Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 12, 1941, p. 4

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a t page rouu tllli acton frui ikess iiiiiiisdav mink nth 1941 neighborhood news interesting itemh concerning other central and communitle in which many of our readers are intrreatcd nassacaweya 1 he annual nievtlllu nf navsah- we sunday school association was held in nassawiwoyii lienl lerlun church on tuesday evcytlnr h m mrljirvn nf toronto n the kiiisi speaker tin- federation of akrlrultllie illill n niccllng lasl nllllit i ninomkhiiry arhonl with h kol crowd present mr wm morloy ot ietorbornuuli misses pearl and mnrlnn nnil son lnrdnn vlulihlmr s t wllaoil last weekend hcv mr plrkersklll of delhi has micplctl a cull lo tcbenoer men miiu nml arkoll ihahc of lite dnlt- 1 church mr oo t wilson reports swing a nice deer enrlv nne mnrnlnnmhls week cedarvale -milton- mr mi i mrs li flsk of sudbuiv iolit ii weekend iii ii linn of mn flsks nmllver mm 1 a kei r mlllon mr unci mr m i fllntnft mlllnn ontnrlo announce ihe ennauenicnl of their itauithter iirhii murlon lo mr kenneth lames llrovvn sun of mr nml mm m 1 brown norvnl lite ninrrliitto lo tnko place llu middle of juno oiamplon ballinafai miss klin murih f ivtroll is vl iting will mr- ninl mm iioirc hnrdy nml mr nml mrs wlfllnm but it r mlrfl ilrtn smith of toronto is spending ft wrik nt her hnnic lnn mlu htn slm of inri l unonl sundnywihimr nnd mis sim mr nnd mrs cnrmnn griffin of mirhtprm indlnnn vlnllmt with friends in this rommunity over the wwkcnd mr ttohort sim of toronto hwnt thi wwkond nt tl homo hem mr and mn ed smith ueln phjilib mr nnd mrs ruhwii smltti nnd family nnd mr burt jnmrs of norvrtook- n trip to nlngiirn fulls onsundy ptparuluivmuuiago r f u mlwt irn pooki of toronto u hnllilttylnff nl tin homr of mr nml mrs irvine mr nnd mm rnhwnn mr nnd mu hcmliy nnd dniiltr of toronto uxltod sundn at tin immi of mr irvino mm c k parkit nnd mr roy ltfinrcn itf ccoruotowh urn vlnltnrs on thtinulm nt lhi lmnn of tin for mers mint mrs snnvi mr nnd mrs lrlni nnd mrs siultlf nnd mtss irene pooki kited fi iiiuih n in sliunrttow n nn monday mls hi in robnon of krinu m- itini nt the home of her nleeennd nephew mr and mn p kerftiinon mr jtndmis srott of toronto ls- lted on sunitiiv5t the home of mr utle mr nnd mrs wlie return- ed ulth them for n few dnyt rent mr nn4 mm c vv mnuileu of alton visited mrs knper on sundny mr will scott nnd his sister hnve mnvwi into mr jnmes mekorhnies tmuse here mr ieo jnmeson wns immi on lenve for the ueokend in home on lenve hpent n few dnys uith friends here a numher of friends nnd neighbors kntherod nt the home of mr nnd mrs mulder pn tuosdni hi fn li 1 kit lir mr nnd mrs ozrn martin and theodore of vlnelnnd nnd mrs i it iluntsmnn of rejtmsvllle called on mrs anctul- mrartlmr one dn eek ospringe pupllh of the local si hool attended tin murirnl festlvnl nt mlillshurg itn s ednesdn evening on pndn eon- lng iome of the older ones attended a coniert nt the rolleginte institute at tiuelph mr nnd mrs inmes nrvdon acton visited on snturdtiy nfteinoon vvllh mr nnd mrs s bo mr nnd mrs ken tnwsc attended the graduation eereiss of the hit ters sister miss ivn mnlthv at llnm- ilton general hospital oniiesda sunday guests ulth mr nnd mrs h gromrtson wen mr nnd mrs c a williamson guelph mr and mrs reg carter nnd bnh lnvome of hamilton mr nnd mr f brdon nnd miss a kirk wood visited on snturdn wltli mr nnd mrs n e mcklnnon nt hlllshurg miss ednn cook t is spending isome time with her sister nnd fnmu mr nn m ted mend near hillshurg mr nnd mrs david stewart nnd rons spent sundnv with mr nnd mrs oorge rennlck in hamilton miss ado cnrrie returned home on fridnv after n short visit ulth rela tives in michigan mr w 1 tnckson is erecting u fine new gaiuge on ins premises mi f hrvdon started out on wi d- nesdav morning to take ihe census m this locnlitv mis tlarl an not man tetiu tied horn on mtmdav evening from mai ton whei she had uei n musing oi t hi- past five uieks mts u s mdutdlnon wis 1issn1 oi tht june meeting ol th ikh 111 t llmkllcmlsfr a miuihei of ihe mcluu juuj iwlgh hoim of the mimoiuild rnmlu nlld on tl x aflei i inn li on irndnv af- teimuni lopiekiit cllffoid wllli a lit tie gift lifnie he muveu with the lmitekintu mrs s uuhv nine for uail wuh m lenther hill fohl a foini tain wn mui mtn ii mt nml n ctdlaps- ihle leather ktl oiilulnlnu n wliiivlng iml while mis a lleijlon lead ihrrol lowing addrenh 1lmehotlhi june hlh lmi weill tllffoitl this hnpp et wild lltlh gallicilng u hut ii himih represenlntlnn or our many fiteiuu in thlw jommunlly happy lueniiku vou me ullllnu lo nn- swer our iminlrjti mut the kirtphon call to ihe colors sad ims uum we are golnu lo u mpnratetl from you for u time nod in separation then- in nl was nndiiesn vou have always itceii willing to help wllh miv lawiiiis whether at our home or elsewheie nnd we hope thai un the will of the almighty you will ite with us auttln in the not tu tllstant futuie as 11 slight token of the ehtecin in which nu nre held in this toininun- llv mnv we present vou with thew little gifts anil as ou use litem in vnurdnuv lle awn rrotn uv mn the renllnil ou of vonr nkmulntlons nt ilmenome touvtl lu k and u htess wi nnd keep on snfe until vou rel vlilessl mil hiave men eveiwlieie on sen viil land ami in the air rilihuelr help whnlecle iwfull heiu theh i all pntn roekwaee- i s instituti anniversary services nt the united church on sundn were well attend- wnlng lj w tf a ranston dd of toronto a anm nunii pinnv friends he made when pnstor of former preshterlan hurc h some 10 years ngo were glnd to meet him on this oci asion spet ipl numbers hy the choir were features of tho morn ing nnd evening sirv ices the plal- form was a plme of heautv with irises nnd peonies as well as other spring flowers on mondnv evening the miniver- vir supper was held in the sunday school room nnd full justiie was done to the good things provided h the indies ojhe congregation rev p 11 ijivvum wns in charge of the ser- v ices following the supor a pro gram of pleasing nrlely was enjoy ed with rev p il iiwsnn as rhnlr- man after the singing of the na tional anthem the first number on the program was selection hy tin- male quartette consisting of messrs g penl o f jmrarthur elmr boles nnd gordon mephnll rending by miss muriel williamson rhnrus bv thre irnys nnd thrre girls under direction of miss arrhle jollffe with mivs eileen wright ns pianist nd- dress by rev e a rrpoks selection bv qunrtette rending mrs ernest renhnm solo miss arlene young nddress rev c c clffnrd of at ton mlectlon hv juartette closing hmp stvlces nt st johns church on sunday morning were well attended when holv communion wns observed in connection with the diamond jubilee the sacrament of the lords sup mt was observed nt the presbv terlnn church sunday morning conducted bv the pastor rev a ii wilson pre- paratorv serv u es u t i e held fi tdn v evening i he kings bitthdav judulav pass d off nuietlv lien mlli the esceplum of ihe post offite being up n m th mutiung the hank and si hinds los tt toi tht di w k end and hohdnv istis miss 1 a hamilton of ii mutton mi ind mis i i ia 1 mm and in tin forgive our sln to this satl world givenn c again ijless all thv lillkt greal and small and in thy mercy signed on iwhal of ifir ii imirneighbors mary clsry marine eileitny stephen norrie arthuit renton it leing the occasion of mrs mc donalds birthday also marlon nor- rle on behnlf of llmehoiim commun ity presented her with a large iwiu- uliej- ihe regular june meeting of the ilmehouse womens institute was held at the home of mrs cloudy on thursday afternoon with eleven ind ies nttendlng and the president mrs erlmin 44 iw luil t an- lni ident of h rw u iuirliiston on siiiuliiy litsl the tongngullnm of knox chllmll lelebinted theli willi mmlveikiiiy ne sivhe imtth morn ing ami evening weie well nttended while walking in the neuoti loun ship iiualile- ilmiiud on ihe cloved jln mis fled st farni last siiluidnv nloi ntng win luilliod round an indian skinning klllfe undei nlmiut twenty feet of loose rink wlililliiemh iiumiiiiiu iii ihe iuaiiy uihi bluet a imttery was stolen fiom u m owned hy- m a irishman indian point on sunday evening tin mil was pat km in ii nut or mi teluh- mans hhine murvvhen he itltemptcd lo drive the car away he dlscoveied the rohlwiy two olhei tatw ueurhv had also i wen 1animiei with hilt nothing was stolen when a ar skidded off itrant street aboiil midnight on saturday and i rushed into a mile snapping tt off and hrlngttiu a transformer to the grnumlfuulituuudttfhtplmumtum vice in lldu district weie out of mm- mluulnn for some time four mien were injured two iff them ueilously as tin result of the ncitdcnl whim hapihnihl in front of the lancastei rarni on irani street ilaette nassagaweya s a no 7 ihemiiuv ft lends of mih win i till laid will im- pleasett she luis lelimicd home riom iielph liospllal when- she cinilii w elit an iimiatlon pie kail fiauk of the luue s uts llaiiolton is liium on leave mis allan feliler and baby itniii lllon smnl n few dnys al i he hnine f herpnreiilh ml midmis win sjt- vlie s no 7 joined the if ihe si hool urea nl tin wednesday night to si hool work and their inenl no 7 presenttnl their rhythm rand also folk dancing that some ttf we older ones could copy foi giaie and lime l lie followiiig weie the numluth presjnled ktlie different schools to show the type of work curried nn under the lii iethvd of erin of winnipeg hei imilhei mih i iioiuich tllwlh e manitoba is visiting with mih kiln walkei mi and mis mlllon i amine of lletiolt spent the week end with ml mm mmguiel mcdniigiill w im le nidi h with hei sou duiuan i m iioiikuii and mis mel uiugall in the village ipllellv telelunled hei lst hlithdav on may ut rev fiedei h k ash ton and mts ashlou of fhhlieituu have lelisj d the oveilaud house on cenlie iitreel and hawi moved in lnv ashton is a ic llieovltapllsl mlnhder mkiii e luudeeii of toronto has lkell ovei the tiinitflgemenl of ihe im al liramh of the royal rank mi w a i run htlr who has been uian- ngei of the hianch foj ovei twenty yeais has iteen granted a two months shkleave and longei if uetessaiy advoi ate jii m buses leavi to tohonto n firii a iii mn ii iii ii li a m h i ml p m im f in ii 11 i m mi p in ifilly xiepf ml ii sn only gtmccblttm i ii ihl i nlllil iii h iiiavki iniokmaiioni at iiaitoij wili- 1lvhlr 5h gray coach lines tliei si hool hikvllte hall iliinonslrate necompllsh- leaehlng mnsmil choir ihe t til t- drens song i hairmnns lemmks dr young a trip through holland s s no i rhythm band s s no 7 art demonstrntlon s s no 1 iiaitilte 4ng luu hu pioneer dnys was the roll call and chariot s some proved rather interesting it st ration s 4 was decided to pack another urtmi mth monrc for the snlvation army soon ami to show lln hold a hilling once n week if poh-slbh- pyramids throughout the summer missing tin- rust aid week of our regutnr me ting mrs s no 7 cisby and mrs norrle were i hos n j piano solo delia vmisickl- as captains it was decided to get n in sewing h monstratioi girt fot a total bo in the nrmv and a no i pluwjjjm three wishi baby book for a new hah vvhieen lllmass- i hmr i he every dollar you lend brings nearer the day of victofy m victory bonds fil wright acrron nv a iifon cmord ii a miiiiit one ifihoriilhin to an- ih 11 i in i mii mull of i hi flilitillnu of mil nhuliuiimfiilltl i i ill i iii lli liurili iiikhii wllliilriiwn in riiounl- ihllh alinlvitmiiry of tin in muiiloiiiiry sm hly of ll ii r i ii ii i lrrfattrrlatl ijnox ctwtuttt avjton hvv ii iiknnik m a muu miinui willow htridt iirnnav iiink irih inn iihki ll iii ihe mhiiiiiiiiim hlmll i im n in imiiirimhiwiu of the 1 fihenil ahhfiiilily ihl pill ihe i nf ihe llnlov- mimi aiwayl wkicmk uutillbl cliirrl arov ii ii ev ii rih im imlkhnil- iiiniiav ii ml ll in i i i lulls i i in moniluy i v lilni llilfnuiiliili cu hllll mil a wi 1 jmi if am nhiv k hool ii y i- ii l i i nvi i linn h a no i si if iii e ilemiil no 2 iilnno solo kei s s no iii thus- wishes s s no i i i jioil tumliltnu s s no i s s no i folk limn ine s heallh ila s s y 1 s s s s s criiille niolher is a liieniler twiiiin ilollais is lo he spent ilurlni the seison for jnm oversells nnd donations to lie ejven for wnr uoik as follows twinte dollars lo the sjiuatlon arinv ivvenlvfive dollnrs to the leoreelovvn red cross and ten dol- tlirs to the cenlrnl kunrl of the wo mens institute mrs viovvtly wns asked to rollert tlppines roniernini the dolnes of ihe womens institute for the county srrnp liook an nevvv7iiuvrlttrik tlie aee of our hrnnrh and the nnnies of ihe first of fleers nnd members would lie nppritrinted mrs benton and mrs wright re- imrted on the dislrirl annual held at ilurllnklon on june ird mrs f hi own rend an inlerestlne pamt en titled pioneer dns in limehnus mrs de voles wns curtsnenkef t hoosink eolonlzntloii ns her sub ject dealing parlltulnrlv with the early dutch explorations she ilis- phivid work is gold thread and wimmi aklne doni li natives in the dutch also colored scenes on huh llll willi l lluilv one lnlies 1 s anion on uin s it tiiv is 1 1 niinuics and i 01 1 sev ill illlmhes sed imotik win h son was appiiite ok the upo hi v in sj i ion ooltv otl n ihe pi si i 1 iii hiiu mvk iiie spotlit 11 lin e hi i s inl ih il ih li mi ml mi i i iiov niv r i ln i hi hud l i id l k ion l s i t ill no oulli loliti 11 it ris ni ih hem i lls us mis ll k lollvenoi foi i i kill iloss ttnrr trrfo iippu kts-r- ililmltd nuituriul ihe utlniik mtu larv mrs i- sun ter after his wars of vilu 1 setvu left a tnevsaee of thanks and nation ulth the month is fo support while she was in office miss mnr field sane verv swtetlv i mv klttv mrs milionnld eiailu- ate nurse of rienenil huspttul cuelil eavo a ver fine talk on health le- nioustratiiik knmlukliik for aiious wounls miss mcmillan of fun who is nlwas n weltatme euest alsc a short talk the draw tor the donated v the ladles aid of the lrvsbweiiun tlnirch was won bv mrs j i fvaron ijrortisoa u oie draw amnunlil lo s2j kolnu to aid thjvnr victims after dalnlo refreshments were ei- al ihe waitlni closihl ulth the na tional anthem mi hit in mis lrs ii frm t k iii v klhe lllllil- itllls 11 st lllullu vlf mis lohiwt ii iiospirii itohto llewit t rnst indies holland ihe hostess and her assistants s t v d lumh ln hiding a lilrlhdav ak niaile h mrs ulshv for one of the nuiuhers i ihirino the lum h houi m siluu s iowdv and ii row n ireattsl us to a limit illssv willows hie hum- im i losed willi ihe mtimni of 1 siv iii kllie ml mil mis lioh moolv 1111 i ik ol si htew siiul v sp lit sinul iv with 111 ii i rniiti fatilllv hi sold visit 1111 m i nh on sunil iv nt i i k n1 sj is lo lie moved fiom llaiiiilton st ml in i mis ll sp nt tt w k nl with ih ii s mi iiki nils lliu v n iloii u mts i 1 i oi t ml 1 n silv r wdilin iiiniv is u v mi mil mi w sit v i in in uunt st s 1 is sone hod save the kllie the following are the differ nt schools and llielr tenthers in the area no 1 miss norma semple no 2 mr donald mcnabli no t mm mnrk arel pender miss blanche flnlay no i mr john i lolllnecr no 7 miss crace mimiukhlin no ii miss kdllh ilewwelllni no i mr martin llntsarrt kxlilhlu of the vvork done were nrranrisd down iwilh sides and at ross one ehj of the hnlnhd wire a muili hetterhowink or llnlshed artiihs than the school fnlr of later years althoukh they have no intentlun of dolne away with the school fair hut when after the wnr it is stated it wilt in ainurh sujierlor affair so far as hand work is concern ihe hall itself was crowded and some the nrtlcles such ns quilt cushions and foot stool were sold for jr kedeross money they brought hleh prncs the quilt the ilnerove busv bses of s s no 7 made rrom tops mrs tnlhol duniit and sold oftukels on i weeks ae v- i wilson of k tnkls w al urookvllle hall a few was won hv mr lolut m caniplfellville when the re drawn hv miss llnel dm kenneitv at brookville hall w div hikhl nn 0 was lu kv s venle n i idles attend 1 the il krnvc husv be s moiithlv lueelliie iii hotu of mls will m i eod dwilie to th ihs rs ulil llullinl ms c 1 liavn t ik i th pi si i tt s h nt i i iv is iiisw i hv i i hue k i inn mi wis vv iinl ml civ ii t ktiitttiu s vviiil an i 11111 nt h s wet lis dlstiilllltid 11 ks i l ul v 1 ui i 1 n tlll oil nt th to ml is is puttitie t mtrhrerygreter mnntifacltircrh of dihtinrtlve montimenlh vmetery itlerintr cvirnor inwlw and murkint no agent to itntlier vou no kmlnhfiniiru ffiiiuiikuliillh to pay ikeniktm mulmiitt iaiio assoutmknt in stock imifsjjlukct iuom us oakville monument works 1 comuiitnk st w on iiiihway oakvimk a i aril or lelter will lirlnjt nur servliw o opiii kvenlnics vfl albaub hlfrirrr anttlhnni hkv k a llltwikh llmtliir sinliay iiinh ifilh 1111 hist sunday aflei irlnlly h il a in holy ornmiinlon 10 in a in oiiflrmiilhin ihe itf itevil i w ii llrniikliiill ma i d lllshop of nliunini 11 ii a in sunday si hool 7 im p in kv nsonx and sermon ht joiimh iuu m ijil noon iusi i maltlns i in lllhhop of nliiffiirn will preiuh and dull ale elfls in inemoiy of ih late i i ahloils ih7 yenls hk to the day and hour ihe deed was signet by ii my lliaiiu i s kiviiik ihe land lot lll el iioil of si lohll h r luiri iii anniversary services limehouse presbyterian church sunday june 15 tail mr loulis scaton of toronto will be guest speaker nt morning services hcv a neil millarof hrumplon will preach in the evening spyelal music lr 11m- chair ajisutsd by korknood male quartmt and jurat hololt s seitvicks at 1 1 00 am and 7 00 l m standard iimk iarien party monday june 16th hill he held on the uwn of mr a patterson silvercreek service station on no 7 lllshway btwen garfntown ajul arton tom hamilton heottuh c harartrr tamfiduu and radio artist rex slocum nellie mecjhie violet murray mnkicinn of wltanl celehrnled canadian nlehtlnkal- f sotik ijiukiis with dummy violinist bid and new jack a re plnniht and story teller ait it f ilkklman nn of toronto irisb iteklmmt will deliver a short address itkkhkshmknt iioftil on thk tlltofnds i irotramme ciimm tins athisi pm standard lime admission aduith ilc children 15c i o unouumdied small advertisements alvrrllarmrnla itfltar 111 if haailldg r rli willi orfjtt up to f wftntl altilfoml worla ir rr wofd if rah himt not trumpmmy th avdar lletil minimum hsre tl le irr wifl aitfiiloatl for oath wnrrt j- iellllhl apply jllll wantkij in to do housework box jl iltll biuss vvvvtki mold foi finiliil housewotk lei summer lottaee for month of luly mus v 11 itlmiky a ton hkvflk ir haik boy s iii y le m almost now or sale i heap apply box j i kllhi bkkss iioakukkm wantri comfortahle rmims with unalern oavenn a es home ooulrtk i o box 71 alton ont wantki to kkvt four or five ftoonicd flat or bunealow afiply lo box jj acion fkhk bukss wink in slor dav siitunlay wanteij wanted for part- time after s hool and all box jl fikk 1kkss rok naik 11 hlilid fuinme in eoo1 ion apply w il oic i- mason i ake avenue loh iikvj loom w ilhniod i ii oirvenl v ll i 1111 lie i supph d oo p i nlilv applv lo lu s i il i i s 1111 a toll i ok sslk ih tit v iii ll ll k is iii 111 ll n no tine ml 1 it willi i r tlllllks iii 111 lv iunt eav mr irn mi and pusm noilnlil llilld i a f si minimis mi in1 mrs joseph llolhs iuelph mr liov winsluoueh of loronlo ompaiiv with ins mother of a ion iltendsl anntversarv ser slindai iv initio hawhnsoa k n of spendlne some in wall llolh ml ml- u i nd lh mall ml famllv 1111 e iims iii all sp nt iii n i finulv stlt unit n st in i mis ami mts i n aid ol th fund held isll noi ri attend british w in the mi iearl stan l mr mr vk and tva mrs eive vt i v fur hi t home nn and mis i i k in i marie visitsl mr holtlhv on stind ami mts n tl mii i hv miss ind mis vlslli1 ll vl ila ss sal all v irk ucv and mis mi new with miss betlv maithur of i was the re ipient of presents in iuelph salurdav evemnc for her up prnathini wslduii in july coneralulalions t mks lihi lm erlv on her kraduallon last wvk from st joseidv s hospital iluelpb more nrlchborhixu n laje klght new iironto miss marion nome a pupil f miss rtu run was lakilie part m the re ital llielartiiillc fanulv of imulailel phia spent a ouple f h vvuh mrs iordnii suthitiml ieenllv miss dorolhv ilulve of limehouse lomiiiiiiutv was ihe lu ks winner of the trip to oilmen sponsored hv the department f aerl ullute w omen s institute branch mr and mrs kdwin urne am uobh smiit the whkend wtth mrs midiinild and family at dol viir- den mil mis fdeir llowdeit mlllon on sun i iv mr and mts neil martin visit 1 mi mid mis kdeai llowden milton on sun hiv mr and mrs 1 honias kemiedv sp nd thuvvv k end with their iiiiukii- ler and fanulv mr and mrs i m s mass v ton lh nnssaeawva breshvtet tan sunilav shool held iheir annual ph nu at sokt bark alt on monday a number from this settlon alien si the presentation elver for mr and mrs clifford paul on thursday even- ine all wish this rouplvjtianv yvars of uoddcd happiness and prasjierltv many nttende1 the victory ionn parade at alton on saturday nleh now is the time to buy your ml lli belter viill ou saw monvv owr the fall 1rive mi help to relieve the shipping voniest uti un the rjilwuvs bv ctttn our coal during the summer months nl t or stove old companys ijchkh antiirvcite iih per ion with 75c dbuount for cahh or tf1 c c caxh uith order on loin of lesn than 500 llw and if anv unpaid balance on previous ordeni ouini ll i i i lion p i dm i hi k stand applv slll i is loimio 1 1 i i i p in 11 ll nn s iol im ii ii 1 in si h i i ii mjs sl i link cash terms j b mackenzie son phone ih acton i ss v t hihwii alton mihii rn um- v ii 1 t i vajli r u ltlfi lilo t it iit itt i i t ii ml ihri- mus j i kknnkia is acton hoi sk toll hk corn r anei unl f reitn k sri luhslintmlu built hoqe it liri rcmirns bat hnxfiii nil ilrcuuna rixtiii all ittrif tit firfriitwl nittk situilt stfl vatif in houw apl dmi n r mils i-oltii- havim uomks uantkd i urn viur ttmt into dollar by l- imn kimilix itixiuctt lo tin- iwfiple in our lyiiumumtv tin- only on in jour tirrltorv to mak moimy with our liru- of jxi uarnniml ncttmultit iso txmrlin nhui ilttkln with a fw dolluri and own your builmx- o rlik kur atlokuf and fompleto ditaili 70 st cikment strebt i montreal

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