thursday march 37 1ml the acton free press- tafiptiinebi i wouldnt ih wll- w fovng twopl tl nol apprec iate how rully ttnxloua uj older people enn lw mm derrick kpole the words dcld- iwlly thounh gently her ritiughtt r klrshor utter a protest oldrr people nhould not worry na much the sjild and may tt not be u mistake far young people to mcouru them ih this habit tin derricks had jiut finished dlnm r and were ttlll at the table the mother looked grave as she replied i do not feel that a daughter or a ton v ho does whnt she can to allay or prevent a parents anxhtv is enrouraking her in n hnhlt of -worry- she declared you tell me that mrs s my the uas hnxlous when tluth did not come home this afternoon nnd that ot inst jjhe telephonist to ou nnd learner thnt ruth had decided to spend thr niht with her aunt in milton tpstt ad of comlnc honu in the rain surelj she mijilit have unt this meiince to her mother by ou in the first plate eleanor yes she might the eirl njred yet ns ilhi tims to milton to school jis i do enr day nnd occasion ill speniu tin night there with her nunt might not her motherhnve taken it for crnntihl thnt she uas doing thnt tonight of course she might haw tak n it for granted mrs derrick admit ted but mv contention is that ituth s love ought to be groat enough for her to put herself in imagination in her mothers place your love would he uu understand that if ou did not come home from milton nnd did not wnd me nn word i would be cruellj anxious the daughter got up nnd going around the table kissed her mothir tenderly such a little worrier 11 you are she chlded yes dear i shall never ta away from home tin account of storm or flood w ithout notifying ou wait hot going to he untutppy about i am sure ou will not mother said confidently ln ing the in r head for a moment against tin strong oung shoulder the nrgu ment had ended happily ns nil of eleanors argumi nts with hi r mother did when ns was now the case mr d rru k was nwav on 1 buslnt ss trip the girl ft tt pemhtik responsible for hi r parent s p ii 1 mind sh s idom mndi outsidi n gng mints fur thi vi ninths during tier fntlnrs nbsrnee shi hid lo h iwn jill tt i as shi was taking 1 tours it thf husliii s school in mil ton n doii 11 milts distant ami mi muted rekiihirlv on this tups sli was 111 loiivpnim d hv hit fiu ti 1 huth mmtht vvhost m gleet in llifoimuig hi r fnmilv f in 1 ml ntlon to stnv in it she repeated this to herself when after telliijig her mother good night she went to her own room her win dows faced the east and the storni dashed against the popes with such force that the drops soundqd like hull if it kept up like this the w eather w ould be dreadful tomor row she was determined to go more determined than ever slnco her altercation with toy moreover the idea was absurd to think tha anything could happen to one just because it was raining hir mother elungt to her the next morning ns she bade her goodbve the storm had not abated n bit f its fury nnd the roar of the water rushing 6ver the dnm in the river on which the little town of riven lew was built was menacing it sound- like a train of cars nl w n s 1 omlng and never arriv ing tit nnor jfsald llghtlv so lun motln r dear it will probnblv clear h noon anil rt member if i shoul 1 lie di talned in nnv way i shall hi iui know if vou tlo dot hear from mt vou may epett me ivtn if have to swim she added with laugh she tan hurrltdl down tin steps nnd lioarded the cat thnt wax to taki her to the rnilroad atntlon a half mir distant tin train to milton was evasperat- inglv slow this morning so slow in fact that flennor nski d the fatherly conductor whnt was wrong he ex plained that in some plnccs the rond lied was so badly washed that the engineer must proceed with cnutlon its the worst storm wt vi had in years he continued youre brae to come out in it r oh no i m not eleanor dis claimed so long ns the trnln s here im safe yes he admit ted dubiously tharts iniie tracks dont get xvasli ed so had thitt we don t dare run t in an awful stnte tin to rk it lite stnggiilng truth wim plain to ktennoi derilck if he was to g t to in r home todn mid she must to save her motln r nnvlety slu would have to wnlk i he uhortiut way was along tin rnilroad tracks colng hack to the station she started forth her honks swung from strap on her arm hoi j head bent nlnnl the gale she did not attmpt to ralsi her umbrilli for it would be torn to strips by the wind a half mile from the station was the railroad tretth for an tnitiint she caught her breath liv- timidity j riiivond the river was tearing under lite trestle the yellow foam dmhlntf up in hug spurts she had n steady head she reflected gratefully t nnd she would not let horse if look down as she set her foot on the bridge- a voice hailed her nnd a man in work mans gurh stepped forward you cant go on that bridge miss he said firmly its condemned- and it ian t safe for nobody to try to cross it eleanor stopped she would not let thu mnn suspect thnt she had no intention of obeying his commnnd she must get home thnt wns the one idea in her mind her mother would be terrified if she did not come she stood for severnl minutes in the lee of n pile of lumber talking with tin man nboiit the siorni nnd askui him questions she was glv ing no heid to his n plli s fot hit onlv endenvor was to etude him suddenly n rnllrond of f k lal ip peart d in tin distance signalling to the workmin flennor tnllid hti companions nttt ntlon to this fact some oiu is tailing vou she said as the man turned nnd started to obey tin summons shi sprang for ward nml without n hackwnrd glame fled across the trestle the wood was vi tt nnd slippery but she had on cpuglvsoled rubber galoshes onte or twice she had a- sensation of gld illness but would not yhld to it a she ran she tittertd 1 jnculntory prny ers t bat she might be brought safely to the other side when she was in the middle of the bridge tin wind was so strong that she let jier umbrella go fearing it might iri her as she slipped and nlmost lost her balance her book strap slid from her arm and she did not ntttmpt to catch it she needed nil hei strength ntod poise to keep from plunging down into the torrent rushing nloni beneath her if i stop i may follow the books she wliispered k iu i 1 lih mtt umighi nnd miined i 1 iission h tw tin i 1 ttior ami mothi r i ht ram was falluil st w hi n iftit 1 whihthi p in w ni into thriihnri n ross tin hall iln a fin w is tuirning mi tin in irth an 1 they rrthrt iln i vvit s nntt ntmt nt t tin 1 mi ot 1 h ilf hour a ruik it thi front diu r in tuuim eil th urivil of oung uuioi km hlmuiin 11 inn in dri ping it li 1 tin some nlht hi vi laiminl ing mot hi 1 mi daiiuht r n i i v inltik iijni sa s it i goiny to ki up for 1 ioii it of divs mor i ui tijui 1 l hliinui l milt m t m u for an instant n qualm of nervous mss assaileil the girl suppose the trains did not run this afternoon of course thev would if they did not she toutdwitephone hi r motlur she nmtmbired with startling dis tinct ntss her remark if vou do not in ar from tin vou ma epct nu oun if i iuim to swim sln was surprlsthi to note how 111 un out of town pupils win absent from school ih it da mr itogtis tin niitnipiit raisi d his tt brows w hen in saw h r i haiillv thought vou would vtn tut out m this im it ment weattnr mis- otrriik he observed the when at last she reached the otlur aide nfthehcidgcfllio waa pan ting bow ihnr feleanor is to me some time nhe may know too and pt r lmpt nta tare n little foi me x am tt iii tig you this null to make you uiidiikland hint vou nutv tuint nu to bring in t home safely hut you mut1 li not to woii too nun li if tin n win only somi ihltu i ould do the mot in t itiohm d i in 10 ik wan the hi erv ie spouse noit an ptav uien hi hurrli d fnvni flu house 1 tin man h day was dawpjng to a close 4 he ienv touduit darki in il the uklen and tin rain toyitfnmd to wur doy n in torrents mile atler mile eleanor trudged alongsld trnikrf the mud was n deep thnt she losthev- galoshes lu fore she had gone more thnn two mills bht sly did noh try to ret over them it vi as almost dnrk when at last she turned the curve in the rond that had it been light would have brought her in sight of the village in which she lived only a mile more she reflected even as she wondered how she vi as to trnvcrse that dist ance then she stopped in dismay what had happened abend of her stretched only an i paijse- of water in the gathering rusk she could sec it shining tin aw ful truth flashed upon lit r i he dnm was broken the village was flooded she n numbered with a spasm f gratitude that the risldtntlai kectior was on a hltl her mother wns safe this nf hit ion was sw allow ed up hv the dreadful rrrt hint ion that she 1 ould not naih her motlur and tha in t mothrr would think she was diowm d i must git to lur sin said through th nchtd tit t oi help mi iii do mv lust but pli nsi help mi with n shudder she walk ed forward into the water if onlv it did jiot tome up too high sin would wade through it u it did mint up too high she ri t allt d in r wonts- lven if i havi to swim tilt had bt on spokt n with 1 laun now hc uttered them with a groan yt t she did not hesitate hut forgt il straight ahead 1 he muddy wutir trtpt up to in r anklesflun to lur knits hi r f 1 1 1 nnd legs were numb with told nl- ttuiugh the ursplratlon pound from lur fate she had lost lur hat long ago now she paused and took off her coat i he weight of it was too much for hor to carry flphllng the current gasping she struggled on the pntd nbout bet feet seemed to be sucking her down the water rose to her armpi plan stirv and hejr legs were weak beneath sli pulled herself sternly together nnd begnn the long wnlk which she mihi accomplish before nightfall mrs derrick was standing nt the window of the lihrnry wlun slu saw doctor itov rdmunds coming up tin front walk she ran to open tin door thankful for a chance to volet lur nnxittv to a svmpntht tic llsti n ir slu had b t n too uiu isy to jit in r lunthion or to sittlt down i rt tiding or wtirk oh ro sin grt tt d t hi ming i phvsicinn i am 1 id to s ou havt ht 1 n mirruit ihout i li uitr all nt once she stopped smothi r- ing n erv of fear something wns splashing in the flood ahead of in 1 nnd slu saw a dark ohjtit appro it h- ing was it some anlmnl like her si if struggling in tin flood sud de nl the swirling torn nt swipt lur off her ftit she trbd to n g iln in 1 1 quilibrium but tould not slu fi li ht rst if taught in 1 pair of strong nrms mil sonu urn was tt lling h not to in fnghtt in d that sin u 1 sift slu kin w at uni t li it 1 i h dnuinds h id savi d in r put technique in lou i v stfcw memmrs tt womrnv corpw travel around itritain ad- vwino on wartime i onpon itim a in w job for women in hnglaml in that of lull- hie al ad v liters on fooil probli ms he ministrv of imwl is coding opt v iierlituetl molherlv worn n to all th- trlt ts with fotml prohh m to advise women how to provide mot nourish ing mertltj from the prtxlucts avail able at the smallest cost r how they will direct their ap prone h is left to the dkeretum of tin j womti some like a ttall in- the market placet others iet themselves 1 up in n shop window while mme have j mobile kitchens nnd hold njuss de- monstnltlnns 1 ihe lowly stew which tomhim s meat anil vegetabletto make a moct i nourishing dish has developed tints and an a la moele tltte in warring englnnd stew is heap to make but full of food values so it has 1mm 11 entitled in one food program stick to stew and stop invasion c juerbert ls plnvtor of public information was in win nipeg for the inaugural broadcast- of canadians all the si 1 1 s of hrondinsts now being presentia nerltie chc national network on wedni silay at 1010 pm fds i lie in ueeu admiring the tdnr- ful iintlobalcostuniek of poland nnd norwnv an worn bv tvaiuen nldiiihkl and marion kummen vming canadians who traie thilr a net stry to those etuntrlhi on ucdm stlav april 2 t auadians ah will salute finnish canadians natives coopkraye j ionpon icp clues brought liv native patriots 1 nabtetl tbe royal air force to make 1 smashing bow on si n i italian nlrdtnmcs 111 abyssinia say dt tails frnjn north afrit a im british siutissjis thin no i uifmia mosqutoks brisllanf r im austnhan 0 an skeptu il of tin n port of 1 dsioirv 111 qui ttsl tnd of mos- quitoi s ih it don t bite it is explain ed tin m iv lit malt mostiuito s who mvti hlte leaving it to the fi mali of tin sjm 11 s fpecial low fares uomua itl snu auroliinili thliit fnmous inctuin spirltunl i ail ir coninitndid anil imnakl tu mailras war i uml ni nn iiri ssiiin of out i nllrt suwrt nr llu i3rit 1u11 pi opli anil tin 1 mplri oo ay um tunaty aad 104 mill s 00 p u maxby aprim4l beturn hwa dututdoa ao lo liou twttky april imglmi far m one 0 the bo pd trip- canadian national carrolls i hat 1 i nini o sit m fio if 1 on whn h ttm rntir vtiiitn msted i must mianot n tn vinu i at no in i upils ni it ti nu ruth smvlhe sug this stoini wtn what is th y j ttr sin dt 111 inded noting a strange i pn ssum on his fan i inn to tt ii you he said that the dam is goni it lirok in hour ago hit lowr irt of pah lu in 1 in mis ihtiul i of tin fit l watinl i lot lit d ltnaniir in i -tm- sl ihuu aith 1 honu nl if possible 1 hank vou jus tin mr iloi 1 afttinoon n address d tin tn hi id hi slid tin storm wji i ii ising ind ht pn fi rred that the vmiiil pi opl go home i am glad then are no mihuihtn stsfcion vtouhij xlllikt is flooded ami no trains will j j iti s in ri he n market tin i lis iis ml on h anor 1 cept y ou 1 mis- 1i rruk lit nridi d if uu h im frri nd in mitton i would ad bt able to arrive today v there don t bt so fnghtt net is tin wo mans fact turned deathly pitr 1- h anor will stav in mi hon w ith if it had inollu r s ml don t it t us have lutn tin ht v on i v of hi t 11 for km tl 1 stoppt i hiuk of w li it inilht kounj ptnsmnn sud irtnl r and rn aylmer fancy apple sauce as good aa homamitli md in the fall whan apples wera fraah and crisp 15oz til 8c uvswcetrslmmmi- side bacon tie monarch pastry flour 81c carroll own peanut butter 2 25c grovet pure maple syrup 25c aunt jemim pancake flour p 14c luxury manle flavored soap flake lif i put- 19c pancake syrup if thi 1i1 i n t k to t miu ixtiuiiu mis i rn 11 1 mt nt i must 1 no ni it 1 1 r h w its what lurm in th mi 1 t ailnm i 11 on iitnklv miiit tht 111 111 nhd 1 ml ihif u mi thi l jir 1 kii pi 1 nt idi th s tt im i i it- 1 11 mis 1 rruk had it ft tin room 1i1 1 not smilt 1 1 h 11 s h lorms in s nun il tin r h in 1 sin sin of w ilh a 1 in 11 ih i of win i- ou not to ntttmpt to o imnii i slu will lln ntt is t rrihh swolbn ml vou uhplmn mtjtht hae tttffitntlh i si ill havi no diffuutt sh tatd hut if i find thi ri is ili ti ut i i 1 111 tt it 1 in in f ul honi ml st i with miss smvtl niu iii itt i this issuiutii to kwth i tin pair parted at tin si uol door ith in r in 1 i im nt iik unst tin dr itik wind and uiln sin nm it in 1 vv i i milton lailroa 1 si it ion aafiuth snntlu 1 relatives of iourse u i no tin motlur itlnimid sin on will not sin knows hovy inxtous i am w in n sin is awav and i am sun tr to t t honu the school nt om tor m 1 r i must and tell a idi d in sit ittnejv of what ninv ti if lit stoppt d ahruptlv i- 1 1 nor strttihtd tint lur hand to him mil in masptd it in his lln mm in i arost im in ndini dow 11 kiss fits om tin 11 tln olht r ix bliss ou both mv dt irs sin murmund in 1 1 vt s hrihiiiiuu w it h h ip uu ss ti kttrtnl toward tin tt it phoi ik man lul a km liv hand i 1 11- ill on tl ynt oil lit so uk 1 ih ir to iril hoth i t u ti kttt fo jlh lit lvii dun luik k u sin ti murmuri all tiht i just v t mm m tell ion 1 hill to lilt h h he i rtj ht- airistl i m time i m of w int v u stw tin i o hi 11 ir chinked tn i our i iter i nn w ith him slihj i nl t thi front i un w ith him hi pok abt u tlv 1 in ritn i t vwiiiiit tt iw 11 111 t si rents ht stnt th is hi 1 1 r don t ko to milton if il s tiki ii is i 111 koiiik te t invt toniort w he mid firnilv ids not talk mv niort ihout it rv wfll if ou nusan to do a think vou 11 h it of tous n m it tet how aiixioui i unike- othtr t oiwl pikht sh int stutlv ml shut tin dtkir ift r bun tt ts ot re sent nun i riini to ht r eveu ln wiriuhi hiu dnl not like itov so muih for thn tus reproofs would not hurt her anvwav he had tone awa anrv and it was his own fault stn 1 i t tl inform iti t sink lln u i th i n lk trims wt n t i iss nvi r i si uoul 1 tt li nlioin in alld lhtn ku in kulh iui i ukht shi dreaded to thliik of hi r m ith 1 tn in alon it h nu in thr rtrein w inttn r t ouik into a it u phoni isotth sh nkttt for tin iiiimbi r of in r h un shi hi int sin h a tnuiltik on i iwitih thit sin null i siiutlv it 11 whit t rato vnul ft r in txilamition th orih mnu jo h r tiiftimtjv 1 am soirv madam i ut tin ni uon with kivtrvitw is ut vh vins hivi km ru plsl hv th ktorm i t li anor r stored t in rineiver to iiu luvok an 1 stoi1 t mill whn w is h ti i lln prits of in auto motul to drivi in r tin twlvi mil s to hi r honu w prohitutiv sh tl n if d iti isk it 1 he mill ktirtk bn thtf nelchnrtiooil anuit the eot 01 thi trip 1 he information sin ro v d did not win hi r probh m 1 tn own r of th iaraie htt no iur in eoul 1 spare for that trip and if i hat id have to auk nt leant fifttven dul- lars he said rouihl the road u mrs i rn k vou 1 mnot t it hon in all dow n hiv r n w is v 11 tu ill v in is mil oh sh nu am d b t onn of i- it anor si 1 will h s nsibli 11 1 filli th man affltuud not unit ss sh can j mi tin m it in r ihmmi d 1 n nu ml r 1 nmh w h u nn i hu mot mne he win if ou tl not in v m timvi i pt 1 1 nu et word im lto wheat vi10i10u xcr dillicult tsto kummh of wheat for ullon tr lule of production one s ihi n tf i hnf otht r r p 11 1 on w in 1 1 n if 1 1 nt if iik hv iirr nn lll us 111 1 k 1 in 1 1 1 mur li ii i i iii 111 mill r k pr 11 ti li 11 i rr hi ni t hi r mi nono nsi 1 o t m 1 was unl in fun 1 in 1 ir nt sli wik knuvs lur bilur tl an vuu n iiiukih twin n vln maji thnt j runiim tiul it was 1 promiii juit ttu wm llh i iih i hml lohl htr nut to t t mnn liniin how ult vou knm whit iv ull lnpw n th lu 10 oothtij li niunt for 1 mom nt his fim cr i tw in i m ir ril t in s i it if r it mur i mm il t 1 ith n for oil hi ixuult ito it tit i 11 trv to inn hopi anil li ir i i 1 taking in r tr mt inn linn is in ti i shall 1 i ills ti i i k t ti r h i slf h ltut hois sli knspi il i shall dt im is fa ins pivsilil in ni nr vnil is in n i uinnot irl ins faith r 1 shiusinlk or si nl 11 trntl lo biiuli n assurlnils oi muht knoss ih nildil soli mn it l ik is lll n ill n offunl ih s m j i s iiuii stihmth of ol nwhi i on i sli i in wis suulus i t i inilu tijl ssh h i sh ilns in th s 1 iilil t nl ihl sni i ins ih h i for ss h u i 1 is mr 1 ss 111 ii 11 st of i rklu hon f 1 si h it aylmer lamb or irish stew 2 16ox f g tin 1 16oz b bu tye unsweetened grapefruit 1 2 c aylmer caiudtan i5ox assorted fruits bright umweetened red pitted pie cherries 2 birds custard pwdr chruliei junior fruit cake ring chruliei plain angel cake 15e 15oz tins 21c un pli ioc each xoc 2oe pearl white naphtha soap s bar 19c mother parkers tea cnb tui 9pm sherbet cream t lb yllow h lb 52c wb pk green gianl fancy peas isbl of mrft flavor 2loi 0 tins ab m vlb tin woodburys facial so sg 4 24c biscuits saawlel wheat puffs toasted prairie nuts 2 hawes floor wax old dutch cleanser slronj isoft tissue gives you the whitest wash i rinso p oc 22e 43 leave the skit delicately fragrant lux tt soap 2 v 9c ib pkfs 2sc 2 39c 16c isc 4sc 19c box ofass soo 29c 1 1 d if i r invf li il i ul 1 h v ur i fr i us i in i li in i umui t t of ii i v ult il w ij nr ti i ii rimv i n tfioiinl rtsiiinh m n ntists k jt ihnnst if stmlit to find i 1 ii ti nal b fr i ann i i s luli iiiiihlv win it i jm rime tih hiivi indu ttffl th it tint million from luo bushcu ii i iom to mnximum proelm hon j lrual s hiltss kapfi iu it 4 15c ii ic l 6kangfs m1 sp l i 39c hf mx ahkols 2 15c kisp firm i i ttuc r htads 25c 1m fnsfli spinach rhubarb pineapplcm fvuit and vegetable prices until saturday nuthl only