-morwr- th f ph lhuitsday june 2fith 194 nmiot ol buuu lliiilva tail dtatka re bbmr1d u tau column wlthtmt chm b hmmtim notts fve a4 ie per law afdiuoosl fof poetry born force at tho cjoncrnl hospital guclph to mr nliil mm k k forco n daughter mnry jane wiujamkon at cuolphigoiternl hospital oh tuesday june 17lli 1041 to mr anil mm dnvlil wll- llarmsoh nee annie stcwairt n dnuuhter diane clare agnkw at tlm prlvntn pallonti maternity homo fmlpli slriel aclnn on monday junn yjrtl 1i1 to mr nml mrs ii auriew tin lft of n boh jtoliert itnj markiki1 bilushctmulk at tlii mamie of knox prokliytorlan cluircli acton ontnrlo on jurlo 2w tm1 by rev ii i ilonnlo m a mnrauorlto jenn currlo younuor dnukhtor of mr archie c currlc nml the into mrs currlo of acton to john brush non of mr nnm hn itoneri ilrush of milton ontnrlo iki mccutchkon al till- homo lot n second une brln township on monday juno 21rd lpll mary undsay wcblhoimtonii widow of the late ttiomnn mccutchcon in her 7it yenr in mrmokiam johnston in loving memory of n dear husband nnd father basil johnston who paued nway juno 28th 1010 santymlsj bjrhi wife and family jhnylnk in underway nnd the crop is voryjlrht in thin district ruhln schools close on frlilny for the lone summer vncntlon snturday in army da visit the camps the bo will be k to see ou v while rnln in this immeillnte district were or vnrylnu decree nil of them were welcome a f j w nuik in t fields inst evenlnu in nnmnrnweyn township just off the rood to the big elm tree corner workmen hne this week been putting the telephone line to the wool comhing plnnt underground from agnes street to the plnnt office will soldiers nnd frlendi of tl e boys from acton nnd district plense furnish tm fn psrs with their correct address promptly we hope enquiries every week from locnl or ganizations for these printed lists miss mnr chalmers of acton has recontlj graduated from the sec retarial school toronto she is now the privnte secretary to mr batt r president of the baxter conslrui linn companj toronto a group of six little glrl jonn white lorraine rallnnt phllls robertson loretta howies jill i merner and bett wilds sold lemon ade nnd cookies in n booth on mill street on snturdltv afternoon thev i were nble to forward 1- to the 1 british war victims fund as a re suit of tluir effort belter thnn a j dollar apiece for these llttli girls and all on tin ir own initialise the continualion school results in the four grades continued from page one ltiiml lit 2 trnc 2 riog i kc 2 art 1 2 o cump 2 writ camp 2 ilr hist 2 rnnch t illen velilhulb writ 1 mnfli i b prnc 1 eng 1 sc 1 art 2 itend c o comp 1 writ comp c lit 2 ilr hist c princh i lois wnlmill wrll 1 mnth c 13 pllli 1 fiog c si c artc itend 1 o comp c wrll comp lit v br illkt c rrenih c hoy wrtncl wrll c mnth v u prne c eng 1 sr p art 2 itend c o comp ciwrll comp c lit i ilr hli1 c french r warrenwood writ c mnth c jflprm 2 niog2 sc 1 art c itend c 0 comp c wrll comp 2 lit 1 br illxl 1 french c promotions nre made according to merit in case of failures students mny be given nn opportunity to nt- templ the work of 4ho next grade ohadk x ldna altken math c geog 2 sr 1 o comp 3 writ comp 1 lit 2j cnn hist 1 french 2 int 1 doreneatiinsmnlh 3 cohtwt c oeog 3 so 1 o comp i writ comp 2 lit 3 cnn hist c french 2 lnt c eveleen brnldn mnth 1 com w 1 geog i sc 1 o comp 1 writ comp i lit 1 can hist i french i lnt 1 john bruce math f com w f geog f sc 3 o comp cf writ comp c lit 2 cnn hist 2 french f ijii f trnnk burgess math c com w 3 ccng t be 1 o comp 3 writ c omp c lit 2 can 1 inl v mabel burkhold c sc c o comp 3 lit j cnn hist c v dorothj clnvton mnth c geog 3 is- y n rnmp 3 writ nnnlp a hist 1 trench mnth p geog writ comp 2 french c int lit 2 cnn hist c frenih 2 lat 2 herbert iron mnth f com w c giog f sc cro comp c writ comp c lit c cnn hist c lnt f shirley dusal math 3 com w 2 geog 1 sc 3 o comp 2 writ comp 2 lit 1 can hist 3 french i ijii 1 george holllnger mnth 3 com w 3 geog 3 sc 2 o comp c writ comp c lit 3 can hist 1 frenih f int 2 isnbi hi mclcod math c com w 2 geog c sc 2 o comp 3 rit comp 3 li 1 cnn hist 2 frentu 2 lit l mnrj hlulue mnth 3 geog 3 si 3 o comp 2 writ comp 2 lit 1 can hist 1 french i lat 1 chnrles itushmcre mntlu f com w f geog c sc c o comp c writ comp 3 lit 3 cnn hist p prenili 3 lal c wnndn hut ledge w i giog 2 s lit comp i it ffeni hi i nt i mnrgnret smith mnth 2 gi og 3 si 2 o comp c writ comp 3 lit 2 can hist 1 frimhc i it 1 wnnmttn smith mnth f lung 3 si 1 o gump t writ comp 3 math 2 ci c o comp 1 lnn hist pii 111 1 nut o comp 2 writ comp c lit 7 hlt 2 french c lnt 3 ra1r xii gordon ienltyalg 1 phy 2 o comp 2 wrll comp 3 lit 2 iii i front h c lnt c kenneth blow alg c phy 1 o comp 1 writ comp c lit hist 1 marie clnyton alg 2 ph 3 o oomp 2 writ oinip 3 lll 2 illst 1 plenih c lat 1- inn ginnl air c comp t v i it omp 1 nun i pmni is i mull alg 2 conip 2 wrll comp ills 1 plenih 1 lnt 2 11 u iii milveown all o ciinip i wrll fonip i ills 1 mnrgnri i mi phnll air 3 o comp 3 wilt cimip 1 hist 2 pn in h 3 lnt 1 hubv smith alg c phs comp 3 writ comp c lll c frenih p ijf 2 nrnlh stooloalg 1 phy c o comp 2 writ comp 2 lit 1 hist 2 trench 2 lntln i genm 2 pin 1 lit phs i ii ph 1 it p c everton intended for iast week relntlves nnd friends of mrs inurn blackwhovisltouunuililonimunlty last summer will regret to learn of her denth which took plnce recently in sehenectnfly new york nfter n short illness mrs black was the dnughter of the into tohn black her funeral was attended by her nieces miss lois black or hock hill south carolina mr and mrs albert wilson nnd nnd mrs albert robertson of london mr nnd mrs albert wilson nnd dnughter of toronto spent sundny with mr and mrs will hend nnd son kitchener mr nnd mrs lesse motncrv nnd dnughter beth of bnlllnnfad spent sundnv at the home of mrs r a dampler miss lois black has nrrhed in v- erton to spent the summer with her mother mrs tnmes black mr and mrs j p benhnm nttend- vh ttm fii n of rtrr lalteis urrcli mr charles gnmhle of kenmnre n y last trldny in acton pte robert potter nf vntcnrttir quebec spent the week end with his wire nnd other friends mrs mills or hamilton is lsltlng her dnughter mrs d ii parker and family mrs p m aw rev and sons ivan nnd wilhert guelph spent tuesdny with the formers mother mrs w usherwood hlr will hend the enumerator for this division is hus on bis rounds seaivhliglit on franrr takf k 110110 spi nil n pb asnnt nlui i ii 2 f ait an hist c frtnib c ijlt lis an kxnert in trench affairs france to dns hns been ilisldiil in her iimiiii rors into three i znne there is the forblildi n 7nne consist ing or the deportments ot the nord anil pas ile calms rnmillir to those who used to cross to france b the hort si n rmlti s this one is at g at germnns uw ii v oron ahaamg lt3 n a ii i s k scnnclln co cnpt skllhh anrliamei icnn oil co tfi queen anihmi fatc london svc j i nilml mi pllli rrillnr nml llililllwr vur arrow i in imkhh i i mr cdiirinlulntlonjj a ton on roini ovii tho top on the victory 1 onn that is ninth hitter than onw of our o nihil fnlr c itlc linvi lnp ns it i ronll ilo t iilnlc thnt tot n ll- lnp nnil inklnj into tnnnhh ration that wnih arc not as hlch nn in tin i ithr atton hns ronlly doiio viry uoiwj not only in n flnnpcinl n hut nihil in a righting n i hclho nu hnve a good quota for your population of iinirse thoro an jitlll konif hint well i don i know why hut they hiim to ho hfiflitflod to let othom nrry tho hnttlo for tliom ive espectod to lenw halifax in tonvo hut on our i iikiiic trlaln we flimloped mnrino i nglne trouble nnd will he hero in the hnnln nt leant nn- other week i hni it n hit hnrd tiuhtri to tin c rmnn o ii unissi n not pnrw nnd thiyf get tho time in so x havo ntnrted flnh inr the last couple of days nnd though i hnve been very patient my luck nn ct hns been nil next week i think they nre lowering a liont over the side nnd if they do i m going to hunt the flhh 111 iwo if i cnn get up to the sncftvlllo river which runs into the hnnln nnd try the snlmon as yet i hnve not met nn of the lome siots down hire and i do not helloe i will mnhe ill he pas sing t hem some of t hose days 01 mahe they ii he passing me noywny nn of ou hoys road thl loiter iii tell jou thnt i hellve i passed ou all inst hut nu illdn t know me if ou even seen me hut iii ho seeing jou nil later on if i nm in port long enough wo hnve heen having grand sum- m wi dow h h n wnek or so hut until then the wontlur wns nil rniir and cold mr olllh i am enclosing a f versos i picked up nhonrd width i helleve wns written h some one nshore antl hy the copy i hnve got i helleve it is mostly nmateur i do not know if it hns ever heen publish ed or not but i nm doubtful aii- unj it is very good nnd very true ns far ns i can find out i menn in tho wn the morchnnl seaman is treated or looked on ashore ospcclnl- 1 i hear in tnglnntl as far ns conduit goes in a wnj i ennnot ee nnv difference hotwi i n the nav anmv k air torce anil men hnnt seamen of course lure are nil kinds in all servkis arid the same goes for civilians hut vou w ill gt t the drift on rending the few versus inclosed now i must renllv dose nnv of ou bovs serv lug ov i r t hen drop a m new umiess i might possihlv drop in to se i vou if in a port in vour vlt nut v ymiis sincere ij ii v dron i tiik mfr1iant sk ma will lil laugh plomhu jou 1filn hear musli in n wwoet refridn if vou woitld ho n kid iigtiln o hihlni i nine a m ill we ti ii mill of h flshliir ttlp rihhlng tups don t nu a i ni mniul t ihng nnv old in i i tips i insi nt home like nil ihlnri at home lai it the m hnulm nt aiul we boose a write nf 11m trip fill thei nwnv i in v sa thai wh ii v hi an doia all iirhl mil thi fish iilllnr one spot thcie is no uo vvanihilni nil uvor th inke wnuuugllnit ltr haps hints the phllnsophv that took mi hiuk to lake opeongo in algon- qtiui inrk ninm we in thii i n o in tludesmokhrw mnrtloy ilarrlrion lor- onto llnrolil chave georgetown nnd amoi mnson of art on and the ull- lor or tntriui vnvnn its n com pany thnt fish topi thereat ipiihi onto a yenr itnniln nre hitter oath ear as vou lhlt fishing grountls some twists hnvr been removed but tlenty left to make them sionio we found on reaching tho thirtythree mile point in algonquin iark thnt the three miles into ion averys plnci wore hit ter in fait the lat part of n mile could for tho first time he negotlatul with a car fnstend of trnvelllng via motor launch clnmo tnntlimtfl to be plentiful we spotted nt lentt n icoreof di or nlong the rond into wimp last ihursday night on one of the bridges mother porcupine nnd n young one jimbhd nlong the edge hi at hfng i amp we found n hi ar was in hie habit of paving nighltv visits with destructive results to n ntrlgirator boy and the foodstuffs he rellshi d 1 in men nt the fishorv station wire gunning tor him bul w in n wi lift enmp on sunday mornlnie the boar w ns st ill winring his hide without j ou hnvi vim him in oh tn hnve more than once remarked thnt uouluk on oggv f ouve dispiscd him w in n in s and sp nd n ph asnnt mm ivnting elav nt waterloo on snturdav turn jsth nt the hig uinl lstivil md highland compi til ions hundnds f lomptfitors m mnsu an 1 llighlmd lnnnng elnofl i hulling mghu tod sound- monster vntng t e rfonunnce nt no ti- t hargi hit v f tllllh- lil the mist hiautiful in turd pai k in ontuiu aml s ml tin most ph is ml d iv of tin minimi uukrkoik ruhih a ear lyom lnama table scraps urilnin k houvi holde t- laughing t hitlers thnnts to tiu thm into kiihmlssion are joining pig clubs m uhlth members ki e p their pi- mimi lv on house hold nnd g mien wnslt in less than n venr ove r h the st e luhs have b n formed and w- ixm1 pigs n presenting nlwut 1 r tons of baton have in e n presduied large 1 on xhm whith wodld other- wu have he n waste d if all the bacon ve tlletd into ti he in it would giv omp t i it 2 1 hompmin math i c 1 si f iomp 1 1 tl j can hist ii w wilt u m h uump i 1 i- itf 1 t 1 i itl i h j will cnilllp 1 ii i 1 i it 1 u i hum in u ni i w nt e mill t v ii ti i- i it t phv 1 it 1 i hv i it h 1 hi pv i nv j w i it t mil u hi i it 1 phv i if 1 in h ink k i pltv t oipp t w nl t omp j i i 1 1 fie in li 1 1 it j pom h wise n alg t phv eimp j w nt innp 1 1 tl 1 i mi nth j 1 at 1 kenneth hissird l t o tomp j wilt omp i hist j i- 1 mil f i it f wilm i kirkwootl alt i o pernio i wiit reimo hist i tre m h c uiit mm vrthur alg f o comp l w i it t omp k hist h hu mh f l x k he i n mi i u hi rn alg t phv o tnmp i rtt tonip i i it hist l h n in h i at j inez mil ell in mg l phv o hist hist afttr the wti this ditithmont fron fi into w ill he p mnni nt in the ni tuple d yone the nazis 1 i hi e o i u ful to mi hull not onlv the poits nnd ui h is s sultahh for i ittniks on rnj1 ui i not onlv spue in whnh to niohihi i hug limv for i in bnn not onlv th cipitil but i most of ili it hi st land and of th hnl growing inns lh iimunrhr f m iljs hu so he i llfll llplt i hi w os t i pi t il is tin mount un sj i of khv 1 hi ttus tin divisions must b i lu 1 i foui th n non oji iphii i division th pi is m is of v ii who n umh i nmi lv j ii0 hitti ami- jho h iv foi th in ist n t h n ti his i or r e i i to i mum i in histoiii provinns of alsi ui i ioirani inve ht t n toin f i nm fi un t ind hav it i mm part of th in it ii i l m i timtv of lh ii iu h mh ihit hits ln n p hid in i fort i el to 1 nvt ill ir h iniijnii i i f p r is h inn i tin m fix pi i nt of th inhihi nvwav in hut t on the elnlri t si a d irk md in 1 hioiikh i suhiu f st1 s sjn tin it iv it in trip e shfi- md nn holes in it first man we met on going into tamp on lhursda was 13111 clavtoii he inlroduied hlmsi if ns the guv who let tne hig one get away l in last yenr right then and there we de cided bill and the iditor had to n deem tin nisi ives ami git a big one this tar and in seemed as willing ns we wore lust dldn t feel so e onfldi nt when the part slnitiel out on i riday morn ing for the tm miles up the hike he cause mil clnvton nndaie park r our guides told us the fishinr in tin fake had heen absolutely rotten for the past wiik and if we hail no link w- might as w 11 pmtngi over to hid rot k and get some wi went to the usinil good phues and fished sum it hasn t bun tin custom to nnme those who hnvi lh blt iullls with the lutth il would he poor poll i on our part in start sut ii a pntidint this viar anvwa win n rh hoots tin w in for thnn r tin catch hlul hi i n ten four nf thtin win down with tin beans hac mi i tt that hill and ace pn panel for ilium r i hose fulniid hike trout an nlwnvf miotl but foi pifittion tlnv in hist sirvetl onlv jm hour oul of the wall r and fi n d in i p in sw miming with tint f r lei a di op blown mil in opi u fue in ndiljo the pluisuie of th nu il th bn i i w is off tin lake dtiving tin fins and mosquito s into lh bush lust ail of out w h id welched x nnd n half poiindu and nn main d 27 imhva hut the ihitlnn wiim not to unit jllll wrih poult ive that the ntu aninit miikon marly hiid in tho iwiat but got nwny wn mm h linger winn hnicdd clenve brought in hl intth he hied one the name length and a quarter pound heavlei ihli fjhlnc juiit ki e pt vou iniiif nil tin time to keep up hut ompanhinihlp new arquint mm atidthe liiipaiahh games of i iiihn an impoitant an will as fi h inp spuii il nt our table for nn a was nit ann in ah couple who proved vi i v oiiim ntnl ills huslm was si i- ung miishionm paw it hut he w as inking n f w davtt off frmn husiniss and enlovlnr tin lav off imnu nsur nhlv hi fi h lorv wn- vot d tho best ii told i in n tin ii w as a parl of ti n age bos who tame tint with inline s nftft- sseiidlnr weelt in two or thiee other inlti h nnd nallv tamping out i hero was aluo the tiihnical st hoot teat in r from down in the ii s who had n boat built bv hlmsi if and n enmp up on nn island four mlhs up the inko he wns spending mont of his time around camp until more of his pnrtv nrrlvi d ann ri- iiin i ars weie more numerous than canndlan among the guest s- it taken nil kinds to make up n wo fid w hfldnt been wny tonff enough to iny nsldo world intofouth missing the papers nnd ratllo broad casts was losing n verv important part of our dnlly life nut we nut one chnp- up there who hndnt henrd nny war news for two monjhs and wasnt pnrth ularly anxious to know nny of it some wny wi envhd him i he pnrl wns deeply intinstid in a sottlon this venr seventy five mill s this side of lake- ope ongo ilnrthv hnrrlson had a new summer cottage under lonstruellon on lake roskung we visited it on tho trip in nnd again on tin wny out it is one of the fine st we have sei n in nnv of these sumniei spots even to mam tow n t onve rile m i s maov fi h ml here or tin ox reive will w ikh him mnnv hnppv sumnu n with his famllv in this hiol he has si h i ti t knowing the hospitality of tin honn om trlti- niili7m- even hx jpiwinusnrss mav bi found inadiquad we vi hi i n on our biggest fishing dip of the vi ar nnwwi n hit o take it for tin sumrrn r johnnj my uncle is ciimiiik tninr row jimmy and uliat filch of tin moiim dnc hi hxik like johnny the nlde ulth the bay uin tlou there una n tramp who came to a lady s elueir nnd saltl i am su hungry i nm t ilinu tin grass in mir front- inun ijici why you plmr man ko around to the back luttn vihin tin grnis l long i royal lulha comfortable theatre thllltkllay khidav kati1kday iluirlie chaplin the great dictator monday tuesday wednesday litntea ollvlnj catinky de haviliand strawberry blonde se your men in army day june 28 mark every grave i mniuifncltirers of ibjtinctio minumcnlh tvmftcry ixlcnn comer posts ond markers ni ak llts til itollii r voti no kalrtio nn iiiimiihsioiii to ptt liiinh siiluiilttfil iaii assortment in stock 111 dlltlt t i kom i s 1 c in i i ii v ll ii iii ii jl im i an ii ikllls l hi in iv i win n on ti n hi hut h i i ii t ti i ii i i ii i i i it n i i li if i ii li i hi lnllul i mi pi ils 111 i i ii ik in iinfrtrrthl ir mil li il nu mi i h mil ulul pn i i in ii il fi ml thin in inn iii il i ii 1 ilun un 1 il f i j 111 dlltlt t i kom i s i j oakville monument works j j lt colboiinl st on nilia ovkmlle j i is i 11 i i i i i i urit or 1 ttt r will liruii our rn oprn t irnliluh i ii ni hi il il i i i v i 1 ii i ii i mill li iln i nm i t ii tint pfprcupmrt irtn rin i ll fit iinpi r i nmi 1 i si hi ii n in i ui iirm ini lialroil iim i uiml nf hi ir ionlrilli1 in hi ii vll tll f 111 ii k i in v tin nut h fins 1 tm in i hf t nn ins uul 40inklhh ot hum n vtai hurt nrttvvo ihv of i tubs tluisi tn vv hu h t iu h ni mts r ovv ns n lc and ttuun in whith all pigh utv ovvniht tsoopt rututh alttiouh tho formir ts with nr- raniifmanu for mutual insuraiivo uiul other sorv ices u as in pau voa a 1 it o t omp l nt t oni mist 1 kumli i at t i ith i mullin mi v lln comp um iunit r i if hist v tn iu li i at t marjoii nt lson u 1 lhv o iimii 1 nl comp t i it slnff i hv pi m hm n tinsul r ti ul irs i lu v iv in iii fimii h innn vv hum h v list n i iii r i i mi hav iiiouiiiiif iholil iii to i ol i v rv v ss 1 lost ii puis vou in a pi ssimisln inno1 nul vou v in vi r s ml u ni ii onratulalt il om who in ips to brill voui ivifi mil klilillt sfon hi his brouihl voui ivouinl f imnu i hrouili a nun infisid oni lull jju uuui to i in i h milil lit in 1inis io no tiiiutiilt li in ili i 1 ulliltl j nil i 1 lv pflt n in hi lh k si nf hi llsnl lit his fniiilil th luikiiii hun uilji in im nnt i iun tin sill i pin limil i i us 11 lllv ii 1 i uihlii ill afti i il iin 1 n 1 t1it i il li lit i n and sun shul nf hi nl pi itv fair thai st vt n bv t lit fnui nn i not in out of tin troup t on m iv at in fioiii liiinuu lulu pi iv uiiusi il niusi it s vnul fu mil nt i k ni iv hivt i in aw sunburn ml villi 111 iv shlfl nflt n in fun out just bow vou t in pnssihlv ill wllh tnni 1iihi hint ihiii n 11 foi nu lilt i hour hut tlit is r illv pi asm as lh il milt innlol that has in 1 all ila ilnvts voui hint llirmnrh hi w iti is j ist lulls of tvtt i haul hi i olor uul nvtr vvliuh th sun slabs rut f 1 i hown in lb vvsl sitiulivs flshliu wis still in t liritain lull- technician to ooi ftaturt tnllltl illiit lif t porativtf club li n vvarlimt tton ihin u tuvi ntinll 11 itonitstn itliimi niut not mor than our piis arv kopt is r numlvor lvo of tlum ma b klllihl for houstbolit n n sumption unit the other two ar 10m to the mlnlitr of ftvist to ii the general rshit thui brltalnv unall plckeei wimp y rin innova ivito jllkl 1 lr n hjt 1 at ixinim boss hi iomp rit 1 imi 1- rt iu li o klon mv sjn y l omp l u nt comp 1 krt nt b c iallartt siiiiimti ill ali phv c comp 1 nt comp t it hist j kren h 1 int 1 toofke invlor alu c phv 2 o i i phv i ii not onlv uppljllfjt their own 1100011 mmmts from the aertip lho cohist but they are contrlnutinu a uteful amount of additional meat to the na tion larder t writ comp c lit 1 hint i st iuni from h f iiat f dora wootl aie c lhv 1 comp j writ comp lit 2 french c iat 3 clifford vouhl- aib c ph ii 11 c hi 111 h wofii 1 will sh ik tin 11 f c suuts is lh v sttji out of tin m 11 1 httl aftfr brtrrnrrll aalnsl i ititrin stil ii rs l h sbovvini of 1 tiinui films fr pi nllv iiovnkis ihsturtian t s in 1 hi pi t tint m 1 roitntlv 1 film sliovvm lb tvploits nf tli rmin anil itili in air fonts rov i 1 1 11 s of pown with nm r ilown with mussuluu ittsull h fine of lotnim li nits impos 1 upon the town hilltr wis ur ninn iiinnin than wbn i 1 i iol u 1111 part nf frnntt whuh w is or no us to him ti onon up nr miiiinni n the llluslyn of fro lom in to stav muvsollnis isrunnni linnti in the of the frenih african em plre ilntl tho llorrrtans ml uplt whole of nulrolopltnn france h hi nit 1 ou v in v iii folks hh it i i lit iii 0 k i iii itl him 1 bun nm of it tit ninth mm f i 1 hpi nm uu- ili i lh 111 111 iii till ii fish lilt hist c o hfct f it t hi s ijiuu wnul in t v 11 f i hull wav t 1 1 if no m lit w h 11 n u io on r still ith 1 ni 1 b tnt vi hum lh t in ollai huns m i s tjll i o tin r il 1 i infiiitum n i foi o s in lot sn 1 11 a 1 his soth ii st unlink s ml ou rt iirtl turn as i pill hut vou iot io batul it m luni man no hi itn ink nn bail still us hut ni wi ri ililt fur mini tl it ift rn on i- ist till 111 our boit w h n amos m ison li ihr ir nit sllt thins in lu i 1 hull am i inki il a kl i lit uul 1 tpi irti r 1 iuiiil sj ilw is 1 i uilv ami nn isiin i 1 m i 1 s ii w is tin iui111111 i it 1 111 in pui k uul f nth 1 si 1 is ami iht fislmik w t- ii h 1 it 111 i in i 1i1 1 i i in in i li j i ill i tlnw 11 1 tv w is i un kv i isl tup tu 1 nut inn inl 1 us lb it it w isn 1 ilti 11 that in bul striuk but nn un liliriii r sit trout lb un in ivv anil in stavitl down ill 1 p in i o hist tl th nml luows smititom mi the italians own n part of the emi hit plre the spirit of resistance would warlii smin have flamed up ncaln lnitid states hm incroasetl artimo salts of wntchts and t lot ks in south afrlcn li about 50 per cent uhl sic hill nuikini stirt ht had tin naff i titk nun iv as wt ntltl in ami pullitl it wan liukv lit bad tn in tame to the boat un tho hook and our line tlanitletl free with the fish hook broken off in his mouth it un 111 im will im vnvii ii ai im l 1 111 1 1 1st huron lit av 1 brook nf htlitrbnok nil and in rklov urn hns at its pi k ut no 12 iiiiwmtil strttt i ondon immidlntilv ftllovtln bis rutin apptal for the support of canada s virtory iinn cum pnlmi ii vtas frofn tlm snint offlto in tit tapatity of minister of stntt that lord uatrbrook a few davtt aio ikau d n stlrrinir ap ptal for tin iismstanie of tho empires men of knowledge men of tttbnital skill ond nun of vision ns litnrd over cucs nntuinal net- w ork lrw