Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1941, p. 1

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r i t winner m a jama trophy for best front page l- jfttl ptt avnrd ai wterit ihirtnliackkor nfcsr kditoiual paile sixtyseventh year no 51 acton ontario thursday jursjt llllh iflll eight homeprjnt pages five cent fire hall and hose to be repaired as requested delegation from cameron street aaka for fence along fair hike watdmuuif clock is re ceived and mnatalled building bylaw will be dealt with at future meellngr council to have summer recess acton council meeting nn imeiulliy evenltlk with councillor j a mmon j m mcdon- nnrl f davison ulil nnd evnn jot5e5 pi-eecnt- lier-vr- 1 b chnlmern presiding a doputntlon of flrenii n were pru ont reiietlnk hint the fire hull h put in better ondltlon the flremi n offered to lay n cement floor in tin fire hull if h cvirpnnitlim would supply the snnil cement nnd mixer a rleputntlnn of memiri c mctoh goo fountnln nnd theo pnpplllon from rilmeron street reciuejlcd the council fence nt fnlry inkc oiko in fill in n hole which hnd been wnshli in the end of the utreot mr w evnns wns present rcqucil inr n rehnte of hualneiw in oik his jiqtcher nhop nn he only occupied tin premlneu for pnrt of the enr the council ndjourned to view tin- sltuntlon nlcnmeron streeu when council resumed the flnnnc committee recommended pnymenl nt the following nccounti acton f pssss printing nml ndvertlulng s 22 t i county of hnlton cnlclum chloride tm bell telephone co services s t3 rtlniriqytin wntchmnns clock w d trtlbot supplies acton public utilities lights power etc workmens conyjonsn 1 1 o n second instnlment county of hnlton pnrt of county rntp e e hurrop postiieo j bain labor acton gnrnge services e t thetford wilnry etc a t brown supplies ljoo 147 4hii1 ih 1 hl is in ii in stuf victory confirmation at st albans church last sunday 5 hoi i 1 after some discussion the following resolution wiu passed moved h t m mcdonald nnd sei onded by a mnson nnd resolved hint this mum ii purchnse mnterinl nnd nuppl mixer nnd nt cept the offei of the fire brlgnde to hulld n cement floor in the lire hall under the sup crvlslon of the municlpnl of flier nnd the chnirman or he fire comniltlei j f dinlsnn also hint the mum ii uppl nnd phue the proper fill r quired to bring it to lis proper level cnrrled a motion wns piisseil instructing the chnfrmnn of the fire committee ti i send the hose whhh needs repairing to toronto a motion wns nlso pussect instrutt- ing i vnmnn to plnce puhllt lis hlllt insurance oh his- ehli its which nieuedllului i gnrbngi in nerurcl- nnce with his eontrnet the municipal officer e t ilnriup wns instructed to procure nml in stall tle nt the foot of cornel nn slreer nnd fill in the holes in the rondwn to mnke the street more snfe clerk c v ienthei hind wns in slructcc to write the propert ow lie i s on cnmerem strecl fnilng the pemil rcmjuestlng their coope ration in in stnlllllg n f lie t iilimg hint puipiin to keep tin smnll chtldun til tt neighborhood fioill gclttllg down the ihiitcl sunlit the municipal offlcci wns insli uc t 1 mil ed to insthl tin wnti liiiiiin s e 1 k mil to tl out tin svsleni 1 in e loi i h been it celled lh htllldlni in low wns i ft mi ten sonic futiir nn eflng ntlii of tin isnnhed nssessiii t fell eeillllt pilipifes w lis leielceel i esmm ii nml ifiri tleill el ii e is 1 elided to pin s uhio ecu til uuu wlulltv le iii tills tlllle 111 i see el tile tllseeilllll iwlllllie inilllilll tn instnhne nts liid he n sunt nit i nlleiw feel lilt l nn 111 ll this tlllle count ll ultloll in el iii i i 10 v 111 i m i ninni em lull 15 111 lcuului sleill ell ill the call ot i he leeve grahamjohnston wedding saturday in united chnrrh alton united t hun h heuittfull deeornted with inru baskets of pink nnd white pi onle ind ferns was the hettfnk for n ur lovi ly wedding n snturdnv afternoon luni tin- fout- teenth uhin miss 1jiurn iivnhet lohn- hton onl daughter of mrs johnston and the inle basil johnston beeame he bride of mr cerald uhhnrd crnham onl son of mr nnd mis it 7 rnhnm of ceornetow n hi v c c clifford ra officinted nt the c cremony hr e j nelson pln id the wedding mush nnd during th- hlrnlnc of tho- rcclster mrs hownrd wrtkijltwtrth nf mrnrctmum nnjr very bnutlfull o promlso me given in mnrrlnrc b her uncle mr i h field tin bride wns love1 in her weddlnp roun of white lnc nnd silk net over tnffetn the bod it t of lnte fnnhlnned with sweetheart neckline short puffed sleews nnd points of the luce bodice xtended from tbeiwnlst into the tull net nkltl shi wore iiuildiiiii while ince mil- tens her lonr net veil wni tnuht into a halo with a band of h nrk and hei nrried a bouquet otahltu raw nnd bouvnrdla she wore n p nn neiktnie the ejft of the rroom i he bride wis attended h miss idllh mnrrioit un of ouelph jjow ned in paib tolonl inct and net fnshiuned on nillnr lines to that r the bride hrkjarre white leghorn lint was banded w tt li pent b rihb n and sht wore um liu- mittens mat biiik her drew she c arm d pink roses and maiden hair fern mr frank farlv nf ilrampton at tended the jrnom nnd the ushers wt re mr hi wood johnston hrotlu r of the brideumkmr frneit neai of ioronto nusln ofjth- bride following the urenionv tin retej hon ttiii in id at the hnnu of lu bride t mot hi r mrs johnston re teied the pitesls w faring a cimn of ekkhell tripe with full it neth mntrh- ink tout mbroideied with kn and maroon him k at t essoru and or sae of pink ros s i lit rooni s mother assisti d wearing na prmteil trepe with ridmote of m jhe r whit iittessorns and pink roses for trnxelltnk the bride wore i dn ss of aiun i rejw iwiretoat matt h- ihk hat and ateevspries follow in a motor ti to i astirn points mr and mrs irnhilm w ill resale on tin ktooms farm mar 1 ore tow n sunday i11m m alhnns chun it wis crowded lo tnpnclty when the apot- toile ttlte of confirmation wns ndmln- liteircl to fourteen ounr jieople- seven ios nnd seven rihh 1 he ser vice opened with the singing nf tin hymn- prnlw my soul tho king nt henven the cnndldntes were pie- sen ted to the bimiop of nlngnrn t tho rector of the parish the te xi a bfooks the girls in their white dresses nnd veils knelt in turn before the nirhop sented in his cbnlr nt tie chum e steps nnd he laid bis hnndi n the bead of oacli uttering uiii-nnl- ient nnd trndltionnl onfirmntion prnyi r the hos follow nl in like manner during whlih the congregntlon revet entl knelt thnt they might from j hen hnrt send up a little prnver for ei at th at lunl laving on of hand- i he confirmation hvmn awnke mj iniil was then sung after wlmli bishop brougbrtll spoke in a slniph and tt raight fonv nrd w nv at t h hamil sti ps to the lonfirmeis and the congregation welcoming tin n wl ndmltted nmmunlcantk into the communion and fellowship of the hurch his iordshlp urged tlwrn to be ver mindful of the rrent decision for christ inn life nnd practice thnt theyihnd just renewed to be in eerj deed faithful soldiers nnd servants f jesui christ nnd to mnke illm then guide nnd to serve illm with nil their powers he spoke of the grent need of bet ter christians in n world where his way of life was challenged nnd flnunt ed youth he mild is nn nge of high idenlism a high resolve hut those make it io hani- somely ottnwn ont june 1hi1 purr pwiulft atton ont cnnndan victory loan should reach its minimum objective by friday if the present rate of progress is mnlntnlned i he total up to tuendny night stood nt swfl 771no from whjikh in- dlvidunl mubrc rlbers nnt lonnl hendquarlers will not lie satis fied with the nomlnnl objective cnnndils ton h of web o must go to winston chun hlti but let us make it go band somelv v splnne na tional hvecutive chnirman said lh it message to his field foi uoininion iuhlli it c ommittei vlitnrv loan lll weekly war commenlarv 8xelmly wrlltou for ton acton kr rnecm by v ii ii flokikon catucllah ireas ktaff urlter two honour pennants for actons victory flag no mame is attache11 on dkivkr jeokretowntriuick no hlnmi wns attaihid to nnvoni in the death of piter slobodlan j 1 vearold ukumian railwav woikei who was almost invfnntlv killed when he collided with a truck driven b frnnk king of eorgetou n ini ouelph a coroners jurv after a half hour d lib ration brought in nn op n verdict with n rider recommending 1 thnt the portion of hlghwny between the citv limit and the ontario he formntory main entrnnce on w hlch the accident occurred be lighted nnd speed limit lie reduced there nine w itnesses were exnmined by crown attorne j m kenrns k with coroner dr t h plcknrd pre- i who nre older know thnt high re- i solve needs to be supported under trinl b the divine help of the inl irtrimtg ttie inquest wtts tirlrt cuclph french forces continued lo hold up theallhd ndvnnce this week nnd on j june 17 it uiui repurltd british rein foreementh had ikmii thrown into nrehs where the 7neniy staged fierce j i ounternltiilks i he noit si vere fighting wns reportid at merdjnvoun land kuneltra ihise towns are some 1 krmtlnn imittuvpit nfnmnseub 1 at the same time il was reported i free frciuh mid british columns had advamed to within sl mill s of the syrian 1 apital leaving merdjavoun i and kuniitia in poi kets w hit h the viib sofdieis will find hard to hold 1 in advame tli the coast to heliiil 1 apital of iibanon w proi eedlng sat isfattorilv and on june 1 brltlsi tones wre within 10 miles of tin si aport i flattie in iu j sir anblhald vvavi 11 1 videntl 4n- tends to give 1 vmanitallan fori i s on the- i gptian frontier no rest it i wns rcjiorted mondnv the army of the nile hnd smnshed through ax j ilncis nt snlum in swift flnnking thrusts by mechanized units ihe following dny themlddle hnst commnnd announced that art initlnl mnetrntlon as fnr ns fort capuzzo just across the egptinn liorder in 1ihvn hnd lieep made tliere deler mined avis isnunternttncks by rein forcements hurried from the tobruk area hnd tieen beaten hack j 1 hen were indications that tin fighting nt fort cnpuuo wns devilop ing into n major battle the germans claimed the british offensive was for the purposeof relieving the lieleagu- ered tohruk garrison i he hoynl air force continued to hnmmer nt- industrial targets in western germany and nai shipping off the ormnn nnd netherlands attiikctl spirit of god which must be sought j swlrocnllmr continunlly nnd is to tie found in 1 iwccijbs tllhjslnl faithful irtid regulnr frequenting of problem in acton the lord s table in the holy com- munlnn he spoke of the inving on a group or acton manufacturi rs of the hnnds in the coronntion and discussed with mr cnfd of irffe dom- ordlnntlivn servicer becnuse kings and inlon housing plan the shortnge of bishops nnd priests need the help of bouses in acton the representative const s when the haf god in order faithfully to perform of the housing committee wns sup- be kuhr valley tuesday the raid the duties of their offices but not piled with facts showing the shortage were the sixth on successful nliill onlv thev but nl people have a high that the shortage was prevalent tie- 1 slowly hut surely ruunbers of the office to fulfil in life in tie perform- fore the war thnt acton industrbs toastnl command are sajlng german nnce of their christian vows there- nre engnged largely in mnklng nrtidl strength nt sen if there is an truth fore hnnds are laid upon everv chuich es necessnr for the war vffort and in swedish reports thnt the nitis are member in contirmntion nnd the help t thnt these industrbs will be noulred massing troops in norway for nn nt- of god invoked for them to mnlntain production nfter the war tnrk on tht british isles they will the bishop spoke in terms of ip- tit fill canada s needs need a great number of vessels for preclation to the congregation on the it is estimnted that fifty houses n invasion by sen mattir of their having met in full last here would at present meet the re- the middle east command an- vear their missionary apportionment cpjirements hut expansion of plants nounced wednesdny that british ad and to the end of the first quarter of now contemplated would not b thu current vear he plso ma b cared for b that number it s kindlv reference to the rector whom hopinl some plnn can soon be evolved he said he had knownsinte he was tomeit the situation a bov 1 an interesting feature of the ser t f m wi vite was the presence in the choir soooou v of lllc stalls of a junior girls choir who hav school awards made by iodk to acton pupils inllnwini llf iiistinii nf siiiiin vtnrs of llx duki nl in ninslin hnplir kllll in prt j nt nnnunl nwnrels in the- iiiills nf tho vnrlnus krndci of a1i1111 icihhi st lionl for nutslanilini wnrk ntfifcirs of the oiniilc r vlsltftl tin- ac inn m lined nn friday aflnrncmin and pristild thcsn awards a plnasant surprise for tin vlsltnrs wai tin c nit rtalnmnnt nl nftrjlonr tea hy tin- pupils cif rndn 1 llf rnllnwink art the studnnth u wnn tht awards thin viiir c cradc l carnln oakts lt adntnetn -amr- i 1 iiuih oil in tltkf- m1am1 hi cl i 1 i he sel ie willi il ililalr 11 111 rimiii 1 kh1en1s aonok miss maril ehitk t tuuik bride ok this month lb ie is a rental phot giapo ot an 1 t i 11 k 1 h o o of ni 1 hl hi 1 1 tv hillli lv t lu cllll i li ll i- ii 1 t on un 1 it it fci 1 m i iil n i nn i t i- n l im i s loii wul w in n no 1 1 wnn 11 i hi in isn tint tu 10 w klv n wsiii hi si loi 1 m lite iiimim in s ii it if nm in vv lh i j jit i hn uij lh on satunlav evi nliik a mum 1 unn j two m nth in ill hiv tt i iiuung tin past wk mis mar iftnrite tiiirn ll t l h month vyas 1 onori d l fiitudn it liumliei of showers ou i liuisd i cluing f i lend- it luit red in 1 i h unettrfute kite tltll shower it lii home of mis oiilnn iuitu i uk ave nui eous shower ib giviti in hit lionet s 1 1 his pi at the home of mrs win king of cumrgctown last evening mis dnulau paw win- was lelstev at bet home for u muee hrinttiu howei in honor of mik curne iti ial u ti tii for a s nl sp n in pi nt t 1 1 l u jout nt u 10 1 imr allv jllt that in will hii in- tih n ttju i nn nt along to k p 1 ml coiupam jut in east btjen under the direction of mrs bfiooks and mrs snow i heir robes are violet smocks with white klon t ollnn and black skull caps i hr altar was hanked for the service with w lute peonies pink jteonii s w er at the lectern and nt the front a profus ion of red and white peonies and deep blue delphiniums it is interesting to note- that bishop broughall first vlsiltdthe parish on st albans oa j urn 17th 10l7 just tbirtvfotti vears ago when he was hector f st judi s chunh oak mile am kuil dean of haltein it was aaminnetd that tin pre p ir ton seivut ioiy p to alb tor tin lust ommunion would be held on lhursdiv at to p ny mtmbiis ol tin longii gatum win asked lo 111 ik aspiilal effort to he piesent 0 tin si 1 v u i in t suuifa 11101 niiij at s u in 11 tin tnwk t unfii in i nn nibt i uimlil iiiii tin n hist 1 oniimiiin 1 i 1 mis win askeil foi 11 nn inhi 1 of tin eongtm itnm siiloush ill li inn of m 11 1 i ly vv i piihhshi t 1 i tin si t 0 mi linn 4 ishiiu hi tw i n h 1 ll 1 liu h ulllloll nl 1 mil it 1 h h i i ks 11 i in lush iii ms i v 1 wlll awiti kl ll l iliulv wll jl toll u tin kim kwooi s 1 t 1 it noon ii hiemih dl 1 die 1 k in mmon of lin 1 at i i al imis tl jiaitnd th 01 lasiou being tht t inmi is it v of tin signing of the dn 1 a htrhrivvlctiitthremightil ge ilito n of lb in v mr uigi isitj tin nop i 1 r on wtitih st indus iluiiili w 1 nn it a i 11 1 1 tingn gallon w n pi s u v j nn in the sunn 1 heiseyrcinfnniid were leslie ai tuti ll vithui nightinguu i s lwutnlu to 1 ntlilingalt w ilh 1111 kn atif kinght lulu ki i 11 i wt id li 11i1u 1 i 11 h 1 1 1 1 11 i h it 1 1 11 tn r v uj 1 n liu i i 111 ihv u ilb r i itiie 1 1 m 1 11 i v i 1 tun nl i k n hit 1 si an i llll in nit ltllll ornil to ijmshw u i is sti 1 ts a 1 ivtstuk hit otlinges led tin list ofproluets whiih brought stn 10 hi- merit of southern t alifornui in 10 0 th most lucrative v ear since im vance- forces in libn had wlthdrawr to tin ir forward positions in the western desert to nvold encircle ment by cermnn reinforcements but the british advance troops in the at- tnik accomplished t their objectk thev forced the germans to disclose their strength took ninny nazi pris- i oners tanks and guns in the air j u a f nnd south african airmen shot down jo cermnn planes losing onl iix the mselves the same dav it wns nnnounci d titmnny and 1 urkey had signed a effort of ileardmore emplojees nwip trnt at ankara opinio 01 jj among informed sources in iondon asswumon maken splendid wns r nlmi anfl nde 1 in ne ni hie 1st hurdy 2nd crnde eddy hnrhlin 1st hanna vi idhuis 2nd crude 1 hi nlher boyd 1st pvesdell 2nd rnde r losephini hovd 1st hunter nd crnde fi marlon frvi r 1st burr 2nd grade 7 george niliott 1st mand bralda 2nd grade h ijorothv iallant frederick crew son 2nd toronto speaker addresses wms of knox church una is fa uni hay mbit john ar- lsl a utile more float thr j and aelon can ivnnanffl camp- bellvill tom u county with iwlfl per cent of objective readied comparlfton of what halton did in 191 when vic tory waft won l he j01i victory lonn ik meetlne with splendid sue less in hnlton coim- iv hepnrts on tuesday showed thnt five of the six centris hnd exceeded their quota camphellville dtstrbl hi aded the list with 1k0h per nnt of their objective oakville district hnd irl is milton district hit acton dlstrht 1 1 giorgetown district 101 4 and burlington rmrbt 72 1h bet urns since i tiesday an not in- rlucbd but mi alter the plctuie ihi tonntv lomnihtees and vork- i rs have done a splendid job while we mav think it is wonderful lets look at what the folks did bat k in 1mi halton county hnd an objective in 101i or l nnd the county turned in 2411000 or 113 75 per lent of the ohjiktlve there weie 1 1 saihsi rlptlons and one in every six persons took victory bonds tills year our objective is only 17- 500 000 and of that amount hnlton hns taken 1101 vu or hit per cent of the smnller objective there have been 192ti subscribers nnd only i in 11 of the population hnve taken bonds when w look nt these figures nromp t pnttinp th is not cjuife so henvy we ve done fairly well but twentyone years go the folks did better nnd thnt waa nfter hie war hnd been won actons figure stood on tuesday qt 110 km two honor pennnntn won 1 he jucntlon now is ran we fill the pole with honor pennants let s make it three pennnnts at lenst for acton lucmuy it needed only another 20 per crent another 11000 nnd by tho time this appears in print likely much of thnt will hnvvheen sei ured mnvhe we should hnve said four pen nants for actons victory flag british war victims fund contribution as a n suit of the bingo last wul m dav 1 vi ning and augnu nted by the donation from the implovets 3v f was the amount able to be forward ed bv the be animate kmploies a sotiation to the british war victims v und ni nrlv 1 iml tnkets wj n stdd for the int and over 7isi attended the btngo nil pi oe 1 ids win s2t and this uuoiint w as aueim nted hv 1 ilutttnr tlonation of tin bear nion mpiom i amount inr to si on i 1 1rlts uni inoin to puiihisi prii s witi donatttl u ton tuisnu s- nn 11 i in ie vvi ii foitv two pi iv nnl mlt 1 him u is ill ih w i f4om hn mn iltioi plli lis 00 j till ate s 1 ho lat s flotii ilitlrn apphaints gioi in s t hn wl nml li s m iii w huh is will is ftilltiw s s hi i n mis n me ki ttv mr rtnirr 1 h mi e m 11 so m isti 1 i wan mis knight t orgi town shirb mm h nn nt 1 mill r tl iota miss v emng mr hi lis mi i apj in mrs v hunt r mrv h iiin nt b hy m is t s mis w uali iheiusi mis bui us mrs v i mrs p lea nings mrs walkn lleib marshall mi i i 01 ki r miss a metallum mis tones mi i 1tntiss mi j i urkosv tai jtrn 1 otison mi 1 vm k id jomi itohits mrs spuis mr- milhikh mrs ft hi hnrdson mis viwal n u hi uuu 11 bi it all 11 hot marsh ill it spiiiveiml isolu i she ppanl h w ilrhniv hsi mn t in ii h halie th m ins n ll ith miss walk i it lor to tin 1 vi nl ll t i u 11 v tring lo enc in ie russia and fori e soviet capitulation to farreac hing e conomic and possltily military io mands raduallv a the seaffetlding around tin ni w unite d states fuc taries comes down and liammers and lathis go into ope ration the strength of the iiis rial of democracy begins te as- si rt itsi if in tin war in this th week of tin war tin i mti d starts gcivcrninnl through its wit ions age in 11 s has made alloca tions tot tiling m227nu li up pin s foi iti it jim and in 1 illtes ind tun i 1111 ii 1 tin i nd i 1 asi ac t sim t 1 u is ptissi d 1 1st minli most ol tlniffoit lo mipli- ni lit us piomslotls flrl llltiiii ihtisi ii itlons whosi eli ft in il suit lit i ios vi it li t ills v it ll lo tilt tit fin 1 of ttli i lilt it states tilts of notissin minidto pnp nations mow of miinitloiik ffflni ii is ijii thai ttn i kn nfrioost i it is to make i c i ongrcss t mr a st s ptt niln r will show tl it- hit s dm months oj an evening milling of tin w m s of knox presbv terian church was in id june 12th at the home of mrs c w masnles members of the y w a and home helper department attended and the w m s of itunnj- mi de chun h in l oronto wi re sei 1 il gui sts the presijh nt mrs fe o murray opepecl tin meeting nnd conducted the business and the devotional pt r- iod fallowing which mrs j b h president of kunnmede wms had charge- of the program i he sienker tor the- evening was mr fi senko v ho is in i barge of mis sion work of the church among the ikrnnlnns n joronlo he gave w very splendid address wberrin he paid trthute to the work of the wms in canada to the canadian pi oph for the spirit of frieiidliness towaid his fi how iounlraii n and to the rkraiiian peopb as new canadians for the spirit of luvnltv and good citl 1 nshij wtich the have shown h ijuottd iiistames and itn idents from tin loitntrus of jlurope lo prove tlmt ii en it 1 1 ti attention please victory loan headquarters ii wns the- hubjert of snmi local c emmenl nml n yc t uncexplnlncvl fnrt tlmt nil i he communities in hnl ton who hcwl renrliml thclr objective were mcntlnnect op the rncllo nnd in tin- dully pnve with the oxcoptlon of aclon yet thin community wns nmonk the flnct to cjo over the top unci the only one in the whole county to ceccecvl its ciuotn in the war bnv- ini cnmpnlkn thnt prvrevdecl thli vic tory iinn appnrently- acton s nhillty to meet its objectives hns become so common- plnce thnt it is no lonaer considered ncccs from hindcunrters aunltlnu u better explnnntion thnt is the one thnt will hnve to b tuucn for the- prehenl el is lllll 1 ll illsmeeiple thnt tin 1111 null i pe csee utloli enel i licet vc he n his v u is ml cl i iniei ami stieiiiet chinch will em 1 n- ihlll 1 cee s te 1 111 ms w 1 miss hid 1 len m ll ill ei is he ii tt il sill r ot mrs 1 m tsii iii i mr 11 lllel per le i the i iiui1 ll pet till ie s rill lit lichltlls tile lanplenee s sll ts nn i i i lie uie till i e elm ritsl ll llltleill ce llli h lllvi helieel tel swell the illm 111 ecnt wns tin largest 11 ilsl kiml hee here ami tie iliinntlnn sel to rtie fllllil the tlluest nnv one iroup far renlueel b ie alls up 1 atleill proelue e ll a ul niunuuiiis if pioiliiiitis m s hi atlantic i he first tin inimihs were in lie ans hirre 11 nl ml t uutaiii rt s mil r pn- thit 7i iiemieieiei eerth nf nicinltiims ihlcfi friin 1 slstini irinc anil uuu stein s wie snj p 1 mn is in 4lint pe noel underfill lmlleiis ac i 111 additiem t in mis 1 r 1 il inn hilt iineiunl i ets male lutein iilel is plae 1 hj 111 hntlsll l inille lit list if i teire ih ai ices i esse 1 ui lii millicil ill i loin repent tl cniiftish lasl wk flit i lsiilenl listed these ihlllkie as li in pup ii f hrll i in nnd tjlie ah i must he rinie inli re- r thnt this pruurnni is entire ij se purine from the t normouie production uotnif l iconcltidtd on pae eight june meeting op rockaloni institute at mrs h nelsons i he hoc icnliiiik wiimens insitute held their june meeting nt the home of mrs ii nelson with ih niimbcm nnd i visitors prs nt hie roll cnll was r spoil l in bv some incident limn irons or otherwise rom the dls- tint itnmiii lite i ram h sleiifiel thiir ill si to take ut dlslrlit pre- lei i milk llllil t he se in the tcxlril menu llll iileetim pliimiil t ii llew blilli eliri all sllllllel illt- liisini wilh a bank book our ijihmli aniui iiiimul its mi mix rslnp with tin i il mn m of agriculture miss s lit miett was gue st p ak r nn7l ut a utrs inspiring uldiiiia on our llrillsll cultural lleritni mrc win minhh re ail a poe in on aflitniinn liu mrs a sihulu kiiie the report from the district an nual i he uue tine closed b sintjinif lliote llalwaye lhninklirnd af lir whii h the hiistu served r fr ll- iih nts nnd u hoc inl timci wns iient coming events axnuto rmrnlr uccimik n rn r dllrmflevrnu uiijcr ihtl 1 lln jlurd m iniij prr luc villi j tiui nun lint 4 ianie at milu june i tia vi b win park i- den mirlu hull orch- hiuadikh enerak a w ukomne uitx ntc adjutant ccnernl repartihent of national defence v t umi to the strnwlhtry pesllvul in j kno sunday sclioql r wesliiin- du kvemnjj june jifth ficlucf pro- ifrnm admlsiion 10 cent auspices i of y w a i t

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