iff thursday may jmh 1041 the actqn free press pacjk thiibb qm3frrr pbb imnrt fctoru crossed wires v sam saint 1 1 1 mati tmmit t f itatta ii i 4an ma1xv3um recently pro- moled from n cxnpllntu lvi tli to tho position of relief pilot on the southern air iiiumi wan n good flyer hut he onjoyed making nn imprewdnn nnd never overlooked an opportunity to diuplny bin know ledge one day duilngthe lunch hour stun wrth allowing a friend charlie wyngatr through the i nidi umonl tthop ho explained nil he knoxx about on of the dlroillonnl radio tvoom loeelvem tlint lny dtumanllrd on a bom it then he omned n hwet nnd look nut a mmall blink box with a number of dlalu nnd binding poatu on it this ho mild in the tol net they into to i hock the warn re eel vera they are touted ho fori every flight no chnnre of n hltyup hi glanced around none of tin men had relurnod wihe not a battery flee here ilj- show you how ll work ho hooked wires to tlni battery and touched thorn to the binding pou on the tost outfit an tin charged wire camp in rontait with one of the ter- tnlnnlsi ttioro was n fnlnt phuud stans heart drink what had he done oueiw i got the terminal rove rued he tinld unnnnlly aa he changed them nnd tjlni ngnln it summed to work nil right this time ho apun the rheostat nnd uhowod charlie how the dlnlu registered stans aau u ran re returned when he saw the noodle nf the potentiometer swinging as he thought it should when thp rheostat was turned hi waa glad however that no one- el mi had aeon him handle the teht hox he took charlie ontirtlip motor department nnd finally hid him good- by then stan walked to the lunch roomandordojod soup nlid rnu uiij he nt nlone na he nlunjs did sotm- timet he wondered w h he nnd nol more fi lends at the field conscience spoke to him ngnln and again nbout the test hox there was not n thing wrong with it he xxn aure so wliv should ih not forget ii still it bothered him he dot id ed to tell dor ilannen fun man of instrument about it having so dot mod he finished his luiuh and started fur the hnngar hut the loner he i nme to the insti u- ment shop the moie his nholxe wax ored still he knew mils would hot in i him until he told poi what had hap pened no doubt hoi would mlle nnd sax oh it alwnxs dot m that or that louhlnt tun t mix thing i komoumes hook it up tun kw aids mxhotf as stiin mnhulm opened the dont of the stiop he met dor hansen mm ing out the foieinnn was rarrx lug the little blnik test hn malcolm u said ou i e jitsl the man i want to see stnn s fate reddened sllghtlx doe had dtirnxered him already why had tie nut gone right ax ay nnd oxm- f cased bui k tells me pot xx as sj mg impatient ix lhat he told vou to re port that tachometer hint xns out of order est onlay i forgot stan stammered nsluim- d to haxe beta rnught in an oxoi- tight if ou d spent more unit think lug and less talking mnxho xuti xxuuldnt forget pot said polntedlx i still tarixlng tin tist hox lie strode i uiross tlie hangar floor to the opoia tloiis managers ptlxate lockheed stan suddentx n ult d that he had said nothing about hit tpiiieiut w 1th tlietest hox on top of his other offence he had not now the courage to mention it ajid btxldes doc m in no humor to he npproai h ed on sin h a nub jot t still smarting inxxaidlx a i tin te miti k the insti union i foteinan had madi stan nioxod to tin luingnt tluol and stotut just outside watting to see tvrhpi hor- ioevould hnvtany-irtuble- xx hen ho used the test outfit if anx thluj xxas wiong with it ctttainh it xvould not gixt a natisfai toi x test 1 he xx oat hi i vx as bad a dtmp tornii xx ind xxas llovxjjij before it i aggsl gi ax i louds he heutd tlu lid of n s tool bo slam iuh t limbed dox n futtn i bi plane s tabui and xent bat k to the shop taking totlk nnd tent set with him hxidentlx the thing had woik- 1 all right howexet stan mnholm might haxe thought diffoienilx x mid he haxe seen the hikitutlon of oik k penal and the froxx n on hu hixv is he made out bis re poi t a iithei erious cot nx t ion bad been aarx on the 1okiuhi s benm e an hour later stan sat in the op orations ofrke reading magazim the life of a relief pilot mivm an nxernge of tvxo trips n wek on the hhort southern run and the rest of the time to do xxith as he pit aet duck iatlkn niine into the of the and addressed himself to handler the operations manager oathn xxas a big man with a durk mop of defiant imlr whats thlsupoihil jlng called me for iarlv of hiirlnesu man going south to a convention chandler said ymtro f l lug t hem in mv lockheed ion t i do enough flying fot one mnn luirk growled n uiw nhout getting somebody else for the con vention sppihil i have a date isnt niihody mi his end ovcopt mnholm itin k grunteil if that k the host xou inn do idhettei go stnn who had boon listening flar ed nt huiks implied insult whnt the wntter with my fljtng he de- mnndod ilurk looked around take a look at the went her pilot you ennt talk your way through clouds like that i ve done my share nf hnjwealhor flying stan returned how nhout the time i brought seventeen in through the snowstorm yeah tinld uuih youre a good pilot hut you give mo mn onrncho he turned ids backott stan and said tittlihit titer iiflt mo ivormlsslon to t limb up through t hose louds nnd fly thjough oh top stan mnlcnlm snw fit to ignore the words of ilutk ntlln no one seem ed to appro into him again he won dered nnd there ngnln his reasoning process stopped u thought ngnln of the tost bo hut time had dulled the voice of const tence nnd he took up his mngnlno urirrtorti n stnrv nnd slnrted nnother before bin k took off with the lockheed the spoeaihg whlji t irclod and flnshod iuuij to the southward climbing rapidly inlu the i louds ont e out of sight of the grou n i buekwou klfollovu the gulti ing benm of the direct lonnl rndto range bent on ilutk s tonxersntlon with the radio operntoi bn hs first radio ehe k xns henid in the loudspeaker in the operations office ilntlin in southbound spot lal to olaxtnn i ame the volco from the distant plane on top of solid over- wist at siven thousand feet flxjng oil the south leg of range beam fs- tinwited position xiunitx of flatts- burg iwentx minuloh inter ihick s volte as again in the speaker south- lolind spi i iii to c lit ton off st hedule i hen- s something w rong with this beat i oi elx t i it doesnt t he k t loselx i nough w ith tin t onipas iihirxe v ihe xulie of clnxlon the radio op erator nsked old it just go ha- v ire or has it been off since you left here been this wn time i left i didnt not ue it at first it isnt off nuidi think iii go down nnd have n look at the tountrjslde under these clouds stnn malcolm listened his face groxxn pale ami serious he know he should tell xx hat he knew nbout the test box but the thought of the si urn that xxould fall on him made him hold his tongue better to xxnlt and see if bmk found that he was reallx off his i nurse he xx ell knew that n fexx degrees different e in course muld inrrx the svx 1ft lot k heed fur out of the alrwax in an bout s fixing but that xxouidn t mat ter he argued xxith himself for but k would know when he xx as as soon hs he sax the tiiraln under the i louds again hut k s xoh t xx as in the spoakt i iiu dou it to a thousand feet lit said- no sight of the giound xet i lie faint muffled drumming of the loikheed s big nuiior was in the spi akt r suddenl tame one sharp word noes a lipping trash silent e ihaiuller loahht from his desk slunnetl stan mali olm stared nt the loud speaker the last sign of inlor i gnnefmm his fneo ftantitallx the ladlo onrntor tal- iid silence awful slleiue quuklx the slunk spread throvigh the nffuvs hnxtti in its xxake faces sot ho demanded in a fovorlsh vnltn til find them it bo got chnndlor lookod at him coldly what nriy you trembling for7 yourv not hurt sit down stan aat his mind in knot chandler got maps ho calculated wind speed and direction uwj ap4 of thn ship the number of minutes it had tieon in the nlr he drow nrinrr that swung a cross the course houtli of llnttahurg well aiarch along thla line lie said to tack son a trtms- contlnental pilot who had just iumii hoc hansen enteral thtt 0mritlons pfrlcp ig1itlpel and nervous you checked the beam receiver on i ho lockheed chandler nsked yes sir chandler diovo stiatuht to the point a moment befnn- bin k crashed ho reported lhat the heim dldivt chock xxltli the compiiss toiirse its evident ho was off ids course w lien he wept dim n or he novel would have run into n hill at u thous and fool there ai e no elevnl ions like that within thirty milieu of the course on either side hoc lire you sure joii checked that instrument thoioiiglily yes sir in a firm vnhe have anything to say hint mluht throw light on the subject hoc desltnted there was a run- slderahle correction necessary on that instrument lie said slowly oont hardly see yet how it 011 td have boon kit far out of tune what do yhu monn chandler hiuipini you must have rend some thing wiohg no sir hoc said ijulidly that louldnt have len si an malcolm sat on the edge of hlu seat whltektuh kled hands gilp- plng the arms chandler nervous on edge used bitter wordi hnnwnr ids looks like cnrplessiess sllpslioil methoils cant he ekcused in this business not oven tin first limn burr mi chandlei sh tnouglipnihiniiit 1 iii ill y7rrrro- tlnoiight stiln mahtilm was gilpplng chand lei s aim hs nn fault ho said i did it what ate vou talking about chandlot asked impallenttv what did von do i i must have burned out uonie- ihlng n the tost sef totlay nt noon i meant to loll hut i didnt 1 did nt think you didnt think chandler hhutj ed aluupllv he became cool well inlk about lhat later he mild 1 inn ing to the two ptlots who weie 1 cady to- start the search for the missing ship he spoke itlsply well leave immediately and talk things ovei by radio on the way the three num hutrlod out to the ships walling on t in line woai ii v stan wad hod t ho t hi ee ships plunge into the di illng rain to the south ohc hansen stood at ids elbow you sure waved my nock ho alc thanks j u ijm fool stall said dojeiledly what did you do to ii111i thing anyway vuu nskel iol the battery win rivver no wonder doe said that would bo suin to hut n something uud throw the sot uit of balance you should have old me i lime was neither tehuke nor anger in his voice i know sliur said nnd sat down in wait whispered speculation nut thimigh hoarding tin westbound tiiiiim oiitln- entat ovei head the story and 1 an- ceh d mil stan mnholm and lun sal one on either side of the tadlo spoftkoi and listened intently u cfiandtei in tin ah speeding soiilh nllotled eat b nf the nthel seaichilt a teirlloiy to tovet its like looking foi a in edle in a ha v slat k stan muttered if xxt lould unlv do somolhlng ills mind vx oiked leaselisslv wllh the ptobliin fnr the mist lime in hlu life stan was thinking of sumo one besides himself the weal hoi biinau icpnrted llfl- itm 1 ellingii soiilh nt llntlshurg tlud wttuld he of untold value to i lit sean hers kuddenly stan slnin up h ve got an idea he said qulikly he out lined his plan to uui i uir agreed lliijl ii uoiinded good and lmmedlat ly went to tie shop stan rated upstairs id the radio room am put through 11 tiitl ftt jmhdlt finally hi got lb- op-rn- tloiih nutnngeru toiioudmi lo iry his scheme down to the instrument shop ho ran okoi ho ailed to dim hen 1 an liat k to the affile foi maps loi look the test bok and wonl to ho benm nedvoi on one of the intill ships sinn nitne hak tip- int set hasnt imiii mkid he said ho if ui make the same ioiipi tloiis on this ie elver that you made on the 1 o kheod it ought to 1 hlwv llimt f jwluwj4j4ii44ui suiiui- dlieilini and to the name degiee lhat nhniild had us tight lo tin pol wlinie llin k 1 nu kid up ith worth living im giuutut oillhildasth 11 l lit be wwldd xvlth till- ml ftf mlniitt h tnti 1 the mall plan wa kthjti d and in tin- ah man pllihi il hlh j0-li- up nn hlu lo llin i and hi tth d hiiniir to follow tin- il mil of the i1111111 at hie same lino in rigiind the illfrtnnie in p d nf the i m kheed ninl hhi uaft and al 1 11 hit 1 1 i hi pii ise minute lhat h hnulil in- on the st one i he 1 loitds hung 1 loin in the fill hi 1 be mall piano w an flliklng ibniiigh lough hhiods of i he dump vapol h ii huitliil snulhwanl fsi lledly slan saxi that alieady the beam mihiimi wiih leading htm jtwny fnmi tin ah way soon he wan in hilly 1 minti y hi- passid i hit t shut g toi ty iidlti to the w dweiil hills 1 ami- up llli it tin- iiudelnlde of the i ioihih tlial prosnod 1 iomi nlmtve rtnn rooreol ovei a ildge hu wheals not far over the trootnpw and his iipimii wing skimming the clouds with set jaw he dtovo nil i inn was almost up he killed down iiim gnggfom mid studied the lonely stietohes of tieei lad hills i he wiei k would he on the north side of one nf the ridges lime was up would ti he this ildge 01 the nev1 one he marked the spot caie- fullv nnd began an ever whlwilng ilnle 1iuvught w fading uju uidlu hi ought htm the t nnvoi hiiiiuii of handhi and lhe olhei two scinch ing planes all woi e uui uunig d mmudhi 1 ailed slan tu indt xxheio the iiiidjunti d beam 1 ivih had hd him ttaiiiiiiswon d lulefly li fnittim snulh chandler sug- g sled llin it haw a wnv tifpuhhlhg a miitoi pitt haul xxhen ixh not in good huinnr on tin next hdn to iiu oiiih nnd a iii 1 1 tnlhe hri slan flnallv ph k- i up hie ml using ship ills hearl ank v hen he niiw the nn let mid liiiw itmiiug whli h ii las nmpleto waiihnul in gloaned i btli he saw uniiiethllig innve i xiltedly he indlotil hamllei hut iiu iithtr ships win- iidlem away and ii xx as gelling dm k in the vallcx helnw he spoilt d a baiieu utielfh nf mtki oailh with hkilful loin h nn thi innttnlu he dinppetl he plan over tin treoi uud kinunufld n iajfa haven s iaiiiiila ih llir- tlioiihiiiui milih nway from iih hoiiiki of guiu which rr irviihtatiiifi louropc the hroail atlantic ocean ioiih hetween uh ami the rutltless hnvajjcrj of llif rmaii atinih the htroiihl iccih in the world llritihh american anil jinailian patrol the hch hetween art anil the enemy we have a real fricmlly nation prohahly the riehchl anil moht powerful in theworhl at our hide canada can afford her sacrifices tiuh war ih a meliaiiiel war we have the nickel copjwr lead sinc and other mcluhi 1 lhe war iiidiihlriih need we have accchh to tin- iron we eun make the hteel we have the rfaiiizel indiihtrich to fahricate thehc metalh and make the truekn and tankn uud fiiiih and plaiiew uud the hhiph we have hkilled workerh and the planlh for miiux production canada ha the wheal and tile food hiiiiplieh it iih eon nt our hlehhiiih and lighten mif liellh v canada ih rich one of the richem eouutrieh per head of popula tion in the world let iih tend our htrenth to the iiiiiiohi of our power our national future dcpcndh upon victory we immt u in to live there will be further calls there liuve ixrn mun iuiih tipon the people f ihtw country mofie hitie jtiiiuj enterel thc wur ul thcidc of great jlrituiii there will im ftirtlier eullri chandler ilunes for pilot hum the oiln 1 ml xx the tiees before ler snnppetl 1 hat xx hipped out ord rs s an h all axailnbu air llm 1 butk ho hit chund- moans tin x 11 still ih- nhxe he called the weather bureau find out where within fftv-uw-mhehiutiro- lh-hillih4r-t- poklng vip min the owixast he de- lel uh fuee the lultirr 11 nut raid caimtlu can carry the loatl but every canatliun itiiint rthotilder hin nnl her mliare mnnded jlng he barked ga git ioi hanson am bring him hero stan xx on ktabbod bx those xxnrds hot vxould get all the blame but it vxaxnt ivh s fault it xxis xour 1 fault tried a xoite within liim still he hjh silent his mind flllm xxith the pkture of a tort anil broken 1 ship iving among the tree on a lonelx hill he tould almost wo the batiereil fornix of men trapimui in the wreckage f suddenlx he found himwlf hantpg i 11 flntl them let mo go this ib the momt critical hour in our hihtorv it the future hintoriuiih nay of cauadu art they will huy of our mother country 4t wat their finest hour get under your load and lift department of finance canada