Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1941, p. 5

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iage fouk 1hl acton rri press imnusdav maitcii 20 1041 neighborhood news interesting item concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested milton a fonmr jisldi nl of mimburn alliu annlllmulrtiiiudnuamcc of llu iiiip mr nnil mr j u jiv m- slrnt unil wife of georfje warren dlcdjuthi riilili nco of li r dnuuhli r mm woim uiukhtnn av nui tor onto on hb lhtli while triivillinu on lilrlmay no ii one and n hnlf mile north of pnlermo c g jtlildhl of milton nufffwi crnckiwl rlhi nnl ihoj when tin loft front wheel of hit enr eamo off flrilnklijmto-uu- ditch i he tr lurnod eompli iu our miming conlderlle diimnue mr niddoll li n member of tin town eountii clmfnplon limeiiouse lh commit of four in thnij of minim monij for mir- vvomi n s institutional work rot tliin month jin v ill tin ii objirtivi nt fiftv dol inm iln nn holding j ricks ihi nt ih homo of mrs s norm and n hingo nt tin honn f mrs i sroti int r in tin wl mm john rilrrb ntrtnin d tutu n nunibt r of fru nds from in nighhivrhood t n euthri pnrtv on snturdaj ivinlng wlicn seven tnblen of cnnlp m n plnvod prlyos for georgetown s vnrat org town p oplr atti nd m1 tltp firjoliifi u of t dp arlon jhlctiiir held in llu arton town hnll inst friday night tho niiii mont li announcid of fdnn mne dnught r of mrs ofoss nnd the into mr perry glass to perrv roy hill ion of mr nnd mrn rdwnrd hill the mnrrwo jo ink place march 22nd motorcycles nnd nrm trucks roar ed dow n main street inst friday mornlntf as wv rnl hundret gnvl r- geni nil s hor guards arrived in town on n roul wdo from their henilqunrten nt exhibition pnrk toronto herald campbellville hljh scores w nt to mrs t mil r and mm inmli son w hlli c onnola limit ml to miss shlrli v u right nn 1 mr runs jl mi donald dui ins tlu vning mrs i mirny held a draw for a tea rosv which was uon by mrs fonnthnn inni a rood sum was renllzed for the communitv war work rev d d dnvldnnn prone lied th flrnt of n wrlt of two sermons in preparation for the opening com munlon insl sundny of the month visitors in the communis incluc id mr nnd mrs arthur lnno- and ml uses dorothy nnd norma of lor onto with his mother mrs rotn rt nirneorrsunany mr nnd mrs enrl scott nnd gnrry of mnlton mlsa intz scott nnd mrs bruce gunnor of georgetown mr tod mr mttl mm job scott on sundny misses l m nnd gordon relg of brnntford sp nt n few hours with miss ivens nnd tht gnles on sundny afternoon mr nnd mrs fred hnrdlng nnd mr hoi man of kitchener visit d mi ami mrs riermnn nnd fnmity on mart h nth ihi maul nu i tine of the m s uns ik id at the hnmi of mrs a w hi nlon on ihursdnv uninc iitlirs t t nt 1 nt iiid from iwi oi dm miii nvtrsins mnj n nrdnr mm in i inn 1 nnd snppi r sam isb lift th in hi ii and hu it tin tuin of i i hint mr crawford mnhon of kitchener wns home for the week end funeral services were conducted by re i wilson of tden mills on sn turdn afternoon nt the home of mr a 1 moore for mr rd i inwrv who pnssid nunv in rdmonton on mon dn i he deceasnl wns a brother mr innns leowrv of roikwoml nnd mrs john mnhon of this village mrs w i bell has returned nfti im inr in inronto for several dnyn wrtti htt dfttijrhrn wrlrmr who wmt- tnken suddi nly ill while at work and had to be removed to the western hospital for an onernjion mirs tvilyn vnnsickle of toronto spent the weekend nt her home misses norma nnd audry hnmil ton nnd verio vanshkle were in tor onto for over sundny oakville pli c i mtrrnrlf who w nt to 1nklnnd with tin first unit of mi i dim si ots hns n tut mil honn dn to phvsiitil isjiiihii i mr lotm mnji n cradunti of apph by sjvok nl tin oakvltli tto tar club on mondnv ills thim wan mod rn itntlroad nnd 1 rui k si i vid i hi pufchnm of dflls nnrl ilectrk fiturt tor thy munlilpnl offjci s r- killtevl in n sdmwint heated disiu- nlon at monday couhdl nwitinf itntird star v ospringe mr and mrs james xnn normnn nnd baby jnck nnd mm j campliell of port credit visited on snturdny withyelntlve nnd friends mr nnd mm c a wlllinnvnn of guelph visited on sundny w ith mr nnd mrs d g robertson mr william mckonzlne nnd nor mnn mr richard hurvow s nnd keith nnd georre roliertson jr at tendefl the hockey jnme nt toronto on sntuniny nirht mm m chisholm of krin is visit inp with mrs s mtl can nnd mrs i fprtwii mr nnd mrr willlnm mrkn7m nnd family visited on sundny with mrs usherwoodjii fverton i he w mti r s worst storm hit ibis d i st orr monday nnd made all roads in nv v snow piourhs mc k pt busy opening them hinril varani vro fill il at nomination contlnikd fiom pin om hud k rv r rtlimy nrs in niunti ipid affairs but was nlwu inlft tid in tin inmmtinitv h felt aetim was r inly to maki nmi r nl pinkn si nnd lookiil forward to llu omlc 4 iln when dehi nture pnvnmrils would lowir the tnwtnlo nmti rjnllv hi fijlt acton una fortijnntt in hn- ihr nil avallnble factory bulldinki occupuil bv rellnble nnrl prowr mi firms ryiiile he nppn elated mi lnnt7s objection to the crenmory imlldinr he felt thnl cltizr ns would hnve to take n brond outlook for nd vnncefnent hint nffects the wholi community mr mnsnn nlso fi it there was n lack of harmony be tween the various munli ipal bodlr s he felt there wnre plenty of otlu r nominees for the position ntld tt wns not his wish to go back in loumll work ngnln mr d n mclnvish snld hi had leen nskel to allow his nnme to go in nomination but hnd refused there were apparently two who he hnd not ri fused he felt thnt the pri si nl mkktings op t0e c i t mow in unhei chitkcii lln tnltid church tii nu t njhlnrly math vvrdnisdny tvininnln hi silndav si hool room at 1 10 o lmk on tlu lhn of fibiuuiy lluhlr i iris li nrli r llll aftni defiltl t rv in vaiiii i i burlington i he b ii i eh phont couip m hnvi xvnn enrnreil invlnp nn undi r 1 roumi alli rrom jnmi s street t the renr of the properties on brant street the new service yiu take care of the telephones in the entlr block at n mooting of reproscniplivos from various orffnnlzntfona in the town held in the hnsement of the library on frldny evmlng plarn wore further extended for the big ceremony to bo hold here when the carvelte uurilnclonls elirltttmedff lnkesidc park nt n date to ho nnmod inter misses mnrj nnd tlln mcqunrno fallinc asleep nt the wheel of his nnd mr a goidlnr of toronto wore car while enrouto to his homo hie sundny vwwlth mrs thomas from wqrkin in hnjnilton into sn- tj turdny nlbhtgordongreencrnshm into n parked car on wnter street belonglnc to dr n h mitchell green suffered sevoro ulcerations to erin vvnn r mm cnpnhlo mennf eporlenceueio no dod in tlu tounjjjl f ii mint th inauguration of n giirbng iodic tiop svstini wns abend of its turn in at ton mr corgi i nnt iirji l m n f epiriinci to fill the posls and tint tii r ffort be mnde to lower tho tax lit ho would jjve tlu mutt r ion mdiiation 1mt if men of i p ri nt i tiuilifud lit would not nli i tlu um nut r v chntmers m nnsw run mu -nassagaweya- i ii st on i nn i ling ot m n ri inn d i luh i nu grow h bi i s oi s s no was h id nl tin bom of mis t i lnvtnporl on mairli r h 111 llll fjjuloiiu ull liuu r id msit inril iisi7il niotu od wns di udit to hold tlu iuk tiu i vi r two uils until tin ilnlls nn fliiislitti als tt hold a u hit vtiy two wills till llu busy s ninil starts ii ills an to hi kold on i iiilt do nidi d b n nu ml i i in i wi i ijli ladn s pi i si nt an i th host ns sirvitl mindulilms tin md irid s nli th i luivlnj b in a utddin in j h in tlu wti k 1 1 vi uis mi nn t mis t 1 iai ni i mis j li mu t and mnsti t m irtin ntli nil d i slum i j kill foi tl i it dauhli i mi nnd mis t non l oli it i oi n t nn mondnv iminnt llu t m nt trrrltli l i iu ilkiimilv l ml us i lul ni tu li s toi tit i 1 it t u u is i win i nti rl i n 1 w hi j i ui ss v i u bit mi 1 n ioll tun s nl i v i i in piojnvsk in bii spins i 1 in- th 1 nsv hi s i s s n i h t i tin s n turn in ii si um r 1 1 vinnij nils hi kiiiiutk nu i mi uim ii k iij i u ll illil tlu iii lujihli i will lllll i iillmd n i mr lf i nlbot mmed txk llu ns ll i i i n 11 i t li 0 tho estate of the late wellington hull a fair crowd attended the second pvesentatlon of the erin dramatic club vnriety entertainment in the town hnll on fndny evening of inst week mrs m thompson assistant post mistress nt tlu local jolt office suf fereij a frnctured right wrist on tuesday morning when sin ft 11 on tin ice whlli on hi r way to in r dutii s nt the office mr and mrs gf orge griffin well known titizins of this villagi quid mequnrrip nnd mr dnnnld mcq he wm eagles hns purchased tho fnrm lot 23 corio nnd lot 23 con- 10 145aoreo in erin township from- hfefarc ftmt brulbos a ihuctui ed by dr mitchell who hoard the crash damage to the car wns esti mated nt 250 00 regency pnrk survey comprising in all about llfi lots has just hoi n purchased by j s nicholson and son limited this property is tlu largest single survey left in the town limits arfd is most dtsirnbli for hous s in tho modernti prico class also tin re are nbout ft lots on which i smaller tvpe of home can be built similar to thi sis small attraetiv houst s on b vvnui whuh nr in this surviv tium si bonus wen hhratid tin r nnnivirsary of built last i ir b a s nicholson and dun widding on man h 7tb vvlun son iimiliti nitti miinv fru nds t alh d to off r 1 1 n j jnt illations and hi si w ishi s advo xmit-court4v- rockwooi now in sraon i riiicism legnrding tlu nu n nsi m tn rnt said council wns fntd with a surprise thismr by the increasid amount asked b the s hool board he fu the board should have nllow d for tins abnormal espenditur over n perimi of years instead of hnv ing it all come in one inrgi sum mr i m mcdonnld point d out thnt a school board could not build up a surplus account to met t etrn ordinnrv expenditures mr g a dills n member of tho present school board drew llu at tentlon of the reeve to tho fnct that the school board hnd last summer attended n meeting of council to sug rest thnt thnexpendlturefihoutcmiv borrowings he spread over n period of throe years or so the board wns not empowered to mnke bor nnd hnd nsued ceiuncil s essoperation at thnt meeting the delegation hnd met with nothing but abuse nnd criticism especially from councillor davison in levv of this thi re ro mninod no other alternative than to make a request for the mon y ncidod this yenr mr dills said othi r niunu ipal i spenditure h id let n financed in pn ious councils in tlu wn suggest d hut tho past conn i til had turtud down sut h i proposil j h fill tin boird is not ri spon sihli tl n for f ii th t i intnasi j rn vi chilnuis imim tint this was lorntt i mr mason fill ll it hi toiin il th ist t ii mikht i n di fi in ii s in llu it i j illlltlll s ii lis f it tn t otint ii in u t i lt lr mi i nnt rn opnnting unrttnn sh iv it i in 11 in tlli r of fin m i h flt w sh mid t iriv on d nioi i u y i tin h fd a fnmllv party witl forlv pres nt including tlu their par nti and frli nds llu nilbd tin nwitlnr to ordi r girls npiatid i he purposi llu busliu ss n rlod b ttv n ad thi si rlptun h isnn dui tt was nudird bv anuetln nnd bunny anderson mrs foster nnd mis i eortnnl of milton introdiu tl n eoupli pf ni w songrt- attompiinliil by violin nnd uli sjmiki on cgl i work und die tin me ye afi m fflr new clllm se chiekers win enjoyid during wlilch n plnnp solo vvas rendered by mar jory biltort nft r which the girls served lunch on thi 2sth of f brunry a report wns given on the sal of chocolates which tho girls conducted nnd it wns found t hov hnd old one hundred boit on mnreh mb following the opening rtlsis a piijm r was gutn by bunny andersoij mrs parker point d out thai if th kinrdnm if peaiiwto lie ixiiltnn nftrtli none of ut dnrfnce the tnnjc nlone our onlv hopi lis in a fellow ship of hristian intntnrlis as anadrnn iris in i mining wi nlusl build in iiilur llu tirk llun stood and r pi ntid tot llu i a put post as ni w ph dj i of ih ditnlfim on mnn li 121 li llu muting op n l with a tall lo worship follow 1 l lb in os nnrl irai afti r th busiiu ss pi nod some timi wns spl nt on planniril rutun mnliiils a sing s foi low id nmrtlu millin loscd ullli laps w t patterson ro imrlalut in kyti kxmmlnatlnn orlhoplut 103 uvndiiam ht oiikiiii ihnnn 210ft cnmlli tl ly rquliliil offleen delow main r shoe qiom stwwdiltm sunday mini li j lul iul royal gwrlphh i o in for bt bin tliaaire 1krioay to tuesday the wufit ilanly vatully atlventiire andy hardys private secretary with mickey rooney irwis si onefay hoi drn ann lulthkrifoild ian hunteit sallirdio shows cohtllillnum startinr wednesday tor 1 day ronrrt taylor in flight command un ii vva1 iii iuxron will iiiissi 1aui kill itl mi i ion na i il ndi i iom mmo dally at 7 i ni hi clifton gihord n a minliler pnlnlfcl his mnjislv kln l eori 1 1 10 n m 7 00 p m i 1 r p m the cjhurch scliool tll gtii to htufvfttl i ondon k i a nf linnibi r n peellei rifliti r nnil n fh el nir nrm flrhli r mosl hnvll nrmi t luosinur in nn nnv nn nulling nddlllons to britain s air strenklh saiiokh imt kdkift pofitsmoiith rnkliincl ci saylnr llu hal betti r he put ou of danger a mnftlstrate vintencid a 21 ear old woman to n years imprison ment for pkkine tin pockets of luillorr entertnlninjh i noi ikk lmigadt duisroi rcd whin nlni oris tol srhoolhoys modi n fin showing ns fire fighters tin nuthnrltli s is sued an nppenl for 110 hos hitunn the nets of 15 nnd lf as a h rmm nt unrtlmi forti rowers shu your wool direct to the manufacturer we an now pr pan i to aenpt shipnu nts or delivlrlls of on taiio wool at our itiglstircd warehouse in a ton ontario all wool will hi bought on n graded hnsls in neenrdnwe with th fovernmnnt regulations whuh nre required to lie ob sirved in the operation of a hi glster d warehouse make nil ahlpments arid deliveries to our resident buyer mr j ii boulton the canadian wool corctd cn wool combing corp of canada ltd acton ontario i address nil correspondence to canadian wol go ltd 701 b metropolitan rulldlnt toronto llrrjabt1rriatt wax cuvkcuacriw hvv ii i itknnir m a mlhutr mnnse willow street sunday march 23rd 1011 i he dominion dny of prnyi r lino nm your prim m and bur i ears j p m ihi snhbnth s iiool 7 00 p the lest of prnyi r l lh v p giiti monday night mnrrh jlth s vi pm tellow ship onv nor ai ways wjtcomp uthttlbt qjhurrl actov st tii maih ii jtrd 1011 l1x inrvir svd johnston of 1 oronto 1- is p m sund i s i d 7 10 pm num w dm sd i s m p m iuivi r ml i tlnj a wi i omi k ai i bt albimfl dlurrt i nglu am sunra m vhc ii 2trd ll motiitltlnr sunday rio a m loy communion 11 nm pnnc in r h v w c o thompson of tworgetnwn pm i vensong on this sundny for the third time sinn tin oullireak of war tlu king has iilli d th people of his tropin to observ a day of prnyer for vic- lory nnd a righteous p ac let us not contribute tn the defi at or this effort by allowing the kings command to go unlimdid the pn splrnllon of your pres nc and t io stnngth of yolir pray rs ar n eded mothering sunday is family day nt church itn dood manners lo recojmize oliscn ance b hhers kaii- wnter in t tnmttion with i rnri n vfvi 4ilt jnlms juuli1 liil n rig tlun has a mod attindanti to s 1 slulis ri hit i i to sundav m iiim i mission work in wisti rn canada i h sptakir miss savlt hi id tn rlos attintiou of thosi pn s nt fi w f tlu slulis n ti i rt il ti shiwtd um bv otlu rs n minds a writtr oi th kliij nnd qiuin tn tlu i i il ciminion chiittv toil and also insptilion tf a van it is nitttier kintl nor lourlitu list tl l miss avh in b r work in insist thai a fru nti tl nnd mi kov ihmlltv ttiuliuti t in u n ttt nlto ou to ti ii inm j louon io m i not obsi u should r in mti r il i m mli it i i vi i i ni outm if i i iogni1 tin s as in i rt of n he mis obsi i in it in ton i i w h i j vt hi ihn r pn t 1 but to to oi i i it with luiuinuipil luwli s hi mjid i nu n f i in in off i on ir i i s ii this time is wi ii is fight ft r t hll olb r tint t tli w min n iti iiiiki i iu4 t ii n nit v rtim 11j itl it nsts of tin c luirrh if t nk i a 1 1 if tn has i host n to w t pirtit s during i i nt it it nu in n kov lltntlli ttiidiuti 1 in kit it di nltt vou to hivi him in nut 11 m sub t r tiu i ousi bold 1 rr ti it 1 luti mis lam s ii uu i t satin tav m th low n hall mi it it hi own who his ih n t lb 1 in tht hoval hank for a few us 1 1 ih 1 n ti msft rr i to but foi i his mnm finndh in town wish i mi mi t ss in hi in w pi 1 1 n lbs i i 1 1 has 1 1 n tnki n i mi mi tl of i ktlll i on sund t m irnnn k v p h liws n con kit ti i aninvilmitv s 1 w i in 1 ut it h at pntsli v mi mortal i nt tht n vou should s htdul ll nt ifti r i isli r u lit n t u i nn ll at fi 1 nls 1 mviiij u an 1 i sv rt u sh w m t ubt to 1 1 1111 fr 111 off 11 i ih things t i tl in oil iwis 11 ir jutt as thoughtltks as the i 1 n w li t out inn ill ffirs 1 11 n t 11 mm m 1 ti uij n si t mi km hi tujitful i t s s h iv lt a s h 1 im th ss nu its t 1 if th 1 in i it t id ut sv li ih r 1 ft ii al 1 tt 11 ih t ii tt 11 i i t 1 oss w 01 k m an i miv 1 11 1 1 it u i h visit i m m nil h i it l 111 in ij iiik i s sin 1 i iiinuth t in this si t c itt 11 t ist tl 1 st oh 1 li n h t 1 1 it u 1 n si m s mi 1 i t n iss w 1 v mi 1 n s insl ft 1 w k 1 in lav nnik 1 in is 1 v n jtt ih ml smis wm luulu i st m lit u k w mi in mis v 1 k v xv iim i f in ii i h i iwsons j lvci lun nu 0 n t 1 si m ni i itl i 1 n m n 1 i tin nuns sso 1 iti n of thi i nititl 1 i in i win t i 1 m t t 1 t si jmui th 11 st i iti k iftt in 1 1 1 1 turn ilavi for nuuu wilhouu isk i m mthunsul i itfrstnt tt iii io iii ltkm s sht i- mln ti a on mt nl i 1 it si i is s i as i 11 t i i 111 n ii v ah hi t m i ll i 1 i 1 i 1 w 1 u n t wi n t wiv u 1 1 v i k jr 1 1 f 1 in 1 i 1 i 1 t u n n v i i iv ll nt w it 1 u 1 1 11 11 t n tl i ll i ten i tt m 1 i 1 1 il i th t l i fhs jj1 1 1 hi i s s 11 i v s v i ll tl sl li ills mi n ii h t ilni i u sij with i i 1 m in i ls l h fv ink i ist nn 1 faint ritihiiik of u uihk t dr a 10 u 1 u of this s- lion is ltn hi n n mm h dav nport hi iisitinj h r nun mr lunry uav nport at guehph v 1 n mi 1 i 1 n i 1 t 1 f lhi im art 1 ti it ill ill t 1 mi i mi 1 n 1 h- ut n 11 i mi i 1 in iv fit 1 out 1 1 m nn fri n is ii r ut mil i it it 111 bis si 1 1 run t osititin with th n11 s now 11 ftm f proctor ami iambi if ilnnullon ifomowtng his finish n hh i ht hhu mimml m hi i m mm i s 11 ml ai i holo th alt r 1 1 r it 1 ind e 1 1 in in ian 1 was fined ouhmv hoists flrr ifdmlrratt kalsinp i ia and earinp indus tries tonurd kvport trade ora u m ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1uc11 q i is i t t kn nn in llu h in li t 1 ifl fu i i i it h 1 i nk i nn i hinid 1 1 uls 1 t in i n n an i tw tl wi ivin tl it tl it piuviiilt tvptcts lo i nd r ih spill niirlti m in ap n nil i i i i s is null iti i in tin njtui f i h ismiii in t ally llinult hi tuivtv if th ma li in h 111 ii 1 ift in iustt in i isd rn 4 ma 1 1 httndurtfi irderhip in ttn tivin i nti i in tl s i il p hi t ils wl i w 1 st itt 1 1 m its n i 1 1 qm h n 1 f itn ih 1 it il 1 i 1 1 f this s h i is ils 1 1 t 1 f rt i i r tl 1 1 11 s i t 1- tnu 1 f hi 1 i tl 1 ii s n itt hrin 1 ii 11 s irn it i h nun ul i it i h hi cjl 1 th 1 1 v 1 w ii f f in nt mi hi mi ii i 1 i 11 t i il i v i 11 1 1 in i 1 tt ti n w n rs u t t rt 1 1 r 1 i murk t t r tl 1 1 it t ll i ni 1 1 i i 1 f i 1 t v i mill n t iti 11 t ns i 1 mark tin 1 v i n 1 tn v i l tin 1 r s iitui it 11 it 1 il s s ihn il n r st nl t iv 1 t it t ilit in ti 1 nk t i in n tl i 1 hi t qu p ini n m st m 1 m i t havi siiffi l nt ilianlilv at a onij t iitlvi pru 1 r 1 j 1 1 v rv s ion 1 1 n an nim ti t rativ s rnislng flax and mk shorthanded then get an low cost f powf itl 1st r fl i null mutjv it 1mis fl ii uohiv in ii mx the timij than hokhks am tvil cheuelt 1 01 1 w1i 1 im il a ai 11 1 1 i ll hi 1ci s llll uoi k in 111 1 i i u tu ill l 111 run m l 1 s ani son i oi llll ini oiima hon sl i d wilfong uton 0tuio o 1 maniin sprtmlir tlu iucki nt spreader value im mi huj taro liirrounmiiter plouu lor kin rop vuctknsiwixu small advertisements advertltementi under thu htttllag jc caih with order up te words a iditfan wordr ic vr word if cull dnri nol accnrapftny tho tdvar llirnlrnt minimum ctts jjc ind le per word ed lill net for eech word irer jj sjtiltssj il u if uimursi p run i il nn ajiph no no vion orjr hoi sl i or sm h h ml i um k hon rui s 1 n 11 in 1 is 111 ihi i rm wi 11 ho til vion i 11 1 i il ss wav to iii viioi sh i lll willlls i i m m i i r 1 111 i l lll 1 iii- 1 w nth i il i v 1111 ui 111 111 1 k ni r il i k i u l hi nun 1 1 i 1 in n ir tun out in j swing lives s fv h m ji 1 1 br 4 1 1 1 n j 1 tsjurst- at rjnlvnity of toronto undir tin ugul minimum priix hjuivnltnt of 10 for bulng lotutonx nun rtadv to co into prolurtion this i lo tin solditr in tlu fn id of ait ion thu man 1 n ant a htlinlut of tlu utlonnl rt mnrrh count ii in omawn lu is tt sting tht rihutanti lo pi nitration of army steel lit 1 nit in it k by nu aim of such tents that quality la improvtd nnd llvih sua id i it sl i i i i iv r wl oh sal pru om n 11 i i in i manini ii nt farm m i k li mu ion ih j t- ii 4l- u ill t 1 tin pi inn uf sii lit in o its rlcni tl mnn rt nil 1 1 nl vv 1 1 r s un 1 wink it 1 l i 11 nn 1 hi i i ici ss h ktick hh i mrs 1 uli n nir i li 1 al 1 icili i ins 1 i ui t in i w ish nc inn i in s 1 1 1 1 i vv 11 inc ill r itions in i r 1 111 1 t m it s civ n i i 1 i ii nmm s t tl si 11 l ic i i 11 itllfk 1111 sh i m i 1 1 11 nt il v hi i 1 oi 1 i mi l 11 oj 1 tunil fur u d ill 1 11 11 1 1 i in in i am in ti n ss 11 v mu t i 1 ni r i l ni i ill l fin 111 i 1 f 1 m h isttj rtnnrttr-ttr- aj ptv rnr tip i ir in nt t ir t 1- i i i 1 i iss 01 1 u h wanted w ill illv 1o0j il uls fur all om scrap metal 10 to 20 wr ton u ill 1 ill in i 11 k u insh i n iv 1 in i li i vt r at ni v ant l waxmain main nlroot aelan out

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