Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 19, 1941, p. 7

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he doe not have n pkilkii nor oft nnd llk hnlr but love for mo hlne in nl i y and loyalty u thor- nor doe ho move with dignity nor have n fancy name though but n cur with toonu- brown fur 1 lovo him jut th nw i he otforaimuch hl- wniih nrt fow- a bono a drink n bod boaldo a frocklod llttl- boy whonovonlnu praytra nro willi wnrn v f clark ttiomnn tw ffnt ago from tw ku t y lim f thursday jfun 28 1621 the mercury reached as rt8fi b on tudny tho longont tiny of tho yenr tho plnrteenth unnunl meeting of the central bowling ankodnjlon wns held t tho aoton cluwrtlso on tutu diiy evening njwrsdimftl to hold ho twentieth nnnuni tournament nt acton tho grot n nnd inwnn cannot vm iiurpiixtttl in weittern ontnrlo in arton mm of tho ilnlton riflm with mnjor kennedy nnd cnpt ken hody in cnmmnndlrft fnrcnmj nlngnrn lnnt lyidny flfti t n momhi rt of acton amp no f2 woodmen or tin wnrld pnld a frntt rnnl vlwlt to not tin nrsinrnp luofldflv- tho hnltnn pm 1 ram hall 1 ingu tuheduh got undi i n on sntindn nftirnnon mm lot til ti am mat kid up agalnm i inn bonne hit nnd lost out b tho nron of k 7 promltrnnd mrs drur win prii tnt tit tin fnrmi rs pltnit in id nt mil ton on snturdav snm flftun hund rod pirhnnh ntttndtd tin pltnit f i nm thf county mm momenrmy at tu nwillltjms on mondiiv luno r 1021 inmik m monomy ngtd hfl viam parsons in acton on sunrtnv him 10 1021 hnrry edwnrd son of mr nndmrn i pnrannb honrrt more crihctnr- aged 11 witkt- top pins now made prom canadian woods 1 he sunday school lessoii k hiwiav 4hnb 2zd first jerusalem conference on would missions v foldm tet but wo bollovo thnt wo ihnll bo saved through tho grnre of tho lord jokub in like mnnner n tlfty actn 15 ii lidkon text actn 15 1vs nt 2 print art is 6 21 jlmo v 52 a d plnrtb jortiknlorn antloch exposition j the turuggle to rutnhllhh thi doctrino of ornoo 1 thf proud honrt of mnn revolts ngnlnfd tho dnrtrlne thnt mm nro to im knvtd hy grnce nntl grnti nlono nnd thnt nil wt have to do is to ac- ttpt grnt o hy himple f tilth eph 2 8 so it tamo to pnnj t lint certain men mm down to antioch nntl hought to improve upon thi gokpel by nddlnk th inw of mokort to it mining x f pi vt ht t ircumolrtcd tiftor thi cus tom nf mospk i rnnnnr lie kft od 1 host ti tit hors of i rror win m fiirntst nv n nntl doubt iihs c nnst ii n lintim but tin mtn u liolk wionc tintlr dfinf nuts i in hnothiu tunl4i mw44miuv in hit ulv uui emd lanfuuimap hlrch nrt roplm ine importod wemd ns top pins in tftophnni lint tonmruc tion rimirth tin port m produtts lnhorntorhi of tin dtpnrtmmt of mlnk nnd kwinurcrs tormt rl nil toppins wtrt mndf or jtllou lonwl thin wood hi ing fnortd hi i hum of it htnncth nnd rthlstnnn tn dnn rpbfiinb word intlltntid thnt hiiffu unt htniiklli was ifiiiuri d whin mnph hmh tn how hlu h w r- tihid tn mnki toppins but in i hi it nnturnl mutt hint spi t ii s imkil tv fhinihllilnf thr int list this slun i coming vitis n nn tin d b impn int inj tht op pins nuidi from tin do nifmli wciods with mnofoh oil undi i jiii hhuii w hit h in at m tin ir thinihilm with no it due tl fatrlilihl as ii kmlll of tills ttflli mi nt in nmtt i innpli hi 1 1 h or birch lop pins now nn t i tin 1 1 quirtim nts of tin t onsitwii rs limit in i outlitfoi jonuhtic woods has hi t n ittntiil id smith with a itw tnwnrd ljuitit utiltation of c tiiuidii s fim si inp is if naflimnl important t lln lonst protluits ijihoratoin s in diavot to impiovi tin itononiit usi of wootl and to tuali wtaltb bv pit miilkiik wiihtifu nuthotls of iiimir hion anrl utiluatiou althniikli wood ih niott p in nill thought of in tt mis of planks nntl hoaitls hu mam nii it ti s manufat tun tl from it an tin iulali nt of a bun amount of lum tur jiritish grannie keturn to school rrtrntinui hut holh nnstnki n and i i daiik tons ti at biis of i rrni w ho sa 1 vt i pt t kip tin sivintn tla sabbnlh nfti r tin ustorn of mnsi s i i nnnnl in s i d m i ol j in k v both i in unit ision and tin hi m nth da sabbath in tone to tin inw that was fulfill d nnd dmio awa in hrist horn 10 i j cm 1 7l oil j 14 17 llu nn nl tiuthstthnt undi rll both tin inw of clrtumihlon nnd the inw of tin hi vi nth da sabbath ablth hut the form is chancitl iloh 7 ut atutrrilnu to i hi rosjh 1 a man ii justified h fnlth npnrt from tin works or tin inw horn 1 28 horn a ii and this tonlronrs that nrnsi m tin burth in anlfoib wn our this tjin stlon win t hi r n is savi tt sini pl upon lomlltlon of faith intlnh aiait from thi works of tin law oi wh in m upon t-on4u- tlon of faith with works of tin law adtli d as n ii t pntl tontlition ibis was thi lariat but tli that paul fought out and wotl nntl that in n lalir tla mm tin 1 ut hi r fought out and won i in hi st book t m r w iltti n upon tin siihji t or law nntl ran and upon tin subjil of lustifh ntion b i i- fill it apart fiom work of inw is tho i plsth to llu nlatians i in uijii ists of tin fust ttntur win as out spoki n and ndin nnd trouhhsomi ns tin li galists of tin twi ntn th 1 1 nlur iht ttlst ussnin iniisid no small lis st nsit n and tin stioninj and it was th i ah d at lo si nd to hi adquorlt is and him t r tpnstton mtthd as the week al ottawa specially written for the aoton free prea by bv aij1n 1iarvrv cwnmdlmh trm rtmff writer oi aw a ct with the in hhioii of parllnmont udjournld for tlu sum mi r unlokh romothlng uhould tu cur to occrtiilon uumrfrrthfng of mi ml writ in n hurry thi mmuttrw of the cioan chitrtfod with dlrehlng the wnr u- vort now imvemore limn to git rlht down to tho biiklnobnv of tholr vnrlotik dopnrtmontu no lonuii nrt thiv fnnd with tlu nccewiity of lnlnk in tho cninmoiw to nnswor questions on their tic pnrt- monts operntlons from other mi m in ru or tho houito of commoni the lust tnyn of rommnns di llbern- tlons wns n wonrlng wiok for nil concerned with hillings htnrtlng nt 11 n m nnd gvingon unlll midnight nntl 1 nm fvi n nt tin finish llun wire si ill those who had qm wtjons to nsk nntl suggistlons to malti as tin hi ksinn tin w to a i los prime mlnintir mm kt nli mnj lift with nn mbi ih n stall nn nt on lln wnr in which bo wnrmd ti alnst an tuto npttmlim fiver tirnpnrnra inr 1 1 tsi s antl agalimt hi omlni uinliik tlowiuast ovi i nurses i he trui pi ispn tivi of tin wni situation hi hold was minnlbing lo titirulhitn niornh atti t two iais of war no i i iman soldli ri has si i foot on british soil bijrrlng tin hnnnt i islandi nnd tin situation wits hi tli i than could luiu n hopi d for a uir ago ills dutu s in pnrlinmnl h nm d up tin prinn minlsiit wmt lo print i ton n i to rttiki nn honor nr di gn o from print tlon unlorsil and to mnki an atldn ss in ni w yoi k on the dominion h wnr i f fort among tin inti si sslonnl tli m lnj mints wns tin appointment of j i tborson i ll silklrki ns mlntsli r of nntionnl war st rvicis hum n ding hon 1 tnrdimr who yill dowiti nals lire driving pnnli slrltkiiv palis from 1 hi ir bonus in poikh ti r rltorlofi now int orpornti tl lrfthtrni mnn holth llu di porlntfouit uf fi c nil dlntrhtn nil i hun h of pijipli im tin dliitrloth of icktntn nnd iftno nm all inndnwnorfl have h u pro printed inndlfh xntunts drhen mtt five hundred persons polish bufilnts mm nnd miribnnln wiri i sproprlnt dd in kutno lu ono night c fdldron unri nomuouul from tlu ir pimnls nnd taken into hi ri it h i hroughout tin most w vi rr pnr nf inst winter tu porting from tho pomorat province s of lod nntl ponn continued from tho nmnu dlhtrlit or konthlnhy boo ientinnts were tnken to tlu gi ni rnl govi rnnu nt in cnttli true vs i hi ir join ncy to znmorc lasti d fl wt t kfl during whit h t in nn ivi d no cooke tl foot nhd n ninini tl i ndb sh pi rltitlfttki wiy side ntntlont whin 10 c hlldrm dkd out of ope sinuli txnmipoit of 1 2h poh n from th wist to piolruow 22 thildrm til fl in sltli s si viral ndulls onl simiitiin ihildnn suivivitl tu r jinn m i ovimr son sior will im ion k fitland ti hrmj- rnnpt-ttiflnlrd- ll i li r a 1 ii hmnhiiil spiodi in whuh mtirfi tin i in t n in sio flillil nf tin war mnn tli in j km mih s nut or si hi of inn i nn i iiaissaih diii lirllljii muruiiinn trmtd ahrt hte air itmliltt t w nnii s tie v c lu i k honi t ij w jiiwh built up for tin mout part from thi ow in r h rlbi art anumg t lu at hi hi nn nts of phihtlc iturgi ons in irlt itln 4 hntpllnli to tla although tin in nth si air bill kills or frwiltm nnl a fun tlon of th total istlmiilitl ih fori tin i ufawnffi wime tin proportion n t living fntlnl injurh s ih high i hlfty vi nm ago ma n of those in ut iht t inns would htim be e u binud ri mi dv lo day tin plnsili sttrgi nn c nn v irluatly re ntviri must of tin fiaturh to normal lt ih will craft as much as h hundnil square inihis nf skin from nm part of in path nts hod in another a it tlon of rib mu iniln long be- omis a jnwbont a woman imlllng to gn 1 1 n friend does so thank to tin section of selntii nerve that kicps normal a fnce width would hnvo men pi rnuini lilly twiwttd by deep glnxh wounds i m ry wti k tlu wurgt ons of britain an slowly and mice ssfully rebuilding the hi fc nturc h dnmnged hy splinter and frngrtn nts of flying glnsn wood nnd nd c 1 loopcration hetween ciiuuda soliljers and airmen ogdens cigarette tobacco nil his tiip to nrrltulturt liurtasi 1 i paul and rainalnis jmirmutl lo hi and thou along tlu il ml- ml i in lnspt 1 l iiu ut as dtus tr i fllisi tl usjili ni on the mission th companions in id mi tinjs va antl thus what tin th id for tin hind ritik of it all led to its athaiu i llu passi d t lumitli tlu photnuia and samatia th gri at jo unto all tli and iting llu sttu of n rat i s anumg tin i usi ii lhat n i hit tin en b r t 4x1 s oni rtlog unt lit s ttavi tl h iuu is o in tin hol spirit 1 1 il timstion as i ssar for a in li law of m ns tie with hutu s mr 1 iiorson will tontiluu as than man of llu commons war t xpondi tuns tommittii which will tontiniu its inquir into wartlnn spi ndlnj dut ing tin llousi adjournment but in nd riitlon in has in aw di purtnn ntnl dutn s hi has control of llu inadian hrondiasting lorporation and all propaganda age licit s of tlu govern nunl and it has been nnnnunctd thnt iir possihh us foi tli national konet will u mmh of i lit m fatllltl mr 1 hoismi w ill khimiii i a i tpusufrom m r oldwi ii til houii li aid r for i p irhanu ntai in quirv in t f til into ti i nt hunj1 in the m innj nn nt si t up of the crc which mi oltlwill said ji upjiidii d tht orpor ititm s futun 1 ati st ssu n tli i lopnu nts imludi i an at lac k h consi rati tin mbi i on the ritriutinj sstim and i h finti of lu oiuntnr plan of talhlk mi n into llu arim i infinii mm istt r ralston lit urt nnmtn rs and t itii ns tall for sue tt us m ni rall tti ukk nun t he hind tl and mnki it mum women of tio and train to tt into war time work oxer 1 on don i il if in tl pa- criiiidnuttlk ts hi 1h tl flu n i il ik with llu li homt vork hi u hnt ih t ti hviimi in a it- n hmi tin r it was to kit p in idid hastlh but dt libi rati k and in tht ila spir it and was si tt u tl fori n i for all who latcopt tlu autboiit of i otls word t which man who profess gnat loal i t to it do not do piti r brought i forward tlu tomlusui aigunnnt tljat ml himself had si tiled tin qui si ion talniuh tn giving tht iloh i host tin si al of ills at tc plane i to t in unt ir tunuistd as trulv as to tlumschis i his u as until nlahii and tlu n was no niisttrliij this aigunnnt pnulv m ws rv- lisis similar arguin nt in his pstl j l vs tmfnm with him tit tl to tlu nlntinns uul 2 wh h wt k s ml l mild t anmia was t a kuktil on i onsl rut tlon if naal t raft during thi eours of ins uar stall nunt jlr kiiik rttifflrnud t nnada s position i hit lu r if oops otrsi is in it tlu disosition of llu allied k ji i rtil si iff and ma be us d nnwjlnn itts di sirnbh that hi dnlnrid has main macu known ic tlu world he in w attention to thu fait tl icitrmnn people now wire in ing nun isi d bttttr tools of war for pwj j w hi n ns lurctofon tin word iln i flu n had tn i n that th wit will mil litib vcai j munitions minlstt r howe uuuh sonu significant statements to id am inimi u lio in id a i ill n toda w lu it some thousimik of wonun nn tank at school liutnin flu dcclniitl shtim all inn aaln so thi tan takt part in win work lkiting wonun in ih t ns oi tins trnlning tt litres mlts lai ohm has lift adwsoi ot wonuns tiatnlu tt th minlntr of labor distovitttl w nn n up to di m ais of ai diinj mu tntttreti hi hotl itvioks of tlun uaud t htldren llu n an w ttt hnital tolb k goei nun nl training tntns ami ii w otkers as will as a hii iiuinh i of fiittoins w lu n tin maruii an t i lias oluntan op tu d tialiitii mil t that 4tppihiluh to ihhiih ftt ihtu vit k- 1 hi se wonun an n autif ot jtt ns manaurs hupi t isois ami fort uoniiii maiin of him nn siu imiij t iiklnit t hi lhsc l iblilk out donustu siaut it ats on tin sanu l oil has seuicd tl tu si nm in a similar lb undi imfbl im s i to i host w ho ki e th dt d mam of thoxe fn st la kive fur nn gt tu nil iht nn j i luimii n i im i tlu iloh lln it enlists w h ki i p 1 tluv i b m m nth da adw nllsts though a ir tiuiust and onsuii t lulls t op it haw ih m i uuinifi stt ti mmh pii m llu sauatlon of tht i wt hi nih thi an unltrlmk in pttkmtlvttiig thoi uhu uu aiiiuilv he litmls it it i unit on to all th ir attention to tin fat i that i oils wa i f i liaiisin i in ai i is b hutli 1 it r wi nt on ttlll futtht i l tt 11 hi twi u a tie st and that tin hominum s i emhatk on manufat t in t if rnotbnd homliiu plankmi i lu 1 mi on the output of iaiail tiaininj t aft air ft arm s hi t aust ut ut w i lutil thmi menti r than tl t mi i i st t nth ium britain tnth da a in nur da in huh s nit fiisi ita in w ho kt ep t lit n wdi n d i and a of null ktlldt iwt diprral plan iuimb4d irwh t h vminuer for kacuatlon of war workers tht rrmr that msi 1 itt uj ha 1 tu t h miiui iltiklitt said although untrannsl untt himug onh an ilinuutaiv idu tntion w lu n iht tiittittl a vthimtt sti ri ealed a n nun kabb apttludi for nuuhenttitlt s anil un t hann al upe i lions until spit ml trtuulnti hi iu pet upie ii posit lotv in w iiu h hlljh tet holt al iork of a lonflde nllal mi tun is lurritmi on lalklng to out tun hfttn d woman about tin mkliiiis or friutioris utul dt tlmnu mls ioh tt was told al first i txtuldn 1 make luad oi tall ol it bul i wux determined not to kh iif wliivu mv eounti neeiu me 1 hen my grnndkon iomm show ml nu how to do my probum nnd 1 t lin ii t ting on flm ver nintv i v he int tin law kill l m ntlls st i king m vt nth h 1111 kthi i i ord i lu t k illsii n sp t law i tl i tki rni i a i ihi 1- ii t ii i h kt j hut just tbt sanu nuttuu i an i so jill tod i who ait t li ai t tnl i ih ir la abhath kt nj on tlmr tuuii will nit hi siwii l law jmiiink hut t nh ao i alio r ihiiui the itmi if tin mis iai 4 1- ri m i it timoii of paul and barnabas as to tlu i ff i ti in or tin isn i not ht gainsaid tro rtd ttnlnx ho an thi art hi liikiituht last to l lirist tin huahsts humanists and w ho th n the grati of ibis no un ii fanul t olltsltlt t in hs of tlu r at h of twi x gran tould nor jjin it my i i- am tt p a laift snl pinn fnrdtprrang tlippnputtnnntn inininiiyt tasualiiis in luaj alt rails i has inn ut into o t riitlon in hi i kt i i uik similar tans a un h i w i in thnui oatdirr als si ht nn iduiik fir i a un i skillt tl v i kt rs j int tin it i tth tin nts built t i tb n lank i in a hut with n i us it a h of tl t it uhn tin ii w u t mt indnli ill k ixailahh u js mtt rid i ii nt orih nu n n i disl f r t ss ntutl miuio a i 1 duties nn t fin watt i uik will rnuini in thi daiik i ma al nikht other workers will hai in tlu tv milk smhtl iranspoti will in m iiid to bring hum i tu k in linn d r win k in tin morning u thnt n t in is ti ii n all iidimts lu fori ui the onlv gospiil width lod hununt ju rhrui our injd tinl i h hint width wltnc sitts to ills rom i lb 17 r ph 1 t hi nlunuuling nu ro ami grace through ji i in addition in iht an idi in auni t r a i bus now lotnnd u ompl ti m nu n eftsi u ssi iik a i nhle in of i o opt ml i wan is bra fing thin i v smith r pilot to i ratoi at the untrok i si i n nlnnksuh all ah t it ii iii iii 1 an 1 1 ii 1 i l minim 1 ill 1 1 it un 111 i i it r n i air nn llu- phi tnsta s- anarlia a mtilln li nlli iii iii 1 i lim a aptain afmuii u sakali la 1 joh r it ai till iv 1 rlalih urn li t ultll l ipa for active service rate of pay in the hunks 1 30 per day with board lodg ing clothing medical and dental care provided gxtra 1 ratei varying from 2se to 7s per day for ikilled tradeimen while em ployed 2 dependent allowances in caah 15 to wile 12 each per month for 2 children only 3 dependent per aoldier join canadas activermy now oh tmt4 tiuiks urmuurkl curn in hunied equipment of ever 1k ription awuit l to htnd them thundering down the road to i torv lim in the opportunity oti har hren wanting the chain e totalk to the hun in the only laritfuufze lie iinch rtatulw so join up novt for actio 0erne in oltl knland or whereter the enem rearh iiih head tlir unudiuii tti ariiiv rcstpiirh mrn fur artillrv fngim rrhsjrnulm rniour- wmamrl antht liifuntrjv truiimpur t untl suppl v mtiliiuj mill ortliiunt t uml ullier brunt lieu f the srr- vicr i hr rmv ih prrpured to daili mnii irailtm uml to truin eu to tltjitnllv huiiillt 4inailum timiii ofmurt oo to wur nurmt dintrict t ruiliiik ollie r find mt jlltthcticlnilh llw thrv wtirk wliut thi ilo s e jimt where ytncll fit in sri- u h re un partit ulur hliii uhi mmiihm tun ihui im utiliitt llun join up for uo pp to nturvut dwtnrt hexnutmir tiff ire or an uk h aicfol department of national defence canada

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