Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1941, p. 3

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thtjiuhday july 24lh 1m1 theactqn fbee- t hauh nmea learning how to fly a plane without leaving the ground fifth of ii iierles of articles on the lloynl canadian air force written spoclally for the weekly paporn of ontario durltik the lat wnr it wbh the pleasant custom to give n pilot wmo fifty hours or o in the nlr and then bend him to the front ready to right thin in n different kind of war ntf hns been pointed out hy thoiihftwls of other writers already nnd plnnep are vastly different the period of train ing now takon at least six months nnd nothing ib iflfhoflmncflr there i no actual flying at the initial training school nt toronto tho huildlnfti aro nituntod in thn rlt with no room for n flying field or hnnanrs but the future pi jots get th el r first leawmsln th link trainer n plnne with miniature wings firmly nnr hored to the ground i kftw the link trainers wherever i went to the various training schools even the mosj experienced filers go bork to them occasionally to check up nny faults which mny hnve developed or to lenrn more about flying nt night or by inhtrumentn learning to kly on- the around the link trnlner in us simpler formn looks like n smnll training plnne hut with the body and wings shortened so thnt it takes up lev jipnce thnn a fujlsiye plane the cockpit and controls are of normal sl2e the ntlck which regulates the elevators nnd the movable portions of the wings and the pedals to operate tho tail are like those in n club of other small plane the instruments needed for ordlnaryflytng a com- paxa altitude meter engine speed in dicator and no on out in front is halfcircle of celluloid or tome similar material which looks like n whirling propeller there are several m of link trainers it is raid that tho ma chine wns invented by the son of a pipe organ manufacturer which ac- all the other school enquiry show ed thnt they wk bush pilots and other experienced filers nualirylnk to become instructors on uicso name ma chines i nsked my guide f i might try my ntnninrotthtb rrwajrwrtctir ngnlnnt tho rules bo said nnd besides thesetralners were only for advanced pilots and i wouldnt enjoy the ex perience much dut he suggested thnt i take my request to flybng of ficer bfcihop i did and met much the snipe an swer hut i thought tho hying of ficer w inked wh he said tome with me we paused down the aisle between structures that looketmike huge vats ii nd opened the ilotu into one of them there in the centre of n cir- culftr room stood a bright blua link train rrwtthjrray wingnns handsome n machine of its kind ns i ever saw the sfctting wns unique loo murals had been painted nil around the walls mountains inkes towns nnd on one side a gray hnnk of clouds tills l where the beginners learn how to fl i cllmheil up n few steps nnd into the cockpit i put n pair of head phones on my cars nnd listened to the instructions that the fllng of ficer was giving me ns he turned on the power he told me how to get the plane off the ground how toholtl the stick nnd how my feet should be plrtcrd on the pedals he told mc how to turn to the right nnd the lit tle plnne began to swing around in thnt direction while the lakes and rivers crept past press down harder on that right school taken eight weeks with lec tures drills medical te4d nnd the link trnlner giving the student plenty to do from here they go to elementary flying training s iiooih and their first nctunl flying next week- mount hope parmers boon in peat bogs withproducts 7 good for rooalink crop and may put money in fainwr 3 pocket foe his daw tabor urwlox mntchewnn out ca forestry brain h uear f phkh it hns rnlhed her again nearly nil iineinoon nnd nil night long by men urement 1 11 inches so the ground luiinnother thorough soaking it is qulie foggy and misty making visibili very nonr so ns i here is no guilty for me being on observation i have opportunity for a letter to the paper again since lat writing holidays hnve commented nnd t have had the priv ilege of commencing to entertnln my family in relnjs a week ngo wife nnd the tvio youngest children tame nnd stnyed nil week now thin week tlmyhnvo gonnliomoandllllinn and alice are with me one or other of the hos come pnch time nnd spend the da which helps nrenlc the mqn- oton of nil wnrkfnrh time they hnve come n neighbor has offered to ottawa icp the peot bog in dustry in cnnndn looks like a dotolop- ment thnt will benefit the farming interests of the dominion coming and goings in at ieait three cnnndtnn provinc esontario quebec and manitoba the industry ik getting beyond thee- bring them in his car in order to en- perimontal sjoge pent bogs nre joy the trip and enjoyment or the nvnilahle in tevernl localities their dn so our folks bear the running ex- produtts irejhjnrketnhle in the unit- j pence then we ntt picnic together ed states as well as cnnndn until it so linppened n friend of ours the present war much of these 4110- i hnd a johnson outboard motor that duitswis mioitid from europe p 11- j wnsnt golnjto be in use during the ticularlv erniniiy nnd sweden enrh part of the summer nnd hns pent moss is n valuable aid to nj- loaned it lq us nnd i haw the use of riculture the byproducts nre used nn extra good and inrge boat with for pmklng nnd insulation materials rnpntltv miffufent for 12 or is peopi foot he sold and i pressed too hard and went out of control down with your left foot and the stick to the left and again i overdid it hut thnt wns probnbly the inten tion well try a little du a i instruction now to give you a better idea how to use the controls to my surprise the stick suddenly n in t i list rent wnr the th eloped sterilized surgkal dressings from n base of pent thus fnrtwvni 1n1he neighborhood of pent hoirerrlll hnve employment in its harvesting and ngrh ulture nnd horticulture generally will hnve its aid for the crops in its early stnges pent mos- is known ns sphagnum nnd grows only in northern climates it 13 a valu able plant food rich in nitrogen nnd because it retains moisture like n sponge it has become almost indis pensable to horticulturists how its done the mining of pent is n compnrn- tlvely easy matter long ditches nre l uild excess wnrer th et scrub and the top lnyer of living i moss is scraped away this top lnyer i of splngnum is vnlunhle too nnd mny j bo sold for packing nnd insulation mnterlnl t spec sp nre used to remove 1 l l buthe sain ihi the moss n lnver nt 11 time nnd it is stnclad like hlotks nnd left to dry for a few days nnd then taken to processing milts lhe nulls will op- erati the year round besides its horticultural nppluntjon pent nios- is repine ing straw at poul try nnd ilnirv farms lmpiegnited witn manure the moss is resold at a imi piom is high glad t rtllw 1 theie is also n thkk lntr of blatk- ish pent lulow the moss which is vnlunhh bat this will not he dcvelop- d in canada for the present during the first t rent wnr the dominion i government investigated its fuel pos- so we vi enjoved verv muth our trips up nnd down the lake nlso out cruis ing when i hnve time but both wife anil the girls enjoy the canoe too so we hnve vnrietv when i wns here nlone i thought if i kept the plnce lean and tidy wns nil thnt wns ncces- mr but when wife enme nit hough she commented on its tidiness she went right nt it nnd when i enme in nt night there vfore curtnlns on the windows nnd they had been cleaned pictures on the wall were cut out of magn7lnes nnd stnr weeklies i had around two or three shelves up for little nlcnncs comb etc pickle jara were filled with lowers nnd fern two or three tins hnd been filled with enruilnwjiicliivcrc planted tiny trees and some sort of n wild hang ing plnnl my dishes nnd stores re- arranged eti etc so now the plnce is almost like home after n womans touch the onlv fnult i hnve to find is that her visit was not long enough wns gatngtn trynnd ome back again later on much more satisfied with standard prh es foi cream mid milk nil her than fltu tuatjng prices as it used to be price though is not tlie- greatest otisldeiatloti these days its to pro duce iim mulh as hishihle to help ved all our home folic and send as much as is humanly possible to feed thtwu overseas who cant produce to win lhe wnr is every loynl subjects goal and it will take everv one working together in jo many different ways to do thii but do it we must or perish now i nmsl tontlude for spate snk cordiallv ouis u w johnson flattened fish mcnnu marc fimhj tor hriuiin fish whir h hns been fl ami dried jytj thnt it looks like n pleie of inrdboard is britain s latest device for economllnr hi shipping spate it is n tnoifern version of stic kflsh which in t udoi times wns exported in huge quantifies from stotland to thecnthntleeoimtrlei ot icurnpi the- spnnish armndn sniltng in pkh on us nbortlve nllempt to invade eng land tin rlt i sikh ulnnls of slot k- flsh to f 1 its trews b tin modern iihiik which is nppued in lint and lord nun h of it from newfoundland the fish is sliced open nnd the irislil reniovtd i hen hy n spi in i v 11 mini po ess thr water k drained out until the fish is onlv om third its ni iginal bulk packid 111 salt it will thru keep for main w eks althotigli it dots not rook particu larly nppllljng in thjs form a stink ing in warm water brings it back to its original freshness it is then boiled rued or gillled aitording to taste women ah drieks fkieun baunet england cp the council of this middlesex munici pality has nppolntd women drivers for their garbagecollecting trucks raw fur exports higher in japan iokyp it pi cnnndlnn sllvi 1 foses niwl mink pun hased hy the japanese jmiv ernnullt on behalf of the prefet 1 urn i gov ei nment of hokkaido with a view to improving the utrn k of their ruihiailiig nnlmnlit have shown sail fnc tmv iisillls m 1 stewarl luting c ornniei rial si 1 retary inr th canadian lepnllnn said in n report to oltawn im 1 inr nulnials in silv ialted in hokknhlo and in a fow pro fit tin en in the northeastern pait of the coiintiy wheie t limatlc ondltlon are hilltiilile he said exports of pelt of mink ei mine fox nnd badger for the flist nine miafths of pllii wefe v lined ll j17i yen about s5g5- uj tompared with i mhokh n in the whole of imq moose jaw sask cp itnti have bet nine sucji a prnbhu her that an unltlentified tramp who hnd rune 10 i h ep in a bmn at lhe fair vhmindmawoh tfldm f then hi wing al ills ai couple of months ngo he vvas just another office boy around here v carrolls we fished three wns here and got good meals so she too 1 he t hildren times while she nough for two tiijoyed thnt part plnved so hard i er attempted bypitidut 1 distil its alu- a student in the link trainer gets directions from the instructor at the microphone ii v il cuilun air 1 r r the untied stat s anm but the of fit inn thought it was just a tov mid rejet ted it i he thing appeared nxt tn am if meat parks and that ii while i fnt saw one compatid in untrul humpv memorti dnv of une eou hi present da i ink ttatneis it realk wnsnt mm li mole than a lop though ttu pritulple nmained tin s inn in wartime the trntner is worth its weight ing7i1th is haul to st how pilots of ttx milt an houi pi uies coultl be tnugtit m six months with out sin h lielp i hav e sjioken in pn v nuis 111 tu l s nhotit the unfailing tourtis m tin of fleets i met at tin aiiouv vamps and schools tin gave me their valuable time so that rendi 1 of tin weikk papers of ontario 1 011 ui it ad n ho ui tin air liatnlhg llnn luit tin v went mill h faith r thin men l nq- sweiing qu si ions ttnx lit me do mativ of the things tin tudents do flving in no iunelt to me but 1 nevii luut n 1 hie in a 1 ink h oner one dav at iamp llnuleii m lo- ernoi 1 en 1 al was making a tout of lniiption and he was given a trv- out in one of these mat bines he seemed tu enjov botng whirle around ilomg lhe instruitor sitsnt a tahl and bumped about and as he thinned jutth iitruments and a t hart m front from the imkpit i heard him re- of him i be instruments show how mark we do some funnv things f the plane is supnod to be go- somettmeii at thnt moment i 1 ing the altitude and whether it is envied a governor general for the i 1 limbing or descending a three- first nnd onlv time wheeled indhaloi moves over a 1 hart an tmtdtlon crmtlfu4 the urge to pilot one of thew matfitnei enme hack again as t stood and watched a row of tlwm in oiern think the were more tiretl thnn go- 1 ing to si hool and slnte they went home anil the girls are here im sure tin same applies because i uinj hardlv gi t them up w hen morning omes oh mv t hey say bed feels i good guess its swimming so muth t he water here is so soft nnd so love- and warm nnd quite deep w hit h seems to mnkt swimming so easy and tin tertainlv enjoved it hi hties and nient a bi ig an en- i i hi re is n notetl vvntir who snvsl hi thilds birthright is to know the i smell of wet earth of new mown j hav of an apple orchard m mav and of a pine foiest in julv of the breath of tattle and of fog blown inland off the water 1 hev should hear the answer the tn es mnke to the rain nnd the wind the sound of ripphng nnd falling waiir thev should know the siundof- be s in a honev tree of 1 ioronto and montreal men one of frogs m a bog in april of grnsshop- stiffened in mv haniu and went win- re lnpm xv tt snlter toronto sold- pers along the roadsides in june of it ought jo go for correct turns nnd j mrlu bl tt htfi tuinf for oinad i nanks 1 our engineers have estimated that it wnsnt long before i was flying bor tontluns al j nst veais nn supplv harvesting nt the rate of 10- he 1 stlmates tin deposit has a value of j i j peat bog tit vi lopmehl has in 11 trledin canada hi fori but tin pros eni promoters are not worried about ghosts of the past thev n aft r the king on mother natures livir ia and fei i tin now hitve in as nun ki t one itlg irobmtt one of i tie largest anas hi ing op- i eiietl is at the i ulhcr marsh nt nr grand vallev out here in i saucer- shnped depression over mkt acres in estent hns been found 1 deposit sev ernl feet deep of tin finest qunlltv i it is being developed bv a group of counts for the fat i that the traim iklunlb rides on air inside a leath bag or bellows lhe trainers ai mntle in oananoque ontario there are many stories about the j mound without much difficulty development of this trainer anil it is i feeling prettv big about it too and tons a hard to sort out the truth one ver- t all the lime i marv tiled at how much entire hion iv hint lhe invntor vva a cu- like auunl flvlng it really felt adian who tried to sell ids mode to hough weather thrat now we are flying on a tninipv dav the instruitor told me as lie rem lied down and pulled another liver itomewheii out of sight the t hnnge was imnushate lhe plane ne urit ke t ame hard to aitinl rifles o bin k v iv idlv how long nn n sson lasted i onlv guevs i vas too irh restetl to wahh the lime ll might have been jit or in minult s whatever it was i was sorrv that i wouldnt be having anolht 1 one ev 1 1 v tlnv 1 1 t tain spots on tin si 1 m rv aiound the w at tu e mil ked lib letters 1 in studint niav he aski d to ki p tlu tralint on hat in u k md fl- toward it iii tin tnimp lir si ales willi ll hang down from ill four 1 01 m r qf the mat him slum quit definitely hov sutievsful tin h sson has he 11 if the studint links 1 oordinntioti or has other ikftntte faults tils mstrin- lors know it im fore he tver got s up in a real pi me lhe advanied link trainers hn nun h moil- tomplnatt d sstems tif indualtug how well the mafent is blatinr cap itaanl sl lid toll sta tlon at the inftlaftfalnlng st luxil at ealinton these were the advanced trainers with twentv or more instru ments on the dash nnd a hood thnt fitted down over the pilot so that he was blind the students evmed to be forty or fifty venrs old a contrast to the youthful faces i had sten at canlissh dlsliirdid 01 n blasting 1 ips evntt a ft arful among voung t hildn n n ports explosives division of tht d nnnl of mm s iwj k tistis of nt ndi ns m canada iuimii bv paving with detonators show th it p 1 sons wen kilhd and slu in juitd during dn past in mars ior than 0 per nl of tin vutlms of thesi misimps wit 1 hildren und 1 twelvi v irs of ig i in figures also rv il tit it thim 11 1 lib uts to tluldn n st tt r id tin lontinui to in r is august lhe blasting 1 tp is luimharv of dvnamtt and jiplharame has an attrmtion for t hildren lhe tap is an aluminum or topper shell nbtiut a quarter of ail inih in diameter and an huh or two long it lontalns fulminite of mer- turv which is one uf the most sensi tive and tnlpulstiv plosivts in 10m- hnrmleiolooktng rlv spt mg and isl bin nt 1 hdv and 1 j w k al port a nei 1 vsarv tatih flsl and its sti nn 1 rops of ruled pat the 1 rah i think mon use ihesi thev mil it hut it reminded me of a casts whlth rest mble a ixllnder of ouija hoanl perhaps you remember small cartridge or a section of a the omja inder the pretsure of the metal pent 1 1 lube are often found tips of the fingers a heart shaped in the vulnitv of mines quarries board supported on three legv moved near highwnv construction or in over a table and spelled out words in fields where agrhultural hlasting has the trainer one leg has a small rub- n done chjktren should b warn rtlre wheel which draw red lines t not to touch thim and workmen on the paper to show how well the should events the greatest rare to pilot isdolntf and where be is rlylng i plotv them out of the rnch of young- the counsf at the initial training rs is out in lhe dark in septem- 1 in v should have a chant e to se hutterfhis to tatih fish to ride a loiui of hav to tamp out to 100k ovei an open fire to tramp through nt w countrv nnd sleep out j under the open sk 1 hev should have the fun of driving a horse paddling a tnnot and of discovering that na- turt will honor the humblest seed tlnv plant out of the tnuntrv and its iperitiuts has come and alvvav s villi tome tin most stimulating and ihialthful ait of th woihi 1 lungs that tliildttn 1 an do in titles towns and villags m not to he omp in d with sm h ounti v 14 t iv ill s i lun alw is so k that mv hil- ilin all hiv tlnse tpniius and rnllv pifi dn ni lo tnwi ot villag hf now tin know antl reah tin diffi r n lust h fun writing to night 1 ilhiin md i hi i out in ttu aiuu on u10 ltk fr a hlth while md sin night lw nn fish on 2t inthis and nth r 1 in h s long we win tiollnik with just mi ontmirv spinm r anil lo haul them in and flip th m into th hit is n illv fun and an emihiil nivtr forgistti n and th ii is stilt th juv of frving them in buttii an 1 having hum for bn ak t has jusi uniit home from holtdav mi muskoka iuke iijhn and sivs thev 1 an t like that then ifi t lis of evirv kini are looking wonderful hav is reinlv to rut sonu are startiil t rain in v r looketl bet ter and just mining ino short blade potato s with strong htalthv foliage and in hud peas just starting to po also u ins lorn ami 1 uuiiiiihts are 1 oming on verv fast and root vege- tahles doing well we vt had lots of givod rains all through iun and so far in july over nn lies has fall n whith has lhn so henefniil to imps of everv kind p istun m ver was better ui c it tie are doing well hnd so muihlo talk and visit about thnt i duln t think to 1 nquire about th remrd but i feel iure it will he gont when tonditions are so favorable farmers generallv i think ire b aylmer choice new pack sieve 4 aylmerchoice wj vwy a tmtm fc srmjnm no 22 f1fc peas 2 1 6oz tins x7 tomatoes 2 cdtellis cooked spaghetti 2 z9 clover leaf red cohoe salmon 15 wmi biscuits w ib 18c miracle whipnx jr 19c 49c mother parkers tea marmalade 19c lobster i7c 27c aylmer chicken 23c aylmer catsup r 12c ginger ale 1 n7ov ioc brazil fruit cake e 2 raisin cup cakes 6 ioc carrolls own cleanser 3 13c ho powdarcfl ammonia 3 pu 13c champion dog food 2 19c kleenex oxydol camay soap pk ioc 25c 29c pw 9c 23c 63c 2 ctk fie carroll own soap flakes 4lb boi 29c xclothes xbrush soap 2 plw pur of pea soup 2 19c woodbury ic sal facial soap 4 cu 24c clarks pork and beans lie iik seedless for oa- cilvpehllmt d v3 1 iresh kukherriix fjuart 27c crisr teleky herts 2 rii aa wtermemn special kach ouc aim krcftli corn cucumhem timatach rnnplemt fruit and veeeutbleprlcfl until saturday nlum only i

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