page eight the acton free press th nliihma hnrlufiy jotli 1011 kolln ol blnhs mrrui nd dfolb r bwrtd in thli column without cnarv in mvfnoruoi notices joe and loc pt la koolttonal for pootry married mcceachipcook a flrt tlnll- ml church hamilton on frlilnn wbrunry uttt 1041 hv ltd i ml moyrr hclcrl jebn dnurhtcl- of thr lt- mr nhd mr oliver cook to ynhn elder linn of mr nnl mr ton mconchlc of tororilo nncn 1 cnawshxw at hl inle ruldenie speyid7ttrtornnt rmnvr-1- rury l4tht 1mi john crnuulmw beloved hllibnhd of emllv st i hlu 71ty holmes r- at hi inle j- bower- avenue acton on wedne- riay fbrunry 12th 1mj v sutton holme beloved hubnml of norn secord in m willi y in memoriam tayloii in lovlpk memory of a denr wife nnd mother mnll tnylor who pneed nwny iebrunry 10th 10m the depth of uorrow wi cjnrlot tell of the lo of one wo loved i o wrt and while ht eepii n penceful mop her mmory we hnll nlwnyn kn sodly mlnncd hy dbrhidri jamrs klnneliy cnmpbellvlllo hie nlre rommunlty m hocked whin the nvy nme thnt jntn k im of vnielon 11 at flnmboro hull nl d nwny in sun dny emnhik in no irlli genernl ito- pllnl where he wn inkiy h kliorl tlniobcfori xllcllcctnsftljn4hx koii of the lnle lohn nndliirt iten- nedy wyo ciune to the itnmiibellvllte i immunity row lintinml mnny yenru iiko inme k nnedy vn nn elder of si rinvlil prcubytwinn chunh i he funernl wni hi id from bin lnle in ma on wodni winy nftefnoon nt two o clock nnd unn in chnrite of tiv h wluon of fden mill mil tlc frank inunon of kllchmir who p mlti feeling of the ncrllng chrirncler of tho k council he leaves to mourn hlu piuwittk live rlilern nnmely mm peler miphnll ly mlwod by mrs will scolt ot vancouver mm iioabandnbd sons- snkntche nn mrv lohn lyons of snukntchewnn nnd tun brothers porco of austmlln nnd wllllnm or snnkntoon i he pnllbonrer were il nrluhbors mi wirh jnmm cnm eton kenneth mckcralc llnrold smnll it i lnklnk john wnton nnd john cnmeron interment wns mnde in the fnmllyplor in tin no i cemetrry in cnmpbollvlllo miwailthlin in lovlne memory of m mncarthur who died febru- nry 21ot 1040 we trnveljed the rond together dnd when the morning l in the bent of the sun nt hloher noon vn the ovenlnk twillet plow now i journey the rond nlono dnfl and vet i rcom to bee you kwlly fnce nnd your m kurol by my hide nn ii lined to be iolncly remembered bv wife nnd family chds anctenbs d7em your dollars in air fort blue buv wnr orliflcntcs your pnoir dollora needed now to stop hun the pnpcrhnnrcr it in chtlmnted it will be evirnl dnytvton lounlry ronil- will t open for trnwl nenm tin fehrunry bllznrll of thin wick hn tilled nil the countr rond nnd mopped trnfflc for n fiv dnys mr f loth hns pure linnl thi brlrk kton nnd dwllllnc on mill streit now nriupled b tlie rtonl rnlr mn victor alger hnd the min fsrtiine o tnll on thi mnln strec- oldewnlk on mondny nnd mini ttq hit l flhow- ii linn bnon itnmil pnlnful tin hnlmy wenther hint rnv iildencc of niunncinc spring wns re placed b mori tpicnl fi brunry wmthir thli wnk a ni fnll of tnovi wns nlno nddi d weekly war commentary hprrully whtlrn for thm acton ny lkont knru mnrwlinl vt hitn tmnnfti in th tith hofildcnt of acton for ovef iinlf n contur n onfl f lwfitknoln of our rltizrnb hnrr holmes r pnssod nn n on wrdnpndaj of inht wwlc tn his 86th cnr mr omcs hnrt bpon nbout ns usual until n wcok or bo noforo hu donth when ho uxxt rtrol a fnll nt his homt ho fnilotl to rnlk from the offerts of this nnd pftbfifd nwny on wodnosdny hi nr sutton holmct wns horn nt jlnrrlr ontnno n ion of the into dnn holme n piom r rntlrond mnn who rtrov o t he lirst pnisonror t rnln into odcrich uhin the rnllun line n opened to thnt centre it nn not cuhnr lln n thnt hit son should follow in rnllrond work hnrr llnlmts stnrtid his lifos work in joderu h ollecllnr freight for iht new line w in n n oung ind then ht id noilinns nt newtnsth nnd wek of th nr tli llnltel cnhiimd in htntur nn hi polllutil li ud r o tht vu hy kovminnent in huu won hu lnnjidinw n out tiuife vllh ijiivxu uul the nruik nnd il monhtrnlf d tlinl hlk ir fm fiom lhlnf 11 pllpi t rtvniiohlllon eminent under the lontiol of hiih r 7n the tntt of oiihist nt nni in- unitdntlon nnd piessir from the fnmli qulsllnk in tarivi hd h nn e communliit jnurnnllyt nnm d i nn lontenoy he hn mnnd his jtoiind nnd ipimlnted admlrnl ditrlnn to ho former ijtvnl jiokik fori icn minis- t r nnd huc i iikordeitlpnnte to the office of r hlef of stnli ihrii hud holne i i ih nl ti umpt tii nil sle ve nnd vetnik to hnvi utcd thoiu nlrolilv in the t t n of the nnt dnrhln ir rernrdi d nit n good hold since ni hend of the i n nt h nnvj in is wild to hni n s nl d hi btllkh nav n irltnk nt firnn in tin rvi of the fn nt h ih ninst hkiwki ik consider d mnn nlisfn lory thnn i nvrtl for ih still ontrns tin ship nnd mi n who hn remnlmd lonl to vlchv tndifl urekumnhly to two hydro lctrh ptnnt uiid the hlu aputlnn rin u t mllltnry houk h hi the itnllint mipltnl kitid lie pnrmhutlmts vuould lw fruited mm prltoiuijiji wnr twmiiiu the ivmi nilltttiry uiilfnnus llt ltnluvu tlktu mf nnwhlte in fmitpnlfjiih iiiiiiimi i he itifllunx in afiltn and alhnnln uru lhlnir p kki d hrlllsh trtiojm hnvi ndvfitk ed uhotit 1 k mlh h in ftnllim sopi tlltnni nnd two oiiiiiiiih in frl- trm nn uiiidunlly moving on au mm ii niiieniiitni nuiimnwiui tntr n iiciii wporleti f hrunry i4tlt- thnt it humiii leulment htid jidvnnt i i into ivijwilltmnln w tei nmoftl i ih hii piovliire without rrt i tlnti h i iouh mailian all itnllniin utre ripotld imuunrv 1ilh to he hlnwinu u mmiltlnni stores ns lluy ietfeatril in the coil linl nnd soutln rn kertnrn of tin al hnnlnn front contlnui d kiilnh in the centre were induntid hy tnek ion m punliliik nor hi ofnicllsuin fur i tout i hie hlo nt the port of vntoin or the inlnnd tow of oerntf ttnlljlng to hi mil or impiim id ntthnlii srnnti rmttnrk m wentern lthiopln hnvi fori d itnlimih to i vn innle dnnriln nnd ollwr importimt points in cojjnm rrovln biltlih nrnl hi ndijuntli rs nt niio nn noumul i ehrunry lhth sueulmte on 1art thidford flf4vfour nr no hi ennii to alton to ite station ninvh r nt thi t r for forty nrs in held hits position nnd until reaching the nr of rt tin mini fourttin enrs ngo hi n tin d from nctiw si rvite nnd since thin tins nudid nt hit ho mi on bow i r am nue hnrr tlolmi s wns n i itizt n who throurhout his life hnd tnken nn in i 111 uumtiui ttin in- min uinin kin huildjnr fornnik ottypud ti n m in the communit ir hit iulot i v i i idin i in nnr h edwnrds grocery is bting re- modjllid hi hcrhirt in who will rimoi his uonl cnfi to thisi ni w pnmisis this month arilh hipjied iflbl 3nuda jrnm acton and district rid criikh hindiiunrttrs intludink scnrvis pnlrs sinmins hosi r hi imt i r turtliiutl suintirh and r pairs of nv mitu afti r hookinr tin at ton an na rof thi of nhkt mi ncorcetow n ciinu thi georuitown hoikej club mannccmi nt womnnliki had n tlinnct of mind and di t iclt d to pla in cliorpetown counttrfili tift cint pltus nn in linulntlon oni pnktd on nn acton nlerchnnt is in it w in i he free piras window tht cn be dt tntid h thu lnck of rldc when tons a on the countir bewnn of them mi 1 h luid nttked a utter from his son mr harold keed in kiclnn in it wns nn tni clone and part of thi wrapptr on a pnekno that hnd lyi n in the rriinn cnnpcla jilim t htl iraslutl the niall mat 1 1 r hnd not been dnmnged a uriolia tribitte to the mounted in featxtretpicture nnrttr s lull i in klonous stnr of thi st mouniids uiiiknihu nt iiluinst thiiiisnnds of n in llnni hietds to kttp a inula fioni in ii split nsuiul i ijuld in titll b imili s tu w piodmtion fm 1ai mmint noith u t si mount d poln w hu will in lln ft tuny n i lulls lii ami ft7du al hi i i wn hi wns wlllinc to in lp any worths hlk mti rpnsi but it was pi rhaps in sports- thnt his gnat est tntircst ln hi n the wiirht of inrs dimnntud thnt hi should not ntend hotki games he nnxiouul awaited the nturnsof ivir knmi in which thi acton tinms pnrtiilpat id loinl hall rumps he rarel miss- id hi will indimd be missed throurh- ouhhi inlln iommunit for in spite of his inrs hi mnintninid an active interest in nil flu iommunilsr fulrs mr holmes was n rmmbtr of the oddfi how s lodr nt godench in spite of his long enrs of residence in atton hi remained lojnl to his mother lodjc in thnt instance would be seen muth of the ruiding prin ciple of his life a doout und un- w cr inr lo alt to friends nnd nil institutions with which he was con nected besides his widow who wns be fore marruiri nornh be cord he lenves two sons chnrlcn of toron to and harr ir of acjon la children leonn and bert predecens td him one brother william of loronto and a slstir mrs james robinson nikinu nlso remain to all thi hirtaed smpnth ot man fru nds inn gins out at this tlrrn i hi fum nil was in id on fndn h with m r it at thi lohn stai it d i r hk i nit him win it it til low k mndi 1 1 illani nuis altt i a hall li tl w i o h is mi i imudt i in tin st it s in i ii 1 1 m stai it d ir i mn un dds 4tciti itt txt4tv4t4 innit- i miuiiimi owiwhihmd h ii hnui ol i all btitds ami ii t u it nt it wilt to ban li ibi s lit slit nj 1 at k in nil u nn t ttu ir ji at tia li non hnhlifcbi- tb i luitun lin h has hi i u tilnit d in 1 1 mi inloi shtiw in mountttl nmhushi d in tin i alt inn if it mi tt w kh n i nt thnt nin lln uiiruiui ot ilh m tunlt d lohtt uu u into a t imp tl t hnusains f ni mad indians md i ht tiiptutt hi tin lathni 1n t nil i in a st nsiit tonal stt ni stoni a jtumltv funtial htimt ton due it d in his pastor kt i i lf- ford nssistid h ke c 1 hoole of kldkwa ii t it main frit nds cnth t rt d in tiihud lo this lift tn ad i mn td inii rnn nt was madt in hair lnw i i nn ii rj ailon 1allhtanis vv14u mu 1 c mutt huu -ah- ii it ishmnn k w i afai and i md it tku it ii itllllt s hi i sin ion to lit sw ni i llnlnn s wns i id w i wli vmi tml mis ns li mi nn i m s chnih s holnn s ttiiontti mt m ilohms utomo airs i ottu kob n t son nakui i mi and mi- has holm i li ai ion in and mis i i 1 ihdi kidw i mis a t me k lin nnd i inul mrs ina holnn s md fimil i nonto tin bis s at i h v minion until mi and mis 1 ii 1 i renrh arnt in africa irnvelhrs nrrlvinr in ni york indicnte still nnotht r siriiiiii ant is- jm rt of vii h s sin nrth i hi n port thnt vlchv despite the li rms of the armistice and nctunll with the consent of the ccrmnnn linn been sendlnr inrri numbers of officers nnd men the rrcnm of the french de mohlll7ed fortes to afriin to ioln tin nlrend inrri nrnn ism mblid tin r under gen mnlme wepnnd vlchv has plnved its rnrds nstuli iv thus fnr it is snld that aftir tin dakar incident pi tain contended thnt france s afrlcnn colonies were in tlnnri r of ntlnck bv british fonts and i he fn e frem h fonts of gin chnrles di gnulle on this rrnunil the gi rmnns approved the si ndlitr of relnforci ments to afrlcn iroopshlp nf trno frotn mahwit i urkt nnd bulunrin hlanul it nun nrrn ssion pat t fi brunrj 17th ir ninnnnd ilnlinn pnliers iiknnt it in 11k llsht or nn aif dlplomntle imip hut in british e in lis douhts hav hi i n i xpn ssi d ovi r the nhlllly of bujrnrln to presi rve in r m utralitv under an influx of irmnn troops oi io i xt iclsi jrenlom of t hole i ow i ht1 own fori inn polity i hi nrncmerjf tin british solii ild impllih thnt bulriirin dots not intend mllltnry ndwntuns of nnv kind irtrludtnr nny mllltnn move nuainst green j urkcy is billiwd to hi lot a i lo gnat britain and i t p the british rovirnment informed throiirhout j hi nerollatlons with bulrnrln i hi se nirotlatlons start d hi fori tin inflltrnlion of giinuin fon i s in bulrnt in it is tin lomnion vie w in but sh milhnritntiw ircli s thnl the vm i ha lift the rem nil situation un i hanrld and thnt britain still has full conlldtnn in lurkiy as a mid knluutl vorwa l i hruliila xrrlm4lvaliu i hi it imrnilnr lit linen of vouiir c anndlans in ih n itlinny stunns f tin ir immtrh s of tn kindly pom d fur tin chf bv li ff lo n miss it mes iildjnski ipnlnndi mish mnrum humuun inorwnv mrs nalnlln kinsnope in m km in in i an i miss mint moravi if i ho slovakia miss kiimmin is tin daiirhh r of mr nrl i kiimmi n no nriiin onsul nt winnlpi r les on african soil n rn nt nrm is rend to sttikt if iaval wen in tin french rov o thi mmin be n da rer that this arm woxilel in ordi i e d to strike arnlnst brilninc for the moment pelmn nnd wi rand an the best rurfvnntei s that this is n nserw nrmv which mn on the lontrnry ultimntelymd brltnin it has nlrend nidedfrnnn it has bun pi tnin s trump enrd nnd he hns used it to thi full i or fast watched announci me nt bv the australian adiuofa wnp eoune i io i3l n i nn mi i ol tin dnrdnne lies that in our cvinside red opinion the wnr hns moved to a new stntc of the utmost rrnvitv caused eoneirii throurhnut tin work anrlo japan e si re int ions nee ordinr to fnr rust dispatches win said to bi appronch inr acrisls ju nresultot japantil a ssi st n nit to nazi sin rniders and japans threat to singapore brltnin i rn nt naval hnse and the ni tin r lands east indies in shanphai n inpnnisi nulltarj spokesman ncknowudreil the fni enstern situntion is be comtnit more difficult hut he added japan wont take nny steps to stir up the waves of the pnclllc japnnese resident in north nnd south america were w nrned february 15th by the cabinet information bureau nt tokjo not to be disturbed by irre- sponsibleandkcnealional rcporui of inqrensinr tension between the unit ed stntes nd inpnn lugotdavs see hitler i he situation in thi balkans is be loniinr more involve thnn ever rupture of diplomatic rt hit ions b twten britain and kumanin was fo low t d bv the dtpjirtun of utoslnv 1 islll i it ii toft in i- iii ll- 1 1 1 1 in il il mi li s in in 11 1 1 1 11 in inn pit mil r onirtsa cvt tkovn am his i on ilii ministt r to bi nhti s rnden- where thex ann adolf hitler and fore irn ministi r o itibln ntrop thiuarv 11th it is hi in w d tin i iimjsi ivians u t i kivin tiitus dt sitn d in kitp i uto tltivmotitof witt tml lohnhk tail ing rm nitiw i at t ipadtin in ill nazis in w nidi i foi 1 uio s tin disj ati lis in i nti that ii i lut ii w illi i i i man in i it ih in hiu k iri is itlniptink in piisuiu i urki t itt iiniisi not to tlht s ould i man liois stall tlnihi buimii 1 wn i tl 1 nda ii s on utarel in kast ttil ta alrujlimiklii ihr rrtiu mini hnsi iit sinrnpon haw in t n mined hv british announn mi nt hi it this pr caution had in t n taki n i ami on top of a unit of anit t tver japan s intijitions in ihepmltli marini rs un ulvistd in i nthf lovirnnunt notm fi bruar lhth hut thiri was no ptanation fm tin mint tic id al tin lip f the mnlav slates offliinls w n also slh nt iwo davs latt r it wns announn tiat thousands of austrnhan troops nnd ln at numbers en isoiittei nnd ltlhli r plains had arrived at slnn pon l7i make the mnlav peninsula n ndv for an thnat of an i te nshjn of tin war to the south pacilli lln british house of commi ns w iiiluldfijuruaei iflthltial llii- uovtrnnu nt hacf n ci ive d a npti i il missari from inpnn of ferine to medinti in thi wnr nnd nlso accusing the united states and gn nt britain ol warliki prtpaintions in tin i icillc oci nn authorltntue 1 ondon qunrters enid brltnin would not entertnin pi n i proposals until a complete victorv has been raimd ntlendly circie heu sleighing pakty last week on widmsdav i w ulnc of ins wnk thi i rli ndlv ink nts of tin unit i d hun h in id a vt rv njo nhli sli irii rhllnr pnrtv which w is made possible by tin aid of ilowau swlte r nnd mnnsi i ni his who 1 in i h hioulhl li nuis md skills aniviiir hnik nl lln ihtmlv ofu i tin oulini n wry d hjjitfulliini i suitid for tin oi c nsion was smii o mrs i b aelamson s rioup mrs lavlnr i ondm if d mi nj nble valtfitini i ont st in whhh jlss audn macaithui was lln winini western canada special bargain excursions fnomiu tati6ns in vasttkn canada going iiiv mikiiak lilh march ifil 1m1 incu1sivb u r m lulurn umlt 5 llin tickets oood in coaches nt fnrifi npprnxlmntcly lic pit miti touiilbt siefpinc1 caiifi nt iircn pproxlmntly lc pw mile standaj1d autpino carb nt fnren approximately l per mllo cost oi allommnilation iv slrpmno cakb addithonai hatl all hi1 kl l stopmcrs at all rolnri ruing nnil tli i limine mmllur tajuidilona ironl urtmi to jilrn canada during sam vtrlea tkliru slrrplni nrrallilni and all information from any aiftnt ask i lt iiasuhim lin canadtan national tu s2 lo mwm fe6 every canadian family six men on the ice and the town in the bleachers whin our i own plaviil hmkiv wi wi n all out to i hi i r tin hov s tin tin lie ts and we all dllj ilmn lo support tin li am hv and im m win iiiu i l s uis n ai km no v k it mi an w ht n hi un i un i loll i ill il is idinii unjt in nl i i i is t till w v j i i in it u s uo tl tion elainh mt nivi ton mi lin itiisuitvt mi n s sso i i i if m mi i i in i id and mis i v i mr and mrs hart olti 4111 t hmfl 4i 11 1sll main tu stir if pi uuldhsh in 1 nu land an now in thi ontonfl an t hk flftht complains a writtr lo tin imperii afti r pnlnt tivt slid ni iht ukh not u r dozi n ham pi an i mnl i- lohnson md mlss inula ceitt molson s 1 inni i mrs j itt i sunlit an i mihs pi nrl mith iis janns svnnui i a hi s of tin i nttt i cnun h mr and m s j c mnlthiws an 1 mis hi i it o ti an dt i mr and mtf lanit s mnss mr and mis c j lai k j umni mtrs trunk and i i mditoli 1 mml rn m ft had hrilisl tioojs hispid in ntornz nt niihiiiv urjifoims viit inipi t d h paint hut in soutlnrn italv uiih last w i k w ith inslrin ions to di mulish ham ubi t tis loiim ti 1 wiih thi puts in hat in a u iiouni i nn ut tlat hits lonn of w u fin hatl ht t n ad ijflt d w is in nl h lln hrilish mniisiiv if iiiformatii n titiriiniv pith i in ministr v stai i l tun no li tails of tin opt ration mull h iv n at pi i si nt tj t pi thnt minn tif tin nmn haw nut niurin 1 to tin ir hasi i rum itonn t ami tin stuti nu ni jjiat brituh pnnuhntims had li i captuieit in tin oalahua i man a j n jcioii 1m fori ihtv toukl i aifsi tin si noun dannitfi w hit h tin v had in w p nm titvs i t tl ii i lujpm 1 mm- li i i us n r l ml s m t shi s ii 1 j i tin s ii s j n i ost i i u ol ii nn iii war savings certificates b d rachlin acton ont this time we are all in the front line h at thl king fall in the line is formin close the rjnks j answer his majestys call jexjlman woman nd child i c has a duty to perform some will fight you too have a job to do u may demand sacrifice you are called on to help furnish the munitions needed to win the war guns and tanks for the army plants for the air force ships for the n and niljxhjiu for each 400 you get back 500 5 00 for 4 00 10 00 fr 0 s 00 for 20 00 5 00 40 00 100 00 for u0 00 vv r do ii crrttferafr art dirart ohlif n of carta la ivftayabu mr ttlrn i ol thai 1 1 m your tnvt r i irutr 1 iwrnty flva wr onl fill iitrifh ii i cotnpoubcud t if iff i nl at oixioo ol ragt rt n i i i hi from dal of itj i t t i icala ot valua nj j npiiiinli n mritmjm t tht rltfur mi enly ttlut- r nir wrlntf vfltrfl to p ml maturity vtjitta l t n 5o r of p wk p waak aiuumi purtjks4a dp 170 15 t tl m tllmlu vjo l t tl m s w ttm w0 jj tb iju li m ids a me m uh 130 i uf- 13 75 la 13 ss si4j i 1mj 0f 140 13 75 ta iris 1345 m ml marine guns and tanks and planes and ship cost moncyyou are not u slice tt ic u jrt only asked to lend jour money this is some thing you can do something you must f there h only imt p ict tctc t ttn y c mdcjaalhui to win this war- from the people of an ut i i irtc part will come from bu vinos hrmi jneufnuflt miii large incomes i hey wfll piv liiih 14ms md bin he imiv of mfar loah beinels hut niort iiioiilv is needed e great deal more 10oo0 mm t month is t pec id i ni men women and children who mvtt in x ir smi fc certificates vcrk hard tarn more save all ou m jnd it ml vour savlngs to canadu buy k swincs cilt i 1 hcates budget to buv ihem regularh hov ihtm evexyweck every month as long a- the war lasts you will be forming a good hahu the vavin hahu a habit that will benefit ou when ietorv is won you will be doing a rtal job in helping to win the war pubhsbtd hy tb wsr saitmgt committt ottau j vwar savings certificates