Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1941, p. 4

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fale juuil tur acton frit press iiidinimymavwii mn neighborhood news intcrcalinjr items concerning other centra and communities in which many of our readers are interested ballinafad mm coll- mr lohn cole mr al hirl dnnio vlutid frli nclh in tuelph nn sundny mr nnil mm rfolw rt mi i nil m wooilhtock vwud on iliurmln nt lli homf of tlu latter s ouhln mrn snpcr mrs o a fnnn or pnlln dent h ktonrln mn toldler nnd mli jrfrss lolslir of aclon lmfil ilurlnr un wink with mrs sopor mr anil mm i vv c itshnii of loronto vullod at the honru of iii fnrmi r k couun mr i sopi r on sn tunlny mn smith mr nnd mrs irvinf ipent a few ifayn during the wnk vlhltlnk friends in toronto erin mr lohn homer hnu returned to trin after upending the winter ulth his son w1unrton and mrw homer nt eramona ross llmebeer of alton neaped injur when the steerinr rod on his car broke while he wtw driving ofi hlghimj nn 4twqjncg north of alton tcci t j rcr ofiltchten snide linn accepted a cnll to frln united church pastoral charge and will preach his introductory sermon in frln nnd htlkburg churchen next nt tn- crewson corner wnlnnil iiiltnis nl mini 1 mmn rrlppu mm 1 1 nr moor nnil hn monro or uilph mr nnd mrs nor mnn tnnl li mrs i i hmi n nnil llnrvi linn unbi of all mr anil mrs c pnrki r and mr uo hans n oriitnn nnd mis o brii n uoij- u ood mm i orni wat is nnd son of ailon v imii i mm i mi i smllli on i dm sdn hi kinnith mcponild nf tin ar tllhr nt petnwnun msiii il at his homi inst n ok mm frank snrnskl i mnn nnd ta of ailon kllid mr nnd mrs ci stir mibnin nn t upsiln visitors nt mr anil mrs i i orgp crnluim nn sunilnv wire mr john murdoch or mnrdin nnrl mr i en roberlion of tuelph mr tolin lrnhnm of ttorkwood mr tack mi caw jr from nlncnrn talln ny ospringe mrs bentley wilson of guolph li litlilnr viitb friends in the vlllnc sundny may liti tni fot duction will be held in july mrs rees was formerly miss elln mcmil inn of hillsbure the employees of matthew at wells jnm factory nt guelph presented wllllnm turner jr with n well filled bune inst fririny afternoon 7beforc lils departure from theern ployment of the rompam bill nis enlisted with the iorne scots hcri mrnt nnd reported for duty on mon dn morninc other local vounj men who hne enlisted in this r riment nre tohn short and u ilhert smith adv ocnte georgetown the vnriou items of the hudcet wre presented in detnit b the tren surer nt the council meetlnr nnd the tax rate for the i urn nt yerr was flvcd nt 41 mills nfter n hen ted discussion this is n redurti m of m lie from last m nr the senilis of v ilatul mirshall will be pnatlv missfi it th local i o t offue when ht lenvt s this ncn in f r ottnwi to join thn canadian nsnl corps on nrtio m r id liar i mrfrsnl 1 has ht en th courttous in i ffu u nt first assist int to tin i lstmamor for tin i nst tl no nrs nrrclfiu n sport fans took n pr at ttnl of pleasun out of th announct mi nt that bobbv t oldham had sin ed a toronto mnpu i oaf contract fvir since bob marred in those stmt ford georritown midget enmes while oni 14 bnek fii yenrs local sportsdom has bt en waiting for the chance to npplnud whin ho uould be tnken on the strength of the 1cnfs i hi tncnt hvdro commission nn nounced this week that pinn nnd up cifimtions for tht proposed nt w bulding in ceorgttown have been afprovtrt b tht ontnrio commission i ik new bulldinp tstimntid to tost yiiooooo will bt tncttd nt tht cor nt r of main nnd churt h strtti i h jtpptoimnti size will ht ii i an i fiisiiihtion will b of cn dit iilh si nn lb rnld rogkwooi 1 lit mill of ihhist h 11 f is h 1 it turn s i hull 1 ist it w is ihhxmht t bv mi t v aitluii wl wit ld i tm immn n i it i in u wk mr km llimm 1 uht tin h i s an i t mid w ml ink i ss si n in tin id mi futui mi j t hji snuntiiis has s iiiitd n in v ultxtiv tiutl f i is tusini s in 1 mi tat i 1 n 1 h i 1 t i m n dn tin its first miim jal mrs swnin nnd children of dundns spent n f w rtnyitwiliniemhtbnm d brother in1hw mr nnd mrs f fisher mr and mn harry alton and family of penetnnc nre holidnyink nnd mrs george llotert ltmenouse mis 1 1 at lint i of shnkt w nw oil tnrio and mi nnd mrn dim hoi le vf hnmlltnn ylhlted the mllllen m apill 7tli mi and mrs nat dinn who hav epent thr mhl lntir in imehom hne niovi d nkt r tently and nn now tlvlnj ht w st mnnktnn out mrs lohn mritl0t ims lv n in jonmlowlth lit r ilaucbter mi dnvf for th past wlntir shi f 1 1 wtll noirrh to rtturn to in i oht liome foi tin siimmi i nnmillih mr and mis aitluii miinhth ami famll f indsot npi nl mm wn k i nil with his in th i mi- lohn mi n tilth mr nnd mis s m wiiitht nnrl mikm shii b i nnd mlsi win mill vis ii d with mr and mr wn w rlrht 1 i in on sundn mr nnd mi lann s dnvli s nf hamilton nu wilh mr and mrs 1 dnvli s w lu n jim is ill nl pn s nt wi hope in w ill soon in around a fain air im k hn is spi nt sunda in i nronto mr wm n wton vns home m i sundny mr nnd mrs arthur 1 nm nnd family of loronlo jpt nt sundny wjth mrs roht rt 1 am mr ahd mrs c r meredith mks helm mendith nnd mr arthur amble spent sundny with mr nnd mrs inmi s nodil chi itenhnm mr i rcy hurst is hnvln n pnlrs made on his home in the vlllncc thn preqhyterlnn church are hnv inn a conrrcntionnl concert int lud- inrtu oshqetplays late tills w ot-k- nnd alio are making plans for their nnnlversnry nnd enrden party in june the llmehouse women s institute 4ioldn rlngo intho legion hall georretown on thursday evening inst when fortv nine dollars was rained for cnnndlnn wnr work fif teen prizes were rilnyed for ns well ns two specials and a woollen blnnkct was raffled being won by d r ltnrmouth for top line on the tntassagaweya mi wsrtt i dai by have campbeixviujb- norruli and w i mt itnd misr hnmlltnn nt r in tlilhtj nk i idi rn tnlniti ji itiimbi i of frii hiim til tlnlr hlou bf tin i b or nu mh m of th i in t i unlit d hurt b sm rami nt teivh i woie iiondut t nl li mu i bmiir unltid c huuli hiht sinidnv iioining with tin in diiitloy of tin rnu i id is pn 1 1 itriu llu pn a htiir s iv i i hi t h home on monday vi nlni on ui winy i v nlng iinipln ii i twlji a i vte a m i d hu reuular ninnlhly nu i i inn nnd us mr sku e of mimnn wilt tin mn nt hpealijr the iadli s t n liivltid and at in i inst j i itnrlvawtm m rviil anil n m lul hmif douglns nnd kenneth visited on sun da with mr nnd mrs reg cnrter nnd son hamilton sincere sympnt h is extended to messrs john nnd andrew ait ken in the passinc of their sister the into mrs george h penrcn rockwood friends of mr george jackson first lin it ore so to learn he with mr son mrs m standlsh returned home on monday after visiting for a few dnys with mr and- mrs t croft uockw ood mr nnd mrs t torrence of the townline uere recent guests of mr nndmrsrwl jnckson mr and mrs d c rrebnstmh flritiieelol the bnbv-fi-tjeeperfi-wont- aayfaroooll champion hill enrrying off tin boudoir lomp for the second speclnl mrs chnrles davis won the sleepers for the first line nnd mrs bert smith won n two dollnr voucher f from dominion set d hoirfie flftybnxofchoc olntts for n full house met with n nasty accident on sun day he was holdlnr a rope attach ed to somi horses which were eating grass when one of them jerked its hend causing the rope to tighten and badly incernting the indt finger on tht li ft hnnd which required med ical nttentlon mrs i- lin sint lair nnd son drnnt of st cnthnnnis is visiting with mrs rchm sjntlnir nnd fnmilv orton mr i iod dt anng h ft inst week for loronto to train as uinltss op t rntor for net m strvitt ontrviclav i yenmg prior to his it niing n fiw friends gathered in tin hnll nnd pre stnted i lod wilh u lov ly wrist wntch tht address wns nnd by mr pett w ntsbn nnd the presentntion mnde by mr john hurd lloyd n plud vi ry suitably and expressed npprecln- tion of the wntch given hv his orton friends aft j whi the maple i enf was sung orton april 25th 1m1 the committee in chnrge of the sorlnl events for wmwnrk lor april wish to thnnk nil those who helped to make the bintfb the success that it wns the mn meeting nnd election of officers for tit coming year of the klppin mm pnshu tonduitnl mn sir vltis mi add mtk untold mlihnig and sun of uitmipg an vismlnj with tin fin nn i s pnnnts mr iinif mis i klti lunr of t oiwhiu nt m s nt hi omi n s smhlntlni hint w m s nf mn ibimir tfnltid t luinb mil jiiil l hull inoiimrtv milling nl tlu liotui of mi and mis 1 i i a iiidii 1 mils ii sdn nfllimiii ill i wilson of no lu nmp hospital kiti in in r in visilini n in tlvi m nnd fi li nils in njixsnt nw n milton nnrl pttirboro nt ptisint on his two wi i its fin tough li nn niton inmi of mi sm lit i mi i itlim li nnd mist i of ai lini vislli d in th i w ii mi phml idi sundnv iht nun is if mi s i tun mi mil i ian uill in sous i now thai i is infill d i i l l al ih honn f mis an h mi millmi mi lim hni li ii m nl th i v i i i ml with tilntivis in alt 1 ms vv liaiiianl nil ii nn i mm hih al imi im mm n i hui h im t i unj milton mr and mrs h w kli hhrdson of lowville nnnounn tin t ngagem nt of tin ir rinughter mnry wlnnlfred to dr frtdiriek frnnt heslop son of mrs hi slop and tin inti or a heslnp of nelson mnrrlngt to taki pint the latl r part of may tin students of milton high school presented i i kenmy with a gold wntch on tlteeve of ids doparluro for brampton where be will tnki u imlsiuuu miss al spi til ih ii i slst i i holnson nn i iln itson of w k i nil nt th mi nnil mis hit ii in loronto hum of umlnril sun vouh woo l din i to tih manufacturer addn kh to r jf ii houston jnvermurnt uum w rhmim so j wmi c0mh1n cokp ok anaoa ltd acios oniahio rrniiipl tiaiulllilk uml w ttl nn nt fin iitvi rnnieiit htptiuurd irnili u a muss all 1 1 1 hj n t ns i hi anadian wool o mmitki lot h mi trnpolluli itulldliik toronto fiti for prlrm lut titiil our uml u for woof hiiyaw gtwdlsw sumiav mily imh illl it v hfion glffonl ma mlnlst r 11 h fin fill 7 pill wnlhllip 1 uci i in iim htimh si hour llrmlijttrrtuu mi ami mis a in yin of in tn inn win sunday visllor with mi win hi viu sr mr and mrs albi rt kosi ii sh nt sumlnv imth frli nds in loronto i prlvnti a wluelir of no 12 ijt nt chnl hnm sp nt the week ml nt his home in n mr nnd mrs innn s hum n of frin wen sundny visitors with mr his duties with the lome stots it gt coming to milton three yinrs ngo ns n history terimer nnd physicnl in structor he orgnnlzed the endet corps xaattuesday cvenlncuiijcarlqdijin auxiliary territorinl service held tin weekly pnradi to milton nrmourb s where drill instruction wns taken under the efficient command of sergt w childs- owing to tin en rolmcnt for nttive service of si tr childs the cats were obliged to oakville mnety two nun of b companv olthe ijirno scots-voluntclrod-wlnn- uicrcgimonuuakmobilized for-notjve- service miss anne havill has return d to town ha s the wwk i in montreal visiting friends assisting reconiing engine r wtl linm dowding is now with tlu li c a victor recording studio at the royal iimehouse women s institute was rk hotel toronto held nt the home of mrs lohn niw ton on thursdiv afternoon with mrs owdv tht low ion president in tin tbnir the roll call wns nnswt red bv pivmint of f t es reprt sonlitu s to the distritt mninl nutting w i appoint 1 mrs rikrbv nnd mrs hill two quistions were banded in for mrs mi rr s q dnwer mrs wright read a uttu rioni tin snlvflimn armv thinking us for i bo of clothing sent them n few w eeks ngo fnough is reporti d on band for another box in the near futun it wns decided thnt the lad les meet nt mrs s wright s home mat 20th to mnke over clothing for a box for refugees quite n lot of sahnge mntertn wns reported bv ench of the indies present thnt will be given to some of the orgnni7ntlons lolltcting thtm a ten home mnd hnking sale nnd n demonstration b the busv bees club was plann d the committee for wnr work fin and mrs 1 homns mack ird lint mrs nmrnsorrnf tnnm vntlny-j- spent n f w dnyj inst week with her daughter mrs d a robertson at tlu home of mr and mrs w thomson friends of mrs teorg pnssmore of ilillshurg will be sorry to learn she had to h n mov d to the iph general hospital last wnk we nil wish her n sp dy ncovry mr and mrs harry churcher nnrl children of gui iph spent sunday with the lnlters brother mr ami mrs 1 w c luvni trd lin tttrrnvtmrs tt i robprtsnn cnl ledat the horm of mr wm in yne on sundnv burlington 1 hrei hundred nnd fifty enthusias tic onkvilh ihildnn p u kt d tin huh school nuditonum wedmsdnv miht i t i v l from to hear hnrrv ri i fost r t 11 about oittt tlu i ions club safety league an express cir of tht ionut tl bbmt windsor trnin slipp d n tin on tttr cinn li in n itioml mlw n ini 1 s 1 milts t nst of oikviiu nrh luisdin morning n suiting in tin train 1 ciiu five hours late on the run record mnr tnoonnn who it is all ged solic itd ntivi rtisi mints for a hotel rejls- ter mid skippt d his bmird lull ihout thr w i ks nco was am st d tn brotkvilt on montlav although tlu war st r ir i s i ini paign wis supposed to hit clostl sonu tinn no colli i lions still t on- tinut in burlington uml district with tlh ttsult tli lot il is still niountirg up i list nijjit no hid b n n n i on in i burling n bray chicks for 1mmedi ate shipment a i flrhl glam i s i m posklhli for k0 f hi iuiv ac on m ii i iiknvik m a mlnlntr m in willow str it moiiim s nw i l m mil 1 ill 11 tin ii jthhath s i r il and f il i jail n will womlilp to mi lli nn mnlhi i s iiav sub j t on o 1 u l m i he i i i ii ii t in mi mii d room al il i a n i ii i vi nviiii r i a moll 1 1 i i ui r r 1 1 h- at hut h im yt un dn in h tn i oi i iim inhrnit i nt oui in mm r w ir a it jw i ii nn iriln r mi nn tun f mm torun ntl ui on m m lav ma jjih at h 10 p in in mm s hnol r otw ai uas wi i omi may not you l ord r a fin k of hi uk nw grow uiiaiu ta ndht tl iml n t-o-lho- n sts in limi to tnuh in on the high cttinernrrvt ngg prins but you tnn if vou start tood t hit k and start th m now wi nr running nu our in ubntors nt full cnpnclty nnrl nn nnpnnl to supply you with chicks nt n mom nt s notlte not in just on or two lin i ds but in nny on of n doyen pur hrds ami mm rat cross s cood chbks loo tin kind you ran dent ml on to li vt nnd grow fast l hi kind of ehkks thnt tt vi lop into nrty inylng nnd henvylnying pull ts thr kind of hicks robert c nrn j of uvl hill ontirlo mailed last may bra uk ks mr c nrn gh mrltis i n vir saw n nlci r lot of birds nev r lost oni tlirnugh sicknss an my pulli ts slnrtid to iny at t j months olrl t n fin k of hrnv chlcks iiart d undlr vour brooders now tntch up ami nisli in n mn usual hijh i kg pri ni t ortobtr an 1 novimlur order your llray hlrkv start fd iullfu and tnrut ioultt ton from geo c brown norval ti li idiom i oriri town ihrl oil rt siimy ma lllh illl ii 1x1 n m mr sd lohnhton tor onto 1j ii m sundny school 7 10 p m d v i v vvoilnimlny 8tk pm prnyr mti tins a wni comc ro all cnolamilrled small advertisements avrliimbta under thla hutdldg v fth with ortur upta jwj a lltionil wonlt ic ptr word if caili di not accompany th jvr llirmrnt minlmutu clir c ind ic per word ddhina1 for ch word over jj i or sai oiil 11 ini skin lul inkky st nrftnr snh clunp applv box 11 i km iri ss miss mum hill iiturm i h nu v i ulii ru in stmifor i w ht i s i nt mm w lult i w it lit i ht l eiiailis hill in mm j assii i ih i n m n i i mi thjt nu li 1 u nt 1 1 i inst nil i o llovd oft ns hi gots nlong lift s unt nd jnnilhg ror mn include mrs tovrd ing wnv occnsioh conns to tvtrv mnn to snv hits way of that and so it is with vou who find tin uru to answer his tountrv s nil oji havi ht t n a frn ml to i at h and i v i rv ont of us wt hint ilwivstn jovi d vour frit ntllv snnlt mil vt ur wdhnuntks to hi 1 us wt know vou woull nol in 1 aj p unl ss vtu wtr i mil tunlil f ir li r t uinti v wi will louk- furvv tul to tlu dtv wh n i a i si ill n imi i nt t ni m 1 it is mn h this lift fn m i ft w fi a ml in 1 in i is n h si hi s s mj j w iih u w h iinr hit n l ill ikm i 11 n m r fiit l i w us n tphii hurl tenders wantrd i- or work fte at acton publir school mrs hill mrs wright nnd mrs glshv point pieces for quilt making nn to w jeft at tht store within tlu nt t week mrs ellerbv and mrs bt nton tach offi red a room in her honn w ht n quitting for refugee work could he done in th summir mrs i owdv introrlnctd miss snott mm provincial dm dor who outlimd tlu duths of offmis and numb is iskliir all to scout for nt w m mbi rs and tp rjublillz o w j sht snid w shoult li prou 1 si also t plaim d in r dut i s ami t pn s t 1 hasuit in i irriiil th m nit miss sn tt took th t inir ft r tin b um f offurs whuh nsiilttd ns fulliwi in suit nt mrs john llkr tn 1st ut pnsidtnt mis s m w riuht nd viu pn sid nt mrs s k tenders will be receivtd bv the undersigned until mnv list 10u for the following work nnd materials at acton public school 11 for supplv- ing and erecting tnv trougbing for retnndlng and repairing stairway in tin nar section of ihi building t for supplving pnint for dicornting stvtn rooms of the st hool 1 for painting nnd decorating st m n rooms tn publtcsch6ol dt tails ns to iplcification eti mnv bt secund from the stirttnrv all work must bt don during tlu school vamtion nnd tomptutd le fort- august ifith i he low i st or anv ttndir not m ci ssanlv nutptid l 1 p m mtdonaid sttrotnrv pyes right 1 th lav is d int rous whin it totutrns vour eeslght i 1 1 saft bv phoning ii jo for nn appointment to have your ims examined if 1 lu v n nil riihl wt ii t 11 you so if not mnn wt will ink sttps to torn it tlu troublt rt nn mber your v bbould bt t nmined ontt a vmr satisfaction assured vt moderate cost j e pm head r o ftkolsteufp optomf1kisi am mfc optician w st jeorges square mtelpi1 wav slngl room in honn with r onv nl i mis wnnli i irnmi dlati 1 apply bon jl i ri p iri ss stutft i ffiiorn pin i ftfl om ind jwnwirksoll at n din l pn is ih m ho ho kwoou uk k h hjim ry x tf i ok s l inn in th jmiii ihnlng i in sn t nn i iilln i i hi i id fur ii 1 ii j k ml s i m nm d a ion i or si stiiwh ri plants pa i son bi uity oa and st nator uunlop s j i ilmus uul or for pi r humlrid anin i- rank ii brookvllle i or suf n 1 i rbui and o a onth ihrhlu 1 li fon mm rain apply icior m ai i tjm hrst i un up from hiihwav i hlrd i un i- 1 fctrr ai hi- p mrs consult us on your iliitrhal prob- lims appliamis nnrl washing mn him s n pain d w iring nlti rttluns and rt pairs sttmati s klvn i iim jl nnints at tin sh ii nnim phom j5 mis mr i h n i jl vl 1 lohn hut 1 isit it wk ml in 1 mi s or i visit i n sun d in i r nt i i w k 1 1 m mrs mts wm iih t t un 1 nmiv ilhu s- t mimumtv is an i dnughtt i kiti an i t mm stni l t lih i t v ina imis in r bt itht t m 1 in i ii i i ti rs mthiir h iiaiumiu t k i ml v isiums win mi in 1 mts hi1 pa of hanull ni mt wis it llai i is of hamilton miss pirs t i of alt jt im bi in i f it t ii nt u is sp mho a f w ciivs ii ti mut mis i h mt william v isii i t i pjiiiiits in hnnulti n list wnk mr miwillmms is in mtntta at pitsint looking uftt r his hit btotlnt s busi iuss r and mrs i harh s o poluu 11 ot ni w loronto in lompnnv with mm ir hon and dnughtt r in law renevvisi at huiitntnnet inst wetk mr nnd mrs o ponnell wm foinur nsident of rmkwood ove jo ars ago and in- gagkl in t he grocery buslnes now tarried on by mr and mra j a utile ni ut lis ui i t im it n 1 i frill m on r lativi s hnr ilnu of sun i tv at tl i fount i s sist i mis ll mr an i mis 1- 1 n into nn 1 mr an i mis l utiiuon a tun inlli i in n on sundnv mi nn i mis i i r i t n win v imi rs h nn ot os ir t t kt i mis robtrt kin spt nt stvtrnl dus this ist wk visit tik at os i nnt wilh mi an i mis man low ii h low ii s t m lit i n ins n u ijnprovi mut h ru n is fiom ht n i nj i d u pr s ntation li i i un t k s st ho 1 n h n lav ivntin m n r f mr and lrs llovd mo r b on i tount of l nnil winter routs this wua post mined i pnviouhh till this lajir date i mr nnd mm clnrtnu mcpht rson titin tnts w bt nlon assist ti isut i iltli linimh din t r mis ow iv m 1 mrs s noili d s tlltit i mrs nvii so i il in i mrs n r i pr igi in n v t ii r nli s owd v isitin t otunut in ntis t owt mrs wrikht mis hill pr ss npoittr nrs a w b n ui lanists mrs owdv and mrs h nni ton iu it snuthuist an 1 miss ivins ih uiv th si i with tht n iti m il inth m f ii md bv lunih undmsjai lol niokf cl al hi t nd rs nddn ss d i th i nib rsini i and i ndors d i ntl r f i to il w ill hi r 1 1 iv id unl 1 3 pm ihlsti thursday ma iihi for tin suj l f toil and ki for tin nonunion butmingfi tlitoukh- out tht 1 rovimi of ontario i- onus of tt nd r with sjkiifn ithns mij on htions ntt tan ht ut ni i tt basing ag nt dnnrtnn n ui public w orks ut i mn in 1 tht suii rvisinu an hit il iti a k liml st fist i or uito ont li ii i rs si out i i mil on th firms sn j h 1 h tl oipnrtm nt in i in i or 1 im with dijartnuntal spii lit will n t n in w 1 n t hi im n imount if a tt nth r v otilh th sum olimhin uh th r it l for on builauik i nlv or m r t a t tl 1 n it r r must atta h to tl it t n ir r ltrll ihwiu tnnilattnl l ink m c nn i la mn 1 iv itil i i t li ord r of tin itomurahl mn minlst i of put h w orks iu il to 10 p i nt of tin imoun of hi tniir ir bun er bonis of t u minim of an n in or of tin t ina ban n itional p ui wnv ompanv and its mnstitu nt umiimnii s unt on lit n n illv guaran ttii ns tn principal and mtt ret b th dominion of cana i i or th afon mt nt toned b hi is an i n cirtifud htiu if requirt d to mnkt up an id am mnt i he department also nservts t right to di mand from nnv vunful tt ndtn r a sfcurlt d posit in tin hair i is form cf n n rtiflt d ihetiui or bond as vt n m abtive thimal to 10 pir tint of tlrt mm niutfitlm ttmounl h1 ul to bu th i iw che sedan 1hm ford oacli i9t rontmc owicji 1m0 dnihjim sedan now on dksimv 1911 ikhmfc kimsu sm highway garage mclstvt iluni ill ijeiksoto salo and servjci mot sr mou saif i omi hru k hiiusi in u ini lotition for snli in ai ti n pl how md i i ison millun ont oi hfh i irss dhii i st1- l iii wr nt i u ii i n nl n n ill n in rt n ail i llki ui s i n in in it it l l ii hi si j v v ton inthf in ii i it iv f li il 1 mi i ui ii ni ui is r i k v ni mil in i i i i ms iii ill i i in i imp mt it ii i in nu v n n si lht llll hill i itrss tk mf cm mi ii sn t t i fi nn in um i i i n i nt uf k u 1 n ikiusv infii i it 1 i ur ls i i n ooil i ml i ni i t n mill mr t lj i m i ho- u l i ij h st tl ltl n i mem xr oltii- i 1am ow i lp i if nn niiult can i s utini i to it 1th for looting it is rulliulnus to sukk t nrs of lt should hi i nn ntj tli nit with s ild ju lk sintmmk oni li u ti ntlcm liomt for s ila si m iondon icpl nrkitu lin to busy ihoj isnnot bit proifwrfuiflimiirit nf tl contrail ranil vlh lblted at thi home of tht ir hair mt in rtcular iiounr and bv onh r v r ii nchiuiii sunda bartxn sueet that permlnion b j m sommeuv iulje mr and mn albert uoaitl lltl i obtained to open thrlr ahora on sun department of public works in toronto on sunday da ottaua april m 1w1 western canada special bargain excursions from all htat10ns in eastcbn cavada oin dvilv mvv 172s 1911 inclisivk rutnrn umlt 15 daya ttcketo oood in coaches at tturs approxlmmtrl mc per mile tounibt slqrko carb at fare approximately isc per mlta stavdaud sleeping cajlfl at farea approilmauly lut pit mile cost or accommodvlov iv8ubetino cabs addltloval hvi r cillckrd stopovern nt all points onrmit hfmllar exruruana from ueatrrn ts luaura canada durlav saua pruj tlrkeu sleeplag car reaervatlanf and all ibforaullaa frau any afchl ask for iiannihii tt canadian national 1 iu sl r suit t ill lud tn i tl s iwixi up il us i i it it i in i nt im t iii tr i n i i ii s nt i lu 1 i i s kunr lilt i i ills mi i s iu i tu nil hi k s i f s v lllk hi i i 11 s sim ii iu im m u iiim- o 1 tu n st mr mi i n i li ii f i j l iummi i i 1 1 i t is n i n ws i tu w build ink in s il tuisini s s unit bui1 n ss r ni mils sliilnm r anil lout ii suj i h i intr stmu oik fur s nr linp hnt n ivs statini quall- fmitnns mn i nn lluilihiik ui porta i imltid ll ail ini i strut wet ion nto ontario hoi nfs kir sif l 1 ooij will buy doubli imuii on main strut li room in lath half r nllnu for sjj tur month v500 will buy double houae on creacvnt 7 rooma in tarlthnlf riming for 30 per month awly acton

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