Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 15, 1941, p. 5

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thvrspay may 15th 1041 thetccton free press pagls five jjvucnah mhn gladys huffman of toronto win homo for the wekiml mr adam stewart ha bei vlu- intf in kitchener for the pat month mr and mr hubert smith of tor- ontti attended mr irovvnti funeral mr arid mr joaoph mcgeachlo of toronto vulted mr blanch on sun day mr nnd mr c u moore of dun- daw visited at moorecroft iluflfik the week mr and mr cordon huffman of hamilton vlultxl friends in loan on sunday mr nnd mm frnnk brow nine of toironto veiled arton relatives on sundny t mr nnd mrs fred prnlten of nnn- tlcoke culled on arton friends during the wwk mm nephew of klncnrdinuli vlwiu inr her daughter mm or a i burhnnnn mr robert churchill of bowmnn- vllle visited with hl slater mm blanch on mothers dn mr nnd mm ft j johnston of tor onto visited his mother nnd other arton relntlvns nnd friends mm ilnttle swnckhnmcr has tvon vlsltlnp in owen sound nnd menford for illx weeks nnd hns returned home mr dr t a moore nnd mlse dorothy and norma of toronto vwtcdmvlrnft6oi mr and mm s e barnes miss eude and friend or oshawa visited her sister mm binnche on mothers dny mr nnd mm ernest barnes nnd hnbe mnrlnn or othimn visited with their nunt mm binnche on mothers dny mr nnctmm fred chun hill mr chnrles nnd miss fred of oshnwn were mothers dny vlnltom with mm blnnch mr nnd mm pueene mttherson bohh fan nnd glen were guest of mr nnd mrs it j mcphnrson on sundnj mr nnd mm f w pennon f tor onto yere in acton inst thursday attending the funeral or the lute mis c h broun mm j h kennedy nnd miss m nelson united ulth the forhw i s daughter mm lames itussell nt un lonv ille on sundn mrs hnmer nnd son lohnnv of brnndon an visiting alton frh nils this wnk mr luster w ir form r pastoi of attoii baptist chunh mr and mrs a i u ailer md fiimllv mis sheppnrd and mr i vnd williams or loronto visited with thilrslsttr mm blnni ht on mothers din mi and mm hmik 1 of hot k wood nnd mr ilov on of brantrord nnd mr nnd mm fred da of hnm- uton also visited their mopii i and jrrnndmother lure mm a b 1 nn of ulster pa in tended the funernl on suturdnv of her unth mr f it mmpherson and lulled for n few dns ulth her mother mrs altre mnipherson mr ilov ansbrough hittv and dunad mr annette barmik mr harold nnd hobble v ansbrough mr and mrs cordon mi ka nil of tor onto spent mother da w ith their nun her hen mr teorke n left inst week tor ottawa as postman for t a nudum aitivt st i in i eorge will in- ureal 1 niisst d in uotkwtmml and ulnit his main fm mis wish him a ife re tui n in turn mi ami mu john 1 ala uoiiau of v iti iph toimtik of hamilton in nouiu in i nt ik nit nt of tlun onlv dui i 1 h ih ih m n u t i t tv lli ink ilson 1st ss ki a r sion 1 s tn i mi m hn u 1 u v of v mnpu llvill the mm hum t uk i u u 1 ii mills 1 si w 1 1 in v bun hin george wallace clothes shop 112 yonge st toronto take the elevator and sive money does the trick y aik your tulchjbara what bimy ohlcb did for them ttun m or priem utd dtllnry tutw geo c brown norval telthiui 0erctawn slr2l wool growers ortiamzflnm it pays to market on a graded basis obbun hckh and tlvlna from xxktnavksrttctcrkvchkrs or tlra i from canadian cooperative wool growers limited 217 bay strpt toronto friends honor bride op month in gift showers ijt friday rvoalnu two erou oi fritnil of mm rlorlo tournour liw mlsa dorothy lnwnhy mot nt tin horn pf mr nnd mm inn mcdonlit to honor ner on hr rocnt mnr- rlaro a jrroup of frlond nnd follow om- ployoon of the storoy olovi co prc- untod n clock mr w mcencliorn roudticfnllowlnit nddronn nnd mm mnmhnll on iwhnlf of till croup mndo the probontntlon donr dolly it ik with khiit plointirt to nlnht hint wo anthor horo to present you with this rift nnil to wish ou cvory kutcofw in jour mnrrlnwo wo nil fool tlint wo knnu you mi woll dolly for thoro ikh t ono of uh tlint ln t noqiinlntod with jour plonu- nnl knillo to iniirli nnd linvo fun nnd nto luippiniwi fn oiihir k llio krontort tlilnr in tho unrld s uo ftsk nu to net opt this lloik nt n vikon of our ostoom for n linpp nruturo or ou nnd florlo yourpuiendinsixmbys if it is insurance lite fire skkandacejdcil autouobile and burglai-y- bouer uabiliiy coiuult f l wright okvkrai inhitranck cooper itlork aclon ont phona 05 another eroup of friend choie to exprehs their nppret inlon of mrs tournour s frlentnlijp in n ml nee i inneouti shower of rlfti miss nellie unll reml the nrhlreim onil on this flroup mrs w mrfnrhern nnd mrs i mneponnlri presented tho riftr aeton ontnrlo maj 0 nil iienr poll this eveninc jt is our plensure to shnre n ool tlnie with ou nnd ex tend to you our best wishes for the future an lheerlflbflndthetrplaees in our home ue know thoy will remind you of your friends there is nothing more important thnn n friendly word or smile riiourh mi n mnj boast of their achievements to be loved is more worlhwhih por tho pomp of plans is hollow when the noise and tlnmor ends and mi n find their victory worthies if th iinvenl kept uielr friend keserve for us nlwnya n plnce in our nffectlons on luhnlf of our frh nds mrs tournour thanked the jroui forlbelrlliujlihulesprewionstnd n koclnl evening with a delijjhtful- lunoh sered was 0njotd b the groups grooving toll of britains churches while rible solcfl go lcapinu lip in germany weekly war commentary continued from inse one mtronr mmtn lii the mounlnlnnun ter ritory offensive drowa llie uoynl air forco boltird h nlrplnnen from the unltel statea khowed lt teeth mny h in hnmhurk nnd firemen with the ntronueht forbey tlmt hn romsedjlhe channel to dnte rhlween wwt nnd 1iv thimherft are anld to hnve pnrlh ipati d in the nn- nnlute nml they loosed fhoiisand of in endlnry bombs am luindretr of tons of exphtidves on the rmnn ports i ih follow inn nlmht a concentrnt- od nnd deslrurthe attntk tn mnnn- lielm nml i uilwlnshnfen in south western jrrmniiy wnn report il on both of these nluhts oilier atliu ks were mnde on berlin nnd other points in herman ns well ns invasion bust s on the nnullnh channel lhe ermnn air porte ontliuu d heav nltaikh on nrloiih llritlsli iths but met with inrrenstn opposi tion durinji the flist nine dns of mav 1j1 tlermniv- planeu iu ludlnu elht honilw rs hroiiuht down n r northern krnnte were hnrped b nntish rirhters h siindav nlnlil mi 11 mils tntal hnil sunn il to ul lhe lost 11 ns tin r of a furious attack on krtndon s iturdn nnd tin rest weie brotikht down the following dny when a comparative ilulit rnid on the british cnpllnl limnved n dnv of scatterel attnt ku in the sntitnlay night nssnuu the houses of parlia ment westminster abbev and west- mlnlhti r hall all suffered seven dnm- nue brlush bombcrssucpluic north son mnv in in scan h of tnrpetji nnd the follow inn nlrht nppenr d over hamburg for the second tleslnn tlve raid within n week sinnllei units nttncki 1 bf rlln nnd ttthi r pln s in nort hw est ermnny nml nnlhem territory on mondn nlihi mnnn ieim i udwlshnf n ami cologne wi r itnln raid d llrs ikerln nftxu a wave of spei ulatjon folowet tl annoiind m nt mav 1j that kudolf iliss dirmanv s net 1 niii had pnratuitd to enrth in scotland two iutvs i aril r nft r n flight from auksburk in a m ssersi hmitl 111 flrhter routine business tuesday meeting of commission demand for avirinjr of houm cannot lie met by ulilihem kmployeefl the arton public imiiiihs commls slon met in reft u in r neslon 1 iieulay evinlnr cnmrnlhsloner m svmnh was present with clmlrmnjt c m llannen prenldlnu a m w miwer contract was present ed to he approved for the ceramic plant jv ruling was indi llmt in order ii c t wnler and lljdit wrvhe with nit pavlnn the usual deposit the one npplyvik for tin se tetvlcos mut prn- dme im to property lhe setretniv was upon motion of m svmon md c m llniisin in- htrthtid 1 pav the fullowlnr a counts hydro lewrtiuent smnn llnrrtwnrn mipptles j aitoh pnre intiji printing nnd ndwjislnr northern i letili co supplies miudonnld ill t trh itil sup pllis pj pt of nntlonnl ueveijue snles 1 nx v t wrlcht hurklaty insur nm t th 7 17 ni rh 7j19 j v 5111 h7 waterworlib ileparlninilt ii dm ui pnrtment power nt sprlnu tl 01 canadian brass co supplies 1310 hydio ptitaprl nerntlnnin tin timkrll tin onimissinn dlsi uss il at some 1 iiktb llu advisabilltv of wiring houses iti ii was ih id d that the regular lint nnd nutlnttiinm i wmk oulh ut he tn tb d to ilo wm k for private f ltl ns 4 supi i inti ndent wilson rejiort d thai tin in w kate valve had hi en in stalled a ma watt r tank iniruinoiiia belts i in mile dh s not tndlcnle a in vv soiilli republics f4 war pinch with bxprt markeo limlled cntiskann potato trade curing oriawa 1i j a strong cimmllnh i tunic cnmnibsloner nt bin nns alr s sns it appi urn uiiiikc- 1v the demnud for canadian certified eed potnloes in ardent inn nnd ini- kun this vear will he above thafnf last autumn unless some unfnrsern fm tor nters tbe kltuatlon lhe ifiu rid huslness siliinllnn in argentina has hei n serlousl nffewed as ii r suit of lhe inns of export ninrk- i is due in tin vuil he vjiid ill a n poi i piihllslii d in lip comim n nil in ii llln u e loin nal 1 in if 1 uin inplnv mi nt jti lihhis trv ami i oiniui r e and i hiuiih m oiisuiiiers will have in mliki thilr spendltiiri s fm isscntlals i ood prii s mnerallv now are vyy low and arrh ultun pindinets are htlffer ini ttmri than produteis in nllier in- dusttlt s i he outlook fm sab s of cnnailian nillfinl m t il iicar ntlna and uriifiifi mst fall mav not differ unatlv irnm th position that existed last i at ii miikit maiikits lima ii ru 1 imports of an adlan luhibi i lln west oast of south anniiya have falb n off shaip lv on at nniyl nf mure profitable mnrlots ilsiwhin and tr s lumber is n plat iim lln anadlan prmliu t lien ihwmhtm oh sfrvukm 11 amou itii hospitals ii 1 niland and s tihnmmum hi i n ask iii iii i i v it vv tilth ih tth iii mtvllfs s as in span all pn slhh iht ims fti tlifiiavv aitnv and alt siiviiis holiday dances rvvn auditorium guelph friday may 23 iooo to as ist duke r1gb and his ailcotorcd lund vkom toronto ijullrt mk ntlpinrn 60r saturday may slth ibib donclleh orchcutra toulirv 40c tirntlriiirll m in till- oim1i it l vt1t s t 111 st jv it i i kk t i i iislul i i i4n i iuui i -ml- v it hwi tini in w an ii i kin mii 1 n 1 ii iv kill iii i m ml lis w nil nl iii till sh it pn 111 i riml is iiui i him i hiult tmio- r il ii i s to r k nns onlltu jhlilk lit iii ns stmikl mill ttll kills iii ul kill is mis unit throat uiniv lo this lh i nnrit old t jufc 1 oiilon mhlunl i ni nal mill 1 is a st tlun l thl win i wliiili his ni ill uitwth iloixiliis tn thnlour ol situlit ih in m lt limiil tniit is mil mid milk i itiltkiiul ilanis with a tvvo- in r n m solution of poluasuim nlt- rtr isnltih tr i nml lriil i k iremuknt xt john ailanii nl to l- tin- oklut fornur prixulint of th i nltd slali 1i mil nil uhen he dliu in 1kj6 gregory theatre i uuv and xvii kl l mav and 17 skiond chokl s uo uli 1 illh ll tn i m u h ot i tine i iu i a p t ns v ii tihn 1 inn i lie ill i in l i 1 vi mm r n ws 1 1 i nest t ipti o t n il the sh vimav till uj and mtii m ft and 53 mol m v hlonme ioks itin arthur lake lirrv inii jvnnv mntili ton moot- com- edv cartoon smirl t cvtil omtiona mncn innp- ihots official flrurt s of the d imiiri doni hv nni bombt rs to church propt rt in inand and walts tomes on the wliitls of tin afflimiuinn or lhe hit it r trud m a home hrondt st to cler mnn outh thls the nnnnuiuir ditlnnd is the cnid of our time we helleve in hitler and whnt of the old crotds the scriptures nre dead we need no fnin tales todny believlnn we entrust pur dtstln to our fuhr r as n prncticnl tontrlbutldn lo tin nazi point ofwlew their bomlwrs have now destroyed or damaged 2- g59 thurches of all denominations in england nnel walts apart from u iiragta convents church halls and mn nses among the 15 which hnve bctn complete destroed or serloua- iv dnmnge nre the cathedrals of covintrv llandnff nnd st pauls although the mnln fabric of the lat ter rt mnins untouched westminster abbt v westminster cathedral nnd tin dinnirj ofcnntirbur hnvt all stats to show the menmng of kul tur no ffwtr thnn inetvrnrnps hm thurth halls if i bun h si houls and i tonvtnts hnvt all 1mm n wreck ti i in fu hi it this tutud to htisti imtv is not shmd liv ill u ho hv within t kt i j mnv int ii t fim mm h tnrr nttinhnns r nt t it all 1 ml it t uit huiii vv in 1 t m i i s d f tl imi i ti i i ini ims otht r uian british authorities derlnnd that contrnr to n report put out by er- mnn authorities hess was nnne hit lers uputy british nutborltli s stal ed did a fine job of flinc for one said to he suffering from hnllin na tions he reai bet scot hind fnmi tin bnvarlan titv under nmr tf dark- m ss huntetl n plnce to land and when this was found imposmhli ball d out before the mat hlne traslutl whilt hitttr and his partv le id- t rs burnt dh tonft rn tl hi s ln in a glasgow hospital with nn injutitl fofd and british it adi rs pondt n d ovtr the strangt incltlltit pending re- i ports from thost detailed to instion him on tjn surf nt i htvss flight i i pt ars lo indlcntt the first hr at h m the nazi part sintt 10ti a dermnn n port had it that one of the nazi lend r s hallucinations wiu an undy ing hope for r storntlon of friendship nnd unit between britnin nnd t r- mnn and tlint he might hnve hoped to bring this about b personal sat riflces in an cast the matter is one in whuh the british propaganda nnd intelligence services will plnv a big part economic nnd political toltabora- tlon between germnn and frnnct is believed to be provided for in dt t is- inns rt at bed by adolf hitler nntl viceiremh r jt nn dnrlnn nt a meet ing held nt nn undlstlosid plat i in the pnm net of termnn ionign mln- isti r von itihherttrup llu it nns wert npprovtd t tin kiivi rnnn nt m ki i 1 in rt was still no tiff k tal ipdwntnm of whnr tlnttrms inviilvid but a iimmuniiue issut d at nh nftt i a tahint nn t i nig su 1 tin ff tts if hi s n l ft ii i i mm ii i t iti s td 1 it tit th i n i mulllll 1 remedy for pni umonln it iu pontid out tlint pneumonia in nortlj am erica in confined chiefly to two dear ut an as whit h nre cnlh d pneu monla bt its om of these bells is in the cnbt beginning uh tho cnnntllon prov intt tif qut ht t mid t xlenfltng to print t i dwartl island ntiva st otla and nt w biunswhk ami along tin ai hint it toast in this area nil but font slat s ha vi pm unmnia di ath rati s idmvt tin avi ragi i in si t nnd pin iilunnia au ii i insists nf four statt s in tin mountain rtrmn mum l nlniado ni w mt n o arinna and nt vada ciinli jrv lo usii 1 1 puhln opinion ni 1 1 in i latituih iim a i old hmatt ondim in tin nns t nf pni umonln lln pi tiv iik is of saskatchewan ai ht rta and tin statt of south dakota lire saft r from pm umonia than an south arollna eorgia and ari zona whit h havi warmer t limates it nppi ars that a tomhination of etild climate ami low average humidity ns is found in saskatchewan alberta nnd a numbi r of tin united states operatic in favor of ft low pneumonia incidence about w cum canadians nnnunll tecomi 111 of pm umonia and until recent ont out of t verv four at j tack tl dit d of it now thnnks to i the dlsioverv nf drugs of the nitlphan- tlnmidi t ass tin livis nf nine nut of tin victims can lw savi d ijixi vtar i in hospital print ice pn umonia elentlis i we n i due id b two thirds but tlu tl rtmnms tlu problem of pn v n titui lhe c hu f items in tin in v n lion nf pni umonia an i 1 h ai nig up fnt 1 nf itlfi ill n v- iii us llauliti tiv finals m at mill i ks fish ft sli labt s an i fruit i u nt v ti i kt an 1 i 1 t sltton 1 iiiiintli it h 1 u h n i ld ni in itr t i nf flu i n s ii shopping news krom barrs kou this wkkkkni i rtsh riltt hlossom cookiis nwt ih ifc untied lrs q applt saute immns u 1 c new arrivals include oc irives no sugar o jnn ann aimmj s l cilfc i llions kctl i nhdi ort imnotts ii a ilh 3oc ablok 1 ull rinvurni o a i u sh carprr 2 z4c hi int loinutfi m l 11111 small hnrtk tc ha hoi s i amobs hi alih sai js tin ihc vvtlhnjluri pun lih pokk lakh l ijfc iihbv s so tu sil tin iomaio juici ttwc pineapple time f oc ciood sic ones nt o 70c buy pkkkiukan hiscuits iiilinnl needs your support i teka a mlnuto to ralox and things go tmoothor icecold cocacola adds refreshment to relaxation so when you pause throughout th5 day make it ffce pautm fhaf refrwies with icecold cocacola tiithurlsrd ilottler of ocacou ouvnceviuj- iuhtmnc works it i u m n lw t 1 k i sl v ir srint riiouaiul tmldm moilru now in their a kmm britain lo argentina indian i lo-ilal- mw kuiuu urdis md fisher himt i nils to dive more cttmniodjtnn r iki lliina et it ik kleclnral innpment ltnm britain ii si sv nm iil ii r pl in w 1 iv i v i k n nil u s nil aip ru i ir n w tin tf ir w i fi mi it n un i i ij ntnui 1 i r ir hi ni th m i tn nn hi 1 fuinj m l n madi u i 1 1 r it iv to seal with lv rt nt hiiww i i m 1 1 i ii t 1 urs t t it t t 1 1 i ii nm r t t m n s in 1 i s i t mi t i i i vim ii i in v iti 1 in i t il it s ii hs n t r i is- r ill f hi t ish l oluii bia m i nl n i i 1 nt f tf hosi it il ii litu i uivt i in t in 1 m mitnl in lw h in ntl tt i n ii 1 t f iv i n i mil f t hi in t nu tnt i n it lin t m t ll ki fv t lln n it iifiisi ntativts of th pitfm v n r imp i k rs 1 si v iuvs moth null r mill d un in 1 int r tor fi t m on of i tut i hiving ii ntiin muk lks i in in ial in th i oiisijjnnu nt u flv innjn onstrurtinn klls with wliii ti the air- rift inthusiist t in iim ml for himself r allttu flvjiit mucli is of sui h ami it as th ij ston 1luunis haw ker iiuj ru ane spitfire an sujtlum full hi ile workun tlnw- inc and ull m evssones make the klt eximplete i l sar lis i tun luif f tin iv ui il is i n s it ntl il s ho 1 v hill tt n 1 11 1 in i juii til ts im i rn l 1 sm iti nun v tl r i fjui nu nt uiil- 1 i m s mil f u ihtifs r th m st i iv in h tvj of tuhru lisls mil ui tv 1 ilstllull ui s stuff now is r tiiu sl t te1 fnt ir ment of tl her 1 ivi iv sj-t- h s uaj from to tt imu his j heon tompliyi 1 pit lux- pit d is ibout un nub s north of iniiipi u tl tmumunitv ot ihoui i wxi indian it wis opt in d in jul last vear havtnjj been built almost i entire v bv indian tabor in n w tt 1 1 i r m it st in 1 ni i i t w is i m 1 i v si it t of tiuo kw n i ikt v m 1 i hm i r v t i i k v i i tur hm 1 mt i itt fi m ii s u mis ii i ni i ti n f tr uikfotr t r s t u i 1 iliuj i liii -isj- 1 of w 1 l w is 1 r in h v i ti in f rm rs w al in i t k s v r h k v t i ti 1 1 shnfi w iti rwln t i alt r n it r madras a honont il s iff iu rnitor in i n iuth afritn a numb r of imnl- h r a it i mat or s of simil ir t i i in viars nhlvnini is striking whin it is n nu mix r 1 tt im mint of ovrnment work don at tit sanit timt and d spit tt ills of wir work uidii tt t titui i ins i stintv improvement in dt sin has als bn i nccomptiiihed over the pt riinl petlnllv of trnmfurmers for itfic- i lenc anil etonom m un 1 h 1 rust nm nn s rrij t t ikt v the duties- if pirrus vv h in m itin is i iui if n t 1 r u sites in j wh i xuj that ht uiuihlc 1 k- to tho t jutits the tunc and it anam t iitnn rtviiirij x u oulj ml fit jm j ro furnish information on th s strvitt ihe fiuelphtteust company i i now i it k c it fltlim i m ptmi kii munnclnu uirtutor on1civ- ormr uyiulhini t orb mi ulmliih j

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