Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1941, p. 4

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face fouh lilt acion frix l ihiiiihday may litli jihl neighborhood news intcratlnir items concernlnir other crnl and tnnununltleai in which miny of our readera interattni i ballinafad mr shnrlui tw ronfined in litr lii il tint under the dm lor r are itev a o w var man 1h luld up with flu find vhh uhnhle lit fill his appoint nienls oi sundav mim annh simu is til with pneu rnnnln mts lean mi pnerv of i tin is ntnv- tiitf willi in r ejandmother ml 1 lui i shnriiil jhrmiuh in i illnem snilnk u will on tin win lor miyipl inn in mils iuhhii t i in- went lui has- iwwn favnlllhlo foi till work mr t sopor hat hi i n tonrtnei lo his home for j nunihi r of dnvs with flu mi unci mil one 11 sowi of prer- tnn wire vlslliru on moiulav nl 11m horn of his father mi f sop r campbellvhxe mr link kltihtnu of smiths falls jm nt the week t nil al tin lioim of mr and mrs u 1 menzten mi pavld mtphfill of the rcaf in si hiomns vihlted hu par nts on sumlnv prior to hu removnl to inrvis mr and mrs a norrmi of rhen c7i r were tin- nuesth of mrs a m- phedrnn onsundft mis wllmn dtll of toronto vv is honio for over sundnv tim hlalr w in id us n euhir nmnthlv mi ethic nt the hoim of mi u c menle on snturiln and the 1 remdent iaura him k was in tinrr lhe friend of miss until iv it will mir to know hint she is in trntph omernl hivpit nl w h fe slu w as hurrhdl tnut n on kndnv nleht lasi for nn opi cation nnd nt pn s i nt her ronrilttnn is favornhle i eijenisiixs mot her h pn sen it es w in oh- fcirved in the lornl charities on sun daj mr nnd mrs p lowrlo nnd miss klnrenre lowrh ntiompnnled h mr and mrs w hnrlv visited thtr mint who lh tonflnel to the hospital in hamilton on sunda mis ii i urni i nnd miss helen turner mn c unnnet and mrs micalhim nnd son all of m 1 homas visit d m lln home of mrs i wright um i t hi wei k i ml mj ami mrs howie wright nnd fnmilv of iorotilo win also isitois in tin same home mr and mis f 1 emmer nf in iph spt nt hit we k i nd ln tin homi if tin latti i s pun tits mr ami mrs l i ow rii mi and mrs anus kipven and mr lohn klppi n of iornnto spirit sundnv in the same home tin main friends of mm t rlkht art plenaed to learn she is pronn ssliik fnvornblv aft r hnvlni an operation for the removal of hi r tonsils wedding hells nn rlnglne akinn m j i his iommunlt mi nnd mrs h lowrie and fnmilv j vkitvd with mr and mrs 1 swell t at hhle on sundav hillbijr mi mill mrs birt imti of lliimll ton win mik rnil jiusts ut lln imnii if tin lull i s in nt in r mi unit mis i lml mill r inl 1 mi mi mil mi- u ill 1 liniiiiiii mi i mis niuinsini s sp hi sun i t with mi nn 1 mr- w i iumiimii 11 i ini i ul1 lltlll ll 1 his hit ii si wislls nn i i nlil i ml mil mis 1 mi s li i il ii ii i ii 1 ill m i k on llit i ut in it i i ii ml ml mis u i i ss i 1 m isti rs ilss n ij lti m- mi mis l 1 ss ill i ms i nn i sun i ii itm mi in i m i buhlington mr i mil 1 anihsip ad a dilei fm a lot nl i ailne i onipnnv luula ei iom tall flout iiili station liul weik dm lii jine or his loan distance it ipu out of lo n i he appeal hv the hid ihm siil- ae ampalti itmimllln is niivtliu with a fjilih iood lusponsi fitini ide illiins of tin town and ahuwh die 1 nl miliars h innfih t tou like a 1 1 al junk wild mi ami mis k i llaiilsoit 1auii li wmh to annouui e lln ehniuement of thilr otili daiilitei t mai nn t hah lo inn mo llaipei unh uon of mt and mis u a kingston pa lei mo die vviildlitk to taki pliu e ma itlh 1 he offitits and nn minis of hut llnutiin mnsonli i odi paid a ftatei- thil visit to milton i mini on 1 httr- da i i nine 1 in lo a i hielhren worked a thlid iliin piiiiih an tin dit wu to hold a iounl nieillnti of tin st i ounin mason i ladkei nl oakmtle on the set ond wednendn in hilii nettt ioiuiton kttlht i of hie iteoiuolown hluh st hotd wim otdetm i insed nn illday hen one aut of ut al lei t ei w au ilu tweietl at hie letfillai liuidlnu of home town iomnll held ihul nlnht it depu intlnh headed h hi v wiulantu wnu pi sent to auk council li ion sldei plniw fm el ulan ilefeui e kjein- in in of the depulalloil im hided col lumen 4inllnntlmv km d m im linw mi lynd mm lorn dihwe minn i oii hnnuld lallinit andt ciawroltf lloiald ovkvllli orton chun h serit e was held sunday niorninn instead if tiunlnj when n coodh mmibi r njoed the mothet s pnv ordt i of serv u e lte a i alton as paslor nnd mr k newelts n mdoul pat morrison uus hrlstened tlur ln tin si r u word hns bit n teiiied hen hint const i ante llnllntitwie k c m p has hi i n tr inqfi rred from uotk ill f f ont to sasknloon mr nnd mrs j noki s and lr iim mrs pd dimirlnj nnd k s msiltd on sunda with mr nnd mis llari v ii nrme mrs 1 to aiinstiotik is at piesent aisitink n lat iis in stint ford mi mitt mtk 1 uimldei mt-tn- hew ell and loan feijius and mn hussel ih mincer loronto were sun- dn lsitors at wm ilallentlnes mr nnd mrs ceo notion and hilh spent stmdn w 1th relntives- tn ferjjub mr nnd mrs i hurd nnd fnniity isited in l nn on siimfa mr and mrs sti n and dniirhtt r prln m re sunda visitors at the imnii if m 1 am s i he onw ko t lass in id their month i nn etini il the lionie of mrs i es im kson on i uesdm n- init thi tlnitirik open i d with hie stnin of the tin fin simp mrs a i alton nail i hi stlpiure a ui intt listing talk w is iim n h mr herman p nririk n tin rti w dime il ium miss ilhtlne- moont v snnp i ill the i ikltts if i ondon shine a ii in i unc h was sieved b the hostess s mrs tesse ueid kii a vote of thanks to mrs iiuksnn and mr denriuk i lie net mo tine is to be held at the home of mrs ci o watson ilovd he nrnik of the r a k lor- nto spent the weekend nt thu-pnr- ntal home ospringe ml t i in 1 lillllll 1 1 lllll wl niltiili mil iliili nl ii nn tliti of hi linking s nl i liil lii tin inn mil ii nl h ittn iii lull i null lllll i ml mllion jj sl l ken dallnway u home fioni munnmieiklde ill x wheie in ieilvetl iiim wlnun fiom nl uliulmi a meeting nl one m wiim ludi in he i euliill hall ceoiuetowit with haiold tai i milton ay due i nin- 7mi7idei pienidlliu imntim tot hie i hun h p held hemlmiiiunlly will he held in calednu i an next uioiilh nnd ailon in heptenihei col 4 oliseltt elm tod an one inni- i litlon heht 111 1 pioulo lnleimlued thai cakmllo uhall n eie some t ompouhnt llli illlptominnt irt leplitie its rinsed fmtorleh a depu union hft fn cttnwn mondav iiluhl to piestul themunit ipalttv s ilaliu hhimh of ehitrnitv in onkvllle ull j heunu hi uiiutsliv in liin ihaihhi fm mill rsiamiilon mr in min m i fiaham uhn tpi nt lh w hih i with miss held in a inn ia n t ui in d l- in l iikiiii on th lltlh lln pun i lllli i al he i v li i n ut e in h in nt nliiuu kiuieil chunh mi miuuhn m mis ituhmll c wood who ti d la si mlthnels hospital last ilhlav sh wiin hie wife of lhi umiuem onil a foi met i i in hn lit v i i kits ot ith hhan sfk i utillid welt ome hie annouiii i nn nt of the wnti t and i lnhi comniuslon that hie seiond lad on eleitrhll foi di niihtlt list has in m it tint ei fi um 1 enls to t tents pi k w hold 1 li oakvllle luh was hie steint of a faiewell dlmu t kn hv fill chunh piihloial t haiii last sumlm in v and mm ihs and himllv have taken up 1 1 sldem i in lln paisunai on i inn h sin 1 1 a spi i tin mini i in thai loilhl hi si i n fm miles hi tiki mil sljmilv all i mldulhl last fi 1da w hen a in av v for inenibrnr at tlw cnrtipntn j t iwpvn k on 1healhon mounlalu 0 itfkhwnv advocate 1 inlii s auxiliary u h co i ome stots ip p v ii ltee1 a w ho vohmti en d fm a 11m vue wllh hie lteiihitent i here- win 101 pres nl offitt r and men he- t ord stai roatwoqll f tin llunliu ii in li ovvntd h the i istowi 1 he funeral of the late mrs goorjje h pearen with siivlce nt the united i hun h was larei k alti ndi d sor towiiik friends nnd relatives iatln red t paj thell lespeils to one vv ho wns so ui ii known in the tnnimunitv hev p ii 1 aw son pitsttn of the inltetl ihutth tondiuud the seivlce assist d in utjv c c hairls of st rjen k nephew nf mn peitren hev w 1 lav lor of hon hi st r and h v ceori ailktn of uolph hui lij the si rvne hev mi lnvvson paid tiihute to mrs pianns nianv pmli- tit s w lilt ll vv le uloel1 1 1 he ltok- t u mi n im i m s nt n i i it pi 1 nn t s i nn t i t mt ii t mis t ill i t it i iu i miti ill 1 1 s t t a i i in re passed awav nrtv fridav morninj mnv nth l at his home nt oiprinie stanle i ov 1 11 son of hi lati mr and mrs horatt uvell hoi n tn t nn lovvnship lune 10 1 kh in spirit his liovlntotl tlav s thin and n i raniosa townshii in im h ah umtid in mnritik ihttha stiwnrt lat r moving to iur and tin n to kid in n i an 1 a m ii ao in n t in tn d to k i utt in p t lit a ith lh i iv to niout n his iss ins if mi tin sons i wi il 1 of inn i im 1 of thv n s im nd 1 n i ktt n i in i i oil uikht i ihn nn oin on i- n 1 i 1 i- i t im k it s ato ii t t ll iv i h is i i ii 111 it ttit n min n in vv i in u t i i v i v i i m lol f v i i n hvali 1 i j a i k l i i i kits i ll llll litis v i s x u ns n n i i v i i it n l t i it it si 1 in i 1 v i 1 v t i v 11 in i t w i lis 1 ii i i i is wood male qmirtette also eontrihuf eil n sehction whhh was appredatnl in thosi pr sent i he pull bean rs weie messrs teorce gordon colin kil hini charl s h harris prank moon lohn a kittle and ii s hos klnn flower bean rs were a t 11- hot robert moore lohn craham willinm menahb nnd hen i tasking lnh run nl took place in the family plot in ho kwood i emeterj hi mr i aw son onduittd tin omrtilttal serv hi anion those piesint at the fun rjil frdm a distant e wt re mrs a rjohns of nivvniarktt mi and mis rnvs allan of inruiitn mr churl s jiarris of m intra palls mis pinsi r auld of in iph ns well is ollurs fioni in uhv points hev mr iavlor was atompannd hv misses laloi vv ho rtnewd ieiuainlnnei s during thflr short stn here mothers in was nhterve on sun- da here and in the churt lies at si lohn s chunh hoh communion was observed and conducted b the h i tor hev t a hrooks in the word contest concluded nt plank s general store on the in vv onebum runs teresa k llj w on the pri7e with 2 words miss fdilh hoce hn of muncy was jiome during the wiekond frs ross carton of nt w dundee was home or the vvknd mr hov dav or brnntford spent sundav at his home mr and mis jos hohls of ouelph were sundnv visitors with mis l i v rn h and familv j mr im k hove is lonfjntd to his horn wlfh an attiuk of tonslhlis mr irnest iindke and miss i m mt 1 an of i v a wire vim tors on sundav m hot kwood nnd vic- trut vtru kai m hundlts al c kkm a p i p i i piil 1 si in n is h id i n nv ii inl n w il iml rin is ui lh- i v il i tot i i i l ill mt s iv in i i i nt w ir linnspoil compaitv taught fm nl ijmeiiolisf vtsltnrs wlhrmrn udwrt uuituiuj sundav in ludeil mr and mrs lilik pa kei and mi and mis hob lane of eoi gelnvrti mr and mih i mm row mi and mis w slej kiun minn isah i ljne and mi hoh i ahet of lotnnto and mi and mis haivov not ton nnd hlldn u i in gn igs spent the wimlt t ml with miss veils and the cahs mi and mis i m govvdv hat ham and hmcp nf inronto spent suiutay with mt and mih w govvdv miss peggv xmethurst of toronto and mi ssis hiu vi smethuisi nnd pat ihuinorof hiu rie lslh d mr and mis a i smelhuist sundav mi and mrs a w di jrtr and oet i vlsilid sunday with mr and mrs cieenlees and ttiltdren a fairl largt altimidanie is n poind to liave attendi d mother n uav seniles onducted hv rev i l hav idson at i innhouse preshv let ian chiinh l lie ktmeliouie presbytorlnn hurrh coin ertf was quite a sin i ess on pritlav ei rng 1 he half hour phiv put on hv i uhin i iternr so- dttv and dimti d hv mr waltei kin ham was tnlhd sisti i sue nnd was a laugh hit otiuhout i in ast in this plav as will as in hous ki t per wanltd hv the hihl class undi r miss ivins siipi i vision had in i ti will t hose n for ha h various parts and took hum vvell mrs not ton s solo anil mr joluf nic kills violin stations win as usual injovid hv all present mrs ii norton nnd miss helen mere dith f ill d tin bill will as nimnip- anists re l n dav idson was ihairmnn filing in with a f w jovial remarks from time to time 1 he girls kook out club sold home made ancv nt intermission which in lped raise live total proc i eels to ti a sumptuous lunch was strvid nt the lose with mrs smethursl at ting as convtnor of refreshmt nt commlltei i he v omen s institute fmnn e toninilttie for mnv held a meeting a fi w dav s ngo anc ninde plnns for hint i vents this month a tin rnk ing s lie and di monsiiatiori hv tin mi li v merr maidens club at mis iowdv s this wn k a i u hri pailv at lrs shlhournh mt wo k ind i ijingo hi following week ikukncr oikii li n me imihh i dwaid i ii inol and in in liltt f a iitupetnnt voniii iilut lh inn i il jditdv of piai th i ciiel ii s till hi i n m in hiiiinh asljiii hiihiiii ss ii is tin lhi- i mn ltssli m d im i im pi iilalhin of mm c l ws ik in u tnilo i mm ci n and all in mt pit an the tti j- mn tihtrtu thin sin min ami unpin lanl nh l- n al mmxafit siiniiav mil ihih mill lliv l l lift ii llrtul ii a mhiltr unouuuuvud small advertisements auartlmu um4mt tku ldu 1al4 tallh uk4t ly l w4 tod alllltl w in fm ii all ti ul krmnmwy k 4v iumm mimimum ihailfl ma khj is l w h ihlll l koh 11 mi ii iii mill i in wrill ij il llll ll i lllll ll i i i i i i i liinfl wan i hi 1v hkvt lllm tin with nlivillllllt i ti hm4rtvnit1trluist1 itrfttliiitrrtult itmiv llllltt ii acion kkv 11 i hkvnit m a mllluuir li wllw li i i i a ma i ml illl i ilill i i i 111111i1i i nili u1miu mi ii tlill r tin ijisi in tiiiut t istiilinm iniiilllni i imitim i tiu jinl viry lllll tllllllllsi with us i ii in lllll llllv llus i ii thmil ll iii ut ills lull i i i slin li t iv i ins in 1 1 tin ii in in null in il ij hi mm im m ilk m iii ii lllll in lui n ililil lits imi ii vi i mi i ii ii limit ulin ml i i i in pt iilinif in ll- unill iil hi mill si mis ii il lil of ins ifllh slllilvllik ii 111 1 ii 1 1 i il i ii il ss il i i l s ii a i ii i slinl nt ijojl ui ljii in in l ll illmti i t i w m imi lliilly nl i umiilmllvlllr hitmtn mny jiilli nmmlnii flint nit i in ii al way i wi umi wantkit int ilti nl i iii i wink in nii i ik iv iii ai hll i 11 i illl is uamkii illll lh willi lllll 1 i im aly i ii iiux 1j hi all it- 1 i kikium il ii ylh ii i i i w ls i at i tnl in i i mn mi lint i viili iii i ita h iii itv li i oh m y i il i i il ii i i i 1 i iii i t uuytlut cliirrl at ion i ii t i l 11 i il mia ma i lllll i 111 1101 a 111 winiili fii-rvl- i- i i in niniliiy m i i in p in ii y i i i wi ilin ntjn mihj nn tiuyuf nm turn a wri romi io aii illtst cilullli ov- 1olllt- montiis tkainkii mkn to he caijki io duty in canaiia on tilladiation iiiiilnnlt s nf tin fnsl ciiuii nl i nil tunl mn mill nlils i nil i nn ilnr um null mil ii siuris mnlnll yiillill ail fm li linn jiinntlis linln ilik limlml will 111 k lt iii tin arm lliil nmti iv fn 1 f in milk in nn min lliiniinlil i i llnlstiii minis iii nf null mill ii f n iniiiinn il nl iii wiiil ftt albttuh tlittrrli 1 aiinlli inn ukvk arimookhrn kf 1111 vi 1 tn nt r 111t n all hi is f l li i 1 llliit v i h i t nil fiin 1 i i f liil lllm i i i 11 i ill 1 11 a i i i i i 11 1 i ii ri ill si- i ull 1tl i i 11 i- ii lis 111 i ill 11 r 1 ill in a lh a 1 i lljal li al i iv mllli i ll i i j i i il lhi si milav may ihih ltiiitiii sillllv 111 iii n 111 lll 1 1111111111 in m i s 1 in ill ii i 1 11 111 milltlls il m riilli s lln kmiil 1 ihi ini i nsjlitf mi i si 11 11 a si i nsion uav m is jni 1 i iiiii slny siihi ii in asijnsn11 lni1 s iy mil 1 ti th 1 i1111 mil iiiiiiisi f 111 1 inn h if si i iln it i mi list llninllliiii il 1 in 1 11 i i alt m ltt trikmium in it i ii n mt i 1 u f y111 1 1 inn i lln i 1 i ih1 ll till- shv s lllll till 11 ii j i ltij i sil all nil 1 i isai hi il f ai11 i ik mwi- 1 i i 1 1 ii 1 1 h11 s mull al 11 r i 1 s 11 1 i n f in rt f t s i ilill i i i fll il 1 i i i i s t i win 11 tin v linv 111111i i 1 hi t riniltlni 111 inlv tlnv will i 1 111 lilt fnt iinsl 1i1 f mn nl tin im ill mill w1111i ma i it 11 j if it lit i in mm ii int s mil nn int t mil s l iiilltv mil illnnl itntv in lln inttrlii st ph 11 s 1 hun li iiiiiiit in null listing i linn hi ii i n ii fii tins vvnrk i hni stknifl iii inrnvimn wlini piissilili tins vnuiik mil li 1 s will siiv 111 th im illlt sft nn whlih um 1 111111 uhihi iiiohi mil il fm lln si nn i imp will hi llkiwlsi iissikiiiii in linpi li fiin n 1111 vpllvil nf tin 11 ii lining in aiikiisi will ill iillil nn il v 1 lijm ills lln mlinstt slntiil mam nf tlnisi nuvv in it nniii nu ll t tin plmi hnvi siin 1 hi ln a tlv i vli in iii v ii inns ii ins if tin ill li in fni s lh mtnistii i pinti il slntliii th it win i lln r is i slltplns nf miiiipii v t fm 1 1 i n if lh si units tins in n will i it tn f i ii 1 in it ins nf itt s i v i w iti th v nr most n 1 1 i ok mai t il- n i ii nn i i ill i i in sist i inn in i n it i n i iil l i is i i fi i i i lullllill i rn si vi i iii 1 al i i aim a collections ut an v ry grateful in vou fm hit fun r suits ymi ihlain ft in itdlttin iltv ntounts u ititamlv npprtitati tht i h im s w hit h wt r i iv is 1ht an ftuii1 inoii to us sn vv roll a lit nl in v lh s nr m iv 7 illl s ml in onr lut ami let iih ur privt mih with quail katufai tor rimtiltu it will run up vtiiir immiko antl put mini in vnur huuu at i omit lit i ilir n t ihtturs oun4kii ik ontakih mark every grave manuraclurerswoihtinctiw monumenlh cimiter letlertnj corner iosb and markern no agents to itothrr i ou ni saj nuiinuvhini to pav lrlicn suhmljted ivimk assortment in stqtk sin r flropt id tn a tt s s 0 up lit uv i jorlahl- ii 1 ihifn f let im ma line i it n lui t j r i guar antti npjtn- an 1 r h i 11 in tk s nf s v m in it hn s prl st wis mai iiim- ti jl vii ii st jiiainptiic il um htt i i ftt hu h u isth l lln l ut ii x ositioii t s n ijii ln i is m i asv ml n ill r rmi i n 1 1 under u a 1 uinl itiji i i in iii sal- i i oil i i ii j rf ir i v l h ii ir i ii it i i i 11 n t urn in i i jii 1 t u i ii i i i im li nt hoi ss oh s f vi um will i u ttulih i ii tn 1 hit sli1 i imiih iii t h tialf mhliii f r t3 jul il nnth 2fis ii i u rluuhle house nn n v i ml r i s iii t i h ii ilf n tiling fir 5w ti ninrith si luum j i n 1 i hum a ith sun room i ol hl nnl liar i i i i r j a ir rn r h l an i aum t sin i 1 r ajjlw i- iraifihm and alton executors svfie iii v direct from i s 1 colhorne st on ilichvtay oakville monument works f ts will mnv an j hits t ii 1 ovkviijjc nrnitur nml llni hnll t- thi int- mm al s i- iiiumn siitl ill aiitlnii n siituin h 1 10 lii i ul 7sm arn- iii iph ir untrli avi i i inr siil tif tiiii kurnl t in i i in ll snl is ii tliri- st rfi 11 suit in v iv ilnim h am ti in r ihtn 1 r i 1 rtn w i mil illliuil tiekle aril nr letter villi ttrinu our mrvitr to nur itimr fc t vniliiti wit is flu ml 1 is mt iml ttv 1 in t n 1 u w 1 v i v isit is v mi m mi- i mi uui mis y i 1 mi k jii i stu shliliv hrfmpt iti i th li wn o mi an 1 mi- 1 1 m mi k mi nunliiv i v onuik vis 1 kith iism w i li is h n vnilint htr flinhttr mm vvtnfrtrf hi mivih lifln nluiia1 t h htm l si isv lin konttsiml tn 1 rent i lun miml r rum this liistp t id nth 1th in hn 1 inn at mini is s lu il luuis mi vetntsliv iveniiik i tsl ilv r i nlh rtion v i t ik ll j whlh inuuintel to thviim nf cij 1 i lu m in tin ire tn lit morv two wfuv hi uui the u nr uum- kami ui aie iul tn iiimrt thai mr 1awniore of htluhur vtlhim is wornevvhot imprxivihl follwinc tin op- eratlpn we nil wish her a hpi tlv reeov try s e tttt1 ftt t- kwv u ip p v knin i i i v rt n it n i h is inl mi t i w i t in i iv it i hi l n i t v i i ti v i lln sr iinv ij in 1 ii n 1 f h k iihin i lit 1 l jr mt in i mis i sh visittsl mi mil 1 i will mi iinl me i hum in a h v it i at i i tirtrt tow n pi p in i mrs h il v ami t htl- hi n nt- imu hi n r sj m moth r s p t with mis f v uiki mi in i mi s 1 i jroh rtnon pi iikh in 1 h tin lh w r smut iv v isiiors w ith r i ml min snrm in koh hsmi ml firmfv at ion mr iluvv hassanl of hramptm vallil on rrienu her on krijlav ev nine mr ml ln limits hrvtion mr ilojil alrw- jolm akitt of at ton mii a kirkvvtmxl anil jean of ilnelph wi re 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si i i i n in i f it lh ill v nn ljll full parllt- u ns f tr r i hums nn i mis mui- it s it i n ns tin i tlitr for lk licit ihm nflr iii lllh tin f lui illl hit- r utnr will irrniil tn iliif ntiut tin- riiill ulnll ltimni ci tnr in thp claim of with h tins thiil thn iav nulin liiiinl at eotitrtown tils lltli day or may 1041 kenneth m lancdon torktown ontario kollcftor for kenncitii kov mcdonaid and john fox executora 4s3

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