r tuuridav maiich 27 1941 the acton fjjepues page five jwcmah mr tahd mm c h harrison cal led on acton friend oh sunday mr and mrs frank browning of toronto vliltid in acton on sunday mr jus dable jr of gait visited xivcr the week end with mr and mr jnjt dobbin mr w ft mcburnoy of alk- erton vliltod on friday with mr nnd mrs john wood mr and mw h tl force it ft yes terday on a trip to western can ada and british columbia wit j h reed hai spent a few day at her daughters in toronto and kino spent a day at niagara falls mr and mm wm held of prea- ton were guests of rev and mrs g c glfford at the united church parsonage bower ave on sunday mr and mrs g a dills miss doris wilson and mils margaret mc- phall attended the concert of the toronto normal school glee club on frfd evening in the city mr and mrs william ii hume arkell ontario announce the en gagement of their daughter pheobe mnrlon to private gordon percival cook son of the late mr and mrs o ii cook acton ontario the mnr- riage to take plncequlfclly lame tlmp in april george wallace clothes shop 123 yonge st toroiito oppoahe ryriftblrfla i card of thanks 1 for the kindly helpfulness nnd sympathy or neighbors nnd friends during the ilthesx nnd at the time of the passing of the beloved husband mrs earl f price is indeed deeply appreciative 1 he many kindly acts hnve indeed lwen helpful card of thanks the family of the late mrs james grant desire to express their deep appreciation of the klndnoia and sympathy shou h by friends and neighbors when the beloved mother nnn grandmother passed nwa these many kindly deeds will ever he gratefully remembered cool under fire- arthur w jlolmkh here is arthur w holmes tin- one engineer who wi nt to war with n suite jiie i lint w ns bat k in he cember 1 w hen art and hon bowman steppid aboard tlie flag ship whuh led tin first canadian di vision tit th bid lie front of vv oi id wnr ii lndnv thev nhnn hi hnnoi of having bun the first canadians on the scene to lover the war nnd in the l months sim e thev landi d in britain tin hai shared other tumors and innnn adventure nm hardy canadian grown ysvergren vrur trcmri fcmb innreniilau kom aimbbc vine lrave ttrer fcarly t own- or suom woodhmll mussolle agent for broowuaukinohwav nuhhebv opening in acton govec egg grading station oh or about march 31st mill street nejtt door to royal cafo the head eyesight- service futures aecuraej style autl comfort pbaiw 1s29 for an appointment 58 st georges square guelph ont weekly wiir commentary continued from pate one inst week in the central sector of the warfront were repulsed by the hel lenes who were unofficially repotted to have takin lepellnl in east africa the british ndvunci continues recapture of ilnrgclka march 20 virtually completed the occupation of british and italian somallland the column at hhr- gesln is expected to join with troops which already have occupied ber bora british somaltland capital lly miles to the nortbt ast glnrabub oasis in the eastern libyan desert surrendered to british forces march 21 800 italian troops being seized the oasis has been be sieged since last december but it has been spared direct attack out of respect for the native senussl mo hammedan tribesmen who venerate the place srt probritish yugoslavia at the weekend resist ed efforts to bring the country into the bomoberllntokyo military al liance bitter opposition to plans for a modified alliance with the axis was voiced by serb leaders who rep resent on6thlrd of the population mullt into a nation under tho vor- callles treaty the intention of regent prince paul nnd a majority of unj membon of the government to sign a pact nt viennn dvirlng the weekend brought the resig of t three se ca minis t em when this became known probritish sentiment flared through out the country nnllaxis studenu sang tlppernry inmous song of tlie first greot wnr and finally the pro posed meeting at vienna was post poned yugoslavs give in germany flnnlly imposed us will on yugoslavia the administration of the balkan nntlon wns pntched up and premier drnglsn ovetkovic and foreign minister cl minmrnmsm luvaufit holmes who is quiet and unherolt looking bns gained a repu tntlon for downright cool hentled v ii nm inic tourngt he will oi up the spotlight for the rest of this brief reto o the doings of the thc stnff orsias ilolnks went to ramekin mun h 1vio si in thin lie hahh n m i lolllslon at s a has stood mti sub mnrme ivntrh np n ttnrr rnmptptedr a iarh hi oadi anting nitlviins whuhl ntnlled flights with the raf rubs in tanks and in i otht i i nuut j which supplied c iu m tworks with nwh of the oiuudinn troops in but am oinauian soldiers at run n dot tins nnd nun s canadians ijfwng in i ondon jis wn as canadian oftn nils on isim tit ihitam are his constant companions it has done the t h- una iui k in lonnet tion with the prodlu lion of ot r a thousjtnit re ttinlingn in the past m months drill n- the i c u muting van kiiow hh mob ik liul no 3 on ul- ti x rvit inon growwts ship your wool itrci to the manufacturer we an now prepared to accept shipments or deliveries of on tario wool at our registered warehouse in acton ontario all wool will be bought on a graded basis in nccordame with the tmernnunt regulations w hit h are required tp be ob- seried in the operation tf a uegislettur warehouse make nil shipments nnd deliveries to our resident buyer mr j h doulton the canadian wool co ltd t o wml combing corp of canadn ltd atv ontario adiiriss nil iorrisiondi ine to canadian wool co ltd 701fl metropolitan uulldlnx toronto formally slgneil a document linking yurosiavia with the totalitarian states in a ceremony nt vienna march 25 but yugoslavia joined the axis on terms more favorable than those given any other balkan nation ger man foreign minister rlbbentrop gnve assurances that the territorial integrity of theeountry would bort spected and that no troops w ould march through it the signing leaves greece as the only balkan power resisting german domination but announcement that sovletrusslajmjjeiyjmtjiu jt pledge of benevolent and helpful neutrality more than outweighed the advantages- ntcrulng to tie nnzls from yugoslavias nt tlon russia s pledge means that the turks enn now devote nil thejr attention to the fiirmnn threat without fear of at tack b her northern neighbor an other indication of russia s hanging attitude is seen in the report she has halted all supplies of oil to the nazis since the beginning of march i air armada read lord benverbrook british minis ter of aircraft production in a radio address march 21 told of records he ing broken in plane production in the t nited kingdom warplnnes hidden up nnd down the lountrvslde vein read to swarm to the attack whin the battle of britain n tuhed its supreme test he said chronicles ol ginger farm written hpecully for tb acton k ievm b tf gwendoline p clarkk msm sunshine renl warm sunshine isnt uthc grandest thing you ever knew i dont think i ever apprec iated it so much before and what do you think i saw the other dnyt snowdrops thats what but not in my garjlen i havent got nny worse tuck and now that the weather is warming up i suppose there will die the usual epidemic of housecleaning there are people mostly men or course who tell you housecleaning isnt necessary well maybe it is not in some houses but i enn tell you it is in ours if i dldn tjiouueclean there wouldnt be room inttie house for us after a white oh yes i cer tainly do think housecleaning is nccessarv but there is houseclean ing and housecleaning nnd in these times we should not go to extremes but limit our work to thnt which is necessary nm leave the frills until after the war ver soon vou nnd i nnd other fnrm women mnv need all tho time we can get to help outside 1 rrarnrhe1 p1 tgot n g-tti-be-nn-scarce- as would seem nt present it ma he necessary for us to do things outside thnt we hnve never done before if crops are to lie grown and bnrvested of course i know wo are told thnt the supply of farm produce is far in ecesa of the demand and that farm ers would do well to curtail produi tlon it sounds logical docsn t it but on the other hand there s thnt fickle person dnme nature to be con sidered supposing we do cut down production on a vv holcjaleaialc and it turns out to be a bad yenr what them and after that suppose eng- land sas send us more nnd still more of vour w heat eggs cheese butter and apples and then sup pose we have to sav tp england sorry but we couldn t get help with our work nnd prines were so low thnt we cut down on our wheat we sold pur hens we milked fewer rows nnd we picked only what apples we could sell of course we did thts not know ing it would be a bnd jenr would nt that be a terrible answer to give a country who is fighting to save us jiilnymcti as themselves i ma be w rong but i reallv do feel that we farm people should be on the safe side- grow all vn tan and take a chnnce on finding a mnrket dnd on the price thnt wn may get so that if and whin cng land shall sav send us food and more food we shall have the food to send and after nil if through ln k of shipping facilities pngl ind cannot take nil our surplus w shilt still b no worsi off limn we wire be fon i thnt s how far t got list night w hi n i suddt nlv n nhi d then w as an indhsh stream of i irs going up th road and tin n theteh phone marti d ringing finalh i got up ind looki d outsuh and what did i s i a huge fire apparently five or si miles nwav i talliml p irtm r ind gov rnnunt he use for sanitation i he egg tin n fore hits superior fowl content now iwnudir when the first inn wn created wns there a diet formula tuiked under her wing apd bin it en lntt through all thee genera tions r ally coin pur lions are some time funny just tldnk in can- iidn with eggs 1h cents a dozen in njt must be fed on approved hcuntlfic standards but in england where an egg in an egg nnd they cost 12 cents each hens are fed on scraps and what they caui pkk up because even scratch grain k rationed may lie if ue in ctmadahad as much to think about as people in england we should apt be worrying wbout a scientific dietetic standard for hens- money thus spent on fancy feed equipment nnd high salaried inspectors might find a bettor channel these days in wnr savings certificates or help in this present vvur service campaign not thnt i want to knock scientific advancement but fbr henvens sake while theres a war on lets get xlown to plain living and get on with the work that will help win the war gardens thrive with tear gas cornell experifl tr it and find it good plckmeup tor plowcrt ithaca n y cp cornell tni- versilptnnriioc tors theptnntpntl ologlsts are using tear gas in a new way thev inject it into the soil of floer gardens where it destroys manv of the orgimsnis tin ca plant diseases tlie experiments ifti r three yenrs hnve reached a senii-com- mercial stage ihey are conducted n tin department of plant pnthology by t l stark jr nnd dr a g new hall tlie unr gas is injected in shots of about n good sized thimbleful each in holes three inches deep and stag gered about 10 inches apart this is done before anything is planted for the tear gas will destroy all growth it la very effective in killing all weeds there nre no bnd aftereffects on the fertility of the soil itself and after three or four weeks the ground is ready forpinnt- ing cupids busy day is in vacations secretary of funouw wedding church of gotham han happiest joh nrw york jcp summer ro- rnnces dont w it her with the first frost says mimjj mary c llanlon jvho hai just completed 23 years as parish secretary of the little church around the corner seplemlior is running a t lose sec ond to june ns n month of marriag es miss hanlon said and most of the september marriages nre the re sult of vacation romances young couples who come from all over the world to be married in the church often tell miss llnnlon their trouhhx she glvi tin m advice it u lmhrtnt to get young u opta to mnke diculonn before tlwy marry pnrticuforly in tlie cat of lellglous dlffrrertu u she uiys some of our couples tome bin k evi ry uir on thilr anniversaries ind km el in tme chaiiel in prayer i hey net just like brides and grooms little keen en like that make mis llnnlon realize she has the happiest job in the world ciikksk i tttm tiiak lljul clemson nc cp dsp hi damp and abandoned blue ridge tunnels experts nre molding and aging blueveined cheese which it u expected will cwjuul any varh ty im ported from europe before the war save your salvage material lakeside chapter iode wishes all householders and store keepers of acton nnd vicinity to help their wnr effort please do f not give to nny other collectors look for iodt posti r on the i tiurk was1l paper niwspnper tied in bundles magalm s hied in liundlen book in t nrlnns roves f inltem d and c ardtuiard paper bngs wrapping paper rags cotton wool burlap twine carpet canvass mcials copiwr brnss lend zini steel aluminum tnst iron wrought iron grnnlleware wire coat hnngirs old razor tnvs miscellaneous rubber old tires hit and lead poll free from pnper tooth pnste shaving cream and cosmetic 1 ubes leather old shoes cork felt mnttresses used il ull baskets bot tles broken glnss old furniture collections will lte mule every saturday at 0 am by mr i wax man atmlsled by ray soutu flltol collection will br made saturda aprii stii committee in charge mrs cullen phone 12h mrs a fivir mrs ni il gibbons mrs a j buchonon pijfasie cmp ano sav k this advkrtimcaffnt hom t hat ns a revult- thi unhid slates and if the wui thi r i null eight xhnus grettory theatre till us1a ami i rll makt ii 37 ami 2 kit carson iiv nlui uimaiui thrills with ion hall i nn ban carlim i in k due k pupu inr ii me l hapti t m i h tsti ar her ovkviijk i in n joint nimtlng hi id imidav nltfht l he town ivuni ii nnd the watt r nnd light commission decided that the conimiuion should pa tin town uyh fiom last veari mirpluu thti nmount wtll be lunnt to rsluce the tit rate an earlv vkvstng bv law up mor h mr i eigriit to limit the hour of rules of dr goods ladns war mens wtar smalt wan notions boots and shoes bogged down when the first clause was read to the town council on wednesday night one of the worst accidents oak- llie has heard of in some tirut took placi at anderson bend on th lake shore highway just wst of oakvllle early sunday nmrnlng when stanley boxyl 26 of dennlson ave toronto was instantly killed recordstar hatirxv mhii 2 wolf of nkw ouk tdmuiui i owe roue hoharl comln round i he mountain boh hums i no mi rki i don wilson fox news monday march si nvrricaiet startling drama warner baxtur alice faye charles wlnnlngvr too bus work the jones family their busiest pkture band listen to larry f in till rsday niflllt omt hi iow only at s pm mfcr nlcbu tw hbowa as tsuaj implre woutd im drawn closer to gither a union of tin i nit d states nnd britain he said has he n a life work with nle mow i long for that dnv quits in libya marshal rodolfo craziani ri sigm d march j s commander of tin nm nnnt of itulv b army in north africa and gave up tlu posjtlons of irnn nazi war machine must get setback london mnrih 11 1cp1 a mili- tarv defeat is neiiled to undermine thi nni morale hemrii h frat nki 1 n irman said in his book help us icrmnns to heit t n wilttin in a british intiinmint camp it need not he n ur u ushmg d fi at wroti fr u nki 1 rtcently fried it will irtamly not r tuin th ion juist of hug m as of lamt ami hundnds of thousamls of prisom rs perhaps piolongid and im n using n sist ince ti nai attacks on this toun- tr will do if ouphd with tin m in ning of sonu vutonous offiiisivi tractor bargains johnueere model ar less than a year old goodyear tires practically new tradqd in on a larger diesel 2 mccormickoeerlng 1020s the most popular tractor in use today one on rubber the other on steel 1 mcormickdeettinj 1530 on slcel this popular trac tor in renl good shape 1 ioroson and 1 case both in kood hhnpe man other iiarcains in used farm machinery k c mcmillan phone 10 georgetown tin ciuiliillnnborn amxr vnierd ihr togeuiirai s rn ns i u t tanc kthanm j 1 was thai was burning and u in re it could lie was it a house was it rr it hnrn- r m ti ly n liirg situ k was ertninly an awful hlae how evir we did not jump into tin iar and join th trav lling rowd though tin re must dnndv h noujh people at tin si ne of tin fire to k in inch others w iv win ihi r orhtarr mm govi nmr orrn an off u nil nnnnuni t mi nt nt ronn i p i i tlu re sm h a fast innt inn i in do p ople i nnu froi i iround to watt h a fin i v tb v dont knuu tlu plut- ol fin mih s w in n lu- lll siiul i m halo raiholdi i hi f of niiant s staff in i ihn had hi n promotnl to gov rnor with tinnm ind of troops in llbvn it il s dodctaiits islands in tin l nsti rn mi dilt i rain rnii ma hi si u i d into siihmtsmnn filsi ist rrisoris on tlu lj ro kv ishrii is nfl th aiinn i oast of luikiv im miinih short iis of fihmi ind w u suj pin s i nk of gasohni on tin isl mils is h in i to i responsible for th f it linj oft of it ih in at lttuks upon filled hne irt th f pn f monlh ow ii 1 1 i pnmitiv it must h the instinct don t survival of vnu think will this fin was hnin i i irgi i ink hun housing grim h i stnw ind fort sis he id oi i vtth iwi i oot h i 1s win hum il ii ih it h th olh is w tti n out t ii w uh with i ihl sonn of t in m with iimls hurnuit c him of iln fiti ts i hi in v i it pn st nt unknown h or tunitilv then wis mi htth wind and tin fm dnl not spr id it mist hint in n a iln ulful pi rn ih i for th om in i s liul turn mutli uuru hud 1 he ioval air h orisi has i onsist ntlv immlmsl ntrdronn s and naval h isi s on the biggi r inlands of ithod x renin for the i hi ted tapitulation i n ind starpnnto hut th i hi f of thi islands is the uoyal n iv v s bloc kinli w hi h hna k pt them tut off from it nlv for months ins k i oulnumur italians on the islands hv ij to one t hose onfitrj um u it htin tlnir ti pritious posit vsions lost whuh n to wards miking i honn ant in n vr hi r plan i april 1st will soon hi in n ind i or on tihali he glad litrtus frfn thnt tint wi shall at i usi know whin wi uri i aritltijr thei nut gg regulitions whuh nt r m nl ire tnusing so mmh lonfusmn where a grading station his ilr ndv etn set up it isn t m had hut in thin district no om m ems nnxious for th kagchn cpi evidence of support jo april 1 mnv find us with egg hritish nuv in rrmotrst dress4d up nnd no place to gn is given in the offer of a you will n nn mh r i sju 1 i wis hill man of 1 baskets of m favor of go rnmenl gmding paddv tahhusked ruvi o h ip win if it m int that i untr pnpov the war the offer was let tin d lion of i ggs would in ustii for ex port but now the ontnn a i lo r operntivt i- gg irodm ing asjch lation nt queen s park ns om tn tti r it says th grade a i tu is ohtalin 1 warihort of the from henfc kept tnnfulk nigid and orangea marmalade fed onlv uinm approvtd ration cording i the low cost of facing well dressed tip top tailoredtomeasure cl you solect tho style you want select tho fabric you want select the color you want wfc take your measurements and have tip top tailors handcut and tailor your garment to your exact measure- ments guaranteeing perfect lit style and comfort at a price thats no problem for any man i fig f 50 for the burma kachin vtth t hunks now catrrot marma1adk london icp usual seville makers are experimenting with rots using the bitter orange oil for j ards handcut and tailored to your individual measurements tip top tailors limited vij orders for mister delivery must he in by march 31st sm pall ants flavoring actoi clothing store ont and the primisk nr unth r strict