Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1941, p. 7

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thu 27 irni 1 thpsdtdn htoipinil tlir palt k i i vii nfopixil my impjr y i l i tilttn i ilka to alo ii uul the atlltor lif lint too smart and i allowed ii a rue it i nm n mnti a pay hl lt and i won t be innulti l so win n tin ulllor r t wiinrt i want lo t tonnu t took hu pnptr lavin ytnrii an in ipetl 1lra nil i toulal sir an when it iuimt to tliimilllj i 11 in i think in uoulililr but unit iip lit mill you klii it mini mi hoi n thiiiulnr snyn i hi lnp uinl hi if tin tuuittl llilnu e llmler i liunlid up ii mcnili whelp and for ills 1 unnllie tiin i nuwi him bvm tnrs nn null i kir in sttippial mj nm r v ijunvllli hronll 1 he sunday school lesson vok m mav maiuh so twenty yearsxgo tkrttrminl law l-r- j thuruhav lltfli jl ib april tonus ninln till mnrnlni mart lis tsll was innililiki limn lln ndvi nl rhe lirii k in in inn laid dim n fur the isttnslvi impron minis on hi mnrkmnn liulldlne j w kennedy a son of ctnrre town will sliorllj oju n n brnnrli of their plumhinc nnd tlnsmlthhik luil ilou in arlon n mr u flete whd tins in in nl otihnwn for si vi rnl yennt linn liter -pritotihr-tir4ht-potloir-tr-tnvel- ine froleht nnd pnuienger auont for the v1 it nnd cnit roverlne th district from north bny to cothrnne and to jolllro suilhury nnd snult stc mnrle mini fvelyn niltlile formerly of acton nnd dnukhlr of mm nitchli grand vnlley win married nt the mnnf nt weyhurn sank by hi v james c wilson n former pniltor of the bride to mr dnvld albert wood ward of itkhnrdson snsk f born- c imisrs commission ill 1 lexl uiknld i w firn tlu promlsa of my inlhir upon you i uki si 10 tutm lxtmk j i u1sj i ln sunilnv i m april lh nnd i in winy muv ihih ah ml rlniis 1 rusiili in nnd ii mount f ollvas i m nil ion i ii m in tilt mlilsl of illn ului iplt i ii lsus lunlni 111 nlno itlrtlvlitn nls now nnrs lo ilia iiim ipb ot- liatlvlv ii was liiimedlillily af lir ii nlurn of ii two from tin mnus ivs 1 litllat w r fr of ii kwi ilno jt 11 with a word lasiw hnlililiid flu ir far i 1 111 1 i unlo mill as hi aid this hi was nlnnilinif in h mldn i hi doors win shut lo kip ii ius nut hill no tlositl door will kep ic huh out strnniilv a nouitli alu first nsull of tin nppearanii and words of inns was lmriniil finr iv 1t ij ha nrl of man shrinks hni k from ii upi rnnturnl lisus sternly n huki s ihtlr unlu ii f and hnrdness of hinrt tmk lfi ii whin hi slnnds in the midst then is always pent nn mnlter how kr at the turmoil without ills eomlnu is- tho itrent tun far all finr nnd ior row llsn 21 0 tlii ill hi shut doors are no bnrrlers to llu inlrnnce of the resurrictlon hotly of r lln aloni klliw ii ospal whltll ii uord wnu nt liuillll in l noriini of mi liny nitlwl wall ih y wr i to rnlm a linutlkiii not niiinv d ty lia nf a 1 r uvlduumy hail not vl in livid hill liny uni ri e hi rnli nn n ilno 1110 l i i- villi llllythi nrii m iiillnn is ami ltjilnit mid thelumllm willi l spirit son thlnir iddltlonnj inimidliitt 1y nfli r siwnklni tins words while thiv win looklnw ills ri ij in run lo ii avi tl larlll litis was ills part jninilhiuili loua uow w dujii to pniidir ii hi hnil liiid ills hands in hli ss llulii as ii rinuhid tl mu siilj il uki pi ml 111 hi willi up with ills hands stu l hd mil in bin lit lion nod if ha l i n hi shlf u mr sliiy ii isi mid d lo app ii ll lirhir s ni of i ml in r lw i iir to pitjinri n hit i for us illli i inn i i i penei jesus his salutation unto you was a tommon form of salutation hut jesus put new mtnn inn into ii he not merely says peace be unto you but he nctm ly imparls pence john 14 21 10 mi after imvlnr riven them peui lit later eave them n commission lif jno jo il ii penrp i ux piuce in esqueiine on friday march ii 1921 to mr and mrs hnrdlne price n son gonlon henr itegt afinew at knox church i acton on raster monday march jb 1d21 by ite n u flnln b a montngut- j greeb of toronto to haiel caroline tlnuehter of mr nnd mrs teorite arnew acton bihgnal ittetl authe home of hit brides pnrt nts mnln strttl at too on wetlniln mnrch a 1d21 by rev w u flnillay b a lilt lla may onlv daughter of mr nntl mrs 1 ii field to hnrltv i biie nnl of inrnnio ttorrin bnrdrr- inatinr calve for war effort sah hoist in i rl slnn hi lfi r nlv it tin mlni to do their nrl in aldlni tl i inpin s unr i ffort hi twi i n 7s an i hwi inltis from thru to six months or ai art hi inr donntitl by hoist in hntiltrs in ross canndn for snlt in a war tffort cnlf auction to in hi id nl brnmplon ont on mny 27 fvi r ct nl paid by the hlddi rs for ih lalvis in this miction which is hi ine sponsond bv hie holslt in frh s ian assoctntlon of cnnntln will in sent lo hip british frlislnn cnltl otlity in enelnnd to he usi d in t li war i ffort to the best purpost as ihey wti it from their imsitlon in tl front line to make this sendlne of ii eross rteelpts possible all ser vices in tonnection with the sale nn belne dnnntetl 1 he nucllonier i e franklin toronto is dolne llu selling without remuneration nnd the press is co onerntine in giving fr puhlliity bn oders who an not contributing tnlvis art im ing invlttd cash donations lo help d fray the expanses of tntalogu own henrls then n commission to 0 it was a senrcblnb nutation that jesus put to them why nrcye trouhletl but he puts the snm ouesllon to evi ry trouhlid hinrt to transportation feed nnd other nt ct s day to ovtrcame their m rslblent snrv items somi hrttdirs nn unbelief nnd to convince them bi firing ii ir trunks to transport ih vnnd n question that it was indi tl inlvis from ihtlr locnlltlis lo ih his very self in wonderful condi s snh censlnn lesus showtl untinliem lis although the dilution it go nhnl nnll starred hnnds nnd feet nnd his with tlu unusunl pntrlotit proj i siwnr plerc7nsltlt tilt lvldences of ptns renched onl n few tlnys nio the ilia rnl physical resurrection of irus nn alriady coming in 1 chnsl are ovcnvlalming hi tl v w j j had flesh nnd iwines had mured olll on iii troas of cal mlnid to make the nut lion ii mill t i gg nn ii fet m d too eooii to be true b s nding rt prt st nlntlvts of ietjv nnd the df- resnrret lion i st lridlng in ihir hrls s ja0eseykn wgj w3fjvk 3bfm way i a wa l sprakinjr th- liuyiiijl jhihlic onus rv- irv retail slow in our loui il pay the rents and the salaries all the other costs ot v stores in our town il informs the owners ol these stores what to huy and at what priee to sell and il demands from all retailers a eoinmnnieation ser vicemeaning news oi what retailers have in stock and what their prices are and of course it does nost of its husiness with those retailers who report to it regularly awl fullyhy the agency of advertise ments in our newspaper and if any retailor say- in effeetth not giv youthe real owners of my husinessany inforinatwn ahout my husinesw ttten the inryitiglndtlic iiysjn effectright you are as for us we shall go in largest numbers to those retailers who communicate to ii regularity and adequately via the medium of our local news- pa pel this wav of pulling it i- not jut familul it i- nn of th tiiks ts iwlnk ftnnt t on n pnniminl hasis nnd in ontiitil 1ln countv ibiktcin cluls it tlnu up onimitli to ess in hint tin ii lotnlitits will nl will r pn s n id ii is riin si i i nt ill n lris ih foranrckri as soon at pos sill to mr m c1tmnlq si en tnr 1 hi hnlst in frlitinn assoc n lion of nnndn brnntford onl as nil work in intuition wit i ih n is blnc donv n n oluntnr mmn i ik nicessar hint di tails kjiudink tin tnuos bi injj offrr 1 i d i nrh so thnt tht ptrtlrnr it ioku nrl publli it bib hnt to u pn pnrtml in spare time mnv bi pro i rb hnnrtlnt ho drcli trrnm co inn iact ketailerwlio decline irr munication with the public via means of the news paper which it read- lose business to those who are taithfullv communicative british tweeds in pustel hurts i old tountr plants take tim i off from war produttion 1omalrinwfabri 1 ffos fnelnnd icpl cnnndlaal uoman this sprlnk nnd summer will he offered nn inert nsed rnnet of british twihtls from uhlch to stltct matt rials for ihtlr n si nson s onts nnd suits whlln tttetkls hnvt muni rlrhl lll stems too uootl to he trui hut il is irui he inie them furlhi r proof hi nctunll intinb liefort ihem and nl lnsl ih en full tomlnt id ii it sus asinds into htnitn ii w hit tvents of tl rt mnlnlne in- illiliiol follott ns om mle n u into tin hlndllnts for day nml eviui- infi wear drtss houst s nri laoklns lo rent britain lo supply them with the materials onct gnlned from tht now denii i- ri nt h pinrkt ts ti nd ine to british luttds a nt t lmtot nnec amonb iweattls belngehnortetl li canada art a tltrut stltct ion of ntw hchluelehl mnlerials in nltrattlve pnsttj shndts o t rt hecktti ului hrlehter ttilors vthith nllot futl pln for pp btttssorles belee nvir thetked with mustnnl hlu or lrecn art jkipulnr as are uls i vtlue herrlnebone and luistt 1 nnd t vilnnit n tweeils amon ih mo nova i idt ns to tntth on ttnmitl twietls tlislen til smtlnll ftir i nst mbkk ou find a mull rr an 1 ur t h t ketl ttttttl hns a plain- mulbi rr and plnln ktt itttatl to la nm it ilh ii wliith nl lows innvui nihil pohslhllltlts t n rlnkillk ha i hnillt s tor instant i t hit kati fcklit i as a plnln urt patki 1 with thttkst tk nnd front pan is whlli tla hill ihisa swinllllu tilll f niultit rr twttl has th tksl a ms irfht nit h otkits lurnllj suppose if i uki lilmsi if did not give us n fuller artount in tl aits of tho apostlis he hire sum mnrlzeil what in n lali r rttnrtl in tells in detnll it sus sns thnt ill thi tvents that hnd otturretl wan simpl ii fulflllmint of his own wonis and of the old testament snitrmrs in t he mawt umplmlu- nnd unmlslnknhla wa ha sit tin stamp of his authority uwn ii wboli old ttstnment jesus look t nth of the thret rt t oeni7ttl division t of tin old iislamtnt srrlptuits hit ijuv lhe prophtts and o is nndselull htpniul i axing qs his authorll upon tach nnd all 1 ha wholi old rtstnmenl nntl jqbus christ stand or fnll torethtr it is tillur christ nnd n whole blhle ol no blhlt nnd no christ he opemd ihtlr undtrstnndlnb to untltrstnnd tht strlpturts no nmount of nun virtual studv will a nohla us to unda r stand tht scriptures unltss it sus owns tur minds ips 110 ih jno 11 ull 1 jno 2t027 tt vvfthfb laalnllv tin tastlmonv of tl old rtstnment to his dtnth and n ssur rtlion that i sus brought out il l on tl ground if ii i sun fi is of ills dtnth nnd nsurntlion n lantantt anal n mission of sins si oulil im pn nl hid in his niiini unit n nation tit ahstipl wau lla m lotd thul that win ih ms ivs to ha tin first wltnuvs of this klnrlous truths douhtl ss tin v wilt iiii to im ulll iii on i ul la slli slllil no don i hi lin sl im ai not n adv in hnlton counlv llu sitretnrv of tht local commltttc looklnr nfl i tht securlne of tnlvts for the snh is w ii robinson fliorretown r itl no j holsleln hrt tilers in this ms trltl mn stcurt tntrv forms and furtlur tit tails of tht plnnas ii j fitts tonsienors from him parisians bathe evrry week some retail business i- languishing todayiui necessaril its attitude to tin- public is wrong it savsin effectto the public you come and find ttsmdlhepidliattituleisyhiihvboiv vour business and your merchandise you are iur employee report to us regularly and ade- ju a tel on how you are serxing us if you con- it immnir nrii f n i somtlhlne nhoul tl bntlilne t us toms of parisians must lw tnkt n rhnck a whlli ao di pi ndlne on n statement in hyfcelo i hi wrllor tjtid thnt tin juoplt of paris on tlu avr aet totik ont hnth tvtrvl months ow mnrit 1 oulsa stunllv of haw thorni tnllf hi rst if a parisian tails tl forteiinu stntt mint a iii i in h r fellow tltltns m lo s am lo sa that vvhllt ilia i a nn v r f tv i i is nt haths in 1iam avn iunm ttia wnlthv in lr at nl l if soi r t ii is im k ioas not pn v nt 1 ir isinns ti m h ink s iiipilliuslv 1 an ivaiv fiuiillv si savs has i tub of som kin i in wlilvll us i imis ink nn u in ir imths a wtk m mains wur ince us that yii are our faithful and efficient servant xvelhceep mi employing you xvill pay you well the wax of making a business groxv and mak ing it health is as plain as is the nose on ones fice- it is the wrx ol maintaining a strjily communica tion relationship with ones employers xia the ony effectixe and economical agency ouri adxer- tisement columns s34 i rural trltafff3 itritish ministry mw industrial kamil sptndi more 1 lmkn im llki topipil 1 1 b thi mlnltt of ltwir thou rrllatn h nyruu blhi uliurnl fnh itinftlitlnu of t p rson sm mb 5 khllllntfs foutiw ntt n 4s 1 ttikk vm m rat indut hmittial that itu must n t u stt p without it larr y littrab sit t down in tlu ut until m o i ndutsl 11 lot hi li with jmixm r fnni m hih how wilt mn mow lull at import for us h wn kimpl to till tht worlt what tht tr own tv hjnt mn and whut thtli oxen ibii hnd luanl from tlrt bph of tlu sti of tod hut tht must not mow i alpp until tht poxwr of tht hol hot had conn upon tin m hat prthumptlon thtn for uu to j rt at h ot tnal fnmih t iron sp mis v ltaih allma without tho wutr shilling npprontmatik p i0 in ulnt of fait tlu v liutl to wait inn tht cumiwrlmin nulttht from n i auva it wai not a wnatv of t mt nnilat of tplta1 nrtuin worvin j ocvompllihttl mor in om tln ilka hutlktk mil rural famll i ai tm outtom of th waltink nn pjnilitur in vxt ttf fiiullnus haw ht would othlrwu in a lifetime juht imh n publikhihl bx tht mlnitr i of lnhor ihutt it wan plained tlu imh ftuur for ntru ultuuil uunllttidut not in hub ulloxx amis xxhkli ninnx farm xxorktr iiislxtl dtithtr uaidin nor nllotrm nt ptftmhutv rai d and ton hunietl milk jkitatiuii and oatm nl xv in ttu prmii nl itt 111 of i m sup pllt d b 1 mplow rs sweet caporal takt a kimti bath x ix tit m sidih tlu wi klx tp j om tail nm tt with miv st mlt 1 that all oxr 1 ai is nn publl bit houst s n xx bub at print d in bilk j bit is hath showirx xxhiih irt xvt 11 i atrt nuttl in tht m bath whoxxtrs a v mn haxt for a i xx 1 ills nils kind of a bath hi l sint bain smtpl or bam u hurt u t tt in thtm plait in at i mtant iihslns ai b m i son a r x it iihun 111 xx i it h tiiri k 1 tub brimful i nit wh 1 h t j will trtui our fttt and mat 1 r ut tuuu 1 di s rt d 1 ii t statt thai t 1 nr t m- ir i nniont thi t it an st ph it in in world und nftt r tht iifort nnnn d 101 n t tlon i am krtil to u iti rati 111 x iktattimnt llu inrtslnns r uu tu j tin tbuntst m oplt m thi xxorbl rry v ekom tkins jj c hi fyaiit rom im which acco can urtuokid lom t pi ivarv 1111 hi i smtial tntlns loailial with foot al 1 lrink st rvt iieoph in mora than 1 unit rurountl sin itt m i m the acton free press advertising that attracts a printing service that pleases 3g9fiag9ji tu

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