thursday september 4th 1941 the acton free phess- paqe nvi jwvscnah miss etta dllu visits in toronto over the weekend mlwt ainiee sptltfht of toronto vl- lted nl moorecroft ovr ho wook- nd utih u w aireraftmnan tom watson home from sidney nfi for hys mikb ln verne simlth spent fow cloys in trenton vlnltlne mr nnd mm f dowch mr nnd mrs w ii llane of orton vliiitcd wltli mr nnd mm n f moore on sunday mrs marry bnrth or glen williams pnt the weekend vlhitlnc with mrs alvn kentner mtw iji vertte smith and mlw margnret moynnlmn of toronto spent the holidays with mli e fjawthorne mr nnd mm tl j mcpherson nnd mliw dorothy mcpherson spent the week end in toronto minn hnel wilson nure-ln-traln- lnc nt the western hospital toronto in home for n vacation miss frames e dun went to nel- won vninc on monday to assume her dutks as trarher the re mn c huffman hns returned home after h pending n f w weeki holldaxs in torohta nnd hamilton mim nora k nney r n return ed to hi r duths in toronto this week aft r holldnxirm at h r home here mr nnd mn tohn mtauslnnd nnd mis mi rn of niagara falls ny vlnlted acton frhnds oier the week end mr nnd mm f c rufyel nnditon 1eonard of clmirn were labor dny visitors nt the united church par jtonnee mini mnrie clayton left tuesdny for waterdown where shi will con tinue htr studies nt the notre dame acndem mr c h harrison of toronto mnde n brief cnll on acton frlendi on saturdny prior to reutrnlnj to the aummer cottage in hnlihurton ntrit dr wellwood of toronto and mrs pie evans of grnhdvlcw nnd miss pntj evans visited with mr and mrs n f moore on tuei- day mr eorci sultyer immonnd his dutii s in windsor this wetk uhere he tins hei n enunced ns iechniral tench- er on the stnff of tin kins rdunrcl school mr and mrs austin iu id of strnt- ford and mr link kurt and miss 111alnth bam tt of hamilton visit ed mr and mis s ii kt id mi r lilt wet k i nd pt ixnn i c halm is u s imltd at tlit hum of hissisr mrs a a rosbur on u t tint sdny of last witk prim n uaxliik foi olse- t rtn i k ks rondon mis loin it tmiit and mrs kuh it hamilton ol milton ii ijhls mutort i ti lt tt r hoiouh on sntur duv ami spent tlu wttk t nd xwth mr mi i mis sui iaisoiis and ihildltn j mr hi wind mt i humid mr nnd mrs itohtil 1 humid miss dnui i nnd must r t inn nil of htigdi n j win uk i nd isitois n tlu hoim of ml nnd mis alv miudonnld t hun i mini mi nnl mis 1- ual it iniplon mi mil mis i low k it rtsori tmlpl iml mi auti mis ihn trnntiivs ot alton xisittd oxii i it clothes shop il2 yongost 2nd floor toronto tate the elevator and save money w t patterson ro hiieelallst iri ey kwnlnaiiott orihopust 103 wymodmam st gtmjll hou z1m completely equtppod oftlces bolow mahor bhoo storo uttai ox co forestry brnncti mn ntnehuan ont good shoes whs vouno and ovjo u ku1n1 b d rachlin acton collections on aucut the lit 1011 nn otter sound clh ht wrote accept our sincere thank on our efforts nnd success in cleaning up this ac count in full send in your list of nccounts to- day nnd be prepared to send us your- thaiiknfcnueckg inter no- iloubt ou would find some of our monoy buried in dormnnt nccounts useful to dn let u ret it for you kelly aiken colleetors oranokvtlle ovtattlo gredory theatre september 4 ami 5 buck privates arm camp comodj with ab bott az costello comedy loves intricue trnveltnlk allurinp alnskn pope e problem pnpp chnpter 5 kinr of the hovnl mounted satinda skitemi1kr las veias nights mad nixfl nn rr with bt rt v li i li r and phil morcn i ift ii h lit nr tlit aldruh fmul with tim kit loop i j- o n us moml stiti- mill- 1 h submarine zone i hrillini w it h c onsiniu i bt nmtt pat o brh n comedy bundlt of bliss snapshots lukt it or luive it t ar toon thn courts kkl imlldav at iutits ill nut through tlu knwni ilui i tiki s tilstri t id i in i ihh ns r hi ikt unit s llihljimh rs was hoim on lnv last nk nnd nt hani tit mi h imd th h mum f t in on tin kiiniil ot imiiot n tin puk of li nt vl i n t i isiti i it nl v it mis lvii k nun r ottsi i vtd ht i stwnt ninth hittliiiu ijuulk at tin lumn if lu r daujhti r m item hills i in sdit aiikust jitth nnd was mut h surprtsui vv lu n shi uttlid a 1itl ttoulutt of nn s and rittins fiom in r 1 1 hit i t s m iioism xin english minent are ijvini well in war time mint louisi nitnls for ttiipnn nil now hi nik stixiti dnilx i rum n it i i i k l half i nsi six i m mru i i hi t x m nottinhanisluit ih n in tin t i 1 mil nu ruts 1 t mil siiui simk in i dthim 1 otalot s luuiharh i art nut custard k i nl soup bioxvn sti w tnr tots iotivttus halt pul hilt mil i ustniii mllll mr and mis a j kax iui iph ttnnoumsr tht forttu online xxtdduij of tin ir diiiikhtt r mar to rdvxard k pasnion simi if mr and mi r pawnor o k ukwimni ii it nuinx xxill tnkt phm tit kno pies i p hr -mrt- rh- tnlpnitt- 1 hitrr ntiiidnx s pit iut i ji irh- nt onion saun ahlmt and p t itot s lam sponi and t ustnrd lu soiij ws4 iu d tw i i k t itlt s tn1 an 1 pu tilntk d in spilt tf thi iluaptuvs of tin fuxi it in homsd that vx hi n full it vt un d i in s hi mt xx il ax for us f ht fair dates ake nnol ncei voh the 1w1 season acixin c r i oronio hrttinpton v itirus cetrtt town orhiit x illt urait tindj cahmon all rand alu x milton paris mark hani bolton cookivllle aberfoyle krtn st pt li 1 t 22 s pt b s pt 9 10 i sept ii u s pt 1j 13 i sept 10 st pt ik 19 sept 19 jo i sept m jo sept jfo j7 i s pt jt j7 1 sept jt j7 oct 31 oct 34 sept 30ckt 1 ott 78 thankagtvlnn day mint rs and thtir xxtxts an st in thuslasiix a unit it that it xx ill proh ablx ih tttndtd to ollur its m tin bdlsoxtr kroup of xx huh tin m ins fit id iolh rx is om utltrx irmkin tahli s an 1 oxik i ai tsiuipnjtnt art supplied witti the ht lp of un mim r h t if tin i uminln jon xx huh ha uhtiil sptimorthl pit heid h itlis ri r atlon troun is and ot ht r ami nitn s i hri wist oikshin its hi ulo tit it luud i ant sins w hit h an wtxin from t vh to 4 uk hot nn hh a da hrenkfusts ilinm ri tt as and nuppt r- plans irt nendv for feed in a furtln r uu worker urd wtwlton tin mintt r of totu ha appointed an krt with widt ept rtt nee in oruaninni indus trial tanteens to help nnd what has now ltsin beuun an a war time mea sure promuea to take a vermnhent place in english colliery life ienr frtl ipmm my previous let tern nil dealt with fire rnnudnk ft tower obtervntion etc fnrertry la n tremendoun mih- ject nnd tnkes such n inrne nren i don t know how ninny department a ti4t luwuwl i n la mlfc ami f ore t a but it hn to do with the care and cutting of lumber telephone nnd telegraph poles rnllwny ties pulp wood ilerorehtatlon nnd this in it self hns become n prent thlnj tleierveb nnd timber llmlti nil over tlie country have to be cruised nnd cared for w nterw ays kept open tampi kept in repair nnd r bulit iwundnry llne kept chopped out nnd always visible jramls nrld hridkes built and kept in repair for transpor tation fnelllties damn constructel tar the conwrvallan of wntef in th spring when logs nre being flonted to the mills or railways so thnt n great dent of this work has to be done in the summer time just in this pnrtlculnr part ver little of this work is going on now ns the first growth timber was alt cut rome year ago on n lot of the tnnd nnd second growth is now welt advanced ngnin but in other sections i ns i hnve mentioned hrcc gangs of men where nvailahle nre onupiid doing n lot of this most neci ssirj w ork rain h h nil outside work in this pnrtuulnr section this t ar particular since tht last part of mn it has been bincficial as far as fire is concerned hut hns beeomi monotonous nnd very dlsngret able my record commences with 26th of mny nnd it hns mined 11 dnys nnd a lot of nights during thnt time thr e days in mny 12 dnys in june 1j in july and 12 days in august so far and we hnve had three heavy frosts also during thnt time on may 0th june 0th nnd august 20th which did lots of dnmnge ench time in some lo calities the totnl rnin fnll by regulntion mensure here nt belle island on the montreal river hns been 15 01 inches but thnt isn t general even though accurate nnd authentic here the official measurement nt both new ijskeard and hnlleybury is much less nnd i know positively it hnsn t been so wet even 50 mites from here out on our fnrm just inst week it had ioured rnin nil night nnd wns mining still in the morning so i asked permission to go out home for thnt day as my ser vices were not needed here nnd wun r aching tht re the ground was dr nnd onlx a mist hnd niton but fnrm rs nre hnv ing difficulty with too muth rainy too some of tin hnv is off tin fields but hund- rtdsof u n s nn sttll in toil and otln r hundn ds um ui on account of xxt atln r londitions i r nn ripi in d v rx f ist nnd hnv h id to it i ft to tut grain sonu hix hun fortunati i nmnh to i i tin ir tutting doni hut ntht rs h ii n t and in h iv ing tiouhli with hind rs skidding in tin mn i m hoxs win inumg tin fortun att nt s tlit ir i uttitil is all dom ind shtnvts in stookts but h ilf or mnn of tin ir hax is still in toils and sitond t rop j f t hijli or mon ill tiround it impossihlt to si on u tount of xxtt but thtx n still hop ing tti six i some of whit is in toils as it vx is xi 11 put up on n i mint of xxt i wtntlnr in spite of tin si i in ivxj frosts in rt nothing xx is tvtn tout hid out on tin farms nroun 1 our hum i onl dot x i nrn in umh rs i in iris and f loxx i rs nil vtix tt rider i i mts win still rint an i fn sh nil lw irui a vxonhrful mipplx moxrs xtn simj ix yt in i itts hns lw n s n nu to tun kit tin p ist txxo or tin 1 1 xxi t ks ht sjd s kt i pint all her fin nls mil nlitixs xxt 11 suppln d nn i still hi 1 1 xx is n s irrttv slu his ibout hihht 11 i is ihn ind txxo or thnt loin r xx s i f ut flout rs hi snhs i think tin roxxsan iihout l fet t md ilrti ui i xxs of fluxxi is si st h is uiti n x ii n in in 1 tin x in xi r did in tti r i m i ihh s f ill kin is ii i i 101 i too i- rost hint tin itirlx f loxx i ring xxill fi ml sui h as traxx in rrti s xx hu h xx n not st ph ntiful luri as in som m us bui r is h rrn s haxt h n a rttl rn vr t f t n kin is and soiin tf tin southern fruit plums pt at in s grapts herrti s ant appir xttil haxt a nut vnritty hal a ual pit nvint visit with tin hill f umlv and shirh x l right from i inn house oxt r tlu oxu hull dtix wttktni and t hi x sjnd aftt r hax iiik x ni itll stum o7 r en to continue to strike tor higher nnd higher wage on account of tho scarcity of men which only tt nds to make thm c6ntlnunlly worne npd prleen higher i here u mighty few farm women who cant tnkt n place any time nlanguide their men ntnhniwl any job im not so vamllinr with urban women hut from what ive read tale b those glrlii who went out as farmerettes in the grimsby and niag ara districts prnxtd their worth and i think if any entoiirag w on our etjurtliyedrvvai ha is would koon me a gieat htinw n the toillary t hnnie nnd women and rirln would he ready nnd willing to help in n grent dent different way than they are doing we re being naked and evt n regu lated to ctfnserve gas pork tuts cheese money electricity nnd in fntt everything thnt will help to end the war nnd insure victory why then don t we conserve inhor by allowing everyone to take part nnd help in evnry possible wtu- when i write ti fniti pmuw i al ways have my old home associates in mind to some extent nnd feel i vhnuld mnke some comment on things of in terest i see in my copy the report of mmchourc womens institute 20th nnnivorsnry was excellently written up nnd told in detnlt who nit were ontertninod nt tho ten held on mrs harvey norton s lawn the mnrshnll home ns i knew it i enjoved reading nil the nnnif s a lot i kmw hut some i dldn t my xxlfc n former member of thnt branch is still nn active institute worker here in oiirownsoi lety she wns vicepresident for n while but hns been president now for n few venrs nnd cant si em lo throw off the yoke tnch year she says well this is mv- inst hut after election she comes home and whtn asked sayn oh im in again she had planned on spending our wedding nnnfversnry our here nt the enmp hut w rites to inform me thnt the womens insti tute convention dates have iveen set nnd conflict and she feets shed like to take in the twodny convention so vou see which is the most importnnt wedding nnniveirsnrles nre just com mon plnce now but i imngine she ii come either before or nfter nnywny for n few dnys because she enjoys it immensely out here by the inke during the hill familys visit it was nrrnnged they stny nil night so those who cared to could visit the mines they hnd to divide up for sleeping nccommodntlon so hills went out to evelyns in matchewan and wife nnd our two children stnyed here in enmp with me mr nnd mrs hill wore meeting them tho following morning across tho lake wjien morrlng came it was windy and wntir rough but in spite of thnt we nil got in ennoe nnd i took them ovi r nnd not untill we were almost tin re did vx ift gt t nervous nnd now she snys sin 11 mvir go ngaip but i think there will he n nest unit for in r tin same as tin re has ht i n for me ont ht tonus juiti profit it nt i with tlu t inot through tontinu i i list and m xi r mind rough water i ii ivt txxo or thru lu ixy stoni s for tlu how itilltm sili nt pattmri nr f id soldu r ind ixxnx i lo and us surprising hnxx rouuh tin xxnttr mn in without giving ninth dlffuullx h using mod judlnu nt ki t ping point d to tlu wind or with it owing to tho st nre it v of berries i tin in afs ari hi turning virv hot 1 nnd i nuisnmi i in t imps an providtd with vi rand ihs nnd om of mv tower mitts told mi of n bmr ttnring thi s rt t ns and ornvxling in ovi r tin ruling and was into his food styff ind w lu n lu woki up just hefon tiixliht inn mr benr xx as t iting tlu hist of his pail of lard so h lunttx rnisid tin xxindoxx and shot him within ahuut t ftt wlicrt iil st od on tlu vtrandih whin strut k in hounthd ovir tlu ruliiu and mr mi millan r in out an i sh it him ag im 1 foii lu i mil i m t a xx ax so in sni i in xx n t nji nix s mtu hi ar sl nks f r his otlur loss s xi had no p ri m i s hkt ih it x i i ut si i lu m isioii lllx n xx for this tuiu i must o i i l ordi illx xours k johnson holland under the yoke th renin and inmlke fall to win support fr germany illy lrareuar 1 h lerhmiuly pn shit nt of the netherlands coun cil of mlnlblini i cnnomloilly ptdlliinlly nnd soc ially the nlthirtnudti people hnve to jieur tlicf ullu llgjitotliqlgfiumlii nun na7l yoke aftei ban ly flflei n monthn of nttupation they hnve in en reduced from a very high standard of living to the hilnk of ntnrvatlon the famous porta once throbbing with life appear dead i he wheotn of induidry hnve topped nnd onlv those factories which fit into the nnl wnr machine can survive those fish ing irnwters nnd const nl vesnetn which could not enrnpo to pnglnnd lie idle or hnve to work for tho nn7ls no- dnngertnir the llvei of nur senmon in the service of the foe agriculture sufferer from tho severe shortage of labor fuel nnd fertilisers dntryfnrmors st e their ivest cows slaughtered to feed the oc cupying army or exported to the third belch the germans descend ed upon the fort ih lowlands like a cloud of locusts shops have hoon i nipt led hv the huge purchases mnde bv german soldiers nnd offlclnln trnlnloads pf agricultural produce have disappeared into the oerninn mnw a large nrmv of ntcupntlon has to to fed ctothid nnd hntistd as a n suit tlu national dt lit is in u at a rat ten tlnie jreatt r than that rendu tt in the on nt war i he irtasury is silling aslronomicnt nmouhts of government papt r and tin re is plenty of paper mom v in clr- t illation despite huge hem i forced loans but goods are st nrce prices are rising in spite of attempts at con trol and the standard of tlving hns rnpldly d t lined almost everything is rationed but the rations nre so small thnt in some cases inhort rs f 1 1 1 too weak to con tlnue work nfter four o clock in tht afternoon such is the economic condition to whlcltonr people hnve been con demned all clnsscs nre suffering nnd complaining alike industrialists have i wen reduced to mere tool in the hnnds of ihe nniu farmer work hard nnd wirn little nlmonl 110 000 inherent have im n htm u mailed into toltlngiln german fatlnrlin and si lp yard lint there are things worse than meitilihu limling the dread nf infla tion thi short agi of foot t inthlng and fuel ihe polilh aland milium tyranny of tlu nal overlords strlkm nt mn vi r root of the pi opli char atttr the lof of mn ir lilhrtfis won inujuiidjoiiiunillj luijji hpihid nii nls nf the estipo lurk in i very tnfe i housandn of patriots hnxt in en flung into tiv rt row tli tt prisons upon the fllmnleht pn tt a hiinilmtls are sufft ring irt the notorious ntninn torn ontratinn inmps tin lib rtv of the press nnd of nnsoclntlon hns ot t n suppressed broadcasting has h t n taken over by the nazis ah political parties with he exception nf hum eri ally negligible nntlonnl kocialut party have wen disbanded beesieged asmvnrx n c tcpr i hieve wire making away with lonan mel tons beehive when ihe liees countor- iiltnt ued melton found the hlv about j0t arils from his house th y tutor louhbiei vvlre hiuzmxi busily nhoiit inside i injity of honey nil th time manchisiin i ngland cpi ror talking through the communicn- ttnn window w bile heir bun wan mov ing a mam in sft r corporation bu driver and tlu tnnductnss wan fined in hhllllnfs i2 j oath flow of bren guns increases a pretty girl worker in the cnnadian bren gun plant making finnl inspection nflnre guards many women nre today holding down ke jobs of highly technical nnture in this modern mnrhlnu gun plnnt which is turning out nn ever inert nslng flow nl weapons for the british font s men milton titut fruit htih mrs 11 i a tm and hah son torn i ion art x isiting it mi ilnu r h uiullon s loth llm irafaluur for a i mplt of xxi k- irxxm 1 ixiix of oklahmiii i s iiinmrh of milton ii visiting rt latix in milton afl r r mil i nu in lhc recruiting patriotic dollars at 500 canadian stations stuns that fruit and imp an i xtntihtt pritis xx i rt hffinnt thin in southt rn ston so it must n i nnih titi mi that kts i s ur prn i s iloxxn oi ir knoxxs tht trin of ixirxthing st t mx oinj u in i up hut our atll- itx to nu t tin a lx int t dot sn t k i tanuirk prut a uri all pigged hut i rn t s on t xt rx thing t an allowtsl to itvanxsi an i i ik in n arlx tvirvthing art axxnx tut of propor hon to xx h it farm lalnir rmlns nnd this is tausjng unri st among furnn r partu ulnrrx tht ounter t law it simply uinl lontinue or then will ih no xourik farnit rs fxirvom knowi of tsurvt that tm hitmen are nets nary fo ktp the war industries going but w h oh whv an not girls nnd womt n tveing useil by the thousands here as fhry are in t ngland and piy everyone a reasonable wage reganl leiu of sex rather thnn encouraging l nltd si 1 or n r iii ars uilx rt l kot of m rs l o 1 st i ho i i i- j rn 1 tin l l a k us ii kuni r 1 l 1 ninilt in on m in 1 l or mi it ir t 111 lol iu qu i at 1 k ill s tu 1 1 iu lust tt t in m rn n 1 if k ti an 1 ii i 11 w nlil r xi ns mr 1 ll mrs i l tl lllou l i mill n o hi thrill ot ii i ir 1 m s i ii n iii hsti tuil to tlu sol lu rs 1 i rs is it urarn vvh i h i inn o r i 111 roil 1 unit hi r nilnnil n i hu rviliin ill k jl till ol mnrkft laii t ook n in n im aran i of th k run tl tl lunslon ik- tvcry branch ol the hank ot montreal is a recruiting station for canadian dollars whose owners wish to serve their country at any one of our 500 canadian branches you can buy war savin stamps and certilicates and obtain full information re- garding war loans i nhst to the ful extent of your ability to help win a decisive victory lor freedom bank of montreal a bank w h e r e jtm a l l accounts are welcome modern lxpcriemcd iiaiiking scrvic the outcome uf 124 yeart succcufuj opcrstum ink tit hmink or tht hwnl uttl croxs stret t fair whn tin titiins of mil ton an 1 distrtit an t other plat t i turn ti out in hundred to i njoy tin tx t inni with the nu mhtnt of tin itiil crojli ami canailian i- lon cham i pion i j savings cfktihcaths atcon branth w h clayton manager 4