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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1941, p. 6

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the acton free press ilkjicsiuy wav 8th 1941 men pfttitt- nrafcrifrrtjstsr of war savings j menu hints lunlpm for n iuu nl rbt tioomhi rw o ht asparagus a the tlolii n of nnpnrnkui ni it corn- i market r rrsp mul k tsptflok prlni ahpnrakui i- oftrn flniulflrtl as n lusiirv vepetalite liut nroir knowlmlit- nr nutrition emphnilra tin- vnlue nf lire n nl- orert vokotnnles anil therefore il nhmilil unit often ilurlnn ii- keasnn simply hollil m wrv l with nutter nspnriikus is delii inns bul there nn ninny wnyi in wjilch this crolnlilk mny lie uwl hie consumer section mnrkotlnk serviro dominion department of ar- riiultiiri- kurrpvis tb follow ini tent ed rei ipes skwrw ottn iuff r cup impnrnriib puree 2 cupfl hoi manlier potato i 1 kr 1 teaspoon anil i cup nrenil crumbs 1 tnhlobpooni butter mix nspnrnku potatoes sllaiii uellbeaten prr drop in spoonfuls on ft creased hnklnk sheet brush ouriarc with ntelled butter sprinkle iiriiik willi irumtis bnke lit 100 de crees f until roldcn brown chicken mid asnmeiiii mwroli- 12 stalks asparagus 1 cup cold cooked iliuken lj cups water cup milk 1 tablespoons butter t tablespoons flour 1 cup bread crumbs cook nspiirarus t mlniiti s in water drain and reserve wnlermclt butter add flour cook until froths add asparnruh water and milk idlr untjl thickened in a linking dish spread ninths tin n cbuuen nnd bspanirus pour saute over top with bread i rilmtii bake 21 minutes nt 1 degrees v iream of asparagus hnup 2 cups milk 1 oupmpn wa j cup nnparagua 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour salt nnd popper prcsh asparagus throurb a coarse suve melt butter add flour cook until frotln add liiiuiil silt until smooth add aspnrariis pure sea son nnd serve nt onee ihfijisbflh hvmwspi sp t wlfvjtjllil ml k vt k i ml air commodore e w sted- man ob arc air mimhtt foi aeromuith nl ingln- eering on cannrint air council unlv lo tan asparagus nt hon fn shl c ut stnlks cut off an vvoodv portion smib thomughlv with a brush to riniim sand and seales lie in hum lus of sue that will con venlentlv slip into a pint j ir stand the hunches upright m a auiepan vv 1th ahout two ini lies of wiltit cook c losel iowril fu four minutes jnck in jam nllov onehalf tea spoon of salt to each pint jar and fill with boiling vvntei i se the water in whuh nspnrngus was t ooki d adding huf fit lent freshlv boiled water to fill tin jais to ovirflowing 1ut on ruhht rs and tops and pur- tialh seal if hi n top jats aio used si al l tel then loosen onehnlf turn if spring top jats ai iui tl pn ss down one clamp plat i jars in stt nlizt r if ptessuit nniii l is used follow dint lions for i lu tpe and allow fort minutes at faflu n pounds presur if wall i hath t mm i is used nil witii to mimm jais at k ist two ini hi s and sttiilui two houis h suie that until is k pt hodmg w in n jais in iimmul fioin tin st i ill i seal al om e cool wih tlr nnd more in ck1 dt d irk phue shopping iow rrcaurohunt ltrusjeln spnub for orungtm in knirland hut uh kvcitinp 1 lospitarcare coqperativoh make progress manitoba group syblem olnr stronpf and similar scheme afoot in ontario and new brunswick winnipeg cp i he manitoba hospital serviie association a co operative and nonprof itmnklnr or ganization has put the hilt on shk- ncss it has ifi mx members in wln- nlpvk brandon to whom it brings modern mediml sdence nnd technical servicer for a miiall fee ihev are ennhh d to mei t nnd tei h- nkal servlcis for a small ftt llwy are enabled to mi ft hospital expens es h smnll prtmiinitii1s of 7 tents or 1 a month the m h s a one oriree co-op- eratlte hnspitnl servlets in canada which have been approved by the amerlian hospitnl association an in ternational hod hended in 1910 hv pr hnrve agnew of toronto is under supervision of the provincial department of ilenlth the other two are the ontario plan for hospital care sponsored hi on- tm lo hospitals w hit h began nrol- ment mnith 1 and a new druns- wkk organizathm in addition mon- lieal health nuthorilles aio siuchmg the working of the manitoba assn- t uit ion m i i atvson sint tor earl core i he manitob i hos p i t a l i z i t i o n minnie an all in the mutual battle to save life h t orrectlon of physical impaument and treatnu nt of disc is es in their earl stngts is a tom- niunll plan for an emploid poi son his wife children and depend ents a second plan the medical services plan mni solve the doctor bill prob lem for work is p v paw son m ii s a i nrolnu nt socretni said the manitoba medltal sodeiv now is studwng a medical stlnme similar to the hospitalization pi in with further discussion slated for the i next annual meeting of the sot let hien in tuite j j in the hospital can s i m- plovtd persons under 70 ears of age in reasonable good health are ehg ilile mi mbershlp for a slnr pi rson is t ttnts monthk and iovrs a f iniih no in itti i how m un lilt ill n are m ttie famllv lheemploxii g ts j1 dna- fi e s mi privati w ard hospital si rv in s the ftist tuir and at h di pendent ill j pi r cnt of the same seivwis aft r u months the hospital caie i i tenth 1 to ruir weeks and fur fam llii s mattrnltv hem fits nt ma h a tllnhle when the oth r o p r tint of tht hospital hill iva fin in i il i hardship on the famih tin dep nd ent mm reeetm full iiihsi rther h n fits in tin vmi puhlli wards at a tost of not mori than 1 a di ii1tpl5 chronicles oi ciiiser farm wrltlnn hnellly tf i tlio acton rrrnv iwui by 1wkndounk v cijmhx kmente on men in training itaiieon vaxhi ctmwt iomh1s ci 1 j ll evervmu w out everlem i s qulti frillklv i nl sh it lar a be i fill uht ii include llospilaluntlon in hales fust nil emus in als khlal diets nursiiir u woimil wfltfn nvov trhtmr stiopplng in 1- n gin nil in wartime shopping has tnome n imitmi triasuie hunt she sah i he r- tl u it r davs stand out as thosi itt vtiui we imvt hen liu k enough to find a tin of treat le a httl t he se or few tlntes in the old das thiie wat onlv hon tlom to lie got v tn n we knew w e tovild get everv thing wi wanted item otrj part of the world of the gre n gnuxrs windiuss mie wiltes piles of totntoes anil prus- st is spioilds mn take the pine of orang s and bananas rhuhird m stead yf grapfrutt we are urg ett on all hands to return to the wnvs of our grandparents and ut moie porridge and oat cake nothing of course could 1 twlter and it u sux- priuing how little difference it make after nil opt rating rtnun srv u s surgu al dr s sings drugs medutn s and one tht tro cirrntoirrri iviminaii ttt well spiing seeding is alniost fin ished and after that we shall he watthing and pravlng for rain 1 he ground is terrlblv bnked vvhh h mak i it very hard golim fnr the lim sen bul still although we do need rain badlv it has been nle to hnve a weeks fine weather so that needing coulil go on without nn letup the tractor after having ilone n good weeks work with son nt the wheel is now sitting high and drv in the driving shod son is nwav back to hamilton nnd shirts overalls and underwear have been washed and put nway so now ibelirvewe hnveflnlnhed with that horrible oily tractor smell around the plnce sometimes i wish we told n boy who wanted to work in n bank or hold down an office itool it would be so much cleaner at other times when i see the work he enn- accomplish in a little while i feel thankful we hnve n hoy who ih mechanically minded of course partner gets dirty nt his work ton hut somehow i dont seem to mind thati suppose hecnuse it is just ord inary farm dirt thnt seems natural with tilling of the soil and caring for the cattle tet me see what t was telling you inst week oh yes about the chick ens that was one of m worries well i lost about sixteen altogether and i dont think ttiat was too bad after nil one cant expect one hen to look nfter n hundred chickens nnd not trnmp a few our little noire from toronto nge il was here inst snturday nnd was she thrilled with thehnbvehlekh of courw uhohad to hnve one to hold in her hand hv her verv own self and stood abso lutely breathless white the little thing cuddled down contentedly in her wnrm moist pnlm w ith the other hand on top of it to keep it from falling there were ntso three new calves nt the hnrn for ann to see nnd polvwoqs in the creek we even had to find a jnr so thnt she could take some pohwogs home with her i have no doimt she would have tnep n few chhkens too had she been given the chant e hut i didn t notice nn t ntlnismsni about thnt from her mumim and daddv i nlwms think it is sjuch fun showing a little girl or bin from the citv around the farm the get such a thrill out of evervthing tin v see anil i smjtimis think it maki s us farm people appre clnte what we have a little jietter to have other people so thrilled over the ordinnrv cerdn things we hnve come to take so much for granted we hnven t got our radio home vet nnd it has been nwa over n week however i think it will he here to- morrovv for width we shall he truly thankful do ou know what we did we were so desperately anxious to hi nr dorothv thompson when she was speaking in toronto thnt i went dow n town- nnd hired a radio until our uyvnidiould he done and we thought miss thompsons nddrtss welt worth the hire of the radio of course we know we could have heard her at anv of our nt ighhors hut thtse davs one insn t time to go run ning around foi w lint tine wants tn hear it stems oil t in hain something from almost ev rv ep m m e r ht ing without i i ulio foi i wik wi it arm d how t ns it is foi people lo i jum go on with thill work without levr thinking ahout the war nt nil that is if tht havi n t i rnifjo op evtn if the have a radio and don i i listen to the mwsiasts or if th v t rend a dulv pnpii m hivent j lettt rs loming from the ol 1 touniiv es on ein go on with uir work if ou are so mind d without wonv mg- un u at ailum pi bj- i cause tlu re is nolhtng in this nuintij to hripg it honn to von unit ss it s the budgi t 1 in re is nothing to r mind vou that thephms an tit ing j tomhed and hundreds and thousands cheese output to front line halifax cpadny at slada- t min two training base for hundrpl of cjuiudlan nuvul makers and klgjfal men put thisenoteji in a reporter k pad pride ovei theli showing in the win savings cnmpnifcn l rampant amiiiji officers nnd meti nljke nearlv pei nt will hnve an nvi rage of nlmiit 75 n montji taken from pav which in the mnjnritv of tn is l less thnti 1u ahout 18 per cenl of the nun have never been to sen and some of the ablest never toiipnr seash knt ss sen legs i oine to toe average landlubber in about two months ti aching the men to use the mivvs singular unlet t is nnothei pioblem rhi must learn that onoe they utep inside the doom of the huge exhlbj- fitjn building thev are nhnard that the floors are decks the lg- nnjhase hns ndoptcul the crest nf the portumouth slgnnljlng school in eng land the copy like other t xt client pouters and hketehei around tlio walls was turned out by redbended mur- rny westgate of ueglna murray came in as a telegrnpher hut his m- tistlc tnlunts were soon rerognied and putlnto carulco cosmo of ron more thnn 4 few of the men fn unl- form of an ordinnrv sailor nre bas m a s nnd b scs david la touehe whose jon lives in houston texas is nn exharvard man who served ns an ordinary telegraphist before cot- ting a chance at the officers trnlplnc course names pour in in wide variety like vlndmir humnlskl a winnipeg ilussian now nt sen stefan oddllef- son of st vital man a swedish de scendant and samuel 1st ovitch a montrenl hebrew the only khaki on the scene comes from the dentists nrmy men no mnn is nllowed to go to sea without his teeth in al condi tion one of the tl survivors nf the h ms battle cruiser queen mnrv sunk nt lutlnnd is enmmnnder of tho dor mitory he finds mnnj of the bovs know little nbotit their new tasks mnklng beds vvnshlng their cotli jutcl generall fining things mn used to do nt luime ahout officers cnptaln of the school is i c i edwards an aggressive man with a tennis racquet mascot of their mess is sndie oddly enough a torn cat and whose methods of slip ping in nnd out are mvsterv to nil pwuers with grev pants nre tak ing a signal course white pnnts nnd gnitt th indie ate tin nre stuch ing disc ipllne british perish tn french camp a imprisoned b germans under shocking conditions mam jnse kiveh london cp of 1 000 british subjects interned in the cermans nt nesnnton frnnce 1 ttvdlecl in the first six weeks sns a dispatch to i he dnil telegraph from a special cor respond t nt in lisbon the british subjects women hll- dn n nnd elderlv men wire arrested hv the germans in ociuphd france last dec ember it is believed about 1 mx billons nre still interned at besancon i he arrests were a soc al lid reprisal for detent toitltr n itam nazi women in britain ih corn spontlent s informant said the h irr it ks were in a filthv tondl tion w hi n thev were moved into tln m 1 ivmg conditions wen shock mg with sanitation non istt nt v iwti pin ki d togither in jlornutoi i s w it h sc an i 1 room to move hi tw ei n i tin ihtjs stum womtn sh pt in two tl r in ds one above tin oth i brtukfast consisted of t of fit sub stitute aim a mid div nnals of s made from potaioi s and mangolds with oti isionalk mil ill pa es of nn at floating in it i hi infill manl s mi sht heln vd ibout two thirds of those originally arrested had- sinct hi en i leased okuwn all set for million of in hindu increouo o exmrt to united kingdom oitawa cp cnnadlnn them 12mmmu pounds of it will flow at toss the atlantic in a steady tttejim to maintain the strength cif the fionl line in the united klngdimi agrk ulure depn rl men t offl mis it port things look nil tight in n- spc 1 1 to supplying liiilaln s lair i in ese k qui emen i 1lodui i i j an swdtt hlng into i het se piodin lion as expetleil and while no ixpetts hnv taken plat e ns vi i uiidi i the 1 1 j kmm pounds nt nioi i ngi nient uifli tin thiilod kinidnui the iiiom nn nl will begin in tin immediate fulup ob etving the fnmn i s usual sw lie h to lit est- produi lion at his season agricultun depaitnunl offic ials iiald the iiinnlltlis in sight weie sntkfnt toi v iroducttnii sfiarw mcsages fioin the unite d kingdom hnve demonstrated the satisfaction with cnnadlnn supplies of c in t si whkh soared from 81 ill km pound in 1jm to 101101700 in 1010 and will pmilwkih sui pass lljmmitmh pouiuls this yv cnnadlau thtese expoits have a vllnl importance in maintaining the i iyt toinri inwiergrmnt itl llifoimatlon received by the nurlcul- itiri department from the united kingdom a recent letter fiom south wales miner to the hrltluh ministry of food said hut the men undergiound felt the shortage of cheese very keenly bemuse of the dust butter meat and tit her soft foods were not suitable for those working in pits nnd more h was wanted under the british clneie inllnnlng sviitf m effettive mnv r un gi m nil rnlloii darls nt out mime p i head in r wielc but a spiilal nllowiiinc of light ounces jii i wnk is ptovlded foi iiiliu jh win king umh i tloiind and pi i sons c ntnie d lu apiii ullure lleeulls lieclditr otii mifot niatloti is thai canadian c in i i i einn in it hi ln sac 1 1 tint sum as i nidlsh c in ihlai whhh has ix n mo t imipulit in tin unit d knudom foi a lnii- lime said an offittal in n wi him hintd f mnnv i ompl mils on tin unlit of oin in i si in un si t ais nf majoi x poit and ut aie i onfldent that the supplies the unite tl kingdom n quires in tin i times will he mini available hv mmdliiu producer i kkconi atone now in training under four months kchemti a t ut nl of ik to joung nun called for the foui months mining period an now in i raining in the second draft uik or the 5t reporllng fulled lo pass the nndlial examination at he training c entres wuhjiycaii finokv let him show it muylr- ho huh one spc daily and thuth worthy hhowinir hie folkri moniit al trvt if your hus band tt its how he used to took dont lit him off with talk r t the datn to in last rqinnnful hocnuiw a mnn who ndmils hi t an conk iiuclv is it oeik vvilh utijiing tei kays mrs alesnndi i imiiiic of t he aktioclafod ihss v a lot ormen mill meet thlse dnyt sue iii h mm ii booking i hey are milking pintles something different vllh t hi ir lumnuind of the sklllt t viu find oiin or hum with one pethiltv on n k nnn and mi rind some who surprise you with il lookhnnk full of sutitsses viyi vk mason he nuvilist is one of lies with a noldionk of siucessful ritlpe he got started cooking while digging up haekgiouiul for his hooks ih was iimiiihi at he facts he found about m op and places via food fine cut cigarette tobacco mulj1 use enamel fei fastdryinc fyaet jajui0 uulim njrwttjrt woodwork rtoorstoysl boar ocuiue 4u401 crvstu clur olvci o iltar hloh- tf lpr o 1 ttv flislih lo alt urfaci in id or autild w d talbot phone 76 mill street acton ukuth on iuttl ii san i hahhaiia afli i in un pro sis ihuiil int rruf thm inn h n h v ill- ilif a ii if mlllm rlliii s n t liplioru nvt 1 una iii lulilitlon liilorttir i mini i tuins an iiin yo in m i in r un up to 5i phmi il tlior ip up lo m mint mill ului nw solutions alp to 5h uiil i 5 pr itnt itisioum m tlll l llsloil of tlltsis llolus lhi ilosiit iluation asstn i itioh onf of t7 ih tin- inilfil stt s iinl vlinmli oiuhnu ini i m nihi rfiip of i mhiiiiio iw rsons hnil iti hilnnlnii in m uutolia throuih n stutlv iroup of profi ssionnl loilinnrtiu iml oilu i- llonil riprisntativn s in ri who m lallisumt thtr tn un ouiniml of so lal iiumis in ilts tlio taiutohi kkislat in ippro ii a lillljmoriiorit ini un assm latlnn mil on ian 1 lmmho nrolnlilvt liojran 1 in tioartt of trustors inrludts four iloitors anil other promlinnt iltiihs a sfitrlo linih of n larki iannllnn kniin tlrni 11 ihnlrnitin of the board liiinj nnii horvntr tin tt ii i s r ininii sir is no ii if nun mti t uri rafl juns no hla k outs no l i rilil su kitunjsi n t of isiin ri u s licttlni out tin il nil unl uounilil from th ruhht of sh ittrt hifllil inns k i an if shul off our minis ami r nl nithlni hut tin- fun- nis in th np f on utth our 1 work in iiinifort u dlo itr our wnrkini hoursto suit ouistlvi i wi i ill ko tn liil in i i iijin soutnl slop m n t u ii st nyirn ini ifr shl mil sir nstli n it for a m il is s work mlit sp nil th u lmli ili if vi- so 1 slj suvipink ilust- rik inking menillnl anil for no onv hut our own fnmlllis kvirv womftin knows it is quit ikisvihlt l put in ill her tiino at homi if sho is fuses flioujjli it is m opinion tint lo tin sn ii to mnki oursili individual isolitkmlnts wv nwil the radio to i tifii s rli i d fo d i hi nikli ttn nil ili h hid science and technological progress have wrought wonders in the realms of transportation communication and industrial engineering the ease and speed of travel by car and now aeroplane the practical elimination of space by telephone and radio and the convenience and comfort of elec tric lights and electrical houtehold appliances arworthwhiloachievemenli towards the more abundant life injtcepjng with this progress is the contribution of the implement manu facturer toward lightening the labor and increasing the efficiency of the atffnst7ta7trllng sin d th ir s k p our s nsi s ihvt ii th urii n of tin hmi u no 1 to us v sp ire mlnut tn n k for thosi who his so httl tini oi opportunity jo work foi tin nislv s iid if s h l i n i nils spa linn w s n v a 1 to hnnn ite sonn of mir own woik lini ik tim litil will k i p hut iolils wont nor will bombs and suffi run mil hiin r ind mid who i in work in onifort nilist i nienihei itiosi idiuuial ixforo it is too late a wmni ijullt ma nn an life oi diath to soin poor soul pont let us he isnlntkmist for that is whnt we are if we shut our sis and j ints to what is biiink on in the uoilri i to da i all too little recognition in this respect has been taken of the tremendous advances in farm tractors in design more practical and attractive with the ease of starting and operating of an automobile operating at low cost making possible astounding reductions in the cost of certain farm operations and with greater power at prices which put them within the reach of even the smaller farmer this more tractable and flexible source of power revolutionizes farming practice eliminates the backbreaking work of days gone by and makes if possible in marry instances to operate gainfully even under existing difficult conditions masseyharris company limited builders of good farm implements since i u 4 7 y j

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