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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1941, p. 5

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tfaursday april 17th 1941 the acton free ehess page jtvj5 mr goorgo jlbgln wm homl- from aurora mlu etta dlll vliltod in toronto over the holiday mlu fcthol pargctr of toronto visited her fcurcnt mr nml mm jnmcn h need np nt the ml in toronto mlu nollln hnll toronto is homo for the caster vacation mr jack graham in ho from western university iondon mr nml mrs f browning of lor 1 anto v bin im mr and mrs a t miiiin sptnt easter with rionds in toronto miss gladys huffman of toronto was home for hit kastir holldny miss m z bennett and mrs mor rls brnntford last week mlu nnzel andrews of milton vis ited with my and mrs h l illtclilr miss morgorot carvln spent the holiday and weekend vlslllne in tor onto mlu jean boatty uas home from guelph general hospital on gooj friday mr eueono mcpherson bobby and gary vlsltod the homo of kj parents mlu bertha brown of toronto visited hor sister mrs forn brown this week mlu helen lamb of barkway is ajiendlne hor easter holidays at her home horo mlu hazel wilson or toronto western hospital was home for the w ekond v mr gordon hnywnrd of toronto spent easter with mr and fln j mcgcnchlc la vqrnr smith and miia yaics i 1 wn uuu mim audrey mcleod spent easter with miss e hawthorne mr and mrs clarinet bmham of gqretown lslted aclon frh nds on tlu week end mr and mrs gordon huffman and imrte of hamilton vmti d nh mrs e huffmnn george wallace clothes shop ll 2 yonge st 2nd floor toronto take the elevator and save money w t patterson r0 hpoewst i kxamlnatldn orthoptlst 10j wyndham st oukupii tk completely equipped offices below mnher shoo store s radio licences w colles j 2 linn received authorization nn g radio license vendor for g g acton nnd vicinity he will m make a thorough cnnvnss of m the town or m jj kjmtfemmwi may ha iurehad 5 jj now at j m l w agars coal office e mill st aetoa z mlsii morran t arnold uim liomi from wcstt rn univ t rsitj london for the weekend mr ge orji rilmtt of comber is- kid his sons mtssn ft h and c ii i lliott inn this wit k mr and mrs cordon huffman nnd bn ndn spe nt tin uuater hnlidnvsj visltinc frit nds in town tnnt t ttusst l of onlvill is vil hik with hit lousin loan i uml v for tin easti r acatlon i klihs lolet inlrel of loronto sj r j tin raster holidns at tin home of lu r aunt mrs lluffni in ip it is insurance j life fire sick and accident automobile and burglary- boiler lability consult jul wri general insurance cooper block attctu onl fhon 65 mr nnd mrs t nnlns spi nt fasttr in binmplnn with tlir daughter mrs p ale i ptc nnd mrs c kentmr and chil elrcn of toronto kited acton rcla j tiverover tht wick nd mr nnd mrs m bnmsde n nnd blik of buffalo n spent fasttr with mr nnd mrs c w mason mr frank kt il inchnm pe nt the unk endat the home of his parents mr aind mrs frank kelv mrs charts klfkhcs mnt fred hawkins nnd mini marjrut rite currli suited friends in toronto last week mlsts alzina gibson nnd ijillnn fields sited nt the home of mrs p merchant toronto for tlu easter holldav mr ah holme k of north bn lslttd hi r brother mr pttir mc isaac nnd other f hi nd otr tin ida mr and mrs frtd stiavv and mfu nancv shaw or buffalo n tslt td archie currit and familv oi thi luistcr ymkt misstft francis pun and donnldn mi phnll nn homt from toronto normal school for their astir hnlidnvs i nn m nnd mrs iri mason nnd mast rs knhard and trunk visited at sund rldm or tin holldav nnd uinkmit mr and mrs i v nmhlt mrs r h t ojll r mr to c umpbi it lorplowm mrs i- red nlttson and ponnti uttt mltti tin fjnu ra i of tin liitt mr hart katsi r at- st oitharints last lhurtd0 mi and mrs 1- rni push and killj of atir mr and mrs austin ktld of stratford mr allan mar shall uml jaik kt id of hamilton tailed at thl home of mr and mrs s j lit id ov r tin wit k nd ship your wool direct to the manulucturer ad ik s to j ii koulton iorrnni nt lit a d warehouw o i hu combint corp or canada ltd acton ovtaiuo prompt handling and settle nient on government standard onules arfdrew all correspondence tub canadian woouj co limited dt metropolitan building toronto rite for price list and our dents for woo buyers lftri ox sussox military camp nb 114 ii actoh fsw pbfcsli dcnr mr diusi i am dropping you a line to thank you for komlhitf mo tim fsw pixtnn when i wn up nt camp borden as it kitptitpc in touch with the folks in nnd nround acton i wn wth the 4rth niflilniuli iv there hut now you will uoo by the nddrenfl thnt i hnve trmvifcrred to the qui en h own utm and a moved down here to n 13 jl like it down here nnd the only tlilnj r miss is the sanfl that wi urmi to march through in camp bordtn but iintinin t tllttimiih lnt 1n-lip-fnt- it down irre we hnd n vry ni e trip dow n horo on tlnktrnin nnd wi saw quite n lot of canada it took us two nifihtn nnd n dny i here in slill quite n lot of snoi in quebec but t is all fom from around bore suhjex in n tow n about the ai of acton nnd we art allowed to ro there every nipht without a past it is n ten minute wjilk from camp no i kuess i slmllro there quite oft n the nearest city is st john s nnd i intend going there on my week end leave thnt comes up next week end it in good friday to dny mid wo nil hnve a holiday to i nm going to try to cntch up with my letter writ ing i would like if you would rcm m ber me to all my frknds tht re as it will be romo time before i shall gel n letter nwny to nil of them shall close now thanking nu again nnd sending my regards to you and nil my friends yours rfn a james weekly war commenlarv hpocully wrutn tor tho anton fro lre by 1y ii ii gordon caitfttlhm lrm fluff wrltar any nuempt to estimate in thiw fisth week of tin wnr the tnnse- quon of the bnlknn explodon must tnke lido account on import- nnt fntt thnt mtlur n nrltlsh vic tory norn brltlth deft nt in luat region vftulmnee the main course of the wnr ntthfliuh it mny nffitt it to some ixl nt the mnln cotirse of the wnr nn am only be nuend if t n chal- unge succesifully th lnlnnd fortress of britain and the steel of n whole pmplre behind her if brltnln holds in the bnlknns it will be so much to ihe pood if she lini to wlthdrnw and she in fighting with the odds ovi rwbelm- ingly ngnlnnt her then tu battle is still far from lost the ultimate course of the wnr is not going to ho decided in the medltorrnnenn or in the bnlkans experts ngree thnt the battle rf the atlnntic nnd the battle of brltnln fnr trnnscend in importance any other battle including the re sounding british successes in africa or tlmtefjjnckb suffered there in recent dnys position of russia assuming thnttttr wprst hnppeiu nnd thnt the nnzls qvfrurt greece they will then be sprawled even jarthor across the continent than be fore they will be nt the threshold of turkey nnd at the front door of the ukraine prime minister churchill s recent wnrning to russln was hnsed nppnrently on such n cnl culntton and russln whose con duct from the dny- wnr in gnn has been thnt qf on unens liesltntlng power seeking to protect itself from the ultlmnto clash with the very nazi powejiwlth which she ayowul on- bnhminvflfffrfmon whi wte- blessirig of jovial g nt rnl t nerali simolhrcl o clock bun n small but sekct compan of uldt s set out from hflkrimrhrs bn rteonmitrt- ijjeir advance through arton occur led without inildint i i mw most of the nativts inn nn smpatlntlc to tht ir c iuse in the absence of tii tatnn tin at ting litutt nant i ill companv bv dovious nlniost urtoltcii trails j ist lake and marsh and river pnst hit stati 1 institution of lenin nik into untlnimi i h rntt r w in re it w is i tt d tin i n m miht ht 1 1 e t unti rt d friendship will suddenly find her si if face to fate with a teutonic threat to tht dnrdnnelh s that is the last tiling most ow i pci p when the non nggre ssion pact with germany wns signed ronfidonce in the outtomo it do vtilopcd thnt lt gen sir richard nugmt o connor nnd othor british offktrs tiiplund in the dtrnn region april 7 were virtually kldnnppt d- by it f rmnn motor patrol which mme upon tin m in uk tiirly morning tlnrknens rui foptln kleird lie gormandlrolud drive almtd nt the rue cnnal lutd curried enemy molori troops as fnr as snlum in pgyptliin territory by april 14 i ht re british troops ngnfe d in a bltti r flud with the inind rs whili roynl air porte bombers furiously nttnek- td tlu fad movlkc columns sin it in d ntrosjhf i ibynn dirirt i in spe nrlu ad of tlu halo ermn offi nsivi flnlud pad tobruk wiule thi biitjsb pnrrlsnn uirvlvul nun r attadt and in n counter move elrov utf buliuginnjeiituujii lhujjngngn nn nt 22 axis plnm a and 113 tanks w i re ili strode d 200 rmnn rlson i rs taken im lnl of the eiu m 111 lid riht british tanks wire lost mllltnrj nuthorities stnte in bilt isli forte at lohruk is inlnct nnd an lie removed by sen if ne ressnrj ru tht troops an in a spit ndld position to hnrahs tlu e rmnn lint of i e m munirntlons it wns slated april it that the army of the nile may be compelled to fnll back to mi run mntftih british main line of defence more than 100 mill s inside tpypt in the me nntlmi strong re inforci ments are arriving daily in north afrlci from past africa hltnrtert orrrli i ine tarlv this wei k allii d forci s in greeei were compelled to wlthdrnw a portion of their west flank in th vicinity of phlorlnn which hnd been the northernmost hlnpc of the orlg innl defe nee line the germnns cap turwi phlorlnn nnd other towns nnd vlllngi s in the area but suffered many msunltlea so fiorei was th british and greek rearcuard action- all attacks on tlu british hi id right flank hnve been repulsed tlu m w lini runs through motin tnlnous ti rrltorj nnd it is xplcted infnntrv will hi forced to pave th wny fer the i rmnn tanks this will he a difficult task with british and greeks hnldlni strategic positions in local health bulletin ihe rt a nt octumme ojl m num ih r of case m of un cnlh d j parrot fever in ontario has brought about tlu fo mntion of new regulations by tlu dipiirtmmt of ileajtb to control mid pre vint the spitnd of tlu tils e fluent psittacosis as the discnie is eor rtetly known is nn infedious dls uife of liuividns tout rat tid from birds of tlu parrot famllv namely parrots parraketts and tlu more ommon love birds it js now eompulsorv fer all own rs of any of these birds to report te 1lu local mfdlcnl offlti r of health tin numhi r of hiriw in tlu ir t es fe antl til e nsi ol imv stm ot i re nt h moult the owner must j livtr the hirdxto tlu medical offlt r for propenjijsporal in thecal of i he sale ef n bird the ve nelor must ki e p a re cord of tlu disposal and aftt r october 1st 1011 nfl blrdi sold must be bandtd with a clnstel band in humnns the portal of intry of he infection is probably the re spfra lurv tract nnd virus laden- dust frorn tht cage mav be the means of contnc t as wi ii as din rt hnndllnf of the infe c ti d birds symptoms are very similar to the onsi t of nn nt ute attftrk of inf lu ena with he aelaclu e hills fi v r and vomiting during tluflrst week the fiver mny vary from 100 102 nnd rising during the second wi k to 1010 i ung complications an usual nnd they resemble a low grnde pneumonia of the bronchial type al though tin sputum is rather scant compnred to re gulnr pttcumonln the disease is a long drawn out affair and tlu p riod of tonvnles una is quite le ngth dingno is is tie finite 1 mnelt from tlu sputum blood or pleural fluiel of the pal lent i be n is no sjh clflc tre ntmi nt for the mnditlon ns jt lunce pre n lion is of gn at importance l t nn so mo ii time table changes ekfi- erivf sunday april 27th u lult infnrniattein front aurtit canadian national railways r arrs m for qualitv k ii i i spring time greens t h -rr- ttt rv a brit ish sue cess in holding t he irmnn tick in o operation with hi r gmk aiiii s 0llbt a tn at moral vie tor tn at h a fnllure will not cakd of tiiaks- ihe major familv hrnkwikml wulr to thank all tlu fru nds nnd mlghl born for their klndnis m thtir ncent sad bt nnvi rn nt au1 ol- ti1anku mrs w ii antbon and family wish tp tpru their deep apprecia tionof the many kind acts and sym pathy extended to them and also for the many beautiful floral tribute when the beloved h unhand and father of the home paued away gregory theatre tlilnrhdav and mu1a mdul 17 and 18 thewesterneu a ilirillltik a ivmtutt uilh gar c oop r cat toon 1 in coruttabw t hapti r i 1 lu siinduw vi hat kjjw aiiul 10 m on the r1er t omuk1 vv kt musk i h inn bin rosbv marv m trtin basil hathbom c artoon ah dul tht bull bull aimtr hi niws sport motor l h stunting mom1u piui t iiufntei honeymoon ittctivt in top hat and taih kobrt mntimir march of ttnu l nc u sim non bi llfi t n nt parakraphit bret z ljtth bt nn cm t xin snt nk snoop and nttih t1ukmia night ove kiiow ovlv at 1 im ouur nurhtd twe hhawa aa rual 10 or 10 das ron couple who were intoxicated chief i ilirrop nrr t d to e ph holmes nnd urn i dwanl con of brnmiton on mondav nijlit e n chart s of btint intoicnted in n pub lie plate i lie j spirit the nijht in tlie cells nnd on u i dnesda morninc npptnrtd in police court hen aid wen assisiid 10 ond costs each oi 10 davs in jail clfaiung auction sale i- arm stock impi i mfnts dairy fquipment nrvrnire rtc the unde rsigned has n ix n i d in structions from b- c rortton tb mil bv public auction at i t 20 second line fscjuising adjoining acton on friday ailth j5th tommtnetne at om o i lot k s i i tht following hoksls bav man bil man tira horst 11i h uii avrshln ow hi k avrshin lou bee asur cow kt k avrshin c alf j rs t ow ii rs t mv sllorthoin t ow holsti in c ow hoist- in l ow ii tl st in t ow ii lst in t v ii m in c ow ilolstt in c ow 1 t o it impir minis 1 mass harris bin li r i t ot tut 1 mil i ritiu k mtmir r ftot sprlnj itwrth t ulti valor sitd drill 1 butionllai mrs ij nille imii plow lurnip hnll st uff 1 bolnl ll hat k k st suit kltui si t of a agon and box i lav lose t lu wnr tar from it antl a gi rmnn ictor in ore ert w lit nc tuallv lie just the beginning f new nnd complex probh ms for tlu nazis iin tlioulli the first flush of sue li a sut 1 1 ss mav have some tl m slic vnlut in hit ttiuh defend grteu ivninsuia ustralian ni w nlnnd antl bill isi troops together with the mnin bod of tht nek nt m oppos l tlu tiimnns at th w 1 1 k t nd nlong a fiont t lr t sin till tl at ro s north rn n en from tlu am in sea to mhanm i rom th ir stnnilv forti fu el mountain i ositmns soni of w hit h t xtt nded thiouih tountrv in whiih italian invnhis win tlinmn bnt k late inst jiai tin alius t n fal d the german motoncd divls ions in an effort to hold the grtik pt ninsula i lie loss of salonikn tastern mnct donin ht v ond t he ardnr rivi r nntt c sti rn thrace cannot hi re gnrded as a mltitarj catastrophe ro rogardod afi- particularly ulnerable nnd before thiy retired to their mountnln lines british troops demolished its harbor works and tirriid nwnyhugi quan titns of gasoline and militarj stons no st rious plnns liaei v r bt t n made to de ft nd caste rn mact donin nnd western ihrnie a greek lotrnimnt spoki smnn charncterit d n ports that so 000 crttk soldit rs had been tut off nntt inplund t ast of he ardnr kivi r as most t xagpi rati d lit ellan tl that tin num i r of sot lit rs in this an a was mm h smalh r than tlu fiuri eivn and main wtrt ahh to vlthttraw and reai h t re t k te rrl torv ir i nrrr active bright moonlight nights saw brit tsh an 1 i i rnian an fort is thund r to tin attack i lu itoval air ert i fillowid up mi ls on b rhn with attac ks on pin sst i i irf and tlu ijnhr owl ttit ljull til i hinrinl rrrrs n xc att thnl biilisii n mforci nu nts win ir rivlnt in the defence positions i in aelmlraltv nnnnunn d apt i 1 that tlu r l ton cruiser bon i vtntun hnd lie en torpedoed nnd sunk vv ii i ac tin as e st orl to a t ono at tin same tlnu it was stated tti submarine i igris hnd sunk a heavily inde n tanker of about 10 000 tons hound for a port in ge rmnn oi upi t i rntu held at i ronth r hi i e rts from naval an 1 mihlnij in ail iiinrte is in hi middle tnst r l ireliiil tin situatie in nor afrit i wii man t nt out omul n april it bntisl inlrels win jntiv ir line s iluin wii i hie 1 s wi i i at lur tl whil i oi i ipuo i f u mis tl i w st jn i il i was i r i i i bnlisl hantls i iii oval n iv v 1 is i il n i h in i in th o t iti ns l nth i h in te ist tciistantlv ml mi fullj haias iil i i i man it ill m lini s f t ommunic atiem and prott tting tht i it ils in it i ohrul mdk iik1e mv llffikm mrlbouitni ci mrs tohn hnrrnurl of j ithain is building n house slu makes bnt ks from cln on ht i proierty and tin straw for xjilu i44m1 nwhhi atltfit tnhtt- tm ltid nivv ioi aio s s new ahha t mi w asialtafu ni w c aiuiois 1 1 af i r run f jiadisiii s filtl fn onions iomaiois c ti i ry iii auis iuit bananas oiani s rait nuni pini appil dutch sctts2lh 25c stid potatoes peck 29c gnrdcn seeds 5c 10c le good humor whent yj puffs frcl tumbler lioc lihbys pbcntrr- 11h lnrgt 20 n tin o as9c mother parker s tea qfj ynllow lahll l lb rk ooc jcwtl nlnd drlssing three sues 10c 10c uc wcllinrton lard oo iu tl pork print t ulc fkish cookirs l to c fwuu 19c ui mi garvce opekatoks- educational meutinc hem in milton a hire i and enthusiastic numb r of me mher nnd vis t ors turne i out tine of halton ss h latton h lt for tlu regular rtt garaf ojn rators april 3rd in thttur mt rs ttnirm t ton mr c patterson of g orrc town vitt prtsuit nt was t halrmai ftr th evinlnt quite an amount of torn spondi rti e wns nnd antl re p rt t el on ii n nil business period nntl disc ussion follovvetl i lu t due ationnl portion of hi mieting vias provided bv rnpresi nta tivi s of thompson pro lints i til of st i rtthnrtnes mi ct wi sal s manake r also mi il hard and mr t i runrinr i ht audit nc n jovitl tli tits ription tf tie miru faituilnj nu t dun of i liomj s i i roetu ts nssisltd h a tllm sh wm th h st m th ds m servicing th s prod in ts i planning times l if vou woulel hnvi a nt w home hntlt unde r ih most favora cireumtitnnt s it sieuld in i lanm d n iw with t mstruttlon to start just ns soon as tin wiather is fnvorabh the ovtrnnunt loans can tie siiurtd an i all tin favorable iti ms in hurmrng ar still avnilal h act now if v u woulel use tin st i asv ti rms we will gladly dihcuw plntw submit kutimateh and show you iomh jn nearbv centre the georgetown lumber co i acton phone 110 limited office main street t- hat k koot pujpt r small i a l rs bu stom boat c nn 1st mt in s t st wart lip mi ll rf nlnk mill c ow hams ist milk cart iawnmowcr forks sh vls cant hook t tt t25 potato s u ks iiih t irmlj surt junit milking mat hint tomph t u otls utetri milk cooler both mw last fall ht i aval c n am s j arat ir strain r riunii r palls c burn mmhl vnrous quantltv of hav t he n t olli i j but k sa s t poubh harni ss t h rm tviitiilh s t single h iv llirns- tiu intitv of sut on i h itmtt kf bed rioni furnl turt iivuii room hum nun kit thin i tt nslls swivtl hair disks sti i sh iw cast hair loth sofa small tanks radio jit bov j connh um hugs 1 smoking i jimp pillow bedding uuks pit turi s hociks ul 1 oth r houn hold nrtulth kvrthliik muftt im- sedd u mr kobon hk ivrn cmllrd to anrourr terms cahii vbthlns to h rmoveel i ntll hiumi for fravk wrtkil auruohwr georgetown qnt ports in th littr tlu alrim n reiin t i aimoi hi in h inihs in tl rmm warsliiis si harnlu vst amt nniisenau in th 1 arbor at bi st tin mi ii in is in i tlu s mlh an i wist if i- nkl m 1 stiff i 1 v r iv from alt i h- i rm in rnhrs itatti ii f c v nti in 1 tl i kt it in dustriaj itv f itumitikl mi wn subji i tt i ci i n ntritt 1 i inilini rtl 0 an 1 10 an 1 bi 1st 1 vv as at ta ketl i ott irld i iravm for i lb ith d lu ahibi h tl i ipian cajntaj and tlu intran lmi of massaua in british h in n 1 t mop ink u ron s m i- ast vfn a has itkun m inwhil british troops i avt li ft to n infor tho arm op i osink tl i rmnn italian thriist in astt rn i ibn an i pr mi li at boost vtt hits mndi tin bid si n a n in combat mm i his vv hill allow tlu inihd statvi to st nd nhrps to fkpt bv wa of tin indian on an and tin ited st a british fortti eonct ntrntiml around tobruk to nnet the mem advance and military ipokeunan expreued ffimgmm wallpapers 1 the best vm1es we ii we ever offered 9 per roll and up towmmwuiwiawmumi symoh hardware ptione 19 atrron ont

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