Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 21, 1941, p. 4

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neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested nassagaweya mr nd mr arthur nlkhtlnfinle of knltclihull mr nnd mm car- kill nml hon bruc nf cnmphollvllle nml mr bevt nlrhtlnitiile o ornnke- vlllo attended the nntnwnywnbher nuptial t lakcvlew lnt friday the bride in n krtnddaurjhter of mr nml mm arthur nlkhtlngnl mim marjory webber or uikevlew l pendlne a uwk of holidays with mr and mm carl cnrelll of cnmp- hellvlllo in the abwneo of rev mr plckor- skllli lent sunday mr g w bfldl of burlington occupied the pulpit in eb- snwr united church mr j u norrliih of guolph vtalt- ed with relative and frlondu in nfti- abknwcyn over the wmttrinl ptc e c wluon ncamc ijinndownc park ottawa visited with g t wllnon and family laiil sunday s e taylor of the ii caf wln- nlpor visited with mr and mm al fred taylor cowhln recently some of the farmeri of thin district are harventlnb a neconrt cuttlnk of nlfnlfn hay itis a better crop thnn the first was this year mr and mm elmer pickett of buf- fnlo n y visited relatives and friends in nntsajraweyn over the weekend concrat illations are extended to mr and mrs mac mclaughlin nf natsacnvvcyn on the nrrlvnl of n younp son inst friday 15rtdtt a numher f orton ladloi attend ed tho ton riven b the bethel ladies inst thursday afternoon and they re port a plondld- crowd wns present and n ftoclnl time enjoyed friends of mr percy chapman are sorry to lekrn that he hns been very 111 in orancevllle hospital with a mpyc throat condition and the latoit report is lie is recovering s1ow an unusual accident occurred on snturday evening when n local young man nnd lady friend were motoring on the town line they ran into a cow whicii was on the road in trvinc to avoid some homes he evidently mls- ed seeing the cattle beast the cow was killed almost immediately and quite a lot of damage done to the car fortunlntelv the occupants eucnped injury mrs j d mooney visited in tor onto several days the former part of the week miss i ford fergus and mrs saun of port credit nre holiday- tngwith mntmooneynd gtrts miss helen gowdy returned to tor onto on friday having spent two weeks n the home of mrs wm bal- lentlne mr and mrs fred hearing tor onto visited the formers mother mrs thos denrlng nnd mr nnd mrs wm bnllentlne on sundny the mnnv friends of mm john hue here were sorry to learn of her death in fergus hospital last week ballinafad mr and mrs douklas irvine and daughter of detroit spent the week end at the home- of the formers pnrentr mr nnd mm alex irvine mis juno brain spent sunday ot her home in erin mr nellie kcntner and mr will shortlll of georgetown were visitors ni monday at the homo of mrs soper mr david mcenery spent sunday with friends at erin miss grace mckay of toronto visited at tho home of mm sopor durlnu the week limehouse the womens mlwilonnry society met nt the home of mrs jno scott on thursday ovonlnr innt hev peter jnmleson of cromnrby conducted services nt the presbyter- inn church on sunday nfternoon mrs r lane in spending o week in toronto mr nnd mrs s m wright nnd miss shtrleyvlsltcd mr and mrs gordon wnlker belmont over the weekend recent visitors included messrs gordon nnd wm grieg of toronto with mrs gnle nnd miss ivens mr nnd mrs ted morrow of tor onto with mrs u lane mr and mrs d m gowdy and miss barnatir 0ttoronto nntjmrsichrtpr shott of harrow with mr and mrs wm gowdy sundny auguit 10th nlso mr and mrs r benrhope of kitchener mr ronald mcdonald brnmpton gunner angui mcdonnld of nlagara- onthelnke nnd mirs maud thorn ton visited with mrs s glsby on sundny mr nnd mrs frank mummerv nnd miss uuth nnd mr nnd mrs ervvood all of toronto with mrs c m lim ine r over the weekend mr robert shaw with the folletts for the weekend mr and mrs a hill nnd famlk spent the weekend nt belmont milton the ellkiittemont isunnouncod of mildred joan youngest daughter of the late mr nnd mrs llk may mltim to ralph iiiklehnrt turd youlikestson of mr nnd mrs d frank ford milton mnrrlnne to tnke place august toth mr ami mrs james houston were in dumlns on tuesday nfternoon where thoy attended the funrrnl of their friend the into martin jordme n former resident of milton inter ment took plnce nt the white brick church cemetery ancaster cham pion erin the homo of john r smith erin was the acenn of n hnppy gntherlnk on tuesday aujjust 12 when tihout mventyflvo relatives descendnntir of abraham smith nnd of john root two of the earliest kettlors in erin township gathered in their first re union in honor of mr nnd mr abo smith mlnltonns manitoba rev t j reel pastor of erin uhilcdchuretrclireutrkflt preced ent during the pnst few daya while on his vacation mnnyof his con gregation were busy in the hnrveflt nnd his reverence wont out to the farm nnd helped harvest the jrraln tho wnter supply from the well nt- the local school having become pol luted with quick sand it wiw found necessary to deepen the well nnd cut off the present supply during the past few days mr goerge gibson hns neon drilling nnd it is hoped that a sufficient supply of pood clenn wnter is obtained advocate ospringe sunday lsitorwilh mr mid mrs f urvdnn wete mr and mrs james van norman and bnb luck of oooks- tlle and mrs j campbell of acton congratulations to mr and mrs gordon altken on the an kal of a voung son on sundn mws muttel chtmiheis of erin was a guest last week of her fthuid miss ra e hut ios mr muttl mecutoheon mks k llnnev nnd master murrn mcmillan spent sundnv with mr and mrs mc millan toronto mrs f sunlei mrs m ailken anil mks f unldie attended the surtler- lltitien wedding in kiln on saturdav a nuniui of larjlei frum hoie at tended the shower for mis uuth kolterlson given hv miss lois m tuli heon nt hei home lit kverfnn on moitdnv a f lei noon hie funeial of the late mrs i r micutctiennwas held on ihnr- ilt nfternoon ke p mel end of kwiton avsisted b hex k nor its ot erin condueled the eilees at the bantu mid 4iixiliiivb4juii i a large kiithei mi of neihhois and fi tends mihkfm mmothn mckenle mnt hlanctie mi ktunoti lendcied a duett tnder his wing er sweet i i he numerous dotal offerings ttoie silent testiuiom of the love and tespott for the detvased 1hese wtie at ned b il uruhulmhriu loo ami itoheri micuti tuvn helen and gordon alt- ken and blanche and kenrvth mt howgull i he pallbeaiers were messrs le1 milutcheon mind misutcheon victor mccotlum peier cut rte james st i ut hers and hum an mc- tnvinli interment was made nt ker- titn cemelerv mm jesaie btsiw of brampton u ulttng with mr and mrs leslie webb mr james scunlun has obtained work in a fairtory nt artort j ml ruth smith of fergus wan a weekend visitor at her home her rockwood no services were held in the pres- bvterlnn church vin sundnv miss helen henderson nt tended the recent wedding nt delhi ont of miss grace lnwion formertv of rock- wood nnd elder daughter of rev p h nnd mrslnwson to malcolm m macdonnld r ca of cnmp borden the ceremony was performed by the brides father assisted h her uncle rev g ijiwson of drew university madison n j the hrlde was given away by her brother jack nnd wed ding music was plaved b mrs g ijiwson mr john hamilton assisted by n few others are repairing the roof of the united church weekend nnd sunday visitors mis4 ella hamilton of hamilton mr john beard of raf trenton mr kny dean of raf toronto mr james lv nch of toronto mr genrgednv of ottawa mr nndmrs jot hollts ofguelph t misses ohallontn of hamilton are spending a couple of weeks with mrs t l nch and familv mr and mrs s s homv left on mindnv for a weeks holldnv mr and mrs j a little out of town for a few das sinn pun hating the house and lot of the late mr lames hall mr ko ma on is making some tmprov einent burlington donnld bull delewnrc ave report ea on tuesday hutfrn battery hnd been stolen from his boat which wni nnchorel behind the breakwater on the lake front chief smith is investigating the civil defence committee car ried out their regular training rou tine on monday evening the clnns- os under instruction nre receiving vnlunhle information for civil life as jlortieultund society show at rockwood continual from pnro one cliulloll red mrs k nlrkell mis jnnlricker gladioli nny color mrs conrue bnlion glndlnll alx spikes different eolois mrs mcneill mrs e nlrkell mrs geo bnuon jgladloll hesl in show miss m moore marlrokls french mrs j a little petunias slant ruffled t geo dnlton mrs c wellnol potunlns ordinary mrs f nlrkell mrs j a lutle mrs c welt7el scablosa- mrs geo bolton mrs 1 a little snnpdrnkon mrs a cantolon stocks mrs a beard sweet peas mr john lynch mrs a beard mrs c wellml verbenas mrs c- wcltjel zinnias mrs j gonller mrs e nlckell mrs a board dlnlne table brmnuemont mlw m moore mrs j a little mrs j gordlor llvlnjj room nrrnnkoment mrs 7 a little pansy nrrnnkoment mm a cnn- telon mrs john lynch uose mrs georre lnvcrty sweot pen nrrnnkoment mth c woltzol bnsket of wild flowers mrs a 1 elliot mrs j a little mrs c welt- 70l bcronln fibrous rooted- miss v hnrrlson mrs a j elliot mrs a beard coleus- mri j a little mrs chns thnlcher fern mrs a benrd shnmroek mrs john lynch anyqtliervnrletyorliouacpldjit mrs a benrd mr john lynch mrs c weltzol at tho conclusion of the show the display of glndloll by mr wm ilnrrls were disposed of nnd proceeds from them nnd other exhibits in the show were donated for wnr work well ns for nny emergency thnt should nrlse normnn crnlp sr wns the victim of nn unfortunnte accident near wn- snro bench where he hnd been spending his holidays lnst frldny with n number of others he was sit ting on the docks where severnl of the party were shootlnk nt srinkcs a bullet from one of the 22 rifles nc- clilentnlly bounced bnck off some- j thine nnd struck mr crnlk in the e gnette i iirhtiii ox georgetown the countess of strnlhmore chnp- ter i o d e held n delightful business nnd social- meeting at thehome of mrs c v wllllnms on mondny aug 11th the regent mrs s mackenzie presided in the chair and extended n cordinl welcome to the guests of the evening the ladlei of the lnke- slde chapter acton on snturdaj august 11th follow ing n lingering illness one of our most respected citizens samuel al len pnssed away in the genernl hos pital niagara falls ontnrio mr allen who was in his mth venr was bom in armagh ireland coming to canada when a voung man nml lived luire and in the immediate neighbor hood for n great number of ears at a miitlnenfhejresheri of ioronto held m richmond hilt ires- h terlan church on wednesdav ev- ening august flh it wellsigned call i to the r4v c c cochrane from tin- congrcgntion of knox presbyterian church georgetown nnd llmehouse nlso presbyterian church was present d the preshter approved the call and placed it in the ban is of mr cm h- inne who accepted it the date tor t he induct ion w as set for iuesdnv evening september oth nt ft pm- herald to the editor heaths from fatnl accidents on the highwnvs of ottnrlo for the first siv months of id 11 total m more thnn for the corresponding period of pill the increase is at the rate of 25 the number of deaths in 100 given h the bureau of stntlstlcs as 7lfi fr the full year was the highest for the period of record 1020 to 1910 save one the jenr 19t7 showed on tario highwnv fatalities at 7fifi in this phenomlnnl rise of motor falalltiet increased traffic due to war no doubt played its pnrt in creased wwros and employrpon wih more money nnd more old cars on the road driven by persons lncking experience added some increased drinking the cumulative result of habit and of freer mnnev was no doubt a major cause or lognn clendening sv ndlcnte writer spenklng of the investigations i of rond accidents in the v s nnd the findings douhtless would be slmlhir here said alcohol with the attend ing vnrlng degrees of nicohnii71n- i invocation can be considered the greatest single factor the hmltingj of gasoline with tlte resulting curb of carousing at night will prohnhlv check the rise other- j wise we are in for u ban raising record of hlghw av fatalities for j he c urient year i yours sincirelv a j irwin research set retnrv ontario tr temperanc e kedeuilion br hirer into tun oovntt g m reduces ft oa daily except sundoy auc 23rd trtscpu lith icavc acton 7fl m ixnvp exhibition 9so pm include- exhibition admhuhm haroij wiles acton ihone rk gray coach lines aiinormat sikidk oakville uluiiit the reklilenie miss wilmn milne nf ilriintfortt is luinie for n fortnlnhls holuln the v il hml ihnrki f the imiin- iiik anil eiiiln mrles a the im- eit ouirih itti mifudlonjcoiillnk- i of lllielpll lis kuet sikfl comnillllller iluch iullen it i mr john it uicliul ilsqn nml tiuiulv sprnt u hrlf leni- nt the home of spent sutulav at the home of mr ami lu- parents major anil vis kuink mts k 11 uiehnrilson vimlaml on- pullon lario l 1 k itlakelo k it l- n is mrk culurllu iiiul miu luitute hoinii on kave of illinois nie spiiulini somi ilas a u ni reoiii u broken lu the with mi nml mis inultnei mil llillmer fuel iir io nn sniiinlm innl august j lll hen ihej alone ih- qtjiei reiint iiiii sumluj maitnra limteil i inn nf liu m tiu iun of lonixin itll iner said to luim when a slirol lueil on lirenil uatei unit onts illfil ftonislarmitioii the iiironei saiil the man wis one of those people who kllleil themsehes in their nhnormal iileas men off 30 46 50 pep vim vigor qubnoraalt wast norrntl pp tint vlcor ttulttyt try 04trx toola tbuu cabuioj tontoa atimalabul ontir iliauo- mlm t mormal pp xtr la 40 r 0 ct special introductory ul tor enly 35 try uuj aid tp normal ptp and vtm today tor aala at all food drug alora mm mund of toronto mr and mrs chffoid jit k cuelph mr 1 wilson and faiulh ask tie fellow who own one we unuld refer vou to uny of these satisfied customers fcho are operating korj tractors cconotn ofopcration mctutchwin stewart ed ieoren knurtt ulac mel ukmin hcrt kobcrtsuin itoht icrrin smith iriltn son also usk them about the c j an dooen duffield bros ijhuie mcmillan dave steutrl tom vmom william stubintrton k i mullin ard nimrnl other whose rome dhs not appear in thi list tiikn come in and taii it oveu with is no ohihjation immedtale dvlivr while the supply lasln norton motors k1r1 s mkuctuy niw fori ulactblls phone m acton ontario f owen and sound tiuuiiimgmrmviist john of iluelpb during the lllnevs mrs 1 bus hew at ul week ntenilerii nf her familv were with her a few davx in cluding mr rutherford mew at of toronto later reports nre that mrs llewat is sllghtlv improved mr tolin hitching his suffuienth iniprovtst at tttronto hospital to he able to return to the home of his on mr camitijn kltehlng- a few from hock wood nttende tho cuelph horticulturnl show moiiclav evening and tueadnv some fine ex- hlhitk of gladioli were shown mr nnd mr kril mcwilllanix are enjovlng a ttotida in mhntrenl and at her eastern hinth oakville 1rocetsls ctf the haaar heltl h iatruia crammell ami jeanne hunt n saturdav august jnd in aid of the hed tovs ilnmh u tuns fund t amounteti to iv the iraglt death tr klw m m ivdi nrd t following burns re- ieke1 front an explosion w hu h oe- urtml in thedisp of his drug store m hurling ton eante as a de- uded shock to his friends in onkultc wjten a fifth game wm nect ssarv between oakville atitl milton to de- t ide the lalton count lunior cham- pioniihip iwth tennis agreed on i nine inning game on tueda even- w tlmlotal ladm plaved headsup hasrbnll till the wav but were robbed f rthe championship fte leading ltt at ou- end of the eighth when dailnesit halted the game ueenrd- i star i tt5tefa xnitfb dljurrh at fianaba aviton ontario bkv a waitkk posrurv jta 6jtj mlnhur pnrmlnnfce bower avenue i canttroknllcin will womtltp in bap tint church sorvlcen nt 1100 n m 1215 pm church school tia evening itervlces clurink auttust service in united church aukunt 31at timfl fcntl wonhlp rvdrybody wileme ilrrabgtrrtan icnfoxtcinriicmraoton kkv h l ilennie m a mlnuur wnnse willow stret sunday august 24th 1011 10 00 i mtho sabbath school 1100 nmthe rev j r wnldlo b d of iindon ont during the month of aujcunt there will he no evening kcrvlco always welcome satrtlat cljtirrti acton rkv jofln ostkom ha bth mlnlter sunday alkiust 21th 1011 1 1 on n m itev mr anhton of rrln 1215 pm sundny school mondny 8 k p m byp1i nt the church k wednehdny k of pm hrnyer meet- inr a welcome to all uncuusxrleb small advertisements ailvrrturmrtits iimlcr thin lirailinti is cah with urilrr ii js wanta aitihlional worin t ir witvt if iuui iluci nut ai kiiniuni ui ouvr tisrnnnt minimum clinrur jsr anil ic rr wont rflhliiil for rarh wont wantkij to rjjujt apurtment or 1 rooms in houie with conveniences apply to box 10 the acton fuee press wantki three rooms or sninll hmise in rent apil in aton home iiakehy wantfa driver for brend wnnn imnied- inlk if possible applv box 11 free press wantkij iirl or vouni woman winted to help in store full time position appl h letter to box 1 free press wanted fiirnihnnd i hiiiii plowman ind milker afiplv miss iiaiiett lot 12 third line erin oll rent five rooms hard and soft water kiinike apply mrs j as miiroy cuelph st rockwood por sale t team crev horses mare and ield- lnt applv lo ei dredce alton r it no 1 for male klhin slnir quehim healer dlvanette iron bed and sprint kit- ehen tnhle linoleum rxl ft apply mrs l a van wyck mill si for sale 1 huiou toy spit pure while male dok cood with i hlldreii ctieap for cash applv fred anderson brock ave aijon stil1yei one bluk kolsteln llelfel anv nn- hav ii iiiforniiitlon plrnse call ckorcftown lil or nt- dr beer r it i cenriielnwu lltl wanted wantid a ii i or wninan as lielpr in cratklea uiil home apply mrs ii stark craiklea r r no i ill i i i milton out victory victory orangeville fall fair tuesdaywednesday september 9th and 10th i- ok saik lm iiu farm lot vn con i k- cueing ooc building hardwuod hush selling for illhealth tktkk m isaac it it no 1 ac inn ont stok am fi kna1k itklairs iehning firebeti with kinline plastic iire tine k sloven ec hanged large jit4iortntcnt of uxed stoos ut hanil hargalnt agent for vv 1 mngill plumber and iniinlth sti- i ktc irm knlimateh given john v savaci- acton kii muai ok kxfjiavoe 1 we have to tell iwup or excitants singer sewing machined- treadle u klet iru aiho a few ladlei hrand new kut c hi til what have nu in i i vi hange nincku skwinc maoiink co il ljuevn w hrnmptun wtone t0t 74 the famous fii1xer intlstixcomh moat iopuur ulgk ufwls llaur brush over million hold uit year iivxy vctito jack kintiflhott main ht at hrkoal uw i

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