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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1941, p. 3

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thursday august 14th 1041 the acton free press page threk air observer important member of bombers crew tliu is the eighth of n erlo of article about the itoynl canadian air force written xjclnlly for the week jy newaitaporo of ontario fev mjiau temptin previous btorlos in thla wru hnvo dftavrlbed the training of a pilot in thckoym rnnnrtlnhjrugorcfrnrn the day ho onlut rather nervously trhap to that other proud day klx or koven months later when he eel iih wlne and comilote hly tralnliik in thin country after that he i ready to proceed to great britain where ho kou uorlie more experience under the somewhat different condi tion in a land where enemies may lurk then he is ready to take over tt300 mlleanhour flight or to pilot hlf bombers over germany in those utorlcs i have completed the tak i undertook thanksto the hearty cooperation of the orficlnla of the itoyal canadlnn air force but before that tank was finished i knew many things t hadn t realized at the slnrt one of iihw is that while nil the rr mills want to become pilots if they an the pilot is not the only imporlnnt member of the nlr crew porhibl ho im i r ven the most im portnnt nrftrnb r tor thnl ronton i nm wrltinc snrwtliinc nbout the irninlnn of the air ohs rvers pltou olwervers and ftlffmtorw i sat on dn in the of fit e of mr w vv woolfetl civilian mnnnper of the air observer school nt tin rrent mutton airport thtres n ttndeno on tin pnrt of the public observi d mr woollen to think of the observer ns a mnn who just sits in n plnne nnd looks out occasionally while the pilot does nil the work nnd takes all the risks perhaps the word ohservor is nt fault amore nccurnle term would he navfcntor the time is coming when he nnvlcntor will hi the enp tain of the targe plnnes and thf pilot will be only the wheelsman mr wollett should know what h is talking nbout he wns n pilot him se in the insl war nnd hns had much to do with f 1 inn ter slntt in 10 jo he nturntd fnmr rnlnnrl nnd with nnotln r pilot ov tturetii course for him to sjeer nnd the pilot nrries out those instructions to tin letter unless they may result in pos slhli danger to the nlrcrnft and the crow apart from thnt he follow the nurse tin student rives him t n jf he knows it is nt rirht nnpti i to t hi direction in which he ought j to ho l01t- at tin end nf eneh trir of their own designing which look as the director put tt lk some thing out of a health ttoilnion en toon make many of the repair parts out of easily obtnlmd materials sav ing more money nnd keeping the plane flying planes are overhauled in two huii hangars after no many hours ffylnf the armiilrongslcjdley motors are overhauled each avro anson him two of these big engines giving a lop speed to the altered plnnes of 200 miles an hour at longer intervnls the whole plnne is torn down and re built thatday there wnfl tt visiting plane in one of the hnngars a hug douglas bomber belonging to the american army a committee from the air corps wns visiting canadian schools and gathering information tho visiting bomber dwarfed the avro an but it wns somewhat older nnd lncked something of their sleekness buildings nt nil air force romps nre much nllke but two things im pressed me nt mnlton though of fleers civilian personnel nnd men nil lmvv soparnte mess halls their food comeff from the snme central kitchen grnde are shifted to the observers course at first they nrb disappoint ed but mr woollctt says that invar iably they are all glad they changed before they have halffinished their course the air observer must learn sev eral things and all of them must bo donawoll jlnthor they must be done perfectly ho must learn tp lay out nn exact course in spite of wind and weather that will take him where he is ordered to go more im portant bo must return ngnln and know when hcgcta home he must learn to operate a tricky lwsmbslght so thntrhls bombs find their target and he must learn to use a machine gun if need be at the malton school he learns to navigate everything else is subor dinate to that ho does not have to worry nbout piloting the plane thn is done by an exporlenood pilot- who knows ontnrio no you know your own home the qlrerv6rinttfiljitu hftur imilalmndn into th armor f the week al ottawa bpecfaily written for the acton free fmes by hy alan iltattvkv canadian prees buff writer opiawa cp canada in effect tttg further expansion of her mili tary establishment the 1st and jwl ciuindlnn divis ions have been in britain for months ktandlng guard to protect the moth erland against any attempted invas ion and n big p- ll 3r di vision recently joined them i lie 4th division is well advnnced on its trnlnlng in canada nnd the new armored division hns been dcslgnntt d tin sth cnnndlnn armored dlvls ion f now the re is to ben cjth division mobilization- of artillery englmer sliiinl nnd nrmy iervlce corp units for this division is expected shortly itv infnntry units wore rnlk d up nbout a enr aeo for the pcojet tt d and there is n hospltnl with spnre sth infnntry division sul itquentlv he hnmlh in n detnih 1 report ii omit nothing even nolinj whether tin studi nt became sick nnd whelhir he enrried out his ewercises in spile of his sirkness a rainy day at malton it was raining whin i nrrlvtd at mnlton hut n few plnnes were up tin hlg silvir lint of the trnns- cannria and the even larger amor i cnnairlines plnnes were nrrlvlng nt nnd lenving the nenrb commercial airport nnd th little yellow elemen tal trainirs from nnother hcaf school wen in the air but the avro ansons of the ohserver school wire being cnlled home from the wireless room perhnps that wasnt entirely a disndvnntngi mr woollett wiu libit to spnre hours to the visiting newspnper mnn nnd whin in had to kc p nnother nppointmt nt dutv pilot smutk nrtid ns guali crash to hnndle nt this school in jo months though nn ambulance nlwavt stands ready nnd two crnsh beds art nlways ki pt wnrm with hot wnd i hot ties in tin mi n s mow hnll n full m propi llor hangs on tin wnll bat k d by asqunri of hint tnrptt uw d in wi when tlu king nnd quei n wire crowned on th hub is n silvir avro anson and on t he blndes an tepllcns in silver of th ohserer s hndgi nrh one hearing the nnme of the highest ranking graduate in n class in ihe offio in pictures of the graduates nnd scrap books with dippings nnd more pi lures of stud winston chunh ills nephew the brother otlpfamou optrn stnr nnd so on mnn of them nre in brltnln now n few nro dend in the battle for freedom next wrrk bombing ami gun nerv school nt jnrvls woman fighting bomb- and fire helped save 20 i kntitth heroine awarded kntikh empire mcdnl for her work others of enller se lln slorv f in rot s mum f t ontinms w itlinut the bombslght war oneratt tl a tompanv in tlu noith country dominion skwns limit d tht tallid it and thi ir plants flew ovir mut h of northi rn quebec and ontnrio nnnu nnv plan north of the i runmontini ntal anil lu is sun tn tiav utn ihm when war hrnki out in si ptt mhi i im mr unolli tt nnd his partm r 0 11 hymip win anked to foim ttu flrnt air qhsttvtr st hool 1 hi v ha 1 it going h ih nil of ma 1040 and it has ht i n in optiutum tr siiu in all that tutu tlttn lias not imm n oiu at t iih nl to studt nts pilots i plains not ho nun ti an n flat tin on a landing iir t unatln miiv ml have lu i n piipjiutt u ku 0 w bu in out evpirltiutd bush f ut rs w had a gri at aw t hi air oils i i s hool hi mult tn in opt rated b n i tv illan oniunnv mnuinlon skvwuvk 1 uuniti t i i un tier an nrrnni nn nt snnn vv lint sihn inr to thom u hi tt hv 1 ing i luhs op rut t tlu minuntitiv mxiiik 1 1 nil tng si hthds ru pilots lhat nnhit tlu kl al- to tnk iikiuitnte oi tlu ipiiutut il old i t an i it in hindis ot th hulsh tiinuuui tllh pjlots and h spt h t in iht it v air i rniniii plan 1 lu tonipam ink itti t nnnili u ami of flvuit aitiiaft buikluiks ml flyiiik in u in i al it suj pit s th lmritnctd pilots juhi i tn hi in iiiu 1 he ri ah titkts o r tlu kiurul iiibtruttlon anil tin ttli tpttiu suad wn i i nd r i tmoht im i hi torn manding offnt r kitertaltuhl juh 1 lu t tat umk n k nw t las conn n ivirv monlti and anottur tcaduai hut dure an til wa thret disiimt t laitmu nt th sihool at yiu tlnu lu eduinttonnl rmuir nn nil for an ohtrer art hlaht r than for a pilot iht tunu is stlffer and tntaiu morr hant uork thoutfh tt undoubttnllv has tu ttatv of thrills pven tn canada 1 h future observer hai a aiwhaltiht job an he must make no mistakes liometlme thtuu who start th course as phots and fail to make the l all down tint suit of tin tontrol room wtn winks st ndmg nnd rt it ivlng m ts ln un conversation tan hi turrit d tin from anvw here in soutlu rn ontario luiur i saw lnn winks equipment inside tht av m anson plane and nmrvt ijetl at it- ioiupartniss and iffitimtv but that is nut a11 kninilv a dint turn find mi station has hit n instalh d a lot aviator un si ml m n nil for hi 1 i and w in a tin niisui r mhs bat k it will till tilm tatll ulnn he is ant how to pi tun k honu in an kind st ui attu r i nut out on i lm lahlt in if it nil t of tin room was a map of ontario on it wu marked tlu e titise for th ttn ooru pins vll stut k iu id map it half a dost u plattx and a hint k inv id wa uminl from om to auollut iliu jjiarkt i the ttiurst tin plain s vmiui 1 bt tal ing that da il was n it a tralm trip out an i hat k tuif ha 1 s i il turns and nngl s 1 in vtutnl mgsi li arn it naiat sut h a touts at i iiiatt 1 an i in woul 1 hi ahl t i t 11 to th nuiiuti u in n lu will h hat k at malton uk tin lit m tv hu travillitl list milis i mm similar txtuim an tuiituiud at niit tut on thi dgi ir iht runw i i lonj hiu of avm alisons wasdrawi up nltistk m how hut sonn mlvi r and a fi w t annul flawed sonn of them had mtn attivi sertct i in v are allind for u in ihe nt hool 1 lu i gun turn i i u nmvwi and wvme of iht winluwi t iken out luns an not tutdmt for protection hen nn 1 ihe plane gains tpt nqtl uivet fm i as n n suit of the t hanges fv try when around tin ohtt r i i tihthil al malton were evident ts of similar economie i he oil t all fllteretl and ntuunutl and whin ttited hh is as jood as new one serlou problem at all nhoola uslnp uruiah or amerttan planet ii tht ob talning of repair parts at malton most of them are munufai tunsl in a little workshop a met hank al gen ius and a small staff using maihlnts mon than 20 persons burl d workirs of cnnndn and t b whlti 1 ondon r britain s i ivihan tht m vvomt n pausi ut tording li tds of lunwn lb i orfdon lnttte listid awards to nn n wonun nnd thildnn ftir toumgi and trnvirv during raiils litre art in stances picked from anion sl b ii f s 10 rieorg midnls tt british fmplrt medals nnd v comnru nda tions mrs dorothv tauntv doll batt a bristol air raid wnrdin who hi lpt d rt at ut in debris hns bun nwnrdtd tin british fmpire mt dnl sht also sav td a babv and frltd nn njed woman pinned bt math a slah of contreti tht rt wt re fin s all around nrd bombs wi n falling t vt rv ft w si i onds a woman said as sh dtstrib td auntv dolls hravtrv on wo man was ht situ htrstlf bt t ausi slu had lost lu r husband and babv iht wardtns kntw that tht hushnnd was lt ad but tluv dan d not tt 11 ht r didl wint iut and stnrrlu in tin wrttkajt antt sin itt rs for tin hah slu found il tut kid tt undt r h mat an inrmd it to tin t hur h whin tin ntotlur was nuiink first aid sim nil tim s sht had to dtfinte ministtr ralston mndt the annoutut nu nt inst fridav befon his in ss mnfertnti statement th iktlvi nrmv was known to hne nioul jntkm nun and tlu risirvi in my i nrolnu nt was st t at 170 000 hi i ruitinj for n inforci nu nts and rt placements is oipj nhmd nt a ruu of lutvmin ijinnd t0 a dnv col p ilston said llu sl division nttivi nrmv stnnglh to lu rem heil shortly torn- pans with a pt rmant nt forte estab i hshmmt of nbout 1 r offiters nnd i men before tin war and n prewai restrvt arm strength of r 000 col hnlstnn said also thnt tlu nn tmnnl war services dcpnrtmentwml he reqiusled to enlist 830 women for uie newhcrentid cnnndlnn wo men s armv corps starling stpt i mils week ell7abith snullii nurs ing service chief of the hovnl can adinn armv miditnl corps who was nskid bv col ualslon to tjrganle the new womins unit is flvlng to vu i toria bc to hi gin a trip inrovs canada in wbuh sly will t plntn nrmv n filiations to wnmins nrjnnl ilions m tlu dominion ltd halsttm said tin fust worn n nndhd will im f nil v trnlntd in tlu i f illotli i tradis hi fon enlisting 1 h w ould retjuiii mir u nt ral r t mil j ti uninj and dm iplnu vvhu h tmild lu jivi n nl disti u i lu adquat ttts ijilutr trntllilei on tht lnboi front m s amp lull thtif of tlu fnir willis ind cont iliatum bramli of tlu labor dt- pnrtmtnt and frank i afortunt in otbt r tfrftartnu nt of fit i r went to arvitln qm at tlu wnkind in an i f fort to dirttt nigottations hetwen tin aluminum compnnv of canndn and its i niplovi i s i mr cam phi 11 ditldtd to jo to ai ida afltr stparntt conftrontts inn with a charpentitr presidt nt of tlu i nntinnnl fedt ration of catholic sew for britain at toronto fair i wonuiin workinjf army of kit feature of cnk thu year 1700 loltonlo cp stitch stlt i stitch 1700 canadian women working in relnyu will new and bundle fon britain at the canndlnn national exhibition here aug 22 to sept fi 1 hey represent 3q wometfu organl- uttlons with an aggraguto mombor- rlilp of 3 500 000 rhe clothes they make nnd ship nre for the bombed- out cities of britain the women include crackerjack cutterw out soweru nnd finishers nnd they will work in six open rooms in tho wnr wing of the women build ing where all who come may see how tiny go nbout it ami in each room the equipment setup will be ot the tpe tlurtnny group im any town or tltv of canndn t ould nrran tolia it la expi eti d hint in the two wet ks tlu wonun will make more than l 000 gnrnu nls i vi rv thing from ln- ettei rorimbittii me t nouiors tach da of tin fnlr il big bin will be mnrki tl with om of tin worst nf britain s hnmhi d oul t itli s ov intrv oiu dnv i ondon llu m t thin lasgow bristol and so on and i at h dnv tin things mndi will o into tlu bin nnd to it visitors will he invllid to ndd knitlid things and otlur con tributlons tluv wish to make lot tlu bombt il out i hu s mi nientneh from 1 i as tlu women sit ami si vv the will hnu on tlu walls at ound then it vivid n minder of tin gnat tling their work stands for ihe 1t titii to hi si vvn for have si nt hi autlful e dibits of posters ma a pictures of the jti at oldworld lilts an tlu were before tlu blitzkrieg i he 11 lord mnvors were invited to rend to the exhibition menu ntoi s of their c itit s nnd t nch rt spondi d with let lers and tables expressing tlu grail tude of tlu ir pe for tin in ip and genernsitv of the cnnndlnn vvomt n airmails letter an inspiration dying observer ureathh courage iti forevvdl note to mother london cpi rhoughhi of all britons win penned by sgt alfred mnclenn a uoynl air force ohserv er who wrote a rarewell letti r tt his mother an he lay dying in n bomlwr returning from a raid over germany i his is n wnr to nave freedom and civilization he wrote after telling his mother not to grieve go only knows what it would he like under german heathens i would willingly go back and do it nil over again so thnt our younger people should 1m able to live happil in n fn e country a qtirrr iioiiiav buifijfinon fngland an engineer and his kihii r in law who came bore from coventry to git a little ret after the rnldu were fined l i 1 15 for n tf ring the town contrary to de fence itegulntlonii cauauy cp so many visitors came to calgary h record attendance stampede this year tlpit railway sit op ing a lira vi ere brought in to accommo date those who arrived too late to get hotel rooms at lendnnt e total led ifi7 u0 car coajtsm pom tmk m old chum cutrwt fon cloakimsl tnlro hnmp sex huj btmhir 2 i0ttu rial must n tin iai nn nt in in 1 fill th m 1 1 it vv lii n n wmjll huusi it m ui vvtirk li hns with ifttill ihrm out than ii pi rv ins vv i hit hlu 11 h li s rnpi il t liiinili triu it ilovv n nh hi iivli tl fiiunil wmi rlillitn n nnrt h irri tchlnc ttnw r ti tin in nnil 1 1 1 nt in fnikir will ls hs i an 1 t 1 tin nuths tl t n lust fiom tin ii w hilt it rui l un i i im in i f nils ish hl h 11 tn un i i n f it i 1 i iwh t tunl r thi 1 i tmpi u in u i homt i is 1 d ll tl it u i is if v i tl fiu nut tl t hi ixt hi ht in ollu is iw ir it i it brit mt 1 it n lu i i m n n i u iritt n t t u i tins fn hiiii wl ttiuii nu nt v a- i l aust hiinu hak i li through i hoh ui i wall t in i hir i tni si muni f hours anil atit in i i ris r 1 1 s it t import nit lotunnnts u i n fin i slrovetl an numliir flrt station in 1 ontfon ir raid r tuition latins vrmstion ha d tin urj medal for it i rminati n dt s n had health and n of falling bomb ami raginj fins uu outh ik llvtntl ituvsjiis through ih lark nt iu when incendljirv hombs ntarted a man ht obtained a l host and laddt r from a dangerous josltion and plavel the wattr on iht fin latt r h wax httmn from hik bnvile hut eontlnut 1 running messagin on fool pi rsonni 1 dm ctor for tlu company indu att cl a hasis for din ct ni gotln tions tould im rt ac hi d i nbor min isttr mel artv was still in nova sco tia w hi rt u wint two wiiks ago in a pt rsonni t ffort to halt the slow down lechnlqui imploed bv miners in bomi capi mri ton coal pits i llu duki of kent lias starti d tnst- ward aftir mon than a week in the wistirn provinces and his route mn i ross that to bt travelled bv the farl 1 of athlon and princt ss alice who in t siindat start a lfi dav tour a manitoba and saskatcht wan ajrli uliun minlsfi r ardim r is hat k in thi npltal aftt r a huslnt ss tti to tl mantinu s ottt nf i ivliik ltn unk tiutttl canadians harm offuiallv that tin it hvlnr osts still nr niountini i hi dom ini ui puit ui of siatisiinu m ortt tl in tin r shar in n as in its i ist of living in i this tim from 1 10 r t 111 sin t tin tuithri ak of u u lit in it bas7sif tin kivt i nniint t si f livuii bomi j oh v has in n it 1 1 1 1 i nils i u attinu i ti v n l ird i iird ha 1 1 1 n tr ink t n vt nt un tiu in itass it living ts it kt p 1 wn n t ul bn it j rl tin hour i issm i ni r t i t fft ti tl i k t nt nt tin si tj i ii itak ii il 1 in ut i a it vtar nu sjm ngt r bet ii awanie pltn k itn i jn is m i uis u ir tlk n t i v r an i it tfftt1ivlv in i riorum spt i l i ndu tion s r ti uii mimsit that ird rs foi nn 1 1 i in irt ixiut nmtcrni m iv 1 1 us l mil dt f n lit i an ida s inn rafl n tht tffmu muni w t ha lit lohetl in than 1 oo0 war to im awartitd to ai t i anadiam manufm tun rs h tte una liau ear and eounttrv com panv will manufat ttm m rlurruam fittiler al iu 1- ort ilham plant whilt ntmirluvn av latum 1 td of mttnirtal is to riiein an onti r for stul harvard traim rs i h n nr umxinfirpied rt p irt tin mai hinrs vv ill im bought hv thi vil i state government undt r the program for distribution the netherlands fan ind nt and poxmihlv to uusuin i ml inn tiirtunn carrolls kuobi ric 1 kiiobji corn i slirjjd krisplcs 2rk 23 i flakes 2 r is i wheat 2 p y silver star pastry flour 24 ba 59 kp up to par with ovaltltie tin 59 8 ciiocaui furj toddy xss44 good morning marmalade sliimfri nw desserts 3 pi-i- zjc chriilias fruited nul ring eck ic aylmar tomato catsup ir 12c rota rice n lie minuta tapioca pi lie cowans cocoa 14c z4c carroll pur baking powder iir 17c j7 deuert m pears 3 15 25c jr v j domestic shortoning lb pl ic vanilla or lsnra extract x t le kkook jlly maker x pi xsc glass jar tops 3 lor c brucvt birj seed i ii pit 1 7c champion cat or dof food x i 19c matters dog biscuits x x xc canadian crabmeat 29c baavstr lobster n 17 xs doso prunes x 17c doerrs tiny apple blpitom biscuits lb 1s woodburys facial soap 4 x4c old dutch cleanser tin xoc peanut butter pound lc ivorjr soap flakes pir x3c sunlight soap x ck lie handy powtlsrod aufmoitla pis 11- infanls dvhgltl oap cl c easy on your hands rlnso pt lot x j 4 for rich suj cltlpso tmo x3 scourinf pad 8os p 14c isc t libby pork and haina bah foods 9 i xse aylmar choppad poods lns 19c gravy mafcir beans v2 clrlitui ictjlralaaw cake each 20c blsto j pkir xsc junkal lea crun mix x pf i9e raajy cut macaroni x n ac ltbbys evaporalad bcllk 10 oa im 43 skirnlts la mon pic mix pb 14c ubbys poliad jawal salad ae aylmer halves of ontario peaches 15oz tin ml choice no i duchess pples r quart iuket 23c jlicy v vlencia ok vnces ina sbe dozm 35c choice crisi celhiv hearts hunch 10c no 1 cookim onions i poundh 15c squash ireen ptipr cucumberh pirkllru oninnx vrult and veeeuble lrict until saturday nlxhl only

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