Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1940, p. 8

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pjum tttm the acton free pkess 1 iiuwimy dklkmnni flth 1040 notlcaa of itlrtha urrui sail dhi tr lnrta in ihu column without char in momnrutn nnllcct foe anil io er tlilltlonal for pnalry morn kiukke3 at the general hospital ouelph ontario on tuesday deo4m- ber ard 1040 to mr and mrs oho i klrltness ft son peter james maunrmo jiamunmcbain at the presbyterian manse acton by tlcv 3f u bennio on monday december 2nd 1040 mary viola daughter of mr and mrs ches ter mctlaln acton to mr ah in ham lin son of mr and mrs hnmlln o pennm difd kitikne3 on thursday d ember th 104o at oulimii aenernljuospllal piter jmcs infant son of mr and mrs chos u klrlaimu acuin dawkins at his home agnes street acton on tuesday december 3rd 1040 william ittnry daaklns beloved hiis band of vlrwria mills in hi 57ui year oodftiey at his home 03 nottingham stn et ouelph on frklny novcnitm r aoui i 140 william oodh i n inv cd husband ol abltol colin r in liu bth year ubdttosil at her latr rrsld net rrod erlclt btrect at ton on friday no vember 20th 1040 mnrj i graham uldow of the lau jamts mcintosh in her botn year walulin at the home ol her daugh tey mre john wood acton on monday december 2nd 1040 margaret hannah kuon widow of the laic jame l warrrn in her 77th jear smith at the home of her daughter mrs dr m s hawke sudbury on tuesday december 3rd 1040 susan margarvwordcn aidow of the lute p j smith selkirk man funeral on prldav afternoon from miles funeral parlors 30 st clair wt toronto interment at mount pleasant cemetery in memouam cow13d in lovtns memory of george oowle who died december 4lh 1037 lovingly remembered by wife and family lleailbsoor in loving memory of ada ftfooreffor who died december 6tn ibm we whq loved her sadly miss her in our memory she la dear loved remembered long or v as it dawns onother year ever remembered by hushand daughter sister odbs and ens christmas lc than away three v eek una james u war1ucn an elderly resident who had spent most of her life in acton and district passed auay very suddenly on monday afternoon in die person of mrs james i warren about ten days previously she had suffered a heart attack and since thut time had in en confined to bed and ipparently malting satlsfactori progress another seliaire on monday aflernoon however proved fatal mrs wariin ttun in her 77th year dorn at itockwood margaret himnih n unn was a daughti r of the late lolin ni uon she spent lur early lift in thin district her mnnlrd life wax p nl hen alno on the wurren homrsund just taft of acton and lour it the farm and homi now occupied by mr and mi s wallace uusby it utta ut thin homi uiat hi r hunband passed avvaj twenty two iirs oo jnollowlng mr warn n death mrs warrtn went to toronto aid n hided there until a iiw years ago whin siu rami bark to acton to rudde with mr and mrs john wood whin hi r ilnuhhtir could nur the rare required l declining vcara mrs worren was a member of tin baptist church and in earlier yearn one of its most industrious and faithful woric her home her family and her church nplcndld thins of life all of them cherished and maintained in thut life that ended so auddenly on monday besides her daughlrr she leave one nan fred of toronto only two sisters remain mrs j n kennedy and miss minnie nelson both of acton friend join in sympathy to those no suddenly bereft the funeral was held lesurdoy after noon uith a private service at the home of mr and mrs wood conducted by her pastor ilev el o baxter and interment ni made in falrvlew cemetery pall bearers were six nephews dr e j nelson dr john scott and mr anjru kcnnedj ouelph messra john stone carry and ernest warren all of tor onto a number or floral tribute also bore testimony to the esteem in which m s warren was held among those from out of town attending the tuniral ftert dr cameron warren mis barbara war ren mr ernest warren mr carry war rrn mr and mrs john stone miss w besse mrs walter stem art mrs dr j prtestman mrs e q block all there took place from the united church at thornloe and burial was made in 11 anbury cemetery ilev mr dlnflttnll thornloe united church pas tor conducted he services mr duff u survived by his uldow the stanley and thomas all at home and rornur mary stewart three sons john four daughters mm joseph aldtrfre jennie of harley mrs hoy percy ellen or the montreal river distrilt mrs n j smith annie of daymond and miss beatrice of new uski ard there are also two brothers dnnald at thornloe and robert in montreal tern ink a mine speoknr soldier and a civilian drscvibr english bonilnn from pace one fa continued nct week the annual oj torcmu mn w j rubkell uluon luon of ts fs pi u1 oe issued qfii fl and 10 bilow zero wcrt tempera tures r ported hi r durlnb tlie tk a miou btorm t r other hu plentj now uttvitur mi ms u rmitiin tin iiui prttntnrsh otllll lb open mi sutunta ninlin n m b ji l 1 10 p in tl u etl t titlk about um uid of tin uos but if this i hn no lad llle mrs harold suvnlland mr and mm anpus kennedj dr john scott ouelph mrb 1ail4 mrlntotll iimilli t alt ni tilts pjittnwis i ilhir tor miirlj mtj lour m irt m and tri junim mcintosh rt wpuulid h dmili n u ft daj mr u luu mi passed imin n noiimbtr 17th uiifl mr i ltli t 1 i ittt 2hth i a t m mil mr miimomi had btin in frail luullh loi s uk ar utlun inllt cn nt irilut mi mtlntosh v i huvnil run ucruu atium rt mun j oruuni n duikhur of uu lu all a winter that ml in so hard sannu 1 graham and wnt bom in liiu i tuuubhit oi u fumlh itf tltitn onl lhr wittrh umain mr stott tl lhh tiui mrn m arniatniiik iuid miss e o nihu m of at ton for fllt four yeviri mrj mlxjiiuiii ha been a rtsidint of acton known and plimlng out roads and puhhlnt out beitwd by all who had itu prhllici oi cars win not ab poiiulur an bkuny but r ur hhip htr homi and hi r just on hlrcnumih und inori iucrssar ctmrth reciltd her chli f jitti ntlon but uiu m htr qdth i intlir will dti illhuils flfsl hai lud two uurntnu ami tuo all h ant now iliey ri about aualn we in or the chuu chew of tin inulm conitnu and they laiwt nir un many tlmm durlns the nluhl and tin i mvir it day pojutie but ui ut t tin m oei tlurliik the day i can har him oinliik now in the distance rittina m arer i am iretunc to dnad those bombs w iiet them all round and they nhnlci mil doors and windowi if we have many more lui wi had laxt si i day our cill inns will be down there was a little fell down but it s war inn t it and when you think huw the poor londuncrs and the other towns have had it we are very thankful we live where we do poor ha had it hot lota of houses ruined and numbers of casualltlen i could tell yma some tales but i won t harrow your frellnffs wr ore all noldiers in the front line now art is in the oast end he liven in with another man wlione wife is evacu ated and they spend their nlffhts under the church but they hear it all and no they set no sleep it starts at dark and roe on till dawn they are net una no tired 1 oh but the bravery of those men and women in the thick of it it leaves you lobt in wonder at it to think there arc nueh people alive today and how thiy work till they don t know how to stand from nhcer weariness thrro socs the nil clear rlnklnji throunh the air so jerry han none iuid rood riddance to him art a wife ond dauithter are down with her mothir at nnd the other dny thiy went honu k to parlc hoitie thliiks and tht j found t in roof olt and uu w indow b blown out and tilt bark wall shifted so thiy ninwd tht ir furnlturt out and havi stored it ut 1 dt n t know how damaged it was w liaie anotlui it i if rhllilrtn from tlu ciibt cnd poi r klilhi and wihavi u uaclur bilk t lid jure w i rant han 1j7u now but wrjbod win has room lms 1111 d up witli folkh from ilu bom ik d place nut ui shall whrthriiilh i m sun mr c huti hi 1 sums lonluunt dhmil hi and wi shall mvir iivi in tin hilns of our in berlin npd by the international tied cross oermon interesla in canada ire represented by the counul general of swltkcrlnnd and his representative it must be remembered ueut colonel stethem adds that british of ficers in germany are also receiving their pay from the oerman authorltln and the same is recoverable from the british government furtliermorc it imist be remembered that for every oerman officer in canada there are probably four british officers hold in germany and the vnrlouspeople who hungest hi treatment of these officers do not realise that nuch 111 treatment would provide an exiiire for 111 treatlnv many times the number ot british officers and other rank in aermany the international contention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war te one of the few international laws nlatlnu to warfan width in at least to homt i xtent being adhered to in the pri w nt conflict ponathly because it aillclij provide for uu rrnployrntnl ol a protei tlnjt powi r to enmirn itn enfortc nil nt ami l nibl in chum the matt r with wlih if it dull prtnlde n practical mi iin of rttullati u in itu vent of nan ubncrvaiui dratii duties in auvanlf london op britain has ntarted a nyntem of pcrmlttlnu payment of diath dutleji in advance treasury certificates in respect of interest free loans to uie treasury will in event of the lenders death during the period of the loan be available to satisfy death duties on hi estate no joi1swappino oslo cp norway s minister of social welfare under german occupa tlan has decried the nnzl labor prac uco that nobody mty abandon his pre sent occupation for another without permission of the authorities cold for polar bl ar colorado springs colo tcp at the mountain oo here during a recint cold spell the african chimpanzees threw snowballs at each other while the polar bears sat in a corner and shivered no rnrlj hi fort work on uie bank of noa sootlu building wan hulled uiu wik owuill u the siri wlnur wiullur chut lit nici bo kocis tin on and i mm hius bun it si u in i would ihi billit h thin slnn iimiln l s huw it is if on and off qiorr hijs an t htr ruw laiure in uhii niw acnlti id till psrt phlh u ihe ho piftmr from nttasatawtva toclu ol to bi found mi pit- btx of this jsiue jmr h muuipriz hu purchused thr bruk utorr und rrldnict occuplm ut mill slrrtta thr etirner of join bin ibiul thi mlghborlj tjpt uhi win in i i htmul in u quitl wa tn man i honu u1uu trouble tnterid uildts her tlhlun hhi iiumk t uuui pi ank of acton and uoj ol ormwa to tin btrtuvfd swnpalhj of fritnds gims out tht funtral was hi id on sunda afiirnikin uith htrmtt at tin sundiij nlht amtln hi s miing ui li us u dohi now i must i low with mm h loi from ua both to jou all k i r your loving nlnti r and brol ht i oeonoe and fuorhie ps i wint to nit a frlmd down tht vllugi last night and whili i wax uuri ilu dlren tttnt and jorry passed as i walked honu i could htar him md thin he dropped a hum in g uiituu- t thi call itl it r a llari dial burst in rid and thtn turns to a whlti light whlch lights up tlu place for mllth hi woo a long wu off but i saw it pain fl trrit royal guclph s comfortable theabre thursday to saturday fiaky cooii n westerner with w niter ricnnitn i rtd snml dons dnvcnpnrt sulurdii kiiowh ontinutmti monday to wkdniusday moon over burma with dorothy lnmotir robert prtbton prtstaiuj on tunkduy t veiling deremlx r he boys aeroplane club will start opera lions again under tin joint liuli rahlp of oil it young icen ilahimrtl and itlru veldhuls only y in mbrri will be able to loin and ilu membt rthlp will be umluil to fifteen s v n o i lock is the starting hour further informniiun will tie posted in thr y i he point for tin junli r ioyh ovm i eamn ft r nov mlii r w u iia toiiowh ken ailamnnii n if fred knilmrn 1 jack crlihtonn t niw ham iiiplalus for ji t mbt r ar fred dunn iouald bimli mill ilm hpli 1 vogi 1 ilu artlhu parly ul i hi y on hiiuin1a nluht uan ipillt i mii i nh judg lug from uu kimk tlmi hint vi ryutu m i mill to bt having i hi cnminltti of oeorgi mamt 1 1 and jai k mi cl in hli an ui hj ontirattilaud on uu fine program planuid linn wi te ioiiiihu in model hug nnd hkt u hiiui iu wi ii an many uroup lonuntfl j a k llolllnuirt mrttlut which di unrated tht gym win vi ry clever and apprnprlatf and marly evt ry one was in ciuitunu with the ladlis wearing t mockn and the men in w hiu shirts and flaming arllnl ueii lunch consisted of baked biuns on uiast and coffee with oakts several vlhltxim from toronto were in attendanct tin si rendered a recitation and mouth organ no 1 o major j iiarbtr wan ihl spcuul gutht it he yn mm h supjier on ihuihduy tvenlug mid dillghttd uu club by allowing uchnlcjor nu vies of cruisch to the city of havana and to venezuela where he und hi wife were privileged to vlnlt a short unu auo the club turned out with one hundred per cent attendance to welcome major barber and hope to have him visit the club at honu futuri date mr w h clayton wtut another special gucnt u the club mipp r in tht capacity of been lory of the ymca board or directors the uidlis auxiliary served uie supper and it was a credu to ttuir organlhitlon mf chit went of tonino who is thr inllrnutlonul y s mtn dlretlor for u onturlo riglon will hpenk to tht club nt thilr nixt tin ctlng on dettmbi r utw vlt mahti rfc was the ilnul winm r of tht bojh ijiddir plug pong loi rnann nt whu h huh bet n in pronrmn hiiici no i mbi r 1 l and whkh iiulid tiitutu tin laidlii ijm h lih 1 h u j i tn i il hi pm i uh i in ml t wi i bi in i l i ii miulav i mi m in xl mit ilu huih l bi inn maili in thi hopt tfial in m win hai mil bin utti mllng it ui i i i uu in m intiu- m iv nnd it 1 ipsmbh to bi on iihiki f r ilu mi nda llflu m i llml t lh l i 1 llijirs in 1 la iiuht ii c im uss miii is plu t whuh si mill nu intit is ol uu aiu4ituii hil ok i n i ling i llnili iliiuouiu mi t ii maiti sluuti itkinhng tht pu suilhllin of a lav prsldnil oial i n it m pn sidiil and a lusty liuuli wius sirved following tin met ling rum thi ptrrnum eslau appruls on uu ou m um ri heard in acton on monday morning b judgr munnie und a few names ad ded ttjid givtn uu prlwlegt n tiling uar buvpigs fotanil and ci rllh cau ma bt aiiropruttil givin lor chrimmas nu christnu px wenut uon utrdh uit in nvillabli wi htivt b linitli tl mippl ol till ll t psfcsi odkt 1 johnston a itumlt funtral burnt ion j mr uonda liurne w hi n wickb wu uijuretl oi u pine of ntwly lusui ducud bj h r pastor htv fc o daxtn of uu buptibt churth iiahlhiid b htv h u bttuili intmuinl wub in fuhvu ctnuttri j pallbt inn win mern all orr wm wordtn cluus prank lm j c mai tluwh j h boyd and krnem cripps among uu iloial trlbutii ixhich als bun lettllnumj to mri milntotthh hit wire oftiruik i inn tin to i m tin numb dim ton and fatafl of bturd mon x co uu nuuunul cusiel co toronto timplt club ar a am oshawu rotary club osluiwa bui hit lung church congrtgttlion mr a uu int ton thi out intrrnutional girinan t rtalu b inlfinullpiuil convtiitlun ottiltrh hi id ah prisoiurs f cauadii art i n titled t u r it pa whuh is rnovintbli from uie on man gmtrmmut jaiinilarlj urttisli and ciinudliui oftutm hi id in unnuinv an i ntltled to po rt cot i rnblt from uu govtninuiit in u iiom m r lit tlu b tot rnlng inti ntallonul com led equlpmtnt at uc wool comblim qwwu mason knitting cu nplote linn l uiu reloung ro the plant fell from uie ciltng und struck him on the hip his ecape from betnk crualied beneath uu lght was onlj by inches the regular mldwetk lulun of the co it was held on wedntsduy evening the devouonal iwrlod a conducted by valrne ilew and ssleen oordon mr b j moore audited in hymn luigbib after the roll call and bustneait the maeung adjourned with the winging oi tn jl greenock utbrary enjoyk evening of pictures on thursday eve nine the regular meet ing of uie oreenock literary society woe n jwld the special fturtor the evtn- hit waa preaented by mr hanna ol ouelph tn the ihowinn of plctua re- preaentlng the mtcrnauonel han ester comiarty umlled these pcturj show- 1ns uie advmrice of farm machinery throughout uie world aa welttwhn- mr and mrs a crouuv osliawa mt and mn bert mason and mrb mcuod mr and mrs w otllttte oshauu mr and mrs c rianklin and fannlj mi and mrs duvman mr and mrs irwin oahawa mr and mrs u f ml laugh lln osluia a mrs lethbrldge oslia w a mrs clarke toronto erw ui mcintosh faml y detroit mv and mrs deorge deacor toronto mts s j mccutcheon mrs m armstrong mtu e oraham mrs strieker mr and mn w ontham ouelph utment i of prisoner of witr ratified b tht dominion of canada on fibnmry 30th 1033 and agreed to by some thlrt nlnt of the various powrrs and states ar ticle 23 provides umt officers who are- pplsonerb of war khali rect ive certain pa prom uils pa stutee ueut col h stethem asalahuit pirector of in temment opcrauon uie officers pay for their clothing and food there is actually no cosh tranaacuon the monry being placed to the credit of their ac count ogatiut which they receive camp tolcen money ox make camp purchase which are subsequently paldjtor through their account they receive pay accord- tiii united lawks association choose orricers for ear nu dittmblr miilng of tht woman asmx latum of uu unit d churih w is in id in uu parmimigi mi i ut mii ttlth mrs j tiynmn pn siding 1 hi i ttollo ml pi rlod was t undutti d bv mrs a t brown and mrs olfford qlflurs fr tlu jtur wm tli ltd afltr uu bilmnihs was iiimiomhi of mrs oiiroul uitt luilntil tht ladlis to t aint lun h a voti of thanks was jiv n rr ollloid fi r lu r hom unr honpltilllj i biltalu is giratng 1 rt daniitllonh i john s duff new uskrard funtral services were held november mg j m oerman 3ut in thbrnoe for the late john ratfi of y in jtchsmarlu converted stewart duff realoent of trds dtstxict mto lt ot a rote agreed on by the since 1000 and for uie past five years government of the united kingdom foreman on uie stretch of government and germany ui accordance jviui arucle road between new uakeard and earlton 3 q the convenuon the rtte of con- mrduft who had been 111 for about sin version from sterling to canadian cur- weelu died on fjondsy november ibth i rency u that set by uw forelsn exj n hospital at klrkland lake he wus change control board q iii his 68ui year observance of intemauonal law in the late mr duff uu a native of k in regard to prlsoneritof war u insured tanhip in wellington county where by bimonthly ininecuona made of ail m he wa born on april 3rd isis a son of i inurrtrnent camps in cahada and in edy 7ilm and were greatly enjoyed by i the ate john tduff and uie former eliza- germany by the protecung paweni all the nauonal anthem brought use beth stewart lie had been a farmer for canadian interest are represented in meeting to a close and lunch wa served i the greater part of his life the funeral germany by the united states embay for reit or nlay vancouver and victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable- winter vacation warm daysand cool refreshing nights excellent rolf coursesmyriad sights in the mountains and by che seashore riding tennis motoring fishing canadas jzivrgwem playground offers them all in an unexcelled setting special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouvers spacious rooms and delightful accommoda tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in vancouver attiactivi rail fari1 dandelion ilrlp hritmnh new export of herbal orutfh aiwavs ihi canaman manomal tttbotanw momiv oidui- imkbsf smafl nnmoasjurv sasstv lu mist m tjmit thavil wist thi jatik wav ufino thi allconblyioubd comtinhntat liuitid canaoiam national of thi hi rbal drugs ahtrh tin country uwd to import from kruiu i oirma n igluin and ital chief in vi ar linn imixirtunce among them are aroniu bi lailonno dlgliiilin hrnbaiu nlruminlum and valerian all are no bring grown m miftlclnit quantltirn to meet british war time niels a ixlsllng big tockji an done and drilah drug growers arp run incrrosing ihelr aviragi to lupplv thr foreign nuir i 1 kit the dba are big buyers the plant are exotic ond fahtldirrtw in regod to cllmate and soil yet although amrka has man climates and many soil ijic the r nnu do not thrive there and tlry are therefore being imported from orji britain among the chief herbal dnigs no being grown in britain for the home and rxport markets are digitalis stramonium aoonlte va erlan nyrethrum broom dandelion tarragon and calendula britain s most important drdq farms are in the fouui of england there l also one in scotland indeed uie aides or them all the phyakp garden a a founded in edinburgh hospital in iiwji atcfpt na7 hlm melbourncci auitraliartcensors have viisid for ihowlog hen the nal film baptum of fire showing tie german conqu st of poland dfo may 9 lake ihu gpfxtrttututy to unrntulnte the successful cnndidntls mr rtimlcy mr hoyd mr blow nnd wish tlicm the hist of luck in their new term of office on the school bonn to thnnk my frituds both yomf nnd old who worked on my hxhalf nnd wiiosl lfforts though unsutctssrul nrc truly upprilintcd nil iiil more and to wish thi lilliots of alton one und nil i mirr hnstmns nnd mnppy niw ycnr george mason 1 1 ii christmas quality shopping ua new hlilrrtff trait iudnif xmas cake prhfran inguih biscuits 25c needs 15 20 25 iti grand maple lral coke flour ft p ucltagi joe we give r ii f r war humia lt o k weatoti navrd cookies r box 35c th nrlirlowt aiimartfa ilaci fniilh package 30c quality rxlan currants 2 27 ijxla imcd ilainlnn 225 itfcjruned buliuiu z 25 pkg uccded ralslim 235 die ached rtalslmi 235r fancy pitted dates t35n drain rd cut peel l7c fancy cut ptiuits 1 2b l to cap peel i 27 citron cap peel 1 szr llrkn o lace chcrrhs 131 will olati cherrlm i 45 p1neappie bllcpri 1ilr crynlallid olngtr 1 iv pcy qua almond 1 55 lye urkn walnuts 111 rut tar lit hugar ttr nartt fniush allsorts 25c nuyblf nmitihi iel voo ilrllbih india rajena t e a 35 niuii mow sal e ufittlt c 13 barrs qaiity grocery me you have fi whon you travel by motor coach vcxm and wmuutkw t ii utoii wiu s lliune ui gray coach lines tih iuiis sprak for itritain twj bauleehlpbruuinif with heavy gom may indicate one tvatrm hy the italian fleet has been keeping at one ramie jtlvey are form id- alu ftefipor and the orlu h itunners best tn the vj7ora kiiw ho o handle them

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