page six the acton free fjjess thursday january 30tli 1941 c these are the facts of the dominionprovincial conference on the sirois report it is particularly important m this critical phase of our national tije that the people oj the province of ontario should he iven the fact anil allowed to hase their considerations and judgment on them twrieij4ryi asedoljipe culatianropagajjda andruntorr- the statement given herewith are taken front the official report of the conference as puhlished hy the domiit umjgoverjinusnt hon mrcmu r nemukn fbiue uinistex anqthlovlncial theasvbek of ontario vlpiimia30i ur prima minister and gentlsmen during tb mm nf rttma and strain nj ruthless warfare i have never publicly rrillelisd he wrote rrt or la ruumiiunil allona i did make a statement about the timing of ihe publication of thev report hacnim 1 believed than and till bllv and 1u jolnad in tbia hallaf by many par am thai i did a publla urvlea in calling attention to lha art of throwing into lha arena of discussion a highly contentious document at a mm wbtn people who tov lha pmplra and all it aunda for are concerned with ona thing and ana thing alone lha successful proa cullbn oft vielorlnua war in whlrhour national wtur jty la at stake vnr if our effort faha 111111- nd not lha daufataa prasenl at thia domtnlom provincial con far nee will aellla our domsetio- problems la ths regard the policy of tha government of ontario haa not changed in any particular those of ui who represent tha rantral province hava bean can slstenl in our allltuda soma while ago a former associate of wine in tha houaa of comuhm my good friend tha ufnlater of eloancjljouxnayad in tnronlaalwhlfchili already a fuel controller nai hn apnolnlad and ha haa tha power u regulate lha dlstrlbutlailpf geao una ai a war miur he rould daprlve ua wrillraly of revenues from tk licensed vehicles and gaanlln wa should ihen hnv to go in lha dominion aulhnriliaa fwhk a on cup in our hands baying either contribute in tha aslant of our loss of revenue or pay for tha aortal arvfra nf ontario and hellev roe they ar many and varied in thia eg of crowing paurnatlint when tha pria ulnlaler addressed to ma on novent bar 2nd 1040 a latter with rafarauc to utla propoaad confaranea he tald in part wblla lb coat of unemployment relief baa haaa reduced tha war has cast additional iturdana an govern uwu and taxpayer allka it haa inevitably increased the rompalilioa between atrnuinti to aacura rav snuff aid haa aggravated lha overlapping ruwbw uut and diacri wlnatory character of murh of our lax structure ontario coop tut income tmc i taka thia opportunity of rafanmng to tha aetiona of thi tovarnmaat of lha provmca of ontario with raapact lo tha inrom tax art of ontario 1arhapa i ahould ruaam with ur nixon ur ucqunaun ur walura and myrlf tha adriaahillty of implareanting lha racotn mnndaliima of ilia fllrnia miwirt along with my col ifagun prrarnt i tirft yea almnat ttoggod hlm4o u hi infliirnrn in prevent thia hemming a national taaua during war timn i am aatiaflod jiti ronvnyed my dim aaga in mir primn uinialrr i waa thomforn aomonhat iirplnxid whrn a faw daya later i waived jftfr from ihn primi minlatlr of anaila adrlaing thai a can forrnrf- wmitd ln rallnd and thai hft fodrral gnrrrn mnt w in effi ct rrrnmmnndiiik faroiiralilfr rnnidrr alinii nt lift wraranimn flnditirx asain in nrdar to maintain our conaialcoly j muled aa follow i linvc nnr icltcr of voremlwr 2nd reffiirdinf hi fllrnia commlmiliin report j hopefullhat a iiarujon of th prhem eoulillx ili u nl until aftrr tin war an that tin r rnuld iminnllnllty nf any rnnlrnteraial i mil a arialng i tlfbarhaimwa1rvxrlfnttrtodn tofdrhi ii m ini bi un ma t e irorrution of llm war llowvrr in tuw of llm fart that a ronferenr ia ki hf rallnd it ia the intention of tlila tvornment to ma kit availahu ita rrirraenlaliea any lime that may in r julrrd aftor the middla nf januar aa aucgnatad by you later atill on drrrmlwr 2m l 141 the prime uin latir in letter atatnd in part in view nf requeata from artera of hie prnvmrea a i rnnl beinda uhirh wrwiu rrrnmnniid to the rnnfpkincr haa lmcn orlccd ntil and la outlined 1m low not having hern aakid for niir having made any imfiinimendatinna i therefore am free to miareit that further rdnaideratiiin 1h given to the following aenlnnr in ihn leitar in queatinn 1 ahnnld like to rmphaaur the view nf the govern men i that tha ipanlnl auihion should im run i tied to general aatent dta and not in dehaln on pointa nf detail or aperial rirnimitanraa rubllr shouli ur informrd rntnmttltru t h r from lha aria of moat of the other provlncea in ihla raanat that wa allow aa deduction from tha incoma of tha ontario taxpayer tha amount of tax paid la lha dominion government under th incoma war tax act lie fore wa impoa our own tax la that interfering or rnmpatlng with tha dominion eapeclally aa il haa i teen admitted hy former mmtatera of flnanra nf anada that for the dominion to levy an income lax at all is to invade provincial flelda nf taxation i to make an eh an allowance aa i have set nut ia nsit competing wilh tha dominion it la taking a aeromfary position to ihn dominion v nrthernioee let me stale that the province of ontario waa he first provlmo in anada lo arrange with ihr dominion to aavn the col nf roller linn of thejnn me a ond tlf eronjmiie waste of time o taxpajcrs ontario arrangrd with the dominion government that the ontario tax ahnnld ha coneaea ry itil sanit dutumiun u heels auttal um amnio time aa the dominion tax is collected tbatit not rnrnpelition that la cooperation ad milled by all and due rrrdrt being given hy ll tax payers affected i uriher ihr dominion gnvernmant on hoptambar 11th ltttlt addid a aiirtkx of ji per rent applicable to inromn of 11 ll and auhantuent periods tins meant a lesser amount or income utl in the handa of the tax payers to be auhjert in the onurlo tax the provlnca of ontario agreed lo absorb ihla insa in revrnue ontario suffer revrnue xmu on august 7th uuo hie 2n cent surtax and all the old rales under the iliiminmn imome tax art were riealed and in heir pi are newer and higher ratea were enacted and at the same lihie rsemitiona wrra cut tteese changes wer appllrahle in the tnromra of i1hd lleaidea thrse rhanges in ralea the nrw national dafenre tax wriiarted atpliralile tn incomea earned from july 1st piti the effect of thr added imjtnala waa lo aeriously red 11 e the revenues of the irotntro df ontario and it la estimated lhal for llm tin- a i year which begina on april 1 1h41 lha provinm of ontario will suffer a loss of revenue of upwards of two million dollar taxpayers wovid nearly half tha dominion ravanua out of which utla gift lo tha 1ondl provided aa ita cradlt rlnaaly apprnarhm that of lha ilotqlnlon a faatura of tha arrangantant not generally raaliiad ia that in tha casa of alharla lha dominion would aaautai not only tha provincial dabt but ihn dafaultad fnurut on that aama thia had raacba1 ft 4im nun hy i0j7 and alands now at m murh hlghar flgura ontario a fadaral ilohiinlon ravanua rohurs would u that shows tha changing opinion of that graat pub lication whyt tlaraus that and olhar nawapapara sanaing public opinion ara raflactlng lha grdwlng aua e irion of lha awakanlng nubile mind aa a potltlral hsarvar i say that tbara la avjaatdavalonl ng bdr of opinion not without rauaa now premnllng tka idas that bahlnd thia unllualy uova ostensibly aa a war juaaaura la jt wallcbokad nefarioua dal to ntaka good tba loasm in dspraclalioa of carta in bonds held urgaly hy flnjnrial hauaaa to rollact unpaid interest on albarlr bonda and to causa a harp appraclalmn in bonds of eartain provlnrea which bands war btrausa of rlr- cumstahcea bayond lha control of lha reapctiva pro vlnclal traaaurara actually bom at much lets than jar although tha coupon rata waa abnormally high thia poaalbla huge capital appraliauoirib not even aubjact i solemnly warn thosa who are obviously pressing for such action lhat they may aggravate that suspicion and destroy completely piihllr rortndenrn in gnvern- canatlfl must lie imilrtl now i ninik to a mihjeri nf even gn ater importance national unit we havn it to isj t anada is iwhiiiit the prwmiliou or tli7twr l r a unitd peotile f rjaed lw we have a common fn in the dictator i hapx 11 lo know snm tlutic al ut rellgioim and racial inics 1 can speak fcclinklr this mil jct me trud as a govrrntlmlll to r m ha simple nl vlntis injustice and inequality with regard to school lax rev um we failed and the v rj on t we irirl to help wcri an mxluiti as anyone cl i lmr tn rriraic our atrps is not a similar situation on a larger scale developing tndar rad itiuro in rural jing thai u 1 c is getting preferred treatment 1 know that lo 1 iino extent there ara extenuating circumstances hut ihe nil rrnisnn lhat oueliec la wing r iieved of mm of h r miiuicii di ma while mhir provmr a arr n h vtilic is to receive an eight million dollar rh irr docthle liit- sidy while othira including ontario are-mit- tn receive a cent again there are extenuatmc cir umstancr hut exunalinna do not alwjia e ism such ras with certain sections of society the toronto tliirna is a powerful nnwapaper and reflects the opinions uf many eitueus of omario who havn a great rusiwcl for u ronsid red opinions thj- toronto tliram haa dealt with this apci of the npiirt with great effect i shsll not iimnr from its editorials lhat is not necessary vii i ran say ia not lo undert atunala the po r of ihe pr a in this regard tlits new issue being drveloied rteolb eh alio nan tn ttulic of ua who btlieye in national unity to mind nursclvi a to the ohvlmla is not fair lo i anada not fair 10 our nrirh touring province nf tj n hei emriall when hy thts deal arcnrdittg to the itst ctinttttutional advi 1 can gel ojiehee and mie rest of us will have tn agree in a elutrudrr toa central authornr of rtghta and prmtcges granted hy the british north vmrrira vet i say lhat an lung aa my cnlleagii aud i ha o y say 1 nd i awiti ag pub ia p tu jor d 1 hon j i ucnall kc mtuf utnlstx of nw kxunswjck vl t tug 21 1 at tha outset i miial aay that wa do nnt mtimr lis this llndlnga nf tha rnmhiiasioh aa l out io ekapuca v and l jnl section v of oluiua ii whr ertsn bpaeikl claims advanred hy lbs gnvernmeiil nf sw llrunswlck ar djtud hon john mkactctn ruluemjnltfk of uanitobahvmi i a jo uaaltoha dos nnt think it unraasanama if i wantad lo borrow manay on tka arsdit of tba daaainlaa that it ahould ba axpacud brat to obtain lha approval of auch wallonal vinano coasulaalon wa faal satlanad that wa shall hava no dimcultv in obtaining tba approval of auch a bady la all caaaa wur eur application werita aurb approval if a rasa romaa up in which auch ap prnval is wllhhald that will nnt pravanl ua if wa think tba objact la a worthy ona from borrowing upon out own credit it haa luun auggeitsj that auch twirrowing upon provincial credit alona will iw pnaalhla if tha rommiasion a rarnmnvndations ara madm effacllva wa do not agree any province which n4orr now cwtjstll baeaaw i lbs e rernmmendationa wnra in forrvi tlie aucress of auch imrrowlng in either case depends uon the credit ot lha provlnca which la attempllog lo borrow ror ex ample wilh their reaourtrs we dn not think that ither ontario or quebec will have any difficulty in borrowing if ihla report is iml lemented wime nlhcr provinces might have but is there not a qiteation as lo whether these la i lei rould borrow satlsfarlorll ni ti it tu report ia nnt iiniilementel if they n nl nnt it o i hit y are nrlalnly no ire off sftrr impli mtita in sine then the can lrt iw in prop r m it ti j tin credit of anada the fst is sliii jhe rrf make il clear hint its i lb mll r of fiitur lrrong hi r vu r i i ih left in exactly ihe samt ohiiiiii hi hl h llicj 1 iw nt lid l ihcy fun cil lo lrr iiinth r own credit in addition tin v hr gum a ne slid imp rtrlil eier jsahl mva ilrlr own h n ti a ontario dnjrgales disire thsl wa stale our raaa i utilirly and hrn tly and at un time he a parly to a s hem win h withhold fr m the press and the public vital information in whih ihry are justly entitled we were nnt informed nor cnmulted with regard to ihe terms f n f r nee contiin d in the ordi r in council i aaa d ly the d iniiuii n cabinet which gave life to tha commission iwlf u hen ontario a presentation was rasda wa asked for nothing when ihn tl tidings were agreed uion by tha rnmmissloners ontario had no repraaantativa ur ituwel having long ih for n tired because of ill health hut later on wa wera presented with a costly ava hun dred thousand dollar report the product ot lha minds of three professors and a winnipeg nswspapar man none of whom had any governmental administrative aspartame and whoaa opinions all of ua cannot ah ara in view of lha fart that in tha rapart itself it la alatad that ur llowsll had nothing to do with it bla nimi which jias been tigged uu for purpoaaa of propa ganda cas vary wail ha omi ia t utura thuaa of ua who vllv in democracy abhor tba vary word propaganda bw auae tha circulation uf ready aada opinions by any ceotrallyeoatrolud power ia lha most dangarous anamy of civtlisation kroaa ihla par bpactlva wa s tha evil working of lack a vicleua system in furopa laaving in its wjta misary and autfaring which abakas ansa faith in huwanlty luslf can ivovlne and doaiinuai haib win tal ua guard carefully for faar a similar frank as auin doss not appear ia our wdat in thj irat flush of public reaction tka propaganda aaacklna tua u appear that to hupleaient thia darualsal would waka tha fraclnru tlrhar and at tha ua has tub tba 4oaaiiu4aau bspl- aaaiafilaj dabta and ravanuaa ut tha central govamatant inaanucb aa ikera ara only two partias la tba daal sural j ona naad oply to baxa an alaaaaatarr knowladga of aonomica to appreciate tha fact that oath cannot win unless there are transferred with tba dabia auu cient axlailog pruvmcial resynues tha doauntoa will hava lo increase taxes or d or probably both this doea however offer all niipnminlqr to axjuora a vary ikmalbllily of reduting all guvernmantal casta in canada and to thia end ontario is prepared to roperate ihe limit at the right time thai il a dasaeatlc frauaaa to which we ran devite time and effort as a postwar iroblaas and murh heller hs it is ion becauaa tba iianrial prublems of todar may have very httls rela lloashlp wirh those nf a jsr hen e i am convimed than the ommissloners war ganu inely sliiirre and 1 ihera alu w lo n uiixnths co they alatedilhal hy a iming the oil i emplnyablaa on relief the dminion w 11 rvnirr a rtnancial favour lo the protiiuna and the mum m alities hut anyone io u k mtrriil wm ihe true f a ts is l w t ktrl rf ltt mtlhnn dollar insiitutliin and many other provincial pruperties without payment or reward and will con lo mailed our capital expenditures and heejllayed necesssty work works that would have been prnlltante and would have yielded additional then too in an effort to encourage the incoming of american tourists who mi1 hring with them much needed american dollars mi necessary to enable the dominion to aava i change and prosecute the war the firovinca of ontario has undertaken in expend on pub kity and advertising for toiirtata this year the auro of three hundred thousand dollars that according lo officials of tha dommwn government ia cooperation not competition and ib reapact jo tha corporations tax it will ba within tba memory of tba rep resea la lives of tha varlnua provinces bare that tba authorities of lha domlnian government hava appointed a hoard to ba presided over by tha hob charu i uctgu justice of the flu pre court at oauii whisk- board baa been formed to deureat tba amount of obaolescanc and dap reel a tlon ibat may ba allowed taxpayers as wrttaaft age last p rent a which will ba sub jest ta war taxation tba svernaeataf tba province o4 ontario baa aanouneed at it will accept without qoeation tba flndlnga of tbia dominion created board ontario no outs pel ln ttaa doaa- bo4 permit a lengthy reciial of alber acta ef rooparaiian on ike part of tba gsrqmeri of lha rroviaee oatarla kul i ckallaaga anyone 10 buccaaa uuy charga tb government af iwurta ar far that ma i tar aay other province wilh eamaaliuon for revenue ta aald that do nnt eirtuaivelr belong ts tha proflacaa a an la ranp wk on tka otbar aide of tba picture even although tba erganliatioa of iteaourcea taaasjt ttaa patterned after lha oaa that faaciioaad so eae lively in tba last war waa aet ap by our lnlario legislator and by as antatoua vota the nuclsua with power to add consist of ills honour ltem tenant oovernor ustthe from lha federal government j any just criticism that may h levelled agatnsl lha idttrnasdl of ontario for its ronaidered judgment on ihis issue my rolleaguas and i accept without com plamt hut if the ropegandista believe for a moment lhat because of our attitude w will rental while insinuations are brnadraat deliberately i iirpose if branding us as unpatriotic unneigh of hurruwluguiiuu ljic credit how t d ratvuo pktue utnlstem of british columbia vol i pages 44 and 451 money of course is at lh root f ihls wlnl i s hon while monetary measures should lie hsed nm the productive rapacity of our pi iple um prod icllie capacity of our people ran lie ampllflrd by wiie nuiim lary measures and olhrr rnnsideralmns m am now tnld that il is necessary immediately to implement the- rerom inundations of urn mmmtaiiuti tnc irssfully in order reprosecute the war ttm gov rn mint of hrltlah olumhia disagrees with thu vi i nm orry that the winning of the war has hern uc i as an argyment to fasten permsn ntly iihin ihe 1 mm s slid ine llominiin of i anaila a change in diimuiioii- rovmcial relations whirh i flxnil iiellevn will tork in the injury and nvi to the iwnefll of the dominniu and the provinces of whicblt is romhsed if ihero had len no rommiion wr mrsnree would stitl pro nd sod ritlit n iw wnhojtt any change in our mimlitiitlnn tl d minion ran take anjr acuo d mnl nee uary tn llm winning of llm w4tr and llm penjle are solidly ikhinl llm k mm nu thai eirry h- we shall tie hrnught ino a i long as there is a llnlish north vmen a vet in its present form which cannot tu amended at will hy a mushroom government that may in future tsln omre in ottawa we sliall aa a alatrr province stand solidly beside y ue her if at any time her minority rtghla are threatened on tbia sound foundation nf national unity wa stand as firm and resolute as the hock nf oihraltar itself to lay hands on ihe life work of hir wilfrid 1 aurier and hir john a uardnnald is nothing short nf naitinal vandalism do we fltule while london rurna in lha postwar period wa mar have to 01 en our gates to thousands yes milllana nf runpeso humsleaa and deatitula if this eventuates the llnlish sorth america art may serve a useful purpose until the pro caaa of assimilation la completed la this ih tins to saad a courier u hocnb torn loudan with a document in bis hand and hava hlaa tap into tba hall of utaataauatav and amk tba urltlak parliament to pause in ita eonslderalion nf questions deurminlng lha very life ef the itritisb fmpire in order to debate tha question of a new constitution for anada i to ma il la unlbiakahla that wa should ba addling while london la burning to lha baart of tba i mplre lha cltltanry man woman bays and girls with taalr bar kaaau are beating out tba aamae spread by ruth usa vandals upon tba bouse ope and tba roofs of their hamea britons on tha ahorae of tba sea and in ike streets of their cities will reels the invader faot by fast with taalr vary livaa aa their great leader tald they would instantly roararnad- with hair struggl ta aunlva lad 10 uti ui lhmitiaj ibti empire and wltk nothing else they ara wagtag a wjnnlag igbl today tbarwaaembraac af wklek will newer dla while fraadom llraa tk baxaboalba c nt for dm 1 uriose ot htr taday while ikeaa bave paaple are shielding their homes with their bodies and braving lha- bursting bomba and tke hall of aaacbine gun hullaia do we read that tba vara uayar of londnn has paused tn bis efforta ta aaveue nation and haa called atsaeettng af tha aldermep ta consider a readjust meat or a revision ysum of the great melropolia which st the earliest poihle r thering our war effort let u fare this question fairly and iiiarrly jut aa if there were no wr as waa ihe minion a ihe time uf llie bptnintmeiit of ihe commission and not place those who believe thst the prnps1a are of a harmful character under ihn indictment that ihry srs hindering the war effort nf this dominion would retard u ar etyort the rnrnralssion further aisles the immndiale effrclnf plan i on domininn fine ores would he adverse sin be in snm degree provincial an an res would hava improved at tha erpaose of those of th dominion j inasmuch aa tha nnanrwa af tb dominion accord ing to tha commlaaioo ara nat immediately to ha iaa proved but tb re versa it daea nat aaeaategiral to sug gaat that tba ibolattantilion-ftf- ibia rcammendailao of lha commission la aaaential ta sur war effort rather doaa ii auggeel that dull a tba parted of tka war ta implementation of tba plan will ba a burden on lb dominion a war affarl not alan through tba asau mo tion of additlaaal iaaarlai abllgaliaaa but through tha tiava and alfort wbiah must nee sturdy b expended ia tka aatllbf ap oi tka mw raliallb aa prapaasd by tka rommisalaa it waa id tharafara aaaaa tba part of wiidam to goa wilk tba war and poalpoaa eo far raachlag and eanttaitona a prahlem until afiar lb war how wjluau abibhabt mux utnlstm of albkkta vef t pa i 4evrpaapl win aah why ara tkay aa aasuua ta al a it ia ha mu fc4 aulai tilu filj for the j btte- hriatianlty our tenlral gov war ueaauras ar haseslreme even dictatorfsr power if there ia anything specific thai ihe d mini in govern tnrnt nanu to help in itawar effort sy srt and i am sure every province will hy pasting immediately he nereasery enalillng legislation thu can lie arcom plished without roiirvry atiovnth-nirtipserttni-onr- bly well organiied system t g rtiraeut oh m rtflrr- full with lha job af ua wart and tba whisper baa gnaa around il b tka awgay powers i am going taapaak fraably i bsjleve thai the parilaaa aliuapsaa which la facing our nation and tk empire demands ein rarity of a peach and baldoeaa of action i mainula that it would b most unfortunate if the idea gain popular eredene thai tkere is a eea caxledand aallbrataittemul being made by ih my powers ta increaa centralised ronlrel of our national life while our attention la fully occuled wilh th prosecution f our war effort pnd bat thereby there is developing an fvtdaavour tn obtain an unfair ad vantage over ihe people by means of imposing ni hem a crushing debt structure under which thev will i further enslaved i am eiirelhal every man tn ihla gathering mul l aware lhat considerable aui miuii as tteen aroesed in the minis of many i-tu- of ii e atauetly uf tu pvutagaod campaign and ihe gres exiendilnre of m mey and lha f ran tie atl i 1 it srrsntcj hajile thai has been urged in cianerli10 t th ollum- the uewuutau ik guilty or unadulterated hunil uk i nemplovablra major lrturm hon ur ii wr a hi a me mini agikjbst h e the rei rt w sa wntlen 11 t than half the mliyaluee hap se r 1 j 1 at i lhal tie thrr half wauld te atu rlwst in injinrrv luring ih rar 1 jtelltve ur lluwe in fact if we ar go ug fill out in this war effort it ii a rell u i ti tl e rinnrnl ml to ut t ora lipm l si l it e i hi ally fit adult males of all lenu hut the col f nuil atl relief 1 ml lema d x- 1 l 1 t a 1 111 aim lie tin isam there la still left the army 11 n un i ul w li 1 to day make up lh ten hurl ti of r 1 f and grit rally awaking will con tin rn in do so iu ler 1 n wilt arrangements the dominion contrl hules forty r cenl towards tho iost oifond eialhlng and iheller i this rejiort ts ad ipted in its entirely the diniimon will onlrihule nothing and j la former share will have u he hurne by ihe provinces amlidunicill llis after revenues out of whkh i has coals wer for merly met have been surrendered to the dominion i am sure the a tual wirking out of the system is quite d iff en nt fruat lhal anticipated when ih report waa written on 1 age 1 hook ii it u said thaxjh taxes left lo ih irtvin es are more stable in ontario we shall have left the 1 nulla from tha liquor control hoard oeralions vehicle liren es and gasoline tax here is ihe stability t wartime pcuhihltmn a dominion measure bajg already been miuestd and if mi numory serves as iarrecily he ulniater nf war forvtces stalad and awit property- an tttirthw fadarmt svriimantniihar o tjo k i anada in achieving our maiimum war effurt then i say tn them we shall defend dirselvr from thai kind t attack her on the moor uf the legislature and tl the publjc platform her i avail myself nf the opportunity f warning ihe purely financial tm and others lhat ihry hate over leyrd their ban 1 i 7 attempting 1 1 k this rejkirl with the garment of patrtojim an i n fr the exigent lea of war wool t lo irreparable lamage 1 1 ih ih nalt nal unity and chfitence i desire to uugle one auth inty aa a rw m point the toronto sler a mrier f the yrr nt federal koverarneal in its edit rial if november mh 1 tftl says the star haiiaves that the general idea of ihe rlnrt is a good one the idea lhat the dominion should b the chief lax collector and as an offst assume certain i ruvtucial responsibililies that waa the then friendly poll y if that paper what did tb jr say a iu editorial uf haturdsy january ii tutt i guol the report has naturally enough alrnog backing firaat bnenriej concerns and waalthy indlvlduala who ar holders ktf prvvinrial handa support a project which woo id plac lb credit of ihe dominion behind provin clal aerurtliaa whoaa market vlue has greatly d tenors led a toronto broker baa estimated that adap tin n uf tk report might add aa mttch as i jit 000 om 940 mm ikm1 and 0tn l ut lh value of the bands of uanitoba haskatchewea and alberta respectivaly thia gift tn lha bondholders would h mar cosily to tlhtbmotlirrint dttirrovin aiurlol3wtv bonds would not ba increased in vaiua to any marked degre jim nine in i we of onsri l-lm- t have been hu ful an 1 ahall tin m in ik- rli t the eiunt of 11 p 1 e 1 sjn 1 r 1 hilli n d r of d 1 nf otl r 1 in the donuoi u sr ime tt of transfer llielf 1 1 t- in lied nl 11 etlll t ir wl 1 financial ltem v rnf 1 r t a ti- itiee f ttm 1 sir 1 in tl p rl t ih- entrl auth irijy en 11 ml l 11 nsde 1 ct uni 1 tej and far rrach llld t in il t e tj ro and eff rt f the fr f mid be devoted in thi dtr till w f effrt is n- 1 11 red in the 1 etw ir uigated scmnn of 1 e w ir tnd while y r lh re vea 1 nhl ihl tr with the ij 1 l f i lef s i urn lad page of nfu- n utter ctf pre t a it in sll g tfernment as tin ng ui ma mne ry bgge we in ttnlsri i em hasue li s 1 e an hinsly co per led wilh lh umin n ts- tinienl effort snj halt r 1 tin le to 1 0 hut this is a d c imiu and we b- me h leslly 111 i fial lb u me to dlc 1 nw hit only when the metia w to uur dm racy 1 hrisilsnity nov 4 s uuiu4n rtlur utshte of nova scotia vol ipgel2i j if w wer asked to giv s aiegnri ai answer farooriog or opposing the report s s whule lhat afllvvdphtlirirrra hbttaai wa it would 1 have tob v uake no mltske in it ii wnl only the effn 1 gain the a ju iu n uf ilivwl- 1 mtrltrrtatii hit tl berraa- f it ti 1 isty ioiinl 1 r 1 scan i 1 sin i p rt f r the in n now ji n tbi i i- tieen a 1 rrnvii uneaiiimsa in the nut t f many w hrlt r it mmon kttiwldge or lent we in a i- rta ar- ill inf rrmcl on tha art 1 in t 1 h was taken in a trail rtarlig ihis aiiuiir r i in it at hrt intry it ry teem i i ate in 1 h ut re d r- i mil 1 tl 41 e hatr ti 1al with 1 b tntlr- we n tl i dilal f si ig the oe if rail i f itllle f r it iimmll 11 a wa line lyr ihry i real- 1 lh- inuii in irifagsnla ai wi silveriive t th- hrm h ini ire a nd r i i h a sluint f r ni tl t ut i at 1rea on the t jrrt ha i to tie at an i 1 tury n m 1 1 be ilnt to antiral hritl i e i thst u ait calmly so i in itfterenllr by wh e ar being ho 4 wink- j and luvnglrd li t i a flnap dirtalorhtp or a fa tale at a time when e are giving ii- tieal of our wbtrmmd lo lh- -mir- a 1 er- err lacing o tr all ui ovrc m- lhat f ut ilmg hi h hs r rsiaed its head in ihe w rll in many gne a i tali tsrisn urdrr of rnlralued n rt an i regimiiat ti a not only ridlcul mi but daiirrrouly rrlmiiisl 1 hsv- dii apology to make tax vah ng th it mov j i uufv fjojifvioviffvfststji of usance tv1 z pagauii t appreciate the cjmiperein n that w have so far received from the provin e4 nd i want to mention in particular tha eooparatlon from the pnrviae of published by the authority of the government of the province bf ontario continued on page seven f i m f