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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1941, p. 6

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a the acton fhee press savings for w i means revisions in faniilv menus eggs tre plentiful canadians nhould lw uslnc kh freely nt tli v tnru tto many belnjr laid by the hem thai tliewnrmon than enough of this fowl to meet prewml demand in thu counts and a io fi a orders thnt mav inmp from rent grilain a ptece of round ndvlc- nl llii tlmo io homemakeis who want t make the mof or tho food dollar is to take udiantnsc of the rood hu egg jr al prevailing prices and to uw tkeni freely serve them for lunch or supper alone or in a com bined dish as i hi main course use them tn desserts and make larg fluffy light sponge takes which i in lie made nf a nnmlnnl ost egg inokir is sfmpli iiuluni one gem nl rule hith should lw follow n lwns cnok ggs it n itm temperature so hint thev wilt be tendtr ami pnlalabl h took d in v nit in mint hint or it m i id in tiif hll the water should b k pi lulou boiling point and thi rult should not bo broken even wnn frving ggs as slow cooking giu iest results in iwikjng egg dishes n moderatelv slow own should be used and tins mi hides linking tin sponge lm of take and meringue i he conmuter set hon marketing service nonunion department oi agrirullur reminds consumers that eggs are sold bv grade on the hasis of tunllt imt size f tlie follow mn are a few n up s which can k usd to advantage w hen there is su it nn abundant sup plv of eggs n hie ntnrkel scrambled egg with baron 6 strips ilrto bacon 23 cup milk salt and pepper lo taste cut huon in small pieces and cook in frying pan brat eggs sttghtk dctrnilk ami rnvun puur into pan with bacon and rook slow stirring fonstantlv until mixture coagulates serve on to ist egg ml intato croir 1 tnhl sftoons butter i tablesoons flour j i u- nulk y i urro runel t t mi amkid ikks sliced salt pt pp r and p ipnk i mell hu l r blend in hour a id nnlk griinllv ind stir until mil finikin- s i taste put i agrarian iepartmen stnffw at ottawa jucstioned on how itett u aid kuti enintf ivooats hv fliladys aknold canadian ir staff writer ottawa cp when 100000 or nvototiouscm wis jul iiuwmiws iiauii for regular iiuiiik of wr stnmpi and certificates it minnn a revision of hip family buduet and a crow hi in fowl consciousness in fact cnnarllnn women ha never iwen u food conscious iwforc miss liurn pepper chief of the con- su liters section of the department of agriculture told the canadian reu she jmiinted to the piles of letter covertnr her deik thoio are onl a few of the hundreds of re hiiests tor advue and help pouring in from vcomen from prince uupert b c lo suppcrside ptl aould like anahrs bee i rig j ah waruorkers re rig asset 1 m tt sauce mtinhl t i umhs hot u t to s is piuo s lvs and buhind itkinr dish v w llk butlirtd ajjur ktatd ih s uk- in ilhult 1 nillluti s s l 1 mu oksst kt it asptktn h kiii p tlir 1 tup fin granulated itr hull uar lieit ii whiter utihl stiff sift kulh jkiudet with si h la all tur pu rtii r 1 i tu n i would like intormalion iiiui to pi in healthful vet economital meak n ad the one on top of the pile ijiev all ask the same question said miss pepper hie letters indllde queues on how lo in tk their monev nllowant e for food ttretth as far as- possible how lo serve simpler ntenls and more ec onomical foods requests fol fee i pes and menus suitable fir wartime in which canndiart products nn be ex ploited to the limit and questions on fond rerulntinntnnd howto huv krailed footli the department bns literature dealing with these phns s women said miu iepr handle lit- far the largest proportion of he nlttni spent in canada and if econ omies are to be made so that monev ma be diverted into alt important i war savings the women pla a larce part in it the belter the home manager the more that family will hnve to contribute to war savinr i said miks pepper women are all anxious to save but npt at the expense of familv health said miss pepper the can- inn ttnrnpmnknr r serious and is not interested unless the answers are truly practical it ms rare w hen a foolish or nonsensical letter comes in to the department lrrturrn and courses organizations sue it as the womens institutes monte makers i ted crov nnd manv other nuwell jitw hmd and departments of health and ngri- culture are i sponding to this wavi of food t onst uiusness with bulletin 1 i ut is md tourses and man kinds of parliiulu mteiest to wunn it i information whu h helps i in m in thir buving mlvs pepper s ml i he want to know ill nbout giadmg and parfcaging i he government now rt gulatcs tin size of ins tod pai kages utr mst mte- thtie are five standard ran s and i ickaged food such us litis whuh must i ome in qtiaite h ilf or pound si s m4 peihh tf4luti good sense and eiouomv of the i rage canadian housewife id licmty production ih 1 item and ollawa exphi cover wide ground in detail- in itatlhtet i1y rladyh akou catoadun pfv staff writer ottawa cpl as sweet as honov is nu idle ronipnrisoaraernrd- inu to the bee dlvlslonfof tin dom- inlondpartment of arleulturefor in honey isr to tie found the uwetisl lugnr yet discovered in nature and canada in producing millions of pounds of it describing honey producing as i prof liable nnd fa tc luatlng enterpriu- in this country c b goodcrhum dominion aptaimt says it may sur prise winie that 7h10hw1 pounds of hone were produced in canada in one venr 10 ui in iui there weie ujow lwekeep eis and 2sjlhh in e colonies w ih a primtut i ion of if k 111 mm poundv hvto za7u keepers itllioclhklul nines the av erage hone prodilt hon annuall over hie last ten ars was jfilmuhmwl pounds honev is made of flowt i riei lar and suulight mr cooderluim as sures us canadas flowers anil sun shine make some of the best quahtv honi v m the world man i for llnnrv to t he rural housew ife how ev er the important question is can we now bu mr ooderhnm savs tm phaticallv yes ioe is much used in phu e the week al ottawa kiily writuin for tbi arto tr gvm by klv 1iovo macimkjaij cvnadlatl iism huffr writer ulllltsday maufll j7 lu ottawa tcv with a long hmder adjournmint in the pffing memlverh of caniidai wartime par liament dlvlud allenlion this week lmlwieii coriklderiillon of heir own urgent legudauvc huslntsm and do ings at washington kor in the united klnten rapirbl a menu ure vlewelb itu proutnent8 is of ltnl jpirtanr to continental de fence and tongrnnce aid to britain wnt under dlcuuslon ijisl friday prime mlnlnhr mac kenzie king tablwl in the houw of cnntnt4vitk dotal u of hid groau tjikes- st ijiwrenr basin navigation and power agrement in washington president itoosevell sent the agree ment lo congress for approval with tils emphatic blessing what happens to hie agreement when the united stales house jf it iwmiit iitf st an aue aiul a21ouui is given for laud unun li oarxe grahin in uddlhoii the iklimute provided foi tavment of leinjmiruiy offli lain who will set the plan in motion and hilulp are honoring to lake other julmfnltilrahve uihwim h a k expand more service ithngk morv phratfj tn that inlrtwt london cl as the itojal air force expands ut tuwu its vocabu lary here nn- mime phrasest for the eoliirjr of unusual idioms if oif are ko unfortunate an to in disappointed in love or to recdlv a severe reprimand from a senior of ficer i hen t he proper u ay to de scribe your stnte is to say you havo iwmh shot down in flames when the expuru who forcaut tho weather report futuiv outlook un- whd the pilots prefer to call the lefuirrcimply ropy if ou have some inside informa tion then you call it the real gen if the news is still more extluilve than ii in the pukka gen origin of youth for the land london op uok and girls in liirgi r part in the defem c of huh tounlry in suffolk tl fount d the yoiilh siivhe corps and npp ah d y xi iv i kammbolham piesiden its jev wthtlsf hoard of lduuilion the land was the solution mr jtamshothani offered hu vaiallon anil aftw u hiwd hltie will we ihehe youth lorps in in t reusing tuimliers helping t maki llrltlsh soil more nnd more produc tive representatives anil isennte put it to the word geti is doubtful it may jams and marmalade on the break fast table but miss m i- lleenev cooking specialist or the department of agriculture has compiled so recipes in which honev takes the place of sugnr sav s m iss i leenev honev may be substituted for nm- lasses or sugar with delightful rt suits if certain general rules are ad hered to carefully and there are cer tain advantages in its uie cakes nnd cookies remain mout longer if made with honey honev improves the flavor and lengthens storage lon p ena to- diresl and is especially adapted as i food for children and those suffering from stomach disorders it is iointed out t general rules in using it these general rult s should be followed sunt miss heenev the vole xc ill determine whether parliament will im asked to approve it mr king has declared he will not submit it to hie legislators until ii is passed at washington parliament prohablv will adjourn april unlllairi jkihasmjn estimated it will be atoiit a nmnln imfure decision on the agn men is rnt bed at washington 1 bus it si miil likelv parliament might be given an oppoltunil to ch bat the measure sontt timesooii aft r re on- t ning aterua provisions indi r the agreement canada and hie unitecl stntes undertake nn ini- mediale start on tin lombint d in land seawav and power development thulntire project is tobe t yn hu ed bv dec i 10ih unless cm urn- stances make it advisable bv mutuni consent to niter the speed of the scheme ii is expected the power phase of the scheme could in com pleted in 1015 the tremendous pow er potential ties of the plnn are being advanced as nn argument for hnlv imple mentation since the increased re sources when devcloted would be available for use bv defence indus tries in both countries ii is plnnncd to produce 2 j00 000 horsepower of new electrical cnerg inlltc i nlcj national raplds set mm im short for genuh it may tome from genuine or alternatively from general information i here are three degrees of dejec tion the firt is the stage of bung browned off the set onfl of hein jjlthejl off- nnd the ihird u4inll nn ans there is no hope of being fiunpfel dieesed- a in ginm i n anv job is milt 1 inlik umilui lion of aire iiflin in of tin st inwrenre under a supple ment nrv dominionontario agree ment tables fndnv b mr king on tario would be entitled lo half thu amount adherents of the plan envisage oceangoing vessels docking at hi lakehead w hen some j 000 miles of tit liquid 7 toot senviav liaye iwinpciivifliil into ar and gr idu- nto j whites put mix two well butt r d in oi i hake at t i degiss k t nitnut s 1 urn out 1 put tog tin n with sin ti t w it h w hippt i t mi i op 1 jjj vuth w tupped i r un j i lrii rator befon sei sponge aue miks old w it i know a bargain when thev nre get ting good value for then mom leinliness and quublv she said aieu british situ lit ug i stl iiui iiull i iims more than double normal shock resistance n w shot k resisting si el imnmi prodilt etl in 1 ngland ifle mars liiteitsne nsyiiili smie irs mo tin m ik rs diujd i imtil combining stingtb of high ttnsii stl t mrrrsiirr hon- ahvtv forni if granulaleil beat ovei warm i through new tannls water untd liquid nf m i 2 one cap of honev is is gr at in- montren sweetening power as one up ot sugai t i se onequ irlt i lo o7n h ill i tt nspoon of soda to euch i up o horn j lriutast aiuountor d ti nn eighth tt tit qliai t i n i tspoon in eat it nt ipe a for i at h cup of lum inluu liquid ill d oi intlettiipt ik oin fifth b in ordin trv k s hilf mihii and ind deepeiijin inland t hannel fiom ijlke sllpenoi rstmtales of hie tost of both power tntl seawav proji is plates the figure well over smhmm imm i he understanding is tin ost w ill b dunled about quallv in twt n cfttmthiatnttbe i ntte1 stnt protect inn tow n i he powr developnn nt tails for building of two dams a main tut just above cornwall out and a t on- tiol darn near iroquois w it r to lie held back bv the dnnu nr may b tw d hu m f wtll vv4nuv av ftnrttolu tmnhlti h fumed hostess sms amieks ll majcolm da uj liter or lil f- iangiry hclpu in i leaver club london cpi one of the dis tinguished women who serve canad ian snldn rs in tin beaver club re creation centre foi righting m n from j he dominion was herself a ft w years ago organizer ol one of tin most popular so ml vents of loa- don she is ijhu malcolm daughter of lil ijinglr the famous netress npd the social event was the sen nnts ball held at the albert hall she organized ii for v vera i ears and it became so su cessful steps had tu in- liken tj bar gaiet raspers who were not servants lndv malcolms husband sir maltolm of pnlftalhn h was nor que hi t ian n a rcissexs xiave tells iniiocrnrr moniitmiiv wiiii icn i mniiliiiniiiv i lum hyunl lieu the luin nf lilin niwlon iltinuril in jhn ln jililmnj iil al ill llli i niulun uiilil 1n- urn mii iulll nml iiililnl if i nin ninin inl krmw ilnill linl imu on mi l llll 101 viiiih ll fills slim- tlin hu urtiip linn iimnlnril bun uiilil ill nii a thin imttiiii nf irriiwi iiiih aiii ariil in tin- jjrn i rinn hhilpa uirlbultan lo iltlarj tin lm miraina of camaju everywhere i go i ur kunw a man wlin travrl acron iinadu trviral tunes u year he merlm talk vlr literally iiumlntlt of opli of nil i lur tlir iintn prop in i mrit nayi lie lir rlrarrr it licronui to uir hut folk tlir main want to he kind nd help ihryre a pretty decent lot hut for unfsllinc courtny and ipfulurm i would pirk uie men d women in tlin telrplione icrviee tr yet lo find one i wouldnt turn to th prrfrrt rnnfidencr in an emer- nr they eem to put rourtmy flril rry time thai voicewilh tlieiniile roijr m a milter of actual practice just a plirae well itg fine to hear anyone talk r tint it nukei ui try all the harder deieryp uch praur e pedal ly when tele phone service ii so vital to the nation at war omiw tikii hev an impiovd if ill bui is used 7 in nulk puddings and pi iilhncs add the honev to the mink mm i lgeitl flour or cornstaith keepinc in onler honev absoihs moisture fiom to air and moses its aroma and tluwu raptdlv if left uncoveied rapid hot th granul ition is oft n bebevtl to h- 1 m nu towns ind their residents must find in w dwelling plates j i he pint provides for llise people htwever ost istimates showing suhslantial suitis set aside for i eh a inlitit ion of the towns lln gent ral f linn inning resulent s seemed to b hi it ih v h id t en faiik de ill will as some opposition md j ssed sjldness it tin llll l 111 l un k mlks with douhh mi mi 1 1 w oi minutes dt t with add in t egg t i flo comhm sugar it blt i fo tru uit tltsi mvial nmn mid tinvonnir bt at igain well with th in it i until vt ii tonihinst b at gg w hit s un til foann nil nam of lailar in i i- at until luf tad di fold this into first nuxtuie using a sp tt ui i bake in a urge unbutletsl tu th at j t tli g s k tor 1 bout stl h v is notabh ntr s for i till iibtv of i ul i ust il for manv puipo fthl r ulwav wlie 1 ton x tube trams at tavtls hot whrtviit- itprrntttedrmr inlro lu i ii wtthl hqe ypri imif adulteration but on lln ton trarv it is a sign of puntv mr ood erhim snd lit liipalfving honw it should h in at id over water at 110 degret s f ih inn lnit not more because exossiv i in at spoils the flivor mil color t 11 adian honev is divided ategories whtre hr and dark honev rettpes listed and found rt liable bv miss ileeilt v un hide those for hrends nnd rolls c ikes in 1 tookfes and i nnfi ttons pi s pu dine muffins doti ind e a tiding lo ig of th of limn s beiutiful hid the flood md histiin it into golden ntnrwt of war j uist liidav the h appropi io- turns bill pass d i oml n iduig in lb i ions md nl the start ot this wk it was iak n urtd i lonsulri- tion ik nn i h r is still r it isn from ih o position groups and sohn i il i ils of vanous pirns s of tin wu t ffort crituistu of air r ift piou- i toll hit- leen ig tin l lt foie suggestions were mad list wk thai sonn person he giv n a f r pin iazi keiraints airt beat duteli llolland farmers making- shine huller in washinj machines le itkidetl up to jt per cenl gr i than b fere now divtts m ide fiom the new steel for spuitl duth s h i retxtith ihsj n pavsitl fu i furlh i in tr av if up to i p r tnl loiding for the same fr inn mj in addllmn to the propeilis of th other the in w ttel has i v teld point of nr tent oi moi of the ulti mate tensile strength and a re vst tiue io shotkof not liv than joft lb iwo to three times the norm il figure for haibon steel tunllngi of this tnstle strength isei u whun this mvf shockresisting steul has to moon- far nvn l nvlude excavator tast- ngx and autontatu touplers for ruil- vav rttlling stotk mre rrrnrrr a ret i pes ftir fruit butters sandw fillings horn toasts and desert sauces provid varntv fo discriminating hostess ax vvlt k a suggest ton is made thil i im of i honev might be wehomtji bv the an ub m soldier m his p m i fion home it cnntims valunhle mtn erals sin h as hnie and iron anil is quuk energv ind heat prinlu er ex verts said hie pamphlet of sn retis mav b bud from the department of ag rit ulturi- i m i goinj in strong for apple stuff hftnd tn an 1 1 ittprndnmnn hut vu unions minister hove turn 1 th sugg stroii down trrvpd no of is tal i on i 1 i gvii i tr e ji md tn ih sjwnding of uibh mom v oi in th dire turn of anv hi nu h oi dui tion he also gave his issut nn e th it hie fietiuenllvaltat ketl av ro anson prognm und r the govinnnn owntl kedernl aire r ift limited was as f ip nhrnrras t in tve xp i t d ard was in complete running emit r uheat ioliev iatest move in hie gov rnrtn nt win at poln v is i supplt mentarv s limit to provide 15 0uhto0 for pav rniits on red u lion in w tn al k r ik unhr the new plan and for its al- mtmstralive neetls the only national appeal tflfjtveair for our men in uniform ror the thing that arc not oivcn to a nghfirir man ith lin uniform flung that arc not part of hiv mtlitarv cemtpmrru thtngi of the spirit canadas fighting ions wherevtr thtv mav lit rcu on vou the government provide fhcmvjjh uniforms rilltv ammiiiution hut for comforts rtcrranonv and v holciomi opporiunirv to make ihctr precious moments of tenure a gmuine boon ihiv rtlv on vou of course vou help to huv airpunc guns vhipv 1 for thoflunttiliat4kpre4to the soldier thtraffcvjnofr and th of the olks hack home s he re lies on irbtiuln mw huix vcpt nelhrl tnls farm is w hos t hurni tfte s alxi m axxirdaiusi with rationing t emula tion for larm m oo uplsl territor ies have discovered thai washing ma hi nes from vorth ni rica c in lw uvtl for illicit butter making n cxirdlug to the associated insji cxir- reaiumtlent in amsterdam kvl uhit ltl t i s cmkpilll i wales tc i jointln out ibis town is h st tti v it ineti from i on 1 jijl tithi r bombed cities e hv i mi dec lured this area sh nil i b some sjiv in dlatfibution of th t muvur of londoni fund in f asmtnim icbj s i he i m si siats department of agrnultun bns ainoiirnd plans to mudv n v- tvps of ijpl jun co of the government julcv ivrup with improoyttaioxar for wheat deliveries i var around use frozen apple hts little subsiantes and cuticle wux m a search to find new uses for surplus mad but farmers who summ apple crop fallow their wheat field will be pau the amount w ill in- used in v il bonufes for farm rs who lav vreage m summer fallow or d vat it to grain other than wheat as part plan to hmu nntw ooo hush els acreage arrangements have e to ureal national organizations labour uaicaiiuttlv to provide him with those things they can do it only with jour money your money started this work vour money is needed io carry it oru the need is urgent he generous let the volunteer helper who cifts on you carry hack your pledge of fullest support for our fighting nien the i0ys hut on the folks back home if you have not been cmnvasied if you are not canvassed sent your contribution to your local committee or to hihiiiii wiriamlm w ay chaihman for onlahlo conn smythe esq toronto 19

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