tbunflday m 1mb imo the acton free press paok sore vie oordon conk wa home from kitchener camp yenteiday gnr j ooy is home from sussex n d for tho christmas holidays qnr p kejinoy 1b home from sussex n d for the christmas holidays busier carney byrne is home from amp at sussex nd on christmas fur lough a mr and mm chris bwackhamer visit ed with mr and mrs jamls qavlcs in hamilton an sunday meur wm warden and a t brown attended the funeral in toronto on friday of the late mra p j smith misses velma blair acton and manjaret momtachem mount iorejit re- oent graduates of the ouelph oenerol hoopjtal train lnjr school for nurses have accepted positions on the staff of the dunn avenue hospital toronto and left on tuesday to tnlco over their new duties george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toronto opposite ryrtobirkv card of thanks the kindness and sympathy which wore shown by the trlcnds and neigh bors during their recent and bereave ment were deeply appreciated by mrs price and family card of tiiankh to our many kind friend who with thought word and deed hnvc helped us along our way during these recent trying days mehyl and oharlles ktrkness card oi thanks mrs william h dawkins and ramlly appreciate deeply tho kindness and sym pnthy that was shown in vo many ways when the beloved husband and father of the homo passed nway this sympathy and helplfubicss will ever bt gratefully remembered ufutrb ox neeimbir 0th into mr a dills acton ontario dear sir although tlil rt lh ti piano playing and the umiui roeket that book with thne xh1 lablen and thret fullslzihi ping pong labus i bellevt i can concentrate long enough to write n fairly aennlbli letter by the way i am not in an asl side hangout but thin just the won dt i fill recn atton room they have here lb brandon jor all tht airmen purlin i cnnveiilencis art a library a nut in it uramnphom with hundreds of rt ordn mid etc an ived ht n afu r an inleri sllnti li ip nv r country u hieh i hud never seen hi ton 1 hi flrht fi w days j uiih tr att d llkt mi much xiess btlggagi uwhlg l tin great numb i of boys that ai iu loned u n and my ow n ignorant i with regard ui thi gent ral routlnt il arritlrs cirjuhrilly workid mw if into ihi suuu of things and am more than tmllmud with tlu rt suits 1ht nuijoiltj of rt how are all it an rut canadian bovs making exnlllnt romrndi s nr chums as ukj addrtss tach otlu i out hero the meals and sleeping quarters lean nothing to be denlrrd with tht disci pi in i being at irmt stage where one must be on im lots in fact thin dipot boosts of being tlw best disciplined htutlon in canada thi weather ho reached an unofficial record of 32 degrees bulou euro and believe me whether it is dry or not i would just as soon have nur weather in southern ontario the snow fall has been fairly light as yet with about three hughes as a rough guess there la no hockey in brandon be cause wi are using their anna which is a hum dinger x cant dteidc whether oalt has it trimmed or not neverthe less there an u feu outdoor rinks where tht public can skate hope you art enjoying good health ns well as continued hiiectiss in the business world yours vi ry alnccn ly geo molozzl w t patterson ro bpeelajiit in ey kxauunauon- orthoourt 191 wvnbham st otjeijni miw till completely equipped office below uoher shoe stor general insurance life tiite automobile accident and health and all clamcs of insurance also war bonds f l wright flee cooper iudg riione 0 township oi na4sagawjya notiro to elwiors take notice that n v lie by u ly of a plebiscite will in lnk n on monday january flth 1041 upon the following question arc you in favor as a wortlmi measure undi r the iioraroov ernmtnl exit nnion act 100 il the municipal council of thi township of nassngnwcva elect ixl for 1041 holding office for two years and ftmtiier taki notice that lhe itolllng will in hi id at the following placet polling dlvulin no 1 at hit oiange mull cnmpbt llvlllo polling dlvisiin no at tht town nhlp hall polling dlvisiin no i at tin knatch bull hall ptlli will lie opt n ut the ahovt nainid p act d on monday lanuary tith 1141 irom 101 am unul i 00 pin st indiird little sliips of a great navy life on n hhliflh motor torpedo- rout inwnrtime by tjarttmeus within a few weeks of being on board one of our largent battleships i found myrclf at sen in ji motor torpedoboat which is the smallest of our men of- wor she twos 70 feet long carried two torpedov tubes some depth charges and an antl vlreraft armament the com piemen t consisted of two officers and eight rntlnflw the cottleshlp carrud sixteen hundred and it was interesting to reflect that by a combination of clr cumstances it might be possible for one of these seventy foot hornets to disable and even sink a 33 000 ton battleship in outline these boats resemble a flat iron and economy in spore which is of course a feature of all shlpi is carried to a fine ft fn a motor torpedo boat the living spaces for both offic ers and men ore in the fore part of the boat the crew occupy one compart merit out of which opens the tiny gallty while the captain and his navlgntor usually a lieutenant and n sub i leu ten ant rnvr occupy another there is folding blink accommodatl in for all and they can when necesinfy live on board for consldi rable periods although wlten at their bases crews o boats not ot short notice live in pannt ships or ashore as in the case of submarines motor torpedo boats are manned by picked men these ratings receive special equipment and certntn tinned rations which as in the cose of submarine are officially called comforts there ore times when they must net d a good deal of comforting when the boat is running on hi r main inginen the roar of the exhau t matin conversation impossible wet and willi in any hi awa liu wau r drives ot r hi r in a lonlliinous hln i t as slu holm s from oni vnr lop to i in next i if on ixiard undi r these ondlth n is n lonff shout r inth i in raptaln and coxswain stand on nthlnlrnibbptpnd whwh iinjinrhs tnme- lin i avtattds announced or acton fair boys poal cliih 1 ho twil club project spoiihored by the acton agricultural siuittj was ln- ulh comllted ulth tin holding of judg ing comitetltlon and txumlnution a few das ago thi awiirds art us follows gordon uodinj gtorgt heutherlng tan bruot ueld angus menubb pyfe somtrmui john digits donald peer mnsia stor and minstrel show at alaple grovfi the regular meeting of thi mupla gmw uurarj society was held on fri day cientng under the canumershlp of gordon nelson the president james mcnubb uat in the chair anctthe pro gram una um folows chorus quod luck to the boys of the allies fthythm tttuid reading the self wo hun to uvc with will ionahb dialogue the new music teacher presented by mrsdomr maude llanuden and watian reading fkews muriel mcnabb mln- atrel bliow wish me luck on vou wave me ooodbye the na tional anthem and rtmiurh taki nollre that the minimum up f tin uilii si lakt n shall l dotu at the mimi unit and in llk iianiiii is hit nnilus of liil otts taki u for m ink ipal council chas i norrtsh cli rk i chus 1 nonish chrk of the tnuivhii of nassngaweya do certify lhal liu ubo t 1 a true and correct slate im nt of lht quesu in lo be submitted to thi electors and full parlculars with rt fert no lh n to dnud at cam pbellv tile this 2nd day of decimbcr 1040 jj j c1ias v noiuush clerk gregory theatre ml ii ay nicimuht ljth 10 little mothers drama and comedy eddie can tor march of time dutch ejisi dldlts popeye nuisemalis chapter 10 zorro s ptghunn ltglon satj rdav decfcmnfclt nth oh nil iii earl or pllddlestonc htgglns family picture gaucho serenade gt iu autry jfox news t monoaa dfcember lgtli rthe light that failed by rudyard kipling with ron aid colnuin walter huston car toon what a all tlie shoot in pvsr stranger than fiction if tin shock as the ixmt slrlkis i at h mii i i sslvi hi a the ri st of thi en w uhirevir tht y h apt wn to in just ki ep their knees im nl nhil hold on to wlnit iitr in handy hun must te momuits win n they wondi r win tin r the next jolt wont knock tin ir hiwktxmis through lhe to3n of their heads rent before action i found mysi if on board nnt of lheit craft latt om aflt niooie on of him ml moored alongsldt a t tly and the en us win tlttliik alkiut tin decks basking in the min sonn lay outstretchi tl w llh thtlr gasmasks for pillows asleep bui t veil in litis hour of relaxation om oi two of tht gunners were fiddling alth tin mechanism of thtlr guns wfth i a brush and a tin if oil oni mini was putting a touch of pulnt on oni of tin loipedo tulica uluit a win irad had it it whilt hi worked hi mint a iflly lo himst if i um body ehi put hbi lu id and shoul dt rn out of lht foruard hauh and bt kan handing roiuul cups of un as uu sun was setting lht lliutenauts in command came down uie pit r nnd climbed on board t lit hid bi i to n council if war ashore tin o clock said our captain brief ly qet your suppers early nnd turn in for a few hours it 1 be on oil nig lit show some hours later the atlllness of the harbor was broken by the roar of the high power engines as they begau warm ing through there wertf a few brux orders one by one the boats gilded ward the noise increased as they gath erod speed and presently there was nothing round us but the roaring dork ncss and the furrow of our wake pae in the starlight weekly war comineiltary concluded from pogcjuvo camnrvnn castle on december flth re ported a battle with on armed aerman raider in the south atlantic tho form r british lint r suffered slight damnge and some cosualltlcs but lhe ral ler escnp j because or her supt rior speed in washington sir rrederlck phillips british undrrsectctary of the treasury presented a balance sheet to united states treasury officials on the slati britain s rcnnurcefrht olio revlewid the cost of supplies in the united slati i strike in desert prime minister winston churchill on nounccd to a cheering house of com mojis december lfltli that the prrllmln ary phases of a brltisji offensive against italian invaders an tile egyptian libyan bonier hod been copped with success taking the initiative in the mlddli east the british pxoedltlonory iiree in a surprise attack december ilthf smashed arross 75 miles of desert to cut through marshal rodolfo oni7l ml fl troops and nach the mediterranean sea bi tween flldl bartani and iluqbuq a laige body of italhinn was cut oil in a wldi i nclrcllng movement a cairo commuiilqili stated 4 000 itul lans win captnnd in thi attack in which land forci s were assisted by tlu roynl air porei and the hoyal na in th opi nlng stagi of thi oftennlvi 2 ifallun irtam n ut rt shot down tin air ministry n ported 1 he ouenslv in the western desert la adding to the worries of pn mil r musso mill whose purgi of tin italian high command tunied lu a new dlreellou following thi n signal ion of marshal pit lro badogho on dict mticr nth it was announced admiral dorrunleo cuv ognarl chii r or tin naval stall had tired ills plaet hi ing lyki n by atl hlral artiiro itlnmll nils plltro pintor and aldo pi 1 1 krlnl mi mbi rs of tin italian in tub vrmlhllt e commission ui rt killiil in i plain i rash mar i in in anortllng to n llonn n ort iftmied huniluy nlglll itroyer in action im ii li rs f tin t r w r i tli sir yi i sagui nay in lult lilt illuhil t h on nt b lwh n tin u iisbli v mibinarlni ii di tai dr ttnl aiiai slug mi ul goods sent from red cross branch here shipment of goods and material from jvctcnand district bed cnlu society this week included the following list of articles 78 night gowns 36 tllpa 1 blouses 0 hats i baby jacket 45 sweaters orlitlbcr ath crvs k m on the enemy u front after some hours the sound of englnem dropped abruptly to a soft pur ring note the night was vtri calm a whlu later the navigator emerged from tlu coimlngtaer door iu gone ed at the dimly ut blnnaclt murmured sonn thing and pointed through the darkness tlu boat reduced speed till sht barely cartled stet rage way tht rt hectjpn of lht stars swayed and danced in tin broad wave that curved back from our bows i could see it then a dork object fun on tlu port bow thats it sold tin captain the outline of o buoy loomed up and slid past us thnt s two miles from the enemy coast said the navi gator di the com pa rath i stillness tht soun of aircraft passing overhead was llainly audible a moment later the darkness ahead suddenly became a lattice of search light beams they w heeled and con centrated spread fanwtse and joined their joints in clusters that swayed uneoal y and revealed specks of tinsel that eluded them while flashes of gunfire spouted into fountains of tracer shell the dull mutter of the acnrwui guns reached us across the water rtnd then the woompl of exploding bombs good old ra f i sold the mhjh atn at the wheel knockinff seven beels out of the bosch woomp saidth british bombs por t hours thty continued to say the name thing ujtlr splendjd monotony woompl woompl woomp the searchlight swayed like the fiery girder of ilome titanic structure about to crtuth into ruin flaming onions hung like dying suns amid the lesser etfrutel- ntiaru of tav shell knd ank slowly tn extinction tlien the n a jt went homo v i inn an md an um ulvin nit liv nin il in adqiiart im at otliu o lh iiuiminlir oeeurred in the lostern atlaiilie i iu lyrviard part of tin ship taimhl lln win n a u rjietlo t xploditl lint sallirs fought tlu flamt n for hours and llnally ixtlngukhetl lht fin cmdi clist it mllis halifax guided the tlislrnyir lhrough rough wait rs for huiuln ds if mill s and sin r in bed a ilritlsli p irl kiifi ly niori than foul hnyt alur jh action it was olllt tally annoiiineil in liutlnu dmnilnr 10th thal tlu oi rinnii fr mht ir tdarwalil hud bis n sunk nft cuba i in brltlsh iriilsir 11 uneli suipp d tin vi ss i itimlxr lllh nlm days afli r sh hud silled fiom 1 imph mi xli i f i spain lhe tli rmiuis opened lln si a 401 ks of lht idiiiwald atul hlu vv nt l i tin bottom bi fon a hrlllsh prtt en w tin fergua badminton club is expect ed to be on hand thursdoy at r 30 for a tournament with the local club the junior boys class are motoring to ouelph on saturday afternoon where they w 111 have a swim in the ouelph ymca pool boys nre to meet at the y nt one o clock v the junl r a girls are holding a party at the y on friday night a very interesting program of games has been lined up and indications point to every menu r being present saturday nile partli s which are prov ing so popular will be n jfimed lhn saturday evening m mbers and friends of the inurmedlati and s nlor si etlons an rnrdlally tnvlteei on widiusday hit i mix r ldth at ii 00 pm thin will in a christmas volley ball chocolate tpiininnn nt i hose in tiusteil on osked to ki i this dati in mind sunday fvi nlng i insldis will com m nn on dm mbi r 2nd with a christ mas car i si rvln so wlfy wolthy hi dim r inikrlly culled lln wiiltjrj walti r hi shouted uok at thk roffii i wo hies in inc eup of colli e ni vi r mind sir tin walti r n piled alter all how much eolli t can two niny hits drink gttiliw wo eant put n new aulnmohllc on your chrlhlmnn tr ilul you can hnvc lhe kcyo huni there for a new ford or mercury prompt delivery on new models lower priced gifts include such acrefwnriet iih heaumvi nnh defrohterx laili clorlw italterien hniiw die ip its automoiiree servki we ive it our winter firearm overrome llsrd clear shlftlnf clennlnr ord itattrry owrrnmes hard starting it a oasolne nnil oil rir sure starts in told weather norton motors phone m acton ontario js3siajs3sjs3sjsjsa2siatisj2kssi2ass3a3s3sji to a tew of the many gift siikkehlionw n on dihplay iih enhy lo find the riht ft i or ivirjone on your i ihi hen ull inn itrtrrat f ontlmirh 11 till irtlu 1 iisi 1st irmips of tin albanian lighting front ar n lir lug on ltlbasaiil it was njnrled ixnm bir lllh in tlu ir withdrawal along lht coastal nwids in tht south tlu italians are making for chimara whir liu greeks billevi tiny will maki a stand british troops have captured sldl bar rani fartlnst advance post of the italians in their attsick in egypt other reiiorls indicated that more than 0 000 prlsoni rs had bin taken in lighting up lo deci m uth songs recitations and contests at dublin literary 0fi friday decembi r 3rd the dublin the littrary met for another enjoyable tve nlng in thi school in toe nbsi nee of tht pnsldent miss molly cutis look th hair for tlu busint ss m etlng mr cultj w as c illtm uiun us ch ilrman for a very hilt rt sting pnigram tin follow tin puieram wis tlveii rtriution by donad ross s ngs bj htltn siimervitli r citation by mr burkholder- votal solos by mrs robertson a comical ballon conl st conduct d by mr cuius musical iiumblrs by thi siikki childrm vixal dut its by margartt and jean robtrlson ptu no solo by mirtmt sonurvllli rt cl tnlon by ross brltton luid a plain solo by n tanor ross mrs hnbtron moud a vou of thanks to mr cutis for the very uilertalnlng way he pre si tiled the progam as chair n an tht nut ting clo ed with the national anthem lunch was served and dancing took plilci iiandkags latest stylra ii 00 in si dk pullover ardiknnh ror ijwllrs rnr olru new style color a 1 nfful oirt hosiery infants swlateks kiuonas elt all wool ikls iois 2 ir o tfe pair tha towos til linen 2li lo life rat h ladies apuorvtt overall te t slylr- it in i u r uh lovrly iimiy doms p to ihi fokdon 4 hose i ilirtjd 1 threat hlft m hankies hvorlnl ikeslitnii iv u 0i lnx ioys games ror hnv- ilru 1 ir ui k r rat h rlbttc owns mir u 91 00 rijctto pyjamas si to cn si t lingerie sups satin imfit trim plain tailored stylm toc to 91 v 1 thread f hlffnn hose hr pair ceoves arfc variety htffnn srml scrvlre 7e ilr tuc to 1 10 pair cashmere hifk and wool bath toweis loe to 11 25 pair smart colors i 3c to 75c each vests rhoomers panties satin celonuede rayon 20c to 70c pair rayon cotton 21c tn 45f pair ibex blankets 12 00 pair oiili4- ii08e 15o to 55 pair many other lines on display that a wav the country minister wo bfvlns tho mulcmnid a lift homo in liln car and when no enmo to imr houne he get her down the irlrl started to thaiuc wm oh don t mention it said the clenrymnn tlie slrl blnjoied and replied a1j rlaht bir rnunls tho ftortl shirts well tnilorcd siart patteitns ii m lo 9 85 gloves ii m to ii 3d scarps wool challe 91 00 to 91 so socks large range to il no pyjamas r uttr rroaoclotii 91 v3 to 92 0 boys olf socks 25c to 3fto pair ties a ipt thats sure to please smart paltenw boyh kc menu vjc to 1 00 underwear medium heavy por men hoys a practical gill braceh nixtm krrclllets sweatees whidbreakcrt hati capo etc overshoes rubbers lar men boys open evenings until christjwas and darkness fell upon the coast except where fires glowed dully da an found us bacic in harbor a dockhnrwl caught the heaving line dung by our gunner where vo yau been nmtr he aslfed the gunner replied flitting in the front row of the stalls chum grocery depf por your clirlhlrrms hnkinr supplies and vour every day needs il pays to shopherc we carry a ijirgc awiortnvent or staple and fancy foods alwayu prerili and priced right phone 38 v acton ont i s