Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1941, p. 2

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page two thr acton lnlb press illllllmlay shlmllht 1kii 11m1 iutlulij evary yfcuratuy at acttw iwitirto smrscttimon uxtfcu y jvc umtaj sum jc aujitiujial mtl tuiir iv kkdfa uu tud nw ail llaba ahoultl u ulvau whtfl bumg- ol i4jra la rhjuaatl canllllatioss w bij that wwl o our auh ifriur pflr ho to uv lhlr gulintipiiuui lawrtuitaj in tt lhy uli t rawit uior ipiriwu vvhiu u ictiplibi will boi l trnu in anrira t vcr u evuiuuil trtail yt w1b w tifiad to tauil w iiiuui il tutitrtwr viha tht ir amtktmnt katfcsoa n van i column hfuimti- ippli muuml all mi khj hivu altlu uuh avary erautu will l lauan to avoid nor t paa accapta advcmuiuti in it column oa tlit undtratanduig thai it will not it lull lar any iu m 4ny advartiawtnt publiihtd haraumur uuuta pnol 1 1 auch advrrlticraret i rayuaalad iu writing by tfaa jrrtir and rtiurnrd to tht frt vtt buauiaaa otfc cily afliml ly tlit advrrtiaar aaj with such arrw or correction pjatnly noted m witting thrrroa and la that c ii any error o wo lad it not corrtctad by ttt pra watt it liability aham not tveaad auch a proportion el lh rnttr coat ol auch advartiianirnl aa tlit apac occupitd by tht antrd rrrt r brara to lha wh la apa a otrtupiad by auch advartuamtnt t aulof dilus editor telei hoses- edmrial and fluuuaaa oftce 174 rtaultnct 131 mm firuros ro issued from ottawa this month that however is water over the duiyunu wnr savings is how in need of support litis is lltoniaviminf 111 which the krcuttst mimher of caniidiiins uin put their shoulders to the thel vxnr siivinns is u tuilt blissid effort in that dol- lurs invested in war savings cirtificates do douhle service thtv do not unupete uuh the war effort and thei stand readv to take up the slael for the peave tune rt adiiistiiients hollars diverted fritm jinn ism n tml spuidmg ul lhisniueleitu luiui loc tin evpansiou of priduction undid foi tin linn pill v our foul llin now bill v our toal hin now lvtrv ton of eoal von inn stitn auav lodav nvakis it pissihli to ship an additional ton of mum tions this wintir canada s tiaiisportation uuliistrv is facing up to its higgist oh kailroad traffic is uurnising rapid- l if von purchase and lake tarlv deliverv of as iniicli as possible vour fuel reiiuiriiiiints for the toiiiiiigvirnter vou can help niatenallv to avoid a transportation bottleneck 1 after octolur the grtath increased output of munitions in canada and the united states must take precedence over all other transportation de mands if vou don t buv vour coal uheii transpor tation is availuble von niavhave to unit tor ht this winter i urge vou therefore in vour own and vour countrv s interest fill vour coal bin now the above is a stntenunt from coal administrator j mcg stewart weve nlwavs had winter here in canada and alwnvs needed fuel if vou want to be sure of vour supplv stock up now with all vou whos who business- directory and buyers guide for acton and district oh it iikkt im 1 v lllllll 1 mil flllllll all 1 tilts nl ti 1 l u 1 hll ul- miss k iiosiijs ill s iii ii imiilllll vi i mx tin i mm ill an1 us am un 1 its 1iack to kat war 25 years ago 1 objective to help the tppt u to help ih- i children s hospitul n london fnlund uhtrt xul gtrman hombcrs h c not ttn spared mkii m institution of nura sros maniiiks lu uith the fund alrtad ttu first hundred dollirs is n the fund and uill soon be on its vlh uid the second hundred is uell stirted we dun t ike milk 1 iir biectie hut it does mjj11 th it 00 mjiht go v iihiii pnkr coeisi the territon oiiu people seem to hae the impression that the ueekh iieuspaper doesn t eoer tilt terntor it nris in comparison to other nudti such as dailies keeetllh the extension dtpirtnunt of the llniersit ot albert 1 made i surc through their louili training schools of the the situttion e 1 sting in th it promikc quest loun aires were sent out md it u is reeiled th it 111 the households the jrom acton and di thos who c irr on the work of the triet to spur on amidst the rubbh collection of the th pints of vkcckls luwspipir held a decidedh strong le id oer other kinds of publications the sure rexeiiled fund is ccr 70 2 per cent get the local weekh nuspiper u 4amh richin cper4unlui- evtrone wintstohdp get udail niiipper 21pir cliitgct il farnu and with the help of even one jc will hae 1 worth wnle contribtttion the chtldreii have contributed their pennies ladies organizations hae foundo in working for a cause that benefits those who cannot help themselves it is such experiences that perhaps even war ma plav an important part in the lives of this and fu ture generations there s a bond in this working together that will if continued maintain a lasting peace and so the fund goes on without objective ns vet as to amount but sending what help we can and knowing that the need is fir trom being met most of us will never see th it bombed sick chil dren s hospital in old london but some dav we muv roctt some of the children who have been helped through in this tr ing time just as we are told n a letter from a mother who sent in i donation bhe wanted to help becjusc her son had been in childhood greath improved in health through the work of the london bick children s hospital inasmuch as ve hive done it unto th if one of these e have done it unto nie v ma the dosine hear truit it is interesting to note that a settlement is de ircd b tulparuts of the bridge question that has been a municipaltoonintforvtttf jusmmw man vears we can not rec ill it the moment but well over twentv at the least i me know full well there ire rights of two p irties connected with the structure w e hive he ird them nhearsed often enough to know some of them from numorv but we htealwis held the viewpoint th it ho wcie mtyo big th it 1 settlement wis not os piper 27 per cent get other periodicals when i eommunm or district has a substantiate ood weeklv newspaper that concentrates oh giving ser vices people are entitled to there is no doubt that advertisers can safelv choose it as the medium to reach the people v editorial notes tunics mude first piearanre on western frwnt two vided cunndians in the capture of courcelclu it ii ii k1 anatlmti inw staff writtr su iiss nf tlit mi e 111 nil lit lils 1 11 it ttmututtt inul tin mtrohu ti in f ll i ink into mo u 1 n w n fiit ui notiiutli f itmts mill uil tht i nint if tin tin i ii is f tin until 1 f tl s mnii in tin 1 11st it it ir im wn mlo th 1 till inu on llu wtstiiu trout fti th fust inn mint tht 11 nut tltftiut in tin prtss itiit lit t it lh 1 in thr nr th i iti- lulmns shovt mint iminim l itliltiv im s j i lu tht opt nink rtnv of tht itnivvitl nltiitk tn fort tin iininns but k from hit it strong positions on tlu somnu llu nomlnion soltlit rs on tin lift wing tif tin nttiuk not onl tnptund ttulr ohjictivis south of cimrt t li ttt 111 imts lonh nihil 11 lo i tn of tin u t hliitk fin tors in itrtllsh sm i ss v iiit krpt 4itiini of lh imiks tmploil 111 hit of ft nsui o 1 inttohs onlv mm innniig til lt ptisli nhi ml willi hit infant r mnl tin tiuistil toiisidi nihil loss to i in 1 in m nun othits tiiiiibh in k p at t uith tin ill 11 i is ilid jtt l uorl ilistisiin i in im tmops holihim our it isolalt it spots iht r it 111 iininc 1 r ih hi rlnol n down in i aim ihlcin4ii ui i 1 iti is tu in 111i11 s t mill pit im nt 1 ii j in 11 lit sll u in hit but 1 plolti il tin ir smiess so w ii that tin vtllnm iti if not part of llu original obj i tlvi wns tnrru il mul 1 tonsoliilatt il bi fort nichtfii1l have vou done vour share toward conservation ihirtv two tanks took up ptiiitionk of gasoline onlv vou can lhhn lhl nnkh s on llml sl swer th it question of me ert 1 nli in th n g he st dif ftreikcs e ire t at both the he irdniore l i t l desire to softie the with acton i air on tuesdav and uednesdav md the legionnaires of the zone 2b holding their church service here this week is certunh visitors week clctllh t 1 hough the ontario government adv isestnuniei 1 illjits go slow in entering their ciuplovecs under leabt fin l nemplovment insurance act the ont ino h dro commission his placed its workmen under the act but then the hvdro commission has no point in phning politics iganist thc federal authoritv cheslev fnterprise burlington gizette showed real enterprise list week the ceremonies m connection with the christening of thl ship burlington were held on xtdnesdn the dm the gae is issued tint night pictures md 1 complete iccount of the ceremonv i 1 1 ired in the i izette c ongr 1 tula t tons to messrs huts ir cert iml in order t mbi r nmrninj j inrs njo bul thrii onlv lo pirl it ipalt imn tin at tin k juunt iu il bv llu cnnndlans ihilibil 1 n im h mmllu mil tordon kougt llu onih roils ni 1 hint 1 him tonsit rn ition aiimn tin i 1 rnians who broke ami r 111 itaifutl morale i t i ision to ust tin t inks w s taki n tliailsi ol lilt iii til of limmilk tin monu nt 11111 i f tht somuii off nsui w tin ii inul dull iiuiiv nfti r two months if ficjitine llu nriinv of r iismc thi nioiali tif tin il in ops 1 fai tor origin itois of tlu tapon look hi lti imil th tt tin mall ntimbi r mtualk iiilnil liuilii hirdh hit civtn a n suit tn ominsili ft r tin j ri ni ittirt ills of tin trtt kill lie syf p tank w is mtstic tin mutum min mil 1 irh il w in 1 nt incfi nu nts il ii w ink mf intr to mi 1 1 tlu ih fi iu i tn mori tl in etju il firms 1 it 1 n w i iis tl w it h i i r iltt n t v 1 i tank i 1 i it- er it l wlin lit 1 iiniin lit 1 mm 11 rt il m ii 11 llu tl 11 f i lit f t ml s in th tlnu i 1 nt 1 f llu jni m ihi s mi 11111 i ul b 1 11 1 1 1 iv 1 i ml t ihos 1 sp 11 ihl 11 innk 1 n im 11 th it th ms onlt iisi i is it until 11 sill 1 is nl il i ii 1 1111 il t ut 11 a suf 1 ti iisim si nl ti in 111 a rnmm guerillas imeiliies ol heath 1 1 iiltltll bthlntt lh i imiin lim s from hi hallli tn tin him k sin itllsmllil kui ritln bands havi strut k blow 1 m blow at nnl 1 inn mun i ul urns li st rov inc briilt s at tat knit isolnt id units 1 living to tirinan tolunins nothing lull hit di astfutun of n siottlud 1 irth in furl in 1 am 1 f tin ir 1ampaic11 numbers of tin miinlla liuiuls at loiditik lo russian pa pi is hai taki n this 1 i ilj of di ith b fun sum ml- 1 i n 1 hi 11 of llu 1 11 it sow 1 i m 111 1 f lilhfiil son 1 f in him i f id i iiblu 1 swi ai h it i will not 1 i i down 111 wiions until llij list ins list it 1 in 1 md is 1 stiomd i swi in ti ih tin oul rs of m 1 m mini is m i to ki p stn i mililjii x i houi cakk kuhi i dim lmlermt lrlr m soi ii i 1 liu pa mtonati llturm igiarottt h mul onfertlim slop ami ir 4ij nttt m lalluti at tim blukstar one li snlco slatiiin m ami mil 1 si ilmlli ib i in lluft r lire lr imaillis iikil i ms m lasik 1 hom kmi masam5s jkksky laik i iir lua1lt anil svrxlre riuuii- 7 lmink miisah s milk our assur am 1 of sntisfni hon i n nh m1iu and nam ami hn latr miiu lall ctonch kwikky lltsl illnrkel inres fir itultcr fat bubiiilhs directory mhiitai ik j a mtnlvi n riiuliltiii uuil siirutiiin nml iti mi in 1 t nrm r ii wi inn avi nu mul i ii in sin 1 t dk i i ni i son ilij kli inn uiwl siirkrim mulliiil llhhr nt ii mill fur a ion lliiuuiliirniv tikinkc im ll wmf iii i i n i m c c ill bji tan itml siirui 1111 flin itmirh i i ami 7 m iiniliimi t a imiiitini nt mill sin i n i 1 l ii sfnt ii ii pliiln ih dks j ki i i mid sti vi nbon ampiih ill ik i lim midi n lr 1 atli r 111 n l i atli mlllm w t in iiitn ii ul juil i 1 pj1w 7 h j in siiiulnv by apimilntnij nt only iikstai il c nil iiolslin dental surevfiii ilrin in i llmiin iii ik i n in until l p in i v ilns i i a i mill i 1 ik i hai ci i i a i iii ri ani it a llarruti r anil sotliitiir utar lulilln kmi 1 lf millllllll ii lm h id i ish m ul mulls mmni is dintli aiton oltlio i him- ilrll niv isi ki nni iii m i anion itmrrlufcr sli heir ofmr iumir offlis l i iiiki inun lnkiiri llnnln ilullil s aitkin llur i sinuikstafe i nr aitilnlnii ntk itmni alton 65 or nrii itiun kh oftui lliiurs ai tun i in sil ly anil ihurmliiy 1 ul p in lo t iml p in even ings on risiiu st tfitlnailv i ounc vs itvsc rtrrlimr surceun iiitn i i 1 1 llruulnlll in mlllin oaki s vs it v sc eli rlnar irurun l crs n f t tlu r i oth i t 1 iu il in isi i nt lis tul inj i tv n inn on mt in put tluv pi iv is uliijtin u n tlu incisure tl pi hlu suj ort tluv u in the vistorv loin dri in utuins iddtj to their uuren and tin nuasuji of thiir itfiyt m this direction will muu plmsant reading htii tlu final

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