Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1940, p. 1

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v winnkr al a jbucb trophy vaajbasgvnorrr paok wlnnbil award of merit nrmd place pon ijest hditoriaj paob sixtysixth yenrvno 2 irtstue acton ontart5tuesday december 21th 1010 pour llomepnnt pages five cents year end work of esquesing council monday final account piuwwl council thanku reeve wilson for conduct of meeting tlit december mcetlnu of esqucsinr townnhlp council wn held on monduv of liuit wek deputy c h may councillors o w murray edwin har rnpand occiirc e cleave wen pre mnt itwvc wm a wilson presided 11l the mcotlnu moved by meiuirs may nnd harrnp that the treasurer pay relief account up presented by the relief officer 24o 40 carried moved by messrs cleave nnd mny thnt the treamircr pay the road sheet us presented by thr rood snpcrnundcn ja130 37 carried other accounts pnssed foi payment were i town of alorjiuuiwn division court costs 7 ii hume currli roil boll rtltiphoiit account acuin public utilities cnmmls inn crcscinl stn i t lights dcirtrtment nf omni nnd pish crlis 150 hunting llrmss w j cumpinll wi uih toi whlllttr ac co nuppliih j fail 11 li mi r li f account to dnt nnd supplies i m be nnclt stamps james corni r u splitting mid piling wnntr- sheep culms a s wilmn 1 ttguttitd twt killed by logs pnul s kennedy j sheep- killed by dcih mm annlr l murrny 1 sheep killed 3 sheep injured k c lindsay vulunlor cecil chlnholm selecting jurom a w denton selecting jurorn pynnk patch aclectuir jurom w a wllaon selecting jurom cecil chishnlm attendintr n judge b court on voters lint a w benton attending nt jlldgt a court on vote rs lists cnundlaii dim ml insurance co rem wing tux colli clor s bond harry robe rtktln stumim dnle nnd lit nm tl in count to dale prank pi it h at tint ci rk lor serv lii stumps nnd miiidrli s wm a wilson mtttlnks mile utfl fllullllssiilu c ft mn millings mil it commlssiiin pilum hnrrop minings milt in t own mission a w murm memnri null it comimssion o t cltim mtt lings mil in t ommlsslmi botml of htiilth an mints c h tumi r ambulance to ilnmllton hospital n tndiy t4 n in i o 38 or jnoo 11 on ao oo oo 00 ioo wellington county provides for war gifts to filing at n meeting during the week of tin wnr cftorl commlttn of wellington county 7 was voud i ih green war reluf pund and 11100 wiu voted lo the london dictrehh nmd hi hi use t in london or other bomb a itiis nt tin dliicrttion of tht canadian hlrh com minhlonrr the outlph eiltldil of die clmli ap jxnl nppinrcd bufore the cominltlet on snturdny and explained the ure ni y of the cautv it was nlno explained thnt orcek holdierndo not receive pay nnd dopend on nnnlnlnnce to maintain the ir dependents at home while they nre light inn nenlnnt the itnllnnu wellington county by mnkinr n one mill levy on the county rnt tor patriotic rurpinc8 tin plonwred nnd ret an tx ample for other counties of the 35 420 thiih raided over 30 000 if ntlll on hand to be inukl to the bent advnntnwe in furtherlnr the wnr effort support him d ar mir pnrhi it kimn imponfilble for mi to ftnd inoiirh to b worth while writing about v ry often but now tliuleiirthtijiah ih driiwink ir again 1 have this oppor tunlty of mnklng tontnet with so many ti lends aid e qiialntanccn even though e purated by doze ns or hundretltt ir ivm thoumindk of mile- thoiirhui truvi i j quickly nnd we nre reminded in spirit nf j mch oihlr christmas is nvways tlie bennon of good cheir regnrdlens of fin nnclnl or other cireiimbtnncen some nre nbh to give lavlnh and xpmslve pnfiinu others none at nil but everyone i mn wish inch other tht tunnbn r greet ings nnd bt hnpm nnd joyful on thls another annivtrwry of christ s birth i our two hliiooi children llkt so many othtrn all ov r the country haw bttn busy pra using or the ii liiurtninment to bt hi id the 10th ind of course to h ar ttwrn u ii it it h to be a wonderful wespay issue aain next week tin en opt ration reteied from advertimrn cuirisimdii ia con lrjbntorh and nil in e tting out thin lssm of tnr trff puffs two days nheao if scheeluli ti nppre eialed by the editor and nlalt mid witk holuliyst do disrupt julll iitlon m heduli s mny we have similar iisslhlan attain next witk owing ui the new year holiday line riirr pnfhs will again bt ihtnied on tuesdaj iltase hind in uipv early alter next we k we ho jfmtl bnck to regular thursday publication d ites already been given to red cross brain he s alr 1 he joj in wellington and furthe r be given ah required sistanci iwllh are anj wav ilnglng halton plowmen kleel officers for 1941 all ntlentts honor mis doris mncdonam at misceijaneous shower lani i rid iv eviiiliig mih amn las m line mrh w o mason ui hosl is s al a ijiipi llime cms sluiwer in honoi f mhs dorfh mil dona id a illicit of thih unk many f rli nds attended and mis mai donald wiih the nd lent of a variety of biauttriil girth fimujittummitl table dicoratlons pink and white mrs a mrh w coom i pound ifn lex pilindh greatly t njoyt d oporliiulty of spending n sex la 1 ti with mish miu donald 17 it li 00 101 1 uti 00 1 1 i ho big list prizes distributed al the christmas carnival eent sponsored by acton rrnnch of iepion mra mhplwden wins wahhink mucin nc a lull uuwii altuulitl the chnslini caniuul sponsoied in at inn hrtiiu h of ha canadian iilin lit ul last nlthl in the inun hull inn appaunih the c hruimas shopping hit inwennt tli liolhla tmiiul and peiliai dipliled iii ntkit lit ih with tin miried i tin u i tin alti tulni i i ami had a m s and tiniiisf m in ud ill l mill i mi v t a booth b v draw un the close elit 10 11 1 0 4 00 10 00 10 00 tv dtlieirtmout of hi ilth of on turlo insulin supplli i ii liliiklmin nuttings mil aire dr u 1 paul nuttliikh milt age wm a wilson nuetnikh nilk hue inmk piuh nuttings m ihnuntt mn tings dr r t ihnil fare to toumto admtiuexl to indigtih tr jt t pnul uuinchih uimrd of hiulth ut tonmto moved b mfhsrn cltnvt and harroi uinl the report of tht medlial lit iuui oftieer be ulex curried a bylaw to provide fot holdinu mun icipal elections or uu wnr 1041 una ivud ns rvqutrtd and passed anothir blnw to grant lrmtssiim to uu rihiv and treasure r to borrow mom to meet tin cut nnt tpe nmturt of tjie township us poshed and the blanks vied in with the sum of hkitlumsimd flv himdnsl dollars momhi by messrs murraj and hnrrop thnt thr reeve do ilow ncnti the flintr ahd it be taken by the diputnrei carried moed b m0mru clenr and murrn that tbothanlu of thin council ore ntrb tendered to reee wni a wil ton for the courteous anil impartial manner in which he bait presided oer tile meetings of the council dilriruj ti e pwt year carried itnl in iln coun ii chniubt in i luihi and colli ti inti n st tnfrid in hi li lt s that was hi d at follow tnt wi u tin huk w miu ih numliiis u iniim loi linn washing miuliliu no ii villi lfuull rndliv ntr- 10 v bur ion sto e nn itilo r aiar uutlui coat no l7ij unthti coat no 1j lunbi tt a out ion coal no jti v ciyott half ton coal no 0- i u windm luikt v nn jlltts ceo muvelu gn si no ltitr l morris cluikui- no hioj r h elllult piolttkis me to bt used ftm supp wint toniforis for tht bos ovurstiu iioiii aitin and dls rut una tin biltish win u turn rund jon rumlev is president of mission hani lu j ihlldren hinging luinpy abeiul li i i tan i hurdlv imagine what u e 111 d 1 e si home must bt llki in my falhi i and mot her a fwiiily six of iih grew up iigethei and now in mv famih i lgivt bun git wn up logethtr ho we huvt good tlmth i oi the past iwo yiais wt t lh luitf gin dililldrtn lis well so as snip glow up nnd go aw n v ot lie rv come to taki unit laiis wire snnifwhnl sipinited this vai and with ui h txtrtmi while i w ather and ho huh h snow mid ind mads li h going lo bi hard to g i lo g the r harold is away about m ml t ixan and nnirntgi ttii out wood with tlw- uuuu and si rved evilvn now has h i own home and family to cat i for and no me mih nf it nnnporuitlon so far in the wlnur time dorothy ih he iplng to e stablish a home of htr own in rouyn 3ut btc and her husbnnd u mint t mployi t in the shop hns only tht day oft the train s rvlct is not convenient lillian is also emj loyed mar rouyn so we art wondt i ing just hou many will bi home our wuith r has been mort extrtmt thnn for tht mist flvt ytnrs thnt wi it btun ntre it froan- up early in novum ber hnow came to htny about the htli and wi drovi our car for tin hint unit down our road tin j7th the mail man did manngt with a good dial of lie lp mid hardhhlp u g t through till the jiid of detembir tiitl hlnci thm noihlnt but horse drawn t hit ui toukl gt lhrough continual si in nih haw pll d up almut uu ft 1 1 of snow on tht it it i and mut h iiinrt whin li s dimtnl i hi highway is kept opi n m lunundouh imum and tnuib but count 1 1 loads nn jum ti t iii ns uu t mi mid wt it tl vi milt s horn hie highway fa mn turns i m lad h mn i tnrh an a nuimintt unwii in i old uuatlii i aluais honitthiiv ouig wi mv lis linn bitut told lot diwn lo tit 1 1 li w ru a numbir of linns ami in da as i wnti its tx low with a nastv wind ho in hai to kit hits in to k t p tlu trust out in pit of tin tild plum s 1 ba t and forth both cn and nilhl wt u rtvht on tht laut just u unit fiom tlu was plow nn n it ind su ross seghworlh tf rrtminnn i it t usd presldi nt of hnjton mens association ftif 1041 nt thci mt cling hi id ri ie utly in milton association hns nnln not only had an at live imt a most hioct ssful yi ai in uddlt ion to t hi untuial inat h w hit li is ii i gni c is out of uu be i t iiunty mauhis in tht provlnet junior niatth wjis lit id mid tli vt n halton plow boym lomptted ul hit inu nuilloniil wht ri tin y t slab 1 1 slit d an outstanding record 1 in iitgiam ut tin annual mt t ling hit hided son it t xti lent eduratlonnl minis whit h wi rt mum iitr through iil t uiruhy of canadian industries i jin 1 ted n e hvtlon of otlltt n nsultid is follows honorary prtsidt nt john mccormucjt pn em an preldentsftoss scgsworth vlct pnsldtnut j a eaiiott and vic tor hall i ftuitturcr clnudt plcktt set rt tnry j e whltelock dlrtcttirs dnqueblng jamts cunning hum w h robinson and clcbtrt mc powtl navsagowcn oeorgi plnniy a s mfthon l w chlsholm nelson w j roberuon willlnm dales c m rmd head trnfnhtnr john usitc w s hall and j a dixon county directors rrel robins m dordnn ohisholin suinlty hall j ii wilson honorary dinotorsr i oltnn john cnulson p d baiter w a robinson pt li r pttldlt phituoru christinas service- at united church last sumia mrs w p a uatlvi of toronto for ow brown loniiitti ulon but rihltient ol forty ye nrs mrs w iiway on saturday at he i home 110 siudlna lunti lorimut on de re mbi r 10th she hud observed hi r ninly first bhthdny and has bun in ni ing he tilth for stunt time mrs brown whs before marrllu aiinlt grant a laughter of the late squire ci runt of ae ton her husband pre declared her lor ly one ytnrs ago she taught school and will be remini btnd by olde r resldinls of nnssiirnwcyn nnd laqiiifllnn leiwnshlps surviving her nn two miiw alixnnde r o and william and oiu daughter mwbtl all of toronto one slsu r mrs nelllt rurinr of i iltle current also rtmolns mis margant wallace anothe r siste r passe tl away last month inte rmt nt was made in falrvii w o tin ti ry atlon ye nte rtlny afternoon r v mr oneiihliuli mlnlste r of ce nu n nlal unlusil chunli of width mrs brown was a nu in be r undue utl the sirihi wii 11 am 1 ai11d e mile ills of tills mi day uttehstum his hi in pringrthd bet ji 1 1 at k f i hi illst wnlkervllle iimunlty wli ii known wi re shoi kctl u suddtn dtutli on wt tints nk of william uilrd ai in walkt i villi out irlo hi about buiiiiii hs tjif day pn vi that ttinmff siilte nstl n in ail om whldi lit hilled to ri i ovt t limn in alton william ldrd was a ion of miu nnd hit latt samuil ieilid ht sm ut his boyhood and tarly man hood hi rt unci it nrued uie glove cutting ti iieclt we runll unit in was a member of at ton cltlj iih band nnd took cliv part in the- t ve tits of the tun munlty and with the oddfellows iwlgt he marriid miss dllu oambli also an actonian about twenty yiars ngo the coult it ft acton to make uu ir home in walkt rvllle htn in the new home thty both found n place in community affairs mr uilrd wits manager of tin united aurae dt troit and wilh highly estet med by bllblnesii iisfioclntei and a wide eircle frie nds to hto wifi his mother anil his brotln nnd hlsters sympathy of many frli nds in tills htnm u w n ommuulty got s at this time whin a lift still lp full st ridt w as so suddt nlv te rmluatetl r an pot t ins t nitntiontd btfoiti and tht si dais of txttnsiit training ami lrauskii tint of plains wt t sun hem by tin cotiih they oom right ott r tlh bulldliii tin ing ut land and of mj th tttrlble roar thty makt nn or hlx uvithir to make it possibh to land tht runw a s m t kept rolled a t att rplllar tnu tor and hi aw rolh r is ustd after inch storm i road construction lias btt n slowitl ui mit lumbirltitr luis tnkm its pluct as a means of impoyment mid titry avail ablt man who w plnskally fit tan find work both pulp m ufmbe r art m gr at diniund a ttrrlbu wind storm in nonmbtr did trt menumus daniagr to thousandh at titles of standlnir timber which his mud lot ring much hardt r and man ixiunsive but monitors art bolng lilnad just tin same two llg camps i kirtiu of implowni from 41 to 50 m n inch have hnd to raist their nilts twite to mm th hardet conditio i of wort tiling logh cut lind skidlid 45 00 ei month nnd bjard k tin privuilnig monthli w uk w itli nrloiih pnci h for piece work most work nowadays ti a patriotic proiosltion the ouiterlu or product is ui urgently neided for war h rvlct or effort that tin work imohim is a jiectfiiit m all the young ntn in thru couhtrj ouiet eddin saturday in acton home a quit t wedding wus holtmnimd n l hi honii of mr and mrs r m macdonuld wton ontario nn saturday list a htn their daughter doris mary was unites in marrlahi to mv janus krman small of niagara pulls onuirlo with re h i bi nnli olf iciatlril ilu bride won a own of blue full i t illt lu fashlnned op print tss lints with a julie t cap and carried showir bouqtut of pliikrosis tlu biidtsnuiid wus miss nid brlcn of toronto uln wore u gown of tattlui in a dt t pt r shadi of blui and carried a bouqui t of pink t uruuiions mr donald stt rling of btictbridbii luted as bt st man on the return from tin ir homy moon mr and mrs small will nmde in niacin hills ontario mrs s uuid ilu moth i daughti i al wiitiiihso diath of william uilid bri uk in htr fuinlly of biinuu 1 re sitli s in johnsti htilsvins in ni w i iskt ii il ipwn in wain s minn latliul in a ton cltvt liuu olu i t mis s ui in ue hlna sask uu rune nil w is in id on lytday mt mix rs ol lntt run nt r nsldis with minn hit wns tht first vt u t lilldn n mi n y mrs mis dt mils mi lt i 1rs rtihh i w j alior- bonus lor the employees of public utilities ullllid in both uu log of llnl d huii christmas spun buuda to m ak mgnilliunl i lie nkhnliih st rviie fir install i was inlrixluted by a ptott sslmi ul ol choir ind sun si in e i lull a btaulifuly tletoratid auditorium wllhiin irldi cenl whiu turinln and truss at tht e limit e i sugwe stlons drnmii and niosl life tlvely pnsintid by a groi p ol mi young wonii n of ilu e hurth wus i pngtunt based on tin whiti olfts tin mt lie luring i pi trim iking worth whlll life lure d by pie nsure wialth and runic advlsid by wisdom and finally finding h worthy plait wiln ijove nt tin cross i in parts we te take n with a spirit of rial de vollon pn vailing by marjorl ne lion annitta puum annn m it don i uld mabil hurris lean ijimbi rt mm john pi ii i illiitn u ids irmn wilde t spin anil bitty olbhon and mrs w i llmitty dltl an intldinlal solo b hind mil mi uln i hi page ant llliistiiitt d strtt inglv die umtul pi m diiimn we done may liav in tt ul wot ship at tin t vitili a i ihi bo illful old 1 nglihh mini nv l tundlt iikiimiik wius utllbed ih lull mumiik ii dark tnttl iiklitoiiitin and singli w jhr flst uu i by tin iiljii of ai tlh j n lt i c cuifi id s add list was ba id n lb ifiiuin s nn i i ht ann on lutli n allk na mi t n lu the st ivn in ill n v will in addition christum u ito mid winn i i k tin musical m t ii m was nlinid to tnatt u illtkik fot chrlslimni i tin c holr numbf rs tl s t nr i in the blink s sung by miss dorothy irrtkiilnr onsumplion of water m niinintf some difflcultleh in kecpinp supply constant uln ias el by acton public ulllt at o monday e his nmiiil oilon ii f hows hydro llcpartmrnl nil i ele phone on st rvlce s w r lashbrook installing hi n u r highway gurugi rt pairs and snppll s ii is pc of ontario power etc cnr nnd transports express i i tit ril win a cablt co blip jlls canadian i liu male rials sup pilot nnitlurn tlitlrlc co siipplli s mucdonaltl i leitftl co sii jlles iinadliin it tie nil hit hi co supplies c unsllt id 1 it tilts i pai inn nt 2100 i 770 77 jill jo ii ii 71 tile w rks wtlrruorlih orpurtnirnt idlit bn 1 ill iipoi t tisuiupl pumiilng i amount pump o it j boil gallon ililihi r of toronto mlna hill in r also sa bn ilh of clocl mn tin ictuii was rt vi ales on tin rt v mr qillord is fttiturlng mit tun sermons during the fe si ivt si asti and will pi i si nt anothe r next sui di e vtnlng lui hi soloist lire tithe on mt itlingly just i pi boxing day is proclaimed in erin township- oternment suiinkiv on roihih is kticnistl at concludinur meetintf of year idles 1 ht supi rlnii i st ut li re gu ai was tuakliik 1 hi a diffuult prob t e tt varlitl from l r day i in commission asked tin suporln- ttndiut to huti up uie mnttcr at a unit li v of tin count i early in the new year a motion wius pnsni tl paying a bnnui nf 3 ir tent on tht salarits of tin seentary trt usurer sunt rlnu ndnnt uml his iihslntaiil thr oftlclaln expressid tlw ir appreciation of this recognition chairman hfinsi n reevi chalme is tujcmmlshloiter m symon were pn nil at the meexmr record mail handled this year at acton post office in wilkin and mrs laird w united church tin windsor ci mi u r 1 nn i uw nshiji mut t lltllsburk win n mn as tiansiu led ihurstlay i i milt i i was pint laluusl n hut ii ianni was i biluol ali ndnnt i off li folle ml tlln mil i ali nttan hit in ilsure r n 011 1 lowrnimnt n mn lownxhip following uu ii 1 knox w ms elects officers for the year tlu winniih mlhsionarv soiittv ol kiu chunli has tucted tlu follow inj illiit rs for 1041 honorary pnsitti nt- mrs 11 i dm i paid fsits officials sit iirlth prlnllng hydro cltitn bhup dtstrnitd re he f mlsttliantoiis vii hnluuiv imminlid for 10 11 itirte t re 1 1 u i llbslth bt i ni isw ssuu nt its wtll hi i 1 7 j ii- in tl 00 40 j 1 m uu h jo 43 1 while roinpli tt llguns art nol t ivnllabli ll would apjtur that tht mall mntl tti this yiar nl at ion post offli t w oultl i stubll ih i i t w n t ord tor mini t ivt lining the witk an 4 ii 004 letters nid arils wi i hi alton mt ni nv if tniiisi wu tin wi n f mi hilslmas nisli 1 in mall lain unloaded j7 oiiks fir ac tin siluitlny morning i mut was i sat ks jnsliimsji r mutlhi ws hnil t lalf f ix on monday sort ink it tie rs and taitls all day it kt i p nht ad of th ii t umuhimi n unli ss -nn- ui uiilh saw tin m ish jf mail in tlt os1 ollin on monday morning no onteptlon lould bi gain tl i of the woik intullect in gt ming tht it ii ruge pitstixl blggi st in day i iiuul lers cartl and pure i thnsi who wutlesti on tin wli ke ts foi tht ci mpl ted it wi wit kits wtn nbli ii distributed o ll till othti side of distribution to in 1u r noon be on tin i be opt ntd for the week of prayer services in the acton churches the uctoitu mlhsitn ban1 of kno pnettbytiria i ch irrh has t tcted thr fouowlng otllcers loir 11141 pn sldtnt joan rurtili j vlcepreitdentt jiumtf spuiiiktl bittj masters secretury hi it n mlt han wiuurel- loan soinervllle r pianist plortnce salt axalstan ptunlst joyce derburi cneloie 8ere ary ai ecn mclsaar croup leaders dora jiansen mnr- ab iwhere tike are bein called buret somerville mary ritchie tfieli falnlne ami large numbern of them mclcllnn concluded on page pvjur s the churches of acton will follow thtlr usual custom of observing the llrnt full wiek of jinunry with a season of pmur sunday jan 5th each church has itij st rucis monday jnnunrv fith st ajbun s chtirch at ft 00 p m r tuesday jannnry 7lh knox church nt boo pm wednesday january fltli btptlst church nt fl 00 m vhursduy january oth at unitej church at 8 00 pjn let mi open the new year in the spirit of worabjj this year will decide our m natldhifood and our place in the worltrr let ii enter it with our hand in the hand of ood nit pust prtsidml mrs n j toptcnrd pn sldt nt mrs oe o murruy vlciprifildinls mrs l h barr mrs u 1u h j seen tary mrs w j oould trtnsuri r mrs h m ml donald mission band uudtrs mn h matnr prizt mrs a j niuhahan mrh geonae samtrvlllt pianist mrs j bnut assistant plunint mrs t s blow seen larli n ljtt rature- mrs a smith librarians mrs h p watson mrs a robinson f- olnd tidings mrs g uinu miss ii wjillace i prissmm ii mulnprl suprly mm a w milsnlii home htlpcrs mni o hansen mrs p mtsutelieon t welcome and weltote mt p ander- fon reaiumore co spread christmas moni employeiis i inpltjytis of biardmon co inn huviuin partletpatlng in m vt nil ivrtit during the christmostldi sinscm on thursday evening on riant fori mm and stijie rintc nde nl win guests of col beardmort and mr s o bt nnett at i turki v dlnmr smecl at tin stutloi hotel enttrtiilnnu nt iw provided by chiis miwgruvt v co of toronto on suurdny j50 lhlldnn o imployets of the conipnny shared in n dl trlbiitjoji of chrlstmah ulfta from a big chrlntmti i yi gnu ml dt livny i lib is usual v torn pli tret bi foie 10 jo a m clllins gi ni rally appn lat tht spli n did scrvitt that has bun givin at- tin pust offlct and tht rompt dtllverv whit h hits bitn nttomplislud in spit of tht tit lugt of christmas mall coming events v inrmfiim ol rrrl i n t- r oihtf fvetttv iimlrr ihi- ling arc t i irurl v lr per w mi minim tin i itue fir tr parly ht id in mn town hull 1 heire win prrieijts ust ful and be nutlful for evtryom tilt event was arranued joint ly by tht company and the bmpliiyns atsocintlotj on monday christ maa hnmperswcn dlstflbut4d to ill the employees the events have indeed spread a blu measure membershlii mrs wm johnr cheer throubh trie families of many homes whose heads are eni- probrnm committeemrs w laaby ployed in this larueat oftaotons indus- mrs f s blow trio tin junior parmirs new yenrs party in wirni school on jn and pro btiwiivt croklnole gnmes and noveltv dimciw th itverton choral soclnty win pre sent a conci rt in the ucverlon church on monday december 30th at an pm tfitandnrd tlmel admlalop gc iv dnnci in bannnckburn school on ntw years jcvo- under the nunptccs of the r nnnnoekuurn women institute pro ceeds for pat purposea admlmilon 2ac oood music and lunch v y m

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