thursday september 11im 1041 the acton free press page seven dont quit when thlrik ko wronk n they wane firm t will whon the rond youre truduink term nil up hill whrfl the funds are lowjind the debts nrc hitch and you want lo while hut you hitv to slfh when car l prewdnk you down i bit kent it you munt but dont you quit life in queer with its twitus and tinns as every one of us jnmetime leanm and many n failure turn about when he mlht have avon hud hi ktuetf it ouf dontrlve up thpuuh the pat leemi blow you mighty hueeeed witli anothor blow often the conl in nearer than it uovmu to a fnlnt and fnltorlnk man often the htrukklor ltnn civen up when ho mluht have captured the victors cup and he learned too late when the in i flit slipped down how close he wan to the golden crown success is failure turned inside out the idlver tint of the cloudft of doubt and you never can tell how close you are it may be near when it seems afnr so fctlck to the furht when- youre hardest hit ai t its when thins mm worse that you mustn t quit the sunday school lesson jott kiniav hk1tkmbkr 14 i hi iiutnai- or oldes iixt tlitr lord god twenty years ago ytm tht imttt of ihet free trua at tfauruuiy hptmhsr lih 1021 acton high school has f3 student registered this term and the public school 102 the annual picnic of st albans sundny school was held at mr wallace ianhys sprlnfibrook farm on saturday afternoon there were appropriately 200 present for whom n full afternoons list of sport en joyment wns provided mr chnrles oldham hah no id iiih farm lot 25 con fi nansnpnw ya which he purchased from mr john willlnmhon several years oro lo mr hvrte of fleorcetown rev a c stewart m a has idcmi- fled his willingness to act ept the- tall to knox church nnd the induction will be held oh frldn itrd inst guelph was visited h anothei lis nslernus fin enrlv sundn moraine when a large sc ltinn of the fin v spfnners limited fai tor on vntoim rond was putted hv flam s causing dnmag e stlmated betwee n xmkk and 100 0001 noit braudmoiir on stptemhir 11 lljl nt balsam utlte kirkheld xaituriuiomrund mrs w w benrdmore of loronio n hon midowhii in a ton on august 24 loill to mr and mis m d mc dowell a daughter died fvans in adon on i in sdn sip temher 1 will helen mnr non en daughter of mr and mis william laans aped l months htmtathin iatai bicimoi icp her arms mid hack r lplv stared a lhvenintd ctrl became el lirious and dud tht t ornni t s jur giving it erdiil of deatii fiom nttidental burning in i- i smvi sunbat lung or mil souuci hfip holy holy holy in the almighty who mi nnd who in iind who to come revelation 1h ie win text revelation 7 0 17 i imn fih a d j plac e patmoh imposition i in i rlbulntlon saints in heaven 012 in these verses we have a picture of something going on in henven dur ing the creat tribulation here on earth i here is to be a kreat mul titude wiio are leathered in heaven nt thnt time there in to be no small company of the saved this is a mul titude so vast that no man could number it they are gentiles they nre out of all nations and kindreds and people nnd tongues they have immediate nc- cens to ood they stnnd he are there ip n plnce of ncceptnnce and recognition before the throne this throne ik the throne of clod in hcven ch 1 111 jesus is with the father on the throne in standing before the throne they nlso stand before the lamb the title by which the iord jesus ik spoken or here is significant the unmb thlo in a johannean name for jesus nnd is one of the mnny indications thnt this book was written by the author of the fourth gospel he is spoken of as the lamb because he is an atoning sacrifice for sin the pnschnl lamb 1 cor 5 7 tno 1 29 they are arrayed in white robes symbol or purity nnd with pnlmr in their hnnds symbol of victory they have nvenome their enemies they are very enrnest in their expressions of prnlse nnd thanksgiving they tried with a great voice th cry is poetical in its form nnd is appar ent l a loud sonc or hant 1 hey nsoihe nil tin honor for iheir sakn tion to ijnd which sitteth on the 1 hi one and nlso unto the lamb in w host ntomnk blood their salva tion was pun has d the lamb which cud himself has piovided i n 22 si i in if wen i in n also a vnst mtillilude of ani is all tin anpels thisc too wen standing bill not hi fore tin throne but around about the throne phi elders arc the rep ii se ntativi s of the churc h tin thanksuivlni and the power and the mfiht doth the a v and tin it v omit the the before uussink ijloiv etc but ujain the f re ck imel oiuht to be in the hnrllsli i his ilorv in mirihed to god ioreve r and laer the fire i k words tnuis- lateel ponver and ever mean lit erally unto the an s of the ajes it in the hlrniifest possible nprptcn- tatlon for endleminess h ph lurlni nres which ale tin msi ives ompoked of af in imilleu proii silon xpresi ion or nearu the ijann jiression if used tw ive- linn h i this book of the ls1ent uul tlie iiory of cod of the future ble ft e hn of the righteous and tlie- endless c on- rclnus hiif ferine of the hi ait and tin fake prophet nmmhi finnlly impeni tent ii one of tin- elders fxplnins who the great multitude before the i hrone are 1317 god himtelf has interpreted for us who this rmat multitude are he has explained it through one of the elders this elder first addresses john nnd asks him these which nre nrrayed in the white robes who- nre they nnd whence enmc they john frnnkly ndmlts he does not itnow sayine my lord thou knoweat then the elder explains who theyjnre these nre they which enme out of the great trlbulntlon the a v mnkes it out or crent trlbulntlon but the r v has the correct trans lation out of the treat trlbuln tlon they had not only pasned through tribulation as nil believers shall but they had passed throurh trlbulntlon thnt is the time of trlbulntlon thnt is coming upon this earth nrter the rnpture of the church when the nntlchrlst will be rully mnntfested the church has no part in this trlbulntlon ns the nntichrlst is not manifested until after the church is tnken away 2 thes 2 7 8 but the church itself passes through tribula tion ac 14 22 but not through the grent tribulation these- then nre the trlhulatlon taints those who nictpt the lord lesus after the rap ture of the church nnd who nre subiected to great suffering here and seal theii testimony with their blood cnflid during the tribulation the came out of lln gioat tribulation but lln nn not mivoci b theii own hlood i in wished their lobes and made theni while in the hlood of tin lamb but the shedding of tin it own lilmiii was necessitated bv tlnli ha ing re c ci d and c onfesse d t he i onl jeuis 1 he tin re fore with which v l begins does no n fil to i canadas first hail road n a track of wooden rails cover ed with sin e i nu tnl canadas first mill nnd nuieli lis opining nffleiai run fiom lapinlrie to st lolllp qllehte on hll jl lu hi ii pm tun ill ot milieu and tifour temimfh us with a locomotive known n the hot i hli in ster ptinhnsed in rncliind and two cdaboiati l aitel tafitefllllv up- hnlstend pie si nje i one in s inn has- ed iirnnrvmk ridtrrtrprrnine rnr canada s pnient vast railway v lems made tin momentous journey of sixteen miles in nearlv two houn a sullnblv inscribed brone tablet af fixed to the rallvvnyrrnttnrrnt violin on the recommendation of tlm historic sites and monuments bonrd of canada commemorates thh iiik- torle event an far hack as r2i tn construc tion of a railway to connect lake chnmplatn with the st lawrence river wns recommended with n view to expediting trnvel between mon treal and now york a lengthy peti tion wns subsequently presented to the lower cnnndn legislature nnd in 1r12 n chnrtcr wns obtained for the ronstrurtimt of the line -work- on the project began in 1rv5 and it wns known ns the cham pin in nnd st inwrence rnllwny by 1r32 this rnllroad was extended north to st lambert nnd south to rouses point covering n dlstnnce of fortythree miles nnd connecting with united stntes rnllways it ulti mately became the montreal nnd chnmplajn railroad and shortly nfter confederntlon wns brought into the grand trunk system women get wings in aircraft shop its promotion to wear illue trotikem nnd work on suinjrh in midair 1 ondon h jhirt per cent of the world is ate wonnn in a nr tain ait i r if t fmlni u he re tin v aie building tin hiitmli ttroior the i mum night rnieli ts tin bristol biaufighter and lu ainbition uf iil uomnu umkil is to uem blue tiousi is ibis doe sn i nn nn tin v an losing then fiininiljor gentle tout h quite the tontiaiv 1 nn nns that sas a vv i iter the v have he en promoted lo their having suffered nnd cited in the j on an planes swung in midair 111 cpiu multitude nre not the rnbulanon hutto thr fnci tbnm in v no imtgttstnv onllu giound hinih but tribulation saints the unshed their robes and made i e ee t their wings so to spe nl them white in the blood of the jmh mul lambe i about the fusedage and saints tl jhurch the called out ones of this piemen t clispi nsatlon ending nt the rapture 1 here will he n multitude saved who are not of tin church the four living crentures are a verv high oider of luaenj h ings isa fi 1j the tiansformntion of the authorii d version four beasts is most unfor- tunale prom descriptions given else where tliev had svmholical charac teristics of some of tin animals the angels and the ciders and the living creatures all fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped god sum things are asc nhed unto god as tin v worship him i he blessing and tht glorv and the wisdom nnd it is for rtiii reason that thiv are he fore- the throne of god 111 the place of honor and blessing thev also serve him dav and night in his temple i he word for serve is not tlte ordinarv word for serve it means religious service god on his part shall spieael his tent ove r them tin v are shelter d bv his own ir si nee all suffering for tin mis ovei forever thev sl hungi r no more n ilhe r thirst anv l tin se n more in ither shall the sun strike itivihan id v tin war swings bomb pkepvrei uponj tin ni pre vi nls that nt ithe r he looks out for the r e is ji 1 in tin life i our she pin rei ii ads us vvati is of re st tlu n 11 into fountains of witer of hf lln re shall be no mm sorrow itiv kind fen them nor foi us so on up nloft i hose who go aloft wear lilue 1 1 misers said an of fie ml pointing to a blond working in a cockpit slung s veral fe t from the ground phen thev don t have an under- vvc nr worries i hose who wnrlcjin the ground have green overalls ihe blonde and her colleagues are ciilaink tin onlv women evir to sit in the cockpit or a beaufighter once attunes get in the air no pt tst pilots are per- rsugar plantation throughout anatla nutlid evn to step inside them ihc am in at i rail mii ror points out r n ed cc f m in ot tin wonn n fit the dc luate that now is m unicnts on tin dishhunxu b sub tin i wont siv thev ir b tt i than will had us nun sa n official hut tht v t i tniiilj hivi nimblt r fing rs ami mart impoitnut than nnvthinj more pa- tnn so tin v often t the lctru w iring jobs 111 was no sepiration of tin l- x a l of jiuui iiuij uomui if ik on i hi uncle sain talk iviarirarine mrnu siikiritkin if itullcrlivs ittfrime itrim iistuin frnm oinrj iirmers nummiaibibmiinm immmninniimiitm acton fair tuesday and wednesday september 16 and 17 grand arena show tuesday evening 800 to 1100 pm dstq three hours without a ihiix moment s featuring art mecall and ruth girbard strong man acrobatic and dance team ginger oil the acrobatic horse blondie anil ati abasia headline mackkace team dili barton mountain kinder 1 1 i jrli jumping horses musical chair- potato race on horseback miihical pniirram likhlinc ami knund under personal direction of rush rfijihlon toronto second day features wcmlittydavseptetnhrrtrh cilund street parade at lcm p m fair will he officiallv opened b col a o t iteardmore feature before fhe grandstand iiich jumpinc horses old time iiddikits- contest tei dancim rex smcomhe accordionimt murimn venlrilmiuixt entertainer hill karton mountain siniftr 1ianana evtinc anif harmonic contests big midway by empire shows ferns wheel merrcioltound shows james ridek ilinno rest lun competition- tent on choi ms parade op live sloch t i hi p m speiil calf ind foal exhibits spiiiil pni for raton llof vcton hm will si pplv the umc1 prmim splendid exhibits in hall and field loud speaker amplifwnt nstem in rena and ground womens insltltttlmspuws ql iltincj hee ml men on ctie serice iti the ir fjrce armj or navy will he admil free monster dance l town hvliseoni nkh t mi oiuiiestr the hem fur hoi ms in ontvrio wnle sthretur for comiilete infornuitlon and tuv ust m mmo irtsidini 1 lllhtroil stc irtusurer sm