Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1940, p. 6

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chtjhhday ttwrmnml nth 1m0 the acton free press vcy und i what are you doing iii linda exclaimed mui 8uun damns a ahe entered the mm parlor one morning in december and found her twenty yearold niece newlne upon a bit of organdy with a pink chekfd doll lying beside hor on the aofa drhmlne a doll to give away to dome child yor chrxnttimn auntie everyone in our clau u dolnii it see un t this aweet linda held up the tiny garmrat upon which ahe was working triumph commented miss susan then as an idea occurred to hrfr who are going to give lyto unda did notrfiply for n second then ah amwcrrd quietly the children a home the orphanage you know what my opinion t about that placet dut the children aren t to blumi uild unda with mild obnunocy flrwlng on a lace ruffli and i m sure you wouldn t want them to go without christmas prenents just because you dia agreed with the board of trustees policies and resigned the whole place con no to ruin for all t caret snapped mliu susan she broke off abruptly noticing the postman on the- parch and darted out to bring in thr mall llerr are two for you unda hiu ruld sorting it over one r from your mother i guess and the other one is postmarked hero in town she studied the envelop ran fully unci i rose luuitlly her cuekn suddenly red as peonies and canoe over with in r hand outstretched for the letter look s like n man s hanuwrltlng pursued her aunt see 1 rt unda is iluii ioiing itwiihiv wriong to ynu unda said nothing because if he is you n not to answer x v forbidden you to m t him and 1 don i wont you to wrlu to him ulun r j uon t have you taking up with clydt prcatonn bon tin rlnghadir of tlie trustees hit- worst ot lhc lot and i uant none of my family to have anj tlilnu to do ulth hlh so there youm la4yl miw suaun handed undu s mall to her u id undn carried it uwiiy to h r room to read miss sumui nptnink h r own fniwned over oni of htr tu rh what on inrth tin puzttlicl him did i happen to git this 1 h it tier uns curlniih a rutin r him r ed cplitli pntnsuilc j iwty sc ruwlrd in x n til on plirt of rulid uibli t ii duir fauiln cluus i am n uttl orihun b ii yiufs id llvi lim lit tin cluldn uk llonu in ii ni u iu 111 v 111 1liki ii vttlttl i uunl for xnrns i would llkt n piilrc t i bodroom hllten m fti i il rold on uu bur loot in n true klor uu but most of ull u rt liillvi u visit nie llkt uu other thlldrni nuxlug to hiivi u ihu fnmi vou unci ulshlng a a merr xnnu and a huppy ni u v r from jour fultliful fritnd a nun wilitht 4iiw susun purmd tur pit in d npprowil whul rulluuloui mlntukt lor uu pom uftu i ieopl to havt mncu lentm a liter addressod to s cluus in her mull bot shi sullied disgusted 1 and dropped ltu offltidlng antssli in the w tlrtifbaaket after perusing tilt nsl of hor letters m1 clause prepared to attend to her dall murketlng donning hur iligant bui old fashioned loolcni hut und the niliik coat shi hud worn for iuulu yiirs she drovt wa in hit silent mxluu clootrlr which ant had owned since be fore the world war it uih tht imlj out left in town n lie of n leas hurried ug nnd in it tisj c aust aim ulwuys lixated with ttu gnatmi rvspict even hv uvxl drivers und policemen mho durvd not attempt u accelerate lit r slow inuj s tie progresii after bit lag hi r groiruh mm slitm nund u d par inn ut muli inlt ndiut t utt ii chustnm prtvittil tor i in tin lurk bmwu wool stocklntts slu thought or pt r ha lift u ner iciabli suvrf mlv ausan did not tiuouragt fruolluih of nn sort und guw onh mull and utui tutuui pttmiiu to lu r futndh und nlu tlr on uu wn utroiiili ilk si ut shihid u iuuv n to actum jirithded ot r b genial aantu clnus who was surrounded b u host of slmvll iuttuntrh involuu tarllj miss susun n nu mbt red uu crumpled noli in lu r uustcbaikh at huim billy bu1 wrht tliut ww tin child name she nxalled in sptu of hersrir she wondjpnd uhat lu looked like maybe he as iiroun haired llkt the mile chap just tht u whispering in unth in the kneeling santas r or mojbe she caught herself shook htr head impauentiy and hurried on she was ntept along the ulsle b the 1 aurgmg crowd and found herself pukhct against a counter brlgnt and shin with various mechanical toys she glancol over the display wondering just whieh of the oontmpuana was the sort tracktor bill anted tos of that type were all nonsense anyhow she re fleeted much- better give something userul like a pair of mittens have you been waited ont asked th clerk g was wondering ml suson as tonished herself by saying if you had any tracktors for little boys you know surely replied the clerk producing a magnificently red and gleaming machine a suddenly appalling sense of what she waa committing herself to flashed over minn susan andshe backed away hastily never mind never mind she gasped and made her escape in the crowd leov ing the clerk gaping after her resolutely miss susan directed her course toward the women s clothing aqcuon but so flustered was she that she allowed the girl to sell her a gay net of scarf beret and gauntlets in brtt jong ago mailed the nresenu that were intended for tier family it wag too far for her to go home for a tenday vaca tion the doll arm had dressed liad been sent away a few days before unda wished ahe could be present at the orpharuzc when the nlfta were distributed jerry would be uiare to ajng for all the children adored his jolly songa ins father was to play santa claus after wards all the orphans and their friends and relatives would banquet together but unda and her aunt susan would sit down to dinner alone and then spend a dreary afternoon mies susan s inner disturbance had heightened as hour by hour clirlstmas drew nearer she constantly thought about the lonely child who had no re a lives and who had so hopefully sent his appeal out into the world for itome one to call his own though why i should feel responsible i don t know she fretted she was thinking of him as nhe mar 1 ketedxorlfie last ume before christmas 1 tkeri instlncuvely drawn she went to the department store and to the toy section i wont a tractor the biggest red dest one you have she demanded half anvtily out of the store she stalked with it on her face an expression of mingled jihamc and rcrct delight her progress home was as rapid as her electric would uant stripes fljjrjjjead of the practical permit and her fingers trembled as she brown hose or sensible scarf she had f unu rapped the shiny toy and gloating y decided upon tor unda her demoralization was completed on she paused before a near by counter of children s house slippers uttle warm wooly slippers with rabbit s cars fringed indian moccasins and what took her pracucnl eye name sturdy sheepskin slippers that came will up over the ankles thee certainly would kiep a boj s feet warm on a draft bare floov only a dollar forty nine pcrnuadd u clerk at her elbow and genuine fine quality shecjuddn madam miss susan dallied with one littk hltpp r in hi r hand what size would un i lulu y nr ld boy uikt i uondtr she meditated aloud dreamily the cltrk handed her a pair hhe thought would do and if thiy art mt uil right hl7 we will gladly ixihimgc hilid shall 1 wnd them or will yon take unm wllh you til t tritm with mp mui iiiuirtl mlsn susan as if in u trance and befoit shi knew what really had happened rh was back in tht strett dazedly clutching hi r parcels she went to htr car it in and mechanically drove horni only whin she was taking off hor wraps did htr stern evtyday flf w akc up and point uic flngir of ridlouie at her weak ness land hukct susan clause she- ntorm at iw rstrf have you gont rlruu daft folu clicked hi r tongue disapproving una ins i un roof of iilt mouth as bhe survijed hi r purrhasui noting tht rd binding ut lh hllppi rs and tht brulnuut r uw jwurf t t new uhauwr did i 10 aid do s it 1 a f mitkh uilnt for bh fumed htutwr tjit run f ill laid thearlld itwuj u htr hurt u tlruwtr and lw f dlnm i at n win sin r trtived hit lull t tt tt mui claus l1unrint rulltll rouiul a sin ikshi tl ll ut it uu unsti biakj t slu mild iiulhln lo linda iukjui ui i pis kit of tourst slu wtuld not udn u imii tt hi i if that thi hluurto imprii nabli fortress of htr at if righteous ant r ugutniil i vtrythlnt conncrud with tin children s horm hud been lusidloisly wlukeped and by a childish wrap caressed its smooth reflecting surface with ikt eyes it was the first toy miss susnn had ever bought in her lift an il made her feel exhilarated i m going over loathe children s horm to morrow morning she announced abruptly fttcr supper that evening vou may come if you want to unda unda looked amased but sensibly bald np thing except a demure i d love u aunt susan accordingly on christmas morning after unda and her aunt had itned their presents and how surpilsed and pleasedlinda was ulth tho ay scarf set they starud off for the children s horn mis susun c irrying lo puc cages which she did not outuutr to ekp nin whc i the ii rived slu handtd thi m to hi matron por bill wrikht from a frl nd siil ald t mr clde preston whin she saw inmmlkfiusnii nnddrdhmlihulllkill umlably gentl msin hurried over si km k htr hand i knew you d conn around again ilss clouse he beun f no wl rt rtoll glud ti mc out mlss susan twilled her mouth wrvlv it s not on your account i came hih n torud although t i will admit uiwe new fanglod policies ir yours haven t ruined the place yet as i expected mr preston luuglwd iii wt uu haven t ffhtngs arc wot king tut fine vou necdn t b ast jo soon cnuu n d miss usan ncldlv then do y u k w who bui wright us t s 1 mfoi nit d mr pri ton 1 1 at lilt i it ii ovtr llure pointed tut i mall dt lltatt ly f rim d thild hovering mstf il in th dt irwii w uhiia ll j v 1 tl it mil ins inking plate all urou id him a slu looked acrosh uit room at tho child slu had bttn dreaming of f r da miss siukins heart was 11 odrd ulth an virwh imlnn wurmtiji ik was all slu hud iniaguird ihls it it bo who had in out to lovt him liucuhh the cut monies that f lllowed she hl watch d him ovtr the h ads of tht tcowd when sin saw tin wtiiiiltrmg delight on il small fact as santa handtd him tht tw packages from undtr tht tree and watch uuh mlss d him open them to discover tin paper bill the truui was susan t stoii si if wos trumbltng th nigh tor d tlu supjien ht wanted slu milel liuppll but with a suspllc ms moist urt in her tts tlu matron sent him over to mis susan aftxr it was all over that lady is a friend of yours and i think she would like to nee you slu told uu little boy so he slumbltd bahh full over to where miss susan sit austtre in her black silk the two lonel souu looked dumbly at each other for i long second then the little hand af bl i was laid trustingly on miss susan n kntt rrom tht m elusion of the loiu curtal u 1 aubhri ovtr a bav vlmlw unda and jtrr loukttl ucrovv iht i mm in imt to sit tht tubttau i i ui t undtistind it at ill jtri fa hill tllulg sttuli lo luivl coflu ovtr t a nt n 1 1 rind and nowvlook ut slu trltd valhuitl ui reslst por years she luid gone her own lm pirlous wn giving generously of her wealth but controlling whin sht av dlctautig to tlu hospital board ruling thi church mllituung in civic affairs hud also lielped educntt uio chll dreu ot 1ur ilstcr who was married to u oor country doctor unda w as uu third slu had token into her honit and and s nt through tht local college fi w months ago howtvt r muh susun hud been flouted rliht in open mettlng clyde prtston hud gotten to his it t and tus much txs said that tlu dldn t inttnd to run tlu orpluvnat iu longtr to suil tht whims of oic t id woman whin upon miss suaun remgned indignation otlu r commliti and bmrds of whlth hht had so long 1 aunt bustui wlij t bttn the i if appointed ruling jaiwer nu ute r tin mtu a shotted signs of rt be uuu ui that tin that llltle bo tn her knee mil p t son illaiu whom lie reuilntd u jejiv i buckled ui it a sunt jokt llrm uuihoiiluttu iiip was unda and iniustd him ti u woik d afttr ill i undu beiiig in lu r hut cur of colltge what jerr bon it all putltntl even to fclvlnn up wh htue bui asked nu to mull jtrry preston in oide i uuit u nilbht a letur of his to santa a couple or weeks conttuui htr studio o o i dropped ll in mls susans mall vw uudsa rtusoned aunt susan i box just u set wluit would luipprn and meunn well i know and ufur al whin 1 okwluu mlnicks wire wrought i he i have htrt i tan niumr ni friendhlup wild smlllrrgl into lur uplurntd tf with jwr a veur won i hurt us it wilt be u ort of test that s all slu tried to impress this lew paint upon jerrj b letter leforv utttrs wm forbldcin but jerrv refused to sec i stubborn nelflsh old maid he had turbulent written tn his hist letter she gtvca rrom pride not love unda shook iter head over that al uumgh she had hated to udynjt it the feared jerry was partly right but n one had ever suspected itast of all mu susan lierself that she really had a warm loving heart down underneath canarqutntlyimlss suaan was cdnsldtr- nbl upsit by tlietmnge feehna pro duced in her bosom wlienever she thpught of the trusting little not to santa claiu which had so oddl found lu wnj into iver mail box she abhorred senium u- tallltn bih often during the day she paused to look at uie small round toed sllpprrs in her bureau drawer it was the day before chmtmat there were nvfyctlve preparatiohtoouik on in mlsi susans iious unda had stitono altai mt nt warren o tcp salng lt bought skunk fur and till was his bus biason an inalsu nt oung man asked to be ixcued from jury duty ht was knowh tehy imii parsons itus tcpi j w smith i nillroad conducur has ntvir worked anyuherc but on a 275 mile run from his home town retiring ufler 57 yean service he figures he has gravelled 3- 500 000 miles gunner school afngal ontario and anotlier at dofoe sask whose popula tion is listed at m an air navigation scliool now operat ing at trenton ontario is due to more to the manitoba village of iuverahortly and an will bo establishes at pdrt many towns and village aerowi aiecht ontario in nuron dounty in war activities boost canadas smaller centres dominion gain impetus from air training man unite ottawa dccomber ilth cpas uie british commonweal ui air training plan develops life and prosperity u coming- to many small townsond sjiliaes across- cahado plant 300 to i 000 airmen of various ages all wltrpfalrly tod pay down in or near a village and tldngs are bound to happen social activities spurt ahead and garagemen restaurant proprietors hotel keepers and merchants find their business increasing personnel of air training schools range from about 300 in an elementary flying training school to 1 000 in a service fly ing twining school tradesmen and employers in uiese vlllagm and towns employ more help to meet uie airmen a needs and with en larged incomes they spend more money themselves some larger towns and cities also benefit from air training schoobi but there uie new business and new activity is lens noticeable than in uie smaller plncen already uic itentals control admlnls trator has had to step into two towns near air force establishments because a housing shortage was sending rents too high thene are barrie close to camp borden and trenton ontario close to trenton air staunn these however were permanent air force establishments which existed before the war and camp borden in also an army training centre rapid growth the little hamlet of malton in peel county west of toronto is growing by lenpn and bounds as a result of air tie wlopmcnts the growui started when transcanada airlines selected it as a terminus that brought alrtruft fac lories to the place now uie air force has an elementary flying training school and an air obsen ers school operating the re vindmr mills quebec is another place t lu ftitinltp iiwt the near future bt thomas ontario site of uie tech nical training scliool in which the olr force trains the mechanics and other skilled men who service its planes has been feeling the presence of airmen since last january several thousand men are atauond ure and that makes a differ ence to a city of 16 430 tiif war effort in a nut8iieix the industry of canada is being speeded up uie foodstuffs of canada are being supplied and properly stored to meet the greatest need at the proper ume the human manpower of canada is working its way into production in istry the navy uie air force and the armv hon jomea o oardlner a truf storv i want to tell you or an aducnturo i hud lost night is this a true story of course then go ahead i stopped to pay a bill and i uiought you said it was a true story now its scrounging london op it appeared to be or ganlard scrounging said uie prosecut ing counsel at a trial of nine men charg ed with stealing from premises damaged by enemy acuon 8omf0ngs pfdioree dfrf church records dating bock to 173s missing for 35 years were found when an atuc in an bast nam vicarage was being cleaned out was gaulant slomrzk london op snt edgar ucralton wlio ras last seen on uie bridge ot his ship the arandora star sunk by enemy action hits beep officially commended for bravery and devotion to duty in uie british merchant navy london op a 23 yar old laborer was given three months iprisonment for stealing six fur costs from a west end furrier whose shop was damaged by bombs i happy holidays h tippy days ore here nnd healthy days too for people who drink plenty of pure pnstcurild milk from mnsaes dairy its rich nourishment nnd cnerpy pro ducing qunhties will put the glow of snntn s checks into yours a qunrt n dny is the world s lowest priced health insurance masales dairy ilwtcurizcd milk and cream phone 71 acton ff toorist ior a london icp charged uiui defacing a hp notice a 51 yenr od man p end ed he uu correchlni a split infinitive on one noucc lie wis discharged on pro- bauon i uhich has an elementary flying training school cap dc hi madeleine quebec ultli a population of n 74u has one so has oodtrlch ontario uiui 4 401 st cugcnt ontario a small hamlet and high hlver alto with 1 350 prince albert bask bids fair to bt come an aviation centre with an etc mentary fl ing training school alrcadt opt rating there and an air observers whool due to open next year portag la pruirie man ls similarly fixed wlurin the next year virden man ulth a imputation of 1 401 villi gel a doublt capacity elementary flying train ing school and stanley ns will get a standard elementary school the biggest school under the plan is tin stnlce flying training school mo of these opened so far except tlte ot e at camp borden are near cities but a number ulll be placed at smaller cen i within the next jear macleod alts with u population of 1 365 dunnville i ontario wlui 3 405 summcrsidc pei wlui 3 7sa and yorkuin sask- with i 4 031 will be mtes of service flying training schools where pilots campli te unlr training and uarn to operate the faster and larger aircraft nrel open spaces bombuu and gunner schools ur- about uie same nlze as ncrvlce flying training schools but do not require as man aircraft they do require wide opm spacis where filers can practise dropping bombs and shooting at targets with machine guns so it is natural they should go to places with comparatively small popula lions and even then uie schools them stives may be remote from the villages jarvis ontario on tho shore of lake eric with- a vopulatlon of 506 is the site of ope and mossbank sask with u population of 358 gets another plans for the future cull for a bombing and down co canned toods prices tu 1ii t carroll tins wtielc nnd it m big py day opportunity to reatoclt thoitf depleted pantry altelve at fino saving hampers tor christmas if you are giving cliriitmaa hamper away tlu year tec your carroll tloro manager befora placing your order he liaa over a i already prepared to tell at 1 89 and 2 80 or if you would lilto in maltr your own aelfftlion iw will l pleased to help or organisation special attention will he given to buying in quantum groups aylmer choice tomatoes 2 16oz tins 15 be n j wuicn uuers tw5k vt njttamed men is more neiit i men if you want light dean inst le pro fit able wn t it learn uorbering the trade which oftcrs men ddr 11 yesr rouno employment in almoit everjt oty anj town you will be able in a short time to run your own shop no other bunneu require xuch small turtinji capital with a dtfber shttp you can add your own pool room cigar stand candy and soft drink counter etc mil in the unit building under the one expense for rent light and heat there is praaically no limit to your earning power with all these opportunities it your command there n an excel lent chance for you if you gkt started now fay as you lcirn plan write for free liters ture america i largest system schpoli from coast o coast hour barber schools sm ywke st t0mmt0 i u mccormicks butter bars 15c mixed nuts xe hard christmas candy 2 x5c chrutica cocoa iccburg cake zoc christies fruited puddings- 25c feas t ii ss table figs 14c seedless raisins cut mixed peel glace red cherries 41c easifirst shortening or domestic 2 25c ioc 27c aylmer pork and beans 2 2 15 taaly cult aylmer asparagus aylmer tomato soup v aylmer peas and carrots 2 aylmer infants foods aylmer tomato juice aylmer apple juice 3 aylmer rartlett pears 2 12 oa line 10 tn ig o tini 20 oa tins 20 oi tina is os tins 17c 7c 23c 7c 15c 25c 25c ayjmer sliced w pineapple 2 25 kelloegs corn flakes s chase and sanborns coffee 47c have your label ready win 25 dollars listen to cfrb every tuesday night mother parkers tea i small white i rf beansv ib 4 camay toilet soap cl sc rinso pt 9c 22c 43c chipso pi- 8e 2qc 47c 10c box of gibson tissues with infants delight soap 4 23c t aylmershced or halved ontario peaches 15oz tins 23 grapefruit 3 for 14c crih iccbcn lettuce 2 for 19c j i red emperor jkapes z for lifc also cntnberri tomntoefl celery yamo speclat irlctw w grocery itargaliw n sau unlll monday nlsht lrult ami vcwsbl tlntll hsturday nlfht only carrolls

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