thimspav skptember lrlh lt4l the acton free press page sevkn hica town thu in n mill steoprnhhbd town whro vry morning the m n g down to hrnthe 4he hunwi i tutu vihw mnpl shnilnu hi wtoplng idreet hnd thpdnwrteool wk of fog h hwc n the rjoorynre rlnttnut tree thu u u umnll brlmwonmnud loan where the houws i n to vclnelv gone doun h4rt chlmrrvmynki rlnntsi blue to riling that renk with oneh i day ihl- the imngging ropes nn hurled the sunday school lesson i or honuay kkitkmukk 41 thu l the plnie whore rihlurme n uncle up the cobbled hill ngaln and ucitn the fnlntutnrre i ikies ahr door htnnd open lo llln hint jnd v indows have mbwohi trninih prose in c s monitor twenty years ago i rom lh- imii ol ttfxyfvtrm er thurwuy kept 22 11121 anotheihig fair to qyt ai- usual the fair brought n host former resident from the hies j nd nutuide points a large numlwr of tin members of acton lodge ioopuent to lor onto vesterdny to participate in honor tt the meeting of the sovereign crnnd lodge of north america mr ohn knmsav of syracuse n y son or mr william unmrny of glovrmville n y who left alton with his family over thirty venri ago vnf hire during the week vinltlng the plncf of hi birth and fcceneu of his tftvhood he wns accompanied 1 by mrs ramsay nnd their two children three candidates will he nominat ed in thin county for the coming fed eral election dr r k anderson tht titling momhi r wns the unani mous choke of the conservative enn- ntion non 4 awra inat ttmon stpumhir l nhv mr and mrs hillvnrd ovnucominc tin adversary f olden lext and tin v uvertnme him imfflum or the blond of the uimb mid htimse nribc word nf thfli 1shmnn and thev iovmi no their keein imlo death rev 12 11 nefknrrtwt rvwinhnn l-l-livf-h- print rev 2 7 2 1 21 i hpnsltion i i he war in iuiiwn ij 7 0 ijn disu ivationnl interpu tat ion of thik pasmigo is hint lining the period of tribulation which followh th rapture of the saints as describ ed in 1 mips 1 l ih 1 cor n 54 r and olln r pnssngei thi re will be n war in heaven betwee n michael and his nnit is miil tlie il n imil htr milan 15 nol in hell ftftw it is wrong in tenth that lie is there lie is tin j riiji of the power of the air lie i rules the rlnrkness of thik worlil lie inspires vvukidniss in his domain and on i nrth against these c onriuiuiv the christian is solemnly warned to pn finrvfnph f 1018 wlion we sa mint sitnn is in hlmiifl rii1o not mean the heaven of he immediate presence nf flod i he rlble sp nkn if llfferrnt henvt ns nnil there in i von foods for home defence in a booklit buiuod for the tiutiied- late ut of homemnket in cnliada ihe cotihtimer e mon miirkitlng service dominion department of ag- riiullure outlines a patttrn for good mealt and htreiilh prat thai polnlw regarding innervation and cookliu of foodi joml yrnln i her in no hliort lit to good mi- liilion well hnlnncfd tin nw are netemar tf m to ln hide plinlv of the pro- of w nter and wivt- every drop i he juke on mined v egetahlon bhould altui be iimmi do not overtoik vi get- abb ki p rlsp mid flnvorkome salt adiletl dining tooklng pnfiervtn tola soda khotild hoi be added an it deftnf itnmltih nntl flavor milium rut do u think il u ilile fail to go to the niovlim with henri if von ilott jlke him herv i win nol n he enjovs niv onipnnv and i ilk the movie ti i tli foodi an imtlont rule is ivnv dm 1 pltd of milk fot i at h adult 1 pints tn l jim 1 1 for nt h t hild or the equivabnt in hutiermllk or evaporat- td milk 1 fining potatoes prefernblv with sklnr 1 siiving rum vigiiiilibs oi tnmnto juice 1cnlng otlier- igntiililui minor offenders soi be major offender 11m nihil or vwiman m is allow i d to get awav lodav toinoi tow ni t vui li or net month w minoi iiaffli infim ttniik will sotpf dav be mvolvid iijuinajor jnuih it ij morlev geiieial manager of the in dustrial ai i bletil irevi ntbui an o t lutlorm nnid today in a bullet in irhii- d to nearlv ww ytiillve hinds whose flims are ovend by work- r7n ns cmiveiihation in dufarlo ihe law of averajik is my auth- orilv for making thin statement he mid if in so tailed minor infrac tions were innlrollid to a reasonable decri e i believe that w e wopld ee it marked falling off in sorioijs trnf fit trildentf inside n mm e vuiuc per iod we are fin td with a yn n prob lem fodav with icrard to traffic inn trol mil haslt trouble i think raj ihhi t hat for too many yt nri we hnvo tilhw d minor frafflt irtfracllona to push untitdlti d with n rhapti mm tnntial it mark that nobody wns hurt or a mini- jh iih gotwl tin a mile stranjtr whit h is tht illckefit wnv to tb liospital loungir ioko me hi tin back with that umbii ha at nd youll find vouiilf thtn in no t im 1 s3 j servings fruit or friill juice 1 seiving whole grain cereal 1 serving mont or fish lvik ir ntltnntlorpvt wwk oiisrratlnn sap penijes hv right buyjng san surplus products hv homo can ning and jamemnklng suve ood valm by propt r prepara tion save fuel hy conking sevc rnl dlsln heaven of henvens 1 ki s2 i in itven nt one time or looking po- thnugh motlernifilr delight in rldlcul- tnloi s or ccrenl for two menls ing the aituntity of sntnn thev enn- not prove mie bible revcdntlnn con cerning him nnd bis works is wrong as between tbeirlnrkoncd nnd urt- fnithed understandinr nntl tht teach ing of finds word thn latter has nil the herefits or trulh wisdom nnd even logic tlio ixisteme of sntnn cannot hi dlsproxen in skepticism from wbinio come nil the cross iiirnrfts of wickedness now sweeping- over tin world mnnv of mum ron trnrv to tin wishes of the vast mri- rerl tiinr itrirv or iiupiojmv- h mukvolinl gi nlus din cling sinister pifd operations to hinder and imffb tod mokrow at eorgetmn on vi nd fo d sirov mankind is ensv to i sdnv si pte nthe r 1 i iljl miiv id undi rstand main penph ask whv le now in his hist inr dm s not dod di strov him i in an i i wir to thai is in this h ssnn his t hmir is i timing hi will be cpilllii nt imkukstm i from his domain hv mb hai 1 intl his i angels in n hi i a list t in p oph of se time by knowing looking short tuts se flavor bv proper cooking sp nil fat clarlfv and use for cooking ae hy knowing how much to bu save sour milk it makes tender cakes and biscuits save dry bread it mokes crumbs for escnlloped dishes dressings ett st n from jellies jnmfl ett u ash drv melt and use again save vegetable walcr for soups or an incorrigible offi ndt r requisite tt i magistrate to jiostpntn his i ast a- mn lavuir due to cb ft ntl him hail tie e n taken suddenh ill rut tin mngistrntt olijuled what imfftnnit enn that mnke you win ailuallv nught in the ait hnl on tarlh tan vtmr law or sav in vour en ttlu r nts me sir ai c u n plu il thnt s jimt what i m so interested lo incw britainv iron ration tttaukantta of tthtb stomt ajrainwl invasion in itain s t iv dian populal ion has hui prov idc el w ith an lion uatlon jot itu rirst time in bistort i boil mill of tons of it have in t n stored in tlijots ft din rib end ot mm i ountl v i tht othi r i in latum is a drv w in att n his wit s it nt ifkallv halnnitd and h has lien iriwiuitd njminsi iht possihihtv f an invasion holding up mn norm il t aking of br ad rre ad stabs rapiiilv b t jiust of its liljli mmsttiit t on l nl 1 in lion kntlon hisiuit has oiilv l p r if moisttir am it k t ps unit finite k lt nit mil ingrodlenti nre whole w tn at fat and surr us r v iiamin ionuntis unlmpaiioil bv baking rhi w hob wheat givs th blsi u i v mi mln ml and it i ontnltis plot ems at i nrbohvdrates mineral matti i and film for an imitgitnv the t il lonipiiiis wtsll with hit ad ealori fninllv juiving id iiiloiiis pi t bun i i el giiinuni s nuaiifst bn ids m iht lion kation is also initio issu t ti i tht c n il ii li in- fun s to ir 1 hht i n mtltni nod aomiijin it ojn latt d u fib will bo allow i d t nrth hi will in grt at wrath hall sautes v sair vinegar from plikles the spn v flnvor adds est lo salads sar tbrv tops pnrslt v or jujn onion tops drv for seasoning save butter wrappers i he v ar t i t lb nt for hutlt ring p ins save i ni rg bplnnning aln ad nouing tnt cooking makes tt possible to strvt appelimg nn als from low tost i uutiitions roods j cereals soaking trucked or ndbd t n nls in i old vvatei overnight short ns cooking time fgg3 aluw lool i iig vvilh luvv hi nt adv wins tins vvoi itl h iv i in salan so vv illinglv li to 1nke rt fuge in mi iitnn down v 1 j in i nisi he knnwtth that li hui a vhort jinn ii the atiusir of ihe ritthnn ttti2 following tin re of salan from hi aven there is great n jolting then rho nntlu m mn v sing is one nf vhtorv who inmpose tin t oni pnnv t hat make i he loud v on i is evident whin we rend uev shu ihis pinsu go should mnke us buov nnt and hopeful while nil looks likt defeat arountl us we know thnt m l oil s time the power of christ will prevail tint if tu ihe snlvntlon- r mk to k referred to in v 10 nn nns the com pie ti ness ut that eh liveranto w hie h was wrought bv christ through i lis hl dtath and resurrection the ai cus or of tin bre thn n is satan his niusirainl in the cv- m i usnt pt rie m pi tsunin 1 tob w in n he pi in lit all v i inn gul tin patriarih with hnvlng nu1 filth onlv as a d light ful and pinml i fkilblis ahh t jm rienn lob 1 dui of i nurse satan was w rang in his ni c usatmn both in ihe ease of loir and in othtis lint in could at t ust tin bn thn n of mam t ondltions falling siiit tf holme ss hut when he does those who hint christ as thtll snv lor bavt an advotulo il ino ji for an illustr itmn of lehovahs medui leu ml nunistr i ookt d slowlv does not separate and clots not toughen eggs a meringue run as does mil one qultklv browned under n hot flame when c ggs nr e pensive 2 tablespoons flour replno e s 1 e gg for thickening whin n recipe cnlls fnr egg whites use volks in salad dressing cookies etc fruit is ensllv canned nt home for w inter use sugnr added during tewiml i fruits mont should npt in cooktd at top timpernturt chenpe r cuts mod long slow looking in moist beat soups a slot k pot made from tunics grow vtji tabic wnuuv- iciit- ovtr ve g tables makes exccllenl i cook in small amount hvt s unto the cb ath i hie e iul 1 nt virtues are hen nnntiomd ill an unquestioning faith in the reahtv of t hrist s substitutional v deatti on tin cross for our sins ns affirmed in 1 cor is t i i2 an unfaltering wit i ness to christ and the realities of his j y meivllilllts wild wisjl 11 ilhtfilsl mllth will lithiiterotetl in kaouiiij the actual value of newspaper advert isinjj a- com pared with other mediums nationally known public accountants in the united states asked two ipiostioiis ofconsumers in louisville k who received all forms of advertising the questions were 1 what k of a i v si m r iiniwjih 1 1 7 win n p ar hl knllhfulnis lliikfun tin lv ii is insl ou nf in jim n tin lull tllsimilnnt anil ill kii fun i will lw no mon ttiiti i hi i int is urn of luofniinil n louinu fot ill thnt ilui ii in hnimii in tin sini of lniil 111 tlun is in il us i i l mnnt nt piltnipli of liiiihiiil mitui for ill lit 1 h v t rs i iii llmimhill linn li tin hlooil of jlll tmlinil h ii vmnl of lliir tsiimiinv in i thiv lovil nol tluir i friends far from home all life nnd sirli for christ no mnt- what the tost i tm tins hire i prim iphs hi ours fin nou iht i fonts of splrmml il mn in- n vist nt sut lessfulh i las 1 7i onh ihml must in no tompromiso with him imn as li sus ilui ruit iiimpromist in ills trial mint i 111 i iii ilu son of mum s in i tin i null 11 i th mm of lass minklil ill rin is i smlllhll of i tiilous pullfi itlon i rm al i with h ili ions itil iu 1 of ih hllv spmt u iiinntts at u is 1 ml ut mi in ilt m i to tomj il nl lluf t n ill tin m in tin ii fuliuss must in u full i v at im i it th u alii u tn si mil now whit tin pull of i i i is ih i si ins most in your buying 2 which of the various tyes of advcrtisingclo vou find most objectionable here is how advertising was graded 1 theatre screen advertising is the least effective 2 billboard and circulars are next poorest 3 radio and direct mail follow and i newspaper advertising was declared the most effective to the public furthermore the survey found that newspaper advertising sold more than all other media combined the figures are that newspapers sell 56 per cent of all goods sold by advertising attother media sell 11 per cent sixtvfive out of even km women bu from newspaper advertis ing and 51 out of everv km men are like- w ne influenced two of everv km women imv from circulars but lb of everv- km women o bjeet t o circular wlnle one ot on n1 ah mi iiliou 1 full iti in 1 1 in tin ti iril li tn i li i i 1 in thit iliuitii minis will iiiii 1 1 rotili mitoiiiis iml ill tak th ii lu on hi s i f k pi h ii s m ii tiint ai nihou of prfthn niun i in sini th soiij f m s s lolsiihlv ih on i ul si in s- lus 11 in i ih mi f il 1 mil unitmititi jt tho snni roionliil n k 1 i h sun is u ii il m 1 f nlh lo ii ii s ns th v u s ni i ms nf i us i i i r it in i n iim 11 us it it n u t 1 i lmii ht i h i in i i s iv in lusl in i li in in i t it hi s 1 1 km i i nts 1 v i i n lis s k t i t i ns i il 1 1 1 v k i i i i i li t r everv km men huv from circulars anil 10 object tliirlv of everv 100 women ob- ject to advertising ami 12 of 1 v 3 evervkm object to theatre screen ads 11h1en their mother crown pnnceu juluni o the rjctherbndi gae tt a reception to tlw crew ol dutch wlnhip at pictou loiiec over looking the hinm witen oi the northumberland strait in no a scotia many of the leamen taw the children o the dutch royal lamily lor the nrt time in the above photo a dutch aailor tnea to r the attention of pnnceta beatrice j left while prince irene j looki wtattully at the camera probably wondering why ihey all have to be to iar from their native holland n ii ill l n i i lit t 1 t 11 s it 11 i i i i s k it t si 111 hi i ii it ii s i vt slut 1 tn ii i n u 1 iv t t i 111 is i i st i s 11 1 1 i 1 i iii iii i hi 1 i ii llt mil 11 mis i ni t 1 1 il i i u it iii ii u hv s imil 111 i oii it ill ii ilt mll f ulu h v i ilipatl imatl i it y ti advertise regularly in the acton free press its haltqn countys largest newspaper y 1sj vi i isv r vs st 3t jsssly