pack four the acton free press thofrsday september 4th 1941 neighborhood news interatinc itoaa concerning other centres and conununltiea in which many of our headers are interested georgetown up nn- pwsmij5c mr w a vlllmui kuutw rounshlp ttiy up nnd nrnumi ninln iiflrr an lllnpn of wvprnl ppks nt ciuplpli cpnprnl hospital vhutom nt th honu of trooper and mm allwrt pwssuood nfr thp upkind iprp trooper and mr e ilohrrlx trooppr ii glltnn ot camp rordrn and mix v harris of tor onto acjip1u curk t mr and mr mark clark john slrot who iwt lis position vtith thi- herald to vnlitl in the rcaf m junr l a mrmlwr of the r c a f drill uwtd which u taking par lm h k stand performancv nt thp canadian national exhibition hnrnld terra cotta hillsrurg mrs um mdter and rnndiurhli r mis mnrcuerlte heron of mitchell who hnve been visitinr mr anil mrs i lod mill r returned in tin ir horn on sunday mrs it near of acton in- hoi v imtmg her daughters mrs alt v he nnd mrs um bessev recent iv mr nnd mrs charles booth nnd famllv- annmr wesley- booth atrnt alton were sunday tutors of mr nnd mrs u w chcyne mr nnd mrs w j chcvnejr vis ited mr nnd mrs hnrr chun her of guelph on sunday quite n number from here attended a tale fn huuburc on saturday after noon cood prices beinc reported concratulations are extended to mr and mrs nelson rathbum nee miss 01111 who were married on sa- turda school reopens on tuesday for another term when a good many boys and clrls will start out on a new ad venture friends of mr james mccann are sorry to know he has ben confined to the house we all hope to see him nround acnln soon lemehouse i he titru lookout cluh held a pinch social in the prcsbv terian church on friday evening although tht crowd was not large n fnir sum ttns ri ihzcd for the cluh fundi mr a t pnltt rson musl as h iirman for hi i rnm consisting of ioiin numb rs bv mr ino nit k 11 an om pinnd h miss lit u n mtndith vex il s ii iv li miss aimn mi km rv nuom p inn i t mrs im h vt ntrilins numb is i v miss june mequill m ind lutl vnnn ind ptan solos bv mrs wn lowdv i hiring thi pnjnm miss iv ins ndutted a quiz contest of tlurtv fiv iiii stums tiik wis both imu in ind dut itional mrs a i son ilurst nctived tin liilit s priz ind mr m newton wis winnr f r th nu n i tn kirls i rvsj iv it in s ind t n am it a 1 in 1 butter take and coffee at till tils numnr of th unr folks f the in il h irh h1 ari going diilv 1 1 pick it it mr ii irtl s s uth f mil miv faons of toorgetim n ban lwen t n kned as timber nt the 10th line school mr nnd mrs 1 c string r we understand intend moving to ilulr new home in lerrn titta short mrs c mrnnlu rwnt n few dn with friends in georgetown corn cutting will uon in the order of lhe1h the georgetown lumlwr compnnj who hnf therontmetof reeling mr a mcdonald house on tlie mown line nre rushing it townrds finishing and when completed will he among the most modern resident en in thu section mr clifford harris of the slvih line has secured n position with mr bull of brampton as fnrm manager miss wood of toronto tins been i n gaged as teacher nt the sth line st hool a number of our titizens are at tending the cnf this wetk nnd rt port n ier profitabli nnd inti resting time our limn tiinrrns ill report bus ntss bru k iiuk mimim r oakville j lie local junior itnhebnll ti nln dropped the flrt knitit of the plny- offn ttgnlhnt tlte delta monnrt btt nt hamilton on nlurdn afternoon the score of onkvllle lvou went to town in the sprint t vents at the cnf monday compelfng itgainnt tlie best jimiru from tle if s and cn nnd n tliey nn- neved 1 flrslhk setond nnd 1 third 1 itmwrmrelyph eluili mmioftlii knfrrt commltlee nr the oakvllle i ions niuthited b i ion llilmer lof- iult nnd tutompiiitieil b ten othi r lub memberi took teent chlldni in two trui k to the canndlnn na tional fxhlbitlon on mondnj to man h in the snfety dn pnrnde in conjunc tion with young canada pa record star jdseringe burlington wilhnnv- 1 mcculloch was the gu st speaker at a monster rnll held nt gnmsm bench sunday afternoon miss bnllnnce n member of inst enrs high school staff left for the west last week where she is to be an exchange teacher for the coming school term jit kclownn bc the question of speeding in town was one of the issues for discussion nt the town council on fridn een ing last a reduction in the speed limit in the business section of the town was suggested b major j gordon blair geo chfton lenxes on saturdn for uchl lake to resume his duties as school teacher nt the mining site for another jear he has 23 pupils he will fl into the place from slou lookout a distance of 75 miles about 2 o clock last thursda morning constable dnv id anderson picked up a man wandering nimlossh along the hfghwn near stntlon 28 the man could not gixe an acc o himselfnnd later the officer dlscoxerf ed he hnd escaped from an nslum ni nr toronto in the morning he wns n turned to thi institution gn7 tt fr ton mrs m in lit in i mi sp ntn i wiktnl in i nnli mr in i mrs v morrow s nt the we k t n i ith tit r mhth r mr lm mrs t ik mturni an i miss mi i ird i ik n of loront sp nt 1 tt ib ln we k nl with mrs t t i in t miss i ns list ttn i ri k f i hr intr r i on sun ln mr ohn nu ki 11 won thir 1 pn in his i ss in thi old turn fi 1 ib rs t m tisfat tr c n i- on muvr xtt c n cratulati nsstr nuki ii mr and mr inn ixirie nn 1 miss s mill r of hamilton nt the tmtiri i w the miv knthhn jnmev n t imn r t n hi r in ceorgttown hikh t hwl now of loronto nnd port cretit vis tttl lrt ii c slithrrland the- enrf of list we k ml mnrtt 1 n jm nt thi wt k en t nch r home m hi pworth on i vllin vf d iht august nu t ting or tin m n w is tit id nt th hi m- of mrs m i m rv with ttu r suit nt mrs nn ittt r m the hur lb dtwtioml tiniss wrr t iki n bv miss hilts in 1 ms s in ll burst an i tt i toj u bv mrs mnrnll mrs stirr tt iko y- two timpinntt itmis n mission band was lull in thi iliurth on siturdiv aflirntn with t ri v virnii n tin ihur pi ti votioml vs as tak n bv linns knk woki in i rt minim tin 1 1 t rowr bv dntln inn an 1 tin topic bv miss hilts pi uis w n in i it for tt holdirik f i i u nt m thi n ir futuri v iijl it tuik of he- umia was htm nn tin 1 iu n of mis f d 1 shortill m tin ift rno n of fn i ug lrtl with the i n si b nt mis n itt r in tt i 1 nt mrs b j shortill hi1 i h ir f ti s n tur b ssnn in i p v mr n in in i in pr iv r sol w i nnlin i l miss liun m mill in f m imiii t nu i ti urt h in i th missi n r 1 girn sing h rus witti mrs v r i i shrtill taking tt oblu uo prt mrs ilti hits of h nn w is tin guest p ik i shi shikt jtf t work in whuh stn nnd ht r husbind had bi n i ntial n the wiji ii mr ret s i instil tin a rjt t w ith tin t it tario mr ind mmtrnham mr ilfnit trnham miss mmv jai km and mr normun brown alt of toronto sn n the wetk end ith mr ind mrs f shellnuirm visitors with mr and mrs tohn nbkell during thi w m k end imlud h his two sisters mrs entherull of toronto ind mr traham of inni rteg and his nephew nnd wife mr and mrs jnik nukctt fr of ivtroit mr clenn kt innenr sp nt the wetkend nt sparrow iake mr and mr chris su iikhnmer of atton visttihl her pan nts on sun dav mr ahd mrs llrisit r his pnnnts ami harold and johnnv brister visit- til with the hills on sundav wishes tf extende to miss mary beney for success in bur chosen pro fession she is colne in training in st josephs hospital london this week dution nft r wtinh hint h ei on ttn lawn manv visitors w i present fr t hurt hill ind mtlvilh t hun hw as wtll s n tuhbors of tin host sx mrs f w warn wt low of th late bishop warm of indi i iumi aivi at th- hurm f h r itii r mrs gordon altken nnd oung son came tiome on sunday mm s mclean and mrs i lovell returned home on frldnj after spend ing the nil nix wealui with mrs chlsholm nt erin mr nnd mrs i brjdon of actrjn spent iilmr oiv witti mr nnd mrs f brvdon sunda visitor with mr nnd mrs p stewart were mrs aitcheson mr and mrs teorgc rtnnlck nndmnrlon of hamilton mr nnd mrs harold mt i at hern nndbnb of frnmosa russell sruthtrs of the rcaf stationed nt winnipt g man is spend ing n weeks have at bis honu here miss hn7el webb left last wek to resume her duths as t at hei at snult sti mnrle a number frohi lure an attending ttn cnt miss isnh lie stanton is spending n few dnjs with relntjves in toronto mr dan hindlej teh on trldnv for a trip to the west mr nnd mrs robert an norman nnd mrs m tovell of alma were sundav isltofs with mr and mrs w j jnckson messrs fisher w ho nre employed w ith a kitchener construction com- pnn were home over the holldnj friends of mr george grundv will be sorrv to learn of the nnslj acci dent he suffered on frldnj he wns engnged in draw ing heavy maple blocks out of the bush with the team and wngon nnd in coming out with n lond on the wngon struck n stump which gave the load quite a jolt causing the front board to slip nnd let the wood slide forward mr grundvnlso slipped down behind the horses this frightened the tenm nnd cnused them to run nwnv dragging him a considerable distance when his mother whohnd beenwith him got to his side he was unconscious and bleeding bndlv help wns im medintelv summoned nnd n doctor cntled it was found ntctssarv to move him to tin hospital where x ravs showed his jaw hroki n in two plftct s ind t qunntitv of skin off his nt ck onlv ji niirflt i provinted him from tning inmpltd to death 1 it est- reports ire til it in i listing nmr t omfortablv all wish for him i spt edv n t o i r on i liursd i nint i goodlv number of friends and n ighb irs githrnd nt frin hill tti honor mr ind mrs arnold sunt r on tin ir re 1 1 nt mnrri it mr illiam mt kt nu uli i is i b urm in for a short prourim iftt r wtmh it cilbd on mr kinnith stutiblnuton t n id tin full w ing nil ir ss osj ring out mimist 2 1111 mr m i mis rn id sunt r 1 ir m ibl and rnol 1 1n ttiis b ij p nl is ui w mr iuihlri and frmntu ir plnwd to kitlur lin ij wish ou mm li hap i im ss n l ji is on i nib irk on ur ti w mf of w ud bhss bavt w i in 1 hi rntd i kt iv from hovlioni to ninnli i i an i n vt us hi ti i t ik n ttiis impilrt mt i in h w mlkt itul it oil ni iiir fun h n in th isirik a bf i irtm r ni m ib 1 wl il n t a r si nt of ur i mnuinitv art nit n stranu- r t us and vv in i v o w i u om to mr nn 1st wi ar phased to know v m an n niatiung in osprtnm and ma v uir futur in hit ssi t with ibalih han erin ltlntluu liiri rinlvid tin- nail lun of tin- ilvuth nt john iuhiici in wlnnllvik munllnlin mi friday mlullntrsjnil 111 ll hint yilir on vvilliil ilfliniimn th hi innt on ihlldion of all siilntu sun- day ilmol ultli iii ir tiniliir ml i salmon and nintliim nl n virj hnpp mini- pli nliliib i hi ifiiimliiln hi i pnil anlilon ii supply lirilii liir nl tin- i oriilim n nnd arrmi-ninitliimnirplip-lniif-miiriilirv- noll ml nnd mm anlilon uin kliiiiln of mm knlirl nnd minn i mill n hilil nt alton tlioy nlno xlnllid mln mnri itidil forniirly nf i rln hnn- iln r bldod for iiillnv yinri 11k0 luuilijsi hool advoinli campbellville mr mid mm tom mi phhll and rumliyiinvp roturnrd nftirtw iviu holldnyr nt ijiko frio njru c cnmpliill nf moffat vlilti d in tin- imnip of mr vv m mtlhnll on i upsdny inilt mtnlvpn of mlniipmita is ln itlnk rilntlvis in tin- lomniunlty minn wllmn npll lins rolilrnod tn rorontn nftpr two m i ua liolldnys spont nt lior homo mr don bnrnnrd of tlip hc a f in 1 ondon wns jionio for flip upikmd mks rdllh ripwplllni is nun inn lo criinllli nnd mr nnd mrs ilnvs cnrhprt nn nuulnc into tills liousi nnd mrs w 1 boll is molnr lo lor onto nnd mr and mrs w crnufmd njl molnc into tlu tiniisp nnd m nnd mrs clinrlle kiiir urn moving line k lo tlu ir own homp in tlip h lnn mrinild mclhllil ot till- h a p i in ini v k spi nt n f w ilns i isl m ik nt tils liomi widdlnc hells sppm to rlilrinc nil nvpr this hlnrp rockwood congratulations to dr fred ii croft of kitchener on the occasion of his marriage to miss clnrn t spearln of kltclu ner rev frank ijiwson of kitchener nnd formerly of nnssngnweyn presbjterlnn church officiated during the ceremonj congratulations to miss muriel williamson on the occasion of her marriage in winnipeg to ac donntd semple rcaf rev c g jones ncnln conducted services in the preshjterinn church on sundnj a number from rockwood nnd vic- initj have attended the e nt tor onto rev nathaniel and mrs anderson nrid fnmil of stoncj creek mr cbnrles wilson of tdt n mills mr i bodges and i loyd hunter of brant ford mr nnd mrs g i 1 1 th rer or flint mich mrs clms amble of kt nmore or fltanor hill and mrs pi m i of minntnpolis mmnl mrs pinrce is ri mainmg for an t ti ndi d visit with miss marv hill missis larin s ind clan no ivnth of 1 ortintn mrs wtshv harris of ii umlton mr rov iiav of brantfoid mr and mrs i red brvdkis or bi ant ford mr ind mrs fn d dav nturtnd to h mutton i ueitdav momtnsraft r th stininn r hnlulavs master kt nm th mllm cnjovitl n hohd iv in forontn w ilh m isle i bruin hoik t and mrs gnllan barrv spi nt tin week md and holtdav at mull ind inti miafonl sj hools nv op in d i in sdav morn hil vi ith i niu staff nf te at in rs w 1 1 h nm sitption mr mit inntinu s 7ts ji nn ipal of ulilir si im il mr ind mrs i on ird ntuilnimil ml familv liavt mm i into tlu in us lul iv va hi il t v mi and mis r l rt m murtv mr in i mrs i sh tsm in i f iiiulv of alt wi n i in sts of mr in 1 mis hi ii amln rt mi i f imilv n sun i i mr and mis mui 1 mutito u 1 miss miijnm n tin n i to hamilton i lbot pin i months miss s hsu oung mt vsrs t t iftt r spi mling past umnii i honit onion and arl m arthtit harris nnd i im ss and prosperitv with ttiis gift ki s ttu i st wishis of vour mini frit nils siniti on in h itf of thi tornnuinitv rov w hh i orn nuffield orval huffit itl dan himihjv r- ij i t i lav e ve rung from itvi rson be at h whr th v wjjr taking ttu siimni r si honl tours in tonntctlnn with tin p s hun h work mr and mrs 1 esln iub ant tiatu of acton wr ju sts or thi form- r s ptinnls mr and mrs li n iub ovi r neatly placed sir knglaiulljindh lennk iuiih in kwhvrland ituuiri baits jiihl made in ingland have u e n hiifefy didlvt red to swltf r taiul fen thlit yein u national cbiimt huimlilph ttiere how they got through will in a him n i until i hi wnrtnvm iln it nwiki rs an n unity kendliig mon hallm ovi rs iih than in pun ttml sptt itsint u in im i- ui rtlfflirir mi i a a t irrllnrifs nre g tllng imimh tor li mils and tuiianh from hum to tta and thi have prodined an in tin iv new hall for the v s a good shoes it i itaciujn acdm men of 30 40 50 pet vim vhoiz 0ulmora7 wanlhtinmipfidyliatucttiuultrt try 0tlsttoaul tsbliis7ccmqjii tntiuv klsmluita oymtm iamnts 1 miom to btornwl tp kftr x so atso tll m mpami lolrodiietwr bim for only m4 try udi aid to nonnil rp nd vtm tody voi m1 kt sit ipood arag r j ctuvth snltrb ccfjurrri a cjontiba aclon onlmrlo ukv a waitkr romltlrv ii a ui mlnlalor inrsonnp ijowpr avpiiup palace ti u k i v 11 now ilavino makx llltts tony mautin the big store matiikhav momoav j thkhimv inkr ikkus jkoiuik miikimiy alan maiwiiaij tom dick harry taiitimi wmiskmitav lfn amixhi hlitty iuaitlk in moinrovermiaibt in technicolor royai t ii i i r a tikiwitav fkh1av hatilt- av tihh wkkk dorothy lamouit john hma aloma of the south seas in technicolor wovtial to till ltsll sifit b ii they met in bombay clark jaiiik rosalind kussell siinilav sfpifmilut 7lli nil 11 hi n in mnrnlnu wornhlp s r llinn slihji i t m ilirnllllh of itsu i j li 1 nf fv ij is i ni flllirill srlmnl 7ihipni 1- vmlql worship i hi in sollliiili n nn aid lo pnlth munilnv si il hlh h i in viuin ii opli s pnlon wi dm sdny sipl lllth 7 in m mid in i k sirvlii i mui to linrrh ikvprylwuly wpicaiiih irrabjtrriati kvox rinmni acton kkv ii i 11knnik h a tlauut mitiup willow mtrpot i sunday si imrmiifk tlh uii 10 00 nm hip snhhnth school 11 nm ihlnifh thnt hnpmn 7 p ni i in nlrknnmpd christ always wi icoml bramptons big v fair tuesday wedneselay september 910 sec thee special attractionx cookintj school knittint marathons special wartime exhiitlts cliariot kroncho hiwlinjf conlesl l hi lnrii st iiiiuy timp show nt nn full i- mi m onl ui oiiii and i liar tin h a i llaiul friiiu toronto xrlrnkslnn 2c children i ree k i i mil i i ii uli nt t kh m illtllil nnlir liantibt ccjiirtl actov kiv john ostiiom ii a it th mlnklrr si mia si ill mill it th iip 11 li ii 111 l hun h si nu i p mliusti r ij l similn si hool monthly him pm hhi n ini nl tin hiinii or mr rti i mi mum i oh s viihusilji h im l pin irnvir in nil a wi i comi lo all rjnolabsoixd small advertisements mvrftitrmrtil tin irr ihi lipattinj js rati willi rlrr up it j wonii atltunjl wuru i irr wirl if uli i in ii t i ni4nv tlif nhfr inrijinit ii i lm tut liariie is n i ir lr w r 1 lt nl r4ih orl piano i or sjaik heap in tood condition apply to box 12 frfr presi vantei pulli is all a res and breed apply o iack nvt ldi i i feriius onl uanteij imnuiliatt l jounji man unskilled to barn lood trade apply by h tt r ilox 11 fill r iiss rill kia vow fhkkdom wanthi itiw or two looms wanttl foi ithi hulls kt i pint tor two mhuil hint nu n pplv t mum 1 mm ill m iiirm i i in sio- 1 i i kn k ithiitsi 1i uis to sinv fin ri it i s ste mi boil rs liiinhiin iiui tinsmiihuu i tun it uu n l d md in w 1 t r s ih t i f i luuii hlun s ai 1 v i hi dill i mim hh p u vmm i i f i itk sin tn n i m m ii v ik i tip w u s i o i hviir n iitii lis ii toun i wot k i ns mi ll iiuiihu work im iii int i i i wlltll 1 11 h hms l h 1 foil i n lit si- 1 i oil ii vf u r im to st ii swjip oi i t hariri sink r s w nu m i tun s i n ailb r i li t im u a t w i nil s itriin i n w 1 ui t nts lit havt voti in t rrnnji sti m ijn m him o 1 win n hiatni ton ill n uh 1 i wmiflliss iwrik i mrs h fish r of hmhewood r loronto on file sli aiii jtth in her eichtv fourth viar inti rm nt wns mttlr on ihurmlav au sth in the hnlhnafat it m t r w hi n her husband nihop nrne h i 1 1m n laid to rest in lxu i h mrvin was vonduvttm b w a q v i- unman she is survivis hv one d iiinhtt r mr h knhi r and one crnmuhitl mn h bnrlh of ln llliamn t iftitint friend in the eonmunitv thu mvk mr m campbell ntt nditi s i- hibition on montlav mr bert hoki r s nt ih wk end with frien i at asan u mrm uocer nnd mrs stull who have msn holidavtnc with friends nt the beach returned honu on sundav with mr uofera mr and mr brandon on w son llrure and ivtrr of milton were vliiton on mondav at the luwue of mrm soper krnm th stubbmhton hi inns tin n prscntti llunuwlth i kit tn n tint in a fi w wll is n words tht kr mini thinkid nil fir ttu rift i un h was s rvd in 1 darning was thin tnlid for a few hours qntui wluv i vtntnt vuv i mw xltitn w illt rs inttrtaintl n numb r of fn mis at h r bom eorci town fir a kite h n thiwr in honor of mn rnold suntir n hndt of this month th veninc wintwnt tn rames and tontsts bsl miv walters ami mim sanford mrs sunt r was then pr s nted with a heautifulk dtorateil bask t of lovth nnt umrul rlftn nlo a birthdav tnk a daintv uneh wa sretl bv th nohesx assist ti bv mrsy johnson mis hurn n mis sanford the hndt wat a no made the pre a j intation ef n set of bmitroom lampit and floor lamp from tlie staff of smith and stone etectrtral appliance eorgetown tin ulvtr dav hdi lav v lot mini md r i oila lf fn i r onimandin st humid n i nt in i nu let linn a i s i w h was i ant on th first of i hi j b l t- i b n i m tuoa it ists ui slut inns if ih ju nutloiuil ilumk sold and srrvirrd norton motors ihniw tl acton onl v iiiimiius nt in m in 1- 1 s 1 victory victory orangeville fall fair tuesdaywednesday september 9th and 10th if it is insurance ufe fire sick and aeeucnt autoiaoliue and burglary bailer liability f l wright oknekal inbukanct cupar wmii aeua oal ptlmw m