thursday may 8th 1941 the acton free press page seven mv motiiekm uvkh through memorys veil shining clcarw and bright i seo tno brave eyefl of my mother tonight i can xte them o tenilirly looking my wny and i feel hor clinr linnil on my head na i pray tin thrn l recall all the kcenia of the pant how mother would comfort when tenru fill no fan how mothir would uuffir in tile ncv for me when lur hravi eyen mi t mine how the nhadowa would flee 0 the touch of her hand an phi brushed hack- a curl from my brow an nhe whlsperid my dear llttliplrj rl no dear to nio now for it toothed evorypaln ivob her touch that ronton il me again and nitaln what courage was hers when danger drew near her voice brought assurance and banished my fear with eyes so unflinching so steady and strong she taught me that life could be fragrant with song now when 1 am tempted and fenr i may stray t ltnowmy dear mother in heaven must pray her preseno nfohls me as in days of yore befrire she wn taken to yonder bright nliori even now as i sorrow in spirit oppr ssed 1 find mothers roil is the sourci of my r m for whlli hiri on inrth she walked in hli ovi till the summons hnil inllin her to mansions nhovi mothlnks she must rtnml at the portnls of light on hint fnr distant strand where tht re ni ver come s nlrlil i think hi r bravo ves must behold where i roam they iw ckon mo upward to hmun deimaled to mother in henvin ily vivian wiggins lltimhersloni formerly of acton the sunday school lesson 1ok htlmoay may ii jitnrbtirfcrghtttiplmtt ilntixh engine nut can cull vor help twenty years ago from the issue of the wee tress of thursday my li oarden stuff is now showing nyr nicely the sales tax has been ini r used to thne pi conl t trlm l1 day strav berrlis ar now plinltful nl 50 cents a box butthiv nn not homegrown the home gardeni ri and thi base balenthuslnslswouldllkii nlng twice as long the exiavacatlons are being mndo for kenni bros ni w shot store on mill strett bilvmtn mtltnn a- co nnrt o soper ihewomins instltuti pnsinlid mrs liorgi iltiv 111 who has wnnl ni prisldml for svin nrs villi nn mt driss and ilntrli tahli lamp at lln nnnunl muting last wik on fltanisi anp on sunda mm s injl at ills nsidimt hornln lhnr it iranklnnd in ills mnl t ni britain ashs foit 5100000 imz es fou deuveb in mav iii wfisponsimury of ihi home nwaiiww nvvuiacr anp al ohol foldin ti it irnln up n ihllil in the way hi should io and nra whin hi is old in will not ili paru from it 1rov 2 2 fi i i sunn i ixl diuloronoiny l 1 7 li runlnh t 5 10 exposition i fodn own dim- tlnns to isrnel lis to wlillt tin y should do with ills own word ns spoken by moses i 7 vire i glvistbe first nnd gront commandment imntt 22 17 1r our first duty is to fioil god is infinite and we are finite nnd no number of flnltes ever equals infinity therefore if any man should do his whole duly hy every humnn being nnd fnll in his duty to the one infinite cod where he fnlled would he immeasurably more important than where hi suc ceeded kvery mans first duty is to love jehovnh the only true tlod huprimely with all his afficllons nil his intellerl nnd nil ills string it is his dut to put god first in every thing oil first in buslniss od first i in politics cud first in home llfi od first in smlnl llfi ml firs in plmsun ind first n sluih c ml first in mrthlng no man luisiil uji dnni this s mrj man is qullt hi fori foil i tin ixlint hint he hns rnmmlmd ii gnatest sin n man can po slhly lommit in that ho has hrnki n hli first and n at mm niillldmi nt to dn wllleh of imirsi is the first nnd trial sin i ik si words which mosis eommandid the children of irsni i wire cod s wrirds the lilnic nlimi all otlu rs to haw oils word is not nurelv in a book no mat ti r how well bound nnd not nn n ly in our minds nnd memories hul upon our henrts oils word inld up in hie lunrl will keep us from sin in our livis ps 111 11 hie nexl i lung to do with lols word is to linih it to others nnd es pnitnlly lir ihns fn w wi an port mtniunrli n small si asldi lown in niw south walis is to i llghti d by an elictrluil m aerating plant which runs itself it is a mw ornish ivllndir jin lip i njdni ttio modi is of whlih will mlpplv lln low n s i u clrli al powi r port mnnplarli a ki d that the idyint should hi i npnblfotuni linnlng llhiiiteiuh il and the ninssaty mi i h anlsm was duly divlsed if thin is a rlsi in ilip tempi ril lire of the en gines lubrlintlng oil lln ahiinlii ullnchment will in ar nn nlarm so if tlnri is any failure of hie wnter cooling system or overloading or overspenl fnllure of oil pressure or too rapid drop in thu lemperntun of the wnter of the cooling system forth will blare the warning signal anil iy nobody hears thi wnrnlng the engines will stop work within five nilnutes f an order of r hmi ihh doi n tan iidlnn iges tor shipmnl lu ih nl ish mlmslrv or fiod in up month mm nl an approxuiial prln of to jv nils pi r do n a i oi ding to urnil dihmr d nn limul ship nl monlnal i m kd rad for sport has luin niimitimil h tli sp lal proiluits llonrd 1 in iinnut of l1s mi u i in this ordi r is almost 1 nibl hi olume ir lieture expetted in nni muntli and will lx ii full innit of ixlstini pnultit hulks as nns nb not mill mow mint of itls into stor ngi in l nnnda during tin month of mils might intirfir with the filing of this ord r from hit ilrlllsh mln islrs nn ord r in iounill has in n liassil undir tin nar jmnisutis ail prmldlni ihnl ffitlm imnullati is nnd until tintli dn uni 1111 i uks nia in pliuil in sluing m e nn mln uiik if iiimiid i a storage l nilt limit d h til spu lal piiuluits uualil iii iloiirtl nls kiws in li i thai am i kks plnil in iliniik iliirin tin piilnl nu ntloti 1 mam al hi ir ills iition in riiilsitlin i t hi in f i sport i iirposes iirnaiiumital shrttf- in ukidian ianun- in u m mu kit 111 t in i in k ni mii in thi ir imj n i nu tu art srtll tin m m im iln uh- f wi in i il ii m l in i 1 i ut jhi n ri n i i mi r all suffu nt i i an t li in u it it n f lln i u nt i i l thi mi tym lu pi inning itntnik i t f link if i it l n ills i i ptil unowldki lh iii f sluvibn m jii tht htsi irhsit iiit i kml if hruhs lu mint tl n ii li ut nanlar inlli 1 ii ami itt v i luntmu ar t a u oi thi jun hint tutors to lu lotwhttd l n wlili rrthlt avilst ui- n tfum and othr prwhtt inn lonni l i utth iiim nu ntal thruhs an i ook lunh rh nht ivmmonlv vistst f r uuuim api purpoki s through ut aniuln will h fovind in thi will itlustrnti i biilutin no 100 on this huijmi ll tan b obtnlnott frn tht ruhham ami k tthslon ul thm uomtnlnn lt part mint of atruouurc ottawa pnrt l ulnrly roiponslhlo our ow n rhldriie should not only tench it to our own htltjrin but unch it to tlum dlllr ntly the moit im portant pnrt of n child s education is thetducnlion nt homo alosiinuili lnv th nvcrart parent lenves the oducntlon of thi ihim to its dnv vhool tone lit rs and sunrtnvseifool trnrhpninndshitkn thfirst witpon- sihillt of pnnntnl llfo tlu third thlnn to dp with od s word is to tnlk of ills in jh home life when thou ltlnl in hunt iioum nnd next wi should talk of thim as w walk wilh our thildnn or with otlu rs i hi last thinn wi should think of w lu n wt ih down at night is something od has mild in ills word nnd the fust tiling wt should think of wlun wt nsi up in tin nmrnlnu somt thiril od has said in his word i ihk trst should hi ponihnd word for word and thin st rupulouslj ke t da h da i hi nion strltt jtws took lrst s litttulb nnd hound inssnuts of striiturt on tluir hands nnd won uu in in llttlt host s on their foitht mis ii i hi utdiahltis will tit ink no wim r 10 linminh was n nu ssi nm r fioni od and thi sons of luthnb n i oj nitd him as sin h but i tit kmw that his itjinniand lo tlum punk wim mis not n onimnnd from dod as lo what tlu should do hut slmpl a tt st of tluir fidt lit nnd tln rt jlltd ns tlu oiikht to hu nplltd i will dunk ni wlnt h was not n rlfuhnl t i od s mnimt it uns a mnnift station of fitltlit in n time of testtnr i lit ir n ason for not drinking wim was im i hum tluir nn j 1 1 stor had ommnndtd tht m sajing i t shall drink no win nt ittu r i nor our sons fontr 1 heir fat li r had also m tlum n i ommandnit nt rt uiuhni otlu r things si uht r shnll m build iuhim s n ir sow sue nor plant iiu anl n i h ii tin j tut all our das t shall dwtll in tints tint m shall liw main la s m tin i ind w lu it in m sojoin n i i in a ftitlut foittnw tu wilimiti s that u it omliii uimn hid ih hi kmw what t wis won hud in iu tt i t od wont 1 d wilh his j t 0 1 if thi f rsoik him he mm hint tlu ha i ftisnktii him ind th nfua joiindab minniuli d his th m i ndnnts i i i ihiim n ill the nearer to home you can place your si s a d v e r t i sing z4 vi1 turkeys crs saved by rhtmh hcientwls purki is dressipr irtoooo tons of wlunt siid with n british pri pnration whlih nrr sts n deadl crop scourji hurt nrt l nens of wheat in i urltt ns much as thin nn in australia nncfnt lacks on it h a un tfus hni inusid si riout losses british r si arch hrnisls lmi ilivt n th nnim aj rosnn to a ills covr whlih whin nppll d to tlu si ed kills tlu fungus in fori it tab di vi top 1 hi sell ntffu workers of re it britain hnvt also sin tei ded in stop ping fuiikii idnl attnrlcs on the fol iage of i urki s vines tor long 1 urlu import d roppt r sulphnte to j mnke bordeaux mlxtun n n medy uwd b fruit growirs utrjwlicri i in results win ofti n disappointing w hi n tlu llmi was not quite fresh nnd the proportions not txnetly right i lu ni v sprny costs no mon than tlu old nnd it enn be usid foj n widi rnngi of liaf distnsis in fkult henr the stronger it appeals to the home folks thl tnts and inn as stid dressini for lotton another important lurk ish crop i the vvcrklv newspaper is a home market in hundreiis of canadian towns and villages the one publication which intimately coneems the every day happenings in and around the eommunitv m s3 iiot fa cerrrenrplant weighing 1000 tomr shipped safely from britain to colombia lomplttt inunt plant wiighing 1 mm tons hns ht t n shlppi d from bnlnin to midtllin in olombla i hi tnntnut was riitil in fnc of sirt tompilltion h a famous shi ffit id firm of stt 1 1 manufai tur i rs and ingimtrs who win able to uirr out tin ordi r in spiti of war tinu i onditions i lu j hint has an output of h7mw tons of ii nu nt n inr and proision has b tn nindi for futtlui t ti nsion british radio o raughsat hroan huge exports jof there snfch in 1910 ih v boats cnlltd to tatih ll 1s 2 worth olrutlio lports from dnftt bntnin last ear indi took 0 000 units or mon uiandoubll tht total for iju tuc lit fort iht nriim pritt of hi n t ivmg st it st nt to india was nt tht e portnik md lbs1 or o rums high dutiis nnd fn lghls hai kt i t british radio stis out of tin j oon r indian bonus and british manufm tun rs in now uimuik nt pioduon a ji ph s stt tsjuiallj for hmi south africa was the in t lust m n ki t to in tin w ith n otnl nlu if luhiukvwirth of ru llo units an 1 iimij mots i oiiijit and dt ll ml last i st h is ak fnt m tlu nl imiti s tliit m ni iik ui his w m ut ht nist f nn n miiv- in i thu rt jt tin i hi 1st in 1 wt t m si nl j i 1 i ui i isiti n in th u rl i as i l li uns in t si i uim rs h h 11 m i ht 11 wi sh ul i r ill ih il ill id lis i is n i w n h n hut in h t n il i o 1 1 ut i mm its n i nn nn n u il lln st nil n n h um lul st w ni i u i ul i 1 s in in ll it st ml t ii t m t ii tffi ti n ut n tt i s tl uus u 1 1 t ll t lt ii v s list uiil ui n ll i ti r tint t w ii i v tu ti w tit i i t n iu hth 11 10 li ll iluu tas tl 1 t l 1 ll it s 1 it lu ii iii j ills lusl as t i ih nn nn m i u b t il dwilt in tints thu visit h m t tuuig iht ii- j unm haia tt r mil tlu mi u tninlv of t alvlv tosst s sums 1 hi lommanrlwtis tut f r all ott i t i k and was not ils rid b alt iotl i pt oplr t v t n ti rt mi i h hlfnitt if tuiuhi and hi id prop i tv i he objttt of tin totmmtnd was that thi might lut mnn dns in the land u h n in th so j urn d hit is tal a liiuporai n si li n i iiu khililhs had olxwsl iluu uu mil t tlu i 1 itt r ih i n 1 i th i f ti mi 1 ul 2 fed advertising in the weekly newspaper is ac tt loivn and local merchants appreeiateiational ail- veil rmnsttgnittotroft iniporla p ales icture then loo the quickening pule of industry is moretpiiekly fell in smaller communities higher wage- more employment new construction are im mediately interpreted in rising retail ales dont advertise as an outider in 1941 dome right into main st reel with your sales and adver- tiinir me aire- -when- vou meet us as one of our tolk- s n i f i t tlmli tl i ir failu i n ill ll at 1 i in 1 tt mi ll th is n nits t i i ah til 1 n- f uihful t i ins l ii m w v s s ns ui i i uih t is 1 n tl i 1 il t s t u 1 fullv i r v n 1 1 r fi i ht tht n in tt i v i i inn fi m ithovah unto i ri nu il ii w i ni i issi ui 1 t m m i t 11 tt t in n if mi i ih an i tl ui i i in f 1 uh i m t it 111 wis 1 hi ii i tt 1 t f til hft i it t s if it 1 t ll s 1 ill i t ll 1 i lllll i i tl itt vi s i itv i w ii ll 1 ll t km tl ti i ll i t w il i it t li t i u k i t t 1 u i i m rt it l ll nlr il i n tit ivjv tr it ss n tl it u si di st n t wn w il ilm m s i us fr m uir t av nv b itl i r in i i i i tlv w t at ht it mnian is us l i t i v hi tin r wt unitrstanl itu nu irijnj and ih wisd ni if his it iiinuindnit nts or not l otlvwis juastd with uu obtsli m i of tht lit thahitt s ht gavt tlu m a wondt rfjjl ptonusi lopa dab it son of kt i hah shall not want a man to siahtl ht fori nu fonvtr c n 1 he acton free press member o 5 n i a ithe hail mark of merit canadian weekly newspapers association ontarioquebec division c w n a i 1 j