face four the acton fkee press tflllllsnay septembkr ibth 1wi t neighborhood news inltxfling liens concerning- other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested nassagaweya tin- townidilp school board have had il new woodihixl hol lavatories hullt ill bioomibury school which are a fine improvement e c wilson iicamc lanidowne pjirk ottawa visited with relatives in f uii mid knntchbuji last wieu mrs t sherwood or guelph is ui- ilina hrr rlmigltlrr mrs li s kl and husband nnd family of moffat nt pretfnt the heather mission band of eb- enezcr unltl church held iheir monthly meetlnk in i he church base ment on sunday- mnrnlnu last under the leadership of mrs john koliert- son mr and mrs w f darb of knntihbull visited with relatives and friends in umpliellvllle on sunday last quite a numlicr of jieople from this district are taking in the tall fair at acton erin mr uuntim mckinnon has re turned to her home in toronto lifter pending a couph of monthb ulth mr and mrs ii a ueiir mrs jnmes mcdonald eiteeve of calikiun taunmhip lb the posseskor of n culncn hen which hatched twentv oung nnd nil nre hnle nnd henrty erin township counrll memlwri guiilyoj f fi tnfsrnnlloniil harvester co nt n dinner in the kv change hotel hmlihurffoj tuesday september 2 reeve neil mckinnon acted ait chairman for a short pro gramme of speeches from the mem bers of the council imniedmlelv after the dinner advocate nassagaweya s s no 7 mi rnben f the fitiawi husv bins held n uiltifik d the home f mrs talbot last tuesday and wed nesday nikwinawemi prrahvtermn church iinniversnr wr in j next sunday morning nnd evening kev c f jones of klmwtle a former minister will conduct the wn ires are ou going acton fair is the question these dnys mr nnd mrs robert henley f acton were guests of m j j kenned sundav the pinegrove bus bees held a dance in no 7 school wednesdaj night tliev had n splendid attend ance pte ralph anderson of cuelph was called uport to drm rhelnfky ticket from among those sold on the mapl af nuilt and mr thps how den hcirnb was the winner of ihisbenutiful quilt no ml was the iutk number hie indies cleaned about five dullum from the dance and fifteen dollars from tickets on the illllt s a number from his section al- tmided the dune frido even inn sponsored bv t he niucsagiw ev a w- institute at boulvv4iujiui ill port a jod time ml burlington marie creeii 21 maple ave bur lington had the honor of receiving ii letter frcyn hr hoval highness princess elizabeth nt but kinghnm pnjnee for cookies she had sent from irl fuiclc of burlington the inuest into the death of miss berniee connell and edward isard vi ho were burned as the result of an explosion in isn pharmacv on jul 10th was held tn the public hbrar on mndv evening with coroner 1 h sti ad oakvtlle presid ing after hearing the evident e of the several w itnesses t he jurv hi ought in n verdict that the explosion was of undetermined origin miwette limehouse vr 1 i mi mrs 1 imted john h hi rel lilies 11 iph rnrr m k nnrr hn pie iimehouse wms met at the home of mrs johri nickel on thurs day evening a few from limehous presbvter- inn congregation attended the ilunkett dinner in knox church thursday evening there was a splendid turnout at limehnuse on sundav afternoon to wiliome bev cliarlei- cochrane when he preached his initial sermon there mesdnmes jno jciierhv and a w benton the latir as a delegnte at tended the womens institute arena convention held at cheslrv last wed- nesdnv and tliurhdav the services at the presbvterian church will revert to j 10 p m stand ard tune as lief ore the holidav sea son next sundav we hope for 1 g attendanee whn trie sabhit h scicol opens nt 1 in stand ird time on september 1lst it ent v isitnin ill lie village in- dude i 1 izt r fltrnrnfrt tr suitm un tvii1 r mtt mr ir i mi- iiw r m king undo mr iovil i lines f a i on imd rs llodi vmutniv vornilovni vj ni if t w ltd bis ssi r mr- i km- mrs i hos ind mis wilfrid k fi ll d visit 1 thir lunt mr- oifs u ipl list ftidnv ospringe mr ml mrs llraif ii uiimtisoii iiini t mills nioltiltil tn nuiknra fallii on sundav ilr itnss mtleiin mr murrn mc lean of hamilton and mrs m mc lean if iuclph visited iffie iiiv last ueik ulth mrs s mi 1 run and mrs i i ov 11 mr and mrs i stew art and fimtlv sm nt sundav with mr and mrs mor el 1 mi km b 111 liiimom mr i menart and mis s lell visited nn sunliiv with mr and mrs itihcil miik il orion mis tmell remained for a short visit sell hid lltll dluehtel isil h rilli irmitn with mrs i ah mr mil mis a v line dorntlv andnnrmn mi nnirmivt llrtv all of tnriinto mil mr inl mrs hoh i in with mrs i i mi mi s mrs t i cimiiliell of i nrcetoun wilh mr ami mrs a w norton mr bill nivvtiin uis hnine from vnltnn r0ckw0od sirvlon nt the prebyierlun church on sunday morning werj well at tended when itev a h wilson preiichinl hlx farewell mrmun iur- ink the stvice bev mr wluon of- ficlntchl in a baptlxmal ceremony fr i the infnnth of mr and mr bolert 1 croft mr and mrs frank kelno i und mr and mm charles mcnnbb i muih regret is fell in the contfregs- tf utinrnrtev mrwwihir trnvlncdue- i to jljneui of mrs wilson the fcin- cerewiklieu of all three churches i itev mr wilson lias served during i the pnu luu voanfollow tliem in the absence of itev e a brooks of st johns church uev mr j irwin of camplmllville and townline i conducted services on sundnv morn- ing holv communion was nlwi ob served during th service at the 1 united churclt on sunday morhhgt j itev j ward end the ileconwcrn- tion pbmge which was responded to ly the congregntlon no kervlces al j united church next sunday owing to anniversary wrviceb nt stone church ernmosn w j ward will hae chacge of ttfe liervices the regular monthly meeting of i the bovs own mission bnnd was held i sundn afternoon in sundny school i room jf united ciurrh stanley harrisv president presided socr the meeting the minutes of last meet- i ing were read bv bradlev peal ftiilnwed tiv praver bovs own pieces were taken up and psnlni 91 was the memorv work mrs frank moore the leader v the chapter fioni the studv book followed liv the liusiness period the mipah hen- iption hrougtit hie well attended meeting to a close m i lie new executive committee of j the kockwood continuation school held ttieir regular monthlv meeting last fndav afternoon with the fol lowing in charge president ken cuild secretary eileen wright hind treasurer shirley redtcrn tlie meeting ohned with the singing nt o canada and followed by reclt- i ing i mi- proclamation nnd the recon- secratlon prnmt a chorus i am a canadian was rendered by the sc hool and other individual mom- irs during the meeting inspiring addresses w g by itev e a 1 brooks antl itev ward hearty voles of thanks were tendered to the visit ing tlergvmen followed by expres sions of appreciation bv misses h bidl and c pinsmore for the inspir ing addresses received a few from hockwood recently at tended the reopening of palslev me morial- church guelph mr hoy austen was a guest speaker the v p 1 of united church held their regular j weeklv meeting m the s s room with the fellowship group in charge law rence graham v ice- president o uph d the i hair for the business period report of slimmer school at rverson be at h were given bv miss at lerie voting and mr kltlon iam- ttit purliig tltf nreetlng mr mistle of itoval bank si iff contributed i pimo m1 mr and m u b ro h re- i weekly war commenlarv hpwlally vfrlttoli for th acloo yt pas by wv l m lbtkit4 cssluuluu lrrl kuff wlrltelf the kluul allletes iranian autlinrlllcs are leainlni unit britain means business in the middle cast heports september if told of the abdication of the shah as pressure was exerted to forie the iranian government to evpel or de liver to the allies nil aln svmpn- illl7en british nnrfltusslnn troops were re- pnrted marching on reheran iriiiilan eden milks mi arid mis i low tuiilsmi antl joan spent sundav willi tb fortnei s ftatenls at ballv t i ov mr and mrs birns and i it 1 1 on of oshawii visited over the weekdid in tlie home of the laftets parents mr and mn w mino mr howie wright and sons of 1 oi vpcilt the week end with mi out 1 wtlghl mi and mrs it bun and daughter of minnesota an v isiting in th home if mr and mrs lames barber 1 hr annivtsirv of the wo mens missmnarv soc ietvof the pre- mr and mis pun an kingsbuiv of i bvterian cbunli wa- held in tb fiemui spent t lie w e k nd at their i hurh with mrs u p i unhle of hunies h if i guelph as guest sjvejiker reprtsen- fi i mis heie weif surrv to 1 aril tatives fiom cinipbellv tile nas-a- of th sudilui bath b ac unt oflgiweva rotkwood knox st mi- mrs iii koblet gmiidniother f ir drew s and st pauls tiuclph fhen- tto mini i he dec eased made ier wei initetl and fl n mills tinted d home from loroiito after a visit with their son clarence mil hi wifi who at the pioinl p in nts of a babv 1hi miss don- miln is now on i he staff of hell telephone much regret is felt in rotkwood and vicinllv concerning mrs t lvnth and fanulv moving l loronto mlhe miniedii fultir nii w ill be missed in socinl affaiis an also in sacred heart church mrs uha mdadlan antl daughter lean of hell telephone staff and mr mm lvnch driver for saunders bjead true k and also president of in at hortit ultural societv rhilt ami weketld vlsltois mi lobn dones of toronto ml mid mis roller t croft and familv of toioiito mcssis lames and clarent e iwic h f roninto mr ami mrs fred dav of hanil- nn rav dean it c a f 1 lagers- mr mile mi liom i j f- mi b lt a ilillurtn ujijaniil- mtving with nth membets of tier with a life menilership and mtses fumilv to i imsbv mrs kobler w at i u ilda ilberlsmi cteorgina robert slrmk bv a mi while rossing theisui and mane iilhenson with tumor vjueeii 1 it nhel h wa at giimshv ei tlfu ates an pln lhiadle aid hebl a silver ten lite candle liht mimi w us most rend g t to gftlir on wcdnesdnv if lmpiessue mrs dunb ir of tuelph tetll i at the huih ht v hid is lit the utlt- fop the piovim itl fhet- tndtefrom hitbntfnd mn- benntn m vlun foi flit pfts slon hiiih iiki i veiton htin he- bj linal mts eorge mniinis for th aswii as svial tioni this iu w m s mis i- nt i tw i ie for the miitillv mrs k s mciitboit lunnu i iad the hs presided ttitd miss niaiu he i kmnoii tuv f the iiv fot the p ist t tad th minute- of the piewoiis us mrs 11 iilurton in tlu nieetin mrs k hi v don weuimtt inlt for t he missim b ind lev all visitors ind mis mtlellmd offer- lv birth iiv ike w it ir i andles light ed p iv i ihe siipiiii- ft- m the d hv mis lowrle md blown psalm- was lead bv mis 1- mmtei hv mis l w rie and wet blown ihe following visiting ladies then ed out hv miss fvelvn u ihou grand- teitamd with 1 dehgtdful iogtuil diughtr of our tst president of the solo mis horlop kvei n id pi s ni sitv fvekn ils t iho tfl tl rrttoli fvertob uiti il ak rov dav of maltoii mr and mr- j hos hall and fmnilv of ails- mr- it mai tin si mr and mrs r martin of hillsdale miss muriel howell of iuronto mi nndmr rerhom other visitor- m town mrs mi iennan f calt mi- flhot of loronto mrs morria mee mnbl of miho mis- innit ni kell is spending some titmwith her moth r mrs ni kell mr ink i ivett ilo home during number of r itt n lid fergus v i port i iid jiow uuldin hells re ringing foi one of our popular voung men mr colin kit hing who sjent some true with hi- on i arneron after his r turn from toronto hopital is now at tn- home in town his mnnv frn nd- re gl il to ee htni mil h im nfeiirrtph niik lb toronto vii eekenl hm townfolk ind 1 it capital from which the shah fled it was stnled by an nuthnritatlve source that occupation of teheran had been pending for several dnys 111iih kcduiiwmi growing ncuvlly t euyptian- frohtler i taken nh nn indlcntlon that henvj fighting will develop in thnl thentre of wnr when cooler wentber comes- next month allied forces in i north africa nre said to exceed 500- w men and despite splendid work b the royal nnvy nnd the boval air force in and over the mediterran ean it is believed axis forces in cirenncia have been strongly reln- 1 fnrted during the summer two axis- armored columns made reconnaissance raids over the egp- tian border sept l hut were routed vvithheavy losses in men nnd machin es when they met british met hnnled patrols on kastrrn front herman and russian communiques this week told or terrific fighting at one point or another on the eastern front nnd as each rlnlmed big vic tories the task of presenting a true general picture hns been made diffi cult tlie nnls evidently nre mnk- ing strenuous efforts to tnke lenin grad they dnim to linve nnnihllntetl or crushed a total of 18 russlnn di visions south of lake ilmert but mnke no menlon of their own losseu which must hnve been tremendous on the other hand the soviet army news paper declared the hermans were routed in n gigantic night battle of tanks for nn important point on the approaches to ienlngrnd there was little news concernirfg the fighting in the centre of the front hut further south def en tiers i of odessa aided by sailors of the i black sen fleet were reported to have smashed renewed fjermnn and rumanian efforts to penetrnte hie ports defences the russians also announced the sinking of eight flermnn ships including five troop- ships when a- tanding attempt n the baltic island of oesel was repulsed cairn ilnmlied cairo a illv held set red bv the moslem world was bombed bv axis i aircraft sept lfi t persons being killed antl ml wounded it wa- the j fust tun- the eg plian capital haj sufferetf fruni- tiiiuiiv raids although i alexandria and points in the sue j canal one wave been ittnt ketl sev i eral times i the bombing has resulted in lide- i m nut being made in bntaln for an j attack on rome bv uav of retalia- j i tion as long agti as april ir n warn- i ing direc t from prime minister churchills residence in london in- 1 formed the axis that if eitlmrathons 1 or cairo were bombed reprisals would he carried nut against rome i hree swedish dest rovers blew up mvsteriouslv and sank sept 17 while at anchor in a swedish port and first reports snh nt least 31 men i jwere killed ihe blasts which could not be accounted for started on one i ship antl sank all three one after the other canadian pre staff writer i lie urgencv in russilts position lies in the fact hat she has lost a huge number of industrial cities and j towns with a consequent redintion in h r munitions output it is to meet this situation fhrtr mr chun hill and pi si lent roosevelt hi this lutth week of war ate dtspatt h- ing to mosi ow economic missions liead d bv twooutstandlng men lonl beaverbrook the british minister of supplv and w aveilll hanlman the 1 tnitfd miles i ase lend expediter tniiestionah russia has pre- pared for this attat k bv i ih lei for inanv veiir- as part of that piepaia lion sho has butlt anr pupped i number f factories far in th- in tenor how manv there i- tbuirnitjin s tuhat lileiiltiu- tan rpla e the lost f tot i thes- r ink anumg the nut losdv guai d- islec let- f the wai but no matter how ffh eit th v ir the loss russia has suff n d is huge mr fhurehilt has told p tr ii inient britain would hive to fofgo a portion of its supplies from th united states so that it an b divetl ed to russii he also hat unnotinted tlmt hundreds of british fight ei planes ire being rilshel to th east- i rn hiiilofii huiirrv italians kcvivrj winsjlon lonion tcvt s4vent thousand italian prisoners of war encamped near tlje sue canal who decided to liiirj prime minister churchill satin regietted their joke they made an effigv of the prime minister fix ed a coffin out of scraps of wood iindthennetdh funeral t lunch time arrived nntcthc italians found there was no lunch the name thing happened nt ten bine a depu tation interviewed the t omntautlant and demanded to know wlithev weie being starved ihe commandant said he was sorry but as the man who gnve him orders to feed them was dentl and burled be to tlo nothing ubuut it mr churchill was kpoedlly resurrected buses leave ikavk a ton to toronto af rl nm 9111 am itll am 1 chi i m 1 11 p m ill i ni h wjiim ii esi ept sundays to ijhvdon i xi ii ni 1 i in b filh p in h 18 p m b sun and iiol ktsutdard time iius tkavki lviyiltmation at iiakom wh phone 5fl gray coach lines milton fair ri andsatur sept 2627 special attractions smfltmi in pltlxks trials of sikioi k trut or tale torse u1 ijii trot or im live stock exlillsit lave stoeu ihraile at i10 pin tirsc m1 tounty llotstelii itrccilciv mum ronntv lersiv llreeden slum ttovs air itibs in crsc niernsi ilolsteln and shurtlinriis ilittl tubs mill sperlgd muille lasses t womans instittltk ihsiiav attra liie milvet merrj o in mid kolins ms llabj slum dance tflwn iiaiu saturday nltuit septkmliek 27 tiiiml orclu stru ailmission jm- aiimissicin to 1aiil idllll mis 31e meid your friends al milton fair w m si orl iie m hpaihkail seelieas ilinne jmrl i millon xnltrb odrjurrh af umnbn aeton ontsula hkv a waitkr 1ohliihty ita j1j mlnuur ilirsniianfilnwer avenue siindav skitimiiii jui inn ii no a m unity day sirvlee the uiioleunlllvllielilllehhrldsupdvi si hool oilkreuntlon linltltu in worship with thurcli si hool 7iki p ni nvcnlim woislilp theini i irov th in 1 irnie tuesday sept j lid h id p ni weilnenlnv h pm mldteek s- vile ouiie to thureh kverylmily uelrome jrfbbjlrlatt knox itllllluii atnrov itkv ii ilknnik m a miultr mnnse willow strepl sundav slltimiliit hist lhl 111 hi a ill tlie siihhath seluuil 11 mi a m and 7 oil pm iubh- worship i ihe itnllv hay servile tor sehonl and collkreeatlnll septelubel jkih 1 i lie llill tniniilllllmill nil silli- iluv ill lobi r r always wjlcomi supttiil txittrrl atrron tlv joiiv ostuom ha itth minister jslstiav snptkmilllt i t ill i 1 1 mi nm i hurl h wrvhe tl minister 1j 11 slltidiv si hnnl munda k p m ii v i i in hurt h wednomliv inn pin irnyer meet- ini a wiucomk io all you saw us at the fair ask for a demonstration ye wiltjiladlv vrraiiea deiniuitratioii on your hvii farm norton motors ford sales and service phone i at ton ont 8t albduo ccijitrcif tanulleant kev k a llltmihm ma itertor haltvkst kkstivai ihursdav sept lkth m ireai her itevd w h irwin camp- bellvllle sunday siitmbir 2ist rju n nil am and 7 mi p in ireai her the it i tor tl p iii si lohlls urn kuniut ireiiilljtr most itevd w ii adams anhhlshnp nf kontennv u ani kll ilillits 11 id in n apply in lalk i wkdulk i i liii inl f i ok saik i pnihl ilaiin misoii t ids ii hiitv ii lull up walnill finish li imiimik km m sun- w ilnul mush i illoni i afltln i i oh saik ienfi vv hand washlni mai hine in i nnd cuiidlllon willi new klllnn wlliicii also new slvle aladdin oil amp with hum shade iaimi has heen used ontv n short tfuie 1 llts ioiin wm icil i main si north ai inn i ok saii i shdini tnlli h wllh nialtress 1 i wtilte linn h d and spunks i larne miphnuil i hese atllihs ale all to jiiiiil rpui ind m iv lej s at mi s ulllliks north mill street l heap fol iiilik sale mils wiidiisiis they fly foh freedom sto k ami iritnatk itkraiks ltpuis to stoves furnaces steam -4ioib-r- dumbing and tiiihliulhlitg i stiinit s givtn isett and new stoves ft it sal ot fir bnnge 111 ne slu s jtixf iii ii ic es john savv1 a ton iit mental mis vuwiiher kilhnifal ieititum mrs m kierv hillmt fld solo mis i 01 ee st hie church leading mis i mckniv haulmi fad nolo mis v short 111 mi ibna- fad reading mis ada curne kver ton tending mrs hamilton stone church ah were invited to the hniemcnt where table were set with an arrav af apivetlzliiit thlncs to which nil did juatice kev a u s tlson ptei h d his ftrcwell stinon mi sunl tv nfttinnui to 1 largi congregation die best wishes f tin lomiuuiutv io with mr and mrs v1k0nin the toming ars mr and mrs kitnk t iiinion of uelifll vlstletf ovei the w ek end in ttte home of mr atid mrs i lowrie mr and mis melon of ac ton lent sundav in the home of mr and mm ii harden proved in health masters veil and norman i rtfn leri were guests on mmdav evening of friends in ielph who held 1 birthdiv pjirtv ffr the twins who wen- ten vetrs old minv hippv re turns of the d iv to the popular couple members of australia nt tending no i wireless school oac ouclph paid a brief iu to ulpotio tnrk on sunduv the were much imprek- setl wilh itockwocwl jitsinery flown hv itiissja s own nvlators rnln for llltlrr it has been estimated that mm than half husslat aluminum output forexnmple w at clustered around thegreat hnleper mam the pride of the first flvevear plan which stalin unheltatlnglv ordered tlemroved late in auguitt when it could no inncr he j defended thu tliwolopment dnm j factor leu uninlvngenble storw were i all utterlv smnshed in iicccdnnce i continued on page eight 1 i hoi sks i ok slk 51 ii nd rson hmis on main stil vj im i inutile hulls oil res it nt n nts for s in iimi him- hiiin with all 1 oiivfiiiem s suit all fol p utile ilts tints fl jti iiii t7ttite rrrr plgiu pplv to f kll a 1111 hi nd a ton tv j i tsslslanl to sm hut ll 1vav1kii a lens will l 11 iveil tiv u a inn iulll fti nuilihssinn ni tin nsst slant- fvttss sethl ti ihil tin u11l1i jauuiiv nd aftlx 11 ii lull lull ill is stale oil iii i 11 11s ml dm- v id th im putt inn all i full inn apple ilinlis in s mj t nil 1- j l hon sik a kussell all il in- i ills i- ll inslrui tlntls friil lliittlalil i 11111 in s v illlilli all im 11 hi his li 11 lot and i nhs luilil 1 i mil s vi si nf 1 nn lil 1 lunulas miklivviv nn vihiesda v sii ill 1ui1 at i pi i lkls i i ii s 00 d hofsi ins s it 1 sev h i 1 springing 1 llinmaii milker mw 1 atwrttie4lth udu imji ni w i a r s i nsilage iiih herd fullv ii tilted lruih cash v a itlsskil am luuieer the crew of a light bomber nre shown here just as the stood hi fore th imrtipbone of the cmc mobile knit on lotation for the i hev fl for kreedom series presented hv ihe canadian uroad- 1 listing corimratlon over stations of the national network at k to p in h 1 1st evef wetuiihitny evening this weeks cppiimte thnlm wlh the adminisliation and organisation of the vast hodj of men that go to make up the empire air training scheme in canada w t patterson ro nruuuiui in ky kuuillumtiitt ortlmpli im wynbilamstaieul wb iim complately equlpptd otttom iwlow maher simm star