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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1941, p. 8

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ippp r m the acton free press thursday octobkr and 1041 mmkm wnka msntaam aa pastas chwhl h wis aohuta wuvwt akmaa mia motlam m sod m ar uo saswtual mi bobn holmes at uw private patients maternity home oualph st acton on saptembar 38th 1941 to mr and mrs f holmes tha gift of a daiujhtar bavarley allan nlckunat grand rapids mich mthnrartay hsptembtr 18th 1941 charlotte a lasby widow ot the lata jamas henry nlcklln aged s3 yaars robertson suddenly at ms late raaldance 101 indian grove tor onto on saturday septembar 37th 1m1 duncan robertson late of acton ont in ma 8sth year mcud at the home of his sori w j mcleod lot 17 concession 6 naasanweya township on mon day september 38th 1941 henry anderson mcleod beloved husband of lottie kate jackson in hli 84th year in memoxiam wansbrough in loving memory of robert h wansbrouch who died onoctober3r 1839 safe in the armsofjesus wife and family x5 thanksgiving week from next monday apple day for acton is being planned for october 11th october made a tine start yester day and the last day of september provided a much needed rain tsni pan pan cornea to you this week on a new shade of paper it l whiter and we think you will like it quite a number from acton and district attended the fair at milton on saturday it was an ideal day and a good show a new assortment of illustrations for mu pass advertisers it now available they give many splendid sales ideas zthjvaterln fairy lake is the lowest now it has been in lormtyearsr it is to be hoped fall rains raise it again before freeseup this is newspaper week tint fss paua window shows a few samples of printing done in this of fice recently another window could be filled with samples from our job department mr w coote contributed nn ap preciated tenor solo at uttrtathir and son service at the united- church last sunday morning a mens choir under the leadership of mr bert mason led in the service of praise mr j w jones who hiuf for fif teen years conducted n grocery store in the warren block removed ithls week to the store formerly woods grocery in the nelson block further astonmhrstrt mrm tollont wtu5 mrs chablottk nickun grand rapids mich born in acton eightythree years ago mrs charlotte a nlcklln died on thursday september 18th at okmii sanitarium altar a lengthy illness mrs nlcklln was a daughter of the late mr and mrs oliver laahy her husband who predeceas ed her was james henry nlcklln son of the late benjamin nlcklln mrs nlcklln has been a resident of the state ot michigan for the past fifty years residing at lowell and sparta before moving to grand rapids she is survived by a daugh ter laura h nlcklri a son earl b nlcklln and a grandson fclden james nlcklln all of grand itaplds mrs robert shaw and mir llzxle swackhamer of acton are nieces and messrs wallace samuel robert and hill laaby are nephews irsnickltrrvmlurtoembeirtjftle first methodist episcopal church for 37 years- the funeral was held on saturday september 30th with rev lester x kllpatrlck officiating at the ervlw at sulllvsnsclmpol burial was made in oak hill grand rapids cemetery hss purchased the store va by mr jones russianjwomen enter the figlu b madame mlijiywuetfth kovtt ambassador to britain we soviet women lke women nil over the world detest wnr we nre lorn with anguish at the horrors which our husbands sent fathers and brother hnve to undergo in thla hateful war bui alto like the women of other countries we love our soviet father land and are determined that the bar barian hitlerites shall not trample upon our hardwon rights nml liber ties our young soviet women patriots factory workers members of collec tive farms typists clerks eniiineors teachers nurses housewives act resses students etc hnve flock- ed to the hospitals nnd red cross centres offering their blood for uw at the front mrs hannah reynolds gait sinter of the late postmaster jaw matthews native of acton and aunt of actons present postmaster j c matthews mr hannah reynold pafced away on saturday at her hame in celt after an ulneu of three months she was in hergoth year mrs reynolds had been living in gait for about 15 yean she was descended from a family which came to the american colonies in 1611 her maldonname was hannah matthews her father was abraham matthews and her mother diana mary nlcklln her grandfather roswell matthews was the- first settler of wellington county in 1817 at the alto of elorn mn reynolds was born in acton there were ten children in her par entis family nnd she wa the i a vlvor she wns married nt calruvlilc to enos reynolds who passed away nbout 17 years ngo mrs roynolds resided in sovernl centres in wont- em ontario nnd was nlto in detroit and lansing mich for 35 yenra she was n member of the united church severnl of the fnmlly of thebaic ahrnm mntthewa lived to a good nge the inte poatmnater matthews passed awny nt the ago of 89 yonrs nnd n slater lived to the ago of 102 year surviving nrc one daughter mr webb one son morey of pnsndenn calif nnd nine grandchildren and nine grchtgrnndchlldrcn memorlnl aervlce was held in the chapel of the harold gray funeral home 9g st andrews street on mondny ot 330 pm with interment in mount view cemetery corned beef qirgcauaiilie i adventure th re a it re how important it is to have a sufficient supply of pre served blood for immediate trnnsfus- ion whenever necessary they demand also to be sent to the front a nurse doctor or in any rapacity in which they can be of use said lifcoauruiwcjoryiruat kiev we want togomo the front we shall glv to our fatherland all our knowledge strength abilities to that our mighty peoples may emerge vic torious in the meantime we shall work with redoubled vigor at our bench housewives and office workers are volunteering in their hundreds of trtoutand to take the place of their menfolk in various mutes factories and field one worker z- i bereslna remain ed at her drilling bench throughout the night of an air raid and her out put was two and a half time her nor- mal one but you are a real heroine some one said to her not at all eh replied i was only doing my duty like all our soviet womte sotong as hitler and his nasi savage exist w thai work and tight to th last ounce of our trtmrttgth to show it need go bl no more two ols of tins of corned beef hnve just finished a trip across the atlantic for the benefit of stock mis ers meat ennnera nnd the housewives of brttnln cnnned ment sometimes goes black where it touches the tin it need no blncu no more blackening may now be stopped by a simple process perfected by british scientists in the laboratories of the tin research in stitute in middlesex the cans or the tinplutes from which thfy nre to be mnde nre dip ped for n few moments in n boiling milutlon which in both alkaline and oxidizing the bnth leaves nn in visible film of oxide which has now been proved to be even better than uhi nmnrnnit mnrn tvitly mithffl f weekly war commentary bfeectauy written for t aotob re preaa by bv ll m peter canadian tmaa sliiff wriur a the naiptlde bau on southern russia it approaches a ltttu at a time toward an objective that the all tea dare hot let littler get his hands upon the oil of the caucasiia the british government in it long- rangu view of the war saw fav in ad vance or the german attack on rum in that eventually htoer must make ati effort to get new oil sup plies mr churchills speeches this commentator cheerfully confesses to being fascinated by mr churchills speeches hava been concerned with this oil problem for more than a year i itls perhapc not farfetched rea- aonlng to suggest that mr churchill shifted sir archibald wavell brit ains ablest commander in this field from egypt to india to deal with this vital qu of oil at any rate7nnthislke10tthwbek of the war gen wavelt is reported to have followed up his momentous visit to london with a trip to tehe ran to confer with ttje russian com mander there on a method of joint defence of the caucasus the land be tween the black and caspian seas where nature placed stores of oil in such vast quantities that the 1034 production was 30000000 tons to save th oil the anloruslan occupation of iran was carried out with the grim and unconcealed purpose of prevent- ing hitler from grabbing oil the life- blood of his war machine having gone that far it follows automatically that britain is ready to make the next step to aid russia in defending the caucasus nowhere else this year can sho expect to de velop a front where hitler may be tnced nowhero else this yenr enn she give assistance to nn ally ready and eager to face the nails on n land bntucltonl such operntlona as nre inherent in probnble british strategy would ob viously be directed from india or from the indlnn hendqunrtera operat ing from n temporary base in irnn arid directing them would be gen wavell whose trip to brltnln in cluded conferences with mr churchill nnd gen sir john dill the chief of the jmpcrlnl genernl stnff nnd who on his way back to his post confer red nnew with gen sir clnude auch- inleck successor as commnnder-ln- chlef in the middle eaat canadas part ltgcn avg l- mcnaughton cnn- ndlnn commnnderlnchlef in brlt nln described the russian resistance to germnny na heartening nnd gold frnnklncnse nnd myrrh for us it wns in the course of a tnlk to cnn- ndlnn correspondents in which he deaufrnnkly and fora hi gh placed soldlerunusu prophetically of equrrinir two batches of corned beef have just arrived in england from soith america the tins of one batch had been oxidized by the new process the othe were untreated both batches were filled fifteen mo ago and when all of them we reopehed oh 1 hel rairrl vatln eng land the untreated tlnplate had de veloper black stains the other was still silvery and bright wool grading and war the grading of wool has been in operation in qsnada for the past quarter century andht tlrneof- war la of valuable assistance to canadas national effort one of the chief rea sons for grading canadian fleece wool la to select the fleece for the particu lar grade to which it belongs this makes it possible for the woollen mills that are working on govern ment contracts or are using wool for the civilian trade to purchase rhose grades or qualities which are best kulted to specific lines of manufac ture one result la that canadian military clothing is seeond to none but so great la the demand for wool that graded wool has to be im ported things to come there would hnve to be nn invasion of the continent he said itavaeplalngenmcnnuclitoniin tlclpnted the cnnndlnns would tnke n lending pjnee in the invasion ho described the cnnndinn corps as a dngger pointed nt the heart of ber lin 4io spoke of a corps of four divisions including one nrmored di vision nnd n tank brigade all geared for fnst ncllon mobility nnd extrn strength in gunpower and engineer ing efficiency the cnnndinn corps commnndcr also sold canadian nrmy units would contribute to the nlr defence of 1-on- don possibly with ncwymnde cnn ndinn guns if raids were renewed he looked for n long war for which plans should be mnde for maximum effort canadas greatest contribu tion nt present would he to mnke sure war production was carried full stenm ahead inele rants effort in nn address to the lnited states on the launching of 14 merchnnt ships in vnrlous shipbuilding centres nt the weekend president roosevelt vnid while w nn proud of whnt wi m along the english coast rattled with the force of british bombing blasts across the water lujys ship britains renewed strength in the mediterranean is indicated by the associated press report that italy lost 30 ships totalling 200000 tons during september trying to send reinforce ment to ubya italys effort to run the british air and sea block ade coat hot two destroyers as well u s smal fighting ships and many convoyedtroppshlp on the other hand british air and kea force provided safe passage for a big convoy through the modlter ranean last week the italians lauhched a big attack from the air but lost 11 planes one merchant ship in the convoy was sunk ami slight damage was caused to the bat tleship nelson wheh hit by a torpedo from an italian alrplahe thf re were no casualties on the nelson cturelul opclmlstl prime minister winston churchill in- reviewing the warsltuauon be fore the house of commons sept 30 was more optimistic than at any time since he assumed office last year he declared that britain had seized the initiative frorn germany in the air and had cut merchant shipping losses iwothlrds in three rnorukc t7 the importance of these statements should not he undermtumated in a long view of the situation if air supremacy -canbc-inalntalhcdiiut- lera threatened invasion of the brit ish isles may never be attempted similarly the maintenance of britain as a bulwark against nazism depends on the royal navys success in the battle of tbrltejn at thla stage it seems hardly likely that germanys air and sea forces will be able to accomplish at some future date what tbey wore unable to do during th critical spring and summer of 1041 but the prime minister made it clear that hitler still holds the initia tive on land and wo have not had the force to take it from him he snld the government had considered invasion of nazldomlnnted europe but added hitler does not tell us his plans nnd 1 do not see why we ahould tell him ours 4 russian kjnes hold the gernnrtorreiurtstjekrivnlirgtb prepnre the public for n winter cam paign on the eastern front as rus- sinp forces continue their stout de fence in both the nppronches to the crimen nnd lenlngrnd russnn counteroffensives early ihla week hnvt resulted in setbacks for the germnn invnders for n force that nnzl propagandists had reported destroyed within n few weeks nftor the opening of the cam paign in the east the russian nlr force la doing very well aided by british airmen the soviet filers in two dnys inst week destroyed 203 germnn nlrcrnft during this period 59 russian planes were lost extricated from the germnn pinc ers move n round kiev n russian nrmy was reported oct 1 to be drnwn up nlnng the enst bnnk of the vora- kln river rendy to oppose the nazi ttrivporitno donth2bnstn nri dudes thehigciuesofjcharkovand rostov the red army acknowledged loss of poltava historic city 180 miles southensr of kiev tlfe vohskln river n tributary of the dnieper is 200 miles long odessa continues to hold out nnd according to moscow reports nttnek- ing rurnnninnsthnvc suffered terrific losses the russians continue t mnke counternttneks in the ap proaches to leningrad nnd hnve cap tured severnl villages soviet military authorities estlmnte the germnna hnve lost more than 100000 men in recent fighting in this nren nurse service gives concern iwluh minister of health hopt war work doesuvt attract too many bv dbnibk daltropf fssidlsn prees staff writes iondon cp paying tribute to the heroic and seines work of nurs- v ernt brown- minister of f ealt h at a luncheon given hi their honor expressed hope that the need of britain nursing aervlce wouldnt be- ovvrlooked in spite of the demands for women in the armed forces he told the bathe ring jncludlng rt hon vincent massey canadian high commissioner and mrs massey that the government was endeavoring to rind means to increase the scalo of wages for nurses working long houra comforting and healing soldiers tailors and civilians qtseesrs thank message of thank from the queen mrs wtnalort church iii and mrs- johnwinaht wife of the united stat es ambassador were read at the luncheon attended by matrons from all london hospitals and represen tative of the dominion and allied nu ral ngserylce sir jocelyn lucas chairman of the meeting also spoke words of praue and told a story of a time when he was in hospital during m heavyildtohowhowooly they carried on he said that he had asked that his bed be moved under a beam so he would feel a uttlr safer and the nurse only remarked its rather a noisy night isnt it canadian there the nurse looked neat and smart in their contrasting uniforms a they sat around the luncheon table can adian nurse including matron kay lunn of winnipeg stood outpartleu- larly in their smart navyblue cos tumes and henry healuotats th london delegation was splc and span in white bonnets or hoods navy btue dresses and bright red capes while the united states ambulance unit woh attired in khaki it was revealed thnt many empire nurses anxious to come to brltnln nnd help hut who were unnhle to jolnofflclrtlrontlngehtat hnd pnld their own pnssng and hnd eventually served in frnnee the middle fnst nnd greece out of 30 british empire medals nwnrded to women 17 hnd gone to nurses nnd of fio british em- plre m minis 10 hnd lnen won by the nursing profession looking at reffa for visit to buckingham palace the young airman enme into the ymca nt wnterloo station it was very early in the morning he had just stepped off the train nfter nn ob vious long journey his uniform wan crumpled from ills having slept in it his face bore n worried look anything wrong ncked the y mnp in charge tlualrmnrunoddcd ive an appointment this morn- wr d t rrrt no t t be content the united states shipbuilding program both merchant nnd navy is one of the answers to the aggres sors who would strike at our liberty mortgage sale under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a nrtnin mortgage which will he produced at the time of sale there will im offered for sale hv tom cihsiiolm auctioneer nt piruc aittion n tlehday ottobkb 211 ih at the hour of one oclock est in the afternoon at tht farm or anton elchhorn guelph ontario thefnl- one hundred horses exported ywam britain ttv half year exactly loo horse were granted ex port certificate for shipment over- moss from britain in the first six month of this year they went to argentina the bahama barbato brall canada federated malay suuboulh africa mnd the united state thoroughbred stallion mare and litaingnumlerd6tjrilhd thnrewert 11 pol pohles d hunter k cleveland uayrft hackney ponle 2 clydes dale an arsb stallion and two other horses only 10 of tha thoroughbreds are gelding and will be used solely for racing tho s3 stallion and mares will infuse fresh strains of british blood recognized to be the best in the world into oversea stud farm thla will also be the main use of the a rah and cleveland bays arab blood the english strains of which compare favorably with that produc ed in tho original home of the breed transmits to hulfhred stock it own qualities of soundness endurance courage and beauty of form the develand bay breed descended from i the old english packhor ha great stamina and robustness and i valu able for crossing with the thorough bred to produce the best type of hunter the hacking pohlea and hunter sent to the united state are gelding but nine of the polo ponle which have all gone- to the bahama are breeder they com bine the quality and speed of the thoroughbred with the courage and docility of the arab and the hardiness of the native english pony the two clydesdale geldlnje are of interest a the only representatives of british heavy draught horse men of 30 40 so par tim twos m j-jssiw- ford tractor with rjk ferguson system ford ferguson tract0rh wjows cultivators disc hahkows ford cars and trucks used cars a ilti freeze oils and greases general garage work see us for service i norton motors phone 69 tutmr- v keep the pantry well stocked v wmnetjciousanias chlckoifliflknc tin fuowt chick 25c tin gold medal ijohaur 20c and ttc tin crab meat 29c tin fancy salmon vilb tfatfl at 22c and 2sc very tiny sardine at 225e steak with muahroonifl or roast fteef with gravy 21 e tin ako roaal pork and dreflflinjr pi 27c tin deliciotm satwaje 29c omtbaktd beang at llsnahetti with meat lie or with tomato sauce at 10c tin fancy asparatftw tip at 2c oldn wax rearm at 13c each a quality une and easily prepared the president said americans a whole could not listen to those few american sw h oprea ched t ho k oa per of fear observers noted that from now on shlpbulldlng would increase steadily until britains loues are covered by new construction net tannage musjl be increased substantially until there are enough ships to carry overseas the huge shipments of war machines heeded for a large-scale- offensive air aeiwhy while unfavorable weather baulked the boyal air force weekend opera tions to some extent it was announc ed objective in cologne and other points in germany as well as the docks at calais and dunkerque were bombed and badly damaged lone nazi bomber were sight ddver eng land at night sept 2a27 and some houses in an east anglican area wf re hit in the afternoon of sept 27 strong formations of raf planes erosaed the english channel for daylight at tack on nazioccupied northern kranc doors and window of bous- ing he nnid niournfutlynd uit loolt nt this uniform its pfetty hnd the y man agreed i suppose theres no plnce nin this enrly where i enn get a job of pressing done tlwre wns no plnce the other knew iielhoukhtfanarnornen no but i think i mny le able to horrow nn iron thnt u nny goal the nlrnmns fnce lit could you really he nsked in credulously the y mnn could nnd did off enme the alrmnnr uniform nnd he retired into seclusion while the other plied the iron the job finished tho flier donned the uniform nnd gazed ndmlrlngly nt its smooth perfection hi shook his hend in wonderment c thnnksl he said this is fine i wns nwfully worried nlwiut the way i looked ills volt grw ronfidintlnl you see ive got to go to bucklng- imm pnlnce this morning nnd n chap likes to look his best when hes iveing given medal by the king thanks nwfully 1iiiio p1tbding dkhhkhtfl 323c ktewakth minhk mkat 27c tin brilrolamhla- looan beiuukh 19c fancy 1itted da1t 20c am- and sinilai thnt certain parcel or trnct of land nnd premises situate iving nnd being in the town ship of nnxsagnweyn county of hnl- ton containing 155 acres more or less being finstiy easterly half of lot 25 con 5 of sai to lti acres secont3t71t part of westerly half of lot 25 con 5 55 acres and choice cooking 225c we nfjjvflt teas ruadlly advswlnf in it hiii fav voc to buy at thut liw crises hiif hao hulk iii itr fh illifst bulb lb hsr orlalr bulk lb ite mntlur vmturr j lb bf ijitons s lb iyona ivfb ic kfii kome ol lb as tea cull frivr rhlnalb b fttvm cocoa ittlji9r nfllsons coroa y lb ibr quality coffee always frwli irlrl right tk lib atttob tir 7- nabob il reirohr ttr lk joij medai ue hoc maswrll llauso sip ssr klo frssaj affus jtjick 10c uldg ways 025 widnwt ouafe juice 25c ut flrvrs afile jicf 10c llfarts itollsht fkink jike tin 15c piionr is remember the roys oversea with a parrel barrs for quality trit bruits and vegetakle arriving lwjy m particularly dasrribed mortgage no 8755 to the conmis sloner of agricultural loans at the same time and plan under the authority of a distress warrant there will be offered for sale the fol lowing chatties i bay horse aged 2 jersey cows 3 yrs 1 holsteln cow 6 vn 1 ilol- stein calfyb months 1 binder t ft deertng 1 mower 5 ft masaey-llar- i rls 1 set drag harrows 2 sections i cultivator spring tooth 1 hoe drill 11 hoe 1 scuffler 1 walking plow i 1 wagon and hack 1 buggy on the laid farm there is said to be erected it dwelling house with suit able farm buildings the lantt- will be sold subject to a reserve bill teums of sale of chattles cash i tehms of sale of land twentyfive per cent of the purchase price to be paid flown at the lime j of the sale tv balance to be ecur- i ed by a mortgage with interest at four iter cent per annum i poj further particulars and condi- tton of sale apply to commissioner of agbicil- i tubal loans east bloek parlia- ment buildings toronto ontario 1 dated at toronto this 23rd dav of september 1911 m-3- v s 1 eastern extremity of cavendish bahlon rock at right prince edward island national park prince edward island canada st j

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