if a junes trophy rob bkst pront award of tfcht ninid piace fob spst editoitlal sixtysixth year no 34 acton ontario thursday tfbruary 20th i ml eijlit home print pages five cults georgetown won 75 ln0ha game here former tanner players had fiood share 1rt the scoring honor msc renlner boys ld aw the way t3ame pro vided ft ttood hockey contest yes acton likes k hockey fvld- once of it ws sew when guelph rv urmedlntes brought tlwlr home gnm anal nut gcorgi own here j uwm thursday night nnd the ennh cuxtt rirnmixnnxzrwu-i-lm- pw ln jys of knp chunh mi r nl i ho homi of mm f s blow on t kwlirunry ltthj f for the monthly meeting with mrs gc orfc murray lions to ecc the tussle and both teams put up a close garni with the george town aclon com bides in v ing tin edge nil through and winning over the roynl city team 7 r thi former tanner nn the georgetown 1 no up had n fair hnrr in the scor lng too t guelph had tin moit iicorlng chanwmi ns the nam ope ne d hut wore weak- on their shots on gonl tine burrows the george towrnyoung- ster in coal mnde n good job of not minding ilndsay nnd murphv rot gwirgetown fi tlrat tally nt ti0on a nice brenk kalrter of guelph failed with onlv the goalie to he at an thony drew a pcnnlty for tripping nn opponent wltli hutlck eorrclow n had some luck as gu iph prosed but burro did a neat job too ju i 15 seconds iw fori tin end of tin period llndsav scored ngnin on an ptislut froni moom y to mn it 0 4 mis n- anderson axldrosm knox wm society mn w lmihy urul ttov ii i bnn- nh land tlw devqlihnnl period add mrs c lclnhmnn contributed a solo reports of the annual mcaiiiir al gui iph presbytcrlnl society wn given b mrs h m mcdonald and mrs r j hnssnrd misa m f anderson recently r turned from japan spoke of lh situntlon of ok church in thnt land to day ail tflo t pricnlw ere riven an opportunity to meet miss ande r son during nn enjovnblc soeinl hour ha1ton presbyter1al of w m met at milton the i in i ton presbterlal rscttuive of the woman mik ioniiry society of the united church nut in st pauls church hilton on put ulnv iihrunrv 4lh mrs c re adhead i- irst vict preside ni jjnd barge of tin mornlnr m sslnn nnd the pre ntd ent mrs earl wilson wnt irt the hair nt the nfttrnoon session mrv i w chapman led tn the fuvnflnnnl e r u e nnd ktnssed the ni e el of more rihle study nnd firmer llu n poti or the secretaries yhom mnnv splenrlld and e ncourhrinti f t urt kev w a flnrlnnd of nlnrnn p sielont of the ilnlton orriintnfroit hydro power sels new high reeord here irw b faduhtncs ma require iliuldinjr of new sub- x station for georgetown both ronlles we re luckv em cloe ones as the socmld im rioel oprv d bui cuelpti intel a spell of hadiv dis orranizeel hocke kempshi ad sc r eel another for georgetown at 7 l fc h monihh pounr hill nr hvtio with ward retting the assist cue iph s i a nnv high neord for aclon hit ti1me right lwnk and me rnn got thhr r m whm the peak load fe r llrst count just ten se cohel latui power v as 1 c17 horsi puwt r ih pln took on mon of a contest tin n mnriihk aetount passed b ttu utli ikpmnslinad grit his m n n hmind n i oiwfh ammtmef zest in the fue ljll ni ts at 8 r lie vd or guthlrew a pi nail fol trip ping davidson of georgetown seen ed nn a nln nt l tli yd jinrl mnr risnn combined at iks to make llu si ore t j as the period clnsi d lust three minutes nnd ten s com is afte r tin third pe hod ope mil lie 1 scored on an assist from mi run at f l mi rnn e euinte d on harrington s er v 7i olhe t artoitnts pnsse ei foi pauie ni witi eis foltovs i pass and il looked as if rmolph mljh sl ni iiyilfo llrtm ni he ii 1 1 i piiuni co si ri is s re t chiilnnis and supt wilson c oiie ntion i s pi nsi s ii r pc o ontario foi innuar falls spoke to the fculu on lw hft m the a s crr rommittee of thp united clmrili the fivetear plan nnd the p1nnnin of the annunl pcrsbjtcnal mfillig to lie held in aclon on mare h h-h- wire iwoflf the husiniss items nine auvihnrv presidents anlle d themseues of the oppe1rtunil to ai end the t ecutivi and two of the c onfere nn brnn h offne rs win also presept jli w a of ih church siel dinner to botht th preshtor nnd the preshtennl ti eutive fim drrr nrailctoir iiilm farmer- pronlinont at convention week 1 housnnds v ontario farnn rs gathered in toronto llurenc the pn 1 two we iks for the annual nn i iiuru of the vnrious llu utotk and othi r agritultnral organlntons it will ln of interest to ilnltnn renders to lea thnt a niunimr of halton ngrhulturil lend rs took a prominent part at number of provincial rvecutives of ltrtnih of tlipboarghnlymtlnnft at the annual meeting of the- on tnrjo plowmen- stnnley hall a prit on tuesdn a two war old d e r wns found n few mites west of actnn in in w orne d h dos 1 he nrwpnl was man hi id ne nr the wind pit hi d attention of elnvers of howitt i rans porsts was dinwn te th nnimn n plight jis lliiv pnsmfl on tin hirhw n i lie ine stirnte d and found ih animal hndlv injured hv the dogs which had to be driven off it wits unnbk to stnnn on the ice ami its flank was se riouslx wounded whir w hlrh is r ognl el ns one ciniie best managed brnmj organiaiions in the provinei gave nn address on tin siihje ct of brnne h mnniim me nt which re lived onsidernblrfn oi nhln rowimi nt w f bre e kon pnit pusulent of the halton crop improvement asso cintion wiii oni of tiie spi nki rs at tin annunl m c ting of the ontario association i jite r mr bn e kon was appointed v iiw president of the oj tatiu crop improvlmcntaicuuatiun inudcntallv tin adivitiis uc 1h halton aoiaiuin imhiellnr their displiljs of leprt tunn shinvis e te vru n enlte of interest foi in tn of he visjiors fiom other sections of 1 1i4 province at thi ontario- shi i p binders annunl meeting 1 h willmoit not ed ilnmpshin lire ft r of milton was e lit ld in pit sulent of thnt sso inf ion i he annu il me uting of the llolsi in breeders brought together hki breed e rs of the blnek and whites lie i h jiolnnson of hornln w is ncjun honor j b hi tnu n e li e t l lo id weste in ontario due eloiate m that organialion i t amos of moffat was ap pointed n president er the ontario shoilhorn asso i it on lnle v it btownriit is i pn sid nt er hi ontario berkshire- nnd t i brown i mloomkhury society entertained the mapijc cuove literary on frldnx ve nihr hist ibi bltmimshiny i he rnr oi ii f e nil r tnlnt il the maple grove sot it lv i in meellnc opined with tin singing of mih rf 11 alwavw bi an lngnnd phi pre anient c lan m e wilson oc i upie d the i hair w hlti till bumess section of tjn meeting ns iiirrlnl on and thenenlltd on tin i pre side n of llu maple rove faoc h tv mis hi li n bnvne to preside ih fedlowtng allrjndrel pro- rram wap givin ijiorus messpe tnmes and ni il mi nahb c hnrl s shultls gordon nelson fldon 1 mil btriflltni maudaaiwijm grahanit- dinlogui re bn m jmahh and h nd nirhtingale txaphnne snlo mr b hamsdi n nnonlpnnii d on tin piano hv mrs rnmsdi n diutl i velvn and c hnrle shimismatogiio mki imi i bavni ind ine graham reeitalion lelt graham kite lie n banet misse d alson 1 1 bav m mckav m maueti me minnie s i me nobb maude and shultls a minstn i slum pie si nti d hv me ssrs f in at i me abh i iiumjiml c wingal 1 maude and g ne ison was appn 1 1 ntid i in siiiriiik ef tlie national n tin m i lose d i he met ting i uni li win rvi i nnd the remainder of the iv mm was s i nl in ilnni ing tt the dogs had altaikeej it thi drive i s ridge a din lor of ii i onl irn llurtd iti rgi and brought it- intoy worth bntdiis acton on their truck whin thtv jo i la s m hul i few etf tin mi i i in touch with chief hnrrop inis in id elurint the isl lwi e k ilallon seed fair to he in aclon on mairu7th anil 8tli dillons annual seed i air and sale w hlrh is sponsene d hv the ha i toil 4 lop improve nn nt association is to he held in acton on mare li t h and sth statis president i h willmoit of that assoc inlion an excellent prize list is we nude island be in off n d ni w f fitun s w ill in ludc la ssi s fnr in hlis ps eif both outs splendid response from industries to war savings public school team win from milton eplrv i list wck aetnn pllblli school ji lav d home nnd home garni s w ith milton public school i hi at ijiii bov s w ho iqst he av hv 4n softhall lef fnt thi mse ives in aclon thev defeat e i milton h 1 hie mi was keen and tin imvs plmul an i mi lie nl inmc last lhurylav jjirough the guuioy h of mr i i ste wiirt and mi harold pone he h v s jmtrncvfd r mill ni nnd eh ftyit d tin hi ic i i av is u return incomplete for thk kn- atnte thnt aclon wih reach objeeiou00 uejailar viu jivorq houkc to hou and district cnnuk lo slnrt next week kverytwwlv is sjoiimjjf tp on home fnm i oc ni re jiortit inclh at il nt a i-eu- and district is lining up wjth the iest lie minl te inter sctioe i oal don tl is i niljiv t e h gi ore town for anoth game i hta f7n htn up i on i difiin i loi robinson tack ki ntn r forwanls lohn pa inn r lack st wart lack raw tore subs i f scnin i i lie h ark lohnseni km elaniscin hill t lav ton pow i r knot tin count but tin look va onlv a fii uint be tausi dili foui ri conds lati r moom v scored on llnd m b pass ginrgitown who hnd in i n sllppini a hit c am bm k strong hut gui iih put everybody down and gadrinl up ht ppf uiwn lwy- knlsi r went through again hut little burrows mad tils sirotloik asv ward got right in hut zeat tn nt him at l ti morrison si ored from hnr rlngton st in the gui iph n stopped pie ntv of ruhhi r hi foi t davidson scored on him on moom v s nssiht at ihjj to end thi gann at 7 r for georgetown nnd tin inst team won the line up was georgetow n burrows goal ma no and anthonv detenu kimji ahnnd crn trr wnrdnntrr ir h nrtlson wtngs mcuim v 1 indsnv davidson murpln and bnkugcorgi all rnnte gut iph z st goat 1 humpson and 11ed defi net kaise r ntn mi n n nnd rldle v ings hnrnngton c os ns morrison ande rxon nnd ptplu r nlternntits hi form did brush milton ijowt i supjdie 1 td supplu s macdonald i icitru i id supfdli s t n r and 1 lanspot ts t pn vs canadian itnial tie tin ktippllc s noi l in rn i ic c irn ltd sup plies i he tru al inspection dipt fits di pt of national re vt nut sal s ta j07b qkb ttfv noaris t eorgetow n also prov idi d musu and brought aloni enlivi n tin vi nin tin band to invo thai clldn t appeal on tin in that an hi ipliik in tin gotlnwn hoc ki v manage nn nt t ins v c ai ai jack kintiui comb and niiuiagi i of ac ton and i i iiu aclouians now t tow n c oh s a siding in u 111 1 oiii 1 71 watervvorui i iartniciit hvdro depart mint power at spimg s li l hvdro dcpnrtnnnt supplies forpumithous -2- m hvdro department lanuarv opt rations hu f slfii di iln sum rintende nt uiu instrutttd t o dispose of t ht hcrnp eopn r on hand at llu 1m t price offered 1 hi list of arrears was ducked and inslruc lions issued few tin ir dispom lion it was decided to hold lbc tegular mm tings of tin lummisiuun the first and thud luesdavs of each month i n question of situlin adiiitiuuil tintisfoi nn rs and posihl an addl tional stihstiitlon to ear for tin ad etc d loi at dc niand hv indu s w as disi iism ci all tin t einmissipnt rs wire pn st nl nl this nn c tin on i in sdu iu i ttik an 1 i ban man i lanst n j i si i el 1 was thought its itti miijit be snved hut the nnimnl dud nllu from injurv or shot k be fori t onki s vi te rinarinn irrived t mi munuating with ount t am n din i bmv t hi f hnrrop dlsoseil of the animal ii was a tine in weighing biiwtin 17 and li jtonnds and no dnijbt nianv otlni hnlton nsidinls in addition t ihif mm tinned received wll d strvtd nclii nition lo all we join with our re nd- rs in e ie ndiiik congratulations mil barh v whieii will hi aiiitlomd off the aftcinooii of the si oiul da 1 a n r roll sup nut rule nl of ain i nllurnl niittnx will be lhc kpnuii joint meeting or oltncj peoples societies held bir skating extravaganza tor vion vrena lii lunt ptoph s assoc iniions i the arious huichts in town in id i unlit d uniting lasl monda in ll parish hull ns quests of tin n is lie an group i in iti vc n nd alt r mich an v fie id sun tarv for it i ppi r canada bibh suttv n pre s nt and bn llv nddn ssc d 1 1 audience that tilled tin hall to input uv afte twards moving p e tuns w t e e shown mr htl fool it t wiia chairman for tin evening a pro of g s and nti r llo i w ho sj nival in re last asln about the tin skalint l ar ar vc ill in c nthusi drand skating f sp iki r i i lad sl information em corn ijimh hvhrids and opiii polhnal ed varieties and also hav mil pas tuns will he presented ibis event over the past si mats has proved in excellent plan for both the se lit r and buver to ie t together and those with se i d for sale should take action at once lo j i l llu ir seiepchnnid up- and tradi d as onlv grain d sample s will h e liable for exhibition for further information we suggest von c ontni i tin agru ultural off in in milum hainnu nt fqllowed lohn mi huih read two i nncashin dialect tin m a quiz contest was conducted b bruce pnrgiter a hill bilh skjl w is pre s nted hv bruei poirgtler loin muiugh and charlie hub 11 1 he evening closed with rt fresh nun s and dancing miss dorothv frank i tin piano and mrs hall tailing off for tin square dime s scout mothers tinvagana arranged for t ton anna sei cheetjue to in ht heeiiiesdnv i ininj tehruar jfth j ht kit hi ne r skating luh will put on tin inlin piogram tins is a group of talented skiiti rs sph ndidlv costume d and dnlle 1 an 1 with a repertoire of skating feature in solo nnd e luh numb rs thai u ill de light tvirvonu details art lold at6ut in the announcement on an ethor i age elaborate and apprupti tl decoration and lighting effects will form a splendid setting for th pe rforme rv the pioeeeds are to he used i provide eomforls for th aclon mil district lovt overseas lust a hnil w ord gli vour licklts now antl don t be disappointed nnd if its re si rvi el se ills will we n not sui e if anv jir sill available hurrv u ictims htni i he h i hru irv nn ling of t in siout mothers anxiharv was hi id at the home of mrs m fvnns on i hursdav ivening of last week i hi president mrs chisholm wns in t haige mrs i- red ki nine r tin in usurer of hit j lub njwirlid fltttt a c in ck for ten dollars had be n sc nl to the british war vutims fund fwentv live new signalling mngs were mnd and dormice to the acton bov scouts bv the mothi rs i he nntinnnl n them brought the nun ling to a i los afte r which a diun1 lunch was se i v ed and a soj ial tirnt injoid b all army plane forced down in blinding snow pilol made landing nt nmpbell ille nnd suffered injun lo jnu t tnt domtnmn jttul takinp a li tin ndoitk interest in niccnting for sirvhe on the home fiopt pie dg to huv war savings eitilcils n gulit hv are moving in the right din lion to- n nc h tin quota sit foi alton of hm regular savers i his wick tin drive was n nil tl on iniuiiuiliiiiiai tori- w ith a sph n did response and the workers who arc not we aring iln w at save rs uutlunari iorj nunli m hut uuii a itoval auadian an lyuit pile j i w t pknt- in was living from w linlsnr tp ot taw a iiaiyt a f oi e d landing at amp he llv lilt on i ue sdnv night i he air wed- oritv implove i s of the i i i it i tile co an recruit el iohj i nt with c v r mplovi c signing at the mason knilting ill r tl enijloveis an signed up for ic gular savings with an incomplete task of the ii i miiploveis al flu hi nrdmnn plant lirst nee k up showed tin t cent of thi total signed up for n gu lai savings i his mtgui e is nti c in plete b nn means anil is has d nn tin total numbi r ini hid ng u a n n il workers on tin big staff i he ston v glivpcnnii in r rt ks of all the c mphtve e s in ii it yjlanl as ngulai win sivers and en oil si these figitn s will go to sw ii this weeks totals peports fioni ntrier mdu tins will u in for the friday night summnry nd hau man f s icn i iq oris i hhi la o b gthv- iiumbi r of tinns aceotding to re sid nls at amphe llv ill ldn- si itm th iniiilupt down in a held on lb outskirts of the village luring hi hi ight of a blinding snow storm in landing hi suffered injuries which in eluded a possible fiat i tin of the jaw and loss of all his teeth i he wings of the ituit hint w le hndlv damage d w he n ih pi un hit thi ground we i oulcl hi ar n plant tnehng and nt times in umu almost to tin- spl ndid i sj hum from n i v in hii i i in si n i en ts nr f e ours cnmplele i m li rrnlav nili i lien n mtm ai t hi tuto catnp inn he ik 111 re side nt n lateel lb mm bine was one of six in a tonvoy she added ii was storming ttriihlv he re that night w hi n in lande d i in pilot wns j i v e n lirst aid a tiimpbe llv illi and ini7r r moyt d to loronto i ht machine re mnined in the field when it landed guarded b prov inc in police from milton wi win lllng through tough woather on our w a lo malton win r i nolicid the fuel iprtssure dropjilng pilot said in t x why s in was forced clown hi wus rushed to the office of dr bruei fn d w ho re port d a st alp wound with the loss if his upiwr hilh three of t he mat bin s intliefligh laqclid at i orontq island airport i fourth nt malton nnd a fifth in a hi id sout h of iue iph the w e r i nrouti from windsor lo i plands i married riftrol r ears 1- igu- ulu a it 11 u- ami f i i njui viulv clarke on cbc slaflt lor rural ontario mftaiiii- iiastks iiit big i mil i v w ik tol nti l ukt t irom hi ontnr audit nt e that hstt ns i fannli it von o ii n ihtuii l ni w oral nr ns x ill n di treat u pi motor c ompan i lie mists have e volve el a vi ge lablv hislic material which tests ibnvv ih sjetisfik lor for the oiisirut lion ji nutoniobile both s tnr eoige mns ni wins to ottaw i run j le it re turns for the week in vie w of il at a n port of tl week t aimed hi give n until afte r h rnii ne l week wi will hi able to gi tin se re ports and those from olhe i intres as nieiviel it otjawn last wtiks 1 1 port show at ion with l pledges registered i his week should set lhat number well ove i the ev mark in tin re tall si c lion unci r c i nthi rhind the eommiitii n ports spfi ndid n sipns triiiu mnun i llu b i nt 1 uton juan enlisted- this wrebi ltculr iiimkam ltm kvus i i 1 i in 1 tl miuw v in i n li 1 m i m li lii k in i 1 ii ii w i oihl ii k 1 i nnitoh tio k is hav jku in unit w ill x mu ti s to hum t nl a li v ijuihlti s n ill i nun k sl lup j ii i us s 111 ii lll ii lllll i i i 1 1 ii i i ultlll isis hllli iii ii iii ii i iii i i iuu i r mi i i nk i is n i 11 i inn li tn lii llu- kiiili br n i 11 ii s i i ill i l i i l i ii t tn t i llll i i m j til 1 i ii v l i 111 ii ill ml ik lli- 11 i i i i iii is l isi un l in in i i r nttttrtttk irrjnnlnti r h i it i itr coining eents rr vr i in 1 lrrl o hi most of these tome uudt r tin bank plielge plan npd will in included in on weeklv re p irt omph u ci on fridnj in the st hoou umii r the chiu- manhlup of miw miitnni it emd the r4ildancl of prineipnk nnd tenth t rs a most nthiisntstlc group s growing up and at t umulniing sin ings that will conn into great usi fill ni ss jusl afti r going out into the vorld b was the privilege of tin wrt i to be on of t gieup f c invniwe ih for a half da this wk i he inthusiasm and helpfulinss ind ihi ihsin to shme tin job of winning the vui wis eenligloun i inn is uo hnlf wn n tisurt ih we r tn nrly all out to hejp soe k hltii r and take the opportunity of i nding thi ir havjngm he ports from ivtrv section khows that ne nrl ill who in able will hi wtarlng that htth ihumhs up button llu storm of thi week has ham lend tin dlsttlit plans hut just as soon as roads nn ojeinet lie hi an inrtial organled and will it in full sw ing ne t week hits ii min week it i use ti l ousi anv ivs undt i f mis it k rinl w nv i hik tins tw e n tt i inifustna j irt its workers ind t i ul i i m i i j il fit w li ut i i l i 1 ii li id ishq l 1 u i 1 i ml until linishi ri llllllg l i j i l li t pat i s nnl i ks it i h v i v stall n 1 it mi uijnt mrs join h snntl mill strwt at ion who on satui lav r i in uan 1 th im i hratil the ir tlftv fourth wed im nun vtrsniv juitlv w tl i lw miimait frit n is it tit i nnn of tl i son ii law ni 1 n gl it i n i t i mrs w in c i i nn k l i i t mini in ah i k s n n ii tl i tl s u il n 1 i h slllll ililal lint 1 11v 1 ii 11 1 i ii i hi i ii kl i i s i i kn l i in li i u ii i i i i i in ml n n l i ii i s il i i il i ii 1 m vl ill i 1- rtrrrvr rnn ii s 1 ll ml i 11 s s i ll lit v i t i tot it i n i im k i 111 i ii l ii ut i i is n st i ii i ml llis ln v i- in i ii ii s 1 i il i i i ii ii i ii ii 1 i k i iu i iii viii lit il f f t i i ii ii i ii i ii ii i 11 i 1 l i nitl ii it ilil j hi t tl i i rft i i ik i n i ll- il i i i il i hi i i il i are you pledged tosave to help win get your service button as a war saver i-