thursdav september nth 1941 he acton free press page tiireb of interest to women jmfonn hints fr now miu h most nearly perfect food milk ih nntures most ncnrly per fect fowl but what about your chil dren who refuse to drink thin health ful beverage milk in rich in fowl elements and vitamins necessary for rood nutrition yet every mother knows how hard it ih to induce the children to drink a quart each day or the ndults n pint some are willing hut mnny refuse why not transform milk into de licious easilydigested rennetcus tards these tempting desserts nre n welcome change from plain milk and yet you will he serving milk in n form that hoth children and crown- una will apprecinte here are two retlpes thai will he particularly pleasing right now when the temperature in high oimvdata mint hnnetutard 1 package ehwolnte rennet powder iplnkmllk ordinary or homogenized vi cup chocolate syrup va cup marshmnllow topping few drops peppermint flavoring make rennclcustardu at cording to directions on pneknge then chill in refrigerator when ready to serve mix mnrshmnllow topping ihocolnte ayrup and n few drops of peppermint flavoring together thoroughly put on top of earh rennet- uslnrd and nerve nt once aprlrot chovdte rennet custard 1 package chocolate rennet powder 1 pint milk nrdlnnrv or homogenized 1 cup nprlcnt puree rooked apricots which have been put through a strainer cookies or wafers mnke rennetcustards according to directions on package when filling dessert glasses fill within inch of top when ready to serve spread the nprlcot puree lightl over the top of end rennetrustar top with crushed cookies or wafers cottage cheew ptr ill cups smooth cottage t heese 1 cup fine chopped raisins or t cup moist cot mint i up honey svrup or sugar kgs 1 lemon grntcsl rind and juice 2 tablespoons ream 2 tablespoons hutlei press the c heese through a rue r lidd other ingredients and mt thor oughly turn into pnste lined pie pan and hake 1 l decreet ft until the mkture thickens sllgmk lower rose and onion givia british fabric igjm hrnides-oiv- i ginger farm iaw written 8pwuiiy for z tm acton vrtm lw hy owknooijink v glakkk the week al ottawa hpncully written for tfi arloii vr rrnm by john itaihiiinkk rtiwltan inmjuatt urllrr mm wartime dctftifrnfl cover wide ground with flower and carder stuff incentive to irch pattern lly allsnn kettle london cp among designs being put out for the coming sen- sons fabrics from great britain none nre canning more enthusiasm than n series based on the design of the rotes of hngllsh gnrdens hoses there have been id plenty every season nnd in chintzes and china in fabrics and furniture covers more thonever during the inst two years but here are no grand splash ing designs no american beauties nor nny of the rich almost overblown designs from wallpapers re ived from victorian dqys just as the new summer tweeds are whispering tweeds so called from their minimum qunllty nnd the quiet u nm nntn and the reason for delicacy of their manv shadings so rop turning out hetterthnn we it is the quiet tiny moss rotes nnd j i dnred to hop for is or so pnrt- dnmaskroses rising to the old rah- m thinks because all the crop uns bnge roses which make the moslun- j on n width nnlurithv con- enn of string iwimi every jnr or pre- usunl and dellmte deiignsshndei nnd m w litlle moisture we had tones during tb growing season so there there nre cottons rnons linens j nn nn thecel tjin mnln far- like nn old fashioned rose garden mnrf nnn ul peted nnd for filled with moss roses damasks cen- vhtch we are irul grateful well the big event of lie week around here last week wns threshing the mnchinemoved in wednesday night nnd wns banging awnj first thing thursdn morning and the result of our threshing wns n pleas ant surprise we threshed without much of a letup until sixthirty stnndnrd time and by hint time the grnnarv wns full nnd there was also three bushels of alslke from one load which partner had thought might not lie worth threshing the hnrle did nnf lurn out too well but nil the other grain we nre thnnkful to say was pretty good especially the oitawa op canadian indus try mostly concentrated in the big c hies and farm women w ho lite in 1 he dominions rural areas hnve come in for n pit on the back munitions minister howe ipive the plaudits to industry lie told a press c emferene e that war produc lion has reac hcvfiuc h volume after two veais of war thnt n full infant rj division now can be equipped in six wrckn and perhaps five w it li tanks and guns alrendy canadian mnde equip ment wns going o nil parts of the kmplre nnd quantities soon would be going to russia the ivoosts for rural women came nt the regional conference of the as sociated countrywomen or the world mrs m schuttler one of the promin ent american women who came to cannda to learn more nlumt he war effort and attend the conference said rural women hnve every rensnn to lie proud of the work thej are doing to help itent hitler too modest women who are on farms hnve been too modest she snid fnrm women manage their homes poultry yards dairies and gardens nnd every shes knitted for many wars idaho great granny at 91 una socked victim of all conflict cottonwood idoho cp mrn n h uooke learned to knit when tnwntttinrtcttlhe ml gilt doh eihi f in the civil war now aim claims something of a lecord in having knll- ted for refugees and soldiers of everv wnr since thnt first one tn her life at m she is turning out a p ilr of socks a dnv for the bed cros- and aiming nt her record of the hist jrent war w lieu she produc eil i hundrcd pnlrs stolen shkltuv london cp two vouths who lifted 1h hotttoh uf sherry while firewatching were ordered lo pay i2 costs while a lorry driver who received 17 bottles of the loot was mulcted t jj2ao lani glltlh romance midumton lnglnnd cp torp a s pint on seven clays leave- carried the luggage of molly walton 2tearold land army girl to the sta tion and before the train left they ueie engaged pictures in the papers show mnllv admiring her diamond ling alreadv canadians are being listed among the veterans of at huittc battles he porlrav the confidence of the allied forces thai llillerism will be defeated nnd lihert restoicd lo nations the eneniv has cimrrtin the heal 1js degree until firm and liakci tuan stfak on mkm hlll hngland icpi h n a government inspei lor wjis served horsefterh ctesi ribed on the menu as fillet of stent r tor here was fined l 10 iji iirn naciiriolc iiimskm mai vkltn i ngland icp ml lmtlmmuhml projh in ihe british isles and umkvmuks in ermain in the year jtmu is the vision a line helot v icar le b a 1 ow non gtv mg i blrthrnte warning lo the nation tiflorins gallleas some are purple toned shaded to night c rlmson some nre fringed others striped others yet ngnin are like velvet raised on a mntt background the names of the flowers nre writ ten on waving lines in nnd out of served rriiir every fresh vegetable plate served on the home table re lnvs jimt hint m ofothoi getting rendv for that ihrcslitng was rather funnv i didnt know whether to prepare for one menl or two however i always like to be on ihe safe side so i ordered a roast big enough for supper ns well and jnnde enough pies just in case hven i ho sprays c olinp is n moss rono dnn no m pink ngnlnst greengre crested cabbage is c rlmson ngnlnst n dull green celeste is a delicnte shell pink ngnlnst crimson maidens blush is nnother village mnld is a striped rose of enormous fnscinntion white bath nnother moss bloom could you fail to be intrigued by rending hebe s ilp or apothecary black moss know just how long the would he during the nfternonn i mnde inquir ies well thev might get through bv four oclock and then it might be five after five oclock partner announced he would try the nlsike out and if it wnsnt worth threshing thev would quit of course by thnt time i wasnt worrying nlmut the supper it wns rendv nnyvvn nnd as or rosa mund on vour dress ma- i had help it vvnsn t going to be much- terlnl i nf designs which are to go to cannda this fall include man other than roses allnn walton sends ivy de signs crnham sutherland and de holden stone draw on london rnll- was barrage hnlloeini nnd such up- odate emblems for their fabrics old sporting clogs in c hinn and the revivedtobv tugs with winston churchills nnd other faces on them aie good thoughts t pnglish in- spirntion alwavs returns to tin gar den onicns and onion flowc rs liecnuse il k again to get more for of the- sc an itv value over the last i vear to rent britain inn make top ic al designs mignonette mint lav ender all ihe ingrc dients of a pot- pourrie from a green group with roses bergotnel apples hllies to make a redtogold series sprnvs cf black rn of n joh to put it on nt short notice my only worry of tli dnv was po tatoes i thought i hnd enough on hand but soon found i hadnt well there wns the garden all i had to do was go out and dig up a few hills at least that is what i thought sallied forth with a fork nnd n pall nnd i dug and i dug and i dug sometimes i got one fair sized potato sometimes a few like marbles and snmtlirne none at all i must hnve dug up a whole long row before i got enough for dinner and then hnd up- jmt so there vou are we mn have the grnnarv full but we wont be able nee essltfes to the i uunlrics fighting for demo rn agriculture minister cnrdlner nlso prnlsed the wnv canadas women are buckling down to the vltnl task of winning the wnr when he addressed the conference he told bow vast quantities of cnnndlnnprodue el foods nre going oversenn nnd added without the cooperntlon of can adian women in these wnr yenrs nnd espec inlly rural wome n for nearly fit per cent of our women jive on farms or in rural communities the food program could never hnve been so successful all out carmine there wns good news for farmers when agric ulture minister gardiner returned from a visit to the west he snid he could see n definite improve ment in prospects for farmers in 1912 they would he able to go abend nnd produce nil the hogs butter cheese nnd eggs possible with the nssurance of selling them at better prices thnn hnve prevailed to the present britain would take nothing less thnn fioo 000000 pounds of bncon probahlv 1 10 000 000 pounds of cheese nnd vast quantities of eggs he said i he was confident canadian producers w ould be able t o meet t he mot her ountrvs needs in the matter of food supplies carrolls to sa tin sunn nhout tin jiotntn bin will tin- mt titi mint uns ttmt i tur- ill iiikiii to fwl the pint h of auful minit on situntn it didnt i nr nmrt- itrnnel mian ner mwil- clu an damlik around lnrr in fact j minister hour nt ins press con- nilunid with enen seisl rilht than olhcn isc i fori mo addohthls pridlitton of rt- hoadtmlik dlstinkulsh- color com- ppl md pnrs off stntlons on klllnn production to lunations in him k immns and rs hint rouldn t jiossihu hn- hion i ninn othrs of tlw past f- poki in ptikisl tl trtos m r- too old and mr horn- sold the i urlnllmiiit -ottt- s in h port flowers with the rs mak trails of nasturtium lrncs flint ami omittint tlu flow- mon trrci n drsinns wood too rotten to iomh1n nli forttwo iiuno iilrtli and small nouiih lo io into small milk jui a hospitalhorn irl li h at s wtks olll wilklusi five pounds ind was hrllthl lis n nt u pi llll duke opkcnt speaks- at toronto f7liilitin it nke picking po w tn su ttniist a sjife jot young lohn nnd i vere hold tonvenienes as washing mnchin- running in and out all the afternoon i s elec trii refrigerators npd other picking up the fallen fruit before thejhrable consumer goods automo- chukens would ge there ahead of us nl prcwhiction aire ndv hiis iwen cut ihe pears are not a choice varietvty less than half the 1010 figure biy tht ire alt in jar now and will t x e r effort would be made to dnuhtlcv mik gocml eating in the aus- nlitli interruption as possible winter months ahead i he apph s to normal living but the war effort are astragans the r were not mam could not be prejudic e d in the inter- if them about two big baskets and ss f home comfort ihe gov c rn- b tin time tin w ind hid ftnishe d ni ulil have to dire tl c urtall with the m ttn ri we r not mi half a ilii ii li ft li inging and th n there were pit khng n ir- w ti iv e ne r list 1 tin in vt r miji h so i traded a otipl tf basket- of thi in f i i it apple smut linn s umh birtet ssim vvnkv out piett pel lii we might us it miin in th intuit and thus itnd untie t suv m isl i rteillllt we muld ll w us find 111 ill whe would he 1 u n thinj f w hit it the duke of kunt is shown here an tie smke on the occasion of the unmng if ihe canadian national khlhitun at lorontc uiiaugul j2nd lilt addruu uu carrud by 1 iw-canadian-llrajd- castlng corpora ion ditlons nn westminster citv ilnun til has invited good traders to ip- pjjit jifitnvi ajjuxiiiliiu if ttu feel too ban hit