page six jheractattvoet press thursday ailtu lid mil n the grip of iwliu aim mosron hkffvlit wright loirsmnsi jvteiui hints fcelctf rr lw u4 nrel 1 s clinri vieiorx fn v ar jrnrim of whoot against sgh5ia i chronicles ol spring mbniw tin- sei- wlth i lie advance of spilntf t amos n natural nvslre for the foods which appear on the mnrketnt this cnnon mid foi meak which hnve uprfngtlmc appetite appeal consumer section marketing ire dam iu ton department of agri- lulture suggests the following dishes for inclusion ip the menu at this time of the enr kkk hi tomato aspiv 1 tables gclntin tip i old wati r lips tomato pi 1 tiasfinn onion int 1 t iihpnnh sujin 1 teaspoon salt i devilled eggs soak gelatin in i old watei com bine tomato june onion jum siigm and salt heal to hotline point dis solve gelatin in juii e halffill in dividual moulds with jell mixture when pnrinll set place half a dev illed egg volk down in jell when jelly sets add remaining lomato gcln- tin mbtture allow lo set unmnutd letture tarnish with wntor- lchrth rettrtinj 1 10 itehrdlh tc ancient foe driven from canadian f farmlands edmonton mar 13 cp denn itohcrt newton of the unlvorsltv of alberta snvs the stem rust menace ims nlrendv heen definitely beaten hxplainjng that ii 10 wits ulrstnn- tlnllv a rust yenr dean newton raid the growing of runt resist nnt wheats sand farmers in the rust licit manitoba and pastern sasknti he- win an siimnted m ww mm bush els ot apploximntelv jt pet int tliitenuiinrvin nnisrpnritsnirj feis production in i whs mnsip no 1 ilrain n si arch authorities said canada owed mudi in he work ol the nonunion itust iabotalor in u innipeg w here dr c ril ii lout den has produced regent and re nown rust resistant wheats from ex pertinents first stnrled in 112fi since dlslrihution of renown in 1037 dr 1 h crnigios plant pnth- olngv staff nt the lnborntory and experimental farm has produced im proved strains of these varieties these new strnins are available for the canadian ginger farm vrllttt jwiii tor jwkn1wlinf v iaukj llsko radio there nre times when the seems just about human or some thing i nke siitunlm morning for instancy i was naturnllv i minus to it now whelhei it would he nnv trouble to find lite stations after the in iss ei- shifting alouud tlte had had so 1 drawn i mejdil rillllleuhlv tin- oppiessois of ilerlin and moscow aie grinding the life out of poland its liidutttrlal pioviiu es ni art si to rerman hnve been ilii oijtoiilted in the releh ill lit of the hug lbe russian hgpll hdms 7wvjtjhtitti tlinnjjind of poim from theft homes to he unstea of tenlral sihelin between the leister 11 and western provinces lies a sort of mrj mans inttcj i lintw n as lite coiucniiittpiil fleneifnl w here f o- l et h al l i lie poles st ill hn e some lights left tun in ienlit the cettnpo rules in the area liu orporat d in the iimnii rieb ponnnbt- fjimmw 5ilema lod kails plo k and kuj- iiw prp hires aecoiding to advlt et rorek ed bj the pollnli tovernnient in london there is not k nlvm small town w beret here paw nrtt hi en tiunth on the radio and imnudialek ait indlgniuil von said to p ai u t oti a limlc int iiuii and spi akitig of the imlio i hop out iiadeis well listening in neigh both news last sundav im iian1 tin iiihluitv the isn ptirss w is given you know it is rather funnv ou inver mi tell whiisort of thing will put nii in the news it nm be being president of this or that 01 because j on re elebtating a silver wedding or again it might even be our obitunr or liermisj voure linn- of- pol i ll inlel itn reenj detailed estinuiles ubal town of ilvdgosi 10ihmi pules havr in n main of t hem women in the list if pomoie of people milldered ej ten thousand and in i tin e the numhei is sunn mral number of people the throughout mrimlv al s i ditfli in in in met j i intird r d and i hildien lie nnnth i i ds a furthi i imma piov ikuhl u murdeied iv tile fierillml on crisp rrers or asparngus tips i o devil j 1011 deeding througl ccb removi shells from iirfrdlwlled seed trowerv aworlntion eggs cut eggs in hplf remove nlkh i mi i i j i 111 10 irlus mash olks season and mrv with a little snliid dressing pack olk mix ture into whites si rves fi to 13 kliultarlt shiiikc with us turd aue 1 teaspoon gelatin c up mid miler a manitoba rop report for 1u showed that thatcher lelded an average of 10 j bushels an aire re nown 1ss and regent 20 3 when al- tiot j u rluitiai h 1 tablespoon h kk whites pint tt of sail soak gelatin in ti wed i old ah t add to hot rhuhaih stir until g latin is dissolved add lemon juill u hen mixture is parliall si t told in stifflv w biles most all rusfresistnnls plus ronipnn d with hi t 17 bushek for nrnrfjuis o of wars nnd something sjv bushils nn a re in i ar like 103i said n iiihnralorv offn lal in 10 in stem rust mad mntiifolin w ere sou n een if and t v a per md like five ui n bad rus pommion nu it i prairu survev tit and winnipeg jul b h peturson of ts appear port ti u trr 3 said a the rust beaten custnrd sail iolka s i v madi serve with i 1 u l pieldu of iuwtt4ir4kmmt mer rtd wouldyou bplirvtrit egg w heat wen diffn ult one reward field fio untjru saucf kk olks j tablespoons sugni pinch of salt i up s aided milk 1 teaspoon lemon juii e bent eggs slighth add sugar and wilt ttraduallv add scalded milk conk owi hot witter stirring mn- stavitl until mixture the oats the spoon maple klee iuddinc cup rue 2 i ups milk u tablespoon winnip mil liunagt find rut north of of 5 pei tent or nnne nmi resultant w tight per bushels of the crop was almost seven pounds lower than rustresist ant wheats of surrounding fields 1 he teport continued marouis wheat in winnipt g plots that were protected from rust w il sulphur duit melded 18 per cent more than comparable plots of marquis whiikwere exposed to natural infec lion of stem rust at modern rust lesistnnt vani ties outvielded the old susceptible wheats h in per cent and at bran don 1j per cent had the wheat urease in manitoba in en sown to siistepltble nrieties us in fornn t ears it is probahlethe stem rust would have wuised nppnvialile dam age m southern manitoba in 1010 kobeii i iidinghnm of the pomtn ion plant patbotogv iiborat0r at saskatoon in a survev of the ilij rimvit ftistru l of south cenir morior less than n pnir of flat feet so help me i never heard of fai feet making front page news before rut it vvnsnt onlv tlte feet that got puhluitj il was also highwav no la frr pnrss renders will remem ber that editorial two weeks ago in w hu b the editor said referring to highwav no jt it would he just as eas in walk il flat feet and all as to mill on it and andv clat k finishes his brondt ast hv siv ing i rath i think tbit ditot must have liad some leason foi hint imuk 1 ii sav he had not on ue tlteie hum is and hollow s fiont millon to alton but hie lust is alliadv using in i londs lonighl for instarm i rnmitnrntin oe upied area is given as nv 70ftfl al warsaw in the couvernnunt feneral exei ut tons were formerly carried out 1 n v nrious pari s of t hi overjnmet or it might lie nothing city for instance in the sejm gardens n the dntime nnd in full view of the penpli- today the chief place of exe- tutlon for warsaw and tlte ervirons is the locality of palmirn nutilda-tho- i clt in this place there are neary a store of collective gravis of people iso itrurdcred in vvhich probablv some i two thousand people mainly from in tellectual einles are buried i her spring point erv from ottawa help cnnadah farmen with fnmerrw old and new v opiavva kti lite timing of spring bring many problem farmem both in the plant and nul- innl divihion juid the dominion ie- partmenl of agrlctilturo is working overtlnp- these davs tt help li solv ing thorn at this time of ear more and moie instruction and ndvli e usually nre issued by the depart men and this spring is no exception in fin t hiere seems to lie niiic prohlei than ever korexamiile marketing hogs at the ugh weight is more import nnt than ever this jenr lec auseof i he niw ontrnrt vwlh creat uritain for di hveiv of ijmkmmmhi pounds of imi on 7 pel t ent of whuh must be wlltshne sides of first qualilv weight rf hogs hog pmdikeis should wugh thiiil lings horn time to 1 1 nn dutiug the finishing peiiod sime it is diffii ult to eslimali the i orn t wi ight at market lime it pavs to f ed hogs well from the lime ihev aie weaned and to marki i as soon as lhe aie up to the pioper weight and finish tho department advises the right weight the tell jou w betwin jirfl nnd 2j pounds vv hen shipped sini e it costs more in feed to keep them over the 210pound mnrk while underweight hogs are not up to the qualit required iodine may not he a curenil the department admits hut there ar a number of diseases common to oung animals which mn he prevented b its us- some of these dlsenses ate haiilessness in pigs a complaint pledge for war savings salada tea eyes on the sky member of nn kant contd nntinircrnft crew snn the skv through one of the nwinv pieces of delli nle fpiiptmnt which mnk up the modern ac kai k haltctv are alwnvs several trenches du jewish iifoned labor waiting foi among the next hatch of prisoneis 11 ose shot at pahniin was th of the polish hocuihsts night i me t i tohil iark a- at liav tnttut i m i hug nr through n polish i ouple who sue cetded in escaping from sovnt rus sia hv the eastern route authentic details confirming all that has been j known as jont ill of foals goitie m lambs and calves i he iodine an lie admuustt i leadei deling ji solution of potnssiitm j to common silt and this don farmer g is a mlxture thd i- ful foi all live stock riant diseases r d ti i passed our ing h hec n gate without know i cciuldu ibte tin inn b i e it un- md i m ttim when the loud awav i found mself quite arcls past mv destination of the pleasures of this road din bump about halfwav ht ie and town ou cant si til jou nre right on to it gelterallv so busv irving to steer a wnv between the minor humps that i general i v forget the big ope until i find mvslf bouncing off mv seat now if this rough road were neces- sarv on account of the w ir i would do mv best to put up with tt with out giunihling but as long as the depattiiunt of highwavs conttuus to spnd fiibulotin nttms for unm c sarv lighting on tin qu en 1 hu th i just so long will i ki p on grumbling t this ilnsu spi mg breaking stretc h of road wiiu h he department is pleas d to dcsignat w ntten hhout the nature soviet deportations from prettv poland hnve recently i omj v the rintlite fled ief ti e the erman invasion in southvvestern ioland and nt the end nf 10t r annnnl dr i nu and d b orhde til- usi liu is yoivt home in ai condition nf hie haslern to band department s hi- hiallh of i o ape ii pa hi will a de canada hi s- fairlv can be rf borw oik to miptovi ting plants soon r of turnips c trr oiiimon in east uuhatted hv appli the wirl heforr rn i rolled islawow in the area controlled v h i seeding tlut aretul the depnlt- a few i soviet russin where thev remained i ment warns borax is haimful when another until the spring hen- the soviet applied in excess amounts thirtv s a hid- authorities unexpecteillv ordencf the pounds an acre is enough registration of all who weie not per- i hen too tomato plants must in manent inhabitants the ninn was c arefullv wale bed in their voungi arrested and deported to dnieprope- ciavs 1 he growei is told to he k trovsk while his wife was tarried off to the interior of russia at oren burg on tht snmnrntnshkent line she happened to find a group of poles who were also being deporlc d and travelled with them i he poles were transported on open tnuks the 1 ist truck being occupied hv the p i guards nrmed with automatic i here was a special wagon ind a sepai ate c over els with infants at h temperature and moisture conditions const anil v during tin per io befo the pia7ttsare seeded m the field best temperature is about vdogtees fabrenhit during the day nnd over all degiees at night lomatoes are sensitive to soil t ondilions and a shghllv acid soil is best farmers nre advised to plan this ears operniloris with a view to in- itease piodmtion of dnirv products i of all kinds sine war has their value and to pi in ll so thev tun get along with mum iniouut of i thot is your house sound in structure is tc protected and decorated inside and out by good piinrisrheroofraih-3rul-snow- proof is your kitchen equipped for light happy work- have ytu a bright sanitary bathroom