Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1940, p. 2

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paoa two the acton pree press tuesday dbobuukrl 34ul 1040 neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres nnitcsihmunitles in which many of our readers are interested erin at recent moetlntj the shnmrocc hockey club wtui re orennlnod mr w y oray has vone to ptul the winter with hut nan wealy and mrs oray at delhi ontario ntvgr dro con ford dlntrtct deputy ormnltmobter of welllnrtfln district paid hlft official visit to wellington lodge no 271 oh thurndny ovenlnu of lait week mrs alex mpdonald who resides with her nlnurr m ada short received mul tlple brulites and concusnlon with apon nlblc fracture of the skull vlwn ehe fell down a ions alight of ntnlrn on wedncn day of lnnt week member of the welllnaton county council and ortlclnln gathered at a cam pllmentnry dinner to warden d fl ultch in the weltlnitutn hotel oiulph lait thuraday night to pay honor to th retiring council head advocate ballinafad mr and mm may of little current nre npcndlnu the holiday searon at the home or the latter n brothers mrnarn duncan and peter perjruiion mr ard mrn irvine are upending the holiday with friend in detroit mr nnd mrn will evanh and family of acton were vtnltorn on sunday a the home of mm soper mr and mrn morln of montreal were visitors during thr week at the home of their uncle mr job young mm smith is spending the holiday with frlendii in toronto everyone concerned in than ful that the mild weather han removed the ice trom the seventh line which won vcr dnrtffcroufi wishing the editor nnd rue press utah n very merry chrlntmnrt s limehouse tickets were sold an n chrlstman cake made by mrs jahne at che mham and the lucky winner wai mm wrn mltllerc proceedb were sent to the kvnbig telegram war victims fund the annual christmas concert of b no o lemiuenlng was held on thursday evening the good performance of the pupils taking part showed the result o en re fill training and diligent propnra tlon on the part of miss jenldnson and mm dowdy as well on the pupils 8nn clous also attended in time to unload the pretty tree and hand out the usual oranges nnd candles to thi delight of the children this year owing to the f sllvnl dnyfi coming in thi middle of thi weeks the holidays for thl school children are longer than uhuui mi they arr hnvl it two full ueokk w regret to report that mr pn d shelbourm ik on the hick lint but h mi ik may soon bi romplt teiy rw ivi red the junior choir led in tin tu rvtce ufj pmlst on sunday afternoon and also enrol nfti r rev dnvldson s hi rmon at the presbyterian church dr and mrn a m bruyns hpent the wieknd of doccmbir 15th with m j r q sutherland at tin mnplcn mr wm qrlcg is hpendlnii u couple nf weekh with thi oale nnd mibh i vi i1b utth shirley mcalphu tn homi from acton for the chrlatmiui holldtiyh mr and mm w oniuluih and litlli hlldn n hpent sundnj with mr and mm a w bin ton your iorrlimondi nt lakes this opp ir tunllv o wwh th edlun nnd stall n liurrj christmas and happy niv yuu rockwood schools closed trldny for the chrott man holidays mrs ross carton minn lovenn rich ardsop miss m mllruy and mr ocorge torrance are home for their holidnyi from new dundee kitchener auelph and prescott the annual christmas enwrtnlnmcnl of the united church was held frldaj evening with a good attendance after thi openlnr excrclkcb by kcv i h law son mr oeorge oordon had charge of the program mr fred mc arthur led in the singing of christmas hymrui tlie young fo ks cime first in their rtflnectlve porta which were well prononted ar interesting feature of the program woa u flag drill by some 12 girls and all pi iy d their pnrtit welt the lost part on tlit program w a representation of thi birth of christ will carried out by oldi r members u thi sunday school undir tin direction of ri v p h lnwuon in costume depleting the sliephi rcn wntrhjirh the ir lloe k by night and the iipp arance of the star at the conclu klon of the promm santa clam put in his itppt arnnci to thi di light of the young folks md dintrtbutod thi nume uies prtiuui the many friends of mm h q hojikliik will be plrahed to 1 urn that alu wiui ubl to nfurn home inflt weik from ouelph gent nil hotipital mrs o h pi are n has so far improvi from hir lonu illni bh to be able to ulun 1 churih on sunday mr iloy dn of brantf ird vuu home r i sundu jnassagaweya s a no 7 tin concert put on bj miss mclumth lln and lur intplbi eultmbtr 17th ww a much enjoyed event each wns pre viciwl with a program ahcet conuilnlng twenty nine numbi rh dtnloguis drills imoni them alice blut gov n n ci tatlnns mualcul duutut ehoi use a pugtunt jid action kongn and a large play tlit armstrong nistors franks orehestra and mr jlassord nnd his pupil of no 1 donl touted ui thti en joyabh evening after bnnta hod ploau d nil thi children from a woll laden and imiuitlfuiiy decoiated trei uineh viib se rved imd a hociili tlnu hjknt all thosi arnw and leg wlii foupd and puppe ui dreim tiint we read about in tin school news mid liu puppt lh wen prikenuxt at dloonwbury no fl hi d timber ltltti it was n vir nmimlng u will tus luteriatlut pcrirmutuc hothltik wo seen but the puppe u on tlnir own stnge mhu bitwun tin cur tttim of tin tuulli htagi mlvs mi luillh uu pluvihl tlu uuisu mrs sam 1 umk in lur pliaaltik and sultabli voln 11 wl tlu tor while tlu following ilildut did theu parts with wkita ur miiury and mumug misses lnoths tat n i i hllmori dnvi njwrt marie ki iuui mul iiuai knuuy manure cutuitt airvtee uounld kiiik don mcmillan and lummy ki niiod tlw milautlhlin her pu i s nut uiom in tlu pla uiult r hti huuiuui conlu bultelu thi nuswnautu pusbmiuin suiuho selioil cnittit irk t tviuug i ihisi in uu plnj squaring lt with tlu homi ore ilmtuti mi how uu 1 tank tuth jimmit wife u wturtl knm johnnie binder might i bo mrs w u mcleikl an it ilnittnsi linuule t aunt mrs win nuhuru am t culwui uttlis aunt mrs j j km ikklv mr dmuu jimmie s btvss mi heib 1 1 aiix mr and mrn jaims ct ju land iu uimnu this metk to apt ud tlii wik r uith tlumr daughter i wiu1ir mrs allan fcirkr iwul babe pntrleta are leltiniv with lui patents mr and mm wm benicu l a fie from here tttundixl the fortitith weddlin onnivarnury dliuur and daiuc in honor of mr and mrs johnoumoui campbellvnic on ihursday t vising ohlldrtti are jubilant ovir the long ohrutmas holiday a merry christmas to ttdftor and tult otlier corrroprulents and readers georgetown a number of georgetown morclwnts have agreed among themnelve to obnervc a boxing duy holiday on thuntday de cember 20th housewives are re to buy in advance for the twoday iioff day tho municipality of georgetown hat its seventy sixth birthday last saturday december uth it was incorporated an a vlllne in nh in a bylaw passed by the county council of that time aeorgotown council met for the tost time on monday night the main busi ness of the evening centred on a ren tauront by law which had been prepared on a result of a discussion at the last council rnectlng the by law impohcs several important restrictions on local restaurants no dnnclng will be permit ted an sunday or on weekdays after 1100 pm pin names and slot machines arc banned nnd children under sixteen must not be allowed to loiter oh the premises herald milton oeorge r froscr has resigned from the stair of tho milton public school teaching staft as grade vii teacher at tho robert land publlo school miss mary mcduftce a graduate or queen s university and of the depart ment of social science university of toronto has been appointed supervisor of girls work nt the montreal university eighteen young ladles from milton enlisted in the canadian auxiliary for territorial service at tho armories on tuesday december 10th their trnlnlng includes signaling first nld mechanic telegraphy canteen nnd all phases of military work mfcjor leather m c of burlington han been named second in command of tho hilton volunteer guards under an order of lt col jos baltantlne d s o commondimj officer major carle lias been named bottnllon adjuuint and sertrt mnjor cox will be regimental sergeant major mr nnd mrs william ingles dick milton announce the engagement of their daughter kathleen mary to mi william kenneth gibb eldest son of mr and mrs hugh cunningham glbb tor opto the marriage will take place on saturday december tho twi nty eighth in knox preaibyu rlan church milton at four o clock champion nassagaweya llie ne ia i united churc h sunday school held their chrlstmies concert on i ridaj ivtniw denmber 0th then w i huge guthirliil prist nt to injoj the sp t ndld program of christmas enrols and rot nations and tin distribution uf prewnu from the tru for tlu children of the sunday school a special fea ture of tho program wns an address and presentation to mr and mm arthur diamond mr j as w moffat rend uie address and mrs george thomas and messrs camer in ranuhnw inc james distirbrook made the presi ntatinn of o- chlnu cublut t and ten pot and pickle dinh the following is tlu address noamignwtya decembe r ioth mr and mrt arthur diamond dear arthur and marion it is with a great deal of pita sure that we our neighbors and friends of ebenetr churlh wish to welcome you honu from your ricmt wielding trip nod wish to extend to you our sincere congratulations on uu greatest i e nt of youi live s arthur wi hnvt fe it for n c msld irubli time unit you hast been u vtr use ful person in our chunh lift ulunjfl willing to lend n lulplng hand u lu u he 1 v as n ceded and ut vour mujiv f rii nda w ould like to hhow that wi uppreilati lt e r niueh b thi si hllght gifts which u nsk you on b half of yourw if and brldi to uiitpt as a slight teiki n of our evsuom we all join lu wishing you both a ur nurry christmas and a long happy and prospt rous lift teether among your ninny frle nds w hen t u wm bom tin four h neiu ra tions of the diamond and ande raon fumlllis i falgncd on bihalf or tin congre ration cameron ramshaw james easterbrook j p kitching mi ai thui diamond mlidt a feelinw reply thanking all for tlu words and beautiful gifts i imch wns strved n social br night tlu luippy gnthi ring to iu close miss tjrn wllro of the oac outtph ilhlted with her purtnu mr and mrs kwood wi son ovir the week end mr william kt rf dm lph ualtd with relatlvis nnd f rh nda in nasflago- wiyo on aunilnj wi wisli rib ae ton flirt prtos and all iu nadirs a iry meg ohrtotmai and happy and propirmw new yiar nominations for reeve and councillors will be held in brookville hal on mon day december- 30th alio for two trus tees for tho township school area burlington mr und mrs russell mccartney car tll announce the i nfingcmcnt of their daug iter vera ruth to william wlls m hindrson son of mr and mrs david henderson port nelaoij winding to tnco place quietly new years eve jth honor judge munro held court in thi counril chnmth r on friday t in ar upie ils fi ini lh court of rex sl u of the thirty time appe lis tiled ln weie withdrnwn or did not nppar to support the ir a pi is se m ril torn lions we re made in the roll and imr nppi nl w r held over foi judgment the mlnihwitpr named by the d partment of nauonar de fence burling ion after this town will be bro ight lure for the official rtrcmony this has been assured the idtrnl member iiughca cleavi r mp and mayor bl ur who has a letter from the department to ihla tlfcct l roy coulter of lowillle wius awarded tle contract to supply a truck to operate the snowplow dii the nelson township highways this winter his price i 3 50 nn hour to other tenders were received but did not mut with councils njrrtpenienui at the regular meeting of tin town council on rrldny evening last muyoi bhilr naked the police commlltct to look into tlu matter or license fees charged on pin game machines and slot machines glvuig conai deration to the of momy that went through them mayo b air expressed the opinion that u lieens feo of 10 00 was very lundequute oui iu ptc gordon cook in home from kitch ener for christmas miss tyances dills is home frojn tor onto tor the christmas holiday miss norn icehnf y r n is home from toronto for ohrutmas holidays ptf oordon smith is home from london for the christmas furlough mrs j c cnrrlo and jim of chatham nre a pending the christinas holidays at her home here mr and mrs r m macdonald mur rny nnd kenneth of detroit mich visit od over the week en a the home of his parents mr and mrs b m mac donald mr nnd mrs b bayllss wish to no nounce the engagement of their daugh ter dorothy marjorie to earl fred waller son of mr and mrs edward waller of kitchener ontario the mar rlnge to take place february 11th 11141 at st albans church acton v sk yuletihe greetings j a john buc1ian book v new york cp pilgrims way ot lord tweedmulr s last books is rnte i among the non fiction in the current best sellers in the united states was placed fourth w an old fflsluoiicd grcetinr in the rood old fashioned wny a merry christ mns nrrd n holiday season full of henlth h hnppinxss nnd n goodly store of till the good things to you nnd yours r htdelm sunday december 20th i symon hardware np wastf llan auckland n 23 op neiv zealand wilt use up to 15 00o tons of waste paper a year according to plans of the council for reclamation of waste material tile paper will bo divided between austral i and new zealand mills royal guelpli h comfortable theatre wednesday to iltlday judy gakland in her i iral great starring itolr little nellie kelly with chnrks winningtr george murphy douglas mtph ul saturday o monday alice betty 1 aye gkabi i in tin pan alley with jiick oakie john payne allen jctiknib sutunlay ami holiday shown c a n tin uo us jiila new years eve frolic tmt marx brothi rs in go west hau horns lurt fur everyone tickets now on salb of words ttilrc htl many and the thoughts they can lxprtss nrc legion yet noni enn be more sinllrc than our simple hnstmas wish to you for happy holidays a merry christmas good health and prosperity v ss js racldui clothing shoes men women children z5flftlfts the rev o clifton aifforf ba uintsor 1 1 00 am sermon the christ vve know anthem angels from the realms of olory 12 15 pjn tho church school with holiday features 7 00 pm standard time tho even ing worship prepared tor young people conducted by young people a picture sermon by thy minister the hoy jeflun the young peoples union will meet in the school room after the evening service we wish you nil a blessed chrtstman llrrnlnttrrtatt knox church acton rev ii u riennik if a mlnlu manse willow street sunday dbcmrkr 20th 1m0 last sunday op tiie ykatl 1 1 00 am the year that s a wa 2 30 p m thff sabbath school and oible class 7 00 pm something dett r in tho new year note 1 the watch night service on tuesday evening december 31t nt ima pm conducted by the younff peoples on lid see the old year out and tl new year in while in the spirit of prnye r 2 rlomembdr tho week of prayer starting with sunday january 5th 1041 see the notice next week always wzuoouk buptflt filnirrlf cton kt k g baxter putsf suntjay dbjckmber 20th 1040 1 1 00 am worship servloe 12 15 pm church school wednesday boo pm prayer maatsr ing a weloomk to all can a d a s ma1 model viixages iltrlui icpllo rt iniorce the bword null ltie plukuliait qunmnn arl intub lishlnif dowiij o iiitdl farm vulauts utolik uu tortlllfd wthttrn iront avry jlrat unit in case- no oilier greeting may reach ou thub we extend heartfelt greetnirb to you tropi us mthin mfrry christmas hverybody barrs qualrrv gbocery yjysz tor rest or nlay vancouver ami victoria arc ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winccr vaeution warmdaysani3coolrefrihinanihls txcellcnt golf courses myriucl sights in the mountains and hy the seashore rtdina tonnis motoring fishing canada s etirxrt p offers them all in artunexcellcd selling special winl6rates at hotolfc the new hbtel vancouver s spacious rooms and delightful accommoda tions will udd to the pleasure of your stay in vancouver attractive rail paris atwavs uu canadian national tllloiaphi money oboiri p ixpiflt tpllo 6lfindjillitv lafltv rtductd ilttptig turlanu i ou mtdl tdut on ramu travil wist thi jasper way uiino thi air condition conilnintal iimitid fu imjtrmatuh jrtm any tkkti mgtui canadian national lynn vallay sweat mixed pickles 270 19c pride of fundy smoked sardines lie deefei sainton and shrimp or anchovy paste loc mnplo leaf mincemeat 2 25c cnils dry sparkling water wolchi iur grape juice 30 01 bll afl cdpult er alton api 27c pple juice x- 18c 2 xt 17c aylir grape juice mccormicbs a taney soda biscuits 2 weilont butter waferettes wt 13 01 btu 29 15c our own old cheese found 25c pum velveeta cheese b h lfec mushroom soup v 2 n 21c kelloifs crisp cornflakes b- p 15c quick cooking qjaker oats p 18c uptons tea ib p j6c 4lc 46c s globe choice l6-o- 17 nncl oranges 220 sue per dozen 27c i7ti sizl pcrdoztn lii firm cranberries 29c st ai han h ciiuiicii amjliruu kector rev r a rrookh m a ki lory willow stnl tel 44 c iiristmas 1h0 i nltflu clirlntmaa evi c horn i coin minion md 81 rmon at 1 1 10 pm diitmlxr j ii ilv communion und s rmon ull 1 h u m k hiltttmah sirvlc ut at john r rku k1 a jo u 111 1 sunday aiiih chrihtmah ii hi 1 111 holy ciiinni inlon 11h 1 in m rnii pruv r mitt hrr in t i i 1 m li in h h h nl ii 1 111 e in u il st j ihn h itei k per lb fiiiii and vetabu iwom ualil sahwdfty ulghi only carrolls unclassified small advertisements a iverllnrmcnt un ler hill lie ling ji aili willi r let up to 5 worli a t uu al wor u c per wor 1 if mt 1 ii n t ulc mpunr ilia a war t ncmriii minimum rhrit lie nn 1 ic irr wrl a 1 lltl nl or ech wnrtl vcr jj t lit nt h roomiyl 11 turn tiriur out 1 it mul rtl luuiln nainitn in itoi krwmxl hydro hut l tnel rt im r ooriun apply mi13 j as inroy roilcwi ml ihaijits wantfo distribute 2m pami1 kx 111 cnuluiw rrom iim r to door i hi n 1a n bin do uituiu tor uillt t article mielleincn ui- 1111 ntiirv pnxluetfi eli an era etc 6ell6r kuiirunletd nnllnfurtlon or monoy ro fundiil ii up proiiu with your flmt suli h im n iiai vour luit of cuntomftm 1 vi ry day 1 ry thin lndurndunt bun nihfl without nisk fort dbtailb commumcal with o a i oeorol 70 st clement htnel montreal 1 l be vi men if you want iik clc4ii ifii ic p r o fi e a hie work i tarn marl erinx ihc 1 t j i c a v ytrjincl men xln mure sici ly nil year round employment in j1uio every city anil i own 1011 will be able in a shun lime 10 run your own ihop no other busmen re tuircs tuch snull jtartuik tpuul with a barber shop yi u tan all your own pool room cijiur stand canjy uml soft drmk counter etc all in the same buimuijf under the one cxpeiiu ut rent likht and heat tlierc is praetually no limit to your cart mil power with all thcic opk rtuiiitil- at your command 1 here u an eitcl iiint chance for vol if you gi v startid now pay- at you learn plan wnjc for free intra ture america uracil jyutm sthoojfrom coast 10 coast holer barber schools sm vomm st t0hkt0

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