page eight the actow free press thursday may 15ih 104v mthic ol birth dm m tnrtcl la tfcls mltua hlfct dum i mforun nolle gae d tmc ev umm additional for poatry toveijvat his late residence os- 8 ring ontario on friday mny th 1041 stanley tovell bclovitl hushnndof uerthit stewart in hit 52nd year maqpllktuson ai washington d c on thursday mny 8th 1m1 jkdgar r marpheriton beloved hus- bnnd of tknhelle mtpherson for merly of gait ods and enhs the long kummcr vacation for school pupils and teach or u gradu- ally drawing closer excavation are being made for a new houtte on young street by mr gordon ilnnnen victoria day n week from sa turdny ttn atlll marked on the calendar hk n public holiday wuhvictorlajdaycomtnkjninj turdny this year shopper will re quire to lay in n tuodaj supply ar- nnkthi early ao morciianucfln enjoy the holiday invitations are out for a gather- inn of former pupil of puhlin school frwail u lacphkrkonf washington dc the funeral of tho late fdgncj mnephernon who died last thursday in washington rc vvn hm on saturday afternoon from the john itnne and uumley funeral home here ulth interment at jstrabnne cemetery the funeral mtvico wan conducted by itcv g g glfford the late mr macpherson wan u native of gnlt but nearly forty jears ngo removed to chicago he became an execujlve with the national bis cuit co and was in charge of plants in several american cities before hi retirement from hunlries name fif teen yeam atfo he made his homel in washington dc but spent sum- mem usually in gait or toronto of late years he is survived by his widow and one daughter wllln of guelphr nnil a slater miss annie macpherson hamilton mrs g a t3mvaerontlrn niece onto mr nnd mrs anderson- of gnlt mr herbert wlltard of gait among j hose attending the funeral hcrvjrejn acton fro mnjl i stance w mrs e 1 macpherson of washing ton dc miss wllln macpherson of guelph mint annie macpherson uaiiii bmmt i hamilton mrs a u lyon ulster pn seven o clock on mn 21th when n banquet w ill be served copies of the auditors report for atton nre now nvnllnhlc on appli cation to the clerks office or nt th fart pskkb office got j our copy while the supplv is anllnhle flense send in copy for t f puts cnrlv in uie xtfeek last week several hcmi were held over bocnuse other tvpe mntter had been prepared that filled all the nvnllablc space benrdmore employees associa tion are winking plans for n monster bingo to be held in the arenn the first or second week of june pro ceeds nre to be devoted to the brit ish war victims fund r the list of acton and district men in at pprvjre with the canndtan rwll enrl nhd albert her grandson norman nnd mr andrew murray among the moral tributes were of ferings from the following employee of canadian wealing inus co ii trunl impcttlon dept hvdro01ei trie power cnmmludon of ontario ohnrn hlertrlcal co mrs wm duval nnd mrs a pnppllon mr and mnchugh mtcuteheon mr and mr a 1 murray nnd harry mur ray mrnnd mrs coition itausen and mr nnd mrs mutrny smiths mr and mri a i crlpps nnd family george town mrs gertude hnmsliau and mrs frank mnnton toronto united church ladles mr nnd mrs jan a green guelph mr wm arnold lome walters nnd girls of the ship ping dopt of storey glove co mv and mrs w d frlek nnil m ntnl mrs t solnion toronto mr nnd mrs e w pearson toronto mr nnd mrs hoy arnold pinnt nnd pioneers employees boll telephone co kitchener plant dent boll tele phone co kitchener flower bearers were messrs w j bate w allan f a enrdle e w pearson w thompson a walker g gibson all of toronto ii murray round- luelph havk mkoal wkkaiwwt london cp awarded the m b k mednl for saving n woman unit two thlld mnrtln snvllle aiip w orker is shnring it with his work- mntcs nnvlng they earned it as much ns he dirt forcos will be republijhed next wieek wlth the corrections we have received to date if vou have neglected send in any chnnges before monday to get in this new list lome scots are now rotruiung for the second bnttnlion for the re serve force it will require twelve men from atton to fill in the loml pin toon drill is held one night enth vvoek further knformntion mnv he keiured from ct nil lieutenant jas ross a ion mrs r h wansbroikh toronto actoit relatives nnd 4cjend nnd many in n wide irele were grleed to learn of the denth nt her home in toronto on mondn may 5th of mrs r h wnnsbrough she had pn- tlently borne the suffering of n length illness born in nnssagawejn township in lkhfijnlhlle williamson uni tho ditrfghtex of the lnte mr nnd mrs dn id wtwnmson she spent her girlhood nnd enrl w omanhood in nassagaweja nnd acton in 1910 she married uoj ii wnnshrough nnd for n few enrs the joung couple resided n nonr prewgnns corners w t patterson ro specuuut in ee rxmnilnauoh orihoptut i os wyndiiam tt gkjelph phone sim completely equipped offices below mnher shoe store drive potl recruits for j active army to be staged throughout can da a reiimllng drii duiuik mav niui htne to rmte iktweeli jimhml anil hw nin to fill allium units m cnnaila to fullhnttli and n uu ft i replm fint nts ami winii- ocrsnn w n forern h hiiihh hu 1 1 knktou mmisii i of lifin it 1 tin vjm k- nd the nutnht i sught i h mtnisti i explatlit d is based mi tiim limits foi varloumjtuoifi fiom the forvesovei- miis plus an allowaiui fol tutttlr asualtit s sn far hatth t asualtlt s huve ntl m ui redrnnd a inij it- serv e of rctnforcrmentt has been built up iverscns but pnrt of this re serve hnsbrvn used in the fnrmatton of new units olhtrs art rcquned to bilng aittve strv it e units in canada up to htriwikth the polu v of bringing ovtist as pvnonnel bat k to canada and send ing tiff nvis and men from units hen ovenas nhend of thctr formations to gain peiiente is being tnntituitd in 1016 she nnd mr wnnsbrough re mod to toronto where they have resided since mrs wansbrough was an active woman who besides her duties of the motlng the better things of life she wns active in church work nt north pnrkdnle united church in the sun- dn school nnd women s christinn temperance union her life was full of good deeds ami her kindlv dispoil- j lion won for lit r the true friendship nf manv jo the henoved husband and two t hildtt n bettv and donnltl and the brothers john nnd krl and sisd is mrs u ni murrnv and mis alhitt nin smpnthv of ninny fiifiuls in this liomc omnium v ges nut at this tun 4 id tn wetlns k vvitb st i d i luiri h ttm- r v m a forme see jack kingshott for rawleigh products and fuller brushes authodmsldtilet main st at school ulw notice of sale 1 la font ril w as he i t tfti mm ii tif last in- at iu kilil i nit lu til in h r pastor saiuleistin iissisittl i u pis antl tnr nnrt rjeir frirnr rv r mill kt v ui 1ttt t addison ri m wilson floral offeinigs ntitl rimn fin nils and rtlativts i mm winds i to ml i a wti a womlttfol trtbule of the love ami s ttin in uhith slu was h id hv a host of tut nils inl r iiitn was tn tin fanulx plot in fatrview ivrmtrrv rton pall ixattis unc bft two hiotiitts john and i rt ti ilhamson and four biolhtis in law cordon matkav harold wanslnough allan smith am frank lh bv virtue of necutlon issued out of the rh division court for the countv of hnltop nnd to me directed ngninst t he goods nnd chattels of frank ijingmtiir nt the suit of nor ton motors i have seiwl nnd taken in eet utlon one 191 ford coupe all of which proper v will be sold at public aiu turn at nol ton s t arage mill street at ion on wednesdnv the jlst dav of mn l nt the hour of t otlotk in the afternoon dated lmh dnv of mav 1011 auitioneeri t thiipord bailiff notice to creditors in the matter nf the r state f thomas llartlett mullln late uf the iluge of ten in the ouutv of llalton iil kneineer deceased jl areciates the cooperalion given contlnuetl from- pngo one notified hut i hey would assume re sponsibility after notification a letter from the duke nf devon- nhlie chnplei iodk thanked the ouni ii for the use of the hull for the oucert width was in aid of war ihnrltles an inquiry una received from the i o d l ns to whether the ouudl t ontemptnted supervising the swim ming in th park this sr tin touu- cll felt they would continue ihhi ser vice ns lli former years another letter from the duke of devonshire chapter i o d e request permission to hold a tag day in acton on fall fnlr days this ier- mlsslon wns granted a letter from the acton public utilities commission stated that if the corporation wish j iambert to work for the town they would not stand in his way alottorfrom thcbclltcleplione io co stated that the guy wire support- on mill street nonr the cnr hnd been removed nir requested by roum- ell a letter from premier m f hen- hum hnnornrv chairman for on- tnrlo of the new loan to be launched in june for win pill plisexrterpjnrtnd that all the cltlens coopernto in this loan by decorntlng their premises etc and helping to their utmost chief ilnrrop was instructed to se cure six grate for the drnini from j gllmonr the same ns the sample the i lerk wns instructed to have the tax arrears list presented nt the nevt meeting so hint the list ould he checked i the column l he one plete of big news that we have for the column this week hi that the kildnrt atton vmca boys camp will lie hold on ibnutmlell is land from july 7thtn dili arrnnge- ments have been made with the cln- tlnnntl ymca to use their prop erty i his property mishit u of a beautiful i creeneitln pnv lllon nnd trrvplaco with n tompletelv equipped kilt hen nttnchetl tents will he pitch ed nnd spetlnlly tonstnu ted floors nnd tots nnd mattreises nre iivnllable for each tent there is nn ideal shore line and bathing iwmu h whhh is second to nnneftln the georgian bay district rtnd n well eonstrumed dot k nt whit h steamers inn innd boys who nre contemplating going to tamp should stnrt immediately to save through the facilities of the cnmp bnnk boys who nre not nlrendy members of the y may attend nntl nre asked to see the y secretary nt ske w of new ointment doctor ivephraium to ik- uhi by armien in africa l ioiianni sllliug cp in ihe south afrhnn inslltula of mhricin reieart h htre a preparation to pro- tetf peopli against miilartul infertinn from mtfuiiittis him been dlsfovtrtd it is being prepared in tiiiintlthis for une by the iirmleaj afx ir ii he mclllen who exptiincnt i tl with the new prnpnrnllnn whir h is rubbed on tried it out himsi if lb rubbed his hand and arm with it and then ihrnst ids arm lrtto a ifcin age filled wilh mtisqults i hev refiih- td to toiifh him nhen he thrust in his other arm wmth had not bei n tout bed h the ointment tiiey- at- tatked his arm at ont e m of 30 4 s vva vlf vlfior fiuhnhrmalr wi mt tintiil p mm lir vllnllty- l ry fioli x im lull 1h t mining lorili miiiiiiluiil t r l m nix iiiim lo injriinl itl hfltrvi id ir fo i it f ii in i linr in t 11 iii f r tmlv i 1 rv thl m i i i 1 1 i t i hi i vhi 1- iy i ir ji il i ui i h ill ii iir mnntifiutnrin optician 5h st georges sq imimie 1549 urcijh a a the other news of the week is ii 7iimqlineemenl the flnnnnipenny carnival this coming sn turdny be ginning with a pnrnde nt 1 j m noon refrejihmenf booth fortune tilhi roulette wheel bingo nnd bnllo and ptinv ride are just n few or the many interesting sideshows ett there will nlfio be n lucky draw and bean guessing tontfst besides so inmi along nnd enjov mirst if nnd help the hovs in their tamp projtet balancing vouu imkt by betty barclay bnlnncing our budget ii on tdtl phrase we hnve henrtj the expres sion ilnce we were children even the oldest of us there wns n time when we mtunlly could hnlance our bud get- but today well lets forget it baluncmg your diet is com para lively new lls n popular tafl afftr usunlly menus n snvlng rather thnn nn expense its popularity should keep it in vogue or n long long time perhnpt until bnlnnced diets become the rule rather thnn the ex- on tuesday t yenlng at 7tw the ys tlub nie tnltlng on the young mens club in n gmie of tofthall at t he pnrk then w iii lw plent v of thrills in this game nntl it should n- venl plent of big league talent or something there wilt bt no chargt or collection that we know of enjoy siqnf seelnq airthewayif v mofor coacha ttractiverhurnfars torontf ottawa ntuti hay s 170 1111 111v 5 dny rxlursion hauqlm wiijes phone 58 gray coach lines plvwotsl roat and canoe- ikll roats ami t jinm- ih i an led on top of enough tt nn t i all th annuls hi being built of ualer proof ioin ihhhled pisuthul reports the foi es pitdutts laboiatotieh of tht llpait mi nt of mines audkesoun s k 1 1 n development in t nv usi n hot j renin glues- piov id wiuxl uiui tlu ivuiihod tf iruia-bund- inn usui tn nianufai t ui e ensures mi sltiiiglh fai greater in proportion to vv t i itl hum an i obdiint d w ith ottti i material tvi tuitboaut pathlh btmt kasak t mm 01 thngtiv pummti pani n ihhiui nniun mrs ii brow n 1- ru ndi in this lommunitv where sht- lias vpt nt most of her lift mid i in otlur plates wire indeed saddem d to lenin of lh passing awav on tues- duv of last wetk of mrs h brown mi hail be n in failing health for sonu numittis and the uist few wet ks in st jost pit s hosutal tialph ftir tttalnit nt hut she failed to rallv she was in in i sev ent set ontt tar rom at imtrslutig muv kit riairwatii daughtei of hit lat ll ham and muv plait tifl t iv vtao uo sht was joint ti in holv w ilo k to t lit rbeit hi own li hf njmis th idling touplt lainild in kiu- uios1 township hut tut foi iv tais wntcrprtwr plyph hius been tttmitsi n sub nrs ttl mr brown w is a frn nrtlv hlwirk wvimtin w ho w hlle uiii xi n ihe w t hare of tn t i nough to vel slnmg id otii is in n in gum tint iljpu oris hav ing ahv i hums m dem uuis ag unst the late i homus rhrtltlt mullm who dad on or about th thirl enth tl iv of april im i at tin cit of ttelph in the cmnttvof v d- hniloti iiui promiite of ontario m rtiunttl ui st ntl hv pusi prt paid or th ijver to the undt rsigm d soluitoisj in rein for i 01 ne i mullin and fi ankle finn nt e itirnjdl the kseru- ttirs of the last will and pest anient of thomas bart lettmullin civil en gineer hctinsed their names and nd- ditsses and full particulars in writing tif their tlainis antl statements tif their accounts nmlthe nature tif ihe seturltles if nn held b them and take not it e that after the fourttenth dnv of june pul the said iorpe i mulin antl frankie florente cornell will proceed tojtntute the the assets of the said dec t nsetl among the persons t ntitled th reto having regprd onlv to the i hums of w hit li tiiev shall ihn have hnd nolue and that the smd i orne r mullin nnd frankie florence corat ii v ill no he linhlt ftiv ihe said asst is or anv pal t thereof to anv person of whose jjidm this shall not then have nulvtd no li luit d at ueorgi town ontano this llmleentb dnv f mav auiaii dai f ami bfnnffi soli itois 01 the sat 1 01 m 1 m and ft ankle flort in t coi nhl ception renllv the bnlnnting of your diet is more important thnn vou mny suppose our grandparents did not need to vvorrv half ns mut h about it as we do tiiev drnnk milk ate apples from the on hard nlldiltd greens from the garth n pitled bt rj ries from the the fields antl nuts fron the trees and bnlnnced their lit aw at idreartion foods without know ing a thing about tin rent lion of anv food in the bodv vtm m e meats hi i ids fish and tggs ait at idlent hon foods milk vt gt lab s f i nils and b i lies w lib veiv ft w tvaiptmns have an nlka tun i eat lion w in ii takt 11 into tin nodv rut nn at and hi md ait ei eistnlial tti siijiplv pi li m md tar- bolivdi it7t7fntrniibl b t nh n ii attain 01 m 11 id it at lion i in rutessaiv balant nieitlv humus t h it we must st tin i iiouh f tin alki linert i lion foods to balant t oui rial nnd that s w in re fir too main of us fall down among th est t lit nt alk ihne re nt tion itiotis an liina beans raisins applt s tirang s potatot s h nions milk and gnrden gr ens of all tvpts i ise tht se fretiuentlv ise milk in oui puddings nnd estnlloptd pnta- i lots lie your fruit juices in the morning and nur fruit in saluds put rusins in jour rm putltlings as foi vour lima benns vou tan get t ookt d dried i inias in t litis all lite vear round ami w ith tbest v u tan pn pare tnvliiingtrtnii soup to a main emirs dsh imulentully the tint tl lama bean is high in proi in taroohvdrate antl t nt rgv value it is a valued sourtt of phosphtiruis ptitassium it on and ah uiui salts it is one of the highest foods in po teiitial alkallnltv 1 bus ihe follow uuxrtuifhik kliould uiuf juviiituur intt rest lo ihoe inietesttd tn i alan ing tht ii die ope i n g eikiewood park edeir m1iu4 friday may 23rd 1941 regular saturday night dance commenting sarikdm m 21th norm hiikinsons niihk i1vni ijinic llflil on slnniliiil linn f i i mil i i in annapolis valley apple blossom festival aft and fii si liomi spu it of tn ipf uln ss mil iiiui ottai ivonn h and ihe t hull tin ii t lii kites are um tl 1 1 se sturvtv ralt gu all- v den hit nttiaitiv plavgnuilnl that oin atla offeis 10 louusts and lov rs of wuttr sprts moior car and hjtfh- w avs pi m ide a vevs to u v alt h ol lakes stitnm and oatal wains uit urpavsd unwhir tn th now motottsts an easil t art v with lum lien own nittiiin of wattr linns jvirt w nt k am n s and in tl ifulin s itminti s a tiat tiral ti loer tn i n i hit i ntlt t1 t tuin h and 1 1n s 01 katnatnuis of tin ihutih aiuj in in v in i s sht w ill h 1 u nnvist idei her huvhantt she leav sons rav md t il in i oronii i intttrl and llt rt in kititnnr it or kt antl all of theit vxmpatlv f m n frn nd tun kiws to tin m jn the lov of i loving wifi ind mother pwo trot h txaknt aitlla ontkoi rrvatternrtetrottmtrh and at- brt of loronto and one sister mrs sarah siott lonmta also remain i the funeral was held on thun romk1n icp rriatl fruit and ftrnon mnv mh from the vg table pruvi will he ontrolled li ione and rumlev kunevnl home the national vegelabte marketing u servhe in the inlted churth tn coivpan fct up h the minlitrv of iharge of her pastor rev c c if- fotkt and at covent cartlen itnlort- fonl interment was tn the fnmtlv ed tomath are is cd uu vnts njplot in fairvtew cemetery pall pound hearers werv htr four ions rov royal limlh unifortakl ttieatiw thlllsdav fridw satlruav and in trrhlllrnlor all- ihr ilirllllhk iukiii ttl mmlfrii iricuia a barkxrotilultir brautiful lof tor modilenv vtva tvrkolj macmlkkay virginia luntinuuum salurtl monday tuesday wednesday ills hand wra- made for a plow not a tomni tun t b uu hunted b the uw wiij high sierra ulth humphrey ida bogart luimno rg tabic haith 1 ti kos t in il 1 una j tupfllls took i pot ito 1 i up 1 ookt i 11 i 1 tal it ooi fl j onions t pp v t as i on pe i 1 it sj ootl dt mis ill ingtt da tils a heav it ing i an and spt i id nl l a 1 uu boil mi km lik itll ui rhire will tt a dttnhdb niih- lryimohphr l thia uri itfljii ntrth ami rit t n tit n tut blooms are st tlutr bom la lat re nine i untax twll t kill siiil spurmu ilp d iif 1 1 units app inosu fpurlttl mlll v u imiy j um nl fur i j inn t asj ii igus i dm a w hit hi 1 in a i m i imi uhl u s m ip graliil tin t w llltl jul boll r w ll ii ithlkltl pauikiis tips and in i link until i hot out it heatetl about c mltui then nrnfrmt toit pninrsotttt r tun skins oi pattv shells ijmas in i ream tups ci okett drittl lint is 1 t up t re tin or rich milk 1 tablespoon butter teasikjon salt teliipootl i epper plnre- all ingredients in a douhb j luuler and took over hot water until thoroughly healed j i mplo siot la atiliiipollit allrv anil all procciu uill hti iitnitit over to hie yuion n fund for ihr rtlief of lnnib vlrtunn in rnguml june l t i l art the tl it en net lhl vtir for tho colorful festival whti h an nually kervth the optmng of uu tnurmt itf anon in u si otla l in re will be ftplt ndld tdoolil kt ihiii lime ilout t and niunlc and no roi- liitnt are ulu the hikbtitn j ftthp cptrbnitirtnof the remra tf hi hlomioms to i ho aanaptdla ille which t xtendm all uie uay from ldihv on annapoltn haatn to u indttr in tho tidewaters of minn hiikln blanketing thn val- h s n of the annapollnand corn- wallii and man ler streama rn mpod of thousands of or- ehardslt is as ft unit the sjrealvst and most famoua orchard in th srltlah tnplre as wll u the old- uue old well and tlu ihunh dtn- riiftl la uailft pli r inn re tn the 1ml thun loo milt t ia titraor j dltury for u fritkrmu beaut tie feailval in rt allv n pt rniiml rfflftrutlnt for all ihe reituh nt of itui vullrv who unite tn color ful par ul h him rlc pakeanta and the rev hal f old cusoiiih all of the tlinttittn towns are rpr- penkst b lrlnrtkti from whom the ft nitwit qiiet a u thuaen lttkh- lthu of ih k jnri ilthration wul t tin aaaual frhllvaj hall in liio iuuiaallisjlutcl ub h oi m tho fiktlval on frtdu june ths coronation f th fcmivui queen nnd the bloasom parade on stturdav tho mllltnr church parade and memorial service in nrajhv kvantellne park on hun- da and the celebration tf the klnns ulrthttay with mil military honors on monday the rhrlne of ktangollpt with us ancient willows the plclures- iiun vimtnrs trrti i aniida ri ami tht i nut i tut m pit llo in uet k la liti t pi l m ilh ita tnr hi rn that m ul on time ihtti- iwtiii hiti h ili rttnl tlu in id a im iin i ltai i suinai r holt 1m in ttn- mununift nlart th ir hutniin i i son i ih hint ditt s tin i- l tiflnp the finm tb ilr s jund liukt id ian it nirnuiilli v s l nn limn and th tn- nuln lloiil ut s andrew itiiv iii- hea s ii na lane h lho plciureii above show top left urine al the cmwntnk of th nitmaom queen top rltcht a prettv annapolla viltey lassie in her qlmaom 1arade coitume clossup of last years queen lower left and yie queen and her court imvtnc rvsntellne park at grand pre lower rljhl