thursday februatly 20th 1041 the acjon free press pace tiihee fhamus oneill liintf hh heavy hoe over o ratter in th lenr to flung his floppy btrnw hut on a tu hotoro- in wont to he pump urfdr the porch to h4riw n brimful hiuln of cold witter ik dound his ruddy fnn and hpluuvrfw wind nlopen whtt thv furai ik in bloom j t the foror nnd thf unflinching nrttor of or jlehtlne hrotlwr mount d spring nnd the pummi i th inliji 1 t eviiy llro of kitty s bolji 1 hi rii ftt fur7 rolom lnmvi jin deep- within her lunrt that shnmuft una defending tin cnuu of am worry l imv taunt d you thm nn pnynnto ifo tjnvo kilt a pnrtlng midi u im tprlitd from the porrh mil umuht llu ktululm of hi r room hlnkln lierm if down hy he old harm hair trunk touop nllter ti aim llu tune hiiriitimi- to ninki rody tin nmuidnv mini wlnn lw row hr i yj w re dry nnd clowln with n r noluft purpoiu i ten nm nn qnill h mutliw im tin hrouuiit tin utile ht own hook from its plnce in the ti unk flefoie nln ktmtiut the dimw r fire in the kitt hm ktove uhe carefully f wrapped hook pmimd jm hddnm to w iv r c aunty iifjfint npplh d mu eukin y itinmpfl nnd poutt d pptkure hi the mnll box through ihe n mtlndfr of tlu t u hie whlli kitty his klwter wutrlii d him r own kin nnd kind ytt klie toulr unenklly from the kltchtn titmf something must lw nllina yo shnnauh o nhii shi tlmldjy ventur ed not n word hnvo you wild to mo sine coming through the gntn shnmu jerki d vkinuxl id un rhi re li kitmi thl i m hiimmomtl roll r tow 1 1 nihn m kitlv summoni d summoned sli n myit what ttt t luriir i hnw you doni lhm nvnns oil mutt nppint im fori n dklmt niei ting i r brolhf r pointed n culloust d flntrr towards tlu undulnting hand billow which iny hetween their liltln plnpv nnd tlw wn itn thonn furr hill he told her neighbor nrc complnnln fearful thnt the corse whm flrt need our father brought from ireland mny aprend wild nnd cauko a plngut nn irish plague kitty such as were the nnnkes of nlnt vntentlne a petition has com the rounds declnrln it a public nul nance beln uuch it must be eradi cated frndlcnted queitlom d kilt another harsh word the snmi as ixlirpnti shanius d lined or xttrmlnnte ltr growing bush of it must be gruhhi d out nnd hurmd root nnd hrnnc h ihntk wh rm mimmom d imfore th dlfilrict nn lint kitty to hi nr th prod kts and cj rt nwon for tin furyi ihi f ars of our ni ifchbors nr un founded the girl r mark d thi can be no n al harm in me lurze fnther would not have brought tht need from the iiiiih of connnurht ant planted tht m ln the warm snnd of not vell vc rn wenvei hod purpose ly aligned himsi ii ith t hi pi it f rnduntorm hf hi inc nn ngrlcultuial ni nt puis uin- in position lo nctunil in iif in thifi irflifnie snimu nmp m l mpti djo explain 1 m 1 1 rtain he will muki n llioiouyh invi utigatlon hi fori hi offers nn nrommi lulntlon tnrt hrtotmrj routt 3hr urrl lkniw- thi truth i he truth ihi tiuth shnmuh xchilmi d inklng both ht hahiti what did i do last night but gi him the truth aye kitty hi uill not fnrgit and listen to mi ic seen enough of thnt pet i orndiruuu twill im bettei for htm to keep cleat of ttie dunet or at leant thnt portion owned nnd ruled b the o nouir kltt nhook her blond curls ilcr eyes too wen flaming you im an the o nelll of the o ncills she cor rocted as jou like my pn tty g n torled slmnius but renirniber the n s lo lit none of thnt youn winr mound lure fiom now in kilty mnd no oromiw an 1 shamus tramped ftom tin house kitt wns plat inu ihe inst of th bright i polikhi d hnnkfast dishes on tin kltthin slnlf when she in n cl x the houne nmonj the dun i syinnuib wanted to forgtt the dis ngreenhle affair that had bei oiib i bane upon their w ni fill i ibi m am miiih an in outd hi k pr ftnm kitly h npoit of th tohtlnn u loniplainty i hi sum nh t dei pirn d info fall tdmtffth lain wln to wlii tr ami no dliiil nn ksngi i nme to kitty oni ill bin vvavu fail d to m knowhdi vmit of ihi lltth imui jioojl lnnlnciliandtc lu giilsa cut crops soon in canadas bi fiouhc workers 3aviug britain kency inhptrefl wriorn ucflearch expert rap hanefil or ideam on promotion and perfechon or wartime production ll 1 ijavh llahfktii imltmdlan yrr hutl wrur gnl the dunes to start n plague iliere iti somethln i ise behind nil this tukm it k chenp polities kitty ounc bn winvlr onri n mmman fnrmt r tht snmi ns i is now n pest i rndictor with an affici down nt tin tount si at bin wintr kitty gasp d m quick tturpriri nu hne him wronj sluimus bin would tnkt no willing hnnd in n m ighhorhood dlsputi noi is he n pest erndltntor ht s ar agri ulturnl ngt nt whl4rwftflh ie tarn uungl siidtnuh cut in ihi main hi nlm h ttf n n ngruultural ngt nt so it sums is to trndhati posts rial ot tmnj innrv hi mt bin to hi offn ious n tin si parti musl have a wljnck it tin runt shnmus mijht hav said mor bu in nottd tin sudih n iliim on kittv s ifiiti l fi minis lb was tiiiuhlng n ti ndt r pnt hi will kiuw sin liked b n i ni r lb r 1 toth i al ruptt dn i th subjut of tin off i nding furzi and of tin summons iu took his ptim sib ntl at tin wi if lath n dlnm i tnble shamus o nttll being an o nt ill of tin ontllls allowid noth ing to inttrfire with his appititi just what happened at th disttut nultng that night kitt nii kiuw slu was not pnpted to n nnd shanius off n d no tmitntiun soon nfter suppi r u widdhl a horsi unci rodt opt through tht gatt slu ln wtdi nwakt until in i turned gomj si n nil limn to tin opt it window of in r ttm btdioom to pul into tin iltt tloom sin wi it hi t it win n sin ju aid him 1 1 u into tin lot i hat hit bint hi i s llhtui hi ol wiu uiousmi sin iatlil sut imsi d l hih luatcd utttniuis tin ih si in m u i ink l o1 l1 ll fl w u in kiu 1 uhin tin j iili i um u tl u il nn simmvi i p 1 1 tl wnti in i i i limit wi ith i f i wa t i i n v i tsmu ntufii tl il i viiii b i i i t t w iiftyo t- ii tint din tli i tti iu bun in i i nsi li ss u nt h t it nn waiitm tt kn tw lit nil lh tuii u id bow tuth i i un n i t i u n tl ulii i uunti ou shoul l ii hold ti u i ii m htm kim dt it uiltsl ht wa- ltu i l jn prujji biuik lh lttintv u whost dut il i ti im t t su i in tnquli hieh ini him no lut n- to mukt oi ti ui in k an i ii t ol nn if ht i tin hinart oiu hi u ti ndn to ik thin h khuuld hi ijin tion mt aluiut the fuizt i it sli uld know tin wav nn habit tf tin j unit ns nuuh or more than 1 at le ist ht should be tware that ii u no i t an i told him jutt plain that an on ill of tin ontllbi nevi wa known to spn ad a pugui as for m jwirt tun on root o u will i grub out pjthir films if pi mtt i the seed upon the dunes wlnn uu n i kilty were toddlln younult lie an mother hwven blew tlieit souls passed on to th bettr coun- tr bfore thy were lo wttmsii the golden lory that now covers tin imloi car draw up to t nlomi nt lati r sin hi ard a knoik on i lit door motor tats and visitors did not ofli n tome to lu little houst of llu onellls among tlu hums i is ofli n did thc nrriv this i arl da tlmldlj kilt ojiened tl iloof w in hvrr or not ii snfel rtnchtd hii hand out to a pmloried dtoulh ops fill short shamus stond h than half tin uitinl quantlln of lifts sllngi for hli milk tows neighhoi s fnril no hi hi r following fi no ember rains came dns of soddt n cold with fn zing mists thin snow nnd biting winds from out of tin north for weeks tlu dunis in undi r n mnntle of white shnmtis clenred a trail from t lu house to the ham and kept his tows in the shed tia day tnme win n but sennt fted was left in the mow i hroughout tin hand hill t ount r pievrflfnk cntth win slowly ttnrv ing snmi fnrmt rs whost haylofts win i mpt ttiihtd their herdt into the ohn to hmwsi on ptingt m sjirm i nnd nend laun 1 i his tlnv n asom d was hi tt r ihnn to h t th poor luasts starvi in llu stalls vv hit h ro s to show w hat lit lit list is a county nuent grumbkd shamus on a cold da in ltbiiiai whili he and kitty luimud our tin- hi at ing mmi in llu tr tins sitting rnnm s nn through um r ottawa fihruuiy loili cbj a will ioon lu harvist linn at the i i n tial tkpeilmeiital furm vv4 liter wlndiuhnwl wirlhe hilda but lnsid two large frc nhhusefl in nrtulrlal hummi r a xnrh d i rop of gialn u nenrlng mnturllv wheat onls pins flnv bnrtev an growing undi r ilimft 1 hesi an i xjm rlmi vital rops in whli h tin plnnt hn edits tin i h in out various erofuu of dlff n nl vnrh th s hi an i ffort to impro tit tjpet or rereirljilnntsrnviilhible to lanndlan fin met s hj using pie gri nhoiim s foi daul hn i ding thni i nips a viar om hnrvislid and mon inpid itortfl mnnhesler 1brullo lt it tp vol u it la i y wiminn workr ut 1 1 nut a little orkiuilud hut itihtltu lively i fflc- u til und hi ipful are the snlvnthm of many difficult hlliiatlonu in bomlu d pnglnntr todify along this llm oiu wrltt r lu llu guardian snys klttlun wmkers in tlulr i vi ryt dav aprons nnd nvi rnlli llnir only uniform a wva wommsvnlim tnry sirvhet inltlnlhd armlet who hpvt during llu rltluil fits ilnys and nlghls some of tlu m throughout in ii vifi raids slaffi d lu slu lit n bri w lug tin and totoa by inndh tight wlilj wntir they hav had lo mnke ffjjr im ilo c olh it often on n mil i1ntlu v havi built lluinitvis i nvi nivt thnt in tlu j n at miu igi in llu nr tho iiuniluis ot tlu x lujinj jidml pledge for war savings salam piogitsi mail in i iosi hn i dim list fui and mulllph ing the si i d 1 he mldwinh i top im huh n i tross lutvxiin limit fui w i lent and frotted windowpnm hovi r tin tnow- aj surprkid gasp tnnu from hir cov dunes what d is n itsi lips a good looking young man at mdicator lu wantid to know tlrtd in tin n nt mil si rvh e um foim of n county agricultural agt i t stootl on the porch he raised his hai nnd smiled bt n mr wenci itamnii id k1u ou hnd it right on llu lirst word kitlv spokt the caller phnsantly 1 lug our pardon foi intrudlnh at this cntl hour 1 in out here in th dum s lo make nn inspection of tin font that is spreading uer tht snno hilli ind about uhkh tin re is some t om hunt ou prohablv know s mve 44t l ngof thh- o moot to m brotht i shamus has told lit of il brought in kittv lit iojs summon d to tht distrlit nittthi nniwt r llenrtsore nnd hop ful lu r t yes were lu id on the ronfl ft w rigs of any sort paised ovt r il during thisf dns of t ndless white she sn tht gaunt cattle gnawing tho dend cornstalks in the fields it s an awful hint that thost pool ennturts should starvi mutttnd shamus his- fact to the window the complaining onts who ft art d tlu furi would bt conic n plagui hat now something else to worr about at this hour af fnnilnt it is th on thm ing plant upon ftu dum bit sseti ihrub il ought lo in must nhritll t ndi d wlnn kltt last nikht sh caufulb fn asm d ltl hk hit words fearful of incriminating iookshamu tttr lighting brotht r after all she w is an o ni ill und sht was in doubt as lo tin purposi of this t nrl call i had bin wnuir tome to i he i oust uisttad of going lo slamus out in tlu lu id 1 nm k uliliu 1 desirous of know ink tht truth ahou1 tht furzi frani h diiland flu agtnt it is m duty to astirtam if it ieall is a pt si and a public nuisnntt nnd to act uttoid- inkv hun is no othtr course for nu but 1 want the facts bung a noi plant for this country we hne i i littlt available data concern tig ft tht re js u pouilbhity thnt you- fttthir who stall red lie first si t d in in his pi ssi sj i on sum thing ol a botanic al htstor mini i nliik tht funt 11ns would lulp m gr ill if 1 tun allow d tin ust of ll lu 1 turn i ittl ttitutn our fatlu i w wtd it luuuititl with tlu limit itni il h wits int ip s i kit o i dl win tin fui i a t i itlnr wotild not hai si it t it up n nil ny w hi al n n ftoi i to omliliu ihi good milling iualitlis or iwultli tlu ihntiluru tuht ii slstiint ritntlt aifotliei 1 1 ohm brt eel growing is of vanguard nnd 1iljnp oats van guard is n nlstant to h nf rust and urban to sit m rust and dr k ii nowmnn uomtnltni- erenllst ishuik ing for an oat rtsistnnt lo both ciik- i iisi 1 i i ikhtillk mlldrw in ncent yenrr a dlsi nse calli d mildew has lu en hitting imrley crops in dlffi rent parts of cnnndn i x- pt rlmentnl bnrh sowing in the grci n house are infected with mildew in a si arch for a variety whhh tan n slst lu disi ase in all jw diffi n nt vaiii th s of hnrh win it tt d and finally om ruioan arii l was found m isr ro slslant mils was t rossi d with som r tin lust faiindlnii varltlhs and in i ross hn i ds m now undi r tj st t it i mini whl h is hki lv lo 111 in hill i pi rum nls linking to th ivolu turn of flax with laikir s fds and so mon suitable fin mltlliik urpost and to df tt rniint tin i ausi ami i tin of a fllsi nsi talhd mo th k in o itsnre in progrosfi meantinu on tlu broad plain plnnt bneihrs hne accompanhd the m rnml m n volution n win it ii fun if it kill w it w i ii an i w ml i ii on ilu hill it h 1 i i tl i i ti dutu i ith i 11 t it wl ill i i til h t i irtuiti i i it tilth l 1 1 w n in i t u u nhl i i i t 1 k w im a waloil loadt i with iutn coming alungtlu rouil shnnuis grow h d sur i see nnd i know tlu rt nson for tluir com i ilk im to hi summiini il aga n 1 lu rt s to in inollu r distrii t nn tin at tin st hooltioui tomorrow night all llu ni icjibors an brining m word this tinu bi fi wi ai r will prt sldt ns befon nn put me on ttu grid ontt mnr will i it 11 him lin hltl that no o nt ill of tlu o t ills i tll i w r htarti d a plagui kih j rked th sttvt of his lu a woollen roat bin wtnvir li with llu wagon ondr shi tjiuulaiid st i shamus lit is out ndw and it ading si viral of tin otlu rs into tin th hi lh is dlggirik into llu snow and hit nking off llu furt fstw in is tlnihng a branch of it and ihnklnk it to our tows julnlantk jovtmslv slu jump d up ml ilmn and poiimltd lu r bmtlui s hioal 1 ai k ht s tbkk nurt shamus and lliuhiik w th i ow s nit tating ll jli i dllk 1 in fur st 111111- i id i i 1 th stnill p n 1 hms in lun hf mo i j mi nn nt hint th f uiiiiv nl h iwlu in 1 s l v s i pf vt n v illk 1 in m u k i i isi m i jihiblnik lls n vs tow hjj hn uast tirn i il tli t limiv i llti h- producing nnd rust resistant vnrictlts now an grown generally iti tin m an n whith wns ontt stibjitl lo tin blight or whent rust spn nd of thtse wheats to icti nook nnd corner of tlu vnst ana whlth int ludes praticnll all of tin thnc prairie trovinrts tctpt the south wtstt rn part of saskatchewan and southern alberta took onty i f i w i nrs wheat ieelopnunt i lu lirst win it revolution stnrbl ivi rtaun uf mutjfm win at in tin first ilprniliott he pn sent tinttir ii u is an earlv rtpi n ing vnrh t w host qualltl s madt possibli flu divilopment of j he praitus into tht hn ad baskt t of tlu i mpire miliums win at tvolvtd ihrouklt piottss of t ross bri ding at tlu cut iral i rum ntnl tarm in n mad tlu vvhtat krovmg una p ipulous and prospt rous but in timi it pi ivid ovt rl susei plihh to rust ibis wtnl in ss along with otlu r fac tors drv werrtlur krasshopiu rs and tow pruts ntrihuti d to tin itonomic dlstriss tfjnnfyrtintn w mvtr im uf funilani ulal i nu ii i in poclam i lor lh llnu hi ing wuh issm s and iliiiih of icfiiimi an out of mind larj f and toullniiallv kruwlng mini in rs of homi ii ss mlghhoih hundn d f the m art in hu slu ll n d given iofn shim nt and kind wonts sok ac i sfi1 iotiifnnrmrn i nndon iihiuai 101 h c i a woman was rebuki d for smoking wlnn hi r two sons nppinrcd in court on n barge of stuilhik uml i in wen phu i m on probation look at your llngi rs dm wa you smnki magistiati martha bath fold tlu woman it would iv lttti for you to bu t mil with tlu mom fjn ou sp ml on iiiuiittis lhm stud vour kims to st al t onl r lie tf uimdlan vn 4 trntiiis tried nca metlrnd atifralnmtlng-mjrth- of crdim krerum l fll lo rtbimiiin trmtm viidtins ilvihau jupulitmu mis hiuiuill ivumiatml y us iu in llu 1 ust n at u u ininin long bill unsutti vfiil attailc on tlu gnat foitnss sirimt si r tin fmii ill fi iiihng llu i ust in frontu i m krnnfi lu can imnini jki tiki foi wei ks ihi rtrmans had btji iissi mbling nun and munitions foi tlu assaull lo hi laum lu d hv lh army uiuh r inuimand of tlu iinu rovvn prim inni mihlar nuth orilus pictf hi usual h houi artilh ry limnhaidmi nt before lh lirst m my troops win huil d agnlnsl thi i itaeh i hut tlu mm i a in w tin i hod i man luiis for a shoit p rm i laid down tin most init us hi f tl win up to that lhm it obliterated tlu hist i n m h bins som t mil in fiont of tlu ilt and hmki up tommiiuif jitloir tniuhis poiirlen irmim fhvyjii ns ui n thr wn against thn i r in h liitiinihil dlvl hho w n holding tfu keyon nf ti uilus in llu ut i b vi i ifiah inirritti lb i lu horn i n urh siimhi i ust h th nichi ol i bruai v n 1 th ni m linl aduiimid nt-un- uttp t m r s w lllik v 1 un iit flat l iii lh illlli in ins ii 1 ill 1ih phasi s iifltllllli tl umlll 1 i n 1 illl up sut iu ih1s 1 i i lu uilnii t u hu i it lllf i t 11 ills h v tt ti milt 111 lime hut llu sfui r mt odds in ii ituasiis i ussmin foil t undi r ll c rand imki nu holas tap land llu fnitlhid lurklsh nt of i ri i um fnhru n v ihth 0j to- k hi i will nrwvl prison it and ki al iiuiniiins of jims munitions and suj pin s c l i i oil homkv i tn inn i i i osif n i r vv an hi i i si ii tslrv f i ni ii si 1 t ii i n it u ti il isl spt akuiu nn hie- i n in industry ivisi i in ihi min- s l i timmuui woiiu n of h 1 foi wai win k in carrolls shrovefue8dayjjebruary 25fk aoht jemima t 14c 841 lb pancake flour for energy bmv corn syrup t 18c old colony maple syrup tebo luxury pancake syrup ie- iil 17c 25c l w h at growing an a sufft n d in tht- liusl tit ende plnrtt hrtdi rs wt nt to work agnl 1 and 1 volved si vi nil strains otwlnni which tombinijj tlu good iiujilllhs or marquis utth ability tb rrsist rust a fi w i ars ak rtough si t d was nvall ahhof tlu vnrh tu s talhd thatch r uigciit aplx hnd he now n lo start distribution to farm t rs in tlu ititt rvul tlu st vanities hivi piaitunllv replaced isiuniuls llu n suit is tin pralrlt farnn r ha nu 1 ss natural haard in bis hiltl with tlu land and tlu wtallur f u a-f- f 111 vn huik nl 1 ll w wul l ils mil in a httl tailnr thm miu qui- nmi so tail in kiotvn fill tlu i n rth i lin tl ir intr iurti in h is nl 11 1 i u i in wl 1 h i uj k i tt 1 1 wl it in i p 1 1 1 1 ui tl i ff il t imi i 11 ii lull i int vv h il tii hi 11 i r tt u u r iwins mid hv in r i ut s 1 1 st uti 1 is kittv bn i don 1 tt wit tth1 pi ions 1 n 1 i tn v n t mm d tinvn iun th fnvi 1 ili hot- i m tiink rn r ws an t mm tin iiu 1 ill 1 i iv tl 1 lit i i 1 i ii 1 urtnxi into his mm km iw i ui m it a tutl nuttins and iiistutl tut if th houst kittv stnriiik it t 1 w nil w s iw him dikkiok id 1 lavv uik uilvt tuuaii x j1 inirttsl giit n plants wjiit h in mail i w ith u jioiit oak 1 lub and tluiii o tin itwiuk tattl not di 1 ht stop with his own luasts word was st ut out lo ill tlu mikbois or sen h u oii hail no furi upon tlu ir own lands tiuin to t mm ant lakt all tu rutskd from the o nelll dunes i in tilth brow 11 book inn buk to kittv s hand ht n uavir him tit rt turned it and 111 tlu prist mi of shamus o nt ill madt apolouv fi hav ing ki pt it so ion i id rt w is mu h to barn from its ninfull tht w ritun pagt tt lu t lamed our you fatlu r was a hotiiniht as uill as a farmer an o null of the o nellls shamus interrupted ijtlng such h could not start a p1agu he scatttnd a grt it bletuuig i k dt 1 th ik ut uk ll answii a lot of lioubusoim u sli i- is n wh in 1 tf fi i i in 1 k ut li w a 1 it 1 ious th 1 it iv 1 il it it i vt r has it it tt 1 m 1 us inl it ii nit havtnuiiw ut 11 a sit 1 n vou ftom tltch an o siiumik- iitimp i uiuit r th ku it an 1 fan 1 tlu mil 1 no us hut wi toi i 1 st t radl t tlttl w luii i nesi vtiu ill lu tin ordi 1 hut vou k kittv tukgttl eit his arm l biuus shamus utu an nn t n itu you tan at i ust b km i an o null ot tlu o n ills lu 1 1 khtmg brother recti tit d u pufclu 1 fur math nnd peuntts ukuin to tlu nte rep at ing his command vjo t in tt lln you hv vmer put on his hut the color left bib an for a ti us lomt nt ind hi thin hpa were tightl drawn v er well lu luiid tjuietlv 111 go l illg 1 i it i t wl 111 lv 1 1 nuik i ik mi iw n is 1 ii 1 tj 1 tvt 11 it ht ti h it v i lnj van in an ft r tllhllllk u mit mm vhl ui v h nul m i c it thti ti 1 t rsonallv w ith j i ins x i r s i ot k 1 i has in t n ivtanh tl a ti his distiiikuuitu i tlvuik t r iss 1 1 lu plantt d tl 1 fui ii n lh dt t hired lh n nvir how about tin tlistiut mutiny to morrow night shamus asked il will 1 mm tn pai as m lu did ed gnnnt d ihe visitor i uni giv ing jou jour nummons now shamus on ill all tin m ikhhors will h ttu r to thank vou mil ur mlhn for tin irish foddtr shanius o ni ui w ith pi nmnt twinkling hlu ts ot into hs ma klnaw and mitti lis hi looked ktt 1 vn and pnstd ht r 11 il wink im summoned to tht barn jutet now and for n tlmi your ntnjin lo lupju r clover leaf red cohoe salmon x4c smart cut beets 21 601 tin giusco raspberry or strawberry with pectin jam 32oz jar chase and sanborns coffee llb tin 4c 1 spaghetti or ready cut k macaroni 3 10 mealtime a oclock bedtime frvs cocoa llb tin 31c fry s cocoa is vetter coco chrutiks impeltlal square ss 8ouvhkrn pride cake e loose pack quves 1 sse mecormlcks butter bars 16c eagle brand milk tt ijc 8alada tea -iw- 37 39c old dutch cleanser x 19e lux toilet soap k 9 chipso soap flakes se xoe 47c p tf g white naphtha soap 19c i lynn valleyweet mixed pickl 27os 23 econonue flakes carrolls- juiiy navii okvmks special dozn 23c cnup ne tiiiti 2 1 13c peanttt butter s hlsslaahiha 10c a v 10c i arm i rh i t e htad firm hanked carrots ivr a1m tyesh rhubarb ileotit radlshee taullflowtr ivuit and vegetable prices until saturday nlbt only