yjwtu jufxm sixtyseventh ytnc no 10 acton ontario thursday sizptrmbrr 4th 1111 1iriii home print pges five cent new officer and member welcomed at sckoofftoarcl aem pupil attending cne a guctatoard akflfor survey of insurance cwrrled teadiern and pull awked to help main tain school building in wd condition aclon school board hnd one of it huulout btmlnnn of the v r nn luih- riny nlfcht chairman blow in opontnc tho meeting welcomed the new membor of thi board mr w ii clayton nnd tho new jteeretnry mr w g middle ton the secretary had taken onth of office infore clerk c r leather lanr nnd triihtee clnyton took tin uminl onth of offle before the ne o- retnry prlnrlpnj m konlo wa proncnt nnd tht board off red roncrntuln tions on hln recent mnrrlnre it wan nrrnnctrl that ordlnnry up idled nl the hchool for thlh month dun ltd lie weurwl hy tho uupply-tom- mlttee print ipnl mckenle xnrcn ned plcnnurf in the hlc improvement mnrif in the school ri dcrorntinu ii- wilrthoth tenrhers tind puptte wi delighted with the n w hurrounrllncn the secretary wmt imitriicted to uriten it tti r to the prlnripnl urtrinj thnt ti ii hers nnd pupils do not drive nails or otherwise dlafinur thi niu unlit nnd thnt pupils he urpid to keep thim imn nnd uhi the school as thf would their bona surround inis pr si nl to with lln ronrd u ns insurant i thnt it he mi i- i wrijrht uns disc uss lnihilit instil mil i bonn h unib rstood th not cnrrvini nn itnbilitj nt pn s nt j in ured a niiderc d rollouint this n disc ussmn took place when nil insurance was discus pid mi mix rs of thi hoard win not acquaint d with whnt insurnnt i was earrl d a motion was pass d in htrtictlnc mm spi n trtry to writ mrs h i- midonnld nnd mr f i rirhi rliehtink thnt thl prepare an in burnnrt surve for tin board nnd pn ri nt it ns noon as ponslhle l his sur e w as to compli tel cover nil school properties thi chairman reported thnt tin kiiuwtifipsanltntton co hint mnrte chnrtues in the drainage on tin kvs tern installed lnnt year nnd correct d the trouble nr requested seeretnrv mlddleton c npressed his appreciation of nppolntment as tiecre inrytreanurer of the board nnd as sured the board thnt he would do his bent to faithfully rnrry out nil thi duties connected with the office letters were read r the application of the unemployment in- surnnci act nnd it wns decided to tnke no nctlon another letter re quested verification from the reboot records of thi nr of a pupil who had nttindid acton hciioo nbout the n tort of the holler inspector wns net kid and thi re pit irs ret om mended hnd been mndc during tin rummer hnlidnv period a litter t thi dcpartmint of public hinlth urged thnt a more regular svstem of dlphtlu rla control hi i arrli d on in alton i he utter was n f i rre d to thi midicnl officer rf health with et request for- nport ami nt t ntinn i hi supplv commit ti t w r ri quisled to arrant foi the supplv of fuel and tilt irope i tv commltte weie nski d to inve stipule tin cost of rt plating unin e ae troughlnj and tin painting of hie xtt rim of the puhlu m hool e spi t imik the mnln n train 1 he e onillllttt i welt e mpowt led to tnki w halt vi r at t ion was de e me d 1 ndwsjihh authoriatum foi the signing of c iteyiu s and piomissotx notes was ai j ranged with the hank of memtnnl i in seeretaiv liensunt was to sign j nnd the tjl f thi mniud 01 j nearoffori wedding saturday in toronto church amid a tatting of tnll ktnndnrds of pnxtcl gladioli fernr nnd palms one of the moht plcturihque weddings of the weapon took nlnco in wnlmer rond baptikl cluinli snturdny when liorecn offord only dniicihter of mrs john offord northtllffe blvd tw inme the hrldi of robert klrkwood niar mnnof mrs r ii nenr north dlffi blvd i he ircjnons wnk sov emnled hy he v g c balfour at the organ was d coutts nnd during th signing of the register robert welsh sang i he bride glvi n in marring b her uncle c s bnln wore n road of white rhrnin tnffetn on oreclnn t line h sweetlienrt ne kiln long hleeves with the skirt extending from n torso waistline into n full trnln iiirfiill lentil veil of embroidi ry silk nil wns cnught hy n french pearl i oronel ii r houqu t was of ruhrtim lltles- white rom s nnd hnh s breath ndnnuwcrt mrs hi orge collins as mntron of honor nnd mlw- mnrgnru clark and mlsr nora borth w it k tier ousln as bride smaids i heir gowns wire paste 1 ne 1 our laff tn petliwl stlc with swnl hi art neikllnes trimmitd with smnll elvet hows full skiits with slight tiain i hi mntron of tumor wns in fiistndi tietn anil tin hrjdi smaids in iosi oichirl and romani e pink i in hail matt hint bonnets anil eniiied aim houqut is i i m s i e nt was his biolhe s hist man and irluatd offord bio tin i of the titirli 1 e rr k nt and i ofdun snnlli eousin of tin bntli will tin listli is iinption was hi id nl the homt of tl oildt when he hit sis wile itftteil b he i mother in elusk rose hue finoniii on simple lines with cornflower blue feather hat and cor sngi ol roses eornf lowers and bab s breath and tin mother of the groom in roal nnj blue sheer with match ing hal trlmm d with silver for travelling to thi iiurentians tin hrldi wore n hlack and beige en mmhll with eorsage of r ih touple will reside in toronto j e pearen wins fi cro chytti i i fi 1 winners of tin vu id crops cnmp titlon conducted h acton lull i ah have luen announi e d i inn win nine prices awarded li lorn port i of inrvls who jmlged tin event following nre the winneiu and the points score el i f pi nren it r 1 alton 7 points f w uuddell r r t georgetown ofi miller broi u r no 1 ce orgetow n 0 j 7 riirlftc ii b r 2 eorgetown 01 j uobert kerr it r 2 aeton i hugh m reid r r 2 acton onijj c w swntkhnmor r it 2 acton kfi arthur swaekhnmer r it 2 acton h r n brown r r 2 acton 83 weekly war xoihiiienlarv hwwmly written tor vu actow frfta l by fnkellaki pivkii huti writer i he prohabllltv that crtntniy um nttindeel aeton school slarl srlxiol i nrotmi nt in both thn high nnd publli si imols in ae ion is hfgh r this uir than last iai in tin ptib lh si hool 7 are enrolled in the eight jlaeies 1 he re wire tl begin n rs nil 2 pupils who had not pns three carstwo busses involved hdthayconision the children help v also tonlribules a v lw force to tight n winter tnmpalgn agninst ruwjin ik riguideel ns a factor influi ni ing the inpnnese in i in pr e nt situation while recnleitrant army lenelers di clnre it la the govern men s intention to build n o pros pe rlty sphere in inst asln de spite i british american opposition there nre i ka tfktmirl irftm other evidence thnt prime mlnisti r v1 wi ionn is s i king to h tson the exist ing t nslon i inpnnese new spa pons nre not m iriuuhnt nnd in chinn inpan se con trolleei press en rly this week re f rr d i to i in lrnll ini n nseil aid lw ini i given britain hy lit united stale s i i in s pnvers sny icrmnnj will hi forced tufight in russia throulbotit tin winte r hostpitnl fund for london enjr- land now has over amlitlnn improved t iavnl former in nib vit i hn who was wound i au 2 i qntarh in the high school rh puplltt win enrolled tin first elnvs nnd tdr will posslhl h inerenked penm i has 17 pupils form ii bus 21 pupils anil i orm iii has 2 pupils 1 voullis sen i lo the penitentiary trio taunht in acton now ct t ycam additional in penitentiary ka paimow wbdihni hkiti wst week to insure or not to insure is the problem one department say hydro of ficial should come under unemployment insurance another says not routini matters took the attention itf acton public utllitlctc commission at the meeting on lutsdn ivcning i hi untmplojmint insurance seems to ih a debatable question a litter from the ontario hydro com mission advised th local board that emplovtts are insurable and come under tin um niplovme nt insurance plan at a previous met ting orre s peutelemmh- ftevni tlie mumeipiilit vaod- tin hepartmint of municipal affairs advised lautionand eh hi in entering the plan until ctrtaln points utn le and some diffiiultv is ht uik met in si uiiiil iiiuipnnnt fm ilvdro an i unti st i u i s both of w bu h an vital to ki e ptlli llldlistllts goihk in i stral tf vv hit it an on war piodtii tion iiiuirv was to hi made so t licit supl in s woidd not imptd anv tf tin stivitis supplviiil tluse mdusirns t ounls win passt 1 for pav in lit as ftdlous ilvdro ie pt mi i in h in i ns for innks 1si vtseve ron caniiuuiond aid to ih sic k childr n in a hospital in london pnglnnd that proudly e nines on its work of mi ev amidst 1 lit rubble i h wir just htlle shnvits but thev wnnkel lei help and tbev badn i much mom v in stmt willi but whin in te s a w ill i in i s a vvav an i s bebhv rumi v bllv and i an u tl is ih t irleil iim v would i ondin t i site i he v dei malt 1 a httli i unit i in r in of die inhnslom k- i uinh v sloti mill nunti il nttrailivi i hi v k j i the ii b monaeli e ool i in v hatl sue k t f ii salt anil othi i itli n tive ih nis i oiks lik el tin ii spin mi lln u 10 ids and lliv proinllv tain over to pm i- hi i ivs of fn 1 and hand el in i hi proceeds sijfi foi imi ibii pmsjs tund for the si k t hil dnns hospitnl in i ondon inline s nnd t tn v 1 arned v 1 rv 1 1 nt of il i nth folks hi iping othe r litth folks who can t si 11 1 monaile and sue ken in a land w in re th ska s ar mining d nth land destruction nnd tbev h iplesslv must ln in their beds ill or hurt nnd just take it tin n lln olhe rdna incly w horn wc did not recognic immediately i put n five dollnr bill over the counter j with the xplnnntlon for the oil i drtnii fuhd and in answer to our j ineiulry ns to who we would credit the gift she replied just put it v there we hnve it n v for v nnd when victory comes the skies will be tlear nnd little children will not be molested when t re s and thi hnspllnl worts will be refiullfnnd the bomb hole in the roof repaired now weve renched over the first half of the first contribution pre v louslv ncknow lodged v bohbv rumle bettv and lean wilds proceeds of booth w burton m pallnnt jnofl r j2fi tool hv nn nssnssin s bullet wns reported eiulv fliis week to 1m nlle to sit up in bed and lake food his eondi t ion show ed propressiv impi ov t me nl indie nlions nn mint n111 ofinial eiom fontintiis lo view moves hv the n hv government vvilb a looii deal of skt pin ism mushi pi tain s in n milt 1 nn nl sun inv of a ni w lov i n nn nt nlv lln i e l1 hi ol u 11 i t i tans mil nliinti is t f the ill n il rivnlullon w as si t n k e 1 nsoi d fm usi thi lans jmss ni indn iliou j 1 1 lol ilit 111 in slvh movinnnl is in fi 1 iniubli unnts hi cut r h f fert 1 le sub lit ui isi i it in n i dint itv hi aiu 1st i 11 tin pmlitl st iti s 1 in ttintrv s w it 1 ffoit w is not vi i liiulh i lib ss vi step up tin total of our i piodm tion anil more lnntl sate guard it on lis journ vs to tin batth fields our immies vmii take in art in pushing i hi ir attaik in fn his olel and ni vv he said i he president de e lar d that the na tion wns devising ni w wen pons of unprecedented pnw or tow nrd t hi mnlntennneeof democracy- in a trans atlantic broadens iabor minister frnest bevln told the united states there wns no labor disputes in j britain worth mentioning nnd urg- 1 ed labor unity in north america j uli driven rack j counter offensive by russian nrm- iis on the moscow nnd ieningrnd 1 fronts were started nt the weekend nnd h sept 1 oermnn tro in j outbs vvl ttjmlimll3 ciuupii let we k and w ho we n n t nptun d 1 in s in night at acton were sentenc d lo liims in kingston ivniti ntlarv appi nrint 1 ton marislinle v wllt k in politi oiut lln tllo lolfn maud is n hamilton i it n u met tillotilli ih of napiuee ontmio and lull iipalei new a vi i pnttv wteleling look phi at th home rtf mr and mrs f i 1 holt on i hurwdav august 2hlh nt hh1 pm whin i imi in in si 1 mid ilaughle r of mi and mm iiorg kaj of biaeihildie he e ami tin hi idi of i n th rh k onion 1 ariow ehh 1 1 son of mi inrnjw and tin lat mm i miow of huntsville ontario rev a v i eisbuiv iff aeton unite d lllllt h officiate el lln bliele looked lovely in jill iveiry satin wielding geivvn uiih flngi 1 lip veil lii 111 in plate hv wlilh nisi buds mis i llleitl s home was pn mtlv die enatiei with pink ami white gladioli and fitn afh t tin nn ninny a dalntv lime he em was si i el i ate r tin ouili e eiupli le ft oil a short beim vmoon 1 in hrldi bltli sin 1 t wllli while a srapedfrom uie j th it n urn llnv will a lent inn j 1 itl k1 1 s on ml iri wi sinuiisli 1 it ilnil of lv in in imj nil s nl ne s i ml nil 11 v in usoii all pleaded mll 1 n ini 1 uslotlv il als hid sti aluig a anothkk acton soi1hkh mitt the imikk ol kent not otilv offieials but men of all inks had the bouoi of nnetiiil lln did of kent diiiiiil his limit visit i 1 aniiilii in 1 iflsman mai vi v ths i il two v on lh 1 is imp tii 1 albs fn 11 s in kingston 1 111 1 if t st up ii on ai ii or uiih an a i ii st iluil tin thlst nre as hnd been thrown hack several mil s in the south the ger- mnn thrust at the black s a port of odessa was reported stopped nt the gates of the city 1 beore moscow the red army s drive had forcid oermnn troops to retire t mil s nl on point while nazi ik supers of i eningrnd wen n ported pushi cl bnck three milts 1 fighting is setr nnd loss s hcavv 556 26 i a largi eontingitit canadian i w rcgrt an error r pt into hist troops has arnvid in britain it wnw- weeks report thi contribution of no d dm sdnv the soldi rs miss fmmn robinson should hnve frtm n l m domln wn im en 100 instead of 10 on it wns a hrn lrf canadian division al- rktmntn am tor tvpographlcal rror the total ourrt of tin fund was how e r net i in re are no innnvtrs for ltd fund amounts an at i now h cil i through pur ini 1 puiss columns 1 ne h vveik lln nlire amount jullted vmii hi si nt to the snk children s hos hal in i ondon i nlnnd to in lp thut institution 1 airv on ami iil lln 1 inns of its huilehm hn h was one f the fine st until btimbi ti lust as soon ns tht fund n at in s lii that nnieuint wilt hi miit forward st nfl 1 in v w n also uivin am vi 11 on lln h tnt of making thn us lln littti tiim to run e out um utlv with tin otlnis in nldilion the miilis tiale nub rid tlnm to siivi in n maindei of their it fomalorv dims it kiiilslon i in n is not much that win in said for ou ou ar voting nn n and wr on our honor as trusties nt the it formntorv it is too ensv for jou to get away from then nnd you did not appreciate- lh prlvilt gs extend i to you i in re ir no e cus for your nctlon snid magistral watt crown attorn v j m karns k c point ttmirrhnt the youths in taking the rifle from the home of how itt carter arkoll shortly nfter the mad their tsenpe did not ln hnnek on mrs cnrler to whom thy nlhg- edly mnde demnnding thnats atthe homo of don glnrki nas- sngaweyn township where they trin to take the keys of nn automo bile mr clark threw n 1 hnir- nt thim and that ut an nil to that eplsod mr kenrnsaddid past crlminnl records of the throe gobovs were read to tlil court hy mr k arns r vtaling that mccul- lough had sevcrnl previous onvlc tions ri gist red ngninst him four i barge s w t r on mnnd rs r cord and carpenter had been c harged on four occasions prior to appearing in this ourt i h crown attorney said that bad t hoys co d tlllr good di hnv lor at the r formatory thty i l iii hiti sr n if it i ii ml mis m in 1 111 a t 11 ml 11 i1ih i tin ii in 1 if 1 11 1 111 1 111 stuff wis tn illi t if ii f it mill iii s i 1 tin 1 lh 1 i nl vivll 1 mi h i h 111 isl 11k ii h i 1 in 1 1 hi 1 mini 1 nit l mi ml 11 up win 1 hint is inn il 1 ml 1 s ill ii nil 11 in 11 vsi il is ii fu 1 11 111 nn 1 lh i il iii ii hi a tut nlilti 1 1 in dirk lrl hm iji1i 1 1 linil in 11 in hi s rv 1 11 n 1 lift r 11 lirllt nn rsati ill u it it mtl 1 fill u ii if ai r 11 thrve cum are all iitmnied hut iluwengerm maiu without rer- iouh injurv aceldent monday jiwt ijin uf acton ilim iiuswin k rlouulv damaged in a i ahoi dav lollihion on lh hlgh- wav mat the sixth um asl of aetein it vv ismail of lorotito had flu most s rlotii elantni whin his ar was itnntl bftwein two others and it is tlinatift n pairs will run ovi r tim lln i nllision oiiiirrid nhoul 7 10 on mondav i nlng i wo hussi h nut ni tin hlghwnv one nst nnd on vstbound lln bu t stnpp to 1 ham drivers almost inmphtelv hloekinj lln highway lun 11 m slopped he hind lb iihtbound mr until tin dikirs wire hangi d a ihiiel ear failed to stop and lam m d into lb standing 1 ars shoving hum forwaid into th bus it ih is timaliil thatjuw damage was done to tin ais involve d m f harrnp of a ton inv stigat i nnd it is ilk h th as will jie in ard ottrt troreerllng- ahoill fin lln r in iwde and jltoom honored hy frieniw ol itannockhukn last n niis e i id m th man ami of mus i mm n ik mi i late iit 11 f a tin pro ailing i iv 11 d i v mi i loin han i n i ols wajsnn ml s mm company op vetekans selected ixr service overseas sleliel from ve totalis itiiird of c anndn units from at parts of tin dominion a f ne rnl dutv company if training at uinsdowne park in ot taw a for srvloh ov rseas ibis tompany of men all of whom hirved in th inst war tonsists of a if adiuarte rs and three platoons of pit k d me n whosi elutks oversens will hi providing gunrds nnd pltkets jur raid pre catitlontt nnd pnsslve air difenti tin y will be nttnthul to cnnndlnn military hi adiiinrte rs i win don eighteen compete in contest for farm homes mrs john allan winn i inu place with 215 vtnnut on the threshold of tin third viar of conflict with hitler britain in the losth wik of war found hi r position ittidi nsurahk stronger thin in st timber lhi whin she was ngag d icoiirludtd on pge eight would have been r it as d or paroh d in twt 1 n now and christmas with mandt rs n h as tei b ffw tiv at anv time mill rate for ss tvo 6 erin l nitei womens ssocition met t mils 1enms hi r ktliif in n s as t liuri h was ii ii 1 um niinllik 111 1 ni i 111 ml mill of i ml 1 iii at th hnm i f mrs 1 tiursdav aft rminn tin omcehk at hihrkvimjk receine cektipicates t courful ceremom ol ind in april last to tram juiuot offieers foi tin iiuirsi of th pitsent war tin of fit i rs i lainini c ntn a i is correetetf other items of itwiinvtui at the meetink of erin tounxhip council on mondu insl mrs 1 si r 4 it 1 i tlklit n conli stunts mri inrilltl in th 1 arm anil ilnni iniiti tn nt mil iillnn sponsind this in li alton lunlir far in rs mnn mi i prn 111 tits um not l anil lutlf p i i sll if ilt ii1ai1 hltl llil 1 linn in mauini lh imnrls i h thn uin pah s u r ktnk itilist il tilhimnj an tli r suits 1 list mrs liilin allan a l i jit points s 0111 ihos ii n ihs ai ton k it 1 iii points ihlnl arl sum kliain r a ii jjs pnlnls 11 lln in lam oils sli no khiii n n lh vol pm 1 to ii t ol a i i i 1111 u hn i in linl 1 11 1 h ml i i i alitli111 1 i ins llalllin ami ml anil 11 1 nations i ml anil miss i loin saw is tl 111 1 11 i lh allt i ai ni lln anil i orn ii is ullh u a p v mini in iiiiihiis anil in mil rs of th unnno klititn worn 11 s inslituti hn 1 nl i ml in ri in iilfjit to 1 x tnl 0111 must hiii in iinirnlu lallnns upon cmr rorthoiinini mnr tiitl anil lo wish iiu niosl hlmirhy mil it hnppln sh in vour fiiluri life vmi ndlli linvi liv in i hln com munny minn jilldliood npd hnvi won 11 hlch pliui in i hi rmtt nnd nttt c lion of your frli ndh in your dolly work tin pnnl ft w ymm thn mont of wt hnv had you wrvc u nnd wc ol wnyh found you brtichl rnurtraun nnd willing to ph in rornnllpils of thi trouhli you win put to during tht numbtr of ymrs you tirnr spent in thin ommunlty you nlno hnve won n hlfth iliiti in tlie dbp ond atuc hon of vour frttndh ik rp wi nil join in wiithiij you most ordlnlly n loni nn hnpp marrlotl liri ioijlllitr with proirltyl 5nd rich hi of uood bhrhlnrii wo would llki you lo ntcipl iidbo blfta nn n ink n of lln 1 51 pm in middi you an in id hy your friends slfintd h iytlln kerr tcnn co w j mtdonnld clnr- 1 n col doth i orm nnd n lllo mndt n fuiltfihti ri plv aft r whldi nil joined in slniiiik for thty nn jolly rood fi hows i um h wiis srvd nnd thi r mnln- lor of i hpvnln wm rnjirjint in- ian ink hki cross conns sknt i rom acton in last sllirment il ms si ipm nt 1 k mil s this wik ii luil il tin all it mi nl for am usi ami s pt mhi r willi tin h ail nan 1 1 r t r hoi op n tin asl month ih f illow nt list of mill 1 s si lit si uk s thai hi w ir ti rs i 1 i ouri 11 i tl ijiiv arum rrr it i l jolnls kiflh i narli r a ton h ii i 1 mo joints sikiii or s ills ailon it it 1 tn points i simnth u m lohnston alton h it 1 pl hkhtli alhrt 1 iiuin itoikwoiwl it it i lkl pnlntn mntli i nn no n a i in it it 1 ik points i 1 1 nth i n i- ook ai ton it it i 171 poinls i hi nth ii mi diiiikiill ai ion it i v 1 an i a c irridi alton it it j i i ii d i 11 i olllts iwilfth i i llriiwiilnw sun it i l iuul vd j ihnston i ton it i i 1 i ml i imi oints i hill nth i iwoul i i nsluti ai ion it it i ill points 1- mirt nlh mrs i m ki w n atnn it i 1 lti hftintli um liolihl kn it ii li pninls mmimlh it i damdson ailm it it nn poinm si vint nth ai ni ar itoi k wood it it j kmi iwnnln cllhttinth it f miarthur alton it it 01 polnti inn hi n lius all i in mini 1 inr ikiiniiv niitlh 4 turth nttk swinlrs a snns 111 pair si anihh i iiairnian of thr iinaui omnujh l ounli rsiuti all pnpi rt- and i h hie tin sprrttiuv iniisunr was m j mruitd tn uii all tlu biiunts liook and r inrdh tn llu town vault in th mca innlilliil nnd to si urn ih k v rot tin vault hi was also in i mtu tl diltwilllllm pills lllllo ttaniss and miunni t sitpplv of stu tion rv ai ounts i asti rn stol rroduds i lav id mi ntn inrkit i lllotl bros supplies i ii ii pi um l o 1 i ii 1 h i orn i i a ml t rri ikis adv i piss at ion ublie i tilitn s pnsm d as follow 21 k i s l si u 1 rusit 1111 mason who had been itpitsid t make aiianji nu uts for acton pupils to nttt mi th i ana han national i tiittition as quests ef tin rail iirtttrs report ed i hut mam chiviou and i rvwn mrkt own vvt r tin pupils popularlv t ubn to titinc ttus tvent on sa lutehiv mr mas m m nrrncsl to 1 iht and hi at commlhsiont r siipphe s lo i- 1 dprnrtl m a cable to siipphe s 1 t supe l loi i le i tin sli plv c o siipillis if- inspi ion o ii fees uuio -i- ivk nnd i rnnflport 4t aiiathan l in al i le e tru l o supplies 1 i 0 1 t matthews postaj kkh si isp wat runrkk pt 1 h uij a oiiii anv supplies 1 1 vi ml nu mtit is of tin tnimiinn win pre si ni at this nn t tnij i il e tlnm to lntnntn i he v will b hit sis nl lln piii ior lun iv on and i ivi tondutttd louts about the 1 i um is and i uilthujs mn imam commute submit i i it pent f e mhiidituii s ti date ami i simiati ii amounts rttitnrt i for th balani i of tin i at i rustus h kumlt or h t oakei t a hills mason and u ii clavtein wtr pr s nt at this meetlnt and chairman h s blow pn nidi d i blenkvilh was tin scene of a colorful tt n monv on august 2 w in n c ol tht hon i i ialston ministt r of national la fi nn pt se nit tl t rtifi uitih to tin fust roii of vounj of fni rs to iieeivi then imiimikmoib as a it suit tf ttaiuin the llu etntri i bosi takitif tin nu il f in out s wire chuflv tuny tin ranks of th t il and hi s t 1- on is olln i s win ktstm 1- or offi rs wl ir ikin ilk eami fit i i tin i inks of 1 1 i km i an i ii t n w nu iliiv int i ae live rnai ommismiin d w l lonuin tt tit bna il c i j s h iv t t re iisiin of tin ii it til ttl nu il efiialifn alions lw i n jr uili tl nmnu sum i ndiiik nunhfit ill ti at m of fuels i r unini- c t nli with ut j n v ions si i ut in the ranks all pro v nut s of tht v minion w r it pit se nttd in tin e lass as u 11 it mun i s citizens serving in on canaeiian armv i 1 i m township i mini 1 1 tint at hills but j on in stla v st t i mb r jnd in n the fcdlowin munltlpai busi in ss as transaited hv law nei s striking tin trustee mill rati s w is ami nth el hv c hantlni tlu mill ratt m s s no from t to mills an t rror in i opv inj 1 in lax e ollt t lor s iwmti was n in wt 1 with tin tana hm sun tv t i unit i f ii s inn an 1 n b rv in suiinii of vihii jnniums 3 r jn 1 si- r sj t ti k t uini il 1 n itt 1 sin t tin t hint l n i i nt v 1 i w tin n s ssut i il ii n llu foil mini im unt w t rt ird r i i ai i charm s 1- 1 i emits 1 khlfiv misn ilamous fj coumil udjourneel ti meet nt hills hum em mondav ottobtrdtb lvll lit 10 o chu k a m after the business was dispost d of mrs ue nnv s rv d a v ry dainty lune h assist tl bv mrs ajai mrs cooitr and mrs chnv ant a vt r i h asanl seaial tinu was enjnvd hj th se pr se nt hev a v fosburv and mrs fos burvinrttnpmvmtrotv p7tnn at tht me i tint sailotafk in utant i 1 ondon icii f ur of fivi planers iisse mbhd for the e rmans at i ijati au iioukm mar nnntis bv t n m linu n i rnsfu tl thi first tinu llu v tru d to lakt of i hn t- n ni b in ati u irlt rs r j tirti d and ucrin ins in now tl inj ti assi nil 1 qk tlnm h ii l iiii-j- ol stai i iiomf t aki s i 1 ondon k i rrant me nti lavt irtt n mad for home cunrds to ap lv for omnsation up to 12 shil hnirs sj 7ii n dnv with a maximum o 0 shllllnu ih7 unk uhm th- art ciiiiih on dutv and lose watfeh works 1 iilliriihl caps 10 pair py jamas 1 extra pair pants ll juiltti von uorhfr hfd i uf ii rnijund c ii i homan unnertv ih was fined l2 0 it this i am abtr town for nntwnrklnittlk a mun laborer as din ted bv th minlsirv of ijteir he unid be was not fit to work undi ground comiiiir evrnt tu mil in iihn sinml tor ai if hntm lir u um h unit iridav s r mlr fvrbmly v ii imi worn in 4 assoeiatlon of unilvd church an holding a rinkinu sale and aft moon ha in s s room on sfiurla aft moon