under german control poultry 0 cli js reick hens pios ork siu due in dect mbt r oik iw with ri plus at fool york bow with ti pigs at fixit york sou wlthj fl i igs nt foot jo ork fahtnus 0 ork rik chunkii harve sut- of tt im hurnt s 1 set of single harness collartt etc ha nn orain 200 bus mixed orilljl j0 btw cartltr oats 50- trrorteesd cniu 20 tons mixed hay i household fuhniturf oak 1 dtnlngronm suite table buffet and chairs kitchen chairs tab e rvvnumd s wing machine louum davtupiri rocking chiirs 2 btlin with iiprniga delavnl cream separator 2 cream cniu milk palls etc lmptements prtwt a wood bird r 7 tool cut in good repair rrost a woekt mower 1 foot cut frost a vovd dnim hay uvi ler frost a wtvod dump rake 1 imc side delhery race cockshutt 13 dlv seed drill spring tooth cultivator tudhopanccrson manure 6in stxuon harrou fanning mkujneun no 21 walmmr plou ttidhopecjclern sulky pow jfurrovv walking plou ha rack lumber wagon bench sle lgh cutter barrel fatunlng criittn hft fork nnd roje oraln bags forks hoe i shovels ne kjokes et car 1020 hulck coupe 1 no article to b removtj until kelued fr no recerveu th farm u se4d terfs caah s roy hindu y auetunwr phone lsrfl krln kiiiir i srr v hamliwork rcom elotir t 0 j iimntl for l 1i1 1 1 mi ularv prtxhut guarantee tt fi ndiil sali it nnltlea bin tie lit 1 h tn tlu huh uli liaiurs nt hill rr tin 1 or money ft htai profits uitli v mr first tii v mi ilst if t iteimrr rv d i v tl is li dependt nt bunl i itlhk for lh allji commuv ic a it vw ni i si tilolulf t l st clunint bluet x 1ntul i 1 vus king oeorge talk to air raid precaution nen whose rountgeouii work 1ms done much to nullify the effocta ot the attack during a vur o a london workingclou relldenttal district ohaaeq by germany as an objeu of aerial uluut wamtavin0 certificate

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