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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1941, p. 5

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thursday september llti 1941 the acton free press page btvk jwi6cnah mim cindy huffman wim homo from toronto for tl weeuond mr and mrs baker of toronto vl- ited mrs rnwiton over the weokfnd mr nnd mrs amo milium roturnod tnu wwk rrmiikrm pt6wo7brer mn mr nnd mm john wood nttonded the woodrtmoffot ucddlnjc t iiding- ton on snturdny mr aiojc campboll of buffalo fpont the weekend with mr nnd mm normnn uoberuon ken blow who in attending terh- nltnl sichool in hamilton was- home over the wookond mrs edward morgan nnd mnrleno tfpent taut week with mr nnd mrs normnn itobortaon mr nnd mra gordon thompson of slmeoe mnde n brief cnll on acton friendh on tuowlny mibb f rochlit7 of chlcoro ill i spending a couple of weeks with mr nnd mm a t brown mm u e mcklnnoy of toronto nponl n few lnyn with her nunt mrs geo murrny thin week mlis wnnetta smith hpent the weekend vlhltlng in toronto with her uncle mr harold wnnnbrougli itcv mr mncdonnld of tart arthur nnd son mitulnnnld nponl the week end with mr nnd mn j ii smith mm wllmer craig mr h i enhtnn nnd mrs l w hewitt of strntfordw vhilted mr j r lnluh- mnn mr nnd mra edward wild clovo- innd nnd mm wnltor wood isling ton vlnited mr nnd mrs john wood on sundny mrs mcklnney nnd mm geo mur ray motored to beanrnvllle on tues day nnd visited with mr nnd mrs b v kenyon i mr nnd mrs gordon mckny mr nnd mrs harold wnnsbrough and fnmily of toronto visited their mother on sunday mrs f s srlwood of calgary ar rived from th w inst w to george wallace clothes shop 112 yonge st 2nd floor toronto take tfwteievator and save money come in vlult ui modem uptodat barber shop gool service wm grundy next borrs grocery j eggs for britain to ij nlire that they are fit for overflew shipment and sup- ply the market market them with an approved htatlon our krk grading- station in acton ik ronvenlently located on mill street opposite uui gregory theatre acton egg grading station mill street local health bulletin speryl some time with her mother mrs a e nlcklln mr and mrs frnnk wise nnd mr nnd mrs clnronce moyer of elmlra were sundny visitors at the homo of itev a w foabury mr nnd mn w w baldwin nnd miss mnrgnret bnldwln of snu7fste morit ont visited minn m z ben nett over the weekend visitors nt the home of mr alex motdonntd church st were dr nnd mrs smith of pkton mr and mrs john truzer nnd edward of sarnia john e duncan and master donald trnv of brlgden mr and mrs w h milhail nn- nnunte the engagement of their only daughter lillian margaret to j amis w robertson eldest son of mr and mn v j roht rtson milton the marring to take plate in st davids church cnnpbt llvllle on fatptemhtr lutli mi and mrs u s ihber tsnrah cutting of chvelum1 ohio and mrs n inylnr havdeel of erie ha havi been visiting their mother mrs m cutting and other relative in at ton ml and mrs phht r spent he weekendon fttthtng 1 1 tp te torgian ba with friends of lornnto it was mr plun rs first isit to can ada he plans tin i turning net gregory theatre thursday and friday septembkn 11 and 12 love crazy hllnrious with myrna lo wlllinm powell munica jumpln jlvc cartoon mid night snnck chnptcr 6 klnj of the roynl mounted rordwnfcinncivqrftr i s back in the sample gone autry 6 lessons from mndame la zonca lupe veloz leon erroll fox news monday september is come live with me gny comedy with hed ln marr james stew art canada carries on strategy old metals pete smith cuban rhjthm cartoon toy trouble wednesday skit air night 17th nice girl deannn durbin she sings i lure 11 alwnvs be an eng- land cartoon goofv groc eries sport diving demons unusual occupations school holidays are over nnd the children nro nfcnln back nt their ktudler nnd in most cmuh kind tolw buck at clabses and organised nnd supervised piny motliim hnve had omenf tlinlr rnpqnalblulyjibiftcl tq the svtoulders of the teachers and the board of health will assume the re hponslhltlty of riving the pupil any necessary trentment for immuniza tion ngolnstdlphtherio scnrlet fever whooping cough and smnllpox just as was carried out inst year last fall there were 51 pupils given inoculntlons for diphtheria 1g1 for scnrlet fever 81 for whooping cough 104 for smnllpox it is not likely thnt the numbers will be nearly as largo this term nnd most nttontlon will hnve to lie given to the primary grade the school medical history cards nre being issued this week nnd the nccessnry data being filled in follow ing which n survey will be made by the m o h nnd the permission cards then given to the pupils to tnke home to the parents those pormlsslon cards will indicate to the parents the immunization treatments thnt should he given the individual pupil and thepnrents will sign the card indi cating their willingness to hnve the trentment administered nt si hool nt no cost to the fnmily it is ver gratifying to announce that we have not hnd n single case of any of the above mentioned diwnses in any orlio in the pnst enr surely this speaks well for the monsures thnt have been taken no far i would strongly urge thnt pnrenls of new families in town to tnke advantage of the opportunity to have their children immunized if lhe hnve not been done elsewhere e j nelson mo ii united w m s held meeting at mrs switzers hornby plow boys report on trip to pacific coast we came hack with a cleawr un derstanding of- the bond of friendship which exldts between cnnndlnns nnd americans nnd of how that bond hii been strengthened by the present wnr hrrurorr-rtr-commrtnnnkr-tlrnws- tifthtrcttp the two nations even loser together i hun did gordon mrgavin of wal ton ontario sum up his retfnt tour throughout the united stnten nnd canada mr mccavin who is vice- president ot- the ontnrio plowmens association conducted john b lister lniogold medal winner nnd hnrold pickett silver mednl winner of tlio 1010 internntlonnl plowing motf h on the lour of western canada british columbia nnd the middlewestern states oy thcunltod stntos provided by the saiadn ten company the returning travellers w ore rank in saying thnt they had learned n great deal on the trip they learn ed first of nil of the affinity of am ericans for cnnndlnns as fnrmern they lenrned of new fnrmlng methods bolj in cnnndn nnd the united states and brought home with them ideas whirl they can adapt in their own farming to be of benefit mr lister for instance was deep ly interested in n simple method of irrlgntlon w hit h he snw working in 65 young men at first retreat camp breheuf selecting camp beheuf near itockwood the cyob of hamilton rhdcvse held their first nnnual re treat rev fr mi bride dioteson director of the cyo was in charge itrv 1v itultvr the september meeting of the wo mens missionary society of united church was held at the home of mrs g h swltzer on tuendnj evening with mrs caldwell presiding mrs caldwell presented a brief out- llneof the presbyterlnl held in kll- bhw aftec nonbusiness vnn dis posed of the meeting was presided were interested in the possibilities of overby mxsswifcecr the subject tbcfwoop raknwhtcti w0 being lined taken wns begin to work and pray for the new era the study book by mrs b mowat referred to the work in china the pnst fifty yenrs at several places in indlnna the rnko a device of poles mounted on the back qf a small tractor or old car ennbles the operator to bunch each of the following members tnk- the hay up on it nnd then drive into ing n ten ear period mrs f cleave mrs b speight mrs a t brown mrs a dills mrs s reld mr w coote nccomponied h mrs coote sang two very benutlful solos beautiful land on high nnd oh spirit of the living god which were ver much enjoyed the meeting closed n singing o canada and prner by mrs thqtford a vote of npproclotion was given mrs j swltzt r for her home the barn here the hny con be dump ed on slings nnd hauled up into the mow nnd the operator can go away nt high speed to the field for another load of hny quite inexpensive to construct the sweep rnko makes hny- lng n groat deal easier during pres ent times when inbor is so scarce the sweep rake would answer hnlng problems on ontnrio fnrms these are but n few examples of australia is the worlds largest woolproducing tountr nnd in 1139- 10 accounted for h per tint of the world output having visitors for fair days s acton fall faif 1617 sept g iifrst q food 5 mum and groom hon0kki in friends with presentations r mplomis of jh wool i iimtmii j foritiiiltum maili hit pi s ntiiluin of fuhli lump lo mi 1 lovl lluil b prloi in his imirttiiki on satiitiliiy 1 in following mill tv ai i ompiuili if iih pii mnlnlinn 5 nabob coffee lb i7c 1 ii tuc oriole niuubi wimi tea j lh tsc i lh hur fresh dlff rrul shrill noodles is oi ruu onl 15r cwipbelis lu soup sprcial 3 for iv the idens gathered by the trio of trnv- 1 oilers on the sntndn tea tour they brought homo with thorn literally bundles of pamphlets and literature to serve as reminders of the ideas in which thev were interested the trip hnd its pleasure ns well the three men will never forget their trip acrom the canadian prairies bnnff nnd the n to he forgotten scenic grandeur of the cnnndlan rockies places thnt had lived for them only in books or in the words of returning travellers hetame real ties os thev heodoil westward they ionrnitl whv british columbia with her fertile soil and moderate temp erature has hoen called cnnadns nrden tin v saw i im bov s sht i phi rtlirs and mini rs in the opp r town nf butti montana i hi v wire pleased with th liai iiiwhins and anuit d at the ilent almost surhv sheep herd rs butte wns a nlte almost wild it filled with tlie iimxpeited in iown thev snt in on a tonfirinte with f u im is and insuiml tiitstinns about uuiiia and her nn hods nf ag ru ultun fi r minute of the tttw as m edutation iravilling ov i r xgiml mill s ihev had tin opportunitv of tonlrast ably asslstotl with at commodntlnni ut the camp about vrt young catholic men come from all parts of lhe diocese hamil ton brantford cuolph kitchener preston nnd other centres i hey arrived inst snturdny evening for the three dov retreat which extended over the weekend holiday rev fr hennessv s t from the jesuit novltnte of guelph was re treat moster father honnessy bo- ginning on snturdny evening conduct ed mnny excellent conferences com ing to the point which donlt with the problems of youth lio stressed the importance of living o true christian life the spiritual climax of he re treat vvas mondny morning with every retrenllst receiving holy communion the dny won divided with the spir itual activities far overshadowing the recrontionol the retreat was closed with n very interesting program mr bernard cox ni ted ns master of ceremonies hnd his summer campers stage nev- ernwnvjng bouts which were well ro th one com- munitv singing his excellent y bishop ryan of the united states taking nn ordln nr walking plow shnltnw furrows reived by the people present nre inld throughout pasture fields and were followed by songs nnd these furrows nre flooded either from a n stream or by a presmi ro sstem the results of the irrlgntlon con be seen tlenrly in the fntt thnt three head of cows are gra7ed on one acre of pasturowhere it is irrigated one cow is grned on three ncres here during n yenr such as this tine when rainfall is scarce the plan would he quite useful in british columbia gordon mi gavin lenrned how the cull apples from the orchards are combined form w lint they cnll applealfalfa silage the silage has n high feeding value nnd the world s high produc tion cow can give partial credit to it for helping her win the tltte mr mcgovln points out thnt in mnny parts of o where cull apples go to waste farmers would be well nd vised to investlgnte this newform of feeding as practical farmora the three men kteadv for rytftla sydnev nsw cp about 000 mn and 101 women have volunteer ed to go to rtihsla with an australian field hospital unit gobd shoes yiu yoiino and ii it i kachcin aclim busy at home pause and hamulon express d his surprise and nt the snmo time his plensuro at find ing so mnny young catholic men mnking the retrent he briefly told the hlsloiy of camp breheuf which hnd mnde such an idenl place for i the retreat he praised the work of tr henm ssy in conducting such n successful retreat i nm positive he sold thnt fr honnessy helped to better the ilv s of you young men who mnde the rotrent t went on to say you retrcnllsts will remem- her these dnys every moment of your lives he expressed his thought thnt young men wh made- the retreat were of an age to pick their plare in life and hoped that god would give some the vocntlon for the priesthood his excellency expressed his wish thnt the rotreatlsts would cooperate with their parish priests in nil llicy mny ask of them he hoped thnt the youngmonwauld be nmbaasadors-of- whnt father honnessy taught them ttnd expressed hlq wish that they would carry along with thorn every thing they gnthorod during these three dnvs nnd put them in practice and thus they would live as true cyo members should father mcbrlde diocesan director of the cyo thanked the young men who mnde the retreat he felt sure that the rein nt would grow from ear to ear father honness was i nihil upon to so n f t vv words he was greeted by a tnmindous applause he thnnk- ed tne oung men for their attention during the tonferences 1 ho retreat inaugurated this eor will be an annual activitv of the c y o club kpown as tin st john bosco youngmen s club was formed with mritis pletropoolo of guelph president gerald duffv of hamilton 1st lcepn sident mr b barron brantford jnd vli epresldent mr wm crawford hamilton 11 vlwu- presldent mr john bennett of guelph set retarv and mr st bastian englert of kitchener treasurer ibis dub will meet monthlv ideas and activities dlsi uss there always time far a mlnuet rest and icecold cocacola makes such a moment really restful so when you pause throughout the day make it thm pouf thof rervesfws with icecold cocacola authorhimlbnttliir of cocacola ohangeville bottling works orangkvilie phone i37w erin wm hi nth i sun has i fin horn pulli ts fuiir months k of and ln ins oh storied injlnc this sounds hkt i nord irhbms mid frn nils of hi os- pringi ami i rln i om in unities os- si nibled in r rm i ow n hall last ihutsdav ivimnt to spi ml a sin ial actonfallfair tuesday weilnesay sept 1 6th 17th a lull program worthwhile seeinic while in town we cordially invito mi to inhpct our iarice annortmrnt of i all domlw at i rait iv e c anadinn moth gloves btk 100 i navy slips assortment rayon velvosu ile satin 59c 159 ky lur slips urriitly slyliil 200 fall purses smart stylis tnurous slit only 119 sweaters pullover cardigan ityl- nm si let tion of colors ismtirtly styleii r m 198 utility yarn- ixd quality khaki nov air- fort t rt 69c hull ukmw kvkf iiosk jlsd i lips smm i colnrs in m so tt to 10 5- hnlnbow strips jiass ttwkus sli lliij 25 t vening vv ith in ru mrs arnuld sunt i ovi r 7 farim i s faim f w i gibs f osslst in tin raisliil v iv wi ils mr and hith n a i if hi d at the ir iroi r to horn g1uus dresshs cjuoliiv imiik i all stvh 98c fvll house imtesses iuiii uttoiik in imllllful 149 hoys shirts mothi r hubbard gikih iv4amas n io of soft wlittt h i inneletti mi d i ge sie 1 00 jilt su 1 i s p mh pm1 dial i- i lend ut mur fellow orkn of the wool l onihinj toi point am of uiu ada hnvi t hosen this otmsion to tend to vou and voiu dial wid to in oil sm er w istu s hat voiu lift to fr tin i u i lon and vuijk uuppv olio ut hopt vou will amp oii itkli gift as n token of our respt i t ind nuiv nu di mm a nun h luiisiite ftoni it a i inivi in giving t il max voiu ilissings lu main you i uouhh s f w mav voiu jo b it t 1 1 hisiuik in h ami tfiu hu if llowt vlt voul spilll bl low lust urn on this lam and bask m its nhw m tww kt brvtr nl nr burt was tendeietl a misi t ii in us show i i of low iv girts lv i nuiultor nf ht i rtlativis on ihiusdiv bill mountain pfcnr 1aim 27 i in l llllk s niill sl t l i illm 19c benson s nlumtna ramplm rrim lion kgiilai i in 23c smith s pure 1 mil urt hi i a 1avoih 17c smith pure plum jam 1 1 amsin i i j 1 i 29c nub iiius ti iih ijfs s 1 liu 29c llliulis miid macmlail try ii 1j u lai 29c l llspl nunl miw pl kiis itfhh k n i in v wen unanimous in simg hat forim rs t1 one pro im i know too little about lu prnbb ins of fjirin rs j in tin m t pm int i and likewise canadian cum is know too htth ilxibt ann in an f tt in rs i would itk to s a mom of w hit h vi iti r plat e a struture di strovid h fin suni vtjiis ago i he n w ham vv hit it is hi ts w is fnir- has d from i form in on shnnd dam aria and was disutanlh i llin i orlv this stimmi r advmat lust 1 ik 1iltl i ub fast olors st 89c 100 25t peekekekn biscuits j kres11 hm mrllou biscuits r tr v choice old cheese lh 37 rurungto smiths l tins honey 59c ii u rs fiom i la tatttravtl n the ist hi i likwi wtviirn farnu rs mine v ist i i ind i irdiin m tvin w tonilain itiopt u m rn fumrs w tn n aituillv w hovi no ah i f la it ii m ms mi tint a h otlu i and nikiiii ovi munon pioti ii ms waul i i i in at i ut a ht tt r ft el ing bitwn ifi wo i ik vms can a lion farm is shoul i visit th i nit d stat s an i am ru in faun rs should i om ba k t t an id i in this jiv a lamhrnlr lotlus je w llaf lrcr llaniir if loth it iiimiim- fnuit liuirtly st irtl ibauinahly lrird uuu hiu h mu mi ii jlul buses leave 1 kwk ltiiv to toronto iii il i nl ii ni11 hjioa hins hill sll um1 il iukks xlppi r nuk 129 mi nil am ii ale hose stript s l la i ks i manmnlf pair 49 ties in m hi h ii list nihil 50c u 100 new eall its in th iitntri s l hl td tt d a mint fcvvttpr was int oi 1 uis- f lav afternoon taking soundlng in g the lake opposite tlie lake bonk f or t m thi dimllcatlon or the hmcs burijj llngton which wilt le dmttatid hero jj on september 10th hi barrs ph grocery mmmmmillifimiiiiiibailllbmmmmiibhiihmmmmhilhhhmhm georgetown mr nnd mrs v s douglas and ih idn n ink mil marv halne of ioronto wjlid last wnk with hnr mothr mrs 1 m moon mis i r sun hurst and son ilohert of van nuver c are at pi sent mnking a visit with mm moore and the mlhie clarldge at their home p m i m i m f 1 p in s st j ni a i pt siindavs to ijondon t m a m 2 j i p ni b t is m h 03 p m t sun and hoi standard time bin ritwkl imoilmation a i harold vliles ihone 5fi gray coach lines hi i udst mis 225 n 395 mens shirts kim assorlun nt 125 225 ik it is work shoes you need see dm larue ranue 275 525 elliott bros ihone is mux street acton

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