Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 24, 1941, p. 3

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thursday april 24th 1w1 thp actow free press pace tiirek yynonilv i lint k whn1 lie l cl niultiri lim hitfhld ni he at j haxl his ilnssmnti llerh rt allen emerge fiom tin huhi s tint covered ti fciiifw f n smuii hiii leu nil kniiwn a mount lnunuind he knew i was romlng hiui to hunt hporimi ns this aft i noon but hi wiih too slutk up to mggekt muit ue hunt together picking up his hag hammer uo dartid to pasture lands lilng in tut en 4 w ihi hi it and ihi rnmpus of avalon two mill nun hi hmltntnl it would h rather highlint of nit not to vaii for him hi derldeel onlv i do wimi he wnani o offlwh jim heinuse hi in the uiallhicit l in the das is no reanon for ida acting uo superior but because i m the iooreiit in no reauon for me to ignore him i ii unit while uniting for hi rhert to tnv nenrer uov emploved hf ttm a tn the study of nn nhjett he had taken from his hag the wcand bo drewwvl in n hutt clearly designed for mountnln cllmn ing carried n small burlnp bag nn a hammer of the type emploved b professional mineralogist hello bert railed out uoj a the other npproached what luck oh its you jln replied the neu comer in n rather condescending tone why not sohnd t found aevirnl rather food peclmentt then ns if indifferent to ttovs sut cess herbert continued along his if voull unit n minute we t in on toce tin r iuggi d d itov i c0 ni ntom just ni toon nflt r iljnm i is possible uov fi it as in imdllv vvniked in pud ssir swiih i ardfii nvi if i tuidav noon uoulil nmr nuivi s while herbert atrugglexl to hu feet fame out nml take it ho threaten ed im lomlng replhd the now thoroughly aroused livihert i hen im he look n mtfp forward he nnuh- ewl completely from night lto gawped a hlw foe duappeuiid wiw thin ionii trlik slowlv and euutiolulv he peeied into the hunlw wrw herbert htdlng onl to wpnng out a noon nn uov should he off h- guntd hiiheit was nowhere to be een slepplnj forwaid uo smith nlv hriuight himself up wllh a htnit at his feel gaped a large hole i iuim 1 iom red wllh falu n in am hi s it h ul renialm d imnotued until lleibit had stepped dirn ll wi i tlje opi n lug and had been su allow id u tan tloul lti u aiml iii tin dj anrer had ken phut to ft ai hut 3 tin lorn fon noon woie nn in smile 1 id- he pit tilled tin t iwillki ttia hill b n made in ids oiu e pi olid t insv mate h hi finding of the cryital hi was glad that the onlj number of the i lass with whom in had ter ht talhd loiitik ai thsl in spinim ihi ll falnlk i ii 1mm n at odds would now he his n ii lid all feeling of resentment wns fox gtvtten onk impatience to start on mint her hurn remained at last the clock of the lampiis tower truck the hour of noon uo hastened to the commons no need to go hack to his room in south hall at the far end of the campus for he had brought hlu bag and hnm mer with him as noon as his hnat lunch was finished he went dlrectl to north hall the dormltor where herbert roomed disappointment awaited htm her berts door wns closed nnd locked and no response rew arded his persistent knocking bert probabl isnt so e cited aluiut this ns i nm tto specu lated he s taking plenty of time tor his lunch just as though the prize discover of the ear didnt de pend on us this afternoon a step sounded on the stairs joe blair who octupied the room nevt to herberj s wns coming hello hat fh id he called out whiting for dirt im nfroid ou wont find him this afternoon bui i hnd nn nppointnn nt with hi pro 1 don t know where he wt nt said blair he drove off in his roadsti i lids morning said hi would not he iwii k unth dinner time i ltd in taki his niinerali out ttett was tin mffind or a moan as fiom snn one in gn nt pain i beilt u in re aie ou u hal h is hnpjicmit d j anothnrgtoain wrvr fnltmvrd brrr wealv v nice hei e i am t muil hae fallen into some kltvd of a pit it quite ki tinned me but i gumtf im all right now i can t iee ou explained ho ai he stnrcml into the blackness at his feet i an see ou replied herhett its fnirl light now that i am get ting used to it how far down lire vou about fifteen feet i should think it s tike being at the bottom of a well are ou hurt afraid my shoulder ii sprained mj left arm seemi helpless how am i going to get out ill find wmc wn ro asurecl him do ou think i could climb dou n no the sides are too smooth you ii hae to get a rope lbut then a no ropcntuirer tliao- forenoon and would meet you hole ultout- two shamefncedly o held out hu hand korgke me bert i eitnln- l mujudghl ou inis lime yx but you haw not mujudgitl me all the fall letm ymi hne thtiughl unit i wan kwell-lieild- isl unit u jiimt what x have tn en wh i batflml hv a mil filend h he v hple t ium i don t am ha e ii loommnte i lad night whin jmi ajmid tt let nu work wllh nu i dei iikd to iuim both how about i hit hiui i to do about il link d ifo fuwuieijl oitie it liuiih d ihi hell lion t ou think w tan hll it off tor ihi i t i shouldn t think oil utmld w nit nn afiei thtw ptoli slid ho but i do i ii tutd a fti nl moi l n h mvrtimnt it the mmpus riien take nn car and drive m for one i 11 lu allright sure sure jto s distent of tin hill was little ihfoie on dittslou t mild b matle a lotidhout from tin month of tin hole interrupted the ttlsi lesion llovs lallnl out the iilted voui of a vei mui h et lied profi ssoi jiuu vu li iuu uliut iiuu found l ou vi tumbled into he greatest thing vet j know i have profehtoi i ve tumbled into awfullj good luck nf flrmitnierheit hdppil i in proffkkor hwik his hend at though falling to comprehend tlu re mark then bis stienlifli en thus lasm drove all other thought from his mind you ivovs liave found n dcimntt of turmnllne crvstan that is marv elous look here from his pocket he pulled out n collection of mnnadored crystals that were ac tually dazzling just a few of them he explnlned 1 tint hole is fairly lined with them don t ou think the dkeovorv can wait n bit profenmii nskihl her bert hoy and i want to get back to the college lies going to movi we hnve a lot of important things to attend to important gasped the prof snoi what tan be more important than this sending the glow of new formed friendship in the faces of hu two pupils he added well erhapj ou re 1 ighl tils go more than one continuous slide his i driving would hnve tausid tontirrna i tlon to the traffic polite had any hei n pn si ni as tin tar swung mlo tin taniptis it baiilv iiiism d t ol hsi with irofessor oopi 1 who was 9 ut of ouffdrmict by rail and river come mil lions of logs to plants rrutnufaaunnfl putj hews print and lumber for houies furniture ami a thousand other useful products labour and cap ital together have made canadian i or stry the greatest of our cxpurr mjnufjtturtn industries the dank of montreal co operate by fur milling business men in all branches of the industry with the specialized types of banking service they require many thousands of workers tn these plants have heir savings or chequing accounts with us tir borrow for personal needs strung cauadidmi and thtir tujutlritt tu mry utile ef tit tommuutly nt tuutt you to jinuit 0l r kanktug rtquirtmtnlt uilb ut bank of montreal a bank wltctfc shall accounts arc welcouc a h v h c m mo dirn fx prill i nci i ilanklnc sthvifr iht ouuomt of j sutttuful orst was just evamining the insrldn that i picked up looks rather gootl to me llurrv along then replit d hei hert impntiintk it s nearlv fiv anrihyiwtingrvttl nt r tonight ril with him ow von mention it i think i hastllv itov sbpptd the spoclmen into his bag and inpldk followed hi clamati as in taught up with mm herlert rondew endlnglv askt d ltui ir l had found nm thing- wnrthwhih bin thm i tlon t supposi ou did hi nddid its too bad von don t havi a rejular mini ralogist s mitfit with this om dad gavi nu i ho t to bring in tin big fintl f this ai mint ralogv 1 lns ilrat s fiiu ikin d 1 ov 11 w i vi r i 1 itki d hi m th it to iv 1 inti it sting h it was it lb m it it 1 1 bt an to slum 1 bit ol int i t i in tultt sun m vs jf 1 inutti i ktv lit 11 t is hat do v ou i ill it mom mis bi hi 1 uhiu 1 a small instal il nit thru nn in ioiik at tin bnse it wiis dnr as wattr but a shot t distant up n turmd into a bin iti uitin tapt rinu oft at tin top in a di p s 1 k 11 hi rbert w histh tl as hi took the crvstnl in his hand in tin light of the t rtlng sun it radiated a wai ni glow of colot is h turmd it fro 1 bide to kide sa he ivrtnimed ymr hi- found something fnurald aqua nulrine hat i it i hat s whit iii imvt to fiiulloit i m going to show tt to professor coop r this t mug w in n did ou find 11 ask 1 hertw it 1 agerlv itifcbt up nt ar tin top pl un tl luv it aiu- tttmg tuu lute n hunt fnrthir but i ni id 1 sk u h if tin spot iti us to 1 1 nu lilln r it mti i v t 1 1 i h surt sh it alout 1 bun in i nits fiom tlu tiovftlu mil lb 1 nrt a bij tuny h t unl thn 1 small pints ilmoii m t tow i p u t a clump of bush s i ik tit lin ns tht tuim of a n 111 irt tin t ushi foi nm sidt m i t i mliii f u t 1 otlur i t a it t this pile of rot ks h- thi tl p 1 sj ok iu mil i out t at h of th ptnnts is it hit skeuhi 1 tin 111 itn n in tin tnti of tht mjullii 1 win it i pi kttl it u i 1 1 must ik ttliti- i ni un saw him throw n hag lind hamnu 1 into ids 1 ar just bt fori he drovi off irivthg slowlv out willi a j rl hoy- uruughl- li11 rnidst to a sto war 25 y ik d 13 rt 1 kn s dri anis tif the new tompan- lonvhip iudtt nlv vanishetl lit rb rt had gone nhend i hat wni the henson in had bet n so interfiled in thevplan lb must live been intt nding all tin tutu tt o nut alom while liov was w and than up the in stsp 1 1 nn ns ftir himsi if hot with n s ntmt nl bnv stto u down tin stuis uifvs tin t mipus unl out t th oh n fn ids ton ml mount imamond lo think 1 trusi 1 him i 1 mutt 11 1 lb 1 n n i nisi i is himst if too kood tt u with m invs ut iloin and havis mi tu w ilk hi n t rind him i ii ti 11 lit fq w hut 1 think of him s ko ti nil 1 1 ai nig his m iinninttd n lung its t lim i is it t inn ijkin 1 will known roadstt r pip kul at tin foot of tht slupt lit s it it ill right he su ulnted s h thmhtd tin side of mount nianiond his plans ftr ib allng with his 1 lissm itt m uit to lake di flllit shnm no its talking to a ft how of thttt kind he ttmiluded what heneed is a gnod beating nd 1 m going to tai it lo him mill di ti rmmi d upon hjs 1 oursi and nngi red to the hight st piti h lto brokt through the shrubnr into the op n squan that hi had induated on his ski ft h oh hurt vou an i illtii oufhirbtrt glancing up from a i iim iok which he was t inun nig t s i m h rt replied kov oldlv ristiaimtik his iistntnunt is mui it an 1 oaiblt ou pitttl nu di 1 ii i sou nw that vaui v hid h nf 11 dii ti voifrstlf i sii his vou ue w ilhiij for nu to pit k ii anv thuij that inn b i ft t 1 ilnu f ib rht it in it mp urn n s mi mgt t n t m all w it kj n 11 11 iouno aiiodiau in w stnfr wrltir j rot us- i rl itti ntion st toast of in oh profvsstir h 1 1 ud htrhi it uicnwuiukiil in ihun up on ih- jj t itaiuirril info the mountain lt how did that happen asked the wn when sir uojror ohc- pt rphxtd piofcssor men trivd to idind arms itapdh htv miimm 1 ih u 1 from ermnn ship dt lit omitttnr anv iiftniin to th iffiav impitnntlv lu d 111 mdt d iole 1 hi i s 1 lotii 1 ml in tin i iboi ii i idv rsi d tin i rofi ssiii n mi willi k rt 11 whlli i ct 1 fl ish luh in uh two mils on tlu imttl mm inv loom kiunds of 1 un afi n 1 and asm in an mtndiblv short linn 11 wns sudd 11k divild lo ikiiiui md tin proftssur si mil at llu i ik v i u m 1 tf tin mvstrious opi nun m h 1 h n billions utivitns of lush hound n vti all riuht c nil tn mists flind int tin o 11 apnl lov as in bund ovi llu 1 iim b jl im with ih ittjiijit to i in 1 i hie ravs- of tin fliih luht in t ould anus md immutul inn frt s lit rb rt ling at tlu hottom man ship on th ok w iisptmdtd h rbit as lu land rost stiffly to his fi t t m arm is t ihit t iti fut nod llid ij ti nit of t ommissioiv but olhtiwisi 1 m ntotioiis s uugi r im im nt land d rr from an mt tin t ei ni ut nsmir d huuhop fit ii v as in fast in d urms ti ansptu t and was c apt tin tl the rope st t iarerhtfihe tru of 1 off th 1 oust t as nn nt fornn r small tn md flash light in h ml british t until ir offu i il who had stariid ti tlesttnt t sidtk of uu k n k d 111 n t og ofhis lilt win straight and shppr with s rv it t s as invi stigntor of tondittnns moss but withtln help of the rope ru r stations in i ru was n lu sot m r ached tlu bottom i ader in the movimcnl for irish in w hat 1 fall jt had in b pi nd ntt tlaimed with a shudder lhut ll la r s arr st i j it was rather sudden admn ln mn flirt aft rw mis herlwrt f ll nm n pi jf pdgrimage foi wtll wt re k t kt vou out smn htn illshmtn i lht lmi ls udt h d nlprovubtl the park thatjd to bt np fn this reipe round 11 h 1 nst r n ii111 ltluu ois 1 imhrantl twtilpull vim mil in ii uv 1st d out of commission but oth iwis 1 m tytotunis sir ungi r all rikht a iiinnn ountv ki fll bt with vou in a niinuti kov f n 11t suhmaruii hu iwu k tomot i to l unt foi w ish i mi 1 t itt v hi g lti he rlx rt h k liu 1 u wt ai u in 1 1 nfti t n mn wtiv nol in i hi huiik i hlvi t w 1 k mm 1 tow tnt i nlwtvs 1 ut in silunli n hin in 11 i tor s n g h it 1 n n i ii w tit i i v u 1 coin to nn nn ni i hl ill tier hi u ii i i v di tin 11 1 1 ins t r tl lug d iv llu two 1 i isstii it s bat k to avnlon ts tin fitst t but ho surj 1 is t ittitud v n d 1 1 irtil hew i tt ink 1 t jiv vou lust rikht ou 1 ut uu 011 n mi list nikht whin hi t n t ti ll uu r i i un 1 tt 1 rvst d hut von wi n t nt oi t f it si i is v tlnu soon hv th unitid ifmits of tie i roti sstii nn 1 llu now thun ukhv n pi tit mt krrv lb rh rt wis s if u rais t to 1 1 sulfa lust i 1 m xustihav mmutt- he n nusid i foi dinner was m un ling s llth rt ttlktnl fagerlv aluut the find his air of supenontv ltkapiartl i ir fullv he mnnnsl ilov 1 kttb is if to learn it b heart and agaip md again be questioned a to th mnt definite dtrihtlons for finding the aivt lmtup4m tinglv bov eplnined the detalln so carefull that even a stranger might have found the place unguhled as the reached the col- lee they partthl with a final uord from herbert be sure to come to buu in n n 1 rik an unb iratl ustut mil vtmn koing to i tak- n down 1 peg oun going tt tak 1 vithi in itink w i hitfii i i voir ra v i m llirutt 1 king to his t in st j ink niowiv uw io from his t ri it ning antagonist llu n s h n s n mist ik pi in 1 vou ou siul it in llow i km i mist ik was hit i trusted v ui u st in i u and t ik whats tmiiik to i u in i i ink 1111 1 m nt h rt t thr w ff s l0a it was t thit l wis no towird hi w oul t fuht if h must hut i v w l i 1 v u w mt h tight ho isismd i 1st nikht i thought vou and i wen going ti lie f nc nds w hv itint w hon t tilv fight roimj km us with item hid fits he pr ng for wan herlmtt stepping aside to avoid the impact of the blow tripped o r a dead log and fell headlong into th clump of hushes that marked one side of the kqun uoy stood irieht ailnglv at the edge of the bushes ks om nn n t of t in u a ising 1 lichtmir in dublin 1 h 1 volt bleiki out on v isti r sutnl i ind lontinuid for a wtek with fightliik hn f iv in tli stmts of is h nu 1 moii stood on solid inibhn sum mt n hi is irtui kroiind j h n i ll u iulv piled i u tliii lss swn sliuht in u u in sur vou wilt b ill iniiiison itith thosi of llntish n t s k u i i f ss r 1 hi 1 tint 1 s tin in 1 1 in to qui ii tin 1 in i llhmk 111 hki it k mt thn b 11 ii british imiillns tot ill d hib wllh nm it istmg 1 smtik ji liuiuik loe kill el t 1 l l inort into the on ding witlin 1 in nth if t 1 tin n i limn ll 1 1 f ss r hsippiml nhil tl 1 niishil ln utol and bm 1 it f l ii t i n o 1 nn in ltt i ntrtirt1ti irt t il ing r is ntuin f mi ihinnuill aiiuiik iiuim slot tin a fi w minutes tu ith r s k vx iji k h i irs n nm t i s it s ms hard for hlur to li kin 1 f t 1 wi nil keilmi tit tht ian itn us w hi h mu l l uu u ll m j llw imtdi m list hiitwrt ink t in linns 1 nn h if t it 1 i tlot ml tu kov tir ii 1 it rspmdrd kov w t it t is nn n v 1 i dl v uik his n tin an i tl 1 was 1 11 mikhl i av b 1 n n n to iilin 1 i h d v i 11 1 1 1 h iinl t t 1 111 1 in i v is i ik n bi t h sivtl m a 1 on i n tn n ti it i if i 1 i 1 ir 1 in hi v t foruim m ilfi 1 st fi r 1 thr t i tn il h j r d bov i 1 j 1 lu r lusti mi two ot t r for siviok me h lb 1 h rt ili jutes h wis m 1 1 1 on un with 1 smile ml s nieu i 1 t ith jl f ll w for fuuik off the h mdl i did tnc t w nn i d mm his i wis too tiikrv thinking th it v u knhthoei it wis m ut i it 1 id 1 ut on o r t t vou plam i nt im ill li is n i n ion u 1 oh thats nil n n w but di i 1 bt n t vou k t mv not whit not j 1 i h on i lift in v ur room no i t nine right lure fnim din ner ijtathout going lo mv room itien i don t wonder ou veer angrv toneeded herbert you thought i had iwen hen all the morning as a matter of f i had i jyst arrived when ou came i w rote i vou that i had to go home for the ogdens 1 tomatoe spaghetti cum- snmiiaiaicrpeitrr7 7c tender leaf tea j5e apple sauce cbotid food ayi lejc maple leafpijre lard 1lb pkg- old english 3t 47c kleenex msupdia 25c lemon oil t4e x3e san1flush 15c 27e paad dog food 2 t9e light bulbs dtoe northern tissue 3 25c maple syrup ciy v cora syrup j 8c rainbow cake cl cowans cotmta bird tin 14c s custard po quaker oats 27c j9c 15c 20c 24c ioc- 19c aik about the p g flour slfter ivory snow pu 22c oxydolpw 8 pg soap ivory soap c 22c 59c 5 19 sljcthbe c c xoc 4sc ivory flakes ju 2le camay soap 2 9e our heinz sale kidney beans 3 25c 2 st 25c baby food 5 25c heinz vinegar 24c heinz mustard j- oe tom soup 2 tr he heinz wui b beans 3 25c 2 23c 2 i 35c aylmeramato catsup 12oz btl jlifv ortnijes spocial dozen muy skkdifxs imiehuht 3 f r 14c crisp le e lettlt e 2 runchw 19c ikesii cuhan 1 1 pineappiji special kach 19c abo fveah cabluke carrou iieeta radhh splnacb fnilt nd vegetable khctk vmtt siujgyyjriiroiily

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