Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1941, p. 3

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tllursday may 8th 1041 the acton free press paoe t1iheb t i arms anil lwi uniall nnih 3 i trailing tnimil al hu- noiiiiii nt oilih mnriliilirru nl anil imikiil umu oilib aw her immpiil wrnil- iukh anil ilnwil not uilnkliik lt rnlrliln ciinnliirlinm sllllni im-iiii- him mlclit in nnnoyiil wlira litnpiwil hi riailiiil haik anil nponiil thi rnr wir ilfl iif niktil imlllni if ihiir- f ul invllatliln he till thon thi mill uhilllilir whlrh mnviil through piilrlrlnn ullm limly tin- hill woman anil hir rhll- ilnn all unilirlonk to fllmli thrniirh hip ilnnr lit nnr thon miinnitiit lo cot in nnn al a llmi with unmi pnnl- inu anil word ot apolney calih ilrovr on rurlounly lioi kill by pntrlrlnn iviirllon yit unilor- iitoml why alii nhoulil fiil no for tin woman wiu ugly anil old and i ho children none too clean anil surely the mnymnrnlne wan tranuparent and beautiful the ulndlna rond nii- peallng quiet and uiey enjoyejl eneh other o creatly shu caleb moroliead had n pro found pity and sympathy for limit- old tired mountain mnlhem he looked at pntrlrln from the eorner srlil5 eye lie starert ntrhlkhr ahead her annoyance blow to subside she was beautiful caleb thouehl her hnlr unn colden sbadlnc in the depths to leafhrown arid ninny al the frlnnes her fnre wns oval anil her dnrk eyes intelligent already carl in lhe season as it was she votii be romlncb limned with the rnlnny life at monleoule on cumberland moun tain ill ret out thar the woninn said two miles onward caleb mopped the slrlnc of pnmeniien illmhed qui the baby crying hcrnum the i lite ended the i- l the nl tmitt rondslde veiled in a fog or dust t nm wirn i he man mild hienk- long silence i didnt glanced nl one of the mieelu i hen in u suililen fll f leviilslnii ngnlnm hg uimiii and rinu iv tangling i iuliipled ii ami lllskill ii llll u nstebaskel itubhlslv he lie gloiimllj the dim echni k 1 hukcil hi humor and he lent fbilil le the si 1 fler all bin eongn liked in nn di ubl lln t liiul irlev 1 iklllinn would prefer it lo the btnrk hlltwny thnt caleb might have lined hurt in dared lie etahped iiih imniu itnrk of mm head nnrt tiled lo faco renllfles lie eared for pntrula cunningham mote thnn anjone ihi in- kniw phut she perhaph rnred nluo for him lit he- fleved if he roulil continue on heie tin pautor meeting the dhinndu tif an exacting congregntlnn noon lie would be in great doraand nnd choice of churched would come to him a girl like patricia polwd intelligent beautiful n muhlclnn would be mote limn a gift she would be some es- uentlnl pnrl of iiih hucccks nnd he nnw no inrompntahillty between huc- rrwrnnrierlct but he frnredher illn cull tile iiih pnlluhed pech nnd mnnner were n dlnclpllned shell ilerw were nntlve nnd renl it wna n nnturnl for pn lrlrln to lw correct n lo be iwntillful she would not hnvc picked up thou unwnnhid hill folk few people uoultt unltks renrcd in the ecait dnjs of the iiiuk and kio hnd rr- hented cnlehj doing so without ns- burning nnv qunllty of guilt in the stnnd she look mnybe she wjib ttght mitjbr wrong- an he kept ftbottt if- h i mn eniltke nnd frnntlc to forget he divert into writing the sei mon through t he hcntcncon he nw illihnp inrkln who would doubt less present mother in hearing rouehoncd her but i wont you to mtt hr khilvoitonly iwvcntyi hvo mile from here shnll we rtilve down tlilm nflemoon if you wluh u the wtventyflv mite melled into the inle afternoon there was n wild grandeur about the count y through wlileli they drove the mr turned from tin hlghwny into a nlnneklrt hide tune- and finally slop ped at n log dwelling 1 here the drowsy bush wiih broken only by the hum of been in llu friill 1iee the lemole tinkle if cowbell nnrt the occnslonnl whistle of nnd mih morehenrt nnw i hem drive up and ante to meet them pamrtn dropped back a pace when she haw hu tall gaunt woman one ot whose hands was not n hand nl all but n mub molhei i wanled you lo know eat h othei i nm delighted mis mmehenrt 1alilrln mirled it off upset nnrt hoi lifleil lliiillgh sbi ma hnw beeij this haggatd dlsioui nged woman tnleb moieheads molher hi who was ko polished so fine it wan in- rerlihle caleb then set himself to being a natural as if his mothei were culltil- ed nnd polished ilk- itlmsoir the three of them went over the old house looking at i he nntliiue furni ture stiirtvlng the care and wotk- manhhip of all the woodwork of the interior afterward they went inln i hi open where flowers nnd dlstnw- es mellert into n purple nnd gold oh- mosnow nnrt again mary moie- head spoke in her nionnlnin dlalei i often it was sound without meaning to patrlcln but cnleb understood nnd trnnslnted it for her the sun w ns de7nintngreartyto drophehtnrt n dnrk mountain when the bells seemed to come nenrer nnd cnleb said mother the cows she nodded nnd cnlel trlcin went nlong lb the pasture bnrs it here though on toth sunlight broned the gotc w idle the tied grass cnlel nr7dhald war 25 years ago jnejw words hfudvtttg the yotflig in bl ister s cn wrot i thes nhove the stnrk harsh anglo- saxon uonls ami wiee his fingers ing the think it is nil right spoke up patrehi people of thnt sort just fill me with n sort of horror odd tbert mothei s but there is nothing one can do the had spoken of man thing while cnleb was working on hi mothers tmt sci num but none of thii pre lotis corn ersnt ions bul brought out t his side of 1 al i ida mil ui e he was silent she nst unit k exes up and wnl hi 1 i his face he was bus coming into the highwjia from the sleep side road in the tenseness of ibe siinn- tloit the fell em h oilifi s disap proval and because it was the fust t lush theyd known thev w ei e euitl- 1 burl nnd troubled caleb diovr hwlftlv the rest of the distance nnd entered the cloistered mountain i e- bont villnge nenr paltlclns gate let ting her out ill he seeing u she called yes be said let me know when oure renii for the music program rehearsal yes ibanki he drove on thnt blocks to the church n lovelv eng lish building of bodling green rock ftnct eased tnto lhrpirrktng spare hp out out n long leg dangling it in tn- decihion he was a lenn oun man wiui ajutrc stiung factmida ling ering gatintness as if his childhood hart been none too well fed mrs mnnner was enrcful nnd restrained his clothes ecellentlv tailorxil and one seeing him itiltsl have been ini- piessetj b lus tutnl an of clinstian gentleuiunhness there was a haunting quietness here at thethunh withits uttlied- i alltke beaut v and llngei ing peat lie whs pastot iieie nnd lltoughl cnleb lovem it nnd t ium isbed it he also feared it in much the same wt be fennel pnticiii cuuningiuun his concretntlonsjn sliinuci wete fusbionnlrte nnd above the average in intelligence andctdtute i he i ime from isnthvthc mttrfrrrkmct v tumlan und othei fine old utmal ivnlirs in sermons thev demanded the lest si tat in his pastoiate de bnd pleased t hem he w is aw at thnt often his poetical thong lit put ntetiotunnur through his hnlr hi- hnd just completed two fair rtuifls tf the dlseourse molherbood as ctenllve beiuity when be heard the music of the pipe oigan and fell the rjinl buiis roll through the stillness u7 the church he anise and wrnt to n rtoorwa vhete he i ould look into the dim nudltnrlum iliti t a shaft of light falling tin otigh one of he u indows upon llallliia sitting hefoie 1 he kvboatil anil so heautiful w she in this aura of spiiitual lllumliintion that the voune ministei ollld oulv stand their in iplesslv and vlell to the admiiatioii hint was vitnefl within htm it dirt not seem i bmi i hat nnone o beautiful as this girlioulrt ever mis uhdiii stand or fail in- know a fine pit foi the weak and for loin and lowtv he untitled until pnttlcia tan thiough all of the music for mothers inv ont e she sang her olre w ns delicate nnrt rich nnrt incredibtv love- iv then she got up as if she bnd not the remotest tdenlhnl she had been seen or heard and went out caleb stood some minutes in the bush before he broke from the thrall mid ryttirnrd ituri h frntxh cri both dinfts nnd left them neatlv clipped until he should dei ide which jilum nre going to drive up and pn- patn townrrt wns twilight r mountain the umntlts at the loitering cows crop- looked nt pat ruin mothers role ilarri nowaflay much different now from f0 yvant ajr xayn acrw with four jnjrh sir julian vllyntf tkok ovtr cnn- ndiati arprt uutwinkih tried to join hritinh in middle fiht iiy ii ii 410kimn uinuhanpniw muff writer m the berolclghtlng b hie jnd di vision mound the mine einlem of si- hlol wns followed h ii peilod of lom- painlle imif llvii foi mm canadian dips in kiame dtiiini mnv imll the ground won by the ceimans at heavviost proved useless to i hem and the item of buttle veeted north whme th- llalile nfsiutuaiwiiiml wns fought enitv in liute nt mm ii rh announeement w m nwule of the nppointment of maj cen sir lullnn hyng to command the cnnndian corps nmi the popular soldier who later became loovi nor- ceneral of canada took ovei the ihsi later in the month he sin dert maj jen v a i ahtei son who returned to n home command in knglnud only a few months before sir julian bait returned from calllpoll where be won promntlnn for meritor ious her vice he was recognized as a master tactician and during the year be commnnded the canadians he won their unswerving loyally nnd admira tion under hyng the canwllnnn triumphed nt 4 itlrtge in 1917 nnd as n direct result of ibis engagement npw york ic p molhei is not nl bi 1ny that is my mother rn tnr rrtrt- years we lived here in povrt m father was n bill preacher who died when i was oung nnd mother work ed hard nnrt long to keep her fnmil togetlh cod bless her one night in wns promoted to command the third army klsewhere on the western front the french defenders of verdun wore l ked in bnlll w the german crown princes army itukslans in ivmla ireiit interest wns inken nl this time in the efforts of a russian fotce driving through persia to bring about n jumtinji with hi itlsh forces attempting to rem h baghdad bv way tflhrkiverhigrh ttie tt rn tov had iieen conducttnrntampnlgn in northern persia lo punternit the effeels of crinmn pi opaganda t heie the ot rujiled hnmndan and ker- mnnshnh nnd flnall reached meso- tt the fall of the venr we hnd all mop- polainin in mnv phf hut tin u ped nt hnvid mtoreheartvdownlhe pnign fulled wiienslrungxuiklsli valley on the w n home from selling infonements cnused the little f some of t rrops af mountain cify iii spite of molhei may 11 thin em miss uoiolbv slfckney md tlurtsav the ritnthci play life wilh fathei keepk hei lumping wirh bet four sons pi o i iirf the stage rite onstage alniospheti eienee for molbet itoi mil singe alall ot stage mie sleln epet a lol of tle i had i hildren of mv ovutl heller you nied to be a psvhologlsl lo esphiln things lo them in the life with fnl her ifnvs mot bets weient often lioiihleil wllb such piohlems ns ilvoie fot inslnm e life i hen w as secui e mother hood was kiicied in i hmo if oi hole ii hllrt mill wete soniehoils molhei- and thai wns hat you automntlcnl- ty look oiii plaei on it pedestnt nnd were entitled lo loyenf feet ion sup port and reverence iltil molherbood now is a job of work to succeml nl it you have it he n muse a dietitian n teacher an inlerioi ilecorator a psychologist nnd a might good spoil besides jaflei jbuve done mir best yoilr children judge mi coldly they mu or mnv not give you a pnsslng maik in molbeihntulf j aiiknh roh hihtain- london cp more than 5 enem aliens interned ln cnnndu at the duthienk bf war have returned to britain lo be fieed foi win wotu and olbei oitiipatlons in the dlst re- llon of nuthotllies to withdraw hurriedly lo the north away in the night the house where we saed caught fire i hnd been put in the roofroom to sleep be cause nil the beds elsewhere were fll- ted in the wild confusion of drag king furniture nnd fighting to keep i the wind fioni tnrrving the flnmes to the nejub bums nnd stithies ihej fin got me and there i was alone j up llnie in i hat attic room tin- lower pait of the house filled with flames 1 temembi r how it was w in n i awoke flames tieeping ihiotlgh tin edlll flooi tllltks hie smoke siiffo- tatlllg there were no windows i began jo si leant no otie i ollld bear in the ioar well he laughed hiirflv i urn sllll heie and mothei i is like that she she saved oil she saved me he taid simplv i sec said patricia briefly nnd wiien she looked nt him her eves weie tearrilled is that whlt hap pened lo her bund yes to hide his own feeling t nleb bent and let down the bars when sir stanley mnxirtes nrmy finnllv took baghdad in the spnng of 1917 the kusslan armies in the iau- tasus and noithern pisui were de moralized as a result of the vars abdication nnd the imvtt of levolu- tionnrv sentiment in hussin srotlamlwanl anailav klour trade commbw inner discussew rolntho ontnrio nnd mnnitolui h rands insjovv illi hiistness in ontai flour hits dev elope there would he a a onsideialle io winter w beat i in stotland ami demand for nddi if f in tlonnl qunntitl not out of line sav i cnnndian canadian sioner i johnson reported a jnt hip cowv mmr ihtougb nnd jl ir onllirlo f mpared v th lrs prn e wen h johnson trade commls- i was a simple unndorned the other wns an extinvn- done in thnt elegante of stvle ippie- hy fdteouitul slhuloi k- were commented upon v itli cllition hut he had lnvn bout and leud in the remou hills seventv five miles back in the dai k coves and mi crag of the cumtvi lands cntil lnlejv there w a haidlv a toad out of that forbirn region he ooukt it- member the gaunt hungrj bo that once wns himsetf going- along hungold iwi- imiefihit engei- seeing tlod m the summits and amis nnd i loudu for five vet had attendim the emmar his speecb itisclptmg hi the hod rasp overtoni one tilhuti kana llial skilled oiatois sometimes use to lonvev an imptesston thhl thev have done ptofniinrt thinking i he rtavs drifted on until the mi- tut dav liefoie mother s pa caleb hal seimipairic m slvetal times state then tide nt ijiolr piattlce nnrt on visits ti her fiome the annoyance hnd pnssim and was forgotten this nat ui dav after luiuh the had gin into the vard whete thev ioiild en- jov the fliiejattce of 0 led iiuj w bite loses blooming along 1 he feme nd the tumbled gloi v of the tb nnl mnttntivtrri p it wtit bv iraft seeking lo forte hun to some sort of confession or mnv be it was b iwcident that pntruia i ut two roses one w lute and one red tth a o of lit her dimpn s she tlnl ins ep the list ens he uniding idiom until of the hills had left bin mellow voice rsone of the favhtonuble folk hnd been inform ed of his origin he got out of the car mid entered the stud where malned light cume down on his littered desk here la his sermon for sunda he snt und in w innmru lind intended to ict ml his ftumhled bgm- out this information e had might tolilll ltp caleb i losed iipsah ntngs lo giv touldnt tin church fnthets o said ilo him much goint and do him much harm hide she said softlv straight ening the stem she pinned the red bud on herylf and looked up at him caleb temov etl the tuid from his lapl mv mother is living let mine also tie red what she nuesrioned in sur- ptise ymi mean i know not mui it is kiuwn about me my familv m pple he hnd a sudden determination hut i nm proud of m molher she bus not had the advantage of ilitture und education that cit kole have she hni had to work hard all her life anil the hardships of the hill countr hae bled lii7il toward the log housi patricia and caleb caught hands and followed slowly ninilswhvriie thnr i never see a mother jil mothei but vuutt i have n great moving foi her ti theie is no fore no thing like mot hei hood tlil iswhv i have spent so mm h time nd thought and energvon out moiht s oav seivice it is sm h n pom ttibuie thai i can make to mv mothei and all motherhood in the pastors sttntv m t morn ing caleb looked down upon his desk at the two sermons slow i j in pit k ed one up torr it into plet es toss d ii into tlie wastehahkel then scanned hie simple prose of the paper he had preserved its message was no mon pretentious then the stoiv he had luld putnuu on ibe visit bjt k into the hills it vmis a gaunt tale of his mot bet and her splendor of chitu hraskprtnntv thnt t nd give hint tourage and strength tt it vvorthv of his mother hint no mm e he- w attitude spring it ontai t quotation f d t l rrri for w heat flour from manitoba is not llkelv that a premium on inters will be rendlty ob- 1 van camps choice quality it lb tin or inly la toddy no 2v tins 23 a all ar aylmr apple juice z r 15 corn flakes 3 a -p- pkg k maxwell home coffee california prunes 2 15 drip or reffular 1lb tin 49 nttu evaporated milk 4c 8c aylmar ci jwppl l2oi jelly 1 1s tainnble quolations being in fai t normalk ji fi ithout 51 enlsi irss thnn foi manitobns he said one of the most impoiltnt films iii this tmtde states thut si nit 1111 tould easilv take fopr n five tlmi the tuantitv now being shipped but at sin h a pn niium spring wjn it flout miv lilgi l be marie to fill t he bill he nuold this f ji in as i iln img tlntarut tmluiv fur not taking up hit- export of winter wheat flour rnore senouslv as it might easilv be mail a pel inanent asset in the canadian i lath i here will be no reduction in the use of canadian spring wheats so far as st ot land is i oni ei tied johnson said so lurir as the wheit is giaded up to the pie enl high standard tin standing when h he iuvciiuilau n zoo binl lahn in ir huiuhin inti not the high hushetl is alone for it was the servle their sermon nn and i al th iing fo ampin time tpm klv iati u el time fves met a he pu altat s t ati first i tines while vou ani lent higlt 1 u s v it ji vou i have he told her giiv k been couniingvou tn a long long while if vou wish to be tounted she smiled antl went to the organ in ft hllle while the church filled ihe bishop and his familv came and caleb dehvtred his sermon convinc- tnglv inspiianglv it was a mov in thing that held tb iutlience when the serv lee ettdthl pople mine to him mutely clajtfmd tin band and quietly out itut animnlm do iunickv some of tltem die from shock although und animals vv hen bomb et officials have m quite uiuim- imon tl 1 are tin bnetl tt p drop zoologual s discovered birds s lertied in one instant e when a bomb drop- m1 m tin o an inthv ami d md th fiom sin i k untl a 7 bra hi oke kos a w ot lier animals died tiixn slm k ihil wli n a bon b apsied the rtvtns i age tluv merelv 1 lew to t be lree nnd aw ed a few mettv names nt a nrtain man an offmai rimulled that in the last war swallows brought up their oung just outside- ii gun emplacement with i the guns going eonllnuousl goltunhaltowi dates 2 25c mclaroni quick pudding 325 smart sauer kraut 3no2 pp tin bw grov5 pure maple syrup 23 mccormicb butur bars 16c ckocolml- mallow biscuits 19 chrialiav pinaappu madeira cake 15c a 16oz btl cowana parfaclion cocoa i 14 24 chriatias raliln cup cakes 6 io ravan engllak toffee 29c eauhrat sliortanina or domestic 2 xi 27 maple leaf soap flakes mclaran powdarad jellies 2p- lie wilh 2 cke toilet soap all for pqc i ammonia 3 pica 13 2 i i pushoe p008h ui 9c p napkuo soap s le hwm floor wax ii x3e 43e siecuirjricy valkntla oltamris lipions fuiiflavourfo tea sualifkl soap kirk cliu soap 3 cau laastdrr soap calu i4e kr 19 25c ckisp kkkn 7c prksii- cahrots ijirec lluhcheh 15c firm ripe i han pineapple ijinre sle kach cahiiacie pound aiuikreh siinurh irecn onioiw ahparatsiw fruil and vegetable prices until smturday nljrht only 19c carrolls

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